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The Day the Eighth Grade Ran the School (Junior High #3)

by Kate Kenyon

WHAT'S THE POINT OF BEING AN EIGHTH-GRADER, IF YOU CAN'T MAKE SOME CHANGES? When Nora Ryan makes a list of complaints about school, she and her best friend Jennifer Mann discover they are not the only dissatisfied eighth- graders. The Gripe Revolution they set off does get results. For ONE day the principal puts the eighth grade in charge of Cedar Groves Junior High School. It's wonderful! What could possibly go wrong? Nora and Jennifer find out, long before the end of the unforgettable day that the eighth grade ran the school....

A Ghost in the House

by Betty Ren Wright

When Sarah Prescott's family moves from a cramped apartment to her great-aunt's big old house, Sarah thinks that life is perfect--complete with her own beautiful bedroom. But from the moment Aunt Margaret returns from the nursing home, Sarah begins to feel that something is terribly wrong. Sarah tries to believe that she's just unhappy about having to spend so much time caring for her disagreeable invalid aunt. Yet she knows there Is more. There's a chill In the air, which only Sarah seems to feel. There are unexplainable heavy footsteps In the upstairs hall. Lights go out, doors slam unexpectedly, and things move by themselves. Sarah realizes that one other person In the house Is just as frightened. Aunt Margaret. Together, a sick old woman and a frightened young girl, they must figure out what evil spirit Is trying to terrify them. Talented author Betty Ren Wright has created a haunting book, combining a frightening ghost story with a moving relationship between a young girl and an old woman." Look for more Ghost stories by Betty Ren Wright in the Bookshare collection including Christina's Ghost, A Ghost In the Window, The Dollhouse murders and The Ghosts beneath Our Feet.

The Hypersonic Secret (Hardy Boys Mystery Story #135)

by Franklin W. Dixon

Frank and Joe help a friend whose father's plane has gone down and can't be found. While trying to locate the missing pilot, they discover a man conniving to steal plans for a new and very secret military plane. Can they keep a disgruntled military employee from escaping to Mexico with top secret plans?

Styx's Storm (Feline Breeds #21)

by Lora Leigh

To save innocent, young Storme Montague from the claws of Breed slave traders, Wolf Breed Styx is forced to claim her himself--on the condition that Storme will no longer be a virgin by night's end. And though Storme's defenses are up, Styx will free her--in ways she never expects.

The Lost Dogs: Michael Vick's Dogs and Their Tale of Rescue and Redemption

by Jim Gorant

An inspiring story of survival and our powerful bond with man's best friend, in the aftermath of the nation's most notorious case of animal cruelty. Animal lovers and sports fans were shocked when the story broke about NFL player Michael Vick's brutal dog fighting operation. But what became of the dozens of dogs who survived? As acclaimed writer Jim Gorant discovered, their story is the truly newsworthy aspect of this case. Expanding on Gorant's Sports Illustrated cover story, The Lost Dogs traces the effort to bring Vick to justice and turns the spotlight on these infamous pit bulls, which were saved from euthanasia by an outpouring of public appeals coupled with a court order that Vick pay nearly a million dollars in "restitution" to the dogs. As an ASPCA-led team evaluated each one, they found a few hardened fighters, but many more lovable, friendly creatures desperate for compassion. In The Lost Dogs, we meet these amazing animals, a number of which are now living in loving homes, while some even work in therapy programs: Johnny Justice participates in Paws for Tales, which lets kids get comfortable with reading aloud by reading to dogs; Leo spends three hours a week with cancer patients and troubled teens. At the heart of the stories are the rescue workers who transformed the pups from victims of animal cruelty into healing caregivers themselves, unleashing priceless hope.

The Thorn (Rose Trilogy #1)

by Beverly Lewis

Lancaster County, with its rolling meadows and secret byways, may seem idyllic, but it is not without its thorns. THE ROSE TRILOGY is the stirring saga of two Amish sisters on the fringe of the church, and the unforeseen discoveries that change their lives. Rose Kauffman, a spirited young woman, has a close friendship with the bishop's foster son. Nick dresses plain and works hard but stirs up plenty of trouble too. Rose's sister cautions her against becoming too involved, but Rose is being courted by a good Amish fellow, so she dismisses the warnings. Meanwhile, Rose keeps house for an English widower but is startled when he forbids her to ever go upstairs. What is the man hiding? Rose's older sister, Hen, knows more than she should about falling for the wrong man. Unable to abandon her Amish ways, Hen is soon separated from her very modern husband. Mattie, their young daughter, must visit her father regularly, but Hen demands she wear Amish attire--and speak Pennsylvania Dutch, despite her husband's wishes. Will Hen be able to reestablish her place among the People she abandoned? And will she be able to convince Rose to steer clear of rogue neighbor Nick?

The Wave: In Pursuit of the Rogues, Freaks and Giants of the Ocean

by Susan Casey

From Susan Casey, bestselling author of The Devil's Teeth, an astonishing book about colossal, ship-swallowing rogue waves and the surfers who seek them out. For centuries, mariners have spun tales of gargantuan waves, 100-feet high or taller. Until recently scientists dismissed these stories--waves that high would seem to violate the laws of physics. But in the past few decades, as a startling number of ships vanished and new evidence has emerged, oceanographers realized something scary was brewing in the planet's waters. They found their proof in February 2000, when a British research vessel was trapped in a vortex of impossibly mammoth waves in the North Sea--including several that approached 100 feet. As scientists scramble to understand this phenomenon, others view the giant waves as the ultimate challenge. There are extreme surfers who fly around the world trying to ride the ocean's most destructive monsters. The pioneer of extreme surfing is the legendary Laird Hamilton, who, with a group of friends in Hawaii, figured out how to board suicidally large waves of 70 and 80 feet. Casey follows this unique tribe of people as they seek to conquer the holy grail of their sport, a 100-foot wave. In this mesmerizing account, the exploits of Hamilton and his fellow surfers are juxtaposed against scientists' urgent efforts to understand the destructive powers of waves--from the tsunami that wiped out 250,000 people in the Pacific in 2004 to the 1,740-foot-wave that recently leveled part of the Alaskan coast. Like Jon Krakauer's Into Thin Air, The Wave brilliantly portrays human beings confronting nature at its most ferocious.

Chains of Fire (Chosen Ones Series #4)

by Christina Dodd

Isabelle and Samuel have been in love with each other since they were children. They have been a couple twice and broken up twice. When they are trapped beneath an avalanche they discover that neither wants to go on living without the other.

Buddy Is a Stupid Name for a Girl

by Willo Davis Roberts

Buddy, whose real name is Amy Kate, has never thought much about her nickname--it is what her father has called her for years--until three things happen: Her father, who has gone off to take a new job, disappears; she and her brother are evicted from the house in which they have been living because they can't pay the rent; and she has to leave Washington state to go live with relatives in Montana until her brother can find out what has happened to their father. It is in Montana where she encounters people who think her name is strange, who wonder why a girl is called Buddy. But in Montana, living with Aunt Addie; Aunt Cassie and her alcoholic husband, Gus; Gus's son, Max; and Grandpa, who is really Buddy's great-grandfather, Buddy has more than her name to think about. Why does Aunt Addie seem to hate Buddy's dead mother, EllaBelle? What happened to the money that Grandpa got from the sale of his store two and a half years ago, and what does that money have to do with Buddy and her mother? And finally, what has happened to Dan, Buddy's father? As Buddy confronts relatives she has hardly known, and a new school where everything seems strange and different, she must accept some of what she finds and make the best of it. She must, for example, take Grandpa as he is: old, almost blind, and afflicted with dementia. Other things she can hope may change: Her brother may find her father, Aunt Addie may forgive her mother, and maybe she'll make a new friend. And still others, she realizes, she must investigate on her own: She must solve the mysteries of her mother's past and the disappearance of Grandpa's money. Things happen quickly as Buddy explores her new and, she hopes, temporary, life. As she does, the concerns of years past suddenly come into focus, as if they were waiting for Buddy to appear. An engaging novel about a spunky heroine and a family with problems that are unique, and yet in some ways all too common. Bookshare has more mysteries for young readers by Willo Davis Roberts. They are great reads. Don't miss them!

Long Train Passing

by Steven W. Wise

For the small midwestern town of California, Missouri, September 1943 heralded another fall without husbands and sons as World War II exploded in the European theater. And as this public battle took its toll on the world, another war raged that would change this small Missouri town forever--a war between father and son. Jubal Cole remembered a time when he could look at his son, Jewell, and feel love, not anger. It seemed like only months since they were a happy family. But since Jewell's mother left, Jubal's fury roared with his son's every breath. Jewell Cole lived in absolute fear of his father's ravings and bouts of drunkenness. It was bad enough having the town drunk as a father, but Jewell could not even escape his father's wrath at school. Jubal Cole did not take kindly to school or to teachers. Annabelle Allen had herself known the fear of being different and alone. Through her personal trials Annabelle had developed an uncanny strength of character and gift for teaching. Now beginning her first semester teaching at a new school, Annabelle must find a way to reach Jewell Cole before he is relegated to a life of crime and loneliness. With the help of a mysterious and awkward man, Emmett Tragman, Annabelle devises a scheme that may enable Jewell to develop his own unique talents despite his father, and find a life of purpose and love. But when Jewell's pent up wrath turns against his father, none of their lives will ever be the same.

Renegade (Elite Ops #5)

by Lora Leigh

Elite Ops agent Nikolai Steele, code named Renegade, is on a special assignment involving a beautiful woman. But his involvement is about to go beyond the call of duty--and into the realm of dangerous desire.

Write On, Rosy! A Young Author in Crisis

by Sheila Greenwald

Rosy doesn't know what she wants to be when she grows up. That is, until Dr. Gormley, the headmistress at Read School, announces a Young Writers Program, and Rosy is sure she's found her lifelong ambition. After all, her family says she has a talent for telling the truth: why not put it to use? When Rosy's teacher suggests that Rosy write about someone important in her life it suddenly becomes clear--she'll write about the most important person at Read: the headmistress herself! Determined to find out everything there is to know about Dr. Gormley, Rosy pursues her subject with typical zeal, uncovering evidence that the headmistress may be leading a secret life. Does Dr. Gormley have something to hide? Watch out, here comes R. Cole, Investigative Reporter, on the case!

The Lottie Project

by Jacqueline Wilson

Jacqueline Wilson is a bestselling author in England, second only to J. K. Rowling. Charlie's world is changing--for the worse. Her new teacher refuses to call her anything but Charlotte. (Blech!) And forces her to sit next to Jamie Edwards, the most revolting, stuck-up, horrible boy in the whole class. (Yuck!) And assigns her a project on the dreary Victorian period. (Ugh!) But clever Charlie isn't so easily beaten. Instead of writing a boring report, she creates a diary for Lottie, a Victorian nurserymaid and history suddenly comes to life. If learning about Lottie's world isn't enough to make school bearable, at least Charlie has her mom, Jo, who's more like a big sister than a mother. The two of them are all the family they need, thank you very much. But to Charlie's horror, even that is changing. Jo has been acting strange lately--getting dressed up... and putting on makeup for no reason! Could it be, is it possible, that she's got a boyfriend who is disrupting her and Charlie's perfect life? It's all too much for Charlie. There's only so much change a girl can handle before she has to take control of her own life, just the way she's taken charge of Lottie's! Picture descriptions have been prepared by the proofreader with the assistance of Susan Lumpkin and Courtney Stover who provided invaluable editorial support and advice to make the descriptions more understandable to blind readers.

Sweet Miss Honeywell's Revenge: A Ghost Story

by Kathryn Reiss

Zibby Thorne knows there's something wrong with the shabby dollhouse she bought for her twelfth birthday. She hears strange rustling and ringing noises when there's no one else in the room, and one of the dolls never seems to be in the same place she left it. Most frightening of all, whatever make-believe Zibby plays with the dolls comes true--but in a warped, twisted kind of way. So when her family and friends start having bizarre accidents, Zibby is certain the dollhouse is somehow responsible. Terrified, she tracks down the original owner, and she learns something even more shocking: The dollhouse is haunted--and one of the ghosts who lives in it is a cruel former governess named Miss Honeywell who died eighty years ago. But why is Miss Honeywell still so bent on revenge?

Coming Back Stronger: Unleashing the Hidden Power of Adversity

by Drew Brees Chris Fabry

When a potentially career-ending shoulder injury left quarterback Drew Brees without a team and faced with the daunting task of having to learn to throw a football all over again, coaches around the NFL wondered, would he ever come back? After Hurricane Katrina devastated New Orleans, leaving 85% of the city under water, many wondered, would the city ever come back? And with their stadium transformed into a makeshift refugee camp, forcing the Saints to play their entire 2005 season on the road, people questioned, would the Saints ever come back? It takes a special person to turn adversity into success and despair into hope-yet that is exactly what Super Bowl MVP Drew Brees has done, and with the weight of an entire city on his shoulders. Coming Back Stronger is the ultimate comeback story, not only of one of the NFL's top quarterbacks, but also of a city and a team that many had all but given up on. Brees' inspiring message of hope and encouragement proves that with enough faith, determination, and heart, you can overcome any obstacle life throws your way and not only come back, but come back stronger.

Sidetracked to Danger (Hardy Boys Mystery Stories #130)

by Franklin W. Dixon

Frank and Joe are accompanying their friend Jackson to Indianapolis to view the train collection of one of the most well-known collectors in the U.S. While visiting, they assist the train collector in keeping his building from being demolished, and rescue him when he is kidnapped, as well as solving the theft of his entire train collection.

Maximum Challenge (Hardy Boys Mystery Stories #132)

by Franklin W. Dixon

When a TV game show comes to Bayport, a crime wave begins. As Frank and Joe fight a grudge match with the current team champions, they are also trying to discover who on the staff of the show is the mastermind behind burglaries that seem to follow the traveling show.

Angel's Mother's Boyfriend

by Judy Delton

Ten-year-old Angel finds plenty to worry about when she learns that her mother's new boyfriend is a clown. When Angel's mother begins acting strangely after her vacation, Angel knows it has something to do with the mysterious letters from Washington, D. C. Soon Angel convinces herself that her mother must be in danger for not paying her taxes! Angel swings into action, scheming to earn bail money and creating escape plans. But when it turns out the letters are actually from Rudy, the charming man Mrs. O'Leary met on her vacation, Angel isn't as relieved as she should be. Besides being a threat to their family, he is after all, a professional clown ... Worrywart Angel and her little brother, Rags, will delight old fans and new readers alike as they face an unusual dilemma with typically hilarious results.

Mystery on Makatunk Island (Hardy Boys Mystery Stories #125)

by Franklin W. Dixon

When Frank and Joe accompany their friend Chet to vacation on a small undeveloped island, they uncover a plan to steal and develop the land.

Class Crush (Junior High #2)

by Kate Kenyon

WILL CEDAR GROVES JUNIOR HIGH SURVIVE A CLASS CRUSH? Eighth-graders Nora Ryan, Jennifer Mann, and their girl friends are acting strangely, and the eighth-grade boys aren't sure why. The girls are doing a lot of whispering, and they're walking around all dreamy-eyed. But Steve Crowley and the other boys do finally figure out what's going on. The eighth-grade girls are madly in love--all with the same guy--their English teacher. Can the boys get Nora, Jen, and their friends to pay attention to them again? Or will Cedar Groves Junior High never recover from the incredible class crush?

Go for the Gold (The Gymnasts #22)

by Elizabeth Levy

A Dream Come True! Heidi Ferguson is going to compete in the Olympics! Newspapers are full of stories about her spectacular career--her battle with anorexia--and her amazing comeback. Can she handle the pressure of world-class gymnastics competition this time around? Heidi knows she can. She's tougher, and stronger than ever--and she's ready to prove it. Her friends and family will be cheering her on--and the whole world will be watching.

Bluegrass Champion (Famous Horse Stories)

by Dorothy Lyons

After their parents' deaths, two sisters are determined to fulfill their father's dream of turning their farm into a well-known name in the Saddlebred world. Gail Carter's lovely chestnut filly looks like a world beater, yet when she enters the ring never places. Judy's gelding, Harlequin Hullabaloo, is perfect in Judy's eyes, yet no judge can see past his colorful pinto markings. With their two horses, one whose chances are unpromising and the other an obvious winner, they set out to be champions. Unfortunately, the winner isn't as obvious as she seems, and an unpromising horse becomes an astounding winner when Judy Carter breaks the prejudice against pinto Saddlebreds and has a chance to win the World Five-gaited Championships with her wildly colored Hullabaloo.

Junior High Jitters (Junior High #1)

by Kate Kenyon

FRIENDS, FEUDS, . BOYS, BOOKS. EIGHTH GRADE. Best friends Nora Ryan and Jennifer Mann have finally reached eighth grade, and their first day is crazy. Class nerd Jason Anthony is up to his usual gross tricks. Nasty Susan Hillard has an insult for everybody, and Tracy is acting dumb, as always. While Nora gets caught up in all the excitement, Jen wonders if things will ever be normal again. But eighth grade only gets more complicated. When Denise Hendrix, a sophisticated new student, suggests the girls invite boys to the Halloween Dance, Jen and Nora begin to worry. Dealing with eighth grade is hard enough. Can they deal with boys, too?

Dark Sunshine

by Dorothy Lyons

Two years before, horse-loving Blythe Hyland would have been thrilled with the news that the family was moving back to an Arizona ranch, but now--what difference did it make to her? What could a thin, listless girl, crippled by polio, do on a ranch? Then the haunting vision of Blind Man's Pocket, a deep spring-fed valley tucked away in a range of mountains, tempted her to try riding a horse again. And when she had conquered her initial panic, Blythe felt that it might be hers once more. It was in Blind Man's Pocket Blythe found Dark Sunshine, a magnificent wild mare that had been trapped by a landslide. From the moment she learned it was possible to rescue the buckskin, Blythe determined that, crutches or no, she would train and ride her. It was slow, often painful work for the crippled girl, but when an endurance ride offered Blythe her only chance to win athletic honors toward a scholarship, both horse and rider were ready for the grueling test. Dorothy Lyons' earlier books have established her as a favorite writer of horse stories for older girls. In this moving story of a girl whose courage overcame the handicap of a useless leg, she has created an inspiring book that young readers will remember.

Problem Dad (Girl Talk #22)

by L. E. Blair

Randy's father is here from New York City! When Randy's father comes to film a commercial near Acorn Falls, Randy can't wait to introduce him to her friends. But Randy soon discovers that she's got a lot to learn about her father and her friends.

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