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Showing 201 through 225 of 100,000 results

Alloys Based on TiNi in Pre-transition Low-Stability States: Structure and Properties (Advanced Structured Materials #216)

by Alexander I. Potekaev Anatoly A. Klopotov Valentina V. Kulagina Yulia V. Solov'eva Sergey G. Anikeev

This book presents the results of research on the regularities during thermocyclic impact on changes in structural-phase states of functional alloys with low-stability or instability in the area of structural-phase transformations. Without clarification of the physical regularities of the influence of thermomechanical impact on the properties of alloys, it is impossible to develop technological processes of processing functional materials; therefore, the book widely uses the results of many years of research by the authors of the book. It is known that critical temperatures and stresses for martensitic transformation, for example, B 2↔︎ B 19′, in NiTi are very sensitive to cycling. The study of structural-phase states, corresponding to changes in physical-mechanical properties of intermetallics in the area of transformations, is a necessary aspect of understanding the nature of the influence of thermomechanical cycling on the properties of functional alloys. This book is dedicated to the fundamental physical aspects of stability, the influence of structural defects on properties and structural-phase transformations of FCC alloys. This book is useful for a wide range of specialists—scientific researchers and engineers, working in the field of materials science and physics of condensed systems, as well as teachers, postgraduates and students, specializing in the field of materials science.

Inclusive Education Developments in Africa (Ius Gentium: Comparative Perspectives on Law and Justice #117)

by Ngozi Chuma Umeh

This book contributes to the discourse on disability in Africa as an issue of systemic exclusion characterized by the discrimination and often complete segregation of persons with disabilities (PWDs) in various African countries. Despite the inclusive promise of the Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (CRPD) as well as the Protocol to the African Charter on Human and Peoples’ Rights on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities in Africa, the situation has not actually improved for PWDs in Africa. Given the powerful evidence of the devaluation of PWDs in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic, it is high time to reflect on the experiences of persons with disabilities in education, along with other forms of discrimination they encounter. The book’s respective chapters assess how well the existing legal frameworks, policies and practices in most African countries have met the needs for inclusion of children and adults with disabilities. The social and economic rights of persons with disabilities are protected in the constitutions of most countries and enshrined in the normative frameworks that most African leaders have adopted and ratified. These commitments need to be borne in mind when thinking about the present and the future. Inclusive development is an investment and must be viewed as part of a package of reforms that are connected to substantive social protection and improvements in realizing other socio-economic goods. Indeed, a range of alliances are needed to advance the goals of ‘leaving no one behind’, ensuring ‘education for all’, and delivering on the African Union’s call for the development of policies, programmes and requisite budgets for the realization of inclusive education for persons with disabilities.

Artificial Intelligence in Sports, Movement, and Health

by Carlo Dindorf Eva Bartaguiz Freya Gassmann Michael Fröhlich

This comprehensive work explores Artificial Intelligence´s profound impact on revolutionizing how we approach sports, movement, and health. It presents a rich collection of insights, practical applications, and perspectives poised to transform these domains. Therefore, leading experts in the fields were brought together, offering diverse perspectives and applications across various disciplines. Through the examination of real-world use cases and future possibilities, this book empowers readers with knowledge, enhancing the understanding of the transformative potential of AI in sports, movement, and health.

Würde in der Arbeitswelt: Über Scham und menschenwürdiges Arbeiten in Organisationen

by Christiane Lüschen-Heimer

Dieses Buch zeigt Wege zur Entwicklung einer würdevollen Organisation auf. Diese können sowohl der Organisation, als auch den in ihr arbeitenden Menschen förderlich sein. Dabei verdeutlicht die Autorin schädigende Mechanismen wie eine Tabuisierung der Emotion Scham/ Beschämung anderer auf und erklärt, welche negative Folgen eine Kultur der Beschämung haben kann, wie z.B. hohe Fluktuation, innere und äußere Kündigung, hoher Krankenstand, mangelnde Motivation, etc. Da eine Schamkultur unabhängig von den Menschen existiert, bleibt häufig die schlechte Ausgangslage, auch wenn die vermeintlich Schuldigen die Organisation verlassen. Die Autorin zeigt auf, welche bewussten Veränderung nötig sind, um einer schädigenden Schamkultur zu entkommen und gewinnbringende Menschenwürde etablieren. Sie legt dar, wie das Hinschauen und Benennen von Beschämungen uns als Wächterin der Menschenwürde helfen kann. Auch verdeutlicht sie, dass ein Weg zu einer würdevollen Organisation über ein klares Bekenntnis zur Würde führt. Zielgruppen: Management, Führungs- und Leitungskräfte von Organisationen; Vorstände; Organisationsentwickler*innen; Unternehmensberater*innen; Wirtschaftspsycholog*innen in Theorie und Praxis; Coaches

Quest for Eye Color Modification

by Kambiz Thomas Moazed

This book examines the existing modalities of changing the color of the eye with their limitations. There has been no possible way to change the color of the eye with the “natural looking” result as of today. There have been many years of research and trials due to the immense public desire to be able to change the color of their eyes without success. From topical eye drops and colored contact lenses, to the more aggressive treatments such as laser ablation, corneal tattooing, or even iris implants, all have been tried and failed to achieve a “natural looking” result. This book explains the reason for the failure of each of these approaches without bias and discusses the advantages and disadvantages of each of these modalities. The book will cover the need for new approaches and new equipment and instruments that are necessary to achieve the goal of being able to modify the color of the eye to “look natural”. Chapters will also explore the scientific theoretical possibilities of achieving the task of eye color modification, in hope that future researchers have a blueprint for their studies and experiments to overcome this very difficult task

Clean Energy Transition-via-Biomass Resource Utilization: A Way to Mitigate Climate Change (Green Energy and Technology)

by Sachin Kumar Suresh Sundaramurthy Deepak Kumar Anuj K. Chandel

This book highlights clean energy transition via sustainable utilization of biomass resources, viz. forestry, agriculture, agroforestry, grassland, and seaweeds to climate change mitigation. Bioresources have tremendous potential to mitigate global warming. Also, biomass is expected to play a multifunctional role including food production, source of energy and fodder, biodiversity conservation, and yield of goods and services to the society. It brings together perspectives of various communities involved in the research and regulation of bioenergy deployment in the context of climate change mitigation. The book presents the way forward to policy makers and stakeholders involved with bioenergy development. This development may be directive challenges in the transport sector where options such as hydrogen and electric vehicles relying on hydro, wind, and solar PV will require decades to become established on a substantial scale. Furthermore, meeting ambitious climate change targets will also require environment-friendly fuels in air and marine transport where no alternative to biofuels is currently available. The process design-via-onion model for sustainable utilization of biomass resources is also one of the most important subjects of the book. This book includes state-of-the-art approaches on bottlenecks and circular economy analysis for biomass energy use to reduce climate change and sustainability frameworks to guide bioenergy development.

The Structure of Systemic Corruption: How Corruption Consolidates in Local Governments (Contributions to Public Administration and Public Policy)

by Oliver Meza Elizabeth Pérez-Chiqués

This book presents a series of interconnected studies designed to understand systemic corruption in local governments. Coined as the Corruption Consolidation Framework (CCF), this novel approach elucidates how corruption becomes the rule in formal institutional settings and further consolidates. The CCF analyzes the problem along four dimensions, offering a unique contribution to make sense of a complex problem without oversimplifying the subject. Chapters in the book explore the CCF in case studies conducted across Latin American municipalities in Mexico, Brazil, Chile, and Puerto Rico, however, authors believe the CCF is applicable around the world both in the Global South and in Western countries. The volume is a promising tool for the academic community in the public administration, policy studies, and local government fields. It can also be used in undergraduate and graduate courses on corruption, governance, local governments, and Latin American studies. Finally, it offers a general roadmap to citizens and policymakers about what can be done in cases where corruption has become the rule of the game in local governments. Since the famous book of Klitgaard Corrupt Cities, the world has been waiting for a follow-up on municipal corruption. This collection of LA studies crosses the borders of the continent and makes indispensable reading for students of corruption and local government everywhere -- Alina Mungiu-Pippidi, Professor at LUISS Guido Carli. Author of "The Quest for Good Governance. How Societies Build Control of Corruption" The book fills this gap and takes the reader on an enlightening journey into the world of systemic corruption in municipalities through a collection of well-written chapters with a concept that unifies these cases in a theoretically grounded yet highly applicable framework. -- David Jancsics, Professor at San Diego State University. Author of "Sociology of Corruption: Patterns of Illegal Association in Hungary" Theoretically rich and empirically rigorous, this volume provides a fresh, grounded perspective on the governments residents most often engage. It is a must-read for scholars and practitioners alike. -- Patricia Strach, Professor at Albany, State University of New York. Author of The Politics of Trash: How Governments Used Corruption to Clean Cities, 1890-1929 The framework of corruption consolidation helps explain appropriately how this phenomenon can become the status quo of governance in institutionally weak public administrations. It is a must-read to analyze and understand corruption in the global South. -- Pablo Sanabria-Pulido at Florida Atlantic University.

Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Advances in Computational Science and Engineering: ICACSE 2023, 16–17 December, Manila, Philippines (Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering #1199)

by Vinesh Thiruchelvam Rayner Alfred Zamhar Iswandono Bin Awang Ismail Haviluddin Haviluddin Aslina Baharum

This book is the proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Advances in Computational Science and Engineering (ICACSE 2023, December 16–17, 2023, Manila, Philippines) and contains the selected peer-reviewed papers which reflect recent achievements in the field of application of the computational methods and algorithms in scientific research and engineering design. The papers presented covered topics such as advances in system integration, high-performance computing, modeling, and simulation, big data analytics, big data visualization, advanced networking and applications, cybersecurity, augmented and virtual reality, artificial intelligence and robotics, soft computing data science, and intelligent knowledge discovery. The book is useful, interesting, and informative for a wide range of scientists, engineers, and students.

Computational Thinking und Problemlösen von Achtklässler*innen: Analyse des Zusammenhangs einschließlich individueller Merkmale und Schulkontext

by Amelie Labusch

Computational Thinking erfährt vor dem Hintergrund des technologischen Fortschrittes und der zunehmenden Automatisierung von Prozessen durch Algorithmen eine steigende Relevanz. Es umfasst ein breites Spektrum an Kompetenzen, die für eine erfolgreiche Teilhabe an der heutigen technisierten Gesellschaft von Bedeutung sind. In dieser Arbeit wird erstmals der Zusammenhang zwischen Kompetenzen im Bereich ‚Computational Thinking‘ und Aspekten des Problemlösens von Achtklässlerinnen und Achtklässlern unter Berücksichtigung individueller Merkmale, wie Geschlecht, soziale Herkunft, Migrationshintergrund und Selbstwirksamkeit im Bereich ,Computational Thinking‘ und des schulischen Kontextes mittels Mehrebenenstrukturgleichungsmodellierung untersucht. Die Datengrundlage bilden Kompetenztests und Fragebögen für Schülerinnen und Schüler sowie Lehrkräfte, wobei sowohl Primär- als auch Sekundäranalysen durchgeführt werden. Die Datenbasis bildet die IEA-Studie ICILS 2018 (International Computer and Information Literacy Study), in der erstmals im Rahmen eines internationalen Zusatzmoduls Ergebnisse zum Kompetenzbereich ‚Computational Thinking‘ von Achtklässlerinnen und Achtklässlern präsentiert wurden.

Digital Technologies and Applications: Proceedings of ICDTA'24, Benguerir, Morocco, Volume 2 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #1099)

by Saad Motahhir Badre Bossoufi

This book presents volume 2 of selected research papers presented at the fourth International Conference on Digital Technologies and Applications (ICDTA’24). Highlighting the latest innovations in digital technologies as: artificial intelligence, Internet of Things, embedded systems, chatbot, network technology, digital transformation and their applications in several areas as Industry 4.0, sustainability, energy transition, and healthcare, the book encourages and inspires researchers, industry professionals, and policymakers to put these methods into practice.

Number Theory with Computations (Springer Undergraduate Mathematics Series)

by Peter Shiu

This introductory text is designed for undergraduate courses in number theory, covering both elementary number theory and analytic number theory. The book emphasises computational aspects, including algorithms and their implementation in Python. The book is divided into two parts. The first part, on elementary number theory, deals with concepts such as induction, divisibility, congruences, primitive roots, cryptography, and continued fractions. The second part is devoted to analytic number theory and includes chapters on Dirichlet’s theorem on primes in arithmetic progressions, the prime number theorem, smooth numbers, and the famous circle method of Hardy and Littlewood. The book contains many topics not often found in introductory textbooks, such as Aubry’s theorem, the Tonelli–Shanks algorithm, factorisation methods, continued fraction representations of e, and the irrationality of 𝜁(3). Each chapter concludes with a summary and notes, as well as numerous exercises. Assuming only basic calculus for the first part of the book, the second part assumes some knowledge of complex analysis. Familiarity with basic coding syntax will be helpful for the computational exercises.

eGovernment in Deutschland - eine unvermutete Erfolgsgeschichte: Vom sich selbst im Weg stehen und wie die digitale Transformation doch noch gelingen kann (Edition Innovative Verwaltung)

by Andreas Schmid

Für dieses Buch ist Professor Andreas Schmid der Frage nachgegangen, warum Deutschland in der Verwaltungsdigitalisierung im internationalen Vergleich so weit zurückhängt. Vermutungen und Gründe gibt es viele und sind grundlegend: sie reichen vom Föderalismus, zur Tendenz zur Überregulierung bis hin zur Absicherungsmentalität innerhalb unseres ´Juristenstaats´. Ebenso bremsen starre Verwaltungsstrukturen und eine überbordende Bürokratie das Vorankommen. Und letztlich muss auch der fehlende Mut des Staatsapparates, den Bürger nicht als Kunden zu betrachten, als Hemmschuh genannt werden. An vielen Stellen steht sich der Staat und die Verwaltung also selbst im Weg. Der Autor arbeitet die Faktoren heraus, die die Entwicklung von eGovernment im Allgemeinen hemmen und den Ausbau der eGovernment-Angebote ganz konkret in Deutschland nur langsam vorankommen lassen. Die Ergebnisse seiner wissenschaftlich-empirischen Untersuchung formuliert er in seinem ernüchternden Fazit gleichwohl motivierend positiv: „Unter den Bedingungen, unter denen wir agieren, ist es erstaunlich, wie weit wir gekommen sind. Was hoffnungsfroh stimmt, ist, dass wir in Deutschland viele Voraussetzungen erfüllen, um eine ‚Digitale-Kehrtwende‘ einzuleiten.“ Der besondere Wert seiner Arbeit besteht darin, die vielfältigen Faktoren, die eine Entwicklung des eGovernments hemmen, herausgefiltert und intensiv beleuchtet zu haben. Die digitale Transformation der Verwaltung ist machbar ebenso wie die Steigerung der Qualität der eGovernment-Angebote sowie deren Nutzung durch die Bürger. Das Buch schließt mit 11 konkreten Empfehlungen, wie Deutschland zukünftig im eGovernment Spitzenplätze erreichen kann. Aus dem Inhalt Die Ausgangslage in Deutschland Die 7 Einfluss-Faktoren für eine gelungene Verwaltungsdigitalisierung 11 konkrete Empfehlungen, wie Deutschland im eGovernment Spitzenplätze erreichen kann

Functionalisation of Heterocycles through Transition Metal Catalyzed C-H Activation (Topics in Heterocyclic Chemistry #60)

by Debabrata Maiti Upendra Sharma

In this book, recent advancements in the heterocycles functionalization by using different transition metals have been described. Heterocycles are the central point mainly in drug discovery and various other fields. The ease with which one can functionalize these scaffolds mainly accounts for the whole process output. In the last three decades, C-H activation has emerged as the sustainable and economic way to functionalize the heterocycles. Numerous catalytic methods have been developed and are being developed by applying mainly transition metals. The books main emphasis has been given to mechanistic aspects and the application of developed methodologies for the functionalization of natural scaffolds. The book is useful for researchers who are working in the area of C-H activation/functionalization in academia and industry.

Sozialunternehmertum, Innovationen und Wirkungsmessung: Praktische Umsetzung gesellschaftlicher Veränderungen zu einer Impact-zentrierten Wirtschaft

by Lilli Leirich

Dieses Buch beschreibt ein neues Paradigma für eine wirkungszentrierte Wirtschaft und zeigt anhand von Sozialunternehmen, dass eine gleichzeitige Ausrichtung an Gemeinwohl, Profit und Innovation möglich ist. Ökologie, Soziales und Ökonomie dürfen nicht länger als separate, gegensätzliche Bereiche behandelt werden. Es ist möglich, positive gesellschaftliche Veränderungen zu bewirken und gleichzeitig wirtschaftlich erfolgreich zu sein. Dabei spielt die Neubewertung des Erfolgsbegriffs eine ausschlaggebende Rolle. Nach einer Einführung in soziale Innovationen und Unternehmen, Impact-Denken und Wirkungsmessung wird im Buch ausführlich dargestellt, wie die Monetarisierung bzw. Inwertsetzung sozialer Bereiche möglich ist und wie die gesellschaftliche Wirkung in die externe Rechnungslegung eines Unternehmens übertragen werden kann. Im Anschluss werden drei Social Start-ups, deren Vision, Kernaktivitäten, Wirkungsempfänger, Finanzierung und Herausforderungen vorgestellt und anhand einer Chain of Impact eine Bewertung, Messung und Integration der Organisationswirkung vorgenommen. Der Inhalt Soziale Innovationen und Sozialunternehmen Impact-Denken und Wirkungsmessung – Relaunch der Finanzbuchhaltung Sozialunternehmen rechnen und schreiben Geschichte

Intelligent 3D Technologies and Augmented Reality: Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on 3D Imaging Technologies—Multidimensional Signal Processing and Deep Learning, Volume 2 (Smart Innovation, Systems and Technologies #401)

by Roumen Kountchev Srikanta Patnaik Yingkai Liu Roumiana Kountcheva

This book presents high-quality research in the field of 3D imaging technology. The fifth edition of International Conference on 3D Imaging Technology (3DDIT-MSP&DL) continues the good traditions already established by the first four editions of the conference to provide a wide scientific forum for researchers, academia, and practitioners to exchange newest ideas and recent achievements in all aspects of image processing and analysis, together with their contemporary applications. The conference proceedings are published in two volumes. The main topics of the papers comprise famous trends such as: 3D image representation, 3D image technology, 3D images and graphics, and computing and 3D information technology. In these proceedings, special attention is paid at the 3D tensor image representation, the 3D content generation technologies, big data analysis, and also deep learning, artificial intelligence, the 3D image analysis and video understanding, the 3D virtual and augmented reality, and many related areas. The first volume contains papers in 3D image processing, transforms, and technologies. The second volume is about computing and information technologies, computer images, and graphics and related applications. The two volumes of the book cover a wide area of the aspects of the contemporary multidimensional imaging and the related future trends from data acquisition to real-world applications based on various techniques and theoretical approaches.

Proceedings of the TEPEN International Workshop on Fault Diagnostic and Prognostic: TEPEN2024-IWFDP - Volume 1 (Mechanisms and Machine Science #170)

by Bingyan Chen Xiaoxia Liang Tian Ran Lin Fulei Chu Andrew D. Ball

This book gathers the latest advances, innovations, and applications in the field of efficiency and performance engineering, as presented by leading international researchers and engineers at the TEPEN International Workshop on Fault Diagnostics and Prognostics (TEPEN-IWFDP), held in Qingdao, China on May 8–11, 2024. Topics include machine and structural health monitoring, non-destructive testing and fault detection, diagnostic and prognostic for both operational and manufacturing processes, maintenance optimization and asset management, smart metamaterials and metastructures, artificial intelligence, and machine learning. The contributions, which were selected through a rigorous international peer-review process, share exciting ideas that will spur novel research directions and foster new multidisciplinary collaborations.

Integration of Legume Crops with Cereal Crops Under Changing Climate: Sustainably Increasing Food Production

by Samiha Ouda Abd El-Hafeez Zohry

The world population is steadily increases with high rate in the past decade from 7,126 billion inhibitors in 2012 to 8,095 billion inhibitors in 2024, with 14% increase. In the meantime, the number of severely food insecure people were 604.5 million in 2014, which increased by 53% in 2020 to reach 927.6 million people. These numbers raise large concerns about the future of food production to feed these continually growing population. Lately, many developing countries rely on importing large quantities of crops, such as wheat, maize, and rice to meet their food and feed needs. The negative impact of climate change and its consequences, namely high temperature causing low crops productivity and water scarcity, which causing great disruptions in food production systems. Therefore, increasing the production of cereal crops worldwide can be achieved through increasing average yield per unit area or expanding the area devoted to cereals into more marginal lands. Moreover, breeding for more resilient cultivars, which can release its potential yield could play an important role in increasing total production under the adverse growth conditions. Inclusion of legume crops, such as soybean, peanut, and cowpea in cereal-based cropping systems is a viable strategy to increase production of cereal crops. It also helps in reducing the use of chemical fertilizer. It has been reported that intercropping legume crops with cereal crops can increase the productivity of both crops. Additionally, an increase in soil nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium has been also reported when legume crops were included in cereal-based cropping system. It has been also reported that inclusion of legume crops increases the soil water-holding capacity and water used efficiency. Thus, inclusion of legume crops in cereal-based cropping systems can increase its productivity, as well as attains the sustainable use of soil and water resources. In this book, we will thoroughly tackle the benefits of the integration of legume crops within cereal-based cropping system, namely wheat, maize and rice (paddy and upland) under the changing climate (current and future). We also reviewed the innovations and interventions that could sustainably intensify the production of cereals to reduce hunger and poverty. We will use both modeling and simulation approaches to assess the impact of climate change using CMIP6 mean projection of two future scenarios, namely SSP1-2.6 and SSP5-8.5 in two time-intervals (2060-2079 and 2080-2099) on the yield and water requirements of wheat, maize and rice (paddy and upland).

The Fatwā in the Digital Age: What Are Muslim Millennials Looking For?

by Wael Farouq

The rise of a significantly large (and young) Muslim population in the West, possessing no historical tradition of being a minority in a non-Muslim environment, has led to a recurring debate about the integration of Muslims into Western societies and the compatibility of Islam with Western values. The proliferation of Islamic sites to which thousands of Western Muslims turn to request a fatwa, i.e. a religious legal opinion on any issue, hints at the urgency felt by these Muslims to find a way out of this conflictual dialectic, since most of their questions concern precisely how to reconcile Islamic principles with some aspect of modern life in the West. The pervasiveness of these internet fatwas is a striking phenomenon worth of study that can help finding answers to the longstanding debate about the integration of Muslims in the West and in modern societies. raising interesting questions: What do Muslims in Western societies ask these virtual muftis and why? Who are they? What are their desires and concerns? In their asking, are these Muslims seeking integration or separation? Do these questions reflect common clichés about Muslims, as conveyed by some Western media narratives or not? Do they reason as individuals or as members of a religious community? This book presents a scientific study aimed at answering these questions through a statistical and discourse analysis of a large corpus of more than ten thousand fatwa questions extracted from the huge fatwa databases available on the internet.

Vegane und vegetarische Ernährung aus medizinischer Sicht: Fundiert beraten bei pflanzenbasierten Ernährungsformen

by Markus Kolm

Pflanzenbasierte Ernährungsformen erfreuen sich immer größerer Beliebtheit. Das bedeutet, dass auch in der ärztlichen Praxis jede zehnte Person zumindest schon einmal mit dem Gedanken von Veganismus gespielt hat oder eine vegetarisch/vegane Lebensweise praktiziert. Dieses Kompendium rund um eine pflanzenbasierte Kost dient als strukturierter Leitfaden zur Beratung von vegan bzw. vegetarisch lebenden Personen im ärztlichen Setting. Es stellt evidenzbasierte Informationen rund um die Vorteile einer pflanzenbasierten Kost bereit. Neben der Auflistung aussagekräftiger Laborparameter zur Abschätzung der Versorgung potentiell kritischer Nährstoffe werden auch ausgewählte ernährungsassoziierte Erkrankungen beleuchtet. Eine abwechslungsreiche, vollwertige pflanzliche Kost weist großes, bislang zu selten genutztes Potential sowohl in Prävention als auch in Therapie von einigen chronischen Erkrankungen auf, wie z.B. Adipositas, Bluthochdruck und Diabetes mellitus Typ II. Das praktische Buch richtet sich an Ärzt:innen, Angehörige anderer Gesundheitsberufe sowie an interessierte Leser:innen, die ihr Wissen über vegane Ernährung vertiefen möchten.

Intelligent Technologies: Concepts, Applications, and Future Directions, Volume 3 (Studies in Computational Intelligence #1167)

by Himansu Das Arup Abhinna Acharya Kuan-Ching Li

This book discusses automated computing systems which are mostly powered by intelligent technologies like artificial intelligence, machine learning, image recognition, speech processing, cloud computing, etc., to perform complex automated tasks which are not possible by traditional computing systems. The chapters are extended version of research works presented at third PhD Research Symposium in various advanced technologies used in the field of computer science. This book provides an opportunity for the researchers to get ideas regarding the ongoing works that help them in formulating problems of their interest. The academicians can also be benefited to know about the current research trends that smooth the way to guide their students to carry out research work in the proper direction. The industry people will be also facilitated to know about the current advances in research work and materialize the research work into industrial applications.

Broken Silence (Karen Rose)

by Karen Rose

She needed help.She needed protection. BROKEN SILENCE is a thrilling e-novella following on from DID YOU MISS ME in the Baltimore series, by Sunday Times bestseller Karen Rose.'Intense, complex and unforgettable' JAMES PATTERSON'There's action and chills galore in this nonstop thriller' TESS GERRITSEN _________Don't say a word...Assistant State's Attorney Daphne Montgomery has been told to take time off after recent personal trauma. But she refuses to sit on the side lines when she meets a six-year-old girl the police call Angel.Angel hasn't spoken a word since she was found four days ago next to a burned-out car, frozen with shock, not far from the bodies of two adults who may or may not have been her parents.FBI Special Agent Joseph Carter knows that helping Angel is exactly what Daphne needs. But when Daphne gets Angel to talk, a mysterious and chilling crime begins to unravel - one that will drive Daphne into the darkest corners of her past as she and Joseph track a ruthless killer._________Praise for Karen Rose:***** '...a compact, concise, short story of quality. It stands alone although familiarity with characters from her last novel adds to the feel of this excellently crafted story... Excellent and enjoyable'***** 'I find I can't put Karen Rose books down, they are extremely well written... keep me enthralled to the very end. She paints an excellent picture... can't wait to start the next book'***** 'An outstanding finish to Karen's previous book! Highly recommend a read, can't get enough of them!'***** 'This book is very engrossing. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I have read all Karen Rose's books and have enjoyed every one'

The Unexpected Joy of Being Sober: THE SUNDAY TIMES BESTSELLER (The Unexpected Joy Of #1)

by Catherine Gray

Going sober will make you happier, healthier, wealthier, slimmer and sexier. Despite all of these upsides, it's easier said than done. This inspirational, aspirational and highly relatable narrative champions the benefits of sobriety; combining the author's personal experience, factual reportage, contributions from experts and self-help advice.

Sunshine Warm Sober: The unexpected joy of being sober – forever (The Unexpected Joy #5)

by Catherine Gray

The long-awaited sequel to THE UNEXPECTED JOY OF BEING SOBER 'Exquisite' - Fearne Cotton, Happy Place'A paean to the longer-term pleasures of staying booze-free' - The Guardian'The kind of book that changes lives, and very possibly saves them' - The Lancet Psychiatry'A reflective, raw and riveting read. A beautiful book on what it takes to root for yourself' - Emma Gannon, Ctrl Alt Delete'No other author writes about sober living with as much warmth or emotional range as Catherine Gray. Her deep insight into the subtle psychologies of drinking, and of life, means that everything she writes is both utterly relatable and stretches our minds. Hers is a rare wisdom.' - Dr Richard Piper, CEO, Alcohol Change UKWhat's it like to give up drinking forever?We know now that being teetotal for one, three, even twelve months brings surprising joys and a recharged body... but nothing has been written about going years deep into being alcohol-free.As Catherine Gray, author of runaway success The Unexpected Joy of Being Sober, streaks towards a decade sober, she explores this uncharted territory in her trademark funny, disruptive and warm way. This is a must-read for anyone sober-curious, whether they've put down the bottle yet or not. Praise for The Unexpected Joy of Being Sober:'Fascinating' - Bryony Gordon 'Truthful, modern and real' - Stylist'Brave, witty and brilliantly written' - Marie Claire'Gray's tale of going sober is uplifting and inspiring' - Evening Standard 'Not remotely preachy' - Sunday Times 'Jaunty, shrewd and convincing' - Sunday Telegraph 'Admirably honest, light, bubbly and remarkably rarely annoying' - Guardian 'An empathetic, warm and hilarious tale from a hugely likeable human' - The Lancet Psychiatry

The Slimming Foodie in One: 100+ one-dish recipes under 600 calories

by Pip Payne

'Pip Payne is on a mission to help us eat well, without feeling we're on a diet.' - BESTThe Slimming Foodie is back with a fantastic new collection of slimming recipes. These dishes are as tasty as ever but even simpler to prepare, as they can all be made in one pot, pan, tray or dish. The Slimming Foodie is known for her simple approach to food; she's a firm believer that you don't need to spend hours in the kitchen to deliver amazing results, nor do you have to completely change your eating habits to lose weight. With Pip's clever swaps and cooking techniques, you can slim down while still enjoying all your favourite foods - it's a modern weight-loss method that puts flavour first.In her first book, the Slimming Foodie showed us how easy and enjoyable slimming recipes can be. Now she has made dinnertime even simpler by creating delicious all-in-one meals with surprisingly few calories. From flash-in-the-pan dinners to slow-cooked comforts, you will find something for the whole family to enjoy without fuss and with minimal washing up!The Slimming Foodie in One is made up of seven chapters, each one reflecting a different method of one-pot cooking:Chapter 1: In a Pot Includes Pizza mac 'n' cheese, Chicken lemon pepperpot and Jumbled cottage pieChapter 2: In a PanIncludes Black bean & mushroom dal, Special chow mein and Kofta meatballs with harissa chickpea sauceChapter 3: In a TrayIncludes Bombay burritos, Rösti-topped fish pie and Cheeseburger balls with loaded chippiesChapter 4: Soup-erIncludes Arrabbiata orzo soup, Salmon & miso broth and Chicken & prawn laksaChapter 5: In a Slow-cooker Includes White chicken chilli, Coffee-rubbed barbecue pulled pork and Fakeaway doner kebabChapter 6: All in the PrepIncludes Tex-mex macaroni, Crunchy Japanese-style rice salad and Chickpea & tuna saladChapter 7: Jazz it UpIncludes Speedy preserved lemons, Ketchup with a kick and Veggie salsa verdeThe Slimming Foodie in One was a Sunday Times bestseller in July 2022

The Numinous Tarot Guide: A new way to read the cards (The Numinous)

by The Numinous Rashunda Tramble

The Numinous Tarot Guide is an interactive, self-study guide that unlocks the meaning of the cards in an instant - and in a way that is deeply personal to every reader of every level. Designed to be used with any deck, a reading for each of the 78 cards offers a modern, evolved interpretation of the card's meaning, along with prompts and journal exercises, to help guide the reader into a space of deep reflection.The traditional way to interact with the Tarot is to ask a question and then pull a card to divine the 'answer'-this guide instead offers the invitation to choose a card first, and then use it as a portal to a deeper level of self-enquiry, using the power of story to help discover why you think the way you think, and do the things you do.The Numinous Tarot Guide offers both a complete compendium of practical Tarot knowledge, and a treasured space for personal reflection. Including insights into the symbolism, mythology and the real-life relevance of each card, it is an indispensable tool for anybody invested in forging a deeper relationship with their favourite deck, as well as an ideal gift for mystical mavens, self-help fans and Tarot readers everywhere.

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