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Three Little Words: A Memoir

by Ashley Rhodes-Courter

"Sunshine, you're my baby and I your only mother. You must mind the one taking care of you, but she's not your mama. " Ashley Rhodes-Courter spent nine years of her life in fourteen different foster homes, living by those words. As her mother spirals out of control, Ashley is left clinging to an unpredictable, dissolving relationship, all the while getting pulled deeper and deeper into the foster care system. Painful memories of being taken away from her home quickly become consumed by real-life horrors, where Ashley is juggled between caseworkers, shuffled from school to school, and forced to endure manipulative, humiliating treatment from a very abusive foster family. In this inspiring, unforgettable memoir, Ashley finds the courage to succeed-and in doing so, discovers the power of her own voice. It only takes three little words to break free from the past.

Deadly Attraction (Nightmare Hall #3)

by Diane Hoh

High on a hillside overlooking Salem University, hidden in shadows and shrouded in silence, sits Nightingale Hall. Nightmare Hall, the students call it. Because that's where the terror began. The night Robert Q and Darlene meet, the attraction is immediate. The Big Man on Campus uses all his charm to sweep Darlene off her feet - and then dumps her a few weeks later. After all, he's just playing around. Poor Robert Q. He doesn't realize that Darlene is playing for keeps. He may think it's over. But he's wrong. Dead wrong.

Freshman Guys (Freshman Dorm #3)

by Linda A. Cooney

Faith wants to be the only one, but Christopher isn't making any promises. Winnie is still longing for Josh, and he doesn't have time for her. KC is attracted to and afraid of Steven. And Lauren is slowly coming into her own with support from Dash. Guys are confusing, and so terribly interesting.

Go For The Gold! (The Secret World of Alex Mack #8)

by Diana G. Gallagher

Winner Lose All! Alex can't wait to try out for the Junior High Olympic Team. She's all hyped up and going for the gold. But the trouble begins when she makes the team with a record-breaking jump--with a little help from her secret powers. Now, all eyes are on Alex-including Danielle Atron's. Everyone expects Alex to carry the team to victory. Even worse, she's so supercharged that everyone near her is zapped with static electricity. Alex is trapped! She's glowing like a lamp, and her secret powers are berserk. She can't compete--and she can't back out. Her secret powers won't be secret for long--unless she takes one desperate gamble....

The Ghost of Eagle Mountain (Girl Talk #6)

by L. E. Blair

Is there really a ghost on Eagle Mountain? Allison, Randy, Katie, and Sabrina are looking forward to the seventh- grade ski trip to Eagle Mountain. But when strange things start to happen, Allison's convinced that a spirit is trying to contact them!

Junkyard Jitters! (The Secret World of Alex Mack #11)

by Patricia Barnes-Svarney

When Ray asks Alex to help him with his paper route, she can hardly turn him down. What are best friends for, anyway? But tossing the news is hard work, and Alex can't resist using her powers to help out. Not that there's anyone around to see...except the eccentric old inventor who lives in the junkyard. When he catches Alex flowing like a lightning bug, she's only a little worried. But then the goons from Paradise Valley Chemical show up at the junkyard, too. Did the old man blow the whistle on her? Or is he working for the plant...on an invention to catch the GC-161 kid?

The Wind Singer

by William Nicholson

KESTREL HATH'S SCHOOLROOM rebellion against the stifling caste system of Aramanth leads to explosive consequences for her and her family: they are relegated to the city's lowest caste and are ostracized. Kestrel herself is doomed to spend the rest of her days in dreaded "Special Teaching" with the creepy, zombielike old children. With nothing left to lose, Kestrel and her twin brother, Bowman, do the unthinkable: they leave the city walls. Their only hope to rescue the rest of their family is to find the key to the wind singer. The wind singer, a long-defunct device in the city's center, was once the source of happiness and harmony in Aramanth. But many generations ago, its key was given to an evil spirit-lord, the Morah, in exchange for calling off the terrible army of Zars. Armed with desperate bravery, wits, and determination, and following an ancient map, Kestrel, Bowman, and a tagalong classmate set off to find the key. Along the way they meet kind allies and terrible foes, but in order to succeed in their quest they must face the most sinister force of all: the powerful Morah.

Raise Your Voice

by Robin Wasserman

Terri Fletcher longs to be a singer, and signs up for a summer music camp to which her father objects completely. When Terri's brother dies in a car accident, she has to work that much harder, and scheme, to be able to attend.

Mom, I'm All Right

by Kathleen Sandefer

The mother of a fourteen-year-old suicide victim tells her heartrending story and offers advice and warnings to parents of teenagers. Not only is this book for parents or relatives who have experienced the agony of a teen suicide but also for every teacher, principal, pastor, Sunday School teacher, counselor anyone who works in any way with children from elementary school through high school. This book is a reading MUST for every parent who has a child on some type of long term prescribed medication for hyperactivity or any type learning disability, no matter how minor or severe. What the doctors DON'T (or WON'T) tell you is revealed in this shocking account.

A Really Popular Girl

by Kathryn Ewing

How much change can one girl take? Life hasn't been the same for Marcy Benson ever since her mom remarried. She's had to make a lot of adjustments - a new stepfather, a new town, and, of course, new friends. It's enough to make a girl just give up! But even Marcy has to admit she's handling it all quite well. That is, until Sheldon Weissman-Cobb comes into her life. No one in school likes Sheldon and he only likes Marcy! Will her friendship with Sheldon spoil her chances of being a really popular girl?

Soldier's Heart: Reading Literature Through Peace and War at West Point

by Elizabeth D. Samet

Elizabeth D. Samet and her students learned to romanticize the army "through the stories of their fathers and from the movies." For Samet, it was the old World War II movies she used to watch on TV, while her students grew up on Braveheart and Saving Private Ryan. Unlike their teacher, however, these students, cadets at the United States Military Academy at West Point, have decided to turn make-believe into real life. West Point is a world away from Yale, where Samet attended graduate school and where nothing sufficiently prepared her for teaching literature to young men and women training to fight a war. Intimate and poignant, Soldier's Heart chronicles the various tensions inherent in that life as well as the ways in which war has transformed Samet's relationship to literature. Fighting in Iraq, Samet's former students share what books and movies mean to them-the poetry of Wallace Stevens, the fiction of Virginia Woolf and M. Coetzee, the epics of Homer, or the films of Bogart and Cagney. Their letters in turn prompt Samet to wonder exactly what she owes to cadets in the classroom. Samet arrived at West Point before September 11, 2001, and has seen the academy change dramatically. In Soldier's Heart, she reads this transformation through her own experiences and those of her students. Forcefully examining what it means to be teaching literature at a military academy, the role of women in the army, the tides of religious and political zeal roiling the country, the uses of the call to patriotism, and the cult of sacrifice she believes is currently paralyzing national debate. Ultimately, Samet offers an honest and original reflection on the relationship between art and life.


by Laurie Halse Anderson

<P>I am clanless. I wasted the last weeks of August watching bad cartoons. I didn't go to the mall, the lake, or the pool, or answer the phone. I have entered high school with the wrong hair, the wrong clothes, the wrong attitude. And I don't have anyone to sit with. <P>From her first moment at Merryweather High, Melinda Sordino knows she's an outcast. She busted an end-of-summer party by calling the cops-a major infraction in high-school society-so her old friends won't talk to her, and people she doesn't know glare at her. <P>She retreats into her head, where the lies and hypocrisies of high school stand in stark relief to her own silence, making her all the more mute. <P>But it's not so comfortable in her head, either-there's something banging around in there that she doesn't want to think about. Try as she might to it won't go away, until there is a particular confrontation. <P>Once that happens, she can't be silent-she must speak the truth. In this powerful novel, an utterly believable, bitterly ironic heroine speaks for many a disenfranchised teenager while learning that, although it's hard to speak up for yourself, keeping your mouth shut is worse.

Power Play (Sweet Valley High #4)

by Kate William

Elizabeth and Jessica in a tug of war.., Chubby Robin Wilson has been following Jessica around for months. First she wanted to be her friend- now she wants to join Pi Beta Alpha, Sweet Valley High's snobby sorority. When Elizabeth, Jessica's twin, nominates Robin for the sorority, Jessica is furious. Robin may be friendly and smart, but she's certainly not beautiful or popular enough to be a Pi Beta. Jessica's determined to find a way to keep Robin out. But Elizabeth is just as determined to make Robin a sorority sister. Soon the twins are locked in a struggle that develops into the biggest power play at Sweet Valley High....

Senior, Class of '88 (Class of '88, #4)

by Linda A. Cooney

Five friends. Nick the golden boy, Celia the beautiful, Sean the thinker, Allie the wild, Meg the brave. Meg and Nick have stayed away from each other for four years. Finally they want to be together... and someone's stopping them. Celia andAllie are trying to be friends again. But they both have a date for the prom-with the same guy. Sean is a BMOC and valedictorian, yet he still wants revenge for freshman year. In high school they lost some hopes, some dreams, some fears. Now they have to hold on to the one thing they've got left-each other.

Freshman, Class of '88 (Class of '88, #1)

by Linda A. Cooney

It was the best of times. It was the worst of times. It was a time of wishes, hopes, hurts, fears, and loves. It was their first year of high school. Five friends. Nick the golden boy, Celia the beautiful, Sean the thinker, Allie the wild, Meg the brave Brand-new Redwood High holds a different promise for each of them. Celia could be popular for the first time in her life-if she stops being Allies friend. Nick could be a campus star-but only if he plays by someone else's rules... rules that don't include Sean. Meg has a chance to be a leader... and to be passed over by the boy she loves. Together, they could have faced anything. but after freshman year, they may never be together again.

Sophomore, Class of '88 (Class of '88 #2)

by Linda A. Cooney

Five friends. Nick the golden boy Celia the beautiful, Sean the thinker, Allie the wild, Meg the brave. Celia flirts outrageously with Redwood High's # 1 b-ball star. She's not really using him... she's just trying to get ahead. Meg's got a new guy, too. So what if Nick thinks he's too wild for her? Nick doesn't know everything about Meg. He doesn't know everything about his buddy Sean, either. Sean sees more than people think he does- especially about what's happening between L.P. and Allie. When five friends make it this far together, why should sophomore year tear them apart?

The Chocolate Cat Caper (A Chocoholic Mystery #1)

by Joanna Carl

After giving up her career as a Texas trophy wife, Lee McKinney finds herself in a Michigan resort town, keeping the books for her aunt Nettie's luxury chocolate business. But she soon discovers that her new life isn't all truffles and bonbons. Clementine Ripley, the defense attorney everyone loves to hate, is throwing a party that calls for several thousand dollars' worth of custom chocolates-some made in the image of her champion cat. Lee jumps at the job, but sweet success takes a bitter turn when someone adds an extra ingredient-cyanide-to one of their delicious chocolates and it finds its way into Ripley's mouth. Now it's up to Lee to figure out who tampered with the family recipe before she and her aunt end up behind not-so-chocolate bars. INCLUDES YUMMY CHOCOLATE TRIVIA

Fortune Cookie Fox (Sabrina The Teenage Witch #26)

by Cathy East Dubowski

spiders in Sabrina's cafeteria lunch were kind of funny. [At least she could identify something on her plate.] But the avalanche of popcorn from her locker, the bedroom slippers full of cold and slimy noodles-well, it's getting a bit old. Positively prehistoric, actually. Who's behind these pranks? Sabrina has her suspicions. There's something about that new Chinese exchange student, Mei Hua. Sabrina's friend Val warns her not to start an international incident. Besides, she thinks Mei is sweet. And Harvey...well, the only thing he's noticed is that Mei Hua is a total fox. But Sabrina suspects there's magic involved. . . and she smells a rat.

The Beginning Of Everything Else (Dawson's Creek)

by Jennifer Baker

Sometimes life happens even when you're not sure you're ready for it. In Capeside, the sleepy New England coastal town where teenagers Joey, Dawson, Pacey, and Jen live, this year the river is running fast. Choices will be made, and chances will be taken. Promises will be broken, and desires revealed. Joey, Dawson, Pacey, Jen. Four fifteen-year-olds ready to take on the world. They're learning about life, and learning how to love.

Wendy and the Bullies

by Nancy K. Robinson

"This time he has gone too far," Karen said. "This calls for serious action." Wendy and Karen are experts on bullies. Their Bully Map and Bully Log show who the bullies are, where they hang out, and how dangerous they are. But lately the bully problem has been getting worse. And now that Karen is sick and won't be at school for a week, it's up to Wendy, alone, to figure out a way to stop the bullies once and for all. One way or another, this will be a week that Wendy will never forget. For ages 8 through 12, this chapter book shows the realistic problems children have with shyness, fitting in and facing bullies.

Miss Zukas And The Raven's Dance (Miss Zukas Mystery #4)

by Jo Dereske

an invitation to murder A most unusual death has landed Helma Zukas right in the middle of another murder scene. Stanley Plummer had been cataloging a collection of Native American books for Bellehaven's new Cultural Center when his body was found in the Center's ladies room-stabbed through the heart, and clutching a Barbie doll. Miss Zukas is asked by the library to finish the cataloging. Now she's been asked by the victim-in a letter dated the day he died-to get to the bottom of the mystery. Unable to resist the urge to dig into the facts, Helma becomes convinced there's something hidden in the Center that the murderer wants-and it may be worth killing another cataloger to keep it buried...


by Larry Brown

Fay Jones had no education, hardly any shell you can't call what her father's been tryin with her since she grew up "love." So, at the ripe age of seventeen, Fay Jones leaves home. She lights out alone, wearing her only dress and her rotting sneakers, carrying a purse with a half pack of cigarettes and two dollar bills. Even in 1985 Mississippi, two dollars won't go far on the road. She's headed for the bright lights and big times and even she knows she needs help getting there. But help's not hard to come by when you look like Fay. There's a highway patrolman who gives her a lift, with a detour to his own place. There are truck drivers who pull over to pick her up, no questions asked. There's a crop duster pilot with money for a night or two on the town. And finally there's a strip joint bouncer who deals on the side. At the end of this suspenseful, compulsively readable novel, there are five dead bodies stacked up in Fay's wake. Fay herself is sighted for the last time in New Orleans. She'll make it, whatever making it means, because Fay's got what it takes: beauty, a certain kind of innocent appeal, and the instinct for survival.

In Broad Daylight

by Harry N. Maclean

WHEN ENOUGH IS ENOUGH FOR TEN YEARS HE TERRORIZED THEM WITHOUT MERCY... Ken McElroy had robbed, raped, burned, shot...and maimed the citizens of Skidmore, Missouri, without conscience or remorse. Again and again, the law had failed to stop him. On July 10, 1981, Ken McElroy was shot to death on the main street of this small farming community. Forty-five people watched. No indictments were ever issued, no trial held-and the town of Skidmore has protected the killers with silence to this day. Now this powerful true-life account details what drove normal American citizens to murder. ...

A Question Of Guilt (Nancy Drew & Hardy Boys SuperMystery #26)

by Carolyn Keene

AMERICA'S TOP TEEN DETECTIVES TEAM UP TO FIND THE BOTTOM LINE IN A MURDEROUS FINANCIAL DISPUTE NANCY DREW and her father, Carson, have come to Philadelphia to attend a meeting of the Vidocq Society, a group dedicated to the investigation of unsolved crimes. One of Carson's clients, Buff Bellamy, was recently tried for the slaying of Laurel Kenway, the ward of his uncle, real estate king Stafford Bellamy. Carson managed to get his client off on a technicality, but everyone -- except the Drews -- believes Buff got away with murder. Nancy's out to prove his innocence ... beyond a question of a doubt. Meanwhile... FRANK and JOE HARDY, and their father, Fenton, have come to the same meeting. Why? To prove beyond a doubt that Buff is guilty. Fenton investigated the crime, and the brothers found the evidence that convinced the district attorney to bring Buff to trial. It's a high-profile case in which Nancy, Frank, and Joe all have something to lose. But they all want the same thing: To find the real killer...

The New You (Girl Talk #3)

by L. E. Blair

There's a new Allison- But is there a new and nicer Stacy? Shy Allison Cloud can't believe what's happening to her. When Belle Magazine holds a fashion makeover, they pick Allison to model for an upcoming issue! Unfortunately, they also choose Stacy the Great. That's when Allison's world suddenly turns upside down.

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