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Mediation and Justice

by Penelope McRedmond

This book asks why justice is important to both individuals and to society as a whole. A number of justice questions are raised to evaluate whether mediation can deliver social, distributive, procedural, or substantive justice and fairness.Focussing on a scrutiny of mediation in the context of justice, the book covers social justice and justice issues posed by confidentiality, bias, lack of fairness, and Online Dispute Resolution. Discussing whether mediation can truly deliver justice to all, this book identifies areas where this fails and provides solutions and suggestions for improvement.. The dangers of private justice, bias, mandatory mediation, and the side lining of the importance of fairness in the resolution of disputes are all considered. In contrast, the positive aspects of mediation are added to the balance.This book will be of interest to researchers in the field of conflict resolution, law, and social science. Readers will also be found among mediators and people interested in justice and the civil justice system.

African Americans and the Nigerian Civil War, 1967–1970: ‘Black America Cares’ (ISSN)

by James A. Farquharson

This book is the first to recover and analyse at length the extent, complexity, and character of African American responses to the Nigerian Civil War (1967–1970).Far from having only marginal significance, the Nigerian Civil War collided at full velocity with the conflicting discourses and ideas by which black Americans sought to understand their place in the United States and the world in the late 1960s. Black civil rights leaders offered their service as agents of direct diplomacy during the conflict, seeking to preserve Nigerian unity; grassroots activists organised food-drives, concerts, and awareness campaigns in support of humanitarian aid for victims of famine in the warzone; while other black activists warned of an imminent genocide and called for an united response from black Americans. Drawing on private papers, activist literature, government records, and especially the black press, it charts the way the civil war shaped, as well as challenged, the worldview of African Americans regarding black internationalist solidarities, territorial sovereignty and political viability, humanitarian compassion, and the political trajectory of postcolonial Africa.With a chronological approach, this study is the ideal resource for all those interested in the Nigerian Civil War and the history of black internationalism.

Conducting an Observational Epidemiological Study: From Idea to Publication

by Sarah Cuschieri

This concise, user-friendly book provides an accessible guide for anyone wishing to pursue an epidemiological study. It provides the essential tools to understand what epidemiology is, how to choose the correct observational study design for a research question, and how to collect or access data to conduct the study.The book begins by considering, in light of the COVID-19 pandemic, the importance of epidemiological studies, as well as highlighting key issues such as bias, causality, and ethics. There are then chapters on the different types of observational epidemiological studies, including case studies, ecological and mixed methods, and the data sources available to researchers.Following this, and central to the book, is a step-by-step case study on how to conduct a cross-sectional project. Concluding by guiding readers from conducting the research to publishing its findings, this is the ideal companion for students, researchers, or healthcare professionals approaching epidemiological research for the first time.

The British and German Worlds in an Age of Divergence: Ambiguous Entanglements (Routledge Research in Early Modern History)

by Niels Grüne Stefan Ehrenpreis

The question of whether Britain is "apart from or a part of Europe" (D. Abulafia) has gained significance in recent years. This book reassesses an underexplored field of early modern transnational history: the variety of ways in which connections between Britain and German-speaking Europe shaped developments.After a comprehensive introduction, this book is divided into three parts: cross-border transfers and appropriations of knowledge; coping with alterity in intergovernmental contacts; and ideologising the cultural nation. The topics range from the exchange of religious and political ideas over court life, diplomacy, and espionage to literary and philosophical debates. Particular attention is paid to the media processes involved and to the practical value of knowledge about the "other" in different historical contexts. The picture emerging from the case studies reveals an intriguing dynamic: Mutual interest and ambiguous entanglements deepened precisely at a time when the British and German worlds diverged evermore from each other in terms of social and political structures.This fascinating volume sheds new light on Anglo-German relations and will be essential reading for students of early modern European history.

Feminist Peace and the Violence of Communalism: Community, Gender and Caste in India (Routledge Advances in Feminist Peace Research)

by Emanuela Mangiarotti

This book examines how narratives of communal conflicts in south India affect Muslims, women, and the lower castes, entrenching complex realities of marginalisation and violence.Through extensive empirical research, it traces a thread connecting the history of communalism in the south Indian city of Hyderabad with the reality of everyday life in so-called “riot-prone” neighbourhoods. The chapters move between political discourse and daily life, bringing attention to how minority voices navigate and mould the space of interfaith relations and community belonging, and emphasising their political significance within a context dominated by narratives of communal conflicts. The book concludes with a reflection on the entanglements of dominant conflict paradigms and the lived experience of marginality across multiple axes of difference, positioning this interplay as crucial for understanding the multiple dimensions of political violence in contemporary societies.This book will be of much interest to students of feminist peace research, political violence, Asian studies, and International Relations.

Partial Least Squares Regression: and Related Dimension Reduction Methods

by R. Dennis Cook Liliana Forzani

Partial least squares (PLS) regression is, at its historical core, a black-box algorithmic method for dimension reduction and prediction based on an underlying linear relationship between a possibly vector-valued response and a number of predictors.Through envelopes, much more has been learned about PLS regression, resulting in a mass of information that allows an envelope bridge that takes PLS regression from a black-box algorithm to a core statistical paradigm based on objective function optimization and, more generally, connects the applied sciences and statistics in the context of PLS. This book focuses on developing this bridge. It also covers uses of PLS outside of linear regression, including discriminant analysis, non-linear regression, generalized linear models and dimension reduction generally.Key Features:• Showcases the first serviceable method for studying high-dimensional regressions.• Provides necessary background on PLS and its origin.• R and Python programs are available for nearly all methods discussed in the book.This book can be used as a reference and as a course supplement at the Master's level in Statistics and beyond. It will be of interest to both statisticians and applied scientists.

Social Sector Communication: Concepts, Strategies and Case Studies

by Jaishri Jethwaney

Communication, advocacy, and outreach are germane to the success of any organisation working in the social sector. This book provides a robust conceptual framework that is required to understand the demands of the sector and suggests strategies and tools for those engaged in social sector communication.This book not only highlights the theoretical underpinnings, practice, and skill of social sector communications in India but also provides an understanding of various skills and approaches required in communication including social marketing, media advocacy, social mobilisation, grassroots communication, and corporate social responsibility (CSR). With the aid of case studies, it offers suggestions on how to plan campaigns; write a concept note, field report, and press release, and effectively use social media to achieve developmental programme goals. This revised edition discusses the different perspectives of NGOs and programme implementers and helps in understanding the corporate–NGO interface vis-à-vis CSR projects.This book will be useful to students of social work, business, and management preparing for roles in social enterprises. It will also be of use to working professionals in the social sector.

Developing a Security Training Program

by Joseph McDonald

Developing a Security Training Program focuses on how to establish a comprehensive training program for a security department from the ground up. This book highlights formal curriculum development, consistent and continual training, and the organizational benefits including how such security training will be a value-add.It’s long overdue for the industry to revisit old security training models from the past — to both general staff as well as to the dedicated security staff and professionals within organizations — and examine and revamp such with a fresh perspective. Given the current, dynamic environment for businesses — and the threats businesses face — it is important that any such training consider all procedures and policies, and be fully integrated into the company culture. This includes maintaining an eye on budgetary and financial costs while recognizing the need to budget for more training resources to maintain resilience and adaptability to current challenges and future changes to the environment. There is only one way to prepare your staff and that is through comprehensive and consistent training.Developing a Security Training Program provides the blueprint and tools for professionals to provide ongoing, targeted, and comprehensive security training at a low, budget-friendly cost.

Mathematisches Modellieren mit digitalen Werkzeugen in der Lehrkräftebildung: Konzeption und Evaluation eines Lehr-Lern-Laborseminars (Studien zur theoretischen und empirischen Forschung in der Mathematikdidaktik)

by Jascha Quarder

Die vorliegende Arbeit stellt die Konzeption und Evaluation des Lehr-Lern-Laborseminars MiRA-digital zum mathematischen Modellieren mit digitalen Werkzeugen dar. MiRA-digital wird als fachdidaktisches Seminar im Rahmen der ersten Phase der Lehrkräftebildung an der Universität Münster angeboten. Das Seminar zeichnet sich durch eine Theorie-Praxis-Verzahnung sowie komplexitätsreduzierte Rahmenbedingungen aus und zielt darauf ab, Mathematiklehramtsstudierende bereichsspezifisch (d.h. für den Unterrichtsbereich des mathematischen Modellierens mit digitalen Werkzeugen) zu professionalisieren. Die Evaluation des Seminars bezieht sich auf die Wirksamkeit dieser Professionalisierung und erfolgt mittels einer quantitativen quasi-experimentellen Interventionsstudie im Prä-Post-Design. Mit Fokus auf das bereichsspezifische Aufgabenwissen und das bereichsspezifische adaptive Interventionswissen wurden Daten von N = 165 Studierenden über vier Semester erhoben und kumulativ ausgewertet. Die Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Entwicklung der beiden bereichsspezifischen Wissensarten positiv und signifikant durch die Teilnahme am Seminar MiRA-digital beeinflusst wird. In einem Lehr-Lern-Laborseminar zum mathematischen Modellieren ohne digitale Werkzeuge und einer Kontrollgruppe konnte hingegen keine umfassende signifikante Entwicklung dieser Wissensarten festgestellt werden. Damit wird die Wirksamkeit des Lehr-Lern-Laborseminars MiRA-digital bestätigt.

Tourism and Climate Change in the 21st Century: Challenges and Solutions (Advances in Spatial Science)

by Paula Remoaldo Juliana Alves Vítor Ribeiro Hélder Lopes

This book explores the effects of climate on tourism and the effectiveness of climate adaptation in this sector. Taking into account the spatial dimension of tourism and climate change, it highlights the need for more detailed information, the weak interaction between stakeholders, and the limitation of resources in the context of rapid changes, brought on by the necessary implementation of the third-order stage of tourism. The book focuses on adaptation, mitigation, and resilience to climate change, including topics such as human thermal comfort of visitors, the water resources in tourism areas, the circular economy, the mobility and transports, the psychological aspects of weather and climate in recreational practices. The book concludes an assessment of the status, challenges, and prospects for the adaptation of the tourism sector to climate change. The book appeals to scholars and students of economic geography, regional and spatial science, tourism economics, and related fields.

Local Climate Zone Application in Sustainable Urban Development: Experience from East and Southeast Asian High-Density Cities

by Ran Wang Chao Ren Meng Cai Yuan Shi

The study of local climate zones (LCZ) links urban morphology, land use and land cover types, human activity, and thermal properties, and provides a standard framework for studying urban climatic issues. In recent years, the LCZ scheme attracts more and more attention from climatologists, urban planners, environmental engineers, as well as architects due to its combination of urban climatic scientific research outputs and urban planning and morphology language. Urbanization and higher-density living, an ongoing and continued path of human development, brings various urban climatic and environmental problems. Urban development in a sustainable way is vital for high-density cities to build a comfortable living environment.This book is the first one presenting systematically the latest LCZ applications by taking Asian high-density cities as an example. Generally, four parts are introduced and discussed in this book. At first, a general background of urbanization and its impacts is introduced, and the basic knowledge of LCZ. The second part introduces the methodology and techniques of LCZ data development. In the third part, various applications of LCZ are demonstrated in practice, including application to urban heat island, land use and land cover analysis, wind environment, energy consumption, thermal comfort studies and so on. Lastly, this book concludes the progress, challenges, limitations, and future work of LCZ-related studies.The book will be of interest to all that are working on or interested in urban climate, sustainable urban development, and policy-making.

The Bio-inspired X-Structure/Mechanism Approach for Exploring Nonlinear Benefits in Engineering: Part I-Nonlinear Stiffness and Nonlinear Damping

by Xingjian Jing

This book presents a unique approach to the design and analysis of beneficial nonlinearity, which can take an important and critical role in engineering systems and thus cannot be simply ignored in structural design, dynamic response analysis, and parameter selection. A key issue in the area is thus systematically addressed about how to analyze and design potential nonlinearities introduced to or inherent in a system, which is a must-do task in many practical applications involving vibration control, energy harvesting, sensor systems and robots, etc. This book, therefore, presents an up-to-date summary on the most recent development of a cutting-edge method for nonlinearity manipulation and employment developed in recent several years, known as the X-shaped structure or mechanism approach. The method is inspired from animal leg/limb skeletons and can provide passive low-cost high-efficiency adjustable and beneficial nonlinear stiffness (high static and ultra-low dynamic), nonlinear damping (dependent on resonant frequency and vibration excitation amplitude), and nonlinear inertia (low static and high dynamic) individually or simultaneously. The X-shaped structure or mechanism is a generic structure or mechanism representing a class of beneficial geometric nonlinearity with realizable and flexible linkage mechanism or structural design of different variants or forms (quadrilateral, diamond, polygon, K/Z/S/V/A/W-shape, or others) which all share similar geometric nonlinearity and thus similar nonlinear stiffness/damping properties, flexible in design, and easy to implement. This book systematically introduces the research background, motivation, essential bio-inspired ideas, advantages of this novel method, beneficial nonlinear properties in stiffness, damping and inertia, associated theory for analysis and design of nonlinear dynamics, potential applications and case studies, most of which have been developed ever since 2010. This is Part I of this book series, and the results in this book focus on beneficial nonlinear stiffness and damping characteristics of the fundamental X-shaped structure/mechanism and its variants, and provide an in-depth understanding of potential nonlinear properties that can be achieved through passive structural/mechanism designs via this class of X-structures or mechanisms.

Money Doctors Around the Globe: A Historical Perspective (Studies in Economic History)

by Anders Ögren Masato Shizume Andrés Álvarez Vincent Bignon

This book focuses on worldwide historical experiences of monetary reforms and the reformist minds behind them: the money doctors. The process of doctoring is the process of listening to many pieces of information and sorting them in order to correctly diagnose the causes of the problem and derive the appropriate cure, if it exists. A money doctor is “a person who, helped by theoretical and practical knowledge, advises and/or proposes to act on how to build a stable monetary and financial system or to repair ongoing monetary turbulences.” Economists and policy makers are money doctors when their involvement includes the observation and diagnostic of the monetary and financial troubles and the proposition for a cure. Each contribution highlights the theoretical underpinning of the doctors, and the key factors for the success or failures of the reform they have promoted. We collect cases from Americas, Asia, Europe, and Oceania from the 16th to the 20th century anddiscuss their aims, strategies, and consequences to draw implications for today.

The Philosophy and Practice of Foreign Language Education: The Contribution of L. V. Ščerba

by Olga Campbell-Thomson

This volume brings the writings of Russian linguist Lev Vladimirovič Ščerba (1880–1944) to English-language readers for the first time. The collection includes key essays in which Ščerba addresses the issues of educational methodology for foreign languages, contextualised with a critical introduction and commentary, as well as an extensive bibliography of further reading. In the historical context of linguistic scholarship, Ščerba’s work is closely interlinked with major developments in the field of modern language studies in Western Europe at the turn of the twentieth century as well as with the Russian educational tradition. By studying Ščerba’s writing, it is possible to trace the foundational linguistic impetus for the development of this field of scholarship, as well as educational concerns that have since been integrated in the programme of modern language studies. The ideas advanced in Ščerba’s texts remain directly relevant today to policy-makers, teacher trainers, methodologists, and foreign language practitioners. They should be of particular interest to readers in Anglophone countries where foreign languages remain on the periphery of all levels of education. This book will enable English language readers to engage in their own critical reflection on Ščerba’s texts.

The Art-Science Symbiosis

by Marcelo Velasco Ignacio Nieto

This book delves into the long-standing human aspiration to combine art and science. In six chapters, The Art-Science Symbiosis outlines new approaches to understand current scientific practice in general and art-science in particular, showcasing how contemporary art can provide a unique perspective on the meaning and potential of collaboration. With more than a hundred full colour images, The Art-Science Symbiosis serves as a resource for researchers interested in the art-science integration, as well as a general reference for interdisciplinary and transdisciplinary work.In the book, twenty-two works have been selected based on their inherent merits and for the emergent knowledge that their art-science integration produces. These works have sparked novel questions, ideas and curiosity amongst scientists and artists alike which, we hope, will promote further dialogue not only amongst them but with the general public, inspiring a process that may leadto diverse, complex, and promising results with real-world consequences we have as yet to uncover.The Key messages of the book are:● Contemporary art is a powerful space of dialogue between science and the public● Interdisciplinary work based on symmetrical collaboration promotes groundbreaking results● Artistic inquiry can lead to new understanding of scientific exploration● Art-science practice could be started using a simple methodology

Hotshot Heroes Collection: Four Action-Packed Romance Novels (Hotshot Heroes)

by Lisa Childs

Don&’t miss these spicy, action-packed stories of smoldering firefighters and the people they&’ll do anything to protect from New York Times bestselling author Lisa Childs! HOTSHOT HERO UNDER FIREReturning to her Michigan hometown, Courtney Beaumont still blames hotshot firefighter Owen James for her mother's death—and for mistreating her. But after saving him from several murder attempts, Courtney finds herself falling for the local hero. Until she realizes the real reason he's getting close to her…and the high-stakes peril he's put her in.HOTSHOT HERO ON THE EDGEUnable to stand the stress of being a firefighter&’s wife, ER nurse Willow Garrison asks her husband to leave. Not long after, however, she realizes she's pregnant with his child! When his reputation and life are in danger, she lets Luke back into her life. But just who wants to destroy him? And can she trust the hotshot to prove his innocence and keep her and her baby safe?HOTSHOT HERO UNDER THREATThe moment he starts investigating a series of threats against the Huron Hotshots, Patrick "Trick" McRooney becomes a target. And everyone on his new team is a suspect. Firefighter Henrietta "Hank" Rowlins gains his trust when an assailant takes shots at her and Trick. As alluring as she is strong, she&’s a woman he could fall for. But his desire for her might become a distraction that imperils them both!HOTSHOT HERO IN DISGUISEAfter an attempt on his life, Jonathan Canterbury IV chose to let the world believe he was dead. Then Tammy Ingles discovers that the firefighter she knows as Ethan Sommerly is really the heir to an epic fortune. He doesn&’t know what scares him more: the fact that his new lover can expose his dangerous secret, or the intensity of his need for her…

Cold Case Identity: A Thrilling Suspense Novel (Hudson Sibling Solutions #2)

by Nicole Helm

The tension between them is proof that her buried truths aren't the only thing coming to light—but will unlocking the secrets of her past put their present in danger? Find out in this thrilling western romance from Nicole Helm.Palmer Hudson is considered the bad boy of the family. But he never allows his roving eye to wander in Louisa O&’Brien&’s direction. Because his sister&’s best friend is off-limits. Then Louisa begs Palmer to secretly investigate her hidden past, and their search triggers a series of attacks. How can Palmer unearth the truth and protect Louisa, while keeping his desire for her under control?Previously published.Don't miss a single Hudson Sibling Solutions mystery: Book 1: Cold Case Kidnapping Book 2: Cold Case Identity Book 3: Cold Case Investigation Book 4: Cold Case Scandal Book 5: Cold Case Protection (coming Jan 2025!)

Cold Case Kidnapping: A Thrilling Suspense Novel (Hudson Sibling Solutions #1)

by Nicole Helm

To save her missing sister, they'll have to confront a dark past… But can he protect her from the approaching threat? Find out in this thrilling western mystery from Nicole Helm.A mysterious family tree. A man thought long dead. Dahlia Easton has few solid clues to find her sister, missing for a year. But she's in danger the moment she reaches Wyoming's backcountry. To protect her, cold case investigator Grant Hudson must confront his town's unresolved nightmares—even as an unspeakable threat from the past is fast closing in to silence him and Dahlia for good…Previously published.Don't miss a single Hudson Sibling Solutions mystery: Book 1: Cold Case Kidnapping Book 2: Cold Case Identity Book 3: Cold Case Investigation Book 4: Cold Case Scandal Book 5: Cold Case Protection (coming Jan 2025!)

Temptation: A Spicy Black Romance (Texas Cattleman's Club: The Showdown #4)

by Brenda Jackson

Giving into temptation never felt so good in this steamy romance from New York Times bestselling author, Brenda Jackson.Security consultant Zeke Travers wears many hats, including cowboy. Even though he's happiest on his ranch, when a mysterious case lands on his doorstep, he has no choice but to take it on. Usually able to separate emotion from work, everything changes when the case leads him to Sheila Hopkins—and the immediate, scorching heat between them. Suddenly, Zeke is tempted to break all the rules…Previously published.

Persuaded: A modern LGBTQ+ retelling of a beloved classic

by Sally Malcolm

Two different worlds collide when two exes fall in love one summer in this second-chance, modern Queer retelling of Jane Austen's Persuasion. Previously published as Perfect Day.When Joshua Newton, son of Long Island&’s elite, fell in love with ambitious young actor Finn Callaghan, his world finally made sense. With every stolen moment, soft touch and breathless kiss, they fell deeper in love. Finn was his future…until Joshua made the worst mistake of his life and let his family&’s disapproval tear them apart.Eight years later, Finn has returned to the seaside town where it all began. He&’s on the brink of stardom, a far cry from the poor mechanic who spent one gorgeous summer falling in love on the beach. The last thing he wants is a second chance with the man who broke his heart. Finn has spent a long time forgetting Joshua Newton—he certainly doesn&’t plan to forgive him.Drawn together yet kept apart by their history, old feelings soon begin to stir. Back in the place where their romance began, Joshua and Finn finally come to realize the truth: love stays. Even when you don&’t want it to, even when you try to deny it, love stays.

Between the Lines: An LGBTQ+ Summer Romance

by Sally Malcolm

&“I loved this book. It&’s a reading highlight of this past year…gentle and lyrical but also engrossing and sexy.&” —Cat Sebastian, author of The Queer Principles of Kit WebbOne summer can change everything in this enermies to lovers romance by Sally Malcolm!Eyes might be windows to the soul, but for Theo Wishart they&’re all shuttered. His dyspraxia makes it hard to read people. He doesn&’t do relationships and he certainly doesn&’t do the great outdoors so two weeks spent &“embracing beach life&” while he tries to close the deal on a once great, now fading seaside hotel is a special kind of hell.Until he met the gorgeous yet unreachable Luca. Luca Moretti travels light, avoiding all romantic entanglements. Estranged from his parents, he vows this will be his last trip home to New Milton. His family&’s hotel is on the verge of ruin and there&’s nothing Luca can do to save it. He&’s given up on his family and on his future.Until Theo came around. Prickly, captivating Theo.No expectations—that&’s the deal. A simple summer fling. But as the summer wanes and their feelings deepen, it&’s obvious they're falling for one another. What will it take for them to admit it to themselves—and to each other?Previously published

This Is Not the End: A Novel

by Sidney Bell

Sometimes love finds you when and where you least expect it.Discover a new way of looking at family and happily ever after in this hopeful and deeply emotional novel, This Is Not the End.Zacary Trevor is the love of Anya Alexander&’s life. Their sometimes tumultuous marriage has survived ups, downs, and all the in-betweens. With successful careers, a lovely home, and a beautiful child, domestic bliss is a hard-earned reality for two people whose hedonistic days are in the not-so-distant past. They&’re happy.Zac&’s best friend, the deeply reserved Cal Keller is the foundation of Zac's career and was the most important relationship of his life until Anya and their son came along. Anya can&’t help but gravitate towards Cal, even if they don&’t always get along. Even more, she&’s drawn to the Zac she sees when he&’s with Cal—a careful, cautious version of her husband, someone with hidden thoughts and desires kept secret even from her.It's a risk inviting Cal into their home.Zac should resist. He knows he should. But he can't. The idea at the life the three of them could have together is exhilarating. Redefining family might just be worth the risk.Previously published

Lexi Carmichael Collection Books 1-3: Three Cozy Mystery Novels (A Lexi Carmichael Mystery)

by Julie Moffett

From stopping hackers to saving lives, you won't want to miss a minute of the action in the Lexi Carmichael Mystery series by Julie Moffett.No One Lives TwiceI&’m Lexi Carmichael, geek extraordinaire. I spend my days stopping computer hackers at the National Security Agency. My nights? Those I spend avoiding my mother and eating cereal for dinner. Even though I work for a top-secret agency, I&’ve never been in an exciting car chase, sipped a stirred (not shaken) martini, or shot a poison dart from an umbrella.Until today, that is, when my best friend disappeared. So, I&’ve enlisted the help of the Zimmerman twins—the reclusive architects of America&’s most sensitive electronic networks—to help me navigate a bewildering maze of leads to find her.Along the way, my path collides with a sexy government agent and a rich, handsome lawyer, both of whom seem to have the hots for me. Hacking, espionage, sexy spy-men—it&’s a geek girl&’s dream come true…No One to TrustLexi Carmichael here! But this time, a series of extraordinary events led me to leave government life behind for a fresh start with a brand-new. It may not be cool to have the hots for your new boss, but Finn Shaughnessy seems to have the hots for me, too. If only things didn&’t get so complicated...Darren Greening, a genius researcher from Flow Technologies (our first client!) is missing, and his bosses think I&’m involved. And they aren&’t the only ones—the man who nearly snapped my neck in the parking garage thinks so, too.Now I&’m caught in the middle of a complex and dangerous case. I&’ll have to use all my geek skills and a little help from my friends to solve the mystery of Darren&’s disappearance before Neck-Snapping-Man makes a return visit...No Place Like RomeItaly might seem like a long way to go to hide after a disastrous date. But when sexy Ÿberhacker Slash (no, that&’s not his real name) asks me to go with him to Rome on an investigation, the timing is sort of perfect. My messed-up love life becomes the least of my worries, though, after the dead body, the near-kidnapping and the discovery of a top secret encrypted file that even I can&’t hack.With time running out, there&’s only one thing to do: call in the legendary Zimmerman twins and my best fluent-in-Italian friend, Basia, to crack the code. Now if only someone could help me solve the mystery of whether Slash is flirting, or if all the kissing is just one of those &“when in Rome&” things…But when we finally uncover the secret someone would kill to keep, it&’s up to me to solve the case and save the lives of my best friends.Previously PublishedDon't miss the rest of the adventures in the Lexi Carmichael series: Book 1: No One Lives Twice Book 2: No One to Trust Book 3: No Place Life Rome Book 4: No Biz like Showbiz Book 5: No Test for the Wicked And more!

Long, Tall Texans: Harley (Long, Tall Texans #3)

by Diana Palmer

She's in town to uncover a mystery, but danger isn't the only thing her arrival has sparked. Can this cowboy play it cool when the chemistry between them is hotter than the Texas sun?Find out in this Long, Tall Texans romance from New York Times bestselling author Diana Palmer. Previously published as The Maverick. Cool, composed rancher Harley Fowler finds his world turned upside down when a beautiful whirlwind bumps into him. Investigator Alice Jones has come to Jacobsville, Texas, to solve a deadly mystery. All too soon, Harley finds himself square in the middle of her case, and he can't help but want to protect her from danger. With sparks flingy between the cowboy and the beautiful brunette, will true love be able to shield Harley and Alice from a dangerous threat?Keep up with all of the Long, Tall Texans: Long, Tall Texans: Guy The Longer Untamed Invincible Protector and more!

A Little Bit Pregnant: A Friends-to-Lovers Romance Novel

by Susan Mallery

A woman's one-night stand with her boss has big consequences in this spicy novel from #1 New York Times bestselling author Susan Mallery.After a teenage accident left her disabled, Nicole Beauman has overcome a lot of obstacles in her life, and she certainly doesn&’t back down from a challenge. But her playboy boss, Zane Rankin, presents an entirely new sort of dilemma. Sexy and charming, Zane isn&’t the settling down type, and Nicki has no intention of losing her heart to a temporary fling. And when a friendly date leads to an unforgettably steamy night, it&’s supposed to be a one-time thing. But that little plus sign changes everything.Previously published.

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