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The Pearl Millet Genome (Compendium of Plant Genomes)

by Rakesh K. Srivastava Rajeev K. Varshney C. Tara Satyavathi

This book entitled, The Pearl Millet Genome, is the first comprehensive compilation of deliberations on history, domestication, genetic and genomic resources, traditional breeding, genetic diversity, molecular maps and mapping of important biotic stress as well as nutritional quality traits, whole genome sequencing and comparative genomics, functional genomics, genetic transformation. The economic, nutritional, and health importance of the pearl millet is also discussed. It also presents the input use efficiency and wide adaptation of the crop. Altogether, the book will contain about 200 pages over 10 chapters authored by globally reputed experts on the relevant field in this crop. This book will be useful to the students, teachers, and scientists in the academia and relevant private companies interested in genetics, pathology, molecular genetics and breeding, genetic engineering, structural and functional genomics, and nutritional quality aspects of the crop. This book will also be also useful to seed and pharmaceutical industries.

Der dynamikrobuste Strategieprozess: Strategiearbeit für unsichere Zeiten

by Roman P. Büchler

Strategiearbeit braucht ein Upgrade. Strategie muss omnipräsent werden. Kürzere Zyklen lassen die Strategie schneller an das reale Marktgeschehen anpassen. Zudem lässt sie sich im Tagesgeschäft deutlich besser verankern. Mit dem dynamikrobusten Strategieprozess liefert Roman P. Büchler einen zukunftsfähigen Ansatz für unsichere Zeiten.

Phenomenological Investigations of Sonic Environments

by Martin Nitsche Ivan Gutierrez Jiří Zelenka Vít Pokorný

Phenomenological approaches to sounds, noises, voices, and music traditionally privilege methods that center visual perception. This book aims not only to phenomenologically describe sonic environments, but also to develop an audition-centered phenomenological methodology to enable this task. "Sonic environment" is this book's term for the acoustic shape of human life-environment, which is multisensory and does not exclude visual, tactile, olfactory, and gustatory sensations connected with sounds or their sources. Sonic environments (in so far as they are lived) are not composed of separate sounds, but created by “sonic phenomena” – i.e., lived (real or imagined) experiences with sounds, noises, voices, and music. Just as phenomenology traditionally privileges the visual over the audio, phenomenology thematically prefers listening to a voice or a music over less articulated sonic experiences (i.e., sounds without an obvious meaning, melody, or rhythm).In this respect, the book not only provides missing phenomenological descriptions of sonic environments, but also redefines phenomenological methodology with respect to acoustic perception.

Yumi and the Nightmare Painter: A Cosmere Novel (Secret Projects Ser.)

by Brandon Sanderson

From #1 New York Times bestselling author Brandon Sanderson―creator of The Stormlight Archive, the Mistborn Saga, and countless bestselling works of science fiction and fantasy―comes this gripping story set in the Cosmere universe told by Hoid, where two people from incredibly different cultures must work together to save their worlds from certain disaster. <p><p> Yumi has spent her entire life in strict obedience, granting her the power to summon the spirits that bestow vital aid upon her society―but she longs for even a single day as a normal person. Painter patrols the dark streets dreaming of being a hero―a goal that has led to nothing but heartache and isolation, leaving him always on the outside looking in. In their own ways, both of them face the world alone. <p><p> Suddenly flung together, Yumi and Painter must strive to right the wrongs in both their lives, reconciling their past and present while maintaining the precarious balance of each of their worlds. If they cannot unravel the mystery of what brought them together before it’s too late, they risk forever losing not only the bond growing between them, but the very worlds they’ve always struggled to protect.

Nursing Research: Methods And Critical Appraisal For Evidence-based Practice

by Geri LoBiondo-Wood Judith Haber

Find out why this book is a student favorite! Providing a solid foundation in nursing research and evidence-based practice, Nursing Research: Methods and Critical Appraisal for Evidence-Based Practice, 10th Edition offers balanced coverage of both qualitative and quantitative research methodologies and an easy-to-read, easy-to-understand approach. This edition features new content on trending topics, including the Next-Generation NCLEX® Exam (NGN), as well as improved usability, user-friendly learning aids, and full-text research articles to help you better understand how to apply research to everyday clinical practice. <p><p> Balanced coverage explores the nursing research process and the EBP process, as well as qualitative and quantitative research methodologies. User-friendly writing style and engaging learning aids throughout the text include full-text research examples, Helpful Hints, EBP Tips, IPE Highlights, Research Vignettes, Clinical Judgment Challenges, Critical Appraisal Criteria, and more!<p><p> Innovative format integrates examples from current, high-quality, relevant full-text research articles.<p><p> "All-star" team of contributors is a widely respected collection of experts in nursing research and EBP. NEW and UPDATED! Full-text research articles, including a population health study and a quality improvement study, serve as foundational examples throughout the text and Research Vignettes illustrate the types of high-quality research and evidence-based practice (EBP) projects that are driving advances in nursing practice.<p><p> NEW! Content on trending topics includes: Precision science and tailored healthcare based on evidence<p><p> Big data<p><p> Secondary analysis<p><p> Data collection using social media and technology Focus groups<p><p> Descriptive qualitative methods<p><p> Genetics, genomics, and "omics"<p><p> Social determinants of health and population health<p><p> Healthy People 2030<p><p> The new U.S. Surgeon General’s Report on Oral Health<p><p> The NIH funding roadmap<p><p> IPEC Core Competencies<p><p> The opioid crisis<p><p> HPV<p><p> NEW! Next-Generation NCLEX® Exam (NGN) content introduces the NCSBN Clinical Judgment Measurement Model and includes Clinical Judgment Challenges in each chapter to help prepare students for the NGN.<p><p> NEW! Expanded coverage of the latest developments in the field includes:<p><p> Content on research methods (scoping, rapid realist, etc.) and guidelines (evidence- versus expert-based) other than meta-analysis. Content on mixed-methods research that reflects the growing emphasis on mixed research methodologies.<p><p> Content on quality improvement (including the National Database of Nursing Quality Indicators [NDNQI], magnet status, and the Triple Aim) that addresses the growing importance of evidence-based quality improvement initiatives in clinical settings.<p><p> NEW! Improved usability, with more illustrations, larger table type, increased use of bulleted text, enhanced readability, italicized in-text research examples for greater visibility, and better-aligned learning outcomes and chapter-ending key points make it easier for students to locate, understand, and retain information.

Clinical Assessment for Social Workers: Quantitative And Qualitative Methods

by Catheleen Jordan Cynthia Franklin

Clinical Assessment for Social Workers provides a wide range of standardized assessment tools, derived from different perspectives, to give readers greater flexibility in information gathering and intervention planning. Incorporating both quantitative and qualitative methods, the authors encourage readers to approach assessment as both an art and a science. They advocate for discovering the balance between scientific, evidence-based approaches and the development of personal practice wisdom.

Activity Recognition and Prediction for Smart IoT Environments (Internet of Things)

by Raffaele Gravina Zhelong Wang Michele Ianni Antonella Guzzo Hassan Ghasemzadeh

This book provides the latest developments in activity recognition and prediction, with particular focus on the Internet of Things. The book covers advanced research and state of the art of activity prediction and its practical application in different IoT related contexts, ranging from industrial to scientific, from business to daily living, from education to government and so on. New algorithms, architectures, and methodologies are proposed, as well as solutions to existing challenges with a focus on security, privacy, and safety. The book is relevant to researchers, academics, professionals and students.

Modern Problems in PDEs and Applications: Extended Abstracts of the 2023 GAP Center Summer School (Trends in Mathematics #4)

by Michael Ruzhansky Joel Restrepo Karel Van Bockstal Berikbol Torebek Marianna Chatzakou

The principal aim of the volume is gathering all the contributions given by the speakers (mini courses) and some of the participants (short talks) of the summer school "Modern Problems in PDEs and Applications" held at the Ghent Analysis and PDE Center from 23 August to 2 September 2023. The school was devoted to the study of new techniques and approaches for solving partial differential equations, which can either be considered or arise from the physical point of view or the mathematical perspective. Both sides are extremely important since theories and methods can be developed independently, aiming to gather each other in a common objective. The aim of the summer school was to progress and advance in the problems considered. Note that real-world problems and their applications are classical study trends in physical or mathematical modelling. The summer school was organised in a friendly atmosphere and synergy, and it was an excellent opportunity to promote and encourage the development of the subject in the community.

Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology 2023: Innovative Approach and Recent Developments in Materials Engineering & Nanotechnology (Springer Proceedings in Physics #1068)

by Cong Wang Ching Yern Chee

This book includes selected peer reviewed articles presented at the 7th International Conference on Materials Engineering and Nanotechnology 2023 (ICMEN 2023) held on 04-05Nov at Kuala Lumpur in Malaysia. It highlights recent innovative approach and developments in materials engineering and nanotechnology fields. A broad range of topics and issues in modern materials science and nanotechnology are discussed, including advanced materials synthesis and characterization, nanoscale science and engineering, functional composite and nanomaterials, sustainable materials and green technologies. The importance and relevance of these proceedings lie in their contribution to the scientific community's collective knowledge and understanding of materials science/engineering and nanotechnology. By disseminating cutting-edge research findings and innovations, these proceedings foster collaboration, inspire new ideas, and push the boundaries of scientific discovery. Given its scope, this book will be of interest to a wide readership, including materials and nanotechnology engineers, scholars and researchers in science, technology and engineering disciplines.

The Social Democratic Parties in the Visegrád Countries: Predicaments and Prospects for Progressivism

by Ania Skrzypek András Bíró-Nagy

This book provides an in-depth analysis of the social democratic parties in the four member states of the so-called “Visegrád Group”- Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. The timeline spans the last two decades, which saw the parties in question come to power, govern and collapse. The case studies of all four countries are structured in the same way, offering: explanation of the historical background (including electoral results), analyses of the context, structures, membership and voters; evaluation of the programmes and hypotheses for potential future trajectories. Given the European relevance of the topic, the fifth chapter provides a comparative analysis, with a handful of explanations as to why Visegrád Group countries have proved to be tough partners in European integration processes.

The Girmitiya Peasants in Suriname: Agrarian and Economic Transformations in a Plantation Society

by Ruben Gowricharn

This book examines the Indo-Surinamese Girmitiya peasants and their contributions to developing the ethnic community within their newly adopted home. It demonstrates the transformation of the Girmitiyas from agriculturalists in British India to plantation labourers to peasants and finally to urban dwellers. The author argues that it was the Girmitiya peasants who had made greater contributions to developing the ethnic community over the labourers of whom about one-third returned to British India. The work covers the history of how the peasants institutionalised their practice, changed the physical landscape and integrated economically and politically as an ethnic group in their newly adopted homeland. Furthermore, the author presents arguments to demonstrate that Girmitiya peasants survived the plantation labour and peasant life due to their knowledge and skills of agrarian cultivation, known as agrarian human capital. The scholarly literature about the labour migration from British India has focused heavily on the fate of the labourers. Consequently, the history of the Girmitiya peasants as well as the cultural heritage they have produced has been grossly neglected. This book purports to fill this void by telling the history of Girmitiya peasants in Suriname, a Caribbean society adjacent to former British Guyana.

Spiritual Jewish Criminology: Theoretical Perspective and Applications for Offenders Rehabilitation

by Natti Ronel Yitzhak Ben Yair

This book presents the concept of Spiritual Jewish criminology. It stems from the Jewish spiritual paradigm, and explains criminology from this point of view in theoretical and applied perspectives. This volume uses qualitative methodology and a phenomenological, hermeneutic approach that enables a combination of interviews and analysis of scriptural texts. Spiritual criminology topics covered from the Spiritual Jewish perspective include: References to life purpose. Human nature and tendencies. Freedom of choice. Corresponding perception of punishment and rehabilitation. This volume suggests theoretical and practical implications to the field of criminology, and although based on Jewish premises, presents in a way that can benefit different belief systems. It is ideal for professionals interested in the intersection of spirituality and criminology.

Die Modularität von Java 9: Projekt Jigsaw und skalierbare Java-Anwendungen

by Alexandru Jecan

Entwickeln Sie modulare Anwendungen mit dem Java Platform Module System, dem am meisten erwarteten Feature von Java 9. Sie werden die Wartbarkeit und Leistung Ihrer Java-Anwendungen verbessern, indem Sie nur die Module einsetzen, die benötigt werden, und deren Implementierungsdetails kapseln. Bis jetzt war Java monolithisch. Die Verwendung eines beliebigen Teils von Java bedeutete die Einbindung der gesamten Laufzeitumgebung, ein Ansatz, der für die wachsende Zahl von IoT-Geräten wie Fitnessmonitoren, Küchengeräten, Spielzeugen und Spielen usw. nicht geeignet ist. Dieses Buch zeigt einen neuen Weg auf, wie Java vom kleinsten Fußabdruck im kleinsten Gerät über Desktop-PCs bis hin zu Serverplattformen skaliert werden kann. Mit Java 9 Modularity Revealed lernen Sie, Ihre Projekte zuverlässiger und skalierbarer als je zuvor zu machen, indem Sie die wichtigste Funktion von Java 9 nutzen - das Java Platform Module System, besser bekannt als Project Jigs. aw. Sie werden lernen, wie Sie einen der Hauptprobleme der Java-Programmierung vermeiden können, nämlich widersprüchliche Klassennamen aus verschiedenen Modulen oder Paketen. Sie werden lernen, benutzerdefinierte Laufzeit-Images zu erstellen, die eine minimale und kompaktere JRE darstellen und nur die Module enthalten, die Sie benötigen. Außerdem lernen Sie, wie Sie bestehende Java-Anwendungen mit Hilfe verschiedener Ansätze und Werkzeuge in modulare Anwendungen umwandeln können. Das Endergebnis ist eine neue Fähigkeit, verschiedene Module zusammenzustecken, ohne Angst vor Namensraum- und anderen Konflikten zu haben, und Sie können alles einsetzen, von kleinen Geräten bis hin zu großen Servern. Dieses Buch enthält Codebeispiele und Erläuterungen. Was Sie lernen werden Java-Anwendungen mit dem neuen, in Java 9 eingeführten modularen System erstellen ErstellenSie Ihre eigene JRE, die nur aus den von Ihnen benötigten Modulen besteht Anpassung Ihrer Testtechniken an modulare Anwendungen Ihre Abhängigkeiten von anderen Modulen aufzulösen Aktivieren Sie Module, die nur bestimmte Pakete exportieren Bestehende Java-Anwendungen in modulare Anwendungen umwandeln Verbesserung der Wartbarkeit und Leistung von Java-Anwendungen Für wen dieses Buch bestimmt ist Erfahrene Java-Programmierer, die über die neue Modularitätsunterstützung in Java 9 auf dem Laufenden bleiben und sich informieren möchten

Space Business: Emerging Theory and Practice

by William W. Baber Arto Ojala

This book is an academic investigation of commercial activities of firms in the space related industries and those utilizing services provided by space technology firms. These firms and their activities are part of the “New Space” concept where space related commercial activities are undertaken and funded by private firms rather than government institutions. New Space is leading to business model innovation and new theory about space business activities including upstream and downstream commercial activities. Upstream value chains include activities prior to turnover of launched systems to operators. Downstream value chains include operation of systems in space as well as the transfer, processing, and sale of space-based data and data services. The commercial activities of space business now reach into everyday lives of most humans from banking and disaster management to resource monitoring to tourism. With such broad reach, the New Space ecosystem is rapidly developing in importance and complexity.

Acute Myeloid Leukemia in Children: Standard of Care and Future Perspectives (Pediatric Oncology)

by Dirk Reinhardt Daisuke Tomizawa Edward Anders Kolb

This book provides up-to-date information on key topics and issues in Pediatric Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AML), including the epidemiology, biology, diagnosis and treatment of particular forms of the disease, supportive care, and survivorship. The entire spectrum of clinical management on pediatric AML is covered with the aim of equipping readers with the latest knowledge relevant to clinical practice and research, based on enormous efforts made by cooperative clinical trial groups and consortia worldwide. Each chapter is written by internationally renowned authorities who have been selected for their expertise in the subjects discussed. This book will serve pediatric hematologists/oncologists, fellows, and residents both as a comprehensive source of information and as a quick reference. The book will also be of interest to pediatricians and general practitioners.

Electronic Government: 23rd IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, EGOV 2024, Ghent-Leuven, Belgium, September 3–5, 2024, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14841)

by J. Ramon Gil-Garcia Joep Crompvoets Marijn Janssen Ida Lindgren Habin Lee Gabriela Viale Pereira Anastasija Nikiforova

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 23rd IFIP WG 8.5 International Conference, EGOV 2024, held in Ghent, Belgium, during September 3–5, 2024. The 29 full papers presented were carefully selected from 69 submissions. They were categorized under the topical sections as follows: Foundations, Digital transformation, Public Services, AI in government, Open government, Emerging topics.

Microbial Products for Health and Nutrition

by Prasun Kumar Vijay Kothari Subhasree Ray

This book highlights microbial products and their applications in the health sector. The chapters introduce novel advancements and applications in different pharmaceutical and nutraceutical aspects of applied microbiology. Readers will obtain a detailed overview of the relevance of microbial metabolites to human health and nutrition. Besides knowing the products already developed, they will also get an idea of microbial products currently in the development pipeline and those that are likely to emerge as potential nutraceuticals. Readers will get an interesting and useful perspective on how supplementing food with microbes or their bioactive metabolites can realize the idea of 'food as medicine'. This book introduces the biological activities of various microbial fermentation products, and how they are relevant to mitigating various disease conditions (e.g. neuropathy, diabetes, gut dysbiosis, malnutrition, etc.) in humans. One of the highlights of this volume is the exploration of microbial pigments as potential substitutes for synthetic colorants, offering safer and more sustainable alternatives for the food and healthcare industries. The book has equivalent contributions from experts in academia and industry to fill the communication gap between them. Through this book, readers will gain valuable insights into the historical perspectives, contemporary impacts, and future prospects of microbial applications in health and nutrition. From food preservation to biopharmaceutical production, the potential of microbial products to revolutionize our approach to health and wellness is undeniable.

Frauenpower: Trainieren Sie Ihre mentale Stärke für ein Leben voller Kraft und Freude

by Antje Heimsoeth

Selbstvertrauen, Fokus sowie ein gutes Selbstmanagement sind Schlüsselfaktoren für den Erfolg – nicht nur im Business. Im Buch wird dargestellt, wie Frauen sich oft selbst ausbremsen, was die Auslöser dafür sind und wie Frauen sie beheben können. Sie finden Antworten auf: Wie kann man mentale Stärke trainieren, Unsicherheiten ablegen, sein eigenes Potenzial voll ausschöpfen und sich selbst verwirklichen? Anschaulich und unterhaltsam schildert die Autorin, was es bedeutet, eine mental starke Frau zu sein. Sie zeigt, wie sich mittels verschiedener mentaler Techniken Blockaden überwinden lassen, hochgesteckte Ziele voller Lebensfreude angegangen werden können und Erfüllung im Leben erreichbar wird. Das Buch enthält hilfreiche, alltagstaugliche Tipps und Übungen, spannende Geschichten sowie lehrreiche Erfahrungsberichte. In der 2. Auflage befasst sich die Autorin noch stärker mit den Aspekten Mut, mentale Gesundheit und Selbstliebe: Seien Sie mutig!

Katastrophen aus Menschenhand: Die Schattenseiten unserer Entscheidungen: Wenn Naturgefahren zu Tragödien werden

by Ilan Kelman

Ein Erdbeben erschüttert Haiti und ein Hurrikan wütet in Texas. Wir hören, dass die Natur wütet und versucht, uns durch diese "Naturkatastrophen" zu zerstören. Die Wissenschaft erzählt eine andere Geschichte: die unbequeme Wahrheit, dass Katastrophen nicht die Folge von natürlichen Ursachen sind, sondern die meisten "Naturkatastrophen" durch menschliche Entscheidungen verursacht werden.​In diesem Buch erfahren Sie, wie Katastrophen vermieden werden können und sollten. Menschen mit politischer Macht, Geld und Möglichkeiten, allen zu helfen, vermeiden aktiv, Katastrophen zu verhindern, wenn die Natur ihre Kräfte und Energien entfesselt. Sie werden von Beispielen für schreckliche Katastrophen wie Erdbeben und Hurrikane in Haiti lesen, neben inspirierenden Erfolgen im Umgang mit Waldbränden in Colorado und Überschwemmungen in Toronto und Bangladesch. Die Geschichten nehmen Sie mit auf eine Reise um die Welt und in die Vergangenheit, um die komplexen Faktoren zu erkunden, die Katastrophen verursachen. Die Politik diktiert, wo und was wir bauen, während sie Armut, Marginalisierung und Diskriminierung schafft und aufrechterhält. Wir sollten die Menschen, die diese Entscheidungen treffen, für Katastrophen verantwortlich machen. Doch stattdessen konzentrieren wir uns auf Umweltfaktoren oder Gottheiten, die Todesfälle, Schäden und Störungen "verursachen".Die Politik diktiert, wo und was wir bauen, während sie Armut, Marginalisierung und Diskriminierung schafft und aufrechterhält und wir konzentrieren uns auf Umweltfaktoren oder Gottheiten, die Todesfälle oder Schäden "verursachen". Dieses Buch handelt von der Unfähigkeit der Menschheit, mit der Umwelt und mit uns selbst, kollektiv und individuell, umzugehen. Es wird Sie dabei unterstützen, bessere Entscheidungen zu treffen, um zukünftig dazu beizutragen Katastrophen zu verhindern.

Superalloys 2024: Proceedings of the 15th International Symposium on Superalloys (The Minerals, Metals & Materials Series)

by Timothy Smith Jian Zhang Sammy Tin Jonathan Cormier Akane Suzuki Ian Edmonds Stephane Forsik Paraskevas Kontis Corey O’Connell

The 15th International Symposium on Superalloys (Superalloys 2024) highlights technologies for lifecycle improvement of superalloys. In addition to the traditional focus areas of alloy development, processing, mechanical behavior, coatings, and environmental effects, this volume includes contributions from academia, supply chain, and product-user members of the superalloy community that highlight technologies that contribute to improving manufacturability, affordability, life prediction, and performance of superalloys.

Merit, Justice, and the Political Theory of Academic Knowledge Production

by Matthew C. Murray Camilla Boisen

Academia has long established itself as an institution of knowledge and ideas. Facing pressure, many academic fields and institutions have turned their attention, singularly and collectively, to the task of what to do to rectify the causes of under-representations both academic knowledge itself and who gets to be an academic producer of knowledge. Boisen and Murray argue that simply solving the contemporary symptoms of inequity in ideas, knowledge production and the academy is not enough. Political Theory must be used to analyze why dominant ideas and institutions, namely merit and the resulting meritocracy and meritocratic procedures, were given power in the first place. In using political theory and theories of justice, the book argues that academia must radically shift rather than procedurally reform these methods of evaluation in order to achieve a more coherent approach to diversity in ideas, academic knowledge producers and academic knowledge production, which are necessary to bring about other forms of social change and reform in our larger world. In questioning the ideals and the use of rival ideals to temper flawed concepts, the present motivations and justifications for producing academic knowledge can be relegated as political tools, allowing true meaningful reform. Boisen and Murray show how contemporary crises in academia around diversification of perspectives can only be solved by considering the justifications of academic knowledge production, and the inherent risk of retaining the established competitive and presumptively ‘natural’, but ultimately biased, methods of deriving academic authority.

Safety Causation Analysis in Sociotechnical Systems: Advanced Models and Techniques (Studies in Systems, Decision and Control #541)

by Esmaeil Zarei

This book provides a comprehensive view on theories, models, and techniques used to investigate and analyze incidents and safety causalities occurring in sociotechnical systems. Consisted of intricately interconnected components, sociotechnical systems are always prone to incidents. These incidents can ensue with adverse effects on employees and the public, the environment, and company's properties and reputation. Sometimes, a single incident has the potential to terminate the operation of a business forever. As incidents are multi-factorial and not easy to comprehend, they should be investigated systematically in a structured way so as to find their root causes and prevent them from recurring. Consequently, there have been developed many theories, models, and techniques aimed at accomplishing this goal. However, each approach has its own upsides and downsides, and there is no universal one applicable to all cases. Therefore, researchers and practitioners may sometimes find it difficult to select the most appropriate approach for the given case. After introducing theories, models, and techniques pertaining to incident investigation and safety causalities modeling, this book explains each one in details and discusses their pros and cons. The book aims to provide the audience with a step-by-step guidance for performing incident investigation and analysis. At the end of each chapter an example is analyzed by the introduced tool. Finally, the book offers criteria based on which an incident analysis technique can be selected.

Rescue Party: A Graphic Anthology of COVID Lockdown (Pantheon Graphic Library)

by Hillary Chute Gabe Fowler

"An ode to the power of art and comics to capture a moment and to crystallize the wish for a better world."—Françoise Mouly, The New Yorker More than 140 single-page comics from artists the world over, documenting humanity&’s retreat into COVID-19 lockdown and imagining our eventual, boisterous reemergence, gathered by the founder of the annual Comic Arts Brooklyn festival and owner of the beloved indie comics shop Desert IslandOn April 1, 2020, the Instagram account of Desert Island, Brooklyn&’s celebrated alternative comics shop, put out a call. By then Desert Island had been shuttered indefinitely, and cities all over the world had been locked down as the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic took hold.&“We all need something positive to think about, and a lot of us have time on our hands,&” the post read. &“Who wants to make something?&”What happened next was nothing short of remarkable, as hundreds of short comics from more than fifty countries poured into Desert Island&’s inbox. Some came from notable cartoonists. Most, astonishingly, came from amateur artists just looking for an outlet to create in the midst of tragedy—for a chance to join the rescue party that leads us out of isolation.Collected in this book are more than 140 notable entries from the Rescue Party project, capturing the loneliness and the surprising comforts of early lockdown; the mania of its middle days as the mind begins to fray; and the many paths forward toward humanity&’s future, as we re-enter a world wracked with injustice.Bracing, beautiful, and conspicuously optimistic, Rescue Party is part graphic diary, part time capsule, and part field guide: a grassroots project that tells the collective story of lockdown from a chorus of global voices and charts a course toward a more just future.

We Are Definitely Human

by X. Fang

A hilarious alien invasion story with a feel-good message about what it means to be human. Perfect for earthlings of all ages.When three mysterious visitors from "Europe" crash-land in Mr. Li's field, he does what any good host would: he invites them back to his farmhouse and offers to help fix up their "car". No, there's nothing strange about these guests at all. Just like other humans, they "make business", "play sportsball" and "wear hat". As the townsfolk also come to the aid of the visitors and the gathering turns into a little party, interplanetary relations reach an all-time high.A sweetly funny extraterrestrial offering that explores surprising acts of kindness and acceptance, X. Fang's second picture book is truly out of this world.

Under the Skin: The Hidden Toll of Racism on American Lives (Pulitzer Prize Finalist)

by Linda Villarosa

PULITZER PRIZE FINALIST • "A stunning exposé of why Black people in our society 'live sicker and die quicker'—an eye-opening game changer."—Oprah DailyFrom an award-winning writer at the New York Times Magazine and a contributor to the 1619 Project comes a landmark book that tells the full story of racial health disparities in America, revealing the toll racism takes on individuals and the health of our nation.In 2018, Linda Villarosa's New York Times Magazine article on maternal and infant mortality among black mothers and babies in America caused an awakening. Hundreds of studies had previously established a link between racial discrimination and the health of Black Americans, with little progress toward solutions. But Villarosa's article exposing that a Black woman with a college education is as likely to die or nearly die in childbirth as a white woman with an eighth grade education made racial disparities in health care impossible to ignore.Now, in Under the Skin, Linda Villarosa lays bare the forces in the American health-care system and in American society that cause Black people to &“live sicker and die quicker&” compared to their white counterparts. Today's medical texts and instruments still carry fallacious slavery-era assumptions that Black bodies are fundamentally different from white bodies. Study after study of medical settings show worse treatment and outcomes for Black patients. Black people live in dirtier, more polluted communities due to environmental racism and neglect from all levels of government. And, most powerfully, Villarosa describes the new understanding that coping with the daily scourge of racism ages Black people prematurely. Anchored by unforgettable human stories and offering incontrovertible proof, Under the Skin is dramatic, tragic, and necessary reading.

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