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Showing 99,751 through 99,775 of 100,000 results

Against Post-Liberal Courts and Justice: Rescuing Ronald Dworkin’s Legacy (Palgrave Studies in Classical Liberalism)

by Lesley A. Jacobs Matthew McManus

This book covers how Liberal institutions – constitutional democracy, economic markets, liberal courts, free trade, international human rights – around the world are under assault by the political right and we are witnessing the emergence of post-liberal institutions. These post-liberal institutions are founded on the core conviction that the actions of liberal institutions including the United States Supreme Court are patently unjust. This volume makes the case against post-liberal courts and justice by reconnecting to the principles of moral equality and dignified freedom for all. The intention is to show how there is great untapped potential in the work of Ronald Dworkin’s work to demonstrate that it can help progressive liberals think through the great issues of the day and respond to the contemporary criticisms of the political right. The core themes are concretely illustrated by focusing on some of the most controversial recent post-liberal decisions of the Supreme Court, ranging from election funding to abortion to race-sensitive affirmative action, to economic inequality in an age of increasingly unequal opportunities.

100 Years of Radio in South Africa, Volume 2: Community Radio, Digital Radio and the Future of Radio in South Africa

by Sisanda Nkoala Gilbert Motsaathebe

The book brings together media scholars and practitioners to deliberate on the role and influence of radio broadcasting in South Africa over the past 100 years. The publication will add to the existing body of knowledge on radio in this context by being among one of the few to consider radio broadcasting in South Africa. Essentially, the book will make a distinct contribution focusing on a critique of the medium’s role in community-building and culture making among others. While the book will provide relevant theoretical frameworks, it also aims to include the voices of media practitioners who can reflect on the importance of this medium from a more realistic perspective. Volume 2 focuses on the impact of digitization on radio in South Africa, and considers the future of radio in South Africa.

Hochschulen im Wandel: Entwicklungsprozesse im Netzwerk gestalten

by Roland Brünken Joachim Härtling Stefan Löhrke Markus Reihlen

Dieser Sammelband befasst sich mit Herausforderungen des Qualitätsmanagements im Bereich von Studium und Hochschullehre. Sie reichen von der Leitbildentwicklung, der Steuerung entlang von Zielen, der Errichtung effektiver Strukturen bis hin zur Errichtung eines sinnvollen Monitorings- und Evaluationswesens. Die Autorinnen und Autoren legen dar, wie ihre Universitäten die Herausforderungen im Kontext des Netzwerks Quality Audit bearbeitet haben. Anhand von konkreten Praxisbeispielen und theoretischen Untersuchungsansätzen in Anlehnung an die Praxisforschung werden die Lösungsansätze mit Bezug auf bestehende Theorien kritisch reflektiert und analysiert. Gleichzeitig wird aufgezeigt, wie Netzwerkarbeit im Hochschulkontext gelingen kann.

Franz Kafkas literarisches Umfeld in Prag: 14 Portraits von Oskar Baum bis Franz Werfel

by Christine Lubkoll Harald Neumeyer

Franz Kafka pflegte zu Lebzeiten intensive gesellige und intellektuelle Kontakte, die teils mit bekannten Namen verbunden, teils nahezu vergessen sind. Der Band nimmt die vielfältigen Austauschprozesse des Prager Umfelds in den Blick. Er portraitiert Schriftstellerinnen und Schriftsteller, die mit Kafka kommunizierten, und fragt: Welche inhaltlichen Schwerpunkte, ästhetischen Reflexionen oder auch gesellschaftspolitischen Einschätzungen verbinden sie? Welche Auswirkungen hat der gemeinsame Horizont auf ihre Schreibpraxis und ihre Werke? Welches Gesamtbild der literarhistorischen Konstellation zwischen 1910 und 1920 entsteht, wenn man die komplexen Querverbindungen nachzeichnet?Die Beiträge konzentrieren sich auf die biographischen Vernetzungen der Autor*innen mit Kafka, auf Werke, die diese zu Kafkas Lebzeiten verfasst haben sowie auf ihre Einbettung in die Literaturkultur ihrer Zeit. Im Fokus stehen Oskar Baum, Karl Brand, Max Brod, Ernst Feigl, Milena Jesenská, Paul Kornfeld, Alfred Kubin, Jizchak Löwy, Otto Pick, Miriam Singer, Johannes Urzidil, Melchior Vischer, Ernst Weiß und Franz Werfel.

Psychologische Sicherheit in Unternehmen: Wie Hochleistungsteams wirklich funktionieren (essentials)

by Ina Goller Tanja Laufer

Ina Goller und Tanja Laufer erklären in diesem essential, wie Führungskräfte den wichtigsten Erfolgsfaktor für Teamperformance – das Konzept „Psychologische Sicherheit“ – in ihrem Unternehmen etablieren. Die Autorinnen geben einen kompakten Überblick, erläutern den wissenschaftlichen Hintergrund und zeigen die positiven Effekte auf die Teamleistung auf. Sie geben wertvolle Umsetzungshilfen für alle Führungskräfte wie Team- und Projektleiter*innen sowie Personalentwickler*innen, um die Fehlerkultur und Innovationsfähigkeit im Team und damit im Unternehmen zu stärken.

Dynamics of Information Systems: 6th International Conference, DIS 2023, Prague, Czech Republic, September 3–6, 2023, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14321)

by Hossein Moosaei Milan Hladík Panos M. Pardalos

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Dynamics of Information Systems, DIS 2023, which took place in Prague, Czech Republic, in September 2023. The 18 full papers included in the book were carefully reviewed and selected from 43 submissions. They deal with topics ranging from theoretical, algorithmic, and practical perspectives in information systems, to offering readers valuable information, theories and techniques.

Agile Processes in Software Engineering and Extreme Programming – Workshops: XP 2022 Workshops, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 13–17, 2022, and XP 2023 Workshops, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, June 13–16, 2023, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing #489)

by Philippe Kruchten Peggy Gregory

This open access book constitutes papers from the research workshops presented at XP 2022 and XP 2023, respectively the 23rd and 24th International Conferences on Agile Software Development, held on June 13-17, 2022 at the IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark and June 13-16, 2023 in Amsterdam, Netherlands. XP is the premier agile software development conference combining research and practice. It is a unique forum where agile researchers, practitioners, thought leaders, coaches, and trainers get together to present and discuss their most recent innovations, research results, experiences, concerns, challenges, and trends. XP conferences provide an informal environment to learn and trigger discussions and welcome both people new to agile and seasoned agile practitioners. In 2022, the following workshops took place: ● 3rd International Workshop on Agility with Microservices Programming● 2nd International Workshop on Agile Sustainability● Agile and EducationIn 2023, six workshops were held: ● Workshop on Organisational Debt and Large-Scale Agile● Workshop on Software-Intensive Business● Workshop on Global and Hybrid Work● Workshop on Fear-Based Agile Transformation● Workshop on AI-assisted Agile● Workshop on Agile-Quantum Software EngineeringIn 2022, 6 workshop papers were accepted for publication in these post-proceedings, out of 11 submissions, and in 2023, 15 papers were accepted for publication out of 38 submissions.

Digitale Managementpraxis: Mit kollektiver und künstlicher Intelligenz den exponentiellen Wandel meistern

by Adrian Vogler

Das Buch zeigt, wie Manager und Wissensarbeiter mithilfe von kollektiver und künstlicher Intelligenz effektiver arbeiten können, um den Effekten des exponentiellen Wandels entgegenzuwirken und die Digitalisierung erfolgreich im Unternehmen umzusetzen. Der Autor überträgt die bewährten Managementprinzipien von Peter F. Drucker auf die neuen Herausforderungen des digitalen Zeitalters und ergänzt diese um die Konzepte kollektiver und künstlicher Intelligenz. Dabei werden auch die Erkenntnisse von Daniel Kahneman zum „Schnellen Denken, langsamen Denken“ und die damit verbundenen kognitiven Verzerrungen und Defizite des menschlichen Denkens berücksichtigt. Mithilfe der innovativen Instrumente – kollektive und künstliche Intelligenz – können diese Defizite jedoch ausgeglichen und die Entscheidungsfindung unterstützt werden. Thematisiert wird auch der Einsatz der Instrumente im Innovationsmanagement und in der Organisation der Arbeit. Die Leser erhalten Tipps und Strategien für die konkrete Umsetzung an die Hand. Begeben Sie sich auf eine spannende Reise durch die digitale Managementpraxis und meistern Sie erfolgreich die Herausforderungen der digitalen Welt.

Toward Sustainable Regions: Essays in Honor of Kiyoko Hagihara (New Frontiers in Regional Science: Asian Perspectives #73)

by Chisato Asahi Noriko Horie

This book deals with regional sustainability, which is one of the biggest issues in Japan today, and presents suggested methods and cases to show how regional management should be carried out. Today, regions in Japan are facing long-term global challenges such as changes in climate and in international relations, as well as regional financial difficulties due to depopulation and aging. Additional causes are the decline of traditional culture and community sustainability, the crisis of public services, inner- and inter-regional disparities, disaster response, and other local and region-specific issues that are intricately related. To meet the challenge of those issues, local actors must deal with the regional issues themselves and solve them in cooperation with various other stakeholders. From this perspective, the book exhibits regional management frameworks, focusing especially on evaluation, decision making, and aid in multi-dimensional approaches, and examines case studies for making regions sustainable by allowing diverse actors to realize diverse values and standards in cooperation. The chapters cover a wide range of disciplines, including urban science, economics, geography, landscape, real estate, and public finance, which makes it possible to shed light on a particular region. This book comprises a collection of essays celebrating the life and work of Kiyoko Hagihara, honorary professor of the Graduate School of Urban Science, Tokyo Metropolitan University, Japan. Essay contributors include her former students as well as regional scientists with similar interests.

Mapping International Student Mobility Between Africa and China

by Benjamin Mulvey

This book examines an emergent pattern of international student mobility: that of international students from across the African continent who are enrolled on degree programmes at Chinese universities. China is among the most popular destination countries for African students, yet there has been little research to-date into this emergent mobility pattern. Drawing on data from a series of interviews, the book focuses on the specific modalities of integration into the global economy of both the sending region and the host country, and examines how these shape the decision-making, experiences, and future aspirations of mobile students. It also highlights how incipient flows of international student migrants, such as those between various African countries and China, are calling into question a number of the axioms around the study of international study mobility that were developed with reference to more established migration patterns, which tend to flow from other regions to the West. These include, for example, the idea that international students are generally privileged members of the global middle class who seek an education abroad as part of a strategy to accumulate cultural capital and reproduce social privilege. This novel work is of interest to researchers in human geography, sociology, development studies, migration studies, and particularly those studying China-Africa relations.

The Aesthetic and Political Practices of Trans Women in Peru: Skins of Desire

by Paola Patiño Rabines

This book explores the political-aesthetic practices of transgender women in Lima, Peru, and how they use these to survive and fight for recognition and full citizenship, through drawing on ethnographic research and on decolonial feminist and aesthetic theories. Chapters analyze how the vulnerability and precariousness of trans women coexist with modes of feminist agency, resistance and resilience, as well as with proposals for political action to transform a heteropatriarchal society toward a more diverse and accepting one. Finally, the author draws on the Viennese artist Friedensreich Hundertwasser’s metaphor of the five skins, whereby the first skin is the epidermis; the second is the clothes; the third is the house; the fourth is identity, which refers to primary socialization spaces such as the neighbourhood; and the fifth is the world environment. The author uses this metaphor to analyze the corporal practices of trans women in a cumulative way, paying special attention to the different stages of their lives, to those skins that embody and accompany them from childhood to adulthood.This book will be of interest to scholars of transgender studies, decolonial feminist studies, and aesthetic, particularly those with a focus on gender and sexuality in Latin America.

Fundamentals of NMR and MRI: From Quantum Principles to Medical Applications

by Fatemeh Khashami

This book bridges the gap between physical foundations and medical applications of the NMR and MRI technologies, making them accessible to both physicists and biomedical scientists. The physical basis of these technologies is discussed in a manner that can be easily understood by scientists from different backgrounds, aiding them in gaining a clearer understanding of the subject.. For instance, the medical applications of NMR and MRI technologies are described in a way that is accessible to physicists. Moreover, geometrical descriptions and specific mathematical tools are used to facilitate the visualizations of many concepts. Furthermore, the book covers modern technologies such as hyperpolarization and several other state-of-the-art techniques, along with their foundations.

Förderung inklusionsorientierter Einstellungen und Haltungen durch videofallbasierte Lehr-Lern-Gelegenheiten

by Julia Becker

Das vorliegende Buch beschäftigt sich mit der Frage, inwiefern inklusionsorientierte Haltungen und Einstellungen von Lehramtsstudierenden mithilfe von Videofällen gefördert werden können. Um diese Frage zu beantworten, werden drei aufeinander aufbauende Studien realisiert: In der ersten Studie werden Einstellungen und Haltungen der Studierenden erfasst. In einer zweiten Studie werden videobasierte Lehr-Lern-Gelegenheiten aus authentischem Videomaterial entwickelt. In der abschließenden Studie durchlaufen die Studierenden der ersten Studie unterschiedliche Seminare mit und ohne Videofälle, so dass eine Veränderung in ihrer Einstellung und Haltung gemessen werden kann.

Modeling Programming Competency: A Qualitative Analysis

by Natalie Kiesler

This book covers a qualitative study on the programming competencies of novice learners in higher education. To be precise, the book investigates the expected programming competencies within basic programming education at universities and the extent to which the Computer Science curricula fail to provide transparent, observable learning outcomes and assessable competencies. The study analyzes empirical data on 35 exemplary universities' curricula and interviews with experts in the field. The book covers research desiderata, research design and methodology, an in-depth data analysis, and a presentation and discussion of results in the context of programming education. Addressing programming competency in such great detail is essential due to the increasing relevance of computing in today’s society and the need for competent programmers who will help shape our future. Although programming is a core tier of computing and many related disciplines, learning how to program can be challenging in higher education, and many students fail in introductory programming. The book aims to understand what programming means, what programming competency encompasses, and what teachers expect of novice learners. In addition, it illustrates the cognitive complexity of programming as an advanced competency, including knowledge, skills, and dispositions in context. So, the purpose is to communicate the breadth and depth of programming competency to educators and learners of programming, including institutions, curriculum designers, and accreditation bodies. Moreover, the book’s goal is to represent how a qualitative research methodology can be applied in the context of computing education research, as the qualitative research paradigm is still an exception in computing education research. The book provides new insights into programming competency. It outlines the components of programming competencies in terms of knowledge, skills, and dispositions and their cognitive complexity according to the CC2020 computing curricula and the Anderson-Krathwohl taxonomy of the cognitive domain. These insights are essential as programming constitutes one of the most relevant competencies in all computing study programs. In addition, being able to program describes the capability of solving problems, which is also a core competency in today’s increasingly digitalized society. In particular, the book reveals the great relevance of dispositions and other competency components in programming education, which curricula currently fail to recognize and specify. In addition, the book outlines the resulting implications for higher education institutions, educators, and student expectations. Yet another result of interest to graduate students is the multi-method study design that allows for the triangulation of data and results.

Structuralism and Form in Literature and Biology: Critiquing Genetic Manipulation

by Peter McMahon

The book considers biology in parallel with philosophical structuralism in order to argue that notions of form in the organism are analogous to similar ideas in structuralist philosophy and literary theory. This analogy is then used to shed light on debates among biological scientists from the turn of the 19th century to the present day, including Cuvier, Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, Dawkins, Crick, Goodwin, Rosen and West-Eberhard. The book critiques the endorsement of genetic manipulation and bioengineering as keys to solving agricultural and environmental problems, suggesting that alternative models have been marginalized in the promotion of this discourse. Drawing from the work of philosophers including Cassirer, Saussure, Jakobson and Foucault the book ultimately argues that methods based on agroecology, supported by molecular applications (such as marker-assisted selection, MAS), can both advance agricultural development and remain focused on the whole organism.

Platformed! How Streaming, Algorithms and Artificial Intelligence are Shaping Music Cultures (Pop Music, Culture and Identity)

by Tiziano Bonini Paolo Magaudda

Grounded in more than a decade of field research, this book uses empirical examples, quantitative data, and qualitative interviews with young music consumers as well as music industry professionals to understand how the platforms behind music production, distribution and listening work in our digital society. Bringing together the perspectives from science and technology studies, media studies, and the political economy of digital platforms, the book outlines the process of mutual construction between music digital platforms and the cultural value of music in today’s society, and also reflects on the complicated relationship between the power of platforms and the agency of listeners.

Dental Science for the Medical Professional: An Evidence-Based Approach

by Christine E. Niekrash Elie M. Ferneini Michael T. Goupil

This multi-authored, multi-institutional, and multi-specialty based book is designed as a guide for the medical practitioner on dentistry and dental emergencies. The book is divided into five sections for ease of use: The first section gives an overview of local head and neck anatomy; the second section provides a discussion of potential head and neck infections; the third section discusses important perioral pathology; the fourth section gives an overview on the management of soft and hard tissue trauma; the fifth section discusses some other topics which might be encountered by the medical professional like managing patient anxiety and pain. Featuring dozens of pictures and diagrams to bring each scenario to life, the editors and contributors utilize their extensive academic experience and prior publication experience with multiple scientific articles and chapters to provide a resource for handling any dental emergency. Dental Science for the Medical Professional is a must-have resource for multiple medical and surgical professionals including: Primary care physicians, Emergency room physicians, Family physicians, General surgeons, Medical and Dental Students, Urgent care providers, and Mid-level Providers.

Vom Urknall bis zum E-Auto: Ein Museumsführer durch (fast) 14 Milliarden Jahre Geschichte

by Gideon Böss

Nur im Museum ist es möglich, in wenigen Schritten Milliarden Jahre Evolution, Menschheits- oder Technikgeschichte hinter sich zu bringen. Auf dem Weg durch fast 14 Milliarden Jahre stellt dieses Buch auf kurzweilige Art Museen und das in ihnen präsentierte Wissen vor. In zwanzig Stationen geht es vom Urknall über die Entstehung der Erde und des Lebens, zur Gründung erster Königreiche, zu Kleopatra, Luther und den Menschenrechten, zu Napoleon, Computern und dem Klimawandel. Man erfährt, warum Kuh und Wal so nahe Verwandte sind, warum die Preußen schon lange vor dem Berliner Hauptstadt-Flughafen ruinöse Bauprojekte realisierten und ob wir Menschen die Chance haben, jemals eine Supernova mit bloßen Augen zu sehen. Auf dieser unterhaltsamen Reise durch Raum und Zeit geht es aber auch um die Museen selbst, ihre Entstehungsgeschichten und ihre oft exzentrischen Gründer – unter denen einer die Wildtiere kurzerhand selbst erschoss, die er ausstellen wollte, während ein anderer kistenweise Landkarten und Bücher aus Japan stahl, bevor Stürme ihn zurück an die Küste warfen, oder jener dritte, der sich inmitten seiner Ausstellungsfläche begraben ließ und dort noch immer liegt. In diesem Buch vergehen (fast) 14 Milliarden Jahre wie im Flug.

Sport, körperliches Training und Osteoporose: Evidenzen, Wirkmechanismen und Empfehlungen zur optimierten Sturz- und Frakturprophylaxe

by Wolfgang Kemmler Simon von Stengel Michael Fröhlich Daniel Schöne

Dieses Fachbuch versteht sich als umfassende, strikt evidenzbasierte und praxisbezogene Orientierung und Handlungsempfehlung rund um den Themenkomplex „Bewegung, Sport und körperliches Training zur Vermeidung von niedrig-traumatischen Frakturen“. Besonderes Augenmerk liegt auf folgenden Aspekten:Relevanz eines körperlichen Trainings innerhalb der FrakturprophylaxeStrategien zur Frakturprophylaxe durch Sport und körperliches TrainingHandlungsempfehlungen für ein körperliches Training zur FrakturprophylaxeKontraindikationen und VorsichtsmaßnahmenBewegungsangebote im Spannungsfeld von Osteoporose, Sturz- und FrakturprophylaxeDie Inhalte des Buchs wurden verständlich und nachvollziehbar aufbereitet, um unterschiedliche Adressaten bestmöglich anzusprechen. Neben medizinischen Berufsgruppen und Fachkräften im Gesundheits-, Präventions- und Rehabilitationssport möchten die Autoren besonders Menschen die durch Osteoporose und/oder erhöhter Sturzneigung von niedrig-traumatischen Frakturen bedroht oder betroffen sind, diese Publikation empfehlen.

Governance in Higher Education: Global Reform and Trends in the MENA Region

by Nehme Azoury Georges Yahchouchi

Over the years, the education sector has witnessed substantial transformations and developments, driven primarily by the rapid growth of technology and inventive pedagogical approaches. In the MENA region, these changes have been particularly noteworthy, as educational institutions are striving to keep pace with global advancements while addressing unique regional challenges. Set against this context, this book delves into two pivotal dimensions that have surfaced as vital for thriving in today's educational sphere, with a strong emphasis on the MENA region's distinct characteristics and opportunities. The first dimension explores the evolution and challenges in governance, encompassing the organizational frameworks, decision-making mechanisms, and policies that empower educational institutions in the MENA region to adapt to the shifting environment. The second dimension zeroes in on the metamorphosis of education itself, emphasizing the innovative tools, assignments, and methodologies that are accessible to educators in the region, and discussing the balance between these elements and effective university governance. By offering an exhaustive and up-to-date examination of these two dimensions, this book imparts invaluable insights and pragmatic guidance to educational professionals, policymakers, and students alike, all with a focus on the MENA region. It aims to equip readers with the knowledge and abilities required to successfully navigate the new educational landscape and excel in the world of academia while highlighting the unique potential and prospects of the region's educational institutions.

Early Childhood Studies: A Student′s Guide

by Damien Fitzgerald Heloise Maconochie

The second edition of this indispensable textbook supports your academic development as you explore key concepts, theories, and practices. Engaging case studies bring theory to life, encouraging you to apply your knowledge in real-world scenarios. Reflect on your own beliefs and values with thought-provoking reflection points, while actionable steps guide you in translating theory into practice. Stay current with an extensive list of further readings, ensuring you remain at the forefront of research and practice. Includes key features such as: Learning outcomes Action points Case studies Reflection points Spotlights on policy/research Chapter summaries Further readings Each chapter begins with Learning Outcomes and ends with a summary, to guide your studies and package the most complex of subjects in a digestible and understandable form. Unsure how Early Years policies are implemented and impact young children? Curious about working with multilingual children and families? This updated edition covers topics ranging from children′s neurological development, to the impact of technology and digital culture, to childhood disability and SEND. Complete and comprehensive, this is the only textbook that will support you from the moment your degree begins right up to your graduation. Whether you′re embarking on a career in early childhood or seeking a deeper understanding of this vital field, this book equips you with the essential knowledge and tools to make a positive impact in the lives of young children.

Early Childhood Studies: A Student′s Guide

by Damien Fitzgerald Heloise Maconochie

The second edition of this indispensable textbook supports your academic development as you explore key concepts, theories, and practices. Engaging case studies bring theory to life, encouraging you to apply your knowledge in real-world scenarios. Reflect on your own beliefs and values with thought-provoking reflection points, while actionable steps guide you in translating theory into practice. Stay current with an extensive list of further readings, ensuring you remain at the forefront of research and practice. Includes key features such as: Learning outcomes Action points Case studies Reflection points Spotlights on policy/research Chapter summaries Further readings Each chapter begins with Learning Outcomes and ends with a summary, to guide your studies and package the most complex of subjects in a digestible and understandable form. Unsure how Early Years policies are implemented and impact young children? Curious about working with multilingual children and families? This updated edition covers topics ranging from children′s neurological development, to the impact of technology and digital culture, to childhood disability and SEND. Complete and comprehensive, this is the only textbook that will support you from the moment your degree begins right up to your graduation. Whether you′re embarking on a career in early childhood or seeking a deeper understanding of this vital field, this book equips you with the essential knowledge and tools to make a positive impact in the lives of young children.

Willenskraft und Gewohnheiten im Personal Performance Management: So bleiben Sie auf Ihre Ziele fokussiert

by Hendrik Hilmer

​Dieses Fachbuch stellt wichtige Elemente des Personal Performance Managements, der persönlichen Leistungssteuerung, vor – Willenskraft und die Macht der Gewohnheiten. Um in den verschiedensten Situationen handlungsfähig zu bleiben, ist es wichtig, nicht ausschließlich auf Motivation angewiesen zu sein. Willenskraft ist die Fähigkeit, innere (und äußere) Hindernisse zu überwinden, durchzuhalten und Ziele zu erreichen. Durch Selbststeuerung und exekutive Funktionen wird das eigene Denken, Fühlen und Handeln gezielt reguliert und kontrolliert. Die Möglichkeiten der Selbststeuerung werden vertiefend am Beispiel der Konzentration und Emotionsregulation diskutiert. Hierbei wird auch speziell auf die Bedeutung der Konzentration für das Multitasking eingegangen. Neben der bewussten und willentlichen Steuerung nutzen wir täglich viele Male deutlich unbewusstere Verhaltensweisen: Gewohnheiten. Sie sind eine denklogische Fortsetzung von Selbstkontrolle und Selbstregulation. Die Herausbildung nützlicher Routinen und die Kontrolle von ungewollten, dysfunktionalen Gewohnheiten sind wichtige Bestandteile des Personal Performance Managements.Das Buch richtet sich an alle, die Interesse an Selbstentwicklung und der persönlichen Leistungssteuerung haben, insbesondere an Fach- und Führungskräfte. Die vermittelten Inhalte geben praktische Hinweise für die persönliche Leistungssteuerung. Reflexionsfragen zu Beginn jedes Themenschwerpunktes unterstützen bei der eigenen Standortbestimmung. Der InhaltGrundlagen des Personal Performance ManagementsDas Verhältnis von Motivation und VolitionSelbstkontrolle, Selbstregulation, exekutive FunktionenSelbststeuerung am Beispiel der Konzentration und EmotionsregulationGewohnheiten, Routinen und Entscheidungen

Computer Vision: Three-dimensional Reconstruction Techniques

by Andrea Fusiello

From facial recognition to self-driving cars, the applications of computer vision are vast and ever-expanding. Geometry plays a fundamental role in this discipline, providing the necessary mathematical framework to understand the underlying principles of how we perceive and interpret visual information in the world around us. This text explores the theories and computational techniques used to determine the geometric properties of solid objects through images. It covers the basic concepts and provides the necessary mathematical background for more advanced studies. The book is divided into clear and concise chapters covering a wide range of topics including image formation, camera models, feature detection and 3D reconstruction. Each chapter includes detailed explanations of the theory as well as practical examples to help the reader understand and apply the concepts presented. The book has been written with the intention of being used as a primary resource for students on university courses in computer vision, particularly final year undergraduate or postgraduate computer science or engineering courses. It is also useful for self-study and for those who, outside the academic field, find themselves applying computer vision to solve practical problems. The aim of the book is to strike a balance between the complexity of the theory and its practical applicability in terms of implementation. Rather than providing a comprehensive overview of the current state of the art, it offers a selection of specific methods with enough detail to enable the reader to implement them.

A Comprehensive Guide for Web3 Security: From Technology, Economic and Legal Aspects (Future of Business and Finance)

by Ken Huang Dyma Budorin Lisa Jy Tan Winston Ma Zhijun William Zhang

With the recent debacle of cryptocurrency exchange FTX and the crypto trading company Alameda Research, the importance of comprehending the security and regulations of Web3, cryptocurrency, and blockchain projects has been magnified. To avoid similar economic and security failures in future Web3 projects, the book provides an essential guide that offers a comprehensive and systematic approach to addressing security concerns. Written by experts in tech and finance, it provides an objective, professional, and in-depth analysis of security and privacy issues associated with Web3 and blockchain projects.This book highlights the security related to foundational Web3 building blocks such as blockchain, crypto wallets, smart contracts, and token economics, and describes recommended security processes and procedures for Web3 application development such as DevSecOps, data analytics, and data authenticity via the oracle. Moreover, the book discusses the legal and regulatory aspects of Web3 and the reasons behind the failures of well-known Web3 projects. It also contains detailed case studies of web3 projects, analyses of the reasons for their failures, and some pending legal cases.This book is an excellent resource for a diverse range of readers, with particular appeal to web3 developers, architects, project owners, and cybersecurity professionals seeking to deepen their knowledge of Web3 security.

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