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The Co-ed Killer

by Margaret Cheney

This is the story of Edmund Kemper, III who killed eight people after being released from a mental institution where he was sent for killing his grandparents when he was fourteen years old.

Single Dad Sheriff

by Lisa Childs

When little Tommy Phillips walks into the Forest Glen sheriff's office and asks Chance Drayton to find his dad, the lawman's heart goes out to him. As a single father, he knows what it's like to be far away from your family. Then he meets Tommy's attractive mother and knows he's really in trouble! Jessie knows how badly Tommy wants a father. And he thinks he's found one in the sheriff. Jessie has to admit, the sexy, six-two ex-Marine is irresistible. He's also involved in a custody battle that could see him moving to Chicago to be closer to his son. Now, with the whole town playing matchmaker, Jessie and Chance know they have to do what's best for their boys. Which could end up surprising them all!

Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother

by Amy Chua

An awe-inspiring, often hilarious, and unerringly honest story of one mother's exercise in extreme parenting, revealing the rewards--and the costs--of raising her children the Chinese way. All decent parents want to do what's best for their children. What Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother reveals is that the Chinese just have a totally different idea of how to do that. Western parents try to respect their children's individuality, encouraging them to pursue their true passions and providing a nurturing environment. The Chinese believe that the best way to protect your children is by preparing them for the future and arming them with skills, strong work habits, and inner confidence. Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother chronicles Chua's iron-willed decision to raise her daughters, Sophia and Lulu, her way--the Chinese way--and the remarkable results her choice inspires. Here are some things Amy Chua would never allow her daughters to do: have a playdate, be in a school play, complain about not being in a school play, not be the #1 student in every subject except gym and drama, play any instrument other than the piano or violin, not play the piano or violin. The truth is Lulu and Sophia would never have had time for a playdate. They were too busy practicing their instruments (two to three hours a day and double sessions on the weekend) and perfecting their Mandarin. Of course no one is perfect, including Chua herself. Witness this scene: "According to Sophia, here are three things I actually said to her at the piano as I supervised her practicing: 1. Oh my God, you're just getting worse and worse. 2. I'm going to count to three, then I want musicality. 3. If the next time's not PERFECT, I'm going to take all your stuffed animals and burn them!" But Chua demands as much of herself as she does of her daughters. And in her sacrifices--the exacting attention spent studying her daughters' performances, the office hours lost shuttling the girls to lessons--the depth of her love for her children becomes clear. Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother is an eye-opening exploration of the differences in Eastern and Western parenting--and the lessons parents and children everywhere teach one another.

Voice Of An Angel: My Life (So Far)

by Charlotte Church

At fifteen, Charlotte Church has already lived a celebrated life. A world-famous singer who has sung before the Queen, a president, and the Pope, as well as sold millions of albums, charmed TV talk show hosts, and appeared on the covers of dozens of magazines, she has even acted in a top-rated TV show (The media's favorite question seems to be "Is that really you singing") Yet Charlotte, who was the youngest artist ever to have a debut album on the Billboard charts, still finds time to go to school, get good grades, and even go shopping with her friends in her hometown of Cardiff, Wales. Now you'll go behind the scenes to meet more than just Charlotte the internationally known soprano. You'll get to know Charlotte the daughter of Maria and James Church, who travels everywhere with her mum and dad ...the beloved granddaughter of Nan and Bampy, who thrills to her grandfather's stories about the rock band he had when the Beatles first hit the charts...and Charlotte the niece of Caroline Cooper, who still enjoys singing with the aunt she credits as her biggest musical influence. Charlotte seems like any other teenager, and she is-except for her astonishing voice. She wants her fans to know what she is really like and to meet her best well as travel with her on a typical tour and know what it is like to sing with Plãcido Domingo or ride on a float-in the rain!-in Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. In a voice as down to earth as her singing is angelic, she candidly talks about growing up in the limelight, the valuable lessons she has learned, and her dreams for the future. The young girl the Pope called "the Little Singer" has a lot to share-so far!

A Farewell to Yarns (A Jane Jeffry Mystery, Book #2)

by Jill Churchill

Life is hectic enough for suburban single mom Jane Jeffry this Christmas season-what with her having to survive cutthroat church bazaar politics and finish knitting the "afghan from Hell" at the same time. The last thing the harried homemaker needs is an unwelcome visit from old acquaintance Phyllis Wagner and her ill-mannered brat of a teenage son. And the Wagner picture becomes even more complicated when a dead body is woven into the design. Solving a murder, however, is a lot more interesting than knitting, so Jane's determined to sew the whole thing up. But with a plethora of suspects and the appearance of a second corpse, this deadly tapestry is getting quite complex indeed. And Jane has to be very careful not to get strangled herself by the twisted threads she's attempting to unravel.

Truth or Dairy

by Catherine Clark

She's humiliated, she's angry... and she's through with boys. Or at least that's what she says. This is the journal of Courtney Von Dragen Smith: middle child, product of divorce, would-be vegetarian. She writes the first mega-negative page the day after her boyfriend, "such a Dave," breaks up with her because he's heading off to college. Angry and humiliated, Courtney vows to survive senior year on the anti-guy plan. But can she really give up guys and focus on friends, school, and her job at the hip cafe Truth or Dairy? Or will a stint in student government, an epileptic dog, and a guy named Grant ("like-the-lake") Superior turn her world upside down and prove her journal right? It's true: life can get weirder.

Dancing In the Dark

by Mary Jane Clark

Now that she was deprived of sight, her other senses were intensified. She stood in the darkness, seeing nothing but hearing the persistent roar of the Atlantic Ocean in the distance and the soft flapping of wings right above her. Her nostrils flared at the smell of must and decay. The ground was damp and cold beneath her bare feet, her toes curling in the wet, sandy dirt. She felt something brush against her ankle and prayed it was only a mouse and not a rat. Three days in this dank chamber were enough. If she had to stay any longer, she would surely lose her mind. Still, when they found her, as she fantasized they would, the police would want to know everything. To survive this, she'd have to be able to recount every detail of what had happened. She would tell the police how he'd leave her alone for what seemed like hours at a time. She would tell them how he'd gagged her when he left so nobody would hear her screams and...

Help! I'm a Prisoner in the Library

by Eth Clifford

Mary Rose and Jo-Beth are sisters who hardly ever agree on anything, but they both feel as if this night will never end. First their car runs out of gas in an unfamiliar city and their father goes in search of a gas station. Then Jo-Beth makes Mary Rose go with her to find a bathroom and they stumble across a curious old library. And then, worst of all, they get locked in! But their troubles are just beginning. Is Jo-Beth right about the library being haunted by banshees? Or is there a logical explanation, as Mary Rose claims?

The Orphan Game

by Barbara Cohen

WILL MIRANDA EVER FIT IN? Fourth-grader Sally Berg and her twin sister, Emily, are at the Jersey shore with their favorite cousins, Jake and Jenny. The kids, who call themselves the Four Seasons, all agree that this summer could be one of the greatest ever! Then cousin Miranda arrives...bragging, whining, storytelling Miranda. How can they play their secret orphan game when she's around? Their only hope of a fun summer is to ignore Miranda completely. Soft-hearted Sally feels sorry for her lonely cousin, though. Maybe she can be friends with Miranda just a little bit. But once Sally tries, her two cousins-and even her very own twin sister-call her a traitor!

Queen for a Day

by Barbara Cohen

Thirteen-year-old Gertie Warshefsky lives with her grandmother and aunts in Brooklyn instead of in an orphanage, a debt Gertie is not allowed to forget. Grandma's constant reminders of Gertie's hopeless parents --"a mother in a lunatic asylum and a ne'er-do- well father out West somewhere 'making his fortune'"-- are made worse by threats that school is a waste of her time. It sometimes seems to Gertie that no one cares for or understands her. The aunts, though only a few years older than she, treat her like their personal maid, and even her best friend's good intentions turn out wrong. How is she to escape this trap that seems to have been laid for her since the day she was born? Gertie's account of her triumph over unfortunate odds is a warm and tender story, spiced with self-effacing humor. The ancient story of Queen Esther's brave stand against Haman, presented at the local religious school's annual Purim celebration, inspires her realization that, despite harsh realities, life is full of hope.

Second-Grade Friends

by Miriam Cohen

Jacob worries a lot. If only he knew how much his friends from second grade really like him... He thinks they think he's too short, too uninteresting, and just too strange because he likes beavers and has never gone on a fishing trip. He worries that no one will show up for his birthday party. When his entire class shows up to celebrate with Jacob, he finally understands just how wonderful and unique they really think he is.

Second-Grade Friends Again!

by Miriam Cohen

The team is mad at Jacob. Jacob thinks it's all Honey's fault that he's missed the ball. In his anger he says something mean to Honey. When he sees how he's hurt her feelings, Jacob has to decide what to do.

Our Stolen Future: Are We Threatening Our Fertility, Intelligence, and Survival? A Scientific Detective Story

by Theo Colborn Dianne Dumanoski John Peterson Myers

Over thirty years ago, Rachel Carson's Silent Spring first warned that man-made chemicals were taking a deadly toll on birds and wildlife. Only now, however, are we recognizing the full consequences of this insidious threat, which is derailing sexual development and reproduction-not only in a host of animal populations but, it appears, in humans as well. Written by two leading environmental scientists and an award-winning environmental journalist, Our Stolen Future has already become one of the most controversial and talked-about books of the decade. Picking up where Silent Spring left off, this groundbreaking work gives an utterly gripping account that traces birth defects, sexual abnormalities, and reproductive failures in wildlife to their source-synthetic chemicals that mimic natural hormones, upsetting normal reproductive and developmental processes. And humans appear far from immune to the effects of these "hormone impostors." Male sperm counts have dropped as much as 50 percent in recent decades, while women have suffered a dramatic rise in hormone-related cancers, endometriosis, and other disorders. By threatening the ability to reproduce, these chemicals may be invisibly undermining the human future. Piecing together the clues, the authors detail how these industrial pollutants have spread with ease through the web of life from the equator to the poles, and explore what we can and must do to combat this invasion. Timely, urgent, and scrupulously reported, this riveting story of scientific detection will have a major impact on public debate for decades to come. It is indispensable for those concerned about the profound human impact on the environment, the well-being of our children, and the survival of our species.

You Never Can Tell

by Ellen Conford

I WAS NEVER THE TYPE FOR WILD, IMPOSSIBLE CRUSHES. Sensible Kate, that's me. There's only one guy I've ever been passionate about: Brick Preston, the hero of my favorite soap. And it was pretty one sided, as mad passions go. Until Brick (known as Thad Marshall in real life) enrolled at North High--and asked me for a date. I just knew we were destined to embark on a lifetime of ecstasy. The only problem was, I was madly in love with a character on TV, who cast women aside like used tissues. If Thad Marshall was anything like Brick Preston, how would I ever hold on to him? And if he wasn't, would I want to?

Double Take: A Memoir

by Kevin Michael Connolly

Kevin Michael Connolly is a twenty-three-year old man who has seen the world in a way most of us never will. Whether swarmed by Japanese tourists at Epcot Center as a child or holding court at the X Games on his mono-ski, Kevin Connolly has been an object of curiosity since the day he was born without legs. Growing up in rural Montana, he was raised like any other kid (except, that is, for his father's MacGyver-like contraptions such as the "butt bucket." As a college student, Kevin trawled to seventeen countries on his skateboard, including Bosnia, China, Ukraine, and Japan. In an attempt to capture the stares of others, he took more than 33,000 photographs of people staring at him. In this dazzling memoir, Connolly casts the lens inward to explore how we view ourselves and what it is to truly see another person. We also get to know his quirky and unflappable parents and his girlfriend. From the home of his family in Helena, Montana, to the streets of Tokyo and Kuala Lumpur, Kevin's remarkable journey will change the way you look at others, and the way you see yourself.

Rolling Nowhere: Riding the Rails with America's Hoboes

by Ted Conover

As a college student, the author decided that he wanted to study the men who have been called hobos, those who travel by hopping freight trains, and who live however they can. He wanted to know whether their lifestyle was as attractive as it seemed to many young people.

Sugar and Spice (L.A. Candy #3)

by Lauren Conrad

Sugar and Spice ... Not everyone's nice. Fresh from being betrayed by one of her closest friends, new reality-television celebrity Jane Roberts has learned a few lessons. Most important: know who to trust. And in Hollywood, that list is short. Although the press is intent on creating a tabloid war between her and ex-friend/current-costar Madison Parker, Jane just wants to take control of her life. She's started by swearing off guys and the drama that comes with them. But when her high school sweetheart Caleb and her unrequited L. A. crush Braden show up, both acting sweeter than ever, Jane has a hard time remembering her no-boys rule. . . . Her best friend, Scarlett, has only one guy on her mind: her new boyfriend, Liam. The girl who once thought love was a four-letter word is now head over heels. The problem is, being on a hit reality show means hanging out with other guys on-camera, and Liam isn't too happy with pretending to play a bit part in her love life. Just when everything feels out of control, Jane makes a shocking discovery--one that changes everyone's definition of "reality" forever. In her deliciously entertaining novel, television star Lauren Conrad pulls back the curtain on young Hollywood and shows that sometimes the real drama is behind the scenes.

Sweet Little Lies (L.A. Candy #2)

by Lauren Conrad

Jane Roberts was the average girl next door until she and her best friend, Scarlett Harp, landed their own hit reality show, L. A. Candy. But life on camera is getting complicated. . . . When racy photos of Jane are leaked to the press, she becomes the center of a tabloid scandal. She turns to costar Madison Parker for help, but does Madison really have Jane's back? Scarlett's got a scandal of her own. She's fallen for a guy who's strictly off-limits-which means Scarlett has a big secret to keep. But nothing stays secret for long in Hollywood. In television star Lauren Conrad's dishy, entertaining novel about young Hollywood, the lies are only as sweet as the people telling them.

Freshman Affair (Freshman Dorm #20)

by Linda A. Cooney

Faith is falling fast for older man Eliot Potter. There's only one problem--Mrs. Eliot Potter. Kimberly's dreamy secret admirer reveals himself--and comes up short ... very short. Is Kimberly letting size stand in the way of love? KC has been a wreck since her father died. Will another brush with death bring her back to the real world?

Freshman Changes (Freshman Dorm #10)

by Linda A. Cooney

[From The Back Cover] KC and Peter are crazy about each other-until Peter accuses KC of getting too cozy With her gorgeous tutor. Will a desperate Lauren really move out of the dorm and into a sleazy off-campus apartment to save money? Kimberly lands a big dance solo in Faith's musical revue. It's a fabulous break, if she doesn't crack under the pressure!

Freshman Choices (Freshman Dorm #14)

by Linda A. Cooney

Faith can't say no to wild man Scott Sills. She's already on probation because of one outrageous night, but that's nothing compared to the disaster she's headed for now! Fame-hungry Liza is up for the lead role in a big campus play, but the only road to stardom leads right past the director's casting couch. And Will parents from two different worlds destroy the happiness Melissa and Brooks finally have found?

Freshman Christmas (Freshman Super #2)

by Linda A. Cooney

How many things can go wrong at the Angel Dude Ranch? Someone is setting the town against Mrs. Angeletti. First, one of the Tower Twins and a ranch hand open the gate so the horses run away. Everyone gets mad at Winnie for different reasons, there is a blizzard that cancels a lot of dinner reservations, and Mrs. Angeletti is facing large debts. Each of the girls, in her own way, triies to help, but it takes a near fatal disaster to turn things around. Will the Angel Dude Ranch fail?

Freshman, Class of '88 (Class of '88, #1)

by Linda A. Cooney

It was the best of times. It was the worst of times. It was a time of wishes, hopes, hurts, fears, and loves. It was their first year of high school. Five friends. Nick the golden boy, Celia the beautiful, Sean the thinker, Allie the wild, Meg the brave Brand-new Redwood High holds a different promise for each of them. Celia could be popular for the first time in her life-if she stops being Allies friend. Nick could be a campus star-but only if he plays by someone else's rules... rules that don't include Sean. Meg has a chance to be a leader... and to be passed over by the boy she loves. Together, they could have faced anything. but after freshman year, they may never be together again.

Freshman Class of '89 (Class of '89 #1)

by Linda A. Cooney

The Class of '89. There's never been a class like them. And they couldn't hate each other more. Four girls. Friendly, good-hearted Bets. Laurel, lonely and unsure. Micki, who tries too hard. And Page, who has it much too easy. Micki wants to make her mark freshman year. She's pulling the class together and doing all the work. No wonder she can't stand it that gorgeous Page gets all the credit--without lifting a finger. Laurel's caught between two friends. One's the most popular girl in their class; the other's a boy who doesn't fit in--which one has to go? Bets just wants to be Doug's pal. ... She doesn't know what to do when he says they should be more than friends. Freshman year means they can be anyone they want to be. Why is it so hard to find out who they really are?

Freshman Dorm (Freshman Dorm #1)

by Linda A. Cooney

(From The Back Cover) K.C. Angeletti President, future business leaders, 1,2,3,4 . . .beautiful, cool, intense. Crystal ball: Business tycoon, president of the United States. Will anything stop her from getting ahead? Faith Crowley All American. .. . smart, everyone's best friend, sensible. Crystal ball: U. of S. with Brooks (class hunk), then happily ever after. How long can something so perfect last? Winnie Gottlieb "She'll try anything once." Boys, brains, trouble. Crystal ball: Men, men, men . . . Will win the nobel prize--then lose it. Dean's List . . . or dropout?

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