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Knowledge and Learning in Organizations: A Knowing-In-Practice Perspective of University Academic Managers

by Fabiano Larentis Claudia Simone Antonello

This book explores the notion of knowing-in-practice to unravel the formation of academic managers' knowing in a community university. It considers the unique socio-historical context and institutional intricacies, such as procedures, flows, and political and power structures. Knowing-in-practice implies that knowledge is dynamic, constantly in flux, and intricately linked to the capability for action within the social context. In essence, knowledge is emergent and anchored by its material context. The role of an academic manager is distinctive, involving the concurrent practice of higher education management and teaching. Hence, academic-managers are supposed to deal with a multiplicity of activities and interpersonal relationships. This work will enhance our understanding of the constitution process of academic-managers in higher education, emphasizing the perspective of knowing-in-practice. It offers insights into the learning processes and knowing associated with academic management, contributing to the improvement of university management and leadership. Further, it contributes to the advancement of organizational studies related to learning and knowing.

Hidden Champions Case Compendium: Leading Global Markets – Case Studies and Texts

by Jan-Philipp Büchler Christina Hoon

This textbook provides an in-depth portfolio of case studies of globally operating and market leading medium-sized companies, mostly based in Germany. Students in the field of strategic management, family business management, information technology, and engineering may comprehensively explore the success factors of these hidden champions. Assignments and discussion sections help to dive deeper into the topics of innovation, internationalization, and leadership. Practitioners may gain valuable insights into growth trajectories and strategic decisions for achieving and sustaining market leadership. All case studies have been developed in direct cooperation with the companies and tested in teaching.

Polizei und Bürgerbeteiligung: Impulse für mehr Vertrauen, Kooperation und Akzeptanz

by Jan-Philipp Küppers

Dieses Buch erläutert, warum Beteiligungsprozesse für die Polizei an Bedeutung gewonnen haben und wie sie erfolgreich gestaltet werden können. In Zukunft wird zunehmend eine integrierte Sicherheitsstruktur gefragt sein, in der Stakeholdergruppen und betroffene Bürger*innen eine wichtige Rolle in der polizeilichen Gefahren- und Risikobewertung und damit an der Gestaltung ihres lebensweltbezogenen Sicherheitsempfindens einnehmen. Das Buch verfolgt einen orientierenden und handlungsleitenden Anspruch, wie praktikable Beteiligungsprozesse der Bürger*innen in Planung und Vorhaben der Polizei eingebunden werden können. Theoretische Grundlagen und praktische Anwendungsfelder für die Umsetzung von Beteiligungsprozessen werden ermittelt: Mitwirkung in Kooperationsgesprächen zur diskursiven Konfliktbearbeitung im Vorfeld von Protestlagen, zur Meinungsbildung durch Information und diskursiven Austausch von Argumenten im Rahmen der kommunalen Sicherheits- und Präventionsarbeit oder anlassabhängige „Runde Tische“ im Wirkbereich von unabhängigen Bürger- und Polizeibeauftragten. In einer Zeit großer Verunsicherung angesichts gesellschaftlicher Veränderung und Komplexität eröffnen Beteiligungsprozesse die Chance, angespannte Verhältnisse von Polizei und Zivilgesellschaft zu befrieden und ein gegenseitiges Vertrauensverhältnis aufzubauen. Bürgerbeteiligung kann kein hoheitliches Handeln ersetzen, aber mit Alltags- und Erfahrungswissen anreichern. In diesen bewegten Zeiten gibt es kein besseres Rezept, um gemeinsam Sicherheit zu gestalten und Probleme zu bearbeiten. Der Inhalt Praktische Hilfestellung und besseres Verständnis von Beteiligungsprozessen für die Polizeiarbeit Vorteile der Bürgerbeteiligung auf einen Blick Drei praxisorientierte Anwendungsfelder (Kooperationsgespräche in Protestlagen, unabhängige Bürger- und Polizeibeauftragte und kommunale Sicherheits- und Präventionsarbeit)

EU Migrant Workers, Brexit and Precarity: Polish Women's Perspectives from Inside the UK

by Eva A. Duda-Mikulin

How has the Brexit vote affected EU migrants to the UK? This book presents a female Polish perspective, using findings from research carried out with migrants interviewed before and after the Brexit vote – voices of real people who made their home in the UK. It looks at how migrants view Brexit and what it means for them, how their experiences compare pre- and post-Brexit vote, and their future plans, as well as considering the wider implications of the migrant experience in relation to precarity and the British paid labour market.

Researching Justice: Engaging with Questions and Spaces of (In)Justice through Social Research (Spaces and Practices of Justice)

by Richard White Don Mitchell Simon Springer Andrew McGregor Elizabeth Mavroudi Corine Wood-Donnelly Jen Dickinson Jennifer Balint Deepti Chatti Barbora Adlerova Ana Moragues Faus Ophélie Véron Natasha Uwimanzi Kate Derickson

Understanding justice, for many, begins with questions of injustice. This volume pushes us to consider the extent to which our scholarly and everyday practices are, or can become, socially just. In this edited collection, international contributors reflect on what the practice of ‘justice’ means to them, and discuss how it animates and shapes their research across diverse fields from international relations to food systems, political economy, migration studies and criminology. Giving insights into real life research practices for scholars at all levels, this book aids our understanding of how to employ and live justice through our work and daily lives.

Manhua Modernity: Chinese Culture and the Pictorial Turn

by John A. Crespi

A free open access ebook is available upon publication. Learn more at From fashion sketches of smartly dressed Shanghai dandies in the 1920s, to multipanel drawings of refugee urbanites during the war against Japan, to panoramic pictures of anti-American propaganda rallies in the early 1950s, the polymorphic cartoon-style art known as manhua helped define China's modern experience. Manhua Modernity offers a richly illustrated, deeply contextualized analysis of these illustrations across the lively pages of popular pictorial magazines that entertained, informed, and mobilized a nation through a half century of political and cultural transformation. In this compelling media history, John Crespi argues that manhua must be understood in the context of the pictorial magazines that hosted them, and in turn these magazines must be seen as important mediators of the modern urban experience. Even as times changed—from interwar-era consumerism to war-time mobilization to Mao-style propaganda—the art form adapted to stay on the cutting edge of both politics and style.

Decision-making in High-Risk Projects

by Akio Torii

This book identifies and systematically confirms the various factors that allow dangerous nuclear power projects to proceed without adequate risk assessment, even as society recognizes the magnitude of risks associated with nuclear power generation. For the first time, it employs a communication game model to explore each factor individually. The novel feature of the book lies in its theoretical analysis of institutional factors, such as the possibility of regulatory capture by electric power companies, the likelihood of these companies concealing early warning signs, the societal demand for excessive safety leading to intolerance of even minor incidents, and the ambiguity of liability. These issues have been pointed out and discussed by many commentators, including the media, but they have never been rigorously verified through economic model analysis. Furthermore, the book discusses why trial and error, a common approach in technological development, is particularly challenging for nuclear power.

The Religious Roots of Longevity Risk Sharing: The Genesis of Annuity Funds in the Scottish Enlightenment and the Path to Modern Pension Management

by Moshe A. Milevsky

This book presents a unique historical study on the origins of longevity risk management and its links to religious institutions in the eighteenth century. Throughout history, monarchs, affluent patrons, and wealthy benefactors routinely pledged to provide their devotees with pensions or life annuities, mirroring the biblical concept of ‘daily bread for life’. Until the eighteenth century, however, the uncertainty around the longevity of beneficiaries’ lives and the difficulty of budgeting for random financial obligations had posed economic challenges that often led to insufficient funding and high default rates. This book narrates the genesis of longevity risk pooling and the first successfully funded annuity scheme in history, an eventual prototype for national pension plans around the world. It examines how a group of Protestant clergymen, scientists, and intellectuals associated with the Presbyterian Church of Scotland pioneered innovative methods for setting up a reversionary annuity and widow’s pension plan, guided by actuarial principles. Unknown to many, the economist Adam Smith, and other literati of the Scottish Enlightenment, invested in this novel annuity. Illuminating the social and theological contexts of this scheme, the book argues that religious belief played a critical role in the development of best practices around the prudent management of longevity risk. The practices, values and beliefs in divine probabilities were at the heart of these thought leaders’ confidence in long-term financial projections. Shedding light on this fascinating aspect of actuarial history by an examination of the archival records, while also linking to contextual discussions of modern pension challenges, this book will be of interest to scholars and readers interested in finance, insurance, pensions, and religion.

Strategisches Wertversprechen, Innovationsmanagement in Software-Startups für anhaltenden Wettbewerbsvorteil: Ein strategisches Instrument für Wettbewerbsvorteile

by Varun Gupta

Dieses Buch hat zum Ziel, die Erfolgsquoten von Startups zu erhöhen, indem es sich auf die Innovation des Wertversprechens konzentriert. Dies wird vorangetrieben durch die Einbindung potenzieller Verbraucher sowie anderer Ressourcen wie Freiberufler und strategischer Partnerschaften mit der Akademie. Der Autor zeigt, wie Startups, die in Bezug auf Ressourcen eingeschränkt sind, Anstrengungen unternehmen können, um das Potenzial ihres Produktmarktes zu erkunden. Dabei wird auch untersucht, wie globale Märkte für den Erfolg eines Startups vorteilhaft sein können, während gleichzeitig Lösungen für schwer zugängliche Märkte aufgezeigt werden. Das Buch untersucht das Gewinnen von Wissen, das von Freiberuflern, Kunden und der Akademie geteilt wird, deren Beteiligung entscheidend sein kann, um Aktivitäten der Wertversprechen-Innovation wie Ideenentwicklung, Umsetzung und Vermarktung zu unterstützen. In Kombination führt der Autor die Leser dazu, ihre Fähigkeit zu entdecken, Wertversprechen-Innovationen zu fördern, die langfristige Wettbewerbsvorteile in einer stark schwankenden Geschäftsumgebung zur Folge haben.

Disrupting Racism in US Schools: Transcending the (un)Civil War (Palgrave Studies in Race, Inequality and Social Justice in Education)

by Amy Murray Rose Borunda

This edited volume brings together authors from various cultural backgrounds to address the racialized roots of the (un)civil war in American society and schooling. While exposing substractive schooling practices, it also provides counter-narrative school curriculum that builds cross-cultural bridges and connects learners across racial lines. It also includes critical reading and discussion questions for students in the fields of education, school leadership, sociology, ethnic studies, history, school teacher and counselor preparation, psychology, and public policy. In bringing together a wide collaboration of authors, the text models the practices of inclusion that must occur in order to transform American public education beyond its racialized roots.

Towards a New Definition of Terrorism: Challenges and Perspectives in a Shifting Paradigm (Contributions to Security and Defence Studies)

by Katarzyna Maniszewska

This book addresses critical questions in the field of terrorism studies that have long eluded consensus in the international community. It discusses why there is an abundance of definitions of terrorism and, on the other hand, the absence of a standard definition of terrorism reflected at the international level, shedding light on the elusive boundaries for achieving a global consensus. The book's two compelling hypotheses pave the way for a fresh perspective on counterterrorism efforts. Firstly, the need for new legal frameworks that adapt to the evolving nature of terrorism, encompassing state-sponsored terrorism. Secondly, by examining the historical roots of terrorism, this book uncovers patterns that could reshape future counterterrorism strategies. Drawing on interviews with 20 leading experts in terrorism studies from diverse backgrounds and regions, this book provides invaluable insights and ensures a well-rounded examination of the subject. It will appeal to students, scholars, and researchers of security studies, political science, international relations, and terrorism studies in particular, as well as policy-makers interested in exploring the complexities of countering terrorism in our ever-changing world.

Integrated Management of Water Resources in India: Optimizing for Sustainability and Planning (Water Science and Technology Library #129)

by Vijay P. Singh Akhilesh Kumar Yadav Kanchan Yadav

This book tackles the complexities of water management in India. Using computational tools, it provides comprehensive information on water availability, demand, climate change, integrated management, and governance. A must-read for researchers, policymakers, and water managers. The book is structured to provide a holistic understanding of water resources in India and the need for an integrated approach to their management. It explores various aspects of water management, including data collection and analysis, water allocation and planning, water quality management, and the intricate interdependencies within the water-energy-food nexus. One of the key focuses of this book is the application of computational approaches in the management of water resources. We explore the use of advanced modeling, simulation, and optimization techniques to facilitate decision making, assess water availability, and predict future scenarios. By employing computational tools, our goal is to bridge the gap between theoretical concepts and practical implementation, empowering water managers, policymakers, researchers, and other stakeholders to make informed and effective decisions. Throughout the book, we present case studies highlighting the application of computational approaches in diverse water management scenarios in India. These case studies offer valuable information on real-world challenges and demonstrate the potential of computational techniques to address complex water resources problems. We also explore the importance of stakeholder engagement, participatory approaches, and collaborative governance models, recognizing the importance of inclusive decision-making processes and local knowledge in achieving sustainable water management. The book is expected to serve as a valuable resource for students, researchers, professionals, and policymakers involved in water resource management in India. We aim to contribute to the ongoing efforts to ensure the availability of clean and adequate water resources for present and future generations.

Omnichannel im Einzelhandel: Grundlagen, Strategien und Best Practices für eine erfolgreiche Implementierung

by Mark Harwardt Ralf Haberich

​Der Einzelhandel hat sich durch die Digitalisierung in den letzten Jahren dramatisch gewandelt: Das Aufkommen des E-Commerce und die Verbreitung von Smartphones haben das Einkaufsverhalten der Verbraucher revolutioniert. Die Kundinnen und Kunden erwarten heute nicht nur Flexibilität und Bequemlichkeit beim Einkaufen, sondern auch Einkaufserlebnisse, bei denen sie online recherchieren, Produkte in physischen Geschäften ausprobieren und schließlich über die von ihnen bevorzugten Kanäle kaufen können. Die Integration verschiedener Vertriebskanäle ist somit der Schlüssel zum Erfolg im Einzelhandel in der heutigen digitalen Welt. Omnichannel versetzt Einzelhändler in die Lage, diese Erwartungen zu erfüllen, indem sie eine konsistente Markenpräsenz und einen reibungslosen Übergang zwischen den Kanälen gewährleisten.Dieses Buch vermittelt einen praxisnahen und leicht verständlichen Einblick über den Omnichannel-Handel und zeigt Einzelhändlern einen Weg auf, wie sie das Konzept erfolgreich in ihrem Unternehmen implementieren können. Neben einem kurzen Überblick über das veränderte Kaufverhalten von Kundinnen und Kunden erläutern die Autoren die Grundlagen von Omnichannel und zeigen verschiedene Strategien auf. Best Practices erfolgreicher Unternehmen geben wertvolle Tipps und Erkenntnisse, um bewährte Omnichannel-Strategien in die eigenen Geschäftsmodelle zu adaptieren.

Zukunftsorientiertes Management: Innovative Strategien in einer dynamischen Welt

by Dominic Lindner

Unternehmen stehen aktuell vor zahlreichen Herausforderungen, denn die Welt ist geprägt von Cloud-Technologien, der Generation Z, Wirtschaftsrezession und künstlicher Intelligenz. Der Fachkräftemangel verschärft die Situation zusätzlich. Dieses Buch zeigt innovative Strategien auf, die speziell die Herausforderungen ab dem Jahr 2024 thematisieren. Der Autor fokussiert sich dabei auf die Schlüsselbereiche Rentabilitätssteigerung, Arbeitswelt/Fachkräftemangel, moderne Führungsansätze, künstliche Intelligenz sowie Nachhaltigkeit und Umwelt. Erfahren Sie, wie die Maximierung der Rentabilität in einem wettbewerbsintensiven Marktumfeld erreicht werden kann, wie junge Talente ihr Potenzial ausschöpfen können und wie Unternehmen die Chancen von Diversity und künstlicher Intelligenz nutzen können. Weiterhin werden Ansätze zur Führung von Mitarbeitenden in Zeiten hoher persönlicher Unsicherheit gezeigt und erläutert, wie der Spagat zwischen nachhaltiger und umweltfreundlicher Unternehmensführung sowie Kosteneinsparungen bewältigt werden kann. Mit wissenschaftlichen Einblicken, konkreten Handlungsempfehlungen und praxisnahen Ansätzen dient dieses Buch Managerinnen und Managern als ein Leitfaden, um sich erfolgreich in einer dynamischen und anspruchsvollen Arbeitswelt zu behaupten.

Knowledge Transfer in the Sustainable Rehabilitation and Risk Management of the Built Environment: KNOW-RE-BUILT. Proceedings of the Online International Multiplier Event/Conference, December 15-16, 2021 (Springer Series in Geomechanics and Geoengineering)

by Ancuța Rotaru

This book showcases the valuable contributions made during the online event entitled The International Conference on Knowledge Transfer in the Sustainable Rehabilitation and Risk Management of the Built Environment. The conference was held on December 15–16, 2021, and was organized as a multiplier event of the European project Rehabilitation of the Built Environment in the Context of Smart City and Sustainable Development Concepts for Knowledge Transfer and Lifelong Learning (RE-BUILT). This book specifically retains the same main themes explored in the book titled Critical Thinking in the Sustainable Rehabilitation and Risk Management of the Built Environment – CRIT-RE-BUILT. The papers included in this book are mostly authored by partners in the project’s consortium and cover various aspects of civil engineering knowledge transfer in crucial areas, to address different perspectives and significant challenges related to the sustainable built environment. The book seeks to provoke ideas and discussions, particularly in the areas where risk management and sustainable rehabilitation of the built environment intersect, ranging from reducing hazard risks to enhancing sustainable rehabilitation efforts in the field

Research Directions in Number Theory: Women in Numbers V (Association for Women in Mathematics Series #33)

by Alina Bucur Wei Ho Renate Scheidler

This is the fifth proceedings volume published under the Women in Numbers umbrella. The WIN workshops and their proceedings volumes are part of the WIN network, aimed at highlighting the research of women and gender minorities in number theory as well as increasing their participation and boosting their potential collaborations in number theory and related fields.The volume contains research articles in the mathematical area of number theory, written by teams of scholars at all levels in the field. More information about the network, its goals and purpose, past and future conferences, and past proceedings volumes, can be found on the WIN website.This volume contains research outcomes and results produced by the collaborative research groups created under the Women in Numbers V workshop, the 5th in its series. The actual workshop was to take place in 2020 at the Banff International Research Station in Banff, Canada, but could not take place onsite due to COVID. The associated research groups, each consisting of 1-2 leaders and 2-4 junior researchers, were formed nevertheless and their collaborations went ahead in purely virtual form, as well as other papers by author teams for which at least 50% of the authors identify as women or gender minorities. These contributions include original research and survey articles in a wide variety of subareas within number theory. The former present new cutting-edge research that will be of interest to experts in the field, to the benefit of their own research. The survey articles serve as an accessible introduction for graduate students and other readers to areas of number theory that may be outside their area of expertise.

Self-Awareness: A Guide for Students and the Youth

by K.V.S. Rao

"Self-Awareness" by K Vikram Simha Rao is a comprehensive guide aimed at helping young individuals understand and develop self-awareness. Divided into 43 chapters, the book addresses various aspects of self-discovery, including the nature of the self, the significance of spiritual growth, and the importance of emotional intelligence. Drawing from Indian philosophical texts and psychological theories, Rao provides practical techniques such as meditation, mind control, and self-reflection to aid in personal growth. The book emphasizes the importance of understanding one's inner self to navigate life's challenges effectively and cultivate a fulfilling and balanced life. Through relatable anecdotes and simplified language, it caters to the youth, guiding them towards a deeper comprehension of their strengths, weaknesses, and potential.

Cooperatively Interacting Vehicles: Methods and Effects of Automated Cooperation in Traffic

by Barbara Deml Christoph Burger Frank Flemisch Lutz Eckstein Christoph Stiller Matthias Althoff

This open access book explores the recent developments automated driving and Car2x-communications are opening up attractive opportunities future mobility. The DFG priority program “Cooperatively Interacting Automobiles” has focused on the scientific foundations for communication-based automated cooperativity in traffic. Communication among traffic participants allows for safe and convenient traffic that will emerge in swarm like flow. This book investigates requirements for a cooperative transport system, motion generation that is safe and effective and yields social acceptance by all road users, as well as appropriate system architectures and robust cooperative cognition. For many years, traffic will not be fully automated, but automated vehicles share their space with manually driven vehicles, two-wheelers, pedestrians, and others. Such a mixed traffic scenario exhibits numerous facets of potential cooperation. Automated vehicles must understand basic principles of human interaction in traffic situations. Methods for the anticipation of human movement as well as methods for generating behavior that can be anticipated by others are required. Explicit maneuver coordination among automated vehicles using Car2X-communications allows generation of safe trajectories within milliseconds, even in safety-critical situations, in which drivers are unable to communicate and react, whereas today's vehicles delete their information after passing through a situation, cooperatively interacting automobiles should aggregate their knowledge in a collective data and information base and make it available to subsequent traffic.

Introduction to Python Network Automation Volume II: Stepping up: Beyond the Essentials for Success

by Brendan Choi

Continue your Python network automation journey and delve deeper into advanced techniques and methodologies. Volume 2 of this comprehensive guide takes you beyond the essentials, equipping you with advanced skills and strategies crucial for success in network automation. Building upon the knowledge gained in Volume 1, you’ll set the stage for mastery in this dynamic field. You’ll start by establishing a robust lab environment for advanced automation projects tailored to your needs and use practical exercises to gain valuable insights into essential networking protocols. Then automate repetitive tasks with precision and efficiency by leveraging powerful Python libraries and tools. You’ll also see how to streamline IP address management and data center infrastructure management tasks with Python. Discover advanced techniques for network management and monitoring to optimize network performance and security. Explore the development of custom tools and applications for Cisco IOS upgrade tasks in complex network environments and put your skills to the test with real-world scenarios. All this is designed to solidify your expertise and confidence in network automation practices. Your network management capabilities will be enhanced with advanced tools, such as NetBox. Introduction to Python Network Automation Volume 2 - Stepping up provides a comprehensive roadmap to elevate your skills and excel in the dynamic field of network automation. Whether you're a seasoned professional or a newcomer to the field, this guide equips you with the tools and knowledge needed to thrive in today's network automation landscape. What You Will Learn Apply Python fundamentals and network automation strategies effectively. Utilize Python for streamlined network administration, boosting productivity. Consolidate Linux fundamentals and IP network services for enhanced network management. Practice implementing regular expressions in Python for network application development. Develop working Cisco IOS upgrading Python application in PoC environment. Explore Python's extensive applications in enterprise network automation for versatile solutions. Who This Book Is For IT engineers and developers, network managers and students, who would like to learn network automation using Python.

Semiclassical Nonadiabatic Molecular Dynamics: Theory and Simulation with and without Classical Trajectories (Challenges and Advances in Computational Chemistry and Physics #38)

by Chaoyuan Zhu

This book shows how to derive the simple and accurate semiclassical methods analytically and its applications to excited-state molecular dynamics and spectroscopy simulation with and without classical trajectories. It consists of eight chapters demonstrating interesting conical and intersystem-driven photochemical processes in complex systems targeting on large-scale ab initio direct nonadiabatic molecular dynamics. It also includes two chapters dealing with time-independent and time-dependent nonadiabatic molecular dynamics and clarifies the underline principle of Born–Oppenheimer approximation associated with coherence/decoherence quantum effects that have a wide range of applications in photochemistry and photophysics. This book is interesting and useful to a wide readership in the various fields of basic quantum chemistry and physics associated with large-scale excited-state simulation of nonadiabatic molecular dynamics and spectroscopy.

Exploring Diversity in Engineering and Technology for Knowledge and Innovation (Advanced Structured Materials #215)

by Andreas Öchsner Azman Ismail Fatin Nur Zulkipli Ahmad Fitriadhy Sayyid Zainal Abidin Syed Ahmad

​This book offers research result which covers a wide range of topics, including sediment transportation in rivers, efficient adsorption processes, renewable energy, structural resilience, and environmental studies. Researchers explore various areas, including the stability of fishing vessels, the impact of mining on riverbeds, traditional navigation methods, medical procedures, advanced materials, and the utilization of artificial intelligence in data analysis. These comprehensive papers also address structural analysis, chloride-induced damage assessment, and the potential of soy biodiesel in marine engines. It concludes with discussions on probabilistic models, sustainable aquaculture, planning for renewable energy, and the integration of technology in environmental monitoring. This diverse compilation underscores the unwavering pursuit of knowledge and innovation across scientific and engineering disciplines, offering promise for a brighter and more technologically advanced future.

S-Heterocycles: Synthesis and Biological Evaluation

by Keshav Lalit Ameta

This book presents the recent research on sulfur-containing heterocyclic scaffolds that are crucial for biological processes. The numerous synthetic techniques utilized for the design and synthesis of different sized S-heterocycles, particularly biologically active frameworks with their pharmacological significance, are discussed in this book. This book is a useful reference for students, researchers and professionals working in the chemical and pharmaceutical industries.

Klinische Entscheidungsfindung in der Zahnmedizin: Ein kompakter Leitfaden für Diagnose und Behandlung

by Oslei Paes de Almeida Alan Roger Santos-Silva Márcio Ajudarte Lopes João Figueira Scarini Pablo Agustin Vargas

Die genaue Diagnose der unzähligen Krankheiten, die die Mundregion befallen können, die korrekte Beratung der Patienten und die kompetente Behandlung sind eine ständige Herausforderung für Zahnärzte und medizinisches Fachpersonal. Oft wird die Diagnose dieser Krankheiten vernachlässigt oder falsch gestellt. Dieses kompakte Buch ist ein Leitfaden für Angehörige der Gesundheitsberufe bei der klinischen Entscheidungsfindung im Bereich der oralen Erkrankungen. Es hilft nicht nur bei der Diagnose und Behandlung von Erkrankungen im Mund- und Kieferbereich, sondern auch bei der Einschätzung, wer die Erkrankung behandeln und vor allem wer behandelt werden sollte. Das Werk bietet klare Leitlinien, die auf wissenschaftlichen Erkenntnissen beruhen und durch die kritische Analyse der Autoren bereichert werden. Das Buch ist in acht Hauptabschnitte unterteilt, die achtundzwanzig Kapitel umfassen. Die meisten von ihnen haben nicht mehr als 5 Seiten und folgen dem gleichen Format, um den Leserneine bessere und standardisierte Orientierung zu geben. Jedes Kapitel beginnt mit einer Zusammenfassung des Themas, einer kurzen Beschreibung der wichtigsten Krankheiten, die in diese diagnostische Kategorie fallen, und ihren wichtigsten Definitionen. Anschließend werden die klinischen Merkmale, die Möglichkeiten der Diagnosestellung und ein Behandlungsprotokoll für jede Läsion vorgestellt. Darüber hinaus erörtern die erfahrenen Autoren, wie sie den Patienten schlechte Nachrichten überbringen. Der letzte Abschnitt ist speziell der zahnärztlichen Behandlung von medizinisch komplexen Befunden und wenig bekannten Erkrankungen wie dem Burning-Mouth-Syndrom und COVID-19 gewidmet. Mehr als 140 hochauflösende klinische Bilder illustrieren das Buch. Klinische Entscheidungsfindung in der Zahnmedizin richtet sich an Angehörige der Gesundheitsberufe und Ärzte verschiedener Fachrichtungen, die sich für Krankheiten mit systemischen Auswirkungen auf den Mund-, Kiefer- und Gesichtskomplex und für die oralen Auswirkungen von Behandlungen komplexer Krankheiten wie Kopf- und Halskrebs interessieren. Auch für Studierende der Zahnmedizin ist es ein interessantes Buch.

Daily Life in Classical Athens: A Socioeconomic Analysis (Frontiers in Economic History)

by Nicholas C. Kyriazis Emmanouil M.L. Economou

This book presents the economic heartbeat and institutional details that shaped Athenian society during the Classical period (508-323 BCE), employing an innovative and outside-the-box approach to studying history. It answers questions about societal structure, the roles of women, foreigners, and slaves, the transformation of their economy from agrarian to maritime, and commercially-oriented. 28 short fictional stories enliven the narrative, each accompanied by rigorous academic analysis - revealing how banking, insurance, and the Athenian drachma, the internationally accepted currency of the times, shaped their world. Exploring the symbiotic relationship between democracy and economic evolution, the book examines the sophisticated economic institutions of ancient Athens -ranging from property rights protection to market-driven price determination, anti-profiteering measures, measures to protect the Athenian currency’s trustworthiness from forgery, business and labor mentality and practices, international trade patterns, as well as the existence of a robust public sector related also to the provision of a series of public goods. In a comprehensive analysis, the book scrutinizes daily life, societal structures, and customs, addressing a variety of questions such as marriage, cuisine, attire, values, and entertainment. Employing New Institutional Economics as a methodology, the book puts together historical evidence with institutional analysis, offering an interdisciplinary lens through economics, political science, strategy, and behavioral theory. Richly supported by ancient sources, inscriptions, and a vast modern bibliography, this work not only explains ancient Athens but also proposes its socioeconomic pattern as a guide for modern societal challenges in economic governance and democracy.

Messages from the Moon: A Global History of the First Manned Moon Landing

by Sven Grampp

In this anthology, a journey around the world and through time is undertaken in 21 countries on no less than six continents. In this way, the global reception of one of the biggest media events to date is given contour. Based on the coverage of the first manned moon landing, the global history of the Cold War at the time of the Space Race can be told in its many different local facets as well as in its worldwide interconnectedness.Against the backdrop of current efforts by various countries to return to the moon or even to establish a space army, as well as in view of the extremely tense geopolitical situation, which is already being invoked in many places as 'Cold War 2.0', such a global look back to the time of 'Cold War 1.0' certainly seems relevant in order to better understand the present and near future of political (media) cultures.

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