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Coming to Terms

by Anna Murdoch

Three generations of a family learn to value and understand each other. Joelene Mathieson has been abused by her lover in California. She escapes to rural upstate New York to care for her aging uncle, hoping she has left her problems behind-and hoping for a strength she never had before. Uncle Percy is a reluctant patient. An irascible and seemingly immovable old man, he hides a soft side, a terrible secret, and a keen yearning to find inner peace before he dies. His life's work is building a beautiful wooden ark in his back yard. George, Joelene's pot-smoking teenage son, is a bit of a rebel. He needs a male role model and a positive cause into which to channel his considerable energies. Don Diamond, Joelene's jilted lover, has criminal connections. With the mob on his heels, he sets after Joelene and George with violence on his mind. As the suspenseful plot evolves, Joelene, Percy, and George come to terms with each other and with their pasts, finding love and meaning in family ties that they have never known before. Coming to Terms examines the spirit with a fresh and distinctive style. It is a story to be cherished--one that is at once uproariously funny and tender.

Comrade Chikatilo: The Psychopathology of Russia's Notorious Serial Killer

by Mikhail Krivitch Olgert Ol'Gin

This is the story of a man who killed more than 50 people in Russia between 1978 and 1990.

Confessions: A Novel (Private #4)

by Kate Brian

Sometimes the truth hurts. . . . Reed Brennan came to superposh Easton Academy to make a brand-new life for herself. At first it seemed as though her dream had come true-she was living in the ultraexclusive Billings Hall, hanging out with the all-powerful Billings Girls, and dating the very hot Thomas Pearson. But Thomas turned out to be different from what she thought... and then he turned up dead. And if that wasn't twisted enough. Reed's new boyfriend. Josh Hollis, was arrested for Thomas's murder. Now everyone is back to worrying about the regular stuff, like how to sneak to the boys' dorms at night, whether two-ply cashmere is warm enough for fall, and whether to fly to London or Barcelona for Thanksgiving break. Everyone except for Reed. Reed is convinced that Josh is innocent. which means the killer is still out there. Now it's up to Reed to uncover the truth. But the deeper she digs, the more secrets she unearths and the closer she gets to the confession that will change everything. .. if she's alive to hear it.

A Conspiracy Of Strangers

by Lee Martin

"You're a cop? But-but-but... you look like somebody's sweet little aunt!" Such comments are nothing new to officer Deb Ralston, heroine of Lee Martin's Too Sane a Murder. In her second difficult case, this five-foot-two mother of three proves once again that looks can be deceiving. Several young women have disappeared from the Fort Worth area, and when Deb finds one of them brutally murdered, she is plunged into an investigation almost against her will. Only one disturbing fact links the missing women-they were all pregnant at the time of their disappearance-and Deb's own history makes a case of this kind particularly unsettling.

The Cooking School Murders (Eugenia Potter Mystery #1)

by Virginia Rich

The elite of Harrington, Iowa-- population 4,785--have gathered for an advanced cooking class. But when one of the students is found with her throat slashed, the other chefs--including our Mrs. Potter, home for her yearly visit--are the prime suspects. The weapon? The thin, sharp, six-inch French boning knife displayed in class that evening.... As Mrs. Potter muses: "Everything that happens in New York happens here. The only difference is that here you know the people." Dignified but down-to- earth, proper but never prissy, it is Mrs. Potter who discovers the surprising culprit.

Cool Like That (So For Real Novel #4)

by Nikki Carter

Gia Stokes is ready to have the best summer ever, now that she and Ricky have both been accepted into a summer school program in New York City. But when they get to New York, Ricky still hasn't made a move - although he knows that Gia likes him. It's time for Gia to move on - if she's not cool enough for him, there's nothing she can do. But she doesn't have to worry for long - Rashad, a boy in the summer program, is even more cute than Ricky!

Copper Canyon Conspiracy (Nancy Drew & Hardy Boys SuperMystery #21)

by Carolyn Keene

NANCY DREW is in Tucson to watch her friend George run in the Cactus Marathon. Among the entrants is Tasio Humada, a Tarahumara Indian from Mexico, who is also running for his life. He has received several death threats, possibly tied to his people's dispute with the lumber mills in his country, and Nancy decides to see him safely back to Mexico. But her help may have come too late. Soon after crossing the border. Tasio is arrested for the murdor of a powerful logging baron... Meanwhile ... JOE HARDY, who also ran in the marathon, and his brother. FRANK, head to the sprawling ranch belonging to the family of Cory Weston. For while the threats were directed at Tasio: it was Cory: running at his side, who paid the price, nearly killed by a boulder thrown in his path. As the truth behind the attacks gradually unfolds. Nancy and the Hardys expose a tangle of greed, bribery, and corruption stretching from southern Arizona to the Sierra Madre ...

Cousins (Girl Talk #24)

by L. E. Blair

[From the back cover:] "Things aren't always what they appear to be--sometimes they're better! Sabrina is totally excited when she finds out that her cousin, Zoe (pronounced ZOH-ee), whom she has never met, is coming to stay with the Wells family for a while. Sabrina is especially thrilled because her cousin has grown up in Europe and even done some modeling! But when Zoe arrives in Acorn Falls, she surprises everyone, including the Wells family, Stacy the Great, and even Sabrina!" Once you meet Sabrina, Katie, Randy and Allison, the four friends in the Girl Talk series, you won't want to miss any of their many adventures, laughs, and problems with family, boys, school, each other and growing up. Look in the Bookshare collection for over 25 more books in this series.

Crossing Montana

by Laura Torres

Callie Gray can't sleep at night. Living with a mother who spends evenings staring blankly out the window, the memory of a father who died mysteriously long ago, and a nine-year-old brother who's been left mostly in her charge, she's got a lot to keep her awake. Then, when her grandfather disappears again without telling anyone, she decides to take charge. She's tired of people running off on her, and this time, she thinks she knows where her grandpa's gone. She guesses that he's fishing in Montana, the place where her dad died. When Callie sets out on her own to bring her grandfather home, she forgets there are others she's left behind who do need her. Such as her little brother, Stink, who may be the only one who truly understands her loneliness, and her friend Raf, who cares about her more than she'd ever realized. On a road trip across Montana, Callie searches for answers to her family's secrets, and discovers the links between what's been hidden from her, and what she has kept from herself.

Crossing the Line

by Lauren Baratz-Logsted

The only way to come clean with everyone you've lied to- and if you've lied to nearly everyone in your life--is to come clean all at once. So what did I do? I threw a party, a New Year's Day party to launch my new life. And so Jane Taylor comes clean. In fact, the new, wiser and gentler Jane tries to legally adopt the baby she found abandoned in a basket on Christmas Eve, Emma-who happens to be black. Amid rigorous interviews with the well-packaged caseworker from Social Services, and trying to explain to the rest of the world (namely her mother) how Emma came about, Jane decides that giving Emma a strong cultural heritage is first up on her list of mommy duties. She manages to befriend a woman who invites Jane and Emma to her all-black play group. Never one to walk the straight path, Jane navigates motherhood (and racial identity) with aplomb- much to the surprise of her friends and family. Satirical, sassy and sometimes serious, Crossing the Line dares to delve into the unconventional world of familial and found relationships. In The Thin Pink Line, Jane draws a line that changes her life forever; here, she crosses the line--between singlehood and motherhood,between black and white, between what's expected and what's due.

Cruising For Murder (Morgan Taylor Mystery #2)

by Susan Sussman Sarajane Avidon

When the curtains open on Morgan Taylor's second adventure, the Chicago actress is restless with a capital R. For eight months she has been hard at work starring in Rent, and the run has been good, but grueling. Between Morgan's growing boredom and the fact that her year-old relationship with homicide detective John Roblings is going almost too well, she's got an old-fashioned case of cabin fever. Add the harsh snowy weather and it's more than one showgirl can bear. Enter longtime friend Kathy Bloch, who's about to leave port as part of a cruise ship's entertainment cast. When Kathy calls Morgan to see if she'd want to replace a last-minute deserter in the cast, Morgan jumps at the chance to trade the big city for the open seas. Meeting Kathy and the Island Star in Miami, Morgan is greeted by palm trees, sunny skies, and the news that her predecessor, Angela Parker, was murdered aboard the ship. And it appears not everyone is pleased to see Morgan join the cast. Chorus girl and magician's assistant Jackie takes every opportunity to point out that she should be the star. So when another entertainer is found dead, it looks as if Morgan's three weeks of show tunes and suntans are not going to be the vacation that she had hoped.

Crush on the Coach (The Gymnasts #9)

by Elizabeth A. Levy

Lauren's life is topsy-turvy. She won't admit she's got a crush on Patrick, her coach. Lately, though, the whole family has been busy with her mom's campaign for city council. Mom and Dad hardly seem to have time for anything else - they're even hinting that Lauren's too busy for gymnastics. It's just not fair! Will Lauren's parents make her give up gymnastics-and Patrick?

Cry of the Wind (Storyteller Trilogy #2)

by Sue Harrison

In the lives and relationships of many members of four different 7th-century Alaskan villages, there is love, hatred, revenge, wars, murders; the customs and mores of the time provide a background to the lives of the village members.

The Cuckoo Sister

by Vivien Alcock

[From the back cover:] "BABY SNATCHED FROM CARRIAGE IN FRONT OF DRESSHOP The headlines blared two years before Kate was born, when her mother had left her first baby, Emma, in her carriage outside a shop. When she came out, the baby was gone! For years Kate has fantasized about her sister, and suddenly a girl turns up on the doorstep with a note saying she's Emma. Now could this strange, streetwise character be her long lost sister? Is she truly Emma or is she like a young cuckoo bird, who will take over the nest, pushing away the real offspring?"

Currahee!: A Screaming Eagle at Normandy

by Donald R. Burgett

<p>No other book on D-Day can approach <i>Currahee!</i> Among all the accounts by officers and war correspondents it stands alone: the only account of D-Day by a private soldier who lived through the fighting. <p>Told simply but with total recall, this is the combat narrative of a 19-year-old paratrooper who took part in the momentous invasion of Normandy as a PFC in the 506th Parachute Regiment and fought almost continuously for five days and nights in the battle to secure the beachhead. <p>In <i>Currahee!</i> Burgett tells of killing and heroism, the confusion of war and the shock of death, as he presents his stunning eyewitness account of D-Day--living through an experience he could never forget.</p>

The Curse of the Ruby Necklace (Sweet Valley Twins and Friends Super Chiller #5)

by Francine Pascal Jamie Suzanne

Identical twins Jessica and Elizabeth Wakefield are thrilled when they land small parts in a movie being made in Sweet Valley. The film is based on the true story of the mysterious death of twelve-year-old Lillian Keller, and it's being filmed at the creepy old Keller mansion. One stormy afternoon, Jessica finds an old necklace on the beach near the mansion. She puts it on, and that very night she has a terrible nightmare about a girl falling to her death. She becomes convinced that someone -- or something -- is trying to tell her that the mystery of Lillian Keller's death is far from solved. But can a necklace really hold the secret to a murder?


by Patricia Mccormick

"The realities of life in a psychiatric hospital are conveyed well in this strong first novel, as well as the stresses that led to Callie's disorder. There are detailed accounts of her cutting behavior, too, but they aren't here for shock value; rather, they contribute to the authentic feel of the novel. Callie and the other residents, anorexics and drug users as well as a fellow cutter, come across as believable and mostly sympathetic characters. The glimpse of life inside a treatment center will intrigue readers, and Callie's neediness, her courage, and realistically difficult recovery will move them."

Daemon's Mark (Nocturne City, Book #5)

by Caitlin Kittredge

When the Dubois investigation turns up an unexpected connection to the Russian mob, Luna finds herself heading down a terrifying path of no return. Soon she is held captive by the very evil she hunts--one that reaches far across the borders of Nocturne City to the seedy brothels of Europe and beyond. Now, with street smarts, seduction, and a sixth-sense for danger as her only weapons, Luna will enlist the help of her former lover Dmitri--who has his own reasons for bringing down this crime ring--and risk it all in the ultimate showdown.

Dance of Death (Fear Street Sagas #6)

by R. L. Stine

After falling in love with Justin Fier, Madeline is warned away from him by a young man no one else sees and an old woman everyone thinks is crazy. They tell her Justin is a man driven by an evil quest that destroys any woman who dares to love him. Is it too late? Can Madeline escape the curse of the Fears?

Dancing In the Dark

by Mary Jane Clark

Now that she was deprived of sight, her other senses were intensified. She stood in the darkness, seeing nothing but hearing the persistent roar of the Atlantic Ocean in the distance and the soft flapping of wings right above her. Her nostrils flared at the smell of must and decay. The ground was damp and cold beneath her bare feet, her toes curling in the wet, sandy dirt. She felt something brush against her ankle and prayed it was only a mouse and not a rat. Three days in this dank chamber were enough. If she had to stay any longer, she would surely lose her mind. Still, when they found her, as she fantasized they would, the police would want to know everything. To survive this, she'd have to be able to recount every detail of what had happened. She would tell the police how he'd leave her alone for what seemed like hours at a time. She would tell them how he'd gagged her when he left so nobody would hear her screams and...

Dancing The Seas (The Dolphin Diaries #8)

by Ben M. Baglio

In the Marquesas Islands in Polynesia, Jody is glad to see a large, mixed group of spotted and spinner dolphins - especially one she names Twister. There, she meets Lew and Monique, who work for a local dolphin-friendly tuna boat. Jody witnesses them in action as they save dolphins. But when something goes wrong with Monique's breathing equipment at the last minute on a dive, will someone be able to save Twister from the boat's nets?

Danger After Dark (Creative Girls Club Mystery #1)

by Ellie Mcdonald

"This is a bad idea, Alex," Lily said, her voice shaking. The abandoned mansion loomed above them in the dark night. Wait! Did she just see a flicker of light coming from a window? Who could be lurking inside the mansion in the middle of the night? Someone looking for the lost treasure hidden on the estate? "We have to see who's inside the mansion," Lily said. Alex gulped loudly, then said, "You're right. Let's do it!" The girls gripped hands tightly together, crouched down and scuttled toward the intruder with the flickering light.

Danger Down Under (Nancy Drew & Hardy Boys SuperMystery #22)

by Carolyn Keene

AMERICA'S HOTTEST TEEN DETECTIVES TEAM UP TO TAKE ON A DEADLY THREAT TO THE AUSTRALIAN OUTBACK Mick Devlin, who once sought to romance NANCY DREW, now seeks her help in solving a mystery. His good friend Nellie Mabo, an Australian Aborigine, has made a disturbing discovery. A tjuringa board, an ancient artifact sacred to her tribe, is missing. Nancy suspects Ian and Marian Royce, owners of an opal mine, who are feuding with Nellie's people over land rights. But Nancy's search for the lost tjuringa leads to a sudden and startling revelation. Meanwhile . . . Nancy hooks up with FRANK and JOE HARDY on a rugged hike into the outback. But the expedition soon turns into a perilous confrontation with raging brushfires, poisonous snakes, and near-fatal gunshots. First, the trio learns that a poacher is on the loose, killing off the country's rarest species. Then comes news of a theft at the opal mines-a crime the Royces blame on Nellie Mabo! Hot in pursuit of the real desert desperadoes, Nancy, Frank, and Joe are directly in the line of fire... in DANGER DOWN UNDER

Dangerous Games (Nancy Drew & Hardy Boys SuperMystery #4)

by Carolyn Keene

AMERICA'S HOTTEST TEEN DETECTIVES TEAM UP IN A SPLIT-SECOND RACE WITH TERROR. An urgent message draws NANCY DREW and her friends to the International Championship Games in California. It seems a mysterious figure called the Black Knight wants to force star athletes off the track and into the hospital. But when Nancy starts to dig for clues, the young sleuth finds she is a moving target in a high-risk event--where any mistake is fatal. Meanwhile... THE HARDY BOYS show up at the games to help beef up security and uncover a scandal. Along with acts of sabotage, there's evidence of illegal steroid use by certain athletes. But Frank and Joe's most critical problem is the Black Knight. The murderous phantom is about to deal a deathblow to the competition. And the brother detectives are top picks for the all-victim squad...

Danny Is Dead Meat!

by Moya Simons

[From the back cover:] "What do you do when everything you do gets you in to trouble? Ask Danny Thompson and he'll probably tell you to join the club. Even when he tries to stay out of trouble, it just follows him around. Like the time he loses his baby sister in the supermarket. Who would guess that a kid in a stroller could get away so fast? Or the time when the same baby sister decides to smear paint all over Danny's already completed art project--and it wins first prize! Will Danny ever find his kid sister?(Yes.) Will he have the guts to explain that he's not exactly an artistic genius? (Maybe.) Will the biggest (and meanest) kid in Danny's class let Danny live to see his next birthday? (Uh, probably.) Things look pretty bad, but Danny knows they can't possibly get any worse--or can they?"

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