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The Full House and the Empty House

by Lk James

*Audio Enhanced Read-Along EbookThe Full House and the Empty House are very good friends— when they dance they admire in each other the qualities they lack within themselves. Even though the houses are different on the inside, it doesn't reflect how they feel on the outside. The bathroom of the full house was full of many bathroom-y things. There was a big bathtub with gold clawed feet, a sink shaped like a seashell, a hairbrush and comb made of bone,and cakes of lilac soap. In the bathroom of the empty house was just a toilet and a sink. In the evening when the two houses grew tired of dancing, they would rest on the hillside and look out at the world together.

Seb and the Sun

by Jami Gigot

*Audio Enhanced Read-Along EbookNominee, Ezra Jack Keats Award Seb is determined to find some light for his sleepy coastal town. It is so far north, the sun does not shine in winter and the days are cold, dreary, and dark as night. So Seb embarks on a mission to find the sun. Along with his friend Walrus, he makes a plan, collects supplies, and rows far out to sea. Will Seb be able to find the sun and bring its light and warmth back to his town?

Salad Pie

by Wendy BooydeGraaff

*Audio Enhanced Read-Along EbookThere is nothing sweeter than arriving at the playground, seeing it empty, and knowing you have it all to yourself— the silent comfort of playing alone. Maggie is overjoyed to have that solitude to make her Salad Pie. But then Herbert saunters over and wants to play too. He just wants to help even though Maggie makes it clear she won't let him. Then her imaginary pie takes a spill, and she realizes Herbert's intentions are not so bad after all.

Rabbit, Hare, and Bunny

by Robert Broder

*Audio Enhanced Read-Along EbookRabbit, Hare, and Bunny are roommates. But sometimes roommates don' t get along.Rabbit and Hare finally have enough of Bunny' s eccentric behavior and ask him to move out. But they soon realize a good roommate is hard to find. And when Bunny moves back in with his parents, Bunny realizes being more aware of how his actions affect others might not be the worst thing he could do.

Paul and His Ukulele

by Robert Broder

*Audio Enhanced Read-Along EbookNot all who wander are lost, sometimes they' re just searching for a new song.Paul was given a present. “ A guitar?” said Paul. “ It' s a ukulele.” said his parents.Paul loved his ukulele and spent all his time crafting his own song. As he got older, Paul knew it was time to head out in search of something new.When his travels took him to one small town, the unexpected happened. But from unexpected circumstances can come new friendships and new experiences. And maybe that new song he' s been looking for.

Monday Is Wash Day

by MaryAnn Sundby

*Audio Enhanced Read-Along EbookIn this timeless story from a time not so long ago, Annie and her sister help Mama with washing the clothes on Monday morning. From gathering and sorting the clothes, to washing and hanging them outside to dry, to folding and putting them away, the family works together to get the job done. “ First we work and then we play.” Mama smiles but walks with purpose to the porch.Tessa Blackham' s warm, hand-painted cut-paper collages bring the reader to a time in the Midwest when doing the laundry was an all-day family chore.

Lizbeth Lou Got a Rock in Her Shoe

by Troy Howell

*Audio Enhanced Read-Along Ebook“ This just will not do!” says Lizzy, flinging a rock from her shoe. A simple matter— getting a rock in your shoe— but what is small to one may be large and looming to another. After encountering a number of characters and situations, the rock continues its tumbling excursion of what goes around comes around . . .The illustrations by Kathryn Carr are hand-cut paper silhouettes. Designs are cut from white paper and arranged in a diorama. The stage is illuminated from behind and below and the scene is photographed. The result captures the warmth and depth of the art and invites the viewer to explore this creative story.

Iver and Ellsworth

by Casey W. Robinson

*Audio Enhanced Read-Along EbookFrom a factory rooftop, Iver and his good friend Ellsworth (a rooftop bear) are content to watch the busy world below. “ Everyone' s going somewhere,” Iver says. “ We can see the whole world from up here. That' s enough somewhere for me.” But after Iver retires, the friends must venture out in search of a new somewhere. Of course, the very best views are those you share with an old pal.

Grandmother Thorn

by Katey Howes

*Audio Enhanced Read-Along EbookNominee for 2017 Cybils Award, Best Fiction Picture Book, Children's and Young AdultGrandmother Thorn treasures her garden, where not a leaf, twig or pebble is allowed out of place. But when a persistent plant sprouts without her permission, Grandmother begins to unravel. "Her hair became as tangled as the vines on her fence. Her garden fell into disrepair. One morning, she did not rake the path." A dear friend, the passage of seasons, and a gift only nature can offer help Grandmother Thorn discover that some things are beyond our control, and that sweetness can blossom in unexpected places.

Cat Eyes

by Laura G. Lee

*Audio Enhanced Read-Along EbookIn a world filled with many wonderful things, Miki only sees cats. Until one seemingly unspectacular day, something special arrives. Miki's imagination leads her to seeing cats where ever she goes all the while believing that her parents don't notice her obsession. Readers will enjoy following Miki as she goes throughout her day finding cats in the park, in the classroom, and even at the dinner table.

A Girl Named October

by Zakieh A. Mohammed

*Audio Enhanced Read-Along EbookCan empathy be taught? The importance of empathy and its impact are explored in A Girl Named October. The title character, October, is ever present as the narrator navigates a life without realizing how even the smallest memories, interactions, and expressions can impact a very large, and often imposing, world. Touching the world is no longer an abstract idea, but a concrete action that reveals how everything we do affects everyone around us. Lighthearted in its approach, but powerful in its message, this book tells a story that will spur conversations with children and adults alike.

Pointe of Pride

by Chloe Angyal

Carly Montgomery has only one goal as she arrives in Sydney, Australia: Be the world's best maid of honor. And then, when she gets back to New York City, she's going to figure out how to get promoted so she doesn't spend the rest of her ballet career in the corps de ballet playing Peasant Maiden #4. But the second she steps off the plane, she runs into trouble—and into Nick Jacobs, the most uptight, judgmental, inconveniently attractive man she's ever met. And to their mutual horror, Nick is also in Sydney for a wedding. The same wedding. In which he is the best man. Carly will do anything for her best friend, including running all over Sydney with Nick—Nick who has his life together, Nick who's made the transition out of ballet into photography so perfectly, Nick who has the most irritatingly sharp cheekbones and stormy blue eyes. And when the director of New York Ballet announces that she'll be making her decision about promotions ahead of schedule, Carly chooses to stay in Sydney, even if it means shelving her pride to ask Nick for help.Nick Jacobs is coming back to Sydney with a secret. His life in Paris, where he recently retired from ballet, has fallen apart. With no girlfriend and no new career to speak of, Nick can't bear to tell his friends at home the humiliating truth. And after fifteen years dancing overseas, what does home even mean anymore? Nick doesn't want to team up with Carly Montgomery, a human hurricane who creates chaos every time she walks in the room, but sparring with her makes him feel the most alive he's felt in months. When she asks him for help securing her promotion, he sees an opportunity to kickstart his own flagging career. Looking at Carly through his lens all day starts to change how Nick sees her, and soon, he can't stop staring. Carly's a human hand grenade, but suddenly Nick wouldn't mind pulling the pin.When she finds out the truth about him, though, the explosion might destroy them both.

Crash Course: A Self-Healing Guide to Auto Accident Trauma and Recovery

by Diane Poole Heller Laurence S. Heller

Trauma following automobile accidents can persist for weeks, months, or longer. Symptoms include nervousness, sleep disorders, loss of appetite, and sexual dysfunction. In Crash Course, Diane Poole Heller and Laurence Heller take readers through a series of case histories and exercises to explain and treat the health problems and trauma brought on by car accidents.

Climate, Psychology, and Change: Reimagining Psychotherapy in an Era of Global Disruption and Climate Anxiety

by Steffi Bednarek

With so many immediate and intensifying crises unfolding around us, how can therapists adapt to promote healing and growth?&“As these intriguing essays make clear, some of the finest minds in the world are thinking through the problems and arriving at powerful answers."—Bill McKibben, author, environmentalist, educator, activist, and founder of Third ActWith essays from Francis Weller, Bayo Akomolafe, Hāweatea Holly Bryson, and moreWestern psychotherapy views our practice as a way to bring clients back to baseline &“normal.&” But our society&’s &“normal&” is profoundly unwell: our ways of being reflect the same unsustainable systems that erode our ecosystems, accelerate global destruction, and ultimately extract our humanity. Moving toward healing and purpose in uncertain times means evolving the way we do therapy and the way we think about mental health.Editor and climate psychologist Steffi Bednarek invites us to co-create a field that navigates unknown futures with skill and grace—one that helps clients build resilience and holds space for the uncertainties unfolding before us. She and 32 contributors explore ideas like:Decolonizing therapyUsing therapeutic tools to respond to traumaWhat psychologists can offer movements for social change and climate justiceHelping clients recognize and move past unhelpful responses to climate emergencyNurturing creativity in the face of crisisHolistic and intersectional, this collection reckons with the ways power, colonialism, and capitalism impact our myriad crises—while shaping Western psychology as we know it.With essays by clinicians from both the Global South and Global North, Climate, Psychology, and Change is an anthology unlike anything you&’ve read before: a necessary response, an urgent appeal, and a fearless look forward at how we care for our clients, eyes wide open, with compassion and skill in an uncertain world.

Core: A Science-Backed Approach to Exercising and Understanding Our Central Anatomy

by Owen Lewis

A holistic, in-depth guide to understanding 'core' strength for therapists, movement professionals, and serious enthusiasts seeking advanced insights into functional training for mental and physical healthHealth magazines, gym-class instructors, and YouTube fitness experts frequently speak of the importance of a strong &“core,&” the muscles at our body&’s center that provide stability and support our movement. We know that improved core function can reduce symptoms of low back pain and pelvic pain, incontinence, and breathing issues. But while the core may be well-known, it is still poorly understood: there is no universally agreed-upon definition of the core or the muscles it comprises. Core adopts a holistic yet practical approach to demystifying the core, considering this crucial muscle group for its physical importance to bodily movement as well as our emotional and spiritual center. Physical therapist Owen Lewis digs into a wide range of metaphors and frameworks used to understand the core—from the Japanese concept of hara, a central storehouse of energy, to the set of specific muscles referenced in fitness studios everywhere. While physical therapy and core-exercise regimens tend to emphasize strength building and stable posture, Lewis argues for an approach that is also flexible, fluid, and adaptable: the same exercises may not be appropriate for every person, and may need to be changed up over time. In some cases, a &“weak&” core may be the result of muscles that are overworked and stressed, and &“good&” posture may create more pain than it prevents. Lewis clearly explains how the core works to manage and transfer the force of movement through the center of the body, building on principles of biotensegrity (how the tension and compression of different muscles creates a balanced structure which distributes stress and strain). The final chapters of the book provide a range of useful, functional training exercises suitable for lay readers but especially helpful as examples for therapists and trainers to use with clients.Lewis emphasizes functional training and underlying principles over a static list of exercises, providing the groundwork for tailored, individual training to improve core function. Supplemented throughout with color photos and a diverse range of models, Core makes it easy to understand the anatomy of this crucial region of the body, as well as key principles for more effective and safe exercises and training regimens.

Conscious Moving: An Embodied Guide for Healing, Learning, Contemplating, and Creating

by Christine Caldwell

Conscious Moving extends from one transformative belief: we feel more human, more empowered, and more ourselves when we live from that place within us—and all around us—that simply moves. And when we examine and trust in the emerging and evolving movement of our minds and bodies, we can better harness the tools needed to expand our creativity, wellbeing, and learning.Body-based psychotherapist, movement specialist, and renowned author-educator Christine Caldwell (Oppression and the Body) offers a radically ambitious mode of somatic awareness and inquiry—and shows how designing our own conscious movement practices can improve not only our own lives, but our relationships, communities, and culture.This anthology explores how movement practices can help us be more present; more grounded and intentional in responding to and working with experiences in the moment; and claim our own bodily autonomy. Caldwell and contributors explore these key benefits and applications in four critical areas:CreativityContemplationHealingLearningRooted in both ancient and modern scientific ways of knowing, Conscious Moving imparts fundamental principles and tools applicable to a broad spectrum of fields and professions. Topics explored in partnership with conscious movement practice include: Trauma and Oppression, Isolation and Loneliness, Addiction, Group Therapy, Sexuality, Creative Arts, and Grief.Encouraging each reader to pay attention to—and honor—their own embodied intuition, Conscious Moving is a non-prescriptive guide to accessing body-based wisdom for personal growth, community impact, and widespread social change.

Surviving Modern Yoga: Cult Dynamics, Charismatic Leaders, and What Survivors Can Teach Us

by Matthew Remski

Grounded in investigative research and real survivor stories, Surviving Modern Yoga uncovers the physical and sexual abuse perpetrated by Ashtanga yoga leader Pattabhi Jois—and reckons with the culture, structures, and mythos that enabled it.The revised edition of Practice and All is Coming from Conspirituality co-host Matthew RemskiYoga culture sells well-meaning westerners the full package: physical health, good vibes, and spiritual growth. Here, investigative journalist Matthew Remski explores how cultic dynamics, institutional self-interest, and spiritualized indifference collude to obscure the truth: Harm happens in plain sight.Through in-depth interviews, insider analysis, and Remski&’s own history with high-demand groups, Surviving Modern Yoga brings to light how we&’re each susceptible to cult abuse and exploitation. He shows how, with the right kind of situational vulnerability and the wrong kind of guru, the ideas we hold close about ourselves—like It wouldn&’t happen to me or I&’d speak up for victims—fail to protect us.Remski reckons with his own complicity in spiritual power dynamics, and shares how a process of disillusionment allowed him to recognize harm. He does the same for readers, peeling back the veneer of yoga marketing to reveal the abuse, assault, and silencing perpetrated against seekers who trusted Jois as a mentor, their guruji—even a father figure. Each survivor speaks in their own words, on their own terms, reclaiming agency against an insular, in-group culture that enabled a charismatic leader&’s devastating harm—and positioned him as its only remedy.Surviving Modern Yoga also includes practical tools to help readers:Understand how high-demand groups trap would-be targetsEvaluate their own situational vulnerabilitiesLearn to listen for loaded, red-flag languageCultivate their literacy of cult tactics

Best of Reader's Digest, Volume 5: Heartwarming Stories, Dramatic Tales, Hilarious Cartoons, and Timeless Photographs (Best of Reader's Digest #5)

by Reader'S Digest

Grab a hot cup of coffee, settle in and enjoy dozens of hilarious, inspirational and intriguing stories from the pages of Reader&’s Digest.Featuring the magazine&’s best-of-the-best articles, interviews, cartoons, book excerpts and photography, this cherished collection is one that&’ll be passed down for generations. Open Best of Reader&’s Digest Vol. 5 and you&’ll discover a timeless celebration of American culture. From real-life tales of adventure and survival to delightful narratives of love and kindness, this all-new edition is sure to warm hearts, incite lively discussions and bring smiles. SELLING POINTS: • Most popular content: Editors combed through the archives to find the articles, photos, quotes, jokes and cartoons readers loved and remembered most. • Celebrity contributors: In this collection, you&’ll find pieces by notable writers and comedians; along with quotes from famous personalities and much more. • Timeless favorites: From everyday heroes to larger-than-life characters and from intimate moments to historic events, the stories in this book resonate with everyone

Taste of Home Pizza, Pasta, and More: 200+ Recipes Deliver the Comfort, Versatility and Rich Flavors of Italian-Style Delights (Taste of Home Quick & Easy)

by Taste Of Home

Pizza and pasta are all-time favorites…and for good reason! With simple ingredients readily available in most kitchens, crafting a crowd-pleasing Italian-style classic is a cinch!Pizza and pasta are all-time favorites…and for good reason! With simple ingredients readily available in most kitchens, crafting a crowd-pleasing Italian-style classic is a cinch! Whether you need an ultra-fast weeknight entree or a complete from-scratch menu, the possibilities are endless. With Taste of Home&’s all-new cookbook, Pizza, Pasta & More, you&’ll have everything you need to serve up a mouthwatering variety of recipes. You&’ll even learn how to make your own sauces and pizza dough so you can create your own specialties. Best of all, this must-have cookbook offers Italian appetizers, salads, soups, breads and tempting desserts, including popular antipasti and decadent tiramisu. SELLING POINTS: 200+ recipes including an incredible variety of pizzas and pasta dishes, plus recipes to complete the meal—appetizers and salads, soups, breads and Italian-style desserts. Handy Fast-Fix Icon helps you find dishes that are ready in under 30 minutes…perfect for those nights when time is at a premium. Color photos with every recipe, including step-by-step photos to guide you through the process of making pasta dough, different homemade pizza crusts (including gluten-free!) and more. Bonus added extras help you pair sauces with pastas, determine serving sizes, plan a perfect pizza party and more. Reader reviews and tips from the Taste of Home Test Kitchen staff Nutrition facts with every recipe and diabetic exchanges where applicable CHAPTERS Antipasto Salads Soups & Breads Pizza Pies & Flatbreads Pizza with a Twist Lotsa Pasta Baked Pasta Side Dishes Sauces & More Italian-Style Sweets Dessert Pizzas

Taste of Home Classic Family Favorites: DISH OUT 277 OF THE COUNTRY'S BEST-LOVED RECIPES (Taste of Home Classics)

by Taste Of Home

These are the standby dishes families enjoy generation after generation, and now they&’re sharing those tried-and-true favorites in this mouthwatering collection.These are the standby dishes families enjoy generation after generation, and now they&’re sharing those tried-and-true favorites in this mouthwatering collection. Turn here to discover the dinners, desserts, soups and sandwiches folks just can&’t get enough of. You&’ll also find the snacks, breakfasts and side dishes that keep everyone asking for more. It&’s never been easier to answer the &“what&’s for dinner&” question than it is with Taste of Home&’s all-new cookbook Classic Family Favorites. 250+ recipes today&’s family cooks are asked to prepare and share most—from weeknight entrees and simple snacks to potluck stars and holiday hits Contest-Winning Icon spotlights blue-ribbon foods throughout the book 3 At-a- Glance Icons help you find slow-cooked and air-fried recipes as well as recipes prepared in the Instant Pot Reader reviews and tips from the Taste of Home Test Kitchen staff Nutrition facts with every recipe and diabetic exchanges where applicable

Family Handyman Whole House Budget Friendly DIY: Save money, save time, slash household bills. It's easy with help from the pros. (Family Handyman Whole House)

by Family Handyman

Packed with the expert, step-by-step guidance from the page of &“Family Handyman&” magazine, Whole House Budget-Friendly DIY will help you save big when it comes to your home.With Family Handyman Whole House Budget-friendly DIY, you&’ll find transformative projects that make every room in your house look like a million bucks. Follow the step-by-step instructions and detailed diagrams as you affordably transform your kitchen counters, build timeless furniture pieces, add elegant trim to walls, update outdoor living spaces and so much more. You&’ll also learn how to make cost-effective repairs to your air conditioner, sprinkler system, toilets and car to avoid pricey service calls. Plus, don&’t miss the bonus chapter that features tips from industry experts on how to slash household bills, including water, electricity and even insurance. Think big and spend small with Whole House Budget-Friendly DIY.

Taste of Home Ultimate 5 Ingredient Cookbook: Save time, save money, and save stress—your best home-cooked meal is only 5 ingredients away! (TOH 5 Ingredient)

by Taste Of Home

You don&’t need a lengthy list of ingredients to create a delicious homemade meal. Instead, put money back in your wallet and time back in your schedule with Taste of Home Ultimate 5 Ingredient Cookbook!This must-have collection brings you family-favorite recipes that are easy to make and guaranteed to please. The dishes all come together with a handful of ingredients so you can spend less time at the market, less money on your grocery bill and less time in the kitchen. Satisfying main dishes, soups and sandwiches, snacks and appetizers, side dishes, salads, soups, desserts… they&’re all here, and all made with a few items. Plus, a bonus chapter on grilling guarantees that you&’ll always have the perfect menu on hand for backyard cookouts, block parties, family reunions and other warm-weather get-togethers.

Taste of Home Mediterranean Favorites: Savor the Good Life with Hundreds of Popular Dishes (Taste of Home Mediterranean)

by Taste Of Home

Take your taste buds on a mouthwatering trip with Greek, Tuscan, Moroccan and other vibrant flavors inspired by the sun-kissed coastal region of the Mediterranean Sea. This follow-up to Taste of Home&’s top-selling Mediterranean cookbook offers even more tantalizing recipes that are light, fresh and loaded with flavor.Take your taste buds on a mouthwatering trip with Greek, Tuscan, Moroccan and other vibrant flavors inspired by the sun-kissed coastal region of the Mediterranean Sea. This follow-up to Taste of Home&’s top-selling Mediterranean cookbook offers even more tantalizing recipes that are light, fresh and loaded with flavor. Easy-to-find ingredients, familiar cooking methods and step-by-step instructions makes quick work of getting a delicious meal on the table in no time flat. It&’s a snap with this sensational collection of tried-and-true favorites. That&’s right! These 320 recipes are shared by today&’s family cooks who have happily adopted this light and lively Mediterranean cuisine in their own homes.

Taste of Home Bakeshop Classics: 247 Vintage Delights, Coffeehouse Bites & After-Dinner Highlights

by Taste Of Home

Life is sweet. Celebrate it! Taste of Home Bakeshop Classics makes it easy. Discover the best recipes and the step-by-step techniques every home cook needs to treat the coffee klatsch, fill the cookie jar, bake up golden breads and master holiday-worthy pies … all with recipes approved by the pros at the Taste of Home Test Kitchen.Discover the best recipes and the step-by-step techniques every home cook needs to treat the coffee klatsch, fill the cookie jar, bake up golden breads and master holiday-worthy pies … all with recipes approved by the pros at the Taste of Home Test Kitchen. Whip up sumptuous layer cakes, insanely decadent brownies, bakery-level Danish and cute cake pops almost too special to eat. They&’re all at your fingertips with Bakeshop Classics.

Taste of Home Easy Everyday Cooking: 330 Recipes for Fuss-Free, Ultra Easy, Crowd-Pleasing Favorites

by Taste Of Home

With today&’s hectic schedules, spending time with family is all the more precious. Now, you can treat your loved ones to satisfying, delicious home cooking without devoting hours to preparation. Easy Everyday Cooking, the new cookbook from Taste of Home, lets you spend your time where it&’s most valuable—sharing a meal, not making it!This must-have volume contains 330 recipes that deliver fabulous flavor with time-saving convenience…everything the modern home cook could ask for. Marvelous main courses, satisfying sides, heartwarming soups and tempting desserts are just the start. There are also special chapters tailored to the way today&’s cooks create their family&’s meals—five-ingredient recipes, one-dish wonders and make-ahead options. Shared by talented home cooks and approved by the experts in the Taste of Home Test Kitchen, these recipes prove that the best meals don&’t rely on time-consuming methods or complex steps—they&’re made with quality ingredients and prepared with care and confidence.

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