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Showing 99,726 through 99,750 of 100,000 results

Dharmarahasya: धर्मरहस्य

by Dr K. L. Daptari

‘धर्मरहस्य’ हा निबंध हिंदुधर्माचा बुद्धिवादी पद्धतीने काढलेला उत्कृष्ट निष्कर्ष आहे. मानवी बुद्धि स्वतंत्र रीतीने ज्या पारलौकिक अतींद्रिय तत्त्वांचे किंवा सिद्धांतांचे आकलन करू शकत नाही अशा अमरत्व, ईश्वर, पुनर्जन्म, दिव्यदृष्टी इत्यादि तत्त्वांचा वा सिद्धान्तांचा अंगीकार न करता मानवी बुद्धीस समजू शकेल व पटू शकेल अशा हिंदुधर्मीय सिद्धान्तांची सुसंगत तर्कशुद्ध रचना या पुस्तकात केलेली आढळते. वेद, स्मृति व पुराणे या हिंदुधर्मशास्त्राच्या व धर्मेतिहासाच्या ग्रंथांचे दीर्घकालपर्यंत परिशीलन करून त्यांची व्यवस्थित उपपत्ती येथे मांडली आहे. या निबंधात वेद, स्मृती व पुराणे यांची ऐतिहासिक दृष्टीने मीमांसा करून त्यातील निष्कर्ष व्युत्पादिले आहेत. ऐतिहासिक पद्धती व ग्रंथप्रामाण्य पद्धती अशा दोन परस्परविरोधी पद्धती स्वीकारणारे हिंदुधर्म मीमांसकांचे दोन विरोधी संप्रदाय आहेत.

Agnirathi Niyam aur Dand: अग्निरथी: नियम और दण्ड

by Akash Pathak

अग्निरथी: नियम और दण्ड लेखक – आकाश पाठक नियमों के विरुद्ध मंत्र विद्या का प्रयोग करने के कारण कौस्तुभ को मिला है दंड। क्या एक अंतहीन मार्ग पर खड़ा कौस्तुभ अपने जीवन को एक नई दिशा दे पायेगा? वर्षाणों के आक्रमण से एक बार पुनः रक्तरंजित हो चुकी है उत्तराँचल की भूमि। अपने अतीत से जूझता अरिदमन क्या इन दुर्दांत हत्यारों को रोक पायेगा? विशाल मरुस्थल के गर्भ से निकला एक प्राचीन रहस्य जो एकद्वीप के वर्तमान और भविष्य पर है संकट। मरुभूमि में शिक्षा प्राप्त कर रहा शिखी किस प्रकार जुड़ा है इस रहस्य से? छल, क्रोध, माया, प्रेम और साहस से भरी अविस्मरणीय गाथा ‘सव्यसाची: छल और युद्ध’ का दूसरा भाग!

Swapna Chalun Aale: स्वप्न चालून आले

by Dr Hrishiskesh Pradeep Bodhe

स्वप्न चालून आले! अरे, व्वा! शाब्बास. थोडा उशीर झाला असेल पण अखेर तुम्ही सुद्धा ह्या विषयाकडे वळलातच. अहो, कोणता विषय काय विचारता ? प्रेमाचा विषय. अनादी काळापासून ते अनंत काळापर्यंत सदा सर्वकाळ मनुष्य जातीसाठी जाज्वल्य असणारा विषय म्हणजे प्रेम. आपली ही एक मस्त मधुर, चटकदार आणि यशस्वी अशी प्रेम कहाणी असावी असं प्रत्येकाला वाटत असतं. लग्नाआधी असो किंवा लग्नानंतर पण ज्यांची प्रेम कहाणी यशस्वी होते ते नशीबवान लोकं आयुष्य खऱ्या अर्थाने अनुभवतात. ज्यांची होत नाही त्यातले काही जण प्रेम कहाणी लिहितात आणि काही आयुष्य भर त्या प्रेमाची प्रतीक्षा करत राहतात. काहींचा इतका ही संयम नसतो म्हणून त्यांचा प्रेमावरून विश्वासच उडतो. त्यांना दुसरी व्यक्ती म्हणजे फक्त वासना पूर्तीच साधन वाटतं. फक्त शारीरिक नव्हे तर मानसिक वासना सुद्धा. सरते शेवटी उरतात ती लोकं ज्यांच्यात संयम असतो पण कायमच प्रेमाला मुकलेले असतात. अशा लोकांच्या डोळ्यात सतत प्रेम मिळवण्याची तळमळ दिसते… पण प्रेम असं कधी मिळवता येतं का? प्रेम तर फक्त करता येतं. देता येतं. उधळता येतं. प्रेम फक्त एक भावना किंवा एक घटना नव्हे तर तो एक सतत चा प्रवास आहे. स्वतः पलीकडं जाण्याचा प्रवास . स्वत्वाच्या सीमा तोडून आपल्या सर्वस्वाची उधळण दुसऱ्या अंतरंगावर करत राहण्याचा प्रवास. अंतरंगा द्वारे अनंत मिळवण्याचा प्रवास. ही कहाणी म्हणजे असाच एक गोड गुलाबी आणि गुलजार प्रवास आहे. गायत्री, महेंद्र, श्रुती, वेदांत, गिरिजा, सुजय आणि संचिता यांच्या अंतरंगाचा…

Zindaginama: ज़िन्दगीनामा

by Krishna Sobti

लेखन को जीवन का पर्याय माननेवाली कृष्णा सोबती की कलम से उतरा एक ऐसा उपन्यास जो सचमुच ज़िन्दगी का पर्याय है—ज़िन्दगीनामा। ज़िन्दगीनामा—जिसमें न कोई नायक। न कोई खलनायक। सिर्फ लोग और लोग और लोग। ज़िन्दादिल। जाँबाज़। लोग जो हिन्दुस्तान की ड्योढ़ी पंचनद पर जमे, सदियों गाज़ी मरदों के लश्करों से भिड़ते रहे। फिर भी फसलें उगाते रहे। जी लेने की सोंधी ललक पर ज़िन्दगियाँ लुटाते रहे। ज़िन्दगीनामा का कालखंड इस शताब्दी के पहले मोड़ पर खुलता है। पीछे इतिहास की बेहिसाब तहें। बेशुमार ताकतें। ज़मीन जो खेतिहर की है और नहीं है, वही ज़मीन शाहों की नहीं है मगर उनके हाथों में है। ज़मीन की मालिकी किसकी है ? ज़मीन में खेती कौन करता है ? ज़मीन का मामला कौन भरता है ? मुजारे आसामियाँ। इन्हें जकडऩों में जकड़े हुए शोषण के वे कानून जो लोगों को लोगों से अलग करते हैं। लोगों को लोगों में विभाजित करते हैं। ज़िन्दगीनामा का कथानक खेतों की तरह फैला, सीधा-सादा और धरती से जुड़ा हुआ। ज़िन्दगीनामा की मजलिसें भारतीय गाँव की उस जीवन्त परम्परा में हैं जहाँ भारतीय मानस का जीवन-दर्शन अपनी समग्रता में जीता चला जाता है। ज़िन्दगीनामा—कथ्य और शिल्प का नया प्रतिमान, जिसमें कथ्य और शिल्प हथियार डालकर ज़िन्दगी को आँकने की कोशिश करते हैं। ज़िन्दगीनामा के पन्नों में आपको बादशाह और फकीर, शहंशाह, दरवेश और किसान एक साथ खेतों की मुँडेरों पर खड़े मिलेंगे। सर्वसाधारण की वह भीड़ भी जो हर काल में, हर गाँव में, हर पीढ़ी को सजाए रखती है।

Mera Desh Mere Log: मेरा देश मेरे लोग

by Amit Khan

डॉक्टर मानिक शाह ने बेपनाह दौलत कमाने के लिये चीन जाने का फैसला किया, लेकिन वह फैसला डॉक्टर मानिक शाह को हद से ज्यादा महंगा पड़ा। कैदी बनकर रह गया मानिक शाह चीन में। उसे अपना देश, अपने लोग याद आने लगे। वो हिन्दुस्तान पहुँचने के लिये त्राहि-त्राहि कर उठा। और तब उसे हिन्दुस्तान वापस लाने के लिये कमांडर करण सक्सेना चीन जा पहुँचा। फिर जो कुछ हुआ, वो दहला देने वाला था। एक के बाद एक दिमाग की नसों को झंझोड़ देने वाली ऐसी हैरतअंगेज योजनायें, जो आपने पहले कभी हिन्दी के जासूसी उपन्यासों में नहीं पढ़ी होंगी। देशभक्ति के ज़ज्बे से भरा एक ऐसा शानदार उपन्यास- जो सिर्फ कहानी नहीं है, सिर्फ काल्पनिक दास्तान नहीं है बल्कि एक चिंगारी है। ऐसी ज़बरदस्त चिंगारी, जो हर गैरतमंद और वतनपरस्त हिन्दुस्तानी के दिल में लगकर शोला बन जाना चाहती है।

Swami: स्वामी

by Ranjeet Desai

महाराष्ट्रातल्या जनतेला जिने मंत्रमुग्ध केले, अशी मराठी सारस्वतातील अजरामर साहित्यकृती. रणजित देसाई: मराठी साहित्याला समृद्ध करणारे थोर साहित्यिक. १९४६ साली 'भैरव' या कथेला लघुकथास्पर्धेत वाचकांकडून एकमुखाने पहिले पारितोषिक. १९५२ मध्ये 'रुपमहाल' हा पहिला कथासंग्रह प्रकाशित. त्यानंतर सातत्याने कथालेखन. ग्रामीण जीवनावरील व ऐतिहासिक व्यक्तिरेखांवरील लेखन अधिक रसरशीत. 'स्वामी'ला साहित्य अकादमी पुरस्कार प्राप्त. मराठीमध्ये अतिशय लोकप्रिय असलेली व रसिकमान्यता पावलेली रणजित देसाई यांची कादंबरी. थोरले माधवराव पेशवे यांचे राजकीय जीवन, कर्तृत्व आणि त्यांचे वैयक्तिक करुणगंभीर जीवन याचे अतिशय उदात्त व प्रभावी चित्रण स्वामीत केलेले आहे. इतिहास आणि साहित्य ह्याचे एवढे उर्जस्वल नि रोमहर्षक रसायन मराठी भाषेत आजतागायत कोणी निर्माण करू शकलेले नाही. कादंबरीतील अतिशय उठावदार आणि कलात्मक व्यक्तिरेखा आहेत, माधवराव, रमाबाई आणि राघोबादादा यांच्या. सद्गुणी आणि तेजस्वी कर्तव्यदक्ष माधवराव, स्वार्थी, भोळसट, राजद्रोही राघोबा आणि सोशिक, त्यागी, साध्वी रमाबाई या तिन्ही चरित्ररेखा वाचकांच्या मनांवर विलक्षण परिणाम करतात. थोरल्या माधवराव पेशव्यांची ही चरित्रगंगा वाचताना करुणेने मन भरून येते. उदात्ततेने भारावून जाते आणि पूर्वजांच्या अभिमानाने मान ताठही होते. स्वामी वाचून वाचक दिपून जातो. दिग्मूढ होतो. इतिहास आणि ललितकृती या दृष्टींनी रसोत्कट असलेली शोकात्मिक कादंबरी.

Pavankhind: पावनखिंड

by Ranjeet Desai

महाराष्ट्र, पश्चिम भारतातील राज्य, तेराव्या शतकापासून मुस्लिमांच्या अधिपत्याखाली होते. सुमारे चारशे वर्षे बाहेरून अत्याचारी आणि असहिष्णू राजे होते ज्यांनी स्थानिक लोकसंख्येला शांततेत जगू दिले नाही. सतराव्या वर्षी छत्रपती शिवाजी महाराजांनी राज्यकर्त्यांना आव्हान देऊन मराठा साम्राज्याची स्थापना करेपर्यंत लूट, धर्माच्या नावाखाली शोषण, बलात्कार आणि हिंसाचार सुरूच होता. त्याचे मिशन केकवॉक नव्हते: त्याचे आतून, राज्याबाहेरचे शत्रू होते तसेच इतर देशांतील (पोर्तुगीज आणि ब्रिटीशांनी त्यांचे सध्याचे फ्लोली फेल्ट बनवले होते) किंवा छत्रपती शिवाजींना मदत करणारा घटक महाराजांनी एक साम्राज्य निर्माण केले ज्याचा विस्मय होता. पावनखिंड ही एक ऐतिहासिक कादंबरी आहे जी पावनखिंडच्या युद्धाकडे नेणाऱ्या घटनांचा समावेश करते. (पावनखिंड हा कोल्हापुर जवळचा रस्ता आहे.) राजाने खिंडीला वेढा घालून यशस्वीपणे मार्ग काढला; बाजी प्रभू देशपांडे यांना धन्यवाद ज्यांनी ब्रेक थ्रू शक्य केला.

Gandhi Parv: गांधी पर्व

by T. V. Parvate

महाराष्ट्राच्या आणि भारताच्या स्वातंत्र्याच्या लढ्यात राष्ट्रपिता महात्मा गांधी यांनी एक नवीन पर्व सुरु केले. १ ऑगस्ट, १९२० ला लोकमान्य टिळकांचे निधन झाल्यानंतर स्वातंत्र्याच्या चळवळीची धुरा महात्मा गांधीजींच्या खांद्यावर आली आणि ३० जानेवारी, १९४८ ला त्यांची हत्त्या होईपर्यंत ते राष्ट्राचे एकमेव असे नेते राहिले. त्यांच्या हयातीतच सामुदायिक असहकाराची चळवळ, मिठाचा सत्याग्रह, भारत छोडो इत्यादी चळवळी झाल्या. आणि शेवटी त्यातून भारताला स्वातंत्र्य मिळाले. महात्मा गांधीनी केवळ राजकीय चळवळी केल्या नाहीत तर सामाजिक चळवळीही फार मोठ्या प्रमाणात करण्याचे श्रेय त्यांचे आहे. चरखा संघ, ग्रामोद्योग संघटना, कुष्ठरोग निवारणाची चळवळ इत्यादी अनेक विधायक चळवळी पण त्यांनी सुरु केल्या.

Portuguese Maratha Sambandh: पोर्तुगीज मराठा संबंध

by Sadashiv Shankar Desai

पोर्तुगाल ही हिंदुस्थानच्या जलमार्गाचा शोध लावणारी पहिली युरोपियन सत्ता. तथापि पोर्तुगीजांच्या पूर्वी अरब प्रवासी आणि व्यापारी हिंदुस्थानात जलमार्गाने व खुष्कीच्या मार्गाने येत असत. मध्ययुगीन कालात अरब व्यापाऱ्यानी आणि विचारवंतानी भारतीय माल आणि भारतीय तत्वज्ञान आफ्रिका मार्गे युरोपात पोचविण्याचे उल्लेखनीय कार्य केले आहे. योगायोगाची किंवा दुर्दैवाची गोष्ट ही की, पोर्तुगीज नावाड्याना हिंदी महासागरात आणि पर्यायाने हिंदुस्थानच्या समुद्रात आणून सोडण्यास अरबच कारणीभूत ठरले. असे सांगतात की, पोर्तुगीज लोकानी हिंदुस्थानच्या सुवर्णभूमीच्या अद्‌भूतरम्य कथा कर्णोपकर्णी ऐकल्या होत्या. त्यामुळे सोन्याचा धूर वाहात असलेल्या ह्या समृद्ध देशात जाऊन तेथील धनसंपत्ती लुटून आणून आपला गरीब देश श्रीमंत करावा, ह्या महत्त्वाकांक्षेने प्रेरित होऊन ते हिंदुस्थानच्या शोधार्थ बाहेर पडले. आता हा मराठे आणि पोर्तुगीज यांच्यामधील संबंधाचा इतिहास प्रकाशात येत आहे.

Bhagat Singh Aur Unke Sathiyon Ke Dastavez: भगतसिंह और उनके साथियों के दस्तावेज

by Jagmohan Singh Chaman Lal

भगत सिंह की विचारधारा और उनकी क्रान्तिकारिता के ज्वलन्त प्रमाण जिन लेखों और दस्तावेजों में दर्ज हैं, वे आज भी पूर्ववत् प्रासंगिक हैं, क्योंकि 'इस' आजादी के बाद भी भारतीय समाज उस आजादी से वंचित है, जिसके लिए उन्होंने और उनके असंख्य साथियों ने बलिदान दिया था। हिन्दी में पहली बार प्रकाशित यह कृति भगत सिंह के भावनाशील पत्रों, विचारोत्तेजक लेखों, ऐतिहासिक दस्तावेजों, वक्तव्यों तथा उनके साथियों और पूर्ववर्ती शहीदों की कलम से निकले महत्वपूर्ण विचारों की ऐसी प्रस्तुति है जो वर्तमान सामाजिक, राजनीतिक स्थितियों की बुनियादी पड़ताल करने में हमारी दूर तक मदद करती है। यह पुस्तक भगत सिंह की विचारधारात्मक भूमिका की समग्रतः हमारे सामने रखती है।

Chemistry class 9 - MIE

by Mauritius Institute of Education

The Grade 9 Chemistry textbook published by the Mauritius Institute of Education in 2023 covers five comprehensive units designed to provide students with a foundational understanding of key chemical concepts. Unit C1 delves into the composition of air, exploring topics like the greenhouse effect, global warming, and pollution, while also suggesting measures for environmental protection. Unit C2 focuses on mixtures and separation techniques, introducing methods like sublimation and crystallization. Unit C3 teaches the language of chemistry, encompassing symbols, valencies, and chemical equations. Unit C4 explores the properties and reactions of metals, introducing the reactivity series and displacement reactions. Finally, Unit C5 delves into the formation, classification, and properties of salts, including common examples. Each unit is rich with activities, diagrams, tables, and exercises to engage students and foster their understanding of these fundamental chemistry concepts.

Environmental Change and Development in Ladakh, Indian Trans-Himalaya (Advances in Asian Human-Environmental Research)

by Blaise Humbert-Droz Juliane Dame Tashi Morup

The Trans-Himalayan region of Ladakh has witnessed important changes linked to its geo-strategic importance, the rapid development of means of communication with other parts of India, socio-economic transformation processes and the effects of climate change. The sixteen chapters document these key changes, ranging from melting glaciers and extreme weather events to the exponential increase in infrastructure, tourist and military activities. The book examines the impact these changes are having on the environment and on the socio-economics and identity of Ladakhi communities. The book also attempts to evaluate the likely direction of future changes, identify some of the main environmental challenges faced by Ladakh in the 21st century, and provide perspectives for sustainable development of the high mountain region.

Evolution of STEM-Driven Computer Science Education: The Perspective of Big Concepts

by Vytautas Štuikys Renata Burbaitė

The book discusses the evolution of STEM-driven Computer Science (CS) Education based on three categories of Big Concepts, Smart Education (Pedagogy), Technology (tools and adequate processes) and Content that relates to IoT, Data Science and AI. For developing, designing, testing, delivering and assessing learning outcomes for K-12 students (9-12 classes), the multi-dimensional modelling methodology is at the centre. The methodology covers conceptual and feature-based modelling, prototyping, and virtual and physical modelling at the implementation and usage level. Chapters contain case studies to assist understanding and learning. The book contains multiple methodological and scientific innovations including models, frameworks and approaches to drive STEM-driven CS education evolution.Educational strategists, educators, and researchers will find valuable material in this book to help them improve STEM-driven CS education strategies, curriculum development, and new ideas for research.

Artificial Intelligence and Healthcare: The Impact of Algorithmic Bias on Health Disparities (The International Library of Bioethics #107)

by Natasha H. Williams

This book explores the ethical problems of algorithmic bias and its potential impact on populations that experience health disparities by examining the historical underpinnings of explicit and implicit bias, the influence of the social determinants of health, and the inclusion of racial and ethnic minorities in data. Over the last twenty-five years, the diagnosis and treatment of disease have advanced at breakneck speeds. Currently, we have technologies that have revolutionized the practice of medicine, such as telemedicine, precision medicine, big data, and AI. These technologies, especially AI, promise to improve the quality of patient care, lower health care costs, improve patient treatment outcomes, and decrease patient mortality. AI may also be a tool that reduces health disparities; however, algorithmic bias may impede its success. This book explores the risks of using AI in the context of health disparities. It is of interest to health services researchers, ethicists, policy analysts, social scientists, health disparities researchers, and AI policy makers.

Preparing for a Successful Faculty Career: Achieving Career Excellence as a Faculty Member (Springer Texts in Education)

by Robert S. Fleming

This book provides valuable information and practical insights regarding preparing for and pursuing a successful faculty career. It offers essential guidance through sequential chapters that consider the various stages of a successful faculty career, including what faculty members need to know with respect to each lesson and the role of each topic in contributing to career success. Each lesson also provides useful career guidance regarding things that faculty members should do as well as avoid doing during each stage of a faculty career. The book is designed to serve as an essential learning tool in related career preparation courses as well as a valuable self-study and reference source for faculty members. The unfortunate reality is that most graduate programs do not provide essential career guidance regarding the roles and responsibilities of becoming and succeeding as a faculty member. The phrase “hidden curriculum” has been used to describe this unfortunate reality. New faculty members often discover that they are expected to know so many essential things once they become a faculty member. The mission of this book is, therefore, to contribute to the success of readers throughout their careers as faculty members and enhance their ability to meet and exceed the expectations of their students, institution, and other stakeholders. The various lessons are designed to enhance faculty success throughout one’s career as well as the meaningfulness and pleasure of one’s faculty career.

The Theory of Mind Under Scrutiny: Psychopathology, Neuroscience, Philosophy of Mind and Artificial Intelligence (Logic, Argumentation & Reasoning #34)

by Teresa Lopez-Soto Alvaro Garcia-Lopez Francisco J. Salguero-Lamillar

This book is a call to expand and diversify our approach to the study of the human mind in relation to the Theory of Mind. It proposes that it is necessary to combine cross-disciplinary methods to arrive at a more complete understanding of how our minds work. Seeking to expand the discussion surrounding the Theory of Mind beyond the field of psychology, and its focus on our capacity to ascribe mental states to other people, this volume collects evidence and research to point to a more holistic understanding of our own minds, the minds of others, behavior, language, and reasoning. This book therefore illuminates the conceptual intricacy underlying the Theory of Mind. It posits that a wide scope is necessary to make a breakthrough in scientific research towards a full understanding of the nature, function, and development of our capacity to converge on biological processes of the brain towards consciousness, emotion, awareness, and cognition. The volume presents methods, results, critiques, and models intended to provoke debates in various academic disciplines. It is of interest to scholars working in psychology, neuroscience, philosophy of mind, and artificial intelligence.

100 Years of Radio in South Africa, Volume 1: South African Radio Stations and Broadcasters Then & Now

by Sisanda Nkoala Gilbert Motsaathebe

The book brings together media scholars and practitioners to deliberate on the role and influence of radio broadcasting in South Africa over the past 100 years. The publication will add to the existing body of knowledge on radio in this context by being among one of the few to consider radio broadcasting in South Africa. Essentially, the book will make a distinct contribution by providing the following: a historical account of the development of the sector, an in-depth look at some of the key people and institutions that have shaped the sector, and a critique of the medium’s role in community-building and culture making among others. While the book will provide relevant theoretical frameworks, it also aims to include the voices of media practitioners who can reflect on the importance of this medium from a more realistic perspective. Volume 1 focuses on South African radio stations and broadcasters in the past and present.

Quantum Machine Learning: Thinking and Exploration in Neural Network Models for Quantum Science and Quantum Computing (Quantum Science and Technology)

by Claudio Conti

This book presents a new way of thinking about quantum mechanics and machine learning by merging the two. Quantum mechanics and machine learning may seem theoretically disparate, but their link becomes clear through the density matrix operator which can be readily approximated by neural network models, permitting a formulation of quantum physics in which physical observables can be computed via neural networks. As well as demonstrating the natural affinity of quantum physics and machine learning, this viewpoint opens rich possibilities in terms of computation, efficient hardware, and scalability. One can also obtain trainable models to optimize applications and fine-tune theories, such as approximation of the ground state in many body systems, and boosting quantum circuits’ performance. The book begins with the introduction of programming tools and basic concepts of machine learning, with necessary background material from quantum mechanics and quantum information also provided. This enables the basic building blocks, neural network models for vacuum states, to be introduced. The highlights that follow include: non-classical state representations, with squeezers and beam splitters used to implement the primary layers for quantum computing; boson sampling with neural network models; an overview of available quantum computing platforms, their models, and their programming; and neural network models as a variational ansatz for many-body Hamiltonian ground states with applications to Ising machines and solitons. The book emphasizes coding, with many open source examples in Python and TensorFlow, while MATLAB and Mathematica routines clarify and validate proofs. This book is essential reading for graduate students and researchers who want to develop both the requisite physics and coding knowledge to understand the rich interplay of quantum mechanics and machine learning.

Digital Management Practice: Mastering Exponential Change with Collective and Artificial Intelligence (Business Guides on the Go)

by Adrian Vogler

The book illustrates how managers and knowledge workers can effectively harness collective and artificial intelligence to counteract the effects of exponential change and successfully implement digitization within their organizations. The author applies the proven management principles of Peter F. Drucker to the new challenges of the digital age, enhancing them with the concepts of collective and artificial intelligence. This approach also takes into account the insights of Daniel Kahneman regarding "Thinking, Fast and Slow" and the associated cognitive biases and deficits in human thinking. By leveraging innovative tools – collective and artificial intelligence – these deficits can be mitigated, aiding in decision-making. The use of these tools in innovation management and work organization is also discussed. Readers are provided with practical tips and strategies for implementation. Embark on an exciting journey through digital management practices and successfully navigate the challenges of the digital world.

Congenital Bleeding Disorders: Diagnosis and Management

by Akbar Dorgalaleh

This significantly updated new edition describes in detail the clinical presentations, diagnosis, and management of a wide range of congenital bleeding disorders. It will assist readers in overcoming the significant challenges involved in clinical and laboratory diagnosis and in providing effective clinical care that makes optimal use of new products, including recombinant factor concentrate. The coverage ranges from hemophilia A and B and von Willebrand disease to rare bleeding disorders such as congenital factor V, factor X, factor XI, and factor XIII deficiency and inherited platelet function disorders. The exceptional attention to rarer conditions is of particular importance given the considerable risk of overlooking them during diagnosis, with potential consequences for disease-related morbidity and mortality. The authors are acknowledged specialists in the field from across the world who have particular expertise in the disorder that they discuss. The book will be of value to hematologists, oncologists, pediatricians, laboratory specialists and technicians, general physicians, and trainees.

Beyond Reality: Proceedings of 3rd International Multi-Disciplinary Conference - Theme: Integrated Sciences and Technologies (IMDC-IST 2024) Volume 1 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #895)

by Mostafa Al-Emran Jaber H. Ali Marco Valeri Alhamzah Alnoor Zaid Alaa Hussien

This book addresses recent research trends concerning the role of the Metaverse in advancing the education and finance sectors from various perspectives. These trends are explored through multiple case studies employing diverse analytical approaches. The chapters aim to aid scholars and postgraduate students in pursuing future research in this domain and identifying potential developments in Metaverse applications.

Cold-Water Coral Reefs of the World (Coral Reefs of the World #19)

by Erik Cordes Furu Mienis

Cold-water corals form reef structures in continental margin and seamount settings world-wide, making them more wide-spread and abundant than shallow-water reefs. Their role in these ecosystems is no less important than the influence that shallow-water coral reefs have on tropical systems. They create habitat structure, host endemic species, enhance elemental cycling, alter current flow, sequester carbon, and provide many other ecosystem services that we are just beginning to understand. The rapidly evolving state of knowledge of cold-water and deep-sea coral reefs has not been compiled in over 10 years. This volume synthesizes recent and historical information, reveals new findings from reefs that have been discovered only recently, and presents key avenues for future research. We are on the cusp of understanding the critical role that cold-water coral reefs play in the world’s oceans, and this book lays the foundation on which this knowledge will be built in the future.

Modeling Behavior and Population Dynamics: Seabirds, Seals, and Marine Iguanas (Interdisciplinary Applied Mathematics #57)

by Jim M. Cushing Shandelle M. Henson James L. Hayward

This monograph summarizes several decades of collaborations between ecologists and mathematicians, presenting novel applications in biological modeling. The authors are among the first researchers to pioneer the use of dynamical systems models to successfully describe and predict animal behavior in relation to environmental changes. The text highlights the biological and mathematical techniques used in the research, including three main components: 1) large data sets on natural populations in the field; 2) mathematical models rigorously tied to data, which describe, explain, and predict behavioral dynamics in relation to environmental variables; and 3) simplified, proof-of-concept models to probe dynamic mechanisms, suggest testable hypotheses, and allow study of the consequences of environmental change and evolving traits. It is a suitable text for field ecologists interested in the modeling procedures and conclusions addressed therein, as well as mathematicians interested in applications to population, ecological, and evolutionary dynamics.

Gender Expansion in Early Childhood Education: Building and Supporting Pro-Diversity Spaces

by Rachel Chapman

This book explores the contexts for gender identity development in early childhood education, examining how early childhood educators’ views on children’s gender identity influence their practice in Australia. The author utilizes feminist post-structuralism, queer theory and performativity as theoretical approaches, and feminist post-structuralist discourse and thematic analyses. The book captures the voices of educators and developers of curriculum documents to explore how gender expansive environments can be created when such environments are socially and politically contentious. It then identifies discourses that enable and constrain the building of pro-diversity spaces and contexts in early childhood education, while considering how to disrupt normative notions of gender and promote the deployment of discursive agency.

Selected Reflections in Language, Logic, and Information: ESSLLI 2019, ESSLLI 2020 and ESSLLI 2021 Student Sessions, Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14354)

by Alexandra Pavlova Mina Young Pedersen Raffaella Bernardi

The European Summer School in Logic, Language and Information (ESSLLI) is organized every year by the Association for Logic, Language and Information (FoLLI) in different sites around Europe. The papers cover vastly dierent topics, but each fall in the intersection of the three primary topics of ESSLLI: Logic, Language and Computation. The 13 papers presented in this volume have been selected among 81 submitted papers over the years 2019, 2020 and 2021. The ESSLLI Student Session is an excellent venue for students to present their work and receive valuable feedback from renowned experts in their respective fields. The Student Session accepts submissions for three different tracks: Language and Computation (LaCo), Logic and Computation (LoCo), and Logic and Language (LoLa).

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