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Conquerors and Churchmen in Norman Italy (Variorum Collected Studies)

by G.A. Loud

The impact of the Norman conquest of Sicily and Southern Italy in the 11th-12th centuries upon the society of that region forms the central theme of this volume. Norman relations with the Byzantine world are also an important topic. Several studies directly examine questions of continuity and change, both with regard to lay society and in a section devoted to the Church; others approach the subject more obliquely, through the analysis of contemporary historical writing, the documents and diplomatic of the Princes of Capua, and religious patronage. Throughout, they attempt to locate the conquerors within the context of the society they invaded, and within which they were only a minority.

Lies, Language and Logic in the Late Middle Ages (Variorum Collected Studies)

by Paul Vincent Spade

’This sentence is false’ - is that true? The ’Liar paradox’ embodied in those words exerted a particular fascination on the logicians of the Western later Middle Ages, and, along with similar ’insoluble’ problems, forms the subject of the first group of articles in this volume. In the following parts Professor Spade turns to medieval semantic theory, views on the relationship between language and thought, and to a study of one particular genre of disputation, that known as ’obligationes’. The focus is on the Oxford scholastics of the first half of the 14th century, and it is the name of William of Ockham which dominates these pages - a thinker with whom Professor Spade finds himself in considerable philosophical sympathy, and whose work on logic and semantic theory has a depth and richness that have not always been sufficiently appreciated.

The Byzantine and Early Islamic Near East (Variorum Collected Studies)

by Hugh Kennedy

The essays in this volume deal with the history of the Middle East from c.550 to 1000 AD. There are three main themes: Syria in Late Antiquity and the changes and continuities with the early Islamic period; relations between Muslims and the Byzantine Empire from the 8th to the 11th centuries; and the development of government and the economy in the early caliphate. Throughout there is an emphasis on social and economic trends and the integration of written and archaeological evidence to elucidate the complex developments in this pivotal part of the world. In different ways all the papers discuss the formation of the Islamic world and the way in which the legacy of Antiquity, economic, social and cultural, affected the emergence of what we think of as this "Islamic World". These papers will be of interest to historians of Islam and Byzantium but also western mediaevalists interested in comparing processes of change at opposite ends of the Mediterranean.

Heart Rate Variability Analysis with the R package RHRV (Use R!)

by Constantino Antonio García Martínez Abraham Otero Quintana Xosé A. Vila María José Lado Touriño Leandro Rodríguez-Liñares Jesús María Rodríguez Presedo Arturo José Méndez Penín

This book introduces readers to the fundamental concepts of Heart Rate Variability (HRV) and its most important analysis algorithms using a hands-on approach based on the open-source RHRV software. HRV refers to the variation over time of the intervals between consecutive heartbeats. Despite its apparent simplicity, HRV is one of the most important markers of autonomic nervous system activity and it has been recognized as a useful predictor of several pathologies. The book discusses all the basic HRV topics, including the physiological contributions to HRV, clinical applications, HRV data acquisition, HRV data manipulation and HRV analysis using time-domain, frequency-domain, time-frequency, nonlinear and fractal techniques. Detailed examples based on real data sets are provided throughout the book to illustrate the algorithms and discuss the physiological implications of the results. Offering a comprehensive guide to analyzing beat information with RHRV, the book is intended for masters and Ph.D. students in various disciplines such as biomedical engineering, human and veterinary medicine, biology, and pharmacy, as well as researchers conducting heart rate variability analyses on both human and animal data. The second edition of the book has been updated to RHRV version 5.0. This version introduces a functionality to perform heart rate variability analysis on entire populations. This functionality automates and streamlines both the calculation of HRV indices in the time, frequency, and nonlinear domains, as well as the subsequent statistical analysis.

ICGG 2024 - Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Geometry and Graphics: Volume 1 (Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies #216)

by Kazuki Takenouchi

This three-volume book gathers peer-reviewed papers presented at the 21st International Conference on Geometry and Graphics (ICGG 2024), held in Kitakyushu, Japan, on August 5–9, 2024. The conference started in 1978 and is promoted by the International Society for Geometry and Graphics, which aims to foster international collaboration and stimulate the scientific research and teaching methodology in the fields of Geometry and Graphics. The ICGG 2024 covered the following five topics taken over from ICGG 2022: Theoretical Graphics and Geometry; Applied Geometry and Graphics; Engineering Computer Graphics; Graphics Education; Geometry and Graphics in History, to which a Related Topic section was added in response to the growing body of research on Geometry and Graphics. Volume 1 collects papers on three of these topics: Theoretical Graphics and Geometry, Graphics Education, and Related Topics. Given its breadth of coverage, the book introduces engineers, architects, and designers interested in computer applications, graphics, and geometry to the latest advances in the field, with a particular focus on science, the arts, and mathematics education.

Dispersity, Structure and Phase Changes of Proteins and Bio Agglomerates in Biotechnological Processes

by Arno Kwade Ingo Kampen

This book serves as a comprehensive summary of the priority program SPP 1934, which focused on understanding the dispersity, structure, and phase changes of proteins and bio-agglomerates in biotechnological processes. Through contributions from various research groups, the program explored how sensitive proteins and bio-agglomerates are affected by the process environment during fermentation, downstream processing, and formulation. It investigated these effects across three size scales: microscale, encompassing single proteins, clusters, crystals, and virus-like particles; mesoscale, focusing on cells and cell clusters; and macroscale, examining overall process dynamics. The main objective was to enhance biotechnological process chains by elucidating the mechanical, thermal, and chemical stresses that impact protein and bio-agglomerate structures. By gaining insights into these stressors, the program aimed to enable precise control measures to mitigate denaturation and unfavorable growth of proteins and cells. This compilation seeks to contribute to the optimization of biotechnological processes, facilitating advancements in various industries.

Europavisionen in der amerikanischen Nachkriegsplanung 1939-1947

by Joe Majerus

Während des Zweiten Weltkrieges wurden in den Vereinigten Staaten von Amerika bereits verschiedene Visionen zur Zukunft und Nachkriegsordnung Europas ausgearbeitet, die als solche den ideellen Grundstein für spätere außenpolitische Vorhaben legten und folglich einen nicht unwesentlichen Einfluss auf die anschließende Umsetzung selbiger zeitigten. Jene Vorstellungen zeichneten sich zum einen dadurch aus, dass viele der erwarteten Probleme bei der Etablierung eines neuen zwischenstaatlichen Systems häufig von der Warte gesamtstrategischer Überlegungen und Erfordernisse betrachtet wurden, im Zuge derer nationale Eigeninteressen mit liberal-amerikanischen Idealbildern verbunden und im Rahmen der übergreifenden Vision eines globalen Internationalismus unter der Führung der USA durchgesetzt werden sollten. Zum anderen beschränkten sich amerikanische Europakonzeptionen keineswegs nur auf einzelne Teilaspekte politischer oder wirtschaftlicher Natur, sondern versuchten vielmehr ganzheitliche Lösungen zu liefern, indem sie die vielfältigen Herausforderungen, denen sich Europa nach dem Krieg gegenübersehen würde, systematisch in Bezug zueinander setzten. Anhand eines prosopographischen Ansatzes wird untersucht, inwiefern die Errichtung einer stabilen Friedens- und Sicherheitsordnung in Europa nicht erst mit Beginn des Kalten Krieges zu einem zentralen Eckpfeiler der amerikanischen Außenpolitik geworden war.

Working Lives in Ancient Rome (The New Antiquity)

by Del A. Maticic Jordan Rogers

This book sheds new light on labor and laboring in the Roman world. It starts with the individual laborer and works up, emphasizing their agency in navigating, transforming, and transcending the systems and structures around them. Taking advantage of the broad applicability of notions of work and labor to human lives at every rung of Roman society, the volume also offers numerous overlapping frameworks for thinking comparatively between many different kinds of work, whether in agriculture, craft, trade, politics, art, or literature. The book is organized around the ‘typical’ work-life experience of the modern 9-to-5 and provides a means of thinking in a rigorous way about how the working lives of scholars of Rome are caught up in ancient discourse and practices.

Electronic Structure of Rare-Earth Nickelates from First-Principles (Springer Theses)

by Harrison LaBollita

This thesis demonstrates the value of theoretical approaches in the discovery of new superconducting materials. It reports a detailed study of the recently discovered nickel-oxide (nickelate) superconductors using multiple first-principles computational tools, from density functional theory to dynamical mean field theory. In the context of superconductivity, discoveries have generally been linked to serendipitous experimental discovery; this thesis reports some of the few examples of predictions of new superconductors that have later been realized in practice, a prime example of the significance of the methodology it expounds. Overall, it represents a seminal systematic work in the electronic structure theory of the emergent field of nickelate superconductivity.

Task Oriented Gait Training

by Yang-Soo Lee

Safe and independent gait is one of the most important physical function of human. Gait training is essential to people with gait difficulty. Although there are many types of gait training strategy, there are no consensus on which one is the best. Gait training strategy can be divided into compensatory approaches and restorative approaches. Although people with severe impairment wish to restore normal walking, it is too difficult to use their involved body part normally in gait. Also, people use compensatory approaches in gait even in training session. Therefore forced use of involved body part is indispensable in gait training topeople with severe impairment. This book introduces new gait training frame which uses forced use of affected body part. First, strengthening of weakened muscle, second, step up with affected lower limb, third, step down with weight support with affected lower limb, and fourth is step down touch. Actual gait training starts after people can support their body weight and maintain balance with affected lower limb, without using hand. With this approach, people can restore impaired body function, regain more normal gait, and canreach optimal outcome.

Principal Symbol Calculus on Contact Manifolds (Lecture Notes in Mathematics #2359)

by Yuri Kordyukov Fedor Sukochev Dmitriy Zanin

This book develops a C*-algebraic approach to the notion of principal symbol on Heisenberg groups and, using the fact that contact manifolds are locally modeled by Heisenberg groups, on compact contact manifolds. Applying abstract theorems due to Lord, Sukochev, Zanin and McDonald, a principal symbol on the Heisenberg group is introduced as a homomorphism of C*-algebras. This leads to a version of Connes’ trace theorem for Heisenberg groups, followed by a proof of the equivariant behavior of the principal symbol under Heisenberg diffeomorphisms. Using this equivariance and the authors’ globalization theorem, techniques are developed which enable further extensions to arbitrary stratified Lie groups and, as a consequence, the notion of a principal symbol on compact contact manifolds is described via a patching process. Finally, the Connes trace formula on compact contact sub-Riemannian manifolds is established and a spectrally correct version of the sub-Riemannian volume is defined (different from Popp's measure). The book is aimed at graduate students and researchers working in spectral theory, Heisenberg analysis, operator algebras and noncommutative geometry.

Irrigation Sustainability with Saline and Alkali Waters: Extent, Impacts and Management Guidelines

by Paramjit S. Minhas Manzoor Qadir

This book provides a practical guidance and a set of principles for improving management of saline and alkali waters and thus would be useful for different stakeholders, including agricultural students, researchers, environmentalists, and policy makers. The worldwide aggregated area with occurrence of saline and brackish groundwater is about 24 million square kilometers causing annual food losses to the extent of food requirements of 170 million people. For fostering the safe and reliable use of these waters, researchers have innovated management techniques helping sustainable irrigation with waters otherwise rated earlier as unfit. Vast pool of information has been put together in this book covering groundwater irrigation scenario and need for non-conventional waters; extent, genesis, and global distribution of saline groundwater; impacts of saline and alkali irrigation waters on soils and crops; management approaches for sustaining irrigation with typical saline and alkali ground waters for agricultural and horticulture crops; steady and non-steady state models for salt and water dynamics vis-a-vis crop responses; alternate uses of highly saline waters; water quality guidelines for irrigation under different soil and agro-climatic conditions and ultimately some researchable and policy issues for promoting irrigation with these waters.

Emerging Trends in Synthesis and Catalysis in Chemistry: Proceedings of ETSC 2023 (Springer Proceedings in Materials #51)

by Sunita Rattan Bhuvanesh Gupta Christine Jeyaseelan Anita Gupta

This book presents the select papers from the International Symposium on “Emerging Trends in Synthesis and Catalysis” (ETSC 2023). It covers the latest trends in novel synthesis strategies and highly efficient heterogeneous/homogeneous catalytic chemical species. Various topics covered in this book are green synthesis, reaction designs, catalyst synthesis, advanced materials for organic synthesis, polymer synthesis, stereoselective synthesis, flow chemistry, bio-catalysis, organo-catalysis, catalysis for sustainable development and industrial processes, multiphase catalysis, separation science and process development, organometallic compounds in synthesis and catalysis, computational tools for synthetic processes and processes for environment sustainability. The book is useful for researchers, academicians, and industrialists working in material science and industrial chemistry.

The Trouble with Speculation: Natures, Futures, Politics (Global Discourse)

by Christine Mortimer and Maria Alejandra Luján Escalante

Bringing together contributors from Europe, North America and Australia, this book questions the purpose and outcomes of speculation in practical settings. In the context of interrelated and complex global challenges, speculation is not just useful but necessary. The chapters in this book present a cross-disciplinary dialogue of people that are developing work in speculation and interrogates its practices and ethical and political charges. Through these discussions, the book explores the potential of speculation in addressing issues such as climate change, urban futures and new political practices.

Cluny from the Tenth to the Twelfth Centuries: Further Studies (Variorum Collected Studies)

by Giles Constable

The articles in this volume deal with the history of the abbey of Cluny, both its relations with the outside world and its internal organisation and spirituality, from its foundation in 910 until the end of the twelfth century. After an opening article on the early history of Cluny, relating it to previous monasticism and the monastic world of the tenth century, there are a group of articles on how monks were admitted to Cluny, how they were organised, what they did, and on the monastery’s privileges. Two articles are concerned with Cluny’s relations with the abbey of Baume and another with Cluny and the First Crusade. Finally there are a group of articles on Cluny in the twelfth century. One deals with the relations between the abbots and the increasingly assertive townsmen of Cluny and another with the confused period following the death of Peter the Venerable, when there were a series of relatively short-term abbots, and one apparent anti-abbot.

China and the Birth of Globalization in the 16th Century (Variorum Collected Studies)

by Dennis O. Flynn Arturo Giráldez

Including 11 essays published over the last 15 years, this volume by Dennis O. Flynn and Arturo Giráldez concerns the origins and early development of globalization. It opens with their 1995 "Silver Spoon" essay and a theoretical essay published in 2002. Subsequent sections deal with Pacific Ocean exchanges, interconnections between the Spanish, Ottoman, Japanese and Chinese empires, and the necessity of multidisciplinary approaches to global history. The volume follows the evolution of the authors' thinking concerning the central role of China in the global silver trade, as well as interrelations among silver and non-silver markets. Research before 2002 paved the way for development of a coherent 'Birth of Globalization' narrative that portrays economic factors in the context of powerful epidemiological, ecological, demographic, and cultural forces. In the final essay Flynn and Giráldez argue for incorporating the work of all academic disciplines when attempting to understand the history of globalization, advocating an inclusive historical data base which recognizes contextual realities and an inductive process of reasoning.

Arabic into Latin in the Middle Ages: The Translators and their Intellectual and Social Context (Variorum Collected Studies)

by Charles Burnett

This collection of Charles Burnett's articles on the transmission of Arabic learning to Europe concentrates on the identity of the Latin translators and the context in which they were working. The articles are arranged in roughly chronological order, beginning with the earliest known translations from Arabic at the end of the 10th century, progressing through 11th-century translations made in Southern Italy, translators working in Sicily and the Principality of Antioch at the beginning of the 12th century, the first of the 12th-century Iberian translators, the beginnings and development of 'professional' translation activity in Toledo, and the transfer of this activity from Toledo to Frederick II's entourage in the 13th century. Most of the articles include editions of texts that either illustrate the style and character of the translator or provide the source material for his biobibliography.

East European Nationalism, Politics and Religion (Variorum Collected Studies)

by Peter F. Sugar

The multi-national region of Europe situated between the German-speaking lands and those of the former Soviet Union has witnessed many varied manifestations of nationalism over the last two centuries. Professor Sugar has been in the forefront of those seeking to understand and explain these Eastern European nationalisms, and eleven of his essays on the subject are included in this second selection of his studies. The first two essays deal with problems of ethnicity and its specific manifestations in the region; the next three present the growth of national antagonisms during the 19th century. The third, and longest, section then sets out to examine the interaction of fully developed nationalism in Eastern Europe with the various political movements and religious organizations that impacted upon these lands.

Victorian Science and Literature, Part II vol 6

by Gowan Dawson Bernard Lightman Claire Brock Marwa Elshakry Sujit Sivasundaram Ralph O'Connor Roger Luckhurst Justin Sausman

This eight-volume, reset edition in two parts collects rare primary sources on Victorian science, literature and culture. The sources cover both scientific writing that has an aesthetic component – what might be called 'the literature of science' – and more overtly literary texts that deal with scientific matters.

Robert Southey: Later Poetical Works, 1811-1838 Vol 4

by Tim Fulford Lynda Pratt Carol Bolton Rachel Crawford Ian Packer Diego Saglia Daniel E White

Central to any reappraisal of Southey’s mid to late career, is 'Roderick'. This best-selling epic romance has not been republished since 1838 and is contextualised here within Southey’s wider oeuvre. The four-volume edition also benefits from a general introduction, volume introductions, textual variants, endnotes and a consolidated index.

Business Cycle Theory, Part II Volume 7: Selected Texts, 1860-1939

by Mauro Boianovsky

In the mid-nineteenth century the business cycle was increasingly recognised as a recurrent phenomenon. This edition contains key texts from the range of literature in the field.

The Collected Letters of Rosina Bulwer Lytton Vol 1

by Marie Mulvey-Roberts

In 1858, Rosina Bulwer Lytton was incarcerated in a lunatic asylum by her husband, the eminent Victorian politician and novelist, Edward Bulwer Lytton. After the disintegration of their marriage, Rosina wrote letters to prominent figures in which she revealed details about Edward's mistresses and illegitimate children.

13 Park Lane

by Naomi Clifford

She found refuge as a cook in a London household—but even the grandest homes can hide terrible things . . .1872. Marguerite has fled to London, leaving behind a traumatic past in Paris. When she is offered work as a cook for mysterious French widow Madame Riel, she seizes the chance to start afresh. But as soon as Marguerite arrives, she is stifled by the tension in the house—and before long, she comes to resent her stingy and volatile employer, as well as the unfriendly housemaid. Just as Marguerite is about to resign, Madame Riel&’s beautiful daughter Julie, an actress, returns to the house and charms her into staying. But Julie&’s presence creates new toxic waves of emotion—until someone finally snaps. Why is 13 Park Lane so full of hatred? What secrets does the household guard? And can any of its inhabitants escape the shackles of their pasts?

The Power of Words: Developing a Vocabulary Rich Culture in Reception

by Emma Cate Stokes

This book explores the pivotal role of vocabulary in childhood development and early years curricula. Recognizing the challenges some children face, Stokes offers practical strategies tailored to diverse learning needs, emphasising how explicit teaching of vocabulary addresses diverse the needs of learners in the classroom. Introducing an original practical teaching strategy, GUIDE, the author aims to bridge the attainment gap for disadvantaged learners through methods of explicit teaching and a whole-class direct approach. An essential overview of the EYFS framework is provided, enabling practitioners to contextualize their teaching with important background knowledge. Empower yourself as an educator; empower your children through language.

The Power of Words: Developing a Vocabulary Rich Culture in Reception

by Emma Cate Stokes

This book explores the pivotal role of vocabulary in childhood development and early years curricula. Recognizing the challenges some children face, Stokes offers practical strategies tailored to diverse learning needs, emphasising how explicit teaching of vocabulary addresses diverse the needs of learners in the classroom. Introducing an original practical teaching strategy, GUIDE, the author aims to bridge the attainment gap for disadvantaged learners through methods of explicit teaching and a whole-class direct approach. An essential overview of the EYFS framework is provided, enabling practitioners to contextualize their teaching with important background knowledge. Empower yourself as an educator; empower your children through language.

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