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Showing 99,951 through 99,975 of 100,000 results

A Just Future: Getting from Diversity and Inclusion to Equity and Justice in Higher Education

by Nimisha Barton

A Just Future addresses the precarious future of American higher education and diversity and inclusion initiatives along with it. From a global pandemic to a national reckoning with anti-Blackness, the 2020 historical conjuncture brutally revealed the impact of structural inequalities on historically marginalized communities and galvanized college students, diversity officers, and educators on a scale not seen since the 1960s. In so doing, it exposed the unfinished business of the civil rights era and the limits of diversity and inclusion reforms.The time has come to create a more just future for the most marginalized community members at higher education institutions. To do so, we must share a common understanding of where we have been, what went wrong, and how to get back on track. Barton draws on abolitionist frameworks of social change to provide a bold, comprehensive guide to abolitionism in education, not only for diversity, equity, and inclusion practitioners but also higher education leaders and faculty. As a result, A Just Future provides new values, tools, and mindsets to address—and redress—ongoing forms of oppression that thrive on college campuses.

Pricing the Land: The Buying and Selling of Frontier New York and the Cayuga Reservation

by Scott W. Anderson

Pricing the Land reconstructs the complicated history of buying and selling land along the New York frontier after the American Revolution. Scott W. Anderson focuses on the prices bid for lots in central New York that had been set aside for veterans of the war (the New Military Tract) and within the Cayuga Reservation created by treaty in 1789, comprising a hundred square miles of land on both shores of the northern end of Cayuga Lake. He considers several factors that affected the value of this land: the scarcity of money in early America; the role that Alexander Hamilton's assumption policy played in encouraging debt speculation; the sale of huge tracts by New York and Massachusetts to investment syndicates; and the struggles of settlers across the New York frontier to escape debt, bondage, and poverty. Anderson, who served as an expert witness in the Cayuga Land Claim trials of 1999 to 2001 that awarded the Cayuga Nation $247.9 million in compensation and damages (a judgment overturned in 2005), developed new methodological tools for determining a better estimate of the value of this land. In Pricing the Land, he concludes that the only accurate measure of worth lay in the settlers' ability to pay their rents or debts, which was only possible once the Market Revolution reached central New York. As a result of his historical recovery, Anderson finds that the Cayuga Nation might have been entitled to twice the amount they were awarded in their lawsuit.

Teaching a Dark Chapter: History Books and the Holocaust in Italy and the Germanys

by Daniela R. Weiner

Teaching a Dark Chapter explores how textbook narratives about the Fascist/Nazi past in Italy, East Germany, and West Germany followed relatively calm, undisturbed paths of little change until isolated "flashpoints" catalyzed the educational infrastructure into periods of rapid transformation. Though these flashpoints varied among Italy and the Germanys, they all roughly conformed to a chronological scheme and permanently changed how each "dark past" was represented. Historians have often neglected textbooks as sources in their engagement with the reconstruction of postfascist states and the development of postwar memory culture. But as Teaching a Dark Chapter demonstrates, textbooks yield new insights and suggest a new chronology of the changes in postwar memory culture that other sources overlook. Employing a methodological and temporal rethinking of the narratives surrounding the development of European Holocaust memory, Daniela R. P. Weiner reveals how, long before 1968, textbooks in these three countries served as important tools to influence public memory about Nazi/Fascist atrocities. As Fascism had been spread through education, then education must play a key role in undoing the damage. Thus, to repair and shape postwar societies, textbooks became an avenue to inculcate youths with desirable democratic and socialist values. Teaching a Dark Chapter weds the historical study of public memory with the educational study of textbooks to ask how and why the textbooks were created, what they said, and how they affected the society around them.

An International Law Perspective on Harry Potter: Explaining Core Principles of International Law by Testing their Relevance in the Wizarding World (Springer Textbooks in Law)

by Frauke Heidemann

This textbook introduces readers to international law by linking it to the Harry Potter universe. Given the current changes in the international sphere away from a state-centric system to a multitude of non-state actors, it tests the legal regime by applying it to the out-of-the-box concept of wizards and thus rids the doctrinal debate of political factors. More specifically, the book explains core concepts of public international law, covering the elements of a state, state responsibility, jurisdiction, enforcement of international law and immunity. In the wizarding world, it addresses questions of statehood by discussing when a wizarding state is responsible for the crimes committed by its wizards, who has jurisdiction over crimes, and how international law is enforced. In addition, it introduces and explains the fundamentals of international humanitarian law, international human rights law, international criminal law, and air law by applying them to the wizarding world. The textbook is intended for anyone looking for an accessible introduction to public international law and its application.

The African Continental Free Trade Area: Prospects, Problems and Challenges

by Benjamin Ofori-Amoah

In March of 2018, 44 African countries signed the African Continental Free Trade Area agreement (AfCFTA) to launch what is considered as the largest free trade area in the world. The signing of the agreement has been hailed as a major breakthrough for African development by African countries and organizations as well as external observers of African affairs. This is not the first time African countries have proposed a new organizational and institutional structure for development. African countries have signed at least 13 regional trade agreements (RTAs) for intraregional trade since 1959. However, the track record of these groups has been relatively mediocre compared to RTAs elsewhere. Thus, Africa has the lowest percentage of intracontinental trade in the world. This volume evaluates the prospects and challenges for the AfCFTA through a deep-dive assessment of previous trade blocs on the African continent and of regional free trade areas in other parts of the world. The central question of the book is this: If pre-AfCFTA trade blocs in Africa did not encourage more intracontinental trade, what guarantees that the AfCTA will? The formation of the AfCFTA will definitely remove overlapping membership that existed with previous trading blocs on the continent, but what is different about the AfCFTA that will get rid of cumbersome regulation, boost manufacturing, and create jobs? This book argues that the dreams of AfCFTA will not be realized unless African countries make efforts to address the industry mix of their economies and to enforce the rules and regulations they set down on paper.

Smart Trends in Computing and Communications: Proceedings of SmartCom 2024, Volume 1 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #945)

by Amit Joshi Tomonobu Senjyu Chakchai So–In

This book gathers high-quality papers presented at the Eighth International Conference on Smart Trends in Computing and Communications (SmartCom 2024), organized by Global Knowledge Research Foundation (GR Foundation) from 12 to 13 January 2024 in Pune, India. It covers the state-of-the-art and emerging topics in information, computer communications, and effective strategies for their use in engineering and managerial applications. It also explores and discusses the latest technological advances in, and future directions for, information and knowledge computing and its applications.

Open Justice in the Digital Age: The Relationship Between Justice and Media in Europe (Law, Governance and Technology Series #66)

by Philippe Jougleux

This book discusses the principle of open justice with a focus on the mechanism of video streaming of court proceedings. The principle of open justice is multidimensional and involves both the human right to a fair trial and freedom of expression. The book distinguishes between three components of open justice: public hearings, media coverage of proceedings, and publication of judgments. All three have been and/or could be substantially affected by the digital revolution: public hearings could benefit from video streaming, the media coverage from social media, and the publication of judgments from online databases. The book analyses recent advances and challenges related to the digitalization of open justice. Particular attention is paid to the relevant case law of European courts, to the impact of the GDPR with an emphasis on the sensitive issue of pseudonymizing judgments, and to a comparison of various national practices. Although the book’s primary focus is on European law, it will also be of interest to scholars from other continents, either for purposes of comparative research, or because the topic itself touches on general theory of law issues.

Practical Guide to Schengen Law (SpringerBriefs in Law)

by Fabian Lutz

Schengen law is legally complex and, at the same time, foundational for the free movement objectives of the European Union. This "Practical Guide to Schengen Law" seeks to explain the specific features of Schengen law and its differences from normal EU law. It focuses on the territorial scope of application of Schengen law (variable geometry) and on the determination of the substantive scope of the Schengen acquis. It also includes replies to frequently encountered practical questions arising in that field.In addition to its descriptive function, this guide also aims at closing a gap in the scholarly analysis of Schengen. The substance of the Schengen acquis has already been subject of numerous publications, with specific emphasis on: border controls, security and human rights, institutional balance and implementation. However, there has been little scholarly attention to the challenges resulting from the application of the legal criteria, introduced in 1999, for distinguishing Schengen-related developments of the EU law from the broader Justice and Home Affairs EU law and the resulting legal and political problems.

Entscheidungslehre: Wie Menschen entscheiden und wie sie entscheiden sollten

by Rüdiger von Nitzsch

Das Lehrbuch behandelt einerseits die präskriptiv-normative Entscheidungstheorie, wie sie zur grundlegenden Ausbildung in verschiedenen Bachelorstudiengängen gehört. Andererseits wird auch in etwa gleichem Umfang auf die Erkenntnisse der verhaltenswissenschaftlich orientierten Entscheidungslehre eingegangen. Der Leser erfährt also sehr viel über die Psychologie der Entscheidung und die typischen Entscheidungsfehler. Darüber hinaus lernt er auch, diese Fehler zu umgehen und mit systematischen Methoden entgegenzusteuern. Die Inhalte sind mit vielen Beispielen illustriert und mit dem Entscheidungsnavi, einem frei zugänglichen Online-Trainingstool für den gesamten Entscheidungsprozess von der Formulierung der Entscheidungsfrage bis zur Auswahl der besten Handlungsalternative, auch unmittelbar in Anwendungen einzubringen.

Applied Extreme Value Statistics: With a Special Focus on the ACER Method

by Arvid Naess

This book does not focus solely on asymptotic extreme value distributions. In addition to the traditional asymptotic methods, it introduces a data-driven, computer-based method, which provides insights into the exact extreme value distribution inherent in the data, and which avoids asymptotics. It therefore differs from currently available texts on extreme value statistics in one very important aspect. The method described provides a unique tool for diagnostics, and for efficient and accurate extreme value prediction based on measured or simulated data. It also has straightforward extensions to multivariate extreme value distributions. The first half provides an introduction to extreme value statistics with an emphasis on applications. It includes chapters on classical asymptotic theories and threshold exceedance models, with many illustrative examples. The mathematical level is elementary and, to increase readability, detailed mathematical proofs have been avoided in favour of heuristic arguments. The second half presents in some detail specialized topics that illustrate the power and the limitations of the concepts discussed. With diverse applications to science, engineering and finance, the techniques described in this book will be useful to readers from many different backgrounds.

Big Game of Botswana: The Tragic History of a Once Great Southern African Fauna

by Clive Spinage

Quoting contemporary accounts from hunters, missionaries and traders from the early nineteenth century onwards, this book illustrates the ecology of the country as it was emphasizing its rich large mammal fauna, its decline from increasing aridity of the country, it destruction by hunters, by disease, and most importantly, destruction of its vast herds, notably of wildebeest, due to the developing beef export economy and the erection of veterinary cordon fences depriving the large game of migration routes in times of drought. Once possessing one of the greatest animal displacements in Africa, with huge migrations of antelope, this book underlines the reality that the fauna of Botswana today is but a tiny remnant of what was perhaps once one of the the greatest spectacles of big game on earth. It shows how the decline came about -- and the controls exercised by tribal chiefs illustrating the indigenous peoples’ attitudes, and eventual protective measures both tribal and statutory. Whereas the pessimistic predictions of extinction at the end of the nineteenth century have happily not come true, nonetheless, the continued existence of this once great fauna is increasingly threatened by climate change threatening an already fragile balance, and human population increase with its increasing economic demands and changes in land use. The study fills a gap in the literature of African wildlife conservation and is distinctive by drawing upon a rich historical background.

Toric Topology and Polyhedral Products (Fields Institute Communications #89)

by Anthony Bahri Lisa Jeffrey Taras Panov Donald Stanley Stephen Theriault

This book explores toric topology, polyhedral products and related mathematics from a wide range of perspectives, collectively giving an overview of the potential of the areas while contributing original research to drive the subject forward in interesting new directions. Contributions to this volume were written in connection to the thematic program Toric Topology and Polyhedral Products held at the Fields Institute from January-June 2020. 16 original conributions were inspired or influenced by the program.Toric Topology arose as a subject in its own right about twenty-five years ago. It sits at the intersection of commutative algebra, topology, combinatorics, algebraic geometry, and symplectic and convex geometry. Polyhedral products are a functorial generalization of a construction that is at the centre of Toric Topology. They are of independent interest and unify several constructions that arise in a diverse range of areas, such as geometric group theory, homotopy theory, algebraic combinatorics and subspace arrangements.

Turning Global Rights into Local Realities: Realizing Children’s Rights in Ghana’s Pluralistic Society (Sociology of Children and Families)

by Afua Twum-Danso Imoh

Focusing on Ghana, the first country in sub-Saharan Africa to gain independence from European colonial rule and the first in the world to ratify the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child, this book explores how dominant children's rights principles interact with the lived realities of a range of children’s lives.The author considers the changeability and inconsistencies of childhoods within this context and the factors that underpin these varied intersections, including cultural norms, British colonial legacy, the influence of Christianity, urbanization, and social, economic and political transformations. Challenging one-dimensional portrayals of childhoods in the Global South, the author highlights the need for more holistic approaches to the study of children’s lives and children’s rights realization in Southern contexts.

Pivotal Strategies: Claiming Writing Studies as Discipline

by Lynn C. Lewis

Pivotal Strategies examines the rhetorical contexts and motivations that determine how and why people choose writing studies as a discipline, especially as the field begins to take more seriously an antiracist imperative that requires more conscious listening and promotion of work from scholars representing traditionally underrepresented voices. Because undergraduate degrees in writing studies are relatively new, claiming the discipline has required reinvention and revision at personal and professional levels far different than any other discipline. Suspicions about the viability of the discipline linger in many departments and universities, as well as outside the academy, leading writing studies scholars to develop innovative strategies to deal with covertly hostile attitudes. Within the collection, contributors name explicit claiming strategies from the discipline’s beginnings to the contemporary moment, locating opportune spaces, negotiating identities and fostering resilience, and developing allegiances by foregrounding their embodiment as underrepresented members of academia through a commitment to social justice and equity. Responding to current conversations on the worth of education with honest stories about the burdens and joys of becoming and being an academic, Pivotal Strategies features a spectrum of voices across racial, gender, class, and age categories. This collection not only makes the discipline more visible but also helps map the contemporary state of writing studies.

Organic Prayer: Discover the Presence and Power of God in the Everyday (Organic Outreach)

by Kevin G. Harney Sherry Harney

Often we view prayer as an activity reserved for a certain time, in a certain place, offered in a specific way. Scripture invites us to pray continually. This exhortation is an opportunity for prayer to permeate every aspect of our lives--when we're alone or in a crowd, when it's quiet and when it's chaotic, when we feel like it and when we don't.?Organic Prayer shows us how to make continuous prayer a natural part of our lives rather than something on a spiritual checklist. It helps us encounter God in new ways as we learn to:?open our eyes to see his presence and the world around us?open our ears to hear his voice guiding us?open our hearts to experience freedom and power as we pray?and open our lives as we pray for and with others and shine the light of Jesus in our dark world?Anyone desiring a richer, more transformative prayer life will welcome this fresh take on conversing with our Creator.? Anyone hungering to share the grace and goodness of Jesus in our hurting and confused world will find practical ideas for world-changing prayer.

Pursuing God Bible Study Guide plus Streaming Video: Encountering His Love and Beauty in the Bible

by Margaret Feinberg

We are made to experience and express God's love and beauty.If you've hit a wall in your faith walk, or you feel like your relationship with God lacks passion, join Bible teacher Margaret Feinberg on a journey through the book of Genesis and the Gospel of John in pursuit of a God who restores our faith in his love and fills us with the wonder of his beauty.Both Genesis and the Gospel of John are written to spark your desire to pursue a deeper relationship with Jesus Christ. In this twelve-session video-based Bible study (streaming video access included), you'll:Take a close look at these two books of the Bible (with six sessions dedicated to each)Reflect deeply on your relationship with GodAwaken to the Lord's infinite beauty and love in a fresh and transformative wayThis study guide has everything you need for a full Bible study experience, including:The study guide itself—with discussion and reflection questions and video notesAn individual access code to stream all 12 video sessions online (DVD also available separately)Special group activities and icebreakers designed to help participants encounter GodBetween-session personal studies to dig deeper into Scripture on your ownSessions and video run times include:Encountering God (16:00)Call on the Name of the Lord (15:00)The Pursuit, the Promise, and the Provision (12:00)When Love Goes Right and When Love Goes Wrong (17:00)It's Not About You (21:00)Finding God Among Prisons and Palaces (19:00)Encountering Jesus (18:00)When God Sees Through You (20:00)Recognizing the Blind Spots (17:00)When Worship Costs More than Expected (16:00)Mistakes that Refine Instead of Define (13:00)The Hope and Healing of Resurrection (15:00)Watch on any device!Streaming video access code included. Access code subject to expiration after 12/31/2029. Code may be redeemed only by the recipient of this package. Code may not be transferred or sold separately from this package. Internet connection required. Void where prohibited, taxed, or restricted by law. Additional offer details inside.Previously published as Pursing God's Love and Pursuing God's Beauty.

Desarrolle mujeres líderes: Esquive los obstáculos y libere el potencial de las mujeres en su iglesia.

by Kadi Cole

Cómo aprovechar más eficazmente los dones y las capacidades de liderazgo de las mujeres en tu iglesia¿Cómo sería tu iglesia en el futuro si maximizaras los dones latentes de las mujeres que Dios ha puesto allí? En Desarrolle mujeres líderes, Kadi Cole, veterana de treinta años en liderazgo y desarrollo de personas, ofrece una estrategia práctica para ayudar a los líderes de iglesias y organizaciones a crear culturas que faciliten el desarrollo de mujeres como voluntarias y líderes del personal.Mediante el uso de entrevistas y encuestas de más de mil mujeres en roles clave de la iglesia y la organización, combinadas con investigación actual, la autora ha creado ocho «prácticas óptimas» fáciles de implementar que ayudan a acelerar la contribución organizacional de una mujer.Los apéndices y referencias amplias agregan aún más orientación para establecer visión, hitos y metas. Desarrolle mujeres líderes es un recurso único en su género para identificar lo que carece hoy en su iglesia para ayudarla a prosperar en el futuro.

Reír, crecer, vivir: Reflexiones que pintarán tu sonrisa y encenderán tu corazón

by José Luis Navajo

Reír, crecer, vivir es un viaje transformador de fe y alegría escrito por el respetado autor y pastor, José Luis Navajo. En este singular diario devocional, Navajo invita a los lectores a embarcarse en una exploración de cuarenta días de las enseñanzas de la Biblia a través de la lente de eventos reales y humorísticos dentro de la comunidad evangélica.En Reír, crecer, vivir, Navajo entrelaza magistralmente lo placentero y lo profundo, infundiendo cada reflexión diaria con humor y perspicacia espiritual. La risa diaria proporcionada por los eventos de la vida real sirve como recordatorio de que la alegría es una parte esencial de nuestro viaje espiritual. Mientras te ríes, también creces, tanto en tu comprensión de las Escrituras como en tu relación personal con Cristo.Este libro:Fomentará una reflexión personal profunda e inspirará a los lectores a aplicar la sabiduría de la Biblia en su vida diaria.Ofrecerá razones diarias para reír, proporcionando un necesario respiro de las ansiedades y cargas de la vida moderna.Facilitará que los lectores se identifiquen y se sumerjan en las narrativas con historias extraídas de eventos reales en todo el mundo.Además, el formato de este diario devocional está diseñado para que sea accesible a lectores de todas las edades, géneros y nacionalidades.Requiriendo tan solo quince minutos al día, este devocional es perfecto para personas que quizás no tienen el hábito regular de la lectura. Así que, embarquémonos en este viaje encantador y enriquecedor, y permitamos que Reír, crecer, vivir traiga alegría, sabiduría bíblica e inspire una reflexión personal profunda en nuestra vida diaria.Laughing, Growing, LivingLaughing, Growing, Living is a transformative journey of faith and joy penned by the esteemed author and Pastor, José Luis Navajo. In this unique devotional journal, Navajo invites readers to embark on a forty-day exploration of the Bible's teachings through the lens of real-life, humorous events within the evangelical community. In Laughing, Growing, Living, Navajo masterfully intertwines the playful and profound, infusing each day's reflection with humor and spiritual insight. The daily laughter provided by the real-life events serves as a reminder that joy is an essential part of one's spiritual journey. As you laugh, you also grow—both in your understanding of the Scriptures and in your personal relationship with Christ.This book:Encourage deep personal reflection and inspire readers to apply the wisdom of the Bible to their daily lives.Offers daily reasons to laugh, providing a much-needed respite from the anxieties and burdens of modern life.Make it easy for readers to identify with and immerse themselves in the narratives with stories drawn from real events worldwide.What's more, this devotional journal format is designed to be accessible to readers of all ages, genders, and nationalities.Requiring just fifteen minutes a day, this devotional is perfect for individuals who may not have a regular reading habit. So, embark on this delightful and enriching journey, and let Laughing, Growing, Living bring joy, biblical wisdom, and encourage deep personal reflection into your daily life.

The Most Ginormous Joke Book Ever: Laughs for All Ages and Occasions

by Cider Mill Press

Get ready to laugh nonstop with hundreds of classic knock-knock jokes, silly one-liners, and hilarious puns sure to tickle your funny bone.From silly wordplay to treacherous tongue twisters, this humongous book has something for every kind of jokester. Never get tired of the same old jokes again. Jam packed with thousands of the funniest jokes, these goofy gags will have kids rolling on the floor with laughter.Including:Where did Sir Lancelot go to pay his parking tickets? Knight court.What does the Abominable Snowman get if he stays out in the sun too long? Freezer burn.Why did the pirate join a health club? He wanted to be in ship shape.What&’s a Scarecrow's favorite fruit? Strawberries!Kid-friendly content makes this a must-have for your family's bookshelf. So, what are you waiting for? Start laughing with The Most Ginormous Joke Book Ever!

Osiris, Volume 39: Disability and the History of Science (Osiris #39)

by The University of Chicago Press

Presents a powerful new vision of the history of science through the lens of disability studies. Disability has been a central—if unacknowledged—force in the history of science, as in the scientific disciplines. Across historical epistemology and laboratory research, disability has been “good to think with”: an object of investigation made to yield generalizable truths. Yet disability is rarely imagined to be the source of expertise, especially the kind of expertise that produces (rational, neutral, universal) scientific knowledge. This volume of Osiris places disability history and the history of science in conversation to foreground disability epistemologies, disabled scientists, and disability sciencing (engagement with scientific tools and processes). Looking beyond paradigms of medicalization and industrialization, the volume authors also examine knowledge production about disability from the ancient world to the present in fields ranging from mathematics to the social sciences, resulting in groundbreaking histories of taken-for-granted terms such as impairment, infirmity, epidemics, and shōgai. Some contributors trace the disabling impacts of scientific theories and practices in the contexts of war, factory labor, insurance, and colonialism; others excavate racial and settler ableism in the history of scientific facts, protocols, and collections; still others query the boundaries between scientific, lay, and disability expertise. Contending that disability alters method, authors bring new sources and interpretation techniques to the history of science, overturn familiar narratives, apply disability analyses to established terms and archives, and discuss accessibility issues for disabled historians. The resulting volume announces a disability history of science.

The Supreme Court Review, 2023 (Supreme Court Review #2023)

by The University of Chicago Press

An annual peer-reviewed law journal covering the legal implications of decisions by the Supreme Court of the United States. Since it first appeared in 1960, the Supreme Court Review (SCR) has won acclaim for providing a sustained and authoritative survey of the implications of the Court’s most significant decisions. SCR is an in-depth annual critique of the Supreme Court and its work, analyzing the origins, reforms, and modern interpretations of American law. SCR is written by and for legal academics, judges, political scientists, journalists, historians, economists, policy planners, and sociologists.

How to Build a Billion-Dollar Business: On Purpose. For Profit. With Passion.

by Radek Sali

Discover the strategies and secrets behind a billion-dollar Australian success story In How to Build a Billion-Dollar Business, former Swisse CEO Radek Sali unpacks how his unique approach to product, people, and branding took Swisse Wellness from an Australian favourite to a blockbuster brand that sold for $2.1 billion. At the heart of How to Build a Billion-Dollar Business is Radek’s passion for finding purpose in work. This book shares inspiring real-world strategies, stories, and insights on how to build a business that makes an astounding profit — but more than that, how to build a business that also does good. A successful business is not just about profit: it’s about culture. Inside, you’ll learn how to develop a business plan, foster loyalty and innovation in your team, build a thriving workplace culture rooted in values, and attract and retain customers who believe in your product and your mission. Build a culture of trust, openness, and respect — in your organisation as well as with your customer. Get timely and valuable insights on what it means to build a flexible business and a sustainable, responsible brand. Learn how to drive growth and sales reach by connecting with customers and driving an aspirational product or service. Build a business that makes a real social or environmental difference in your community, one that gives back and supports growth and wellness for all. From his early career days to his success as a serial entrepreneur and ethical investor, Radek Sali shares a blueprint for discovering what drives you and making your business goals a reality. How to Build a Billion-Dollar Business is a handbook for business owners everywhere, showing you how to succeed in creating positive change in your business and in the world.

Lead Smart: How to Build and Lead Highly Productive Teams

by Dermot Crowley

Are you too busy to lead your team effectively? The simple truth is that leaders have never felt so distracted, so overwhelmed and so unable to find the time they need to make a real impact. In Lead Smart, productivity expert Dermot Crowley delivers proven strategies for cutting through the busyness and working and leading more effectively, maximising productivity for you and your team. You’ll discover specific actions and solutions for shifting your focus from activity to impact — so you can direct your energy to the opportunities and challenges that matter the most. With Lead Smart, you’ll learn how to make productivity your central priority, so you can maximise your own time as well as that of your people. To be an effective leader, you need to protect your time to think, to plan, to make good decisions and to provide clear direction. You need to be responsive and available, so you can empower your team to act in line with your organisation’s goals. And you need time to coach and mentor your people, leveraging their skills, capacity and productivity. Lead Smart shows you how to: Level up your time management and personal productivity, so you can minimise distractions and noise Streamline how you interact with your team and delegate more effectively Lead the team culture from the top down when it comes to aligning priorities, managing urgency and fostering accountability Boost your team’s productivity by building conviction, effectively negotiating workloads and deadlines and protecting the team from outside distraction Inspire a wider cultural change around workload productivity in your organisation through your commitment to an elite productivity philosophy This moment in time, when we are defining a new way of working, is an opportunity for managers, leaders and executives to reflect on old mindsets, habits and behaviours. Lead Smart is the book you need to upgrade how you use your time, energy and focus to better thrive and inspire as a leader. This book is part of the Smart Productivity series, helping readers find practical solutions for better managing their time, energy and focus.

Elliptic Equations: An Introductory Course (Birkhäuser Advanced Texts Basler Lehrbücher)

by Michel Chipot

The aim of this book is to introduce the reader to different topics of the theory of elliptic partial differential equations by avoiding technicalities and complicated refinements. Apart from the basic theory of equations in divergence form, it includes subjects as singular perturbations, homogenization, computations, asymptotic behavior of problems in cylinders, elliptic systems, nonlinear problems, regularity theory, Navier-Stokes systems, p-Laplace type operators, large solutions, and mountain pass techniques. Just a minimum on Sobolev spaces has been introduced and work on integration on the boundary has been carefully avoided to keep the reader attention focused on the beauty and variety of these issues. The chapters are relatively independent of each other and can be read or taught separately. Numerous results presented here are original, and have not been published elsewhere. The book will be of interest to graduate students and researchers specializing in partial differential equations.

The Philosophical Power of Fairy Tales from Around the World: An Ocean of Stories

by Wendy C. Turgeon

This book analyzes the philosophical dimensions of fairy tales from cultures all around the world. Though there is a robust literature that analyzes fairy tales from sociological and historical perspectives and psychology has also focused on mining these stories for insights, this book is unique in its focus on fairy tales as philosophical texts. Bringing together scholars from a truly global range of philosophical and literary traditions, this book shows that fairy tales encapsulate the human dilemma of living in the world, trying to make meaning, and charting a course through good and evil. The book's contributors study fairy tales from East Africa, Australia, Jewish Eastern Europe, Iran, Korea, Turkey, Indigenous North America, and beyond. Ending with a section on Philosophy for Children, this book will also be of interest to scholars and practitioners in this subfield, in addition to scholars of philosophy and popular culture and philosophy of literature.

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