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Showing 98,751 through 98,775 of 100,000 results

The Foundations of the American Economy Vol 3: The American Colonies from Inception to Independence

by Marianne Johnson Steven G. Medema Warren J. Samuels

This collection brings together a comprehensive selection of documents from the history of US and Canadian economic thought from the seventeenth century through to 1900.

Public Execution in England, 1573-1868, Part I Vol 4

by Leigh Yetter

The execution narrative was a popular genre in early modern England. This facsimile edition draws together a representative selection of texts to show the evolution of the genre from the late sixteenth century to the end of public execution in England nearly 300 years later.

Literature and Science, 1660-1834, Part II vol 6

by Judith Hawley

This volume reproduces primary texts which embody the polymathic nature of the literature of science, and provides editorial overviews and extensive references, to provide a resource for specialized academics and researchers with a broad cultural interest in the long 18th century.

Trade, Commodities and Shipping in the Medieval Mediterranean (Variorum Collected Studies)

by David Jacoby

This fourth collection by David Jacoby focuses on Western economic expansion the Eastern Mediterranean during the 11th-15th centuries. He is concerned to emphasize the interconnections linking the West, Byzantium and the Levant, and to examine normative sources for commercial activity (charters, etc.) against the background of actual practice, such as reflected in notarial documents. The articles deal with the evolution of urban centres, the trade in raw materials, and at the same time questions of technology transfer and the mobility of merchants and craftsmen. Particular attention is given to the silk trade: the author argues that demographic expansion in the Byzantine world, as in the West, stimulated economic growth, and demand for silk led to the emergence of a market-driven industry in Byzantium.

Conduct Literature for Women, Part III, 1720-1770 vol 3

by Pam Morris

The material presented in this six-volume set moves away from courtly etiquette, adopting a more middle-class, domestic focus, and includes facsimile reproductions of sermons, poems, narratives and cookery books.

The History of Taxation Vol 2

by D P O'Brien

A set of eight volumes, these texts are designed to cover the literature of taxation from the late-17th century to the end of the 19th century. The writings focus on a number of themes, reflecting in turn the problems which revenue raisers have encountered over two centuries.

The History of Actuarial Science Vol VIII

by Steven Haberman Trevora A. Sibbett

A book which covers the key period in the history of actuarial science from the mid-17th century to the early 19th century. There are reprints of the most important treatises, pamphlets, tables and writings which trace the development of the actuarial industry.

Sacred Images and Sacred Power in Byzantium (Variorum Collected Studies)

by Gary Vikan

In these studies Gary Vikan has opened new perspectives on the daily life and material culture of Late Antiquity - more specifically, on icons and relics, and on objects revealing of the world of pilgrimage, the early cult of saints, and marriage. He contextualizes these familiar categories of object in the patterns of belief and ritual extracted from contemporary texts and the objects themselves, in order to understand their meaning within the everyday lives of those by whom and for whom they were made. The studies give a nuanced delineation of the inherently ambiguous boundary between conventional religion and magic, noting repeatedly those instances wherein the two are invoked in the same breath (and by way of the same art object), toward the same end. From this historically constructed matrix of art, belief, and ritual, the author derives an anthropologically defined paradigm of charisma and pilgrimage (applied in one essay, as an intriguing parallel, to deconstructing the world of a contemporary secular "saint," Elvis Presley).

The History of Taxation Vol 1

by D P O'Brien

A set of eight volumes, these texts are designed to cover the literature of taxation from the late-17th century to the end of the 19th century. The writings focus on a number of themes, reflecting in turn the problems which revenue raisers have encountered over two centuries.

The Uncollected Letters of Algernon Charles Swinburne Vol 2

by Terry L Meyers

These three volumes of letters by Algernon Charles Swinburne add approximately 600 letters by this poet that were not available when Cecil Y. Lang published his six volume edition of Swinburne's letters. The volumes also contain a selection of several hundred other letters addressed to Swinburne.

The History of Actuarial Science Vol II

by Steven Haberman Trevor A. Sibbett

A book which covers the key period in the history of actuarial science from the mid-17th century to the early 19th century. There are reprints of the most important treatises, pamphlets, tables and writings which trace the development of the actuarial industry.

Spain and the Early Stuarts, 1585-1655 (Variorum Collected Studies)

by Albert J. Loomie

These studies focus on Spain's relations with England from the last stages of the Elizabethan war to the opening years of the Cromwellian regime. Particular attention is given to the issue of religion and to the character and conduct of peacetime diplomacy - and intelligence gathering. In the first studies, Professor Loomie deals with the policies of Philip II and preparations for the 1597 Armada. The following articles examine Spanish attitudes towards the Stuart court and an unknown cultivation of the ’Independents’ during and after the Civil War.

Songs and Musicians in the Fifteenth Century (Variorum Collected Studies)

by David Fallows

The essays in this volume are concerned with song repertories and performance practice in 15th-century Europe. The first group of studies arises from the author's long-term fascination with the widely dispersed traces of English song and , in particular, with the most successful song by any English composer, O rosa bella. This leads to a set of enquiries into the distribution and international currents of the song repertory in Italy and Spain. The essays in the final section, taken together, represent an extended discussion of the problems of performance, both of voice and instrument, what they performed and how.

The Foundations of the American Economy Vol 1: The American Colonies from Inception to Independence

by Marianne Johnson Steven G. Medema Warren J. Samuels

This collection brings together a comprehensive selection of documents from the history of US and Canadian economic thought from the seventeenth century through to 1900.

The Islamic World, Russia and the Vikings, 750-900: The Numismatic Evidence (Variorum Collected Studies)

by Thomas S. Noonan

Professor Noonan here sets out to examine what Islamic silver coins (dirhams) reveal about the great trade between the Islamic world, European Russia, and the Baltic during the early Viking Age. Particular attention is devoted to the origins of this international commerce and the role of such peoples as the Vikings and Khazars. As he shows, the study of these coins also throws new light on mint output in the ’Abbasid caliphate, the historical significance of specific dirham hoards, and how the patterns of trade evolved during the course of the ninth century.

The History of Taxation Vol 8

by D P O'Brien

A set of eight volumes, these texts are designed to cover the literature of taxation from the late-17th century to the end of the 19th century. The writings focus on a number of themes, reflecting in turn the problems which revenue raisers have encountered over two centuries.

Conduct Literature for Women, Part II, 1640-1710 vol 3

by William St Clair Irmgard Maassen

This collection aims to give a chronological insight into the evolution of conduct literature, from its early roots in the Renaissance period through to the dramatically different role that women played at the emergence of the 20th century.

Eighteenth-Century British Erotica, Part II vol 4

by Lena Olsson

Comprises a variety of topics, from prostitution to flatulence, and paints a picture of the real and imaginative worlds inhabited by the people of eighteenth-century Britain. This title features a volume dedicated to homosexuality. It is intended for students of eighteenth century culture, queer theory, history of sexuality and book history.

The Emergence of a National Economy Vol 3: The United States from Independence to the Civil War

by William J Barber Marianne Johnson Malcolm Rutherford

This collection brings together a comprehensive selection of documents from the history of US and Canadian economic thought from the 17th century through to 1900.

Modern Austrian Economics Vol 2

by Sandye Gloria-Palermo Peter J Boettke Stephan Bohm

Examines the post-1970s area of the Austrian economic tradition, from its revival to its contemporary directions and development. The book comprises texts on the relationship of Austrian economics to Institutionalism, Evolution, and Post-Keynesian economics to present a look at "the way forward".

Science and Society: Historical Essays on the Relations of Science, Technology and Medicine (Variorum Collected Studies)

by A. Rupert Hall

This is the second selection of articles by Rupert Hall to be published by Variorum. Whereas the first volume focused on Newton and his work, the present one ranges more widely over the interactions between ’pure’ science, ’applied’ science, and craftsmanship, but with an emphasis on the period from the 17th century to the Industrial Revolution. The second and third sections look in particular at the relations between science and warfare, and science and medicine, and the position of the Royal Society forms the focus of several papers. Throughout Professor Hall argues for the need to keep in mind that the distinction between the practical or professional and the intellectual was not then valid in the same way as now; that the problems of the interaction and interdependence between ’knowing’ and ’doing’ are not invariant, but rather historically determined and with defined historical contexts.

Trials for Treason and Sedition, 1792-1794, Part I Vol 2

by John Barrell Jon Mee

The period 1792–94 witnessed the emergence of the first genuinely popular radical movement in Britain. This collection contains the key trials of London radicalism from 1792–94. It includes a general introduction, but each of the trials is introduced in its own right and supported by endnotes and further reading.

Public Drinking in the Early Modern World Vol 4: Voices from the Tavern, 1500-1800

by Thomas E Brennan B Ann Tlusty Beat Kumin David Hancock Michelle McDonald

This four-volume reset edition presents a wide-ranging collection of primary sources which uncover the language and behaviour of local and state authorities, of peasants and town-dwellers, and of drinking companions and irate wives.

The Routledge Introduction to American Comics (Routledge Introductions to American Literature)

by Andrew J. Kunka Rachel R. Miller

This accessible, up-to-date textbook covers the history of comics as it developed in the US in all of its forms: political cartoons and newspaper comic strips, comic books, graphic novels, minicomics, and webcomics. Over the course of its six chapters, this introductory textbook addresses the artistic, cultural, social, economic, and technological impacts and innovations that comics have had in American history. Readers will be immersed in the history of American comics—from its origins in 18th-century political cartoons and late 19th-century newspaper strips to the rise of the wildly popular comic book, the radical, grassroots collectives that grew out of the underground comix movement of the 1960s and 1970s, all the way through contemporary longform graphic novels, the vibrant self-publishing scene, and groundbreaking webcomics. The Routledge Introduction to American Comics guides students, researchers, archivists, and even fans of the medium through a contemporary history of comics, attending to how a diverse range of creators and researchers have advanced the art form in key ways since its inception as a foundational art of American popular culture. In this way, it is uniquely suited to readers engaged in the study of comics, as well as those interested in the creation of comics and graphic narratives.

Painting Music in the Sixteenth Century: Essays in Iconography (Variorum Collected Studies)

by H. Colin Slim

Professor Slim deals here with the several roles that music can play in the artworks of the Renaissance, looking in particular at Italian painting of the 16th century. For understandable reasons, art historians sometimes neglect the role of music and, especially, that of musical notation when studying works of art. These studies not only identify musical compositions, wholly or partially inscribed in paintings - and tapestries, ceramics, prints as well - but also seek reasons why these particular musical compositions were included and analyse their relevance to the scene depicted. Furthermore, as many of these studies show, identifying a musical composition, especially if it has a text, leads to the formation of ideas about iconographical functions and thus augments interpretations of the visual art.

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