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Showing 99,751 through 99,775 of 100,000 results
Title Author ISBN Copyright Features Action
Business Innovation: Das St. Galler Modell (Business Innovation Universität St. Gallen) 2123196 Falk Uebernickel Wolfgang Stölzle Christian Pieter Hoffmann Silke Lennerts Christian Schmitz 9783658071677 2016 Contains images
Projektübergreifendes Applikationsmanagement - Der strategische Applikationslebenszyklus am Beispiel des BMW Q-Cockpit: HMD Best Paper Award 2014 (essentials) 2226952 Falk Uebernickel Walter Brenner Andreas Györy Anne Cleven Günter Seeser 9783658123291 2015 Contains images
Projektübergreifendes Applikationsmanagement - Der strategische Applikationslebenszyklus am Beispiel des BMW Q-Cockpit: HMD Best Paper Award 2014 (essentials) 2227127 Falk Uebernickel Walter Brenner Andreas Györy Anne Cleven Günter Seeser 9783658142247 2016 Contains images
The Routledge Handbook of Logical Empiricism (Routledge Handbooks in Philosophy) 4373349 Thomas Uebel Christoph Limbeck-Lilienau 9781317307624 2022
LOHAS-Marketing 1615686 Matthias Uebel John Uwe Scherberich Stefan Helmke 9783834937193 2016 Contains images
Language Program Vitality in the United States: From Surviving to Thriving in Higher Education (Educational Linguistics #63) 5767460 Emily Heidrich Uebel Felix A. Kronenberg Scott Sterling 9783031436543 2023 Contains images
Dynamical Systems and Control (Stability and Control: Theory, Methods and Applications) 6393857 Firdaus E. Udwadia H. I. Weber George Leitmann 9781134390007 2004 Contains images
Joyful Learning: Active and Collaborative Learning in Inclusive Classrooms 1778682 Alice Udvari-Solner Paula M. Kluth 9781452294070 2008 Contains images
Joyful Learning: Active and Collaborative Strategies for Inclusive Classrooms 6067100 Alice Udvari-Solner Paula M. Kluth 9781506375670 2018 Contains images
Joyful Learning: Active and Collaborative Strategies for Inclusive Classrooms 6067165 Alice Udvari-Solner Paula M. Kluth 9781506375687 2018 Contains images
Axon Regeneration: Methods and Protocols (Methods in Molecular Biology #2636) 5211593 Ava J. Udvadia James B. Antczak 9781071630129 2023 Contains images
iPhone Game Blueprints 1591899 Igor Uduslivii 9781849690270 2013 Contains images
Media as Politics in South Asia (Routledge Contemporary South Asia Series) 2557113 Sahana Udupa Stephen D. McDowell 9781351972208 2017 Contains images
Media as Politics in South Asia (Routledge Contemporary South Asia Series) 5628986 Sahana Udupa Stephen D. McDowell 9781351972208 2017 Contains images
Digital Unsettling: Decoloniality and Dispossession in the Age of Social Media (Critical Cultural Communication) 5247083 Sahana Udupa Ethiraj Gabriel Dattatreyan 9781479819195 2023 Contains images
Making News in Global India 1224245 Sahana Udupa 9781316290118 2015 Contains images
3D Imaging in Medicine, Second Edition 5461682 Jayaram K. Udupa Gabor T. Herman 9781351470292 1999 Contains images
Beyond Gated Communities 4481491 Ola Uduku Samer Bagaeen 9781317659044 2015 Contains images
Learning Spaces in Africa: Critical Histories to 21st Century Challenges and Change 5483881 Ola Uduku 9781317152101 2018 Contains images
What Mary Jo Shared 1311862 Janice May Udry Elizabeth Sayles 9781497690219 1966 Contains images
Holy Daring 1564958 John Udris 9780819834089 2004
The Last Arab Jews: The Communities of Jerba, Tunisia (Routledge Library Editions: North Africa #4) 5339243 Abraham L. Udovitch Lucette Valensi Jacques Perez 9781317304531 2016 Contains images
Partnership and Profit in Medieval Islam 5884375 Abraham L. Udovitch 9781400820474 1970 Contains images
Burn This House: The Making and Unmaking of Yugoslavia 1249977 Jasminka Udovicki James Ridgeway 9780822380917 2000 Contains images
Nature's Treasures 2585209 Jane Morris Udovic 9780812665475 2016 Contains images

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