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Showing 801 through 825 of 902 results

Coming On Strong (Couples #15)

by M. E. Cooper

Too Hot to Handle ... When Holly Daniels meets Bart Einerson, it's obvious he's got his eye on every girl at Kennedy High. And plenty of them return the attention of this dark- haired, blue-eyed cowboy. Holly knows what kind of guy Bart is, and she's not taken in by his good looks. But she can't keep her mind off him. Then Bart falls for Holly in a big way and tells her he's ready to change. Now Holly's got to decide which is the real Bart: the shallow Romeo who leads all the girls on or the boy who promises she's the only one for him.

A Conspiracy Of Strangers

by Lee Martin

"You're a cop? But-but-but... you look like somebody's sweet little aunt!" Such comments are nothing new to officer Deb Ralston, heroine of Lee Martin's Too Sane a Murder. In her second difficult case, this five-foot-two mother of three proves once again that looks can be deceiving. Several young women have disappeared from the Fort Worth area, and when Deb finds one of them brutally murdered, she is plunged into an investigation almost against her will. Only one disturbing fact links the missing women-they were all pregnant at the time of their disappearance-and Deb's own history makes a case of this kind particularly unsettling.

Desdemona--Twelve Going On Desperate

by Beverly Keller

There's a, social disaster! Desdemona is new to the junior high. She wants to fit in, make friends. But how can she when: Her most loyal friend is Sherman, a complete catastrophe? Her little brother and sister put something in the shampoo that turns her hair into an emergency? She helps out at the most elegant party of the year-and causes a near riot? It's one disaster after another . . . until something extraordinary happens to Desdemona, something so wonderful she can hardly believe it. She's not desperate- she's delirious!

The Education Of Little Tree

by Forrest Carter

“Little Tree” as his grandparents call him is shown how to hunt and survive in the mountains, to respect nature in the Cherokee Way, taking only what is needed, leaving the rest for nature to run its course. Little Tree also learns the often callous ways of white businessmen and tax collectors, and how Granpa, in hilarious vignettes, scares them away from his illegal attempts to enter the cash economy. Granma teaches Little Tree the joys of reading and education. But when Little Tree is taken away by whites for schooling, we learn of the cruelty meted out to Indian children in an attempt to assimilate them and of Little Tree’s perception of the Anglo world and how it differs from the Cherokee Way.

The Golden Cup (Werner Family Saga #2)

by Belva Plain

Hennie is the middle child of parents transplanted unwillingly from the reconstructed south. She feels unadored, a disappointment, to her parents. She is not captivating, and is shy and bookish. When she sees a young man rescue an old woman from a burning building, she is immediately entranced. Though her parents are unhappy with her interest in a man beneath her, they must, when he proposes to her allow them to marry. Seven months later she has a son. Throughout their marriage Hennie is concerned by her husband's tendency to be a flirt, but is happy for the life that they have. When his flirtations are proved not so harmless, Hennie's life falls apart. And World War I brings even more tragedy. This is a story of enduring love and determination.

The Great Mom Swap

by Betsy Haynes

MOM, MEET YOUR NEW DAUGHTER. Lorna Markham and Scotti Wheeler are next-door neighbors and best friends. And they each share the same problem: their mothers. Lorna's mother nags her about her schoolwork, wondering why she can't be more like Scotti. And Scotti's mother nags her about her eating habits, telling her to follow Lorna's healthy example. The girls begin to think that, somewhere along the line, they ended up with the wrong mothers. And that gives them a terrific idea. They'll swap moms! What could be more perfect? Both mothers agree, and soon Lorna and Scotti are on a great new adventure with each other's families. Until a surprising thing happens-they each begin to suspect they've made a BIG mistake.

Junior High Jitters (Junior High #1)

by Kate Kenyon

FRIENDS, FEUDS, . BOYS, BOOKS. EIGHTH GRADE. Best friends Nora Ryan and Jennifer Mann have finally reached eighth grade, and their first day is crazy. Class nerd Jason Anthony is up to his usual gross tricks. Nasty Susan Hillard has an insult for everybody, and Tracy is acting dumb, as always. While Nora gets caught up in all the excitement, Jen wonders if things will ever be normal again. But eighth grade only gets more complicated. When Denise Hendrix, a sophisticated new student, suggests the girls invite boys to the Halloween Dance, Jen and Nora begin to worry. Dealing with eighth grade is hard enough. Can they deal with boys, too?

The Karate Kid Part II

by B. B. Hiller

In a new adventure that begins where THE KARATE KID left off, Daniel and Mr. Miyagi travel to Okinawa-Mr. Miyagi's boyhood home. There, Mr. Miyagi is challenged to a karate duel-to-the-death by Sato, once his best friend. When Mr. Miyagi meets a long-lost love, Daniel meets a new girl friend, and then finds his courage tested to the limit in a confrontation with a vicious young karate expert who will stop at nothing to defeat him.


by Candice Ransom

Being thirteen isn't easy. Just thirteen, best friends Kobie and Gretchen are having too good a summer vacation to worry about Madame Zaza's warning of "dark days ahead." There are boys to watch, lipsticks to try, record albums to hear. And a lifelong friendship to keep them busy. But when school begins, Gretchen starts making big changes. Suddenly she has the right looks, the right clothes, and all the right new friends. While Gretchen moves on, Kobie is stuck with her dream of being an artist and her favorite Top 40 songs to get her through eighth grade. Can Kobie survive the year if it means sharing Gretchen?

Christina's Ghost

by Betty Ren Wright

[From The Back Cover] "The last thing Christina wants to do this summer is stay with grumpy Uncle Ralph in his old Victorian house. She's sure she'll have an awful time. But on her very first day there, Christina meets a sad, mysterious little ghost boy who seems to need her help. Soon Christina discovers the house contains a mystery that was never solved ... and that the ghost boy has something to do with it all. But how can she make Uncle Ralph help her solve the puzzle? What is the evil, chilling presence that lurks in the attic? And why is it trying so hard to frighten her away?" Many, many spooky books by this author are in the Bookshare collection. including Ghosts Beneath Our Feet, and A Ghost in the House.

The Cuckoo Sister

by Vivien Alcock

[From the back cover:] "BABY SNATCHED FROM CARRIAGE IN FRONT OF DRESSHOP The headlines blared two years before Kate was born, when her mother had left her first baby, Emma, in her carriage outside a shop. When she came out, the baby was gone! For years Kate has fantasized about her sister, and suddenly a girl turns up on the doorstep with a note saying she's Emma. Now could this strange, streetwise character be her long lost sister? Is she truly Emma or is she like a young cuckoo bird, who will take over the nest, pushing away the real offspring?"

Harnessing Peacocks

by Mary Wesley

From the book jacket: Lovely, myopic, nineteen-year-old Hebe overhears a family conference. Her grandfather has convinced her three horsey sisters and their successful husbands that Hebe's unexpected pregnancy must be terminated. Hebe, dissenting, flees into the night. Twelve summers later she is living happily alone in a seaside town in Cornwall, supporting her son at an expensive boarding school by her two chief talents- cooking and making love. These she exercises-with dignity, in privacy, and for profit-except when her son is around. Hebe manages her lovers-the Syndicate-with endearing charm until the unexpected happens and the separate strands of her life become entrancingly entangled.

Jerusalem Fire

by R. M. Meluch

THE ITIRI: BEINGS MORE ANCIENT AND MORE POWERFUL THAN ANYTHING IN THE GALAXY... "Alihahd": the name meant simply "He left."- No one, not even his most trusted crewmen, knew what his real name was. He had foiled the evil Na'id Empire countless times, striking blow after unexpected blow for freedom throughout the galaxy, always vanishing into hyper-space moments before the Na'ids could lay their hands on him. But now Alihahd knew that his time had come. An entire Na'id squadron was closing in on his single, defenseless ship. The rebel cause was doomed. Yet Alihahd could never have foreseen that the real battle was not over but just beginning, a battle to be fought not in the depths of space but in a world out of time; with a race which even the combined might of the Na'id empire was unable to stop....

Secret Admirer (Sweet Dreams #81)

by Debra Spector

The most important part of Kim Belding's world is KLAU, the Laurence High School radio station. As one of its top disc jockeys, she gets to play the latest hits and the newest music. When a secret admirer begins calling in his song requests, Kim loses her usual on-the-air cool. Who could the mystery caller be? Is it Ray, Laurence High's hot rock guitarist? Or Buddy, the president of the student council and Kim's sworn enemy? Or is her unknown fan someone she's never met? Kim's determined to discover her caller's identity, but she may be in for a big surprise!

Where Love Rules

by Elizabeth Nell Dubus

Caroline and Beau fall in love at first sight in their teens. Caroline's parents, bitter and snobbish are determined that they never marry. This is the story of how they manage, finally, to be together after both marry and lose spouses to illness.

Charles In Charge

by Elizabeth Faucher

(From The Back Cover) Getting good grades, being best friends with wild and crazy Buddy Lembeck, dating gorgeous Gwendolyn Pierce, and taking care of three off-the-wall kids makes life pretty rough-unless you're Charles. He's in charge of it all.

The Karate Kid

by B. B. Hiller

Daniel may be new in town, but he's already made an enemy of Johnny, the toughest kid in school and a karate black belt. There's only one solution-Daniel has to learn karate, too. But can Mr. Miyagi, the old Japanese handyman, teach him enough to face Johnny in the All Valley Championship? And more important, can Daniel win back the girl he loves, and regain his own self-respect? Daniel stood in the bow of the boat, practicing his blocking exercises. "When am I going to learn to punch?" he asked. In response, Mr. Miyagi began to rock the boat, breaking Daniel's rhythm and tipping him. Unceremoniously, Daniel landed, shoulder first, in the cold water. When he emerged, sputtering, Mr. Miyagi answered his question. "When learn keep dry," he said wryly, and helped Daniel climb back into the boat. "More important than learn punch or block," he continued, handing Daniel a towel, "is to learn balance. Balance is key. When balance good, karate good. Everything good. When balance bad, better fix quick or pack up and go home. Understand?" "Yeah."

Night of the Twisters

by Ivy Ruckman

Tornado Alert! Tornado Alert! Tornado alert! Tornado alert! just seconds after the announcement, the radio is dead, the lights go out, and the only sound in the unnaturally quiet night is the horrifying wail of the warning siren. Dan's been through a dozen tornado watches before, but this is the real thing -- a twister is about to hit. Alone in the house, he, his best friend, and his infant brother take shelter in the basement. Huddled in the shower, covered by a blanket, they listen to the sounds of the howling, shrieking tornado. The world seems about to come to an end on top of them. This harrowing story of a day like any other turned -- almost without warning -- into a nightmare abounds with courage, love, and hope. Outstanding Science Trade Books for Children 1984 (NSTA/CBC), 1988 Maud Hart Lovelace Award (Minnesota), 1987 Prairie Pasque Award (South Dakota), 1987 Sequoyah Children's Book Award (Oklahoma)

Planet of Nightmares (Tom Swift III, #11)

by Victor Appleton

Tom Swift and his friends are confused when they are repeatedly attacked by sphere-shaped enemies that they don't recognize. To complicate matters, their ship is damaged, and everyone is plagued by their worst terrors. With quick thinking and split-second action, Tom Swift and his friends help to save a race long thought to be extinct and nullify an enemy determined to conquer all races. And they foil a plan to take over many of the industries run from earth. All in a day's work.

Racing Hearts (Sweet Valley High #9)

by Kate William

Love on the run... Roger Barrett has always had a hopeless crush on glamorous, wealthy Lila Fowler. The only attention Lila ever pays to him, though, is to make fun of him in front of her friends. But why shouldn't she, he thinks. After all, he's clumsy and shy and works secretly as a janitor after school. When Roger wins the qualifying heat for a big race, he becomes a school celebrity overnight. And to his surprise, even Lila starts to chase after him. But Roger knows if he runs in the race finals, he'll lose his job. Will Lila still notice him when he's no longer a star?

Too Much Trouble

by Dorothy Haas

People are starting to call her "Tink Becker, that redheaded troublemaker." It's not fair. Is her red hair a jinx? Is that why her great ideas always go wrong? Tink thinks so. She asks her mom, who works in the Fountain of Beauty and knows about such things, to dye her hair another color. But her mother won't listen. And so Tink goes on getting good ideas, such as opening her own beauty parlor in her mother's bedroom. Before she knows it, she's in trouble again . ...

Too Sane A Murder

by Lee Martin

He wanted his bag of marbles. Around him, in the den of his own home, lie the bodies of his parents, two guests, and a cat-all brutally murdered. And Olead Baker wants his bag of marbles. To most of the police force, Olead seems the obvious suspect. At twenty-six, he has spent much of his life institutional ized for schizophrenia. He has also, in the past, displayed a violent fear of cats Deb Ralston, though, is not like most of the other police detectives. She's been a cop for fifteen years, but, as she explains to Olead, she's "been a mother a lot longer than that." Deb becomes convinced- despite the evidence mounting against him-that Olead is innocent. In a race against time-and the death sentence-Deb must reconcile the evidence that proves that Olead did indeed fire a gun that fatal evening with her certainty that Olead could not have committed such an inhuman act. If Olead did not commit those murders, then somebody else did. But who? And why?

You Never Can Tell

by Ellen Conford

I WAS NEVER THE TYPE FOR WILD, IMPOSSIBLE CRUSHES. Sensible Kate, that's me. There's only one guy I've ever been passionate about: Brick Preston, the hero of my favorite soap. And it was pretty one sided, as mad passions go. Until Brick (known as Thad Marshall in real life) enrolled at North High--and asked me for a date. I just knew we were destined to embark on a lifetime of ecstasy. The only problem was, I was madly in love with a character on TV, who cast women aside like used tissues. If Thad Marshall was anything like Brick Preston, how would I ever hold on to him? And if he wasn't, would I want to?

Double Love (Sweet Valley High #1)

by Kate William

Will Jessica steal Todd from Elizabeth Elizabeth and Jessica Wakefield are identical twins at Sweet Valley High. They're both popular, smart, and gorgeous, but that's where the similarity ends. Elizabeth is friendly, outgoing, and sincere-nothing like her twin. Snobbish and conniving, Jessica thinks the whole world revolves around her. Trouble is, most of the time it does. Jessica always gets what she wants-at school, with friends, and especially with boys. This time, Jessica has set her sights on Todd Wilkins, the handsome star of the basketball team-the one boy Elizabeth really likes. Now it's a game of double love, with Todd as first prize. Elizabeth doesn't want to lose him, but what Jessica wants, Jessica usually gets... even if it ends up hurting her sister. Meet the Wakefield twins, their guys, and the rest of the gang at Sweet Valley High

Gateway to Doom (Tom Swift III #9)

by Victor Appleton

When Tom is studying a black hole, he discovers increased sunspot activity. As he studies more, he discovers that a new project designed by an experimental scientist and backed by a businessman is causing instability in stars. Tom and his friends face great danger and lots of opposition to keep the sun from going supernova and destroying life on earth as we know it.

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