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Betörend, berauschend, tödlich - Giftpflanzen in unserer Umgebung

by Fritz Schade Harald Jockusch

Wussten Sie dass durch Honig schon mal eine Schlacht entschieden wurde? dass sich das Reinheitsgebot für Bier ursprünglich gegen eine einheimische Rauschgiftpflanze gerichtet hat? dass der Wunderbaum Palma Christi ein Eiweiß produziert, das im deutschen Kriegswaffenkontrollgesetz aufgeführt wird? wieviele Pflanzen in Ihrem Hausgarten und in Parks giftig sind? Antworten auf viele spannende Fragen wie diese liefert das Giftpflanzenbuch von Fritz Schade und Harald Jockusch. Der Künstler Schade hat Giftpflanzen nach der Natur mit Farbstiften porträtiert, der Biologe Jockusch informiert über botanische, biochemische und toxikologische Fakten. Die Darstellungen werden durch historische Rückblicke, Anekdoten und eigene Erfahrungen aufgelockert. Im Buch folgt die Anordnung der Arten in etwa der jahreszeitlichen Abfolge des ersten Auftretens auffälliger giftiger Pflanzenteile. Wie die üblichen, mit Fotografien bebilderten Giftpflanzenratgeber dient ihr Buch der Gefahrenvermeidung, betont aber auch das Anschauungs- und Lesevergnügen.Die künstlerischen Darstellungen in diesem Buch verbinden ästhetischen Reiz mit hohem Wiedererkennungswert. Sie können leichter verinnerlicht werden als detailreiche Fotografien. Das gilt vor allem für Kinder, die durch Giftpflanzen besonders gefährdet sind. Neben der blühenden wird die fruchtende Pflanze dargestellt, wenn dies für die Vergiftungsgefahr relevant ist. In die 2. Auflage wurden 12 neue Pflanzenarten aufgenommen, von denen einige derzeit die Öffentlichkeit beschäftigen.

Betörend, berauschend, tödlich - Giftpflanzen in unserer Umgebung

by Fritz Schade Harald Jockusch

Wussten Siedass durch Honig schon mal eine Schlacht entschieden wurde?dass sich das Reinheitsgebot für Bier ursprünglich gegen eine einheimische Rauschgiftpflanze gerichtet hat? dass der Wunderbaum Palma Christi ein Eiweiß produziert, das im deutschen Kriegswaffenkontrollgesetz aufgeführt wird?wie bezaubernd schön viele Giftpflanzen sind?Antworten auf viele spannende Fragen wie diese liefert das Giftpflanzenbuch von Fritz Schade und Harald Jockusch. Der Künstler Schade hat Giftpflanzen nach der Natur mit Farbstiften porträtiert, der Biologe Jockusch hat Fachwissen und Anekdotisches aus Gegenwart und Geschichte zu diesen Pflanzen zusammengestellt. Wie die üblichen, mit Fotografien bebilderten Giftpflanzenratgeber dient ihr Buch der Gefahrenvermeidung, betont aber auch das Anschauungs- und Lesevergnügen. Die Autoren beleuchten botanische, biochemische, historische und anekdotische Zusammenhänge für jede Pflanzenart und informieren so auf unterhaltsame Weise. Im Buch folgt die Anordnung der Arten in etwa der jahreszeitlichen Abfolge des ersten Auftretens auffälliger giftiger Pflanzenteile.Die künstlerischen Darstellungen in diesem Buch verbinden ästhetischen Reiz mit hohem Wiedererkennungswert. Sie können leichter verinnerlicht werden als detailreiche Fotografien. Das gilt vor allem für Kinder, die durch Giftpflanzen besonders gefährdet sind. Neben der blühenden wird die fruchtende Pflanze dargestellt, wenn dies für die Vergiftungsgefahr relevant ist.

Betörende Düfte, sinnliche Aromen (Erlebnis Wissenschaft)

by Georg Schwedt

Why do we find some aromas pleasant, sensual or even bewitching, while we turn our nose up at others? Top-selling author Georg Schwedt teaches scientifically-minded readers about scents and perfumes, aromas and spices. In a clever mixture of exact science and entertaining information he describes the manifold facets of the chemistry behind aromas. Topics range from the physiology of smelling, via methods of extracting scents and the creation of ethereal oils right up to such perfume icons as Chanel No. 5 or Tosca. Along the way Schwedt he uncovers fascinating facts from the culture and science of yesteryear and combines these with the latest results from chemistry. As a result, the reader learns about ancient Egyptian methods for making perfume and about the therapeutic use of scents, which can also be experienced in perfume museums.

BETOWER: @@@center@@@BETOWER

by Fanie Viljoen

Nadia het ’n geheim. Dit die rede waarom sy by haar ouma in die Magoebaskloof moet gaan bly. Hier ontmoet sy vir Poenk. Bos-Poenk. Geheimsinnige Poenk. Poenk wat haar leer hoe paddaeiertjies ruik. Wat haar wys wat daar kleure soos ritselgroen, bangmaakgroen, fluistergroen, kieliegroen en flikkergroen bestaan. Poenk wie se naam sy oor en oor in haar huiswerkboek skryf. Wat vir haar gedigte lees en vir haar sprokies vertel. Poenk wat self ’n geheim in hom ronddra. ’n Betowerende drama uit die pen van Fanie Viljoen.

Betray Her: An absolutely gripping psychological thriller with a heart-pounding twist

by Caroline England

'A twist that I didn't see coming!' T. M. LOGAN'Kept me gripped' B. A. PARIS'Incredibly twisty . . . deliciously satisfying' CLAIRE ALLAN'A taut, tantalising thriller' SHERYL BROWNE'Truly terrific!' MARTINA COLE_______________Best friends forever.That's the pact you made.You'd do anything for her.And you have.She's always had it all.If you could take it for yourself . . . would you?_______________Lust, secrets and revenge are at the heart of this irresistibly twisted thriller. Perfect for fans of Lies Lies Lies by Adele Parks and She by H C Warner. What readers are saying about Betray Her:'Wow! This kept me gripped right up until the last page!!' NetGalley reviewer, 5 stars'Utterly fantastic. Sooo gripping and addictive' NetGalley reviewer, 5 stars'Was blown away . . . what a book' NetGalley reviewer, 5 stars'A very good twist that I was not expecting. Really had me hooked' NetGalley reviewer, 5 stars'Wow . . . Completely gripping, you wont be able to put it down!' NetGalley reviewer'Grabbed my attention and didn't let go till the shocking twist at the end' NetGalley reviewer, 5 stars'I flew through this one and the ending had me shaken! Wonderful book!' NetGalley reviewer'I absolutely thought that this was a fabulous read' NetGalley reviewer, 5 stars'A great twist that I absolutely didn't see coming' NetGalley reviewer'I was on the edge of my seat from the first page right up until the breathtaking finale' NetGalley reviewer'A real page turner' NetGalley reviewer, 5 stars'I was gripped from the very first page' NetGalley reviewer, 5 stars

Betray Her: The gripping new psychological thriller that you'll be obsessed with

by Caroline England

'A twist that I didn't see coming!' T. M. LOGAN'I was gripped immediately' KATERINA DIAMOND'Incredibly twisty . . . deliciously satisfying' CLAIRE ALLAN'Stunning' AMANDA ROBSON'A taut, tantalising thriller' SHERYL BROWNE'Truly terrific!' MARTINA COLE_______________Best friends forever.That's the pact you made.You'd do anything for her.And you have.She's always had it all.If you could take it for yourself . . . would you?_______________An irresistibly compulsive psychological thriller perfect for fans of My Lovely Wife, I Know Who You Are and The Rumour, by the bestselling author of My Husband's Lies.What readers are saying about Betray Her:'Wow! This kept me gripped right up until the last page!!' NetGalley reviewer, 5 stars'Utterly fantastic. Sooo gripping and addictive' NetGalley reviewer, 5 stars'Was blown away . . . what a book' NetGalley reviewer, 5 stars'A very good twist that I was not expecting. Really had me hooked' NetGalley reviewer, 5 stars'Wow . . . Completely gripping, you wont be able to put it down!' NetGalley reviewer'Grabbed my attention and didn't let go till the shocking twist at the end' NetGalley reviewer, 5 stars'I flew through this one and the ending had me shaken! Wonderful book!' NetGalley reviewer'I absolutely thought that this was a fabulous read' NetGalley reviewer, 5 stars'A great twist that I absolutely didn't see coming' NetGalley reviewer'I was on the edge of my seat from the first page right up until the breathtaking finale' NetGalley reviewer'A real page turner' NetGalley reviewer, 5 stars'I was gripped from the very first page' NetGalley reviewer, 5 stars

Betray Her: An absolutely gripping psychological thriller with a heart-pounding twist

by Caroline England

'A twist that I didn't see coming!' T. M. LOGAN'Kept me gripped' B. A. PARIS'Incredibly twisty . . . deliciously satisfying' CLAIRE ALLAN'A taut, tantalising thriller' SHERYL BROWNE'Truly terrific!' MARTINA COLE_______________Best friends forever.That's the pact you made.You'd do anything for her.And you have.She's always had it all.If you could take it for yourself . . . would you?_______________Lust, secrets and revenge are at the heart of this irresistibly twisted thriller by the bestselling author of My Husband's Lies. Perfect for fans of Claire McGowan's The Other Wife and Adele Parks's Lies Lies Lies. What readers are saying about Betray Her:'Wow! This kept me gripped right up until the last page!!' NetGalley reviewer, 5 stars'Utterly fantastic. Sooo gripping and addictive' NetGalley reviewer, 5 stars'Was blown away . . . what a book' NetGalley reviewer, 5 stars'A very good twist that I was not expecting. Really had me hooked' NetGalley reviewer, 5 stars'Wow . . . Completely gripping, you wont be able to put it down!' NetGalley reviewer'Grabbed my attention and didn't let go till the shocking twist at the end' NetGalley reviewer, 5 stars'I flew through this one and the ending had me shaken! Wonderful book!' NetGalley reviewer'I absolutely thought that this was a fabulous read' NetGalley reviewer, 5 stars'A great twist that I absolutely didn't see coming' NetGalley reviewer'I was on the edge of my seat from the first page right up until the breathtaking finale' NetGalley reviewer'A real page turner' NetGalley reviewer, 5 stars'I was gripped from the very first page' NetGalley reviewer, 5 stars

Betrayal: Developmental, Literary, and Clinical Realms

by Salman Akhtar

Betrayal underlies all psychic trauma, whether sexual abuse or profound neglect, violence or treachery, extramarital affair or embezzlement. When we betray others, we violate their confidence in us. When others betray us, they pierce the veil of our innocent reliance. Betraying and feeling betrayed are ubiquitous to the scenarios of trauma and yet surprisingly neglected as a topic of specific attention by psychoanalysis. This book fills this gap. The first part deals with developmental aspects and notes that while the experience of betrayal might be ubiquitous in childhood, its lack of recognition by the parents is what leads to fixation upon it. Attention is also given to Oedipally-indulged and seduced children who feel betrayed later in the course of their development. Feelings of betrayal during early adolescence are also discussed. This section of the book closes with an account of situations where our bodies betray us. The realms of body image betrayal, body self betrayal, and the body's ultimate betrayal via physical death are addressed.

Betrayal: How Black Intellectuals Have Abandoned the Ideals of the Civil Rights Era

by Houston Baker Jr.

Houston A. Baker Jr. condemns those black intellectuals who, he believes, have turned their backs on the tradition of racial activism in America. These individuals choose personal gain over the interests of the black majority, whether they are espousing neoconservative positions that distort the contours of contemporary social and political dynamics or abandoning race as an important issue in the study of American literature and culture. Most important, they do a disservice to the legacy of W. E. B. Du Bois, Martin Luther King Jr., and others who have fought for black rights.In the literature, speeches, and academic and public behavior of some black intellectuals in the past quarter century, Baker identifies a "hungry generation" eager for power, respect, and money. Baker critiques his own impoverished childhood in the "Little Africa" section of Louisville, Kentucky, to understand the shaping of this new public figure. He also revisits classical sites of African American literary and historical criticism and critique. Baker devotes chapters to the writing and thought of such black academic superstars as Cornel West, Michael Eric Dyson, and Henry Louis Gates Jr.; Hoover Institution senior fellow Shelby Steele; Yale law professor Stephen Carter; and Manhattan Institute fellow John McWhorter. His provocative investigation into their disingenuous posturing exposes what Baker deems a tragic betrayal of King's legacy.Baker concludes with a discussion of American myth and the role of the U.S. prison-industrial complex in the "disappearing" of blacks. Baker claims King would have criticized these black intellectuals for not persistently raising their voices against a private prison system that incarcerates so many men and women of color. To remedy this situation, Baker urges black intellectuals to forge both sacred and secular connections with local communities and rededicate themselves to social responsibility. As he sees it, the mission of the black intellectual today is not to do great things but to do specific, racially based work that is in the interest of the black majority.


by Simon Benson

Award-winning journalist Simon Benson exposes the betrayal by those at the very top of Australian politics in their brutal pursuit of power. Betrayal is no ordinary insiders' book on politics. A fast-paced ride through the treacherous terrain of Australia's political landscape, it is based on hundreds of hours of exclusive interviews with key players, giving readers disturbing insights into the character of some of Australia's leaders. Covering the most significant upheaval in the recent history of the Australian Labor Party, and charting the political demise of a leader.


by Stewart Binns

'Brilliant. An explosive thriller with true authenticity' Tom Marcus, bestselling author of Soldier Spy----------------- January, 1981. They're undercover in Belfast.Determined to put an end to a war.But in doing so, who will they betray? Jim Dowd and Maureen O'Brien, special forces soldiers, enter a bitterly divided Belfast with a mission: to go undercover, infiltrate one of the city's most dangerous Catholic neighbourhoods, and help change the course of a war that nobody is winning. The Ardoyne is a perilous world, where even a hint of their true identities will prove fatal. But it is also full of courage and loyalty, and Jim realises he admires this community - and his guilt at their deception grows ever stronger. When they receive shocking orders, Maureen knows they must act swiftly and ruthlessly, but can she rely on Jim? And if they rebel, are they betraying their country; or are they being betrayed? 'Stunningly realistic . . . A must-read for anyone who cares about the history of our islands' Nick Hewer


by Lady Grace Cavendish

Now that Lady Grace is the Queen’s secret “Lady Pursuivant”—a title normally reserved for those who pursue wrongdoers of the Crown—she can hardly believe that a new mystery has fallen in her lap. But what else can it be when Lady Sarah, a fellow lady-in-waiting known for her fancy clothes and hoity-toity attitude, is missing and feared kidnapped by the dashing Captain Drake. Despite her hard feelings, Grace must help rescue Sarah . . . or Sarah’s sullied reputation will ruin her life. But was Sarah really kidnapped? It’s up to Lady Pursuivant to find out!

Betrayal (Exposed Series #3)

by Naomi Chase

Some people know better and do worse. . . Since she was acquitted of murder, Tamia Luke has been on a mission to prove she's a changed woman--especially to the love of her life, Brandon Chambers. She thinks she's succeeded--until Brandon reveals that his ex-girlfriend is pregnant, and it's his duty to marry her. With time running out, Tamia is determined to have one last rendezvous to win him back. But she's stunned when the man who blackmailed and betrayed her suddenly reappears on the scene--with an offer she can't refuse, though she knows she may regret it. And when Tamia finds her life on the line once more, will she die harboring another secret--or live to commit another betrayal'. . .


by Naomi Chase

Some people know better and do worse. . . Since she was acquitted of murder, Tamia Luke has been on a mission to prove she's a changed woman--especially to the love of her life, Brandon Chambers. She thinks she's succeeded--until Brandon reveals that his ex-girlfriend is pregnant, and it's his duty to marry her. With time running out, Tamia is determined to have one last rendezvous to win him back. But she's stunned when the man who blackmailed and betrayed her suddenly reappears on the scene--with an offer she can't refuse, though she knows she may regret it. And when Tamia finds her life on the line once more, will she die harboring another secret--or live to commit another betrayal'. . .


by Naomi Chase

Some people know better and do worse...Since she was acquitted of murder, Tamia Luke has been on a mission to prove she's a changed woman--especially to the love of her life, Brandon Chambers. She thinks she's succeeded--until Brandon reveals that his ex-girlfriend is pregnant, and it's his duty to marry her. With time running out, Tamia is determined to have one last rendezvous to win him back. But she's stunned when the man who blackmailed and betrayed her suddenly reappears on the scene--with an offer she can't refuse, though she knows she may regret it. And when Tamia finds her life on the line once more, will she die harboring another secret--or live to commit another betrayal?...


by Linda Chavez Daniel Gray

“Simply put, the leftist labor unions have the Democrats in their pockets. And we’re all paying the price. ” Linda Chavez, President George W. Bush’s original choice for Secretary of Labor and a former union official, is one of the foremost authorities on America’s labor unions. Now, in the explosive new bookBetrayal, she and fellow union expert Daniel Gray expose the corrupt bargain between the labor movement and the Democratic Party. Committed to a far-left political agenda—and to enhancing their own power—union bosses funnel at least half a billion dollars into Democratic coffers every year. And they do it, illegally, by using dues money that workers are forced to pay as a condition of their employment—dues money that each year brings the unions $17 billion, all of it tax-free. What do labor bosses get in return? The power to call the shots in Democratic campaigns and on party policy, extraordinary influence at all levels of government, billions of dollars in taxpayer-funded federal grants, and special legal privileges that leave them free to act as they please, no matter the consequences for the American people. The cycle of corruption is seemingly endless. Chavez and Gray name names, exposing the many politicians who are in Big Labor’s pocket—including the leading lights of the Democratic Party. Betrayal also reveals: • Big Labor’s all-out efforts in the 2004 election, including how just one local union has launched a $35-million campaign to unseat President Bush • How corrupt union officials use members’ hard-earned money to fund lavish lifestyles—and how their Democratic supporters let them get away with it • How unions flout the law by failing to report any of their political spending to the IRS • How a government report uncovered the Democrats’ sellout to Big Labor—but how the unions and the Democrats sued to keep the report from going public • How the U. S. government lets unions practice legalized terrorism against American citizens • How public-employee unions extort concessions from the government and put Americans at risk by refusing to provide vital services like policing and firefighting • How Americans now live under a system of legal apartheid—one set of rules for labor bosses, another for the rest of us All of us foot the bill for this corrupt system. Now it’s up to us to do something about it.

Betrayal: A gripping suspense thriller testing family loyalty

by Martina Cole

Keep everything in the family. Even betrayal... BETRAYAL by the 'undisputed queen of crime writing' (Guardian) and Sunday Times No.1 bestseller Martina Cole is a gripping novel about the bonds that make - or break - a family. Aiden O'Hara has been head of the family since he was a kid, and he's going to keep it that way.Jade Dixon watches his back. Mother of his son, she's the one who makes him invincible.But Jade's been in the game a lot longer than Aiden. She knows no one's indestructible.And when you're at the top, that's when you've got to watch the hardest.Especially the ones closest to you . . .For more stories centred on family life, check out FACES, THE FAMILY and THE FAITHLESS. Martina Cole explores loyalty, protection, and how the ties that bind us can also sometimes choke the very thing we want to protect...

Betrayal: A gripping suspense thriller testing family loyalty

by Martina Cole

Keep everything in the family. Even betrayal... BETRAYAL by the 'undisputed queen of crime writing' (Guardian) and Sunday Times No.1 bestseller Martina Cole is a gripping novel about the bonds that make - or break - a family.Aiden O'Hara has been head of the family since he was a kid, and he's going to keep it that way.Jade Dixon watches his back. Mother of his son, she's the one who makes him invincible.But Jade's been in the game a lot longer than Aiden. She knows no one's indestructible.And when you're at the top, that's when you've got to watch the hardest.Especially the ones closest to you . . .For more stories centred on family life, check out FACES, THE FAMILY and THE FAITHLESS. Martina Cole explores loyalty, protection, and how the ties that bind us can also sometimes choke the very thing we want to protect...

Betrayal: A gripping suspense thriller testing family loyalty

by Martina Cole

Betrayal is the twenty-third novel from Sunday Times No.1 bestseller, Martina Cole, author of DANGEROUS LADY, THE TAKE, GET EVEN and many more. The 'undisputed queen of crime writing' (Guardian) and the biggest selling female crime writer in the UK, Martina's unique, powerful storytelling will appeal to fans of Karin Slaughter and Patricia Cornwell.Survival. It's all down to who you trust.Aiden O'Hara has been head of the family since he was a kid, and he's going to keep it that way.Jade Dixon is the one who watches his back. Mother of his son. The one who makes him invincible.But Jade's been in the game a lot longer than Aiden. She knows no one's indestructible.And when you're at the top, that's when you've got to watch the hardest.Especially the ones closest to you . . .(P)2016 Headline Digital


by Georgina Devon

Lady Pippa LeClaire was desperate to find Philip, her twin, even posing as a boy to search the battlefield at Waterloo for the wounded. As a healer, she couldn't ignore the devastation, and did her best to help, saving the leg of Deverell St. Simon. Given the task of nursing Dev, Pippa couldn't reveal her true self to him, especially when he was told by the Iron Duke to find Philip, believed by them all to be a traitor. She had to clear her twin's name, even if it meant losing Dev, the man she'd grown to love. . . .


by Adriaan Van Dis

Mulder, a Dutchman, returns at last to South Africa, his memories scattered by forty years and two strokes.Once he fought to free the country from apartheid; now he finds its people asking whether years of democracy have left them any better off. The village where his friend Donald--a comrade from his Fraternity days--lives is as segregated as ever: fishermen struggle to eke out a living and kids wreck their brains with crystal meth.Tensions are high: Donald wages a campaign against the local mayor; every day the whites add inches to their perimeter fences. So when Mulder and Donald attempt to help a young tik-head get clean against his will, their muddled good intentions can only be misunderstood.

Betrayal: Number 3 in series (Scarlet Deception #3)

by Christina Dodd

The three dynamic Di Luca brothers are tormented by their memories of the past. Brooding and sexy, Rafe Di Luca has returned to his family's luxurious vineyard resort for one reason: to find out who attacked his beloved grandmother. He discovers that a long-ago quarrel has ignited once more, forcing him to work with Brooke Petersson. Years ago, he and Brooke shared a powerful passion before he walked out of her life.As the danger escalates, and their passion threatens to rage out of control, Brooke fights her treacherous longing for a man who will never truly share his life with any woman. Remembering the anguish of the love they shared, she vows that Rafe may possess her body, but never again will he reach her fiercely guarded heart. The peril they face will either bring them together, or destroy them both . . . unless they uncover the secret that will change everything.Discover Piatkus Entice: temptation at your fingertips -


by Christina Dodd

Noah Di Luca and Penelope Alonso shared one passionate summer together. And then, when the secrets of his past threatened, Noah walked away from her without a word. Years later, Penelope must return to Bella Terra, never expecting that she will encounter Noah...or that one glance will reawaken their fiery passion. And as danger stalks the streets, she has no choice. To survive, she must once again trust the man who betrayed her.

The Betrayal: A Novel (Pinter Plays Ser.)

by Helen Dunmore

A “magnificent, brave, tender” novel of post-WWII Russia from the author of The Siege—shortlisted for the Orwell Prize and Commonwealth Writers’ Prize(The Independent on Sunday). Leningrad 1952. Andrei, a young doctor, and Anna, a nursery school teacher, have forged a life together in the postwar, post-siege wreckage. But they know their happiness is precarious, like that of millions of Russians who must avoid the claws of Stalin’s merciless Ministry of State Security. When Andrei is forced to treat the sick child of a senior secret police officer, his every move is scrutinized, making it painfully clear that his own fate—and that of his family—is bound to the child’s. Trapped in an impossible game of life and death, Andrei and Anna must avoid the whispers and watchful eyes of those who will say and do anything to save themselves . . . With The Betrayal, internationally acclaimed author Helen Dunmore “vividly depicts the difficulty of living by principle in a tyrannical society, in which paranoia infects every act, and even ordinary citizens become instruments of terror” (The New Yorker). “An emotionally charged thriller, The Betrayal unfolds breathlessly and with great skill. . . . You don’t want to put it down. . . . Elegant yet devastating.” —The Seattle Times “With precise period detail and astute psychological insight, Dunmore brings the last months of Stalin’s reign to life and reminds us why some eras shouldn’t be forgotten.” —Publishers Weekly

Betrayal (Demon Hunters #3)

by A. S. Fenichel

In service to His Majesty, one must be prepared for Hell. To survive as a scullery maid requires hard work, discipline, and a stiff upper lip. To survive as a Demon Hunter is something else entirely. Elizabeth Smythe learned this after she was captured by Demons and rescued by Hunters. Now a Hunter herself, Elizabeth's first task in this new and strange world is to aid the recently wounded Lord Reece Foxjohn, and get him back into Demon-slaying shape. . . Reece Foxjohn is used to defying convention. He enraged his family by becoming a Demon Hunter, and prefers eviscerating the spawn of Satan to mixing with the ton. He is a man who doesn't hesitate when he knows what he wants, and what he wants is Miss Elizabeth Smythe. To watch her behead the progeny of Evil is to behold a thing of beauty--one he must claim for his at all costs. . .

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