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Thoughts on Hospital Design and Construction in China
by Lun Ge Zhe WangThis book gathers the thoughts of 8 hospital presidents, 9 vice presidents focusing on construction management in hospitals, and 6 hospital architects regarding the hospital design and construction in China. These experts are from top hospitals in Beijing, Shanghai, Zhenjiang, Gansu, Shangdong, Sichuang, and Neimenggu Province and have an average of 21 years of experience managing and developing hospitals in China. The book shares their thoughts on the soul of a hospital, the history and standards of Chinese healthcare systems, and the development of environments for healthcare in China.
Ethnische Bezüge und schulische Kompetenzen: Zur Bedeutung elterlicher kultureller und sozialer Ressourcen mit ethnischen Bezügen für den Kompetenzerwerb von Grundschulkindern mit Migrationshintergrund
by Teresa HallerDer Band beschäftigt sich mit der Bedeutung migrationsbezogener elterlicher Ressourcen für den Kompetenzerwerb von Grundschulkindern mit Migrationshintergrund in Deutschland. Es werden insbesondere Zusammenhänge zwischen der Ausstattung elterlichen kulturellen und sozialen Kapitals und dem Ausmaß, in dem diese Kapitalarten ethnische Bezüge zum Herkunftsland der Eltern aufweisen mit zwei zentralen kindlichen Kompetenzbereichen (Wortschatz und Mathematik) untersucht. Damit widmet sich die Arbeit einem Thema, das sowohl für die soziologische Ungleichheitsforschung als auch für die empirische Bildungsforschung Relevanz besitzt. Empirisch werden mit Daten der Startkohorte 2 des Nationalen Bildungspanels (NEPS-SC2) und der ESKOM-Studie zwei sich gut ergänzende Datensätze herangezogen und vergleichend analysiert. Hierdurch können einerseits unterschiedliche Herkunftsgruppen in den Blick genommen werden. Andererseits ermöglicht der Ergebnisvergleich robustere Schlussfolgerungen in einem Forschungsfeld mit heterogenen Befunden zur Bedeutung ethnischer Bezüge.
Erfolgsfaktor Digital Mindset: Impulse und Strategien für die digitale Transformation im Unternehmen (essentials)
by Julian KnorrDieses essential beschäftigt sich mit den Treibern der digitalen Transformation und wie Unternehmen ihre Geschäftsmodelle, Prozesse und Technologien anpassen können, um zukunftsfähig zu bleiben. Gerade wenn tiefgreifende Veränderungen notwendig sind, wird das „Digital Mindset“ der Mitarbeiter*innen zum zentralen Erfolgsfaktor der digitalen Transformation. Wer ist Hinterfrager und wer Befürworter – wer ist Brückenbauer und wer digitaler Nerd? Digitalisierungsexperte Julian Knorr plädiert für eine ganzheitliche Betrachtung von Unternehmen für einen nachhaltigen Wandel und liefert Strategien sowie praktische Tipps für eine erfolgreiche Transformation.
Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, Verification and Validation. REoCAS Colloquium in Honor of Rocce De Nicola: 12th International Symposium, ISoLA 2024, Crete, Greece, October 27–31, 2024, Proceedings, Part I (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #15219)
by Tiziana Margaria Bernhard SteffenThe ISoLA 2024 proceedings constitutes contributions of the associated events held at the 12th International Symposium on Leveraging Applications of Formal Methods, ISoLA 2024, which took place in Crete, Greece, in October 2024. ISoLA 2024 provides a forum for developers, users, and researchers to discuss issues related to the adoption and use of rigorous tools and methods for the specification, analysis, verification, certification, construction, test, and maintenance of systems from the point of view of their different application domains. This volume, Part I, contains the proceedings of the Colloquium in honor of Rocco De Nicola’s 70th birthday, held jointly with the ISOLA 2024’s track on REoCAS (Rigorous Engineering of Collective Adaptive Systems). Rocco De Nicola has significantly contributed to collective adaptive systems through novel approaches for their formal specification, analysis, and verification. The Colloquium features one homage paper and 23 contributions from invited authors who reflected upon these developments within the context of Rocco’s much broader legacy in concurrency theory, distributed systems, domain-specific languages, service-oriented computing, and formal methods, exploring his recent contributions to cybersecurity.
Interesse für Mathematik wecken – Talente fördern: Vielfältige Angebote für Schülerinnen und Schüler
by Stephanie SchiemannIn dem vorliegenden Buch trägt die Herausgeberin ihre vielfältigen Erfahrungen und Kontakte bzgl. der mathematischen Fördermöglichkeiten für Schülerinnen und Schüler innerhalb und außerhalb des Schulunterrichts zusammen. Zahlreiche aktiv Verantwortliche stellen ein breites Spektrum an mathematischen Angeboten, Förderprojekten und Mathematik-Wettbewerben vor. Zudem kommen ehemalige Teilnehmende sowie mathematische Koryphäen zu Wort. Sie beantworten Fragen der Herausgeberin zu ihrem persönlichen, mathematischen Werdegang: ihrer Förderung, Ausbildung und ihrem jetzigen Wirkungsfeld. Pädagogische und psychologische Aspekte umrahmen die Erfahrungen.
Psychologie von Risiko und Vertrauen: Wahrnehmung, Verhalten und Kommunikation
by Jörn Basel Philipp HenriziPsychologie von Risiko und Vertrauen Unsicherheit und Unplanbarkeit nehmen zu, globale Krisen, Fake News und Skepsis erodieren bestehendes Vertrauen. Zusätzlich wird diese Dynamik durch technologische Entwicklungen befeuert, deren Akzeptanz maßgeblich von einer subjektiven Bewertung der Chancen und Risiken abhängt. Risikokompetenz, Risikomündigkeit oder auch Vertrauensaufbau sind hierbei zentrale Schlagwörter, welche exemplarisch für einen fundierten Umgang mit Risiko und Vertrauen stehen. Dieses Buch bietet Ihnen in 11 Kapiteln eine praxisorientierte Einführung in die Psychologie von Risiko und Vertrauen. Sie vertiefen Ihre Kenntnisse über Risikokommunikation im Krisenfall, den Umgang mit Misstrauen und auch wie es gelingt Vertrauen als entscheidendes Bindeglied zu etablieren, um Innovation und Fortschritt zu ermöglichen.Die didaktisch eingängig strukturierten Inhalte mit Lernzielen und Kontrollfragen stützen sich auf bewährte psychologische und aktuelle wissenschaftliche Erkenntnisse. Vielfältige Praxisbeispiele, wie z.B. von einer Extremsportlerin, einem Flight Safety Officer und einem katholischen Missbrauchsaufklärer, vermitteln einen persönlichen Bezug und zeigen Ihnen, wie vielschichtig sich der Umgang mit Risiko und Vertrauen gestalten kann. Dazu erhalten Sie hilfreiche Zusatzmaterialien über die Begleitwebseite. Kapitel 4 ist unter einer Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License über link.springer.com frei verfügbar (Open Access).Zielgruppen Studierende der Wirtschaftspsychologie und anderer Studiengänge im Bereich Wirtschaft, Entscheidungsträger, Führungskräfte und alle, die sich für den Umgang mit Risiko und Vertrauen interessieren.Zu den Herausgebern Prof. Dr. Jörn Basel – Professor für Wirtschaftspsychologie an der Hochschule Luzern (HSLU). Mitglied des First International Network on Trust (FINT). Seine Forschung beschäftigt sich unter anderem damit, wie Organisationen verlorenes Vertrauen wiederaufbauen können. Prof. Dr. Philipp Henrizi – Professor und Programmleiter Governance, Risk and Compliance der Hochschule Luzern (HSLU). Diverse Forschungsprojekte und Publikationen im Bereich Risk Management und Compliance Management. Mitglied im European Risk Research Network (ERRN).
German For Dummies
by Paulina Christensen Anne Fox Wendy FosterThe fun and easy way to learn the fascinating language of German with integrated audio clips! German For Dummies, Enhanced Edition uses the renowned Berlitz approach to get you up and running with the language-and having fun too! Designed for the total beginner, this guide introduces you to basic grammar and then speedily has you making conversation. Integrated audio clips let you listen and learn as you hear pronunciations and real-life conversations. Fun and games sections ease your way into German fluency, phonetic spellings following expressions and vocabulary improve your pronunciation, and helpful boxes and sidebars cover cultural quirks and factoids. Master the nuts and bolts of German grammar Learn phrases that make you sound German-and know what never to say in German Whether you're just looking for a greeting besides "Guten tag" or you want to become a foreign exchange student, this enhanced edition of German For Dummies gives you what you need to learn the language-as much as you like, as fast as you like!
Political Graffiti in Critical Times: The Aesthetics of Street Politics (Protest, Culture & Society #28)
by Ricardo Campos, Andrea Pavoni Yiannis ZaimakisWhether aesthetically or politically inspired, graffiti is among the oldest forms of expression in human history, one that becomes especially significant during periods of social and political upheaval. With a particular focus on the demographic, ecological, and economic crises of today, this volume provides a wide-ranging exploration of urban space and visual protest. Assembling case studies that cover topics such as gentrification in Cyprus, the convulsions of post-independence East Timor, and opposition to Donald Trump in the American capital, it reveals the diverse ways in which street artists challenge existing social orders and reimagine urban landscapes.
Configuring Contagion: Ethnographies of Biosocial Epidemics (Epistemologies of Healing #19)
by Lotte Meinert Jens SeebergExpanding our understanding of contagion beyond the typical notions of infection and pandemics, this book widens the field to include the concept of biosocial epidemics. The chapters propose varied and detailed answers to questions about epidemics and their contagious potential for specific infections and non-infectious conditions. Together they explore how inseparable social and biological processes configure co-existing influences, which create epidemics, and in doing so stress the role of social inequality in these processes. The authors compellingly show that epidemics do not spread evenly in populations or through simple coincidental biological contagion: they are biosocially structured and selective, and happen under specific economic, political and environmental conditions. This volume illustrates that an understanding of biosocial factors is vital for ensuring effective strategies for the containment of epidemics.
Thinking Europe: A History of the European Idea since 1800 (Making Sense of History #46)
by Mats AndrénPresenting a new historical narrative on European integration and identity this title examines how the concept of Europe has been entangled in a dynamic and dramatic tension between calls for unity and arguments for borders and division. Through an in-depth intellectual history of the idea of Europe, Mats Andren interrogates the concept of integration and more recent debates surrounding European identity across the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries and the post-war period. Applying a broad range of original sources this unique work will be key reading for students and researchers studying European History, European Studies, Political History and related fields.
Doctor Who: In Wonderland (Doctor Who)
by Paul MagrsEmbark on a strange and enchanting adventure with old friends and familiar foes in this glorious crossover of Doctor Who and Alice in Wonderland.The Doctor and his companions visit the dreaming spires of peaceful Oxford, hoping for a brief respite from their travels.But when Lewis Carroll appears at a garden party and their fellow guests transform into animals, they realise that everything is not as it seems . . .An unknown cosmic foe has trapped them in a twisted version of Alice’s Wonderland. Separated from the Tardis and from each other, their only hope of escape lies in cryptic clues teased by fan-favourite characters from Carroll’s classic tale.
MC: God Calls His People Back to Him
by Gary HollowayDiscover God’s love and grace through the discipline of his people. The book of Isaiah has many words about God’s anger and his judgement of his people. Why read a book about anger and judgement? Because God’s words of judgement are still words of grace. He has not completely abandoned his people, for he is still speaking to them! God shows his grace by speaking honestly to them (and to us), telling his people how far they have placed themselves from him. Yet he does this so they (and we) will draw near. And these are words of grace because they help God’s people make sense of their situation. When Isaiah writes, some of God’s people have already been exiled while others face exile to come. In that setting, it is easy to wonder if the Lord has completely cut ties with them. The words of judgment show he has not. So as painful as these words of punishment sound, we should hear them today. Our God wants a relationship with us, but he will not share us with other gods. He calls us to return to him alone. We are his beloved children, but the Lord alone is our Father and Mother.
The Prague Cemetery
by Umberto EcoThe Prague Cemetery is the #1 international bestselling historical novel from the award-winning and New York Times bestselling author of The Name of the Rose, Umberto Eco.Nineteenth-century Europe—from Turin to Prague to Paris—abounds with the ghastly and the mysterious. Jesuits plot against Freemasons. Italian republicans strangle priests with their own intestines. French criminals plan bombings by day and celebrate Black Masses at night.Every nation has its own secret service, perpetrating forgeries, plots, and massacres. Conspiracies rule history. From the unification of Italy to the Paris Commune to the Dreyfus Affair to The Protocols of the Elders of Zion, Europe is in tumult and everyone needs a scapegoat.But what if behind all of these conspiracies, both real and imagined, lay one lone man?“Choreographed by a truth that is itself so strange a novelist need hardly expand on it to produce a wondrous tale... Eco is to be applauded for bringing this stranger-than-fiction truth vividly to life.” —The New York Times
1918: The Last Act (Pen and Sword Military Classics)
by Barrie PittThis vividly detailed history examines the battles and politics in the final year of WWI—includes trench diagrams, photographs, and maps of battles. Three years into the Great War, Europe found itself in a stalemate on the Western Front. The Russian Front had collapsed and the United States had abandoned neutrality, joining the Allied cause. These developments set the stage for the climactic events of 1918, the year that would finally see an end to the war. In 1918: The Last Act, acclaimed military historian Barrie Pitt &“analyses with great lucidity the broad outlines of German and Allied Strategy&” (The Sunday Telegraph). With an expert eye, Pitt looks into the policies of the warring powers, the men who led them, and the resulting battles along the Western Front. From the German onslaught of March 21, 1918, to the struggles in Champagne and the Second Battle of the Marne, to the turning point in August and the final, hard-won victory, 1918 The Last Act traces &“the blunders at the top and the filth and stench and misery of the trenches&” in order to deliver &“a compelling narrative&” of World War I (Daily Mail).
Abortion: Our Bodies, Their Lies, and the Truths We Use to Win
by Jessica ValentiNEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • In a stirring and succinct examination of post-Roe America, &“one of the most successful and visible feminists of her generation&” (Washington Post) takes on what&’s become the country&’s most resonant political issue. In her most urgent book yet, New York Times bestselling author Jessica Valenti shines a light on the conservative assault on women&’s freedom, cutting through the misinformation and overwhelm to inform, engage, and enrage. From the attacks Americans know about to the ones anti-abortion lawmakers and groups are trying to hide, Valenti details the tactics and horrors that she&’s been painstakingly tracking in her acclaimed newsletter, Abortion, Every Day. Abortion gives voice to women&’s frustration and outrage in a moment when they&’re fed up with being talked over and diminished. And in an election year when abortion is dominating the national conversation, Valenti provides the language, facts, and context readers need to feel confident when talking about the attacks on their bodies and freedom. Abortion is a handbook for the overwhelming majority of Americans who support abortion rights, whether they&’re seasoned activists or those just starting to learn. With the wit, expertise, and blunt moral clarity that&’s made her writing popular for decades, Valenti offers an essential manifesto in an urgent moment.
Escudo Americano: El sargento inmigrante que defendió la democracia
by Aquilino Gonell Susan Shapiro&“American Shield&” es una historia típicamente americano sobre el deber y la determinación — maravillosamente contada por un inmigrante, un veterano de guerra, y un patriota.&”Nancy Pelosi, Speaker Emerita de la House of Representatives de los Estados UnidosAquilino Gonell era un jóven cuando llegó a los Estados Unidos de la República Dominicana. Aunque no hablaba inglés, se dedicó a su nueva tierra adoptada, luchando para conseguir el dichoso sueño americano. Su resolución de lograr una vida de éxito le llevó a alistarse en el ejército, como manera de pagar sus estudios universitarios. Tras combatir en Irak, volvió a los EEUU con TEPT, pero siguió con confianza en las promesas del gobierno, y se concentró en su familia y en el proceso de sanarse. Sus labores dieron fruto cuando ganó un puesto muy codiciado con la United States Capitol Police, en la ciudad de Washington DC, y llegó al rango de sargento.Todo cambió para siempre el 6 de enero de 2021. Cuando los insurreccionistas irrumpieron en el Capitolio, con mucha valentía el sargento Gonell no se rindió a los que intentaron frustrar la transferencia pacífica de poder. Las heridas brutales que sufrió aquel día pondría fin a su carrera como agente de policía. Pero justo cuando algunos de los mismos políticos que el sargento defendía intentaron desmentir la verdadera historia de aquel día, él eligió denunciar la injusticia que sufría al igual que el país. Una crónica de lo que significa llevar una vida de principios, una que se adhiere a las mejores nociones de nuestra democracia, American Shield es un testimonio fulgurante del poder la verdad, la justicia y la responsabilidad de la boca de un oficial decorado e inmigrante que ilustra las mejores aspiraciones de una nación agradecida.
High-Risk Homosexual: A Memoir
by Edgar Gomez*Winner of the American Book Award* *Winner of the Lambda Literary Award for Gay Memoir/Biography*An Honor Book for the 2023 Stonewall Book Award—Israel Fishman Non-Fiction Book AwardThis witty memoir traces a touching and often hilarious spiralic path to embracing a gay, Latinx identity against a culture of machismo—from a cockfighting ring in Nicaragua to cities across the U.S.—and the bath houses, night clubs, and drag queens who help redefine prideI&’ve always found the definition of machismo to be ironic, considering that pride is a word almost unanimously associated with queer people, the enemy of machistas . . . In a world desperate to erase us, queer Latinx men must find ways to hold on to pride for survival, but excessive male pride is often what we are battling, both in ourselves and in others.A debut memoir about coming of age as a gay, Latinx man, High-Risk Homosexual opens in the ultimate anti-gay space: Edgar Gomez&’s uncle&’s cockfighting ring in Nicaragua, where he was sent at thirteen years old to become a man. Readers follow Gomez through the queer spaces where he learned to love being gay and Latinx, including Pulse nightclub in Orlando, a drag queen convention in Los Angeles, and the doctor&’s office where he was diagnosed a &“high-risk homosexual.&”With vulnerability, humor, and quick-witted insights into racial, sexual, familial, and professional power dynamics, Gomez shares a hard-won path to taking pride in the parts of himself he was taught to keep hidden. His story is a scintillating, beautiful reminder of the importance of leaving space for joy.
Rabbit Hole
by Kate BrodyA page-turning debut mystery that&’s as addictive as a late-night Reddit binge, about a grieving woman obsessed with solving her sister&’s cold-case disappearance via the true crime fandomPerfect for fans of Gillian Flynn, My Favorite Murder, and FleabagTen years ago, Theodora &“Teddy&” Angstrom&’s older sister, Angie, went missing. Her case remains unsolved. Now Teddy&’s father, Mark, has killed himself. Unbeknownst to Mark&’s family, he had been active in a Reddit community fixated on Angie, and Teddy can&’t help but fall down the same rabbit hole.Teddy&’s investigation quickly gets her in hot water with her gun-nut boyfriend, her long-lost half brother, and her colleagues at the prestigious high school where she teaches English. Further complicating matters is Teddy&’s growing obsession with Mickey, a charming amateur sleuth who is eerily keen on helping her solve the case.Bewitched by Mickey, Teddy begins to lose her moral compass. As she struggles to reconcile new information with old memories, her erratic behavior reaches a fever pitch, but she won&’t stop until she finds Angie—or destroys herself in the process.Rabbit Hole is an outrageous and heart-wrenching character study of a mind twisted by grief, a biting critique of the internet&’s voyeurism, and an intriguing exploration of the blurry lines of female friendship.
Capote's Women: A True Story of Love, Betrayal, and a Swan Song for an Era
by Laurence LeamerDON&’T MISS FX&’s FEUD: CAPOTE VS. THE SWANS—THE ORIGINAL SERIES BASED ON THE BESTSELLING BOOK—NOW AVAILABLE TO STREAM ON HULU!New York Times bestselling author Laurence Leamer reveals the complex web of relationships and scandalous true stories behind Truman Capote's never-published final novel, Answered Prayers—the dark secrets, tragic glamour, and Capote's ultimate betrayal of the group of female friends he called his "swans."&“There are certain women,&” Truman Capote wrote, &“who, though perhaps not born rich, are born to be rich.&” Barbara &“Babe&” Paley, Gloria Guinness, Marella Agnelli, Slim Hayward, Pamela Churchill, C. Z. Guest, Lee Radziwill (Jackie Kennedy&’s sister)—they were the toast of midcentury New York, each beautiful and distinguished in her own way. Capote befriended them, received their deepest confidences, and ingratiated himself into their lives. Then, in one fell swoop, he betrayed them in the most surprising and startling way possible.Bestselling biographer Laurence Leamer delves into the years following the acclaimed publication of Breakfast at Tiffany&’s in 1958 and In Cold Blood in 1966, when Capote struggled with a crippling case of writer&’s block. While enjoying all the fruits of his success, he was struck with an idea for what he was sure would be his most celebrated novel…one based on the remarkable, racy lives of his very, very rich friends.For years, Capote attempted to write Answered Prayers, what he believed would have been his magnum opus. But when he eventually published a few chapters in Esquire, the thinly fictionalized lives (and scandals) of his closest female confidantes were laid bare for all to see, and he was banished from their high-society world forever. Laurence Leamer re-creates the lives of these fascinating swans, their friendships with Capote and one another, and the doomed quest to write what could have been one of the greatest novels of the twentieth century.
PAWS: A Graphic Novel (PAWS #1)
by Nathan FairbairnAre you a fan of Raina Telgemeier or Shannon Hale? Then don&’t miss PAWS, a new graphic novel series about best friends, cute dogs, and all the fun (and trouble) that comes with them. Perfect for fans of Real Friends, Roller Girl, and Allergic, this funny and heartwarming series is the Baby-Sitters Club for pets!Meet best friends Gabby Jordan, Priya Gupta, and Mindy Park. They&’re different in just about every way—personalities, hobbies, family, and more—but they have a few important things in common: they&’re all in the same class, they absolutely love animals, and for reasons that are as varied as the trio themselves none of them can actually have any pets.Unable to resist the adorable temptation any longer, the girls decide to come up with a way to finally get their hands on some furry friends. And, as luck would have it, it seems like their neighborhood is in need of some afterschool dog-walkers. So, just like that, PAWS is born!But it turns out that running a business is harder than it looks, especially with three co-owners who are such different people. The girls soon argue about everything, from how to prioritize their commitments to the best way to keep their doggy clients happy. And when their fighting ultimately leads to a doggo crisis, will it tear their business and friendship apart or will they be able to get it together to save the day?
Hitchcock's Blondes: The Unforgettable Women Behind the Legendary Director's Dark Obsession
by Laurence LeamerBestselling author of Capote&’s Women Laurence Leamer shares an engrossing account of the enigmatic director Alfred Hitchcock that finally puts the dazzling actresses he cast in his legendary movies at the center of the story.Alfred Hitchcock was fixated—not just on the dark, twisty stories that became his hallmark, but also by the blond actresses who starred in many of his iconic movies. The director of North by Northwest, Rear Window, and other classic films didn&’t much care if they wore wigs, got their hair coloring out of a bottle, or were the rarest human specimen—a natural blonde—as long as they shone with a golden veneer on camera. The lengths he went to in order to showcase (and often manipulate) these women would become the stuff of movie legend. But the women themselves have rarely been at the center of the story, until now.In Hitchcock&’s Blondes, bestselling biographer Laurence Leamer offers an intimate journey into the lives of eight legendary actresses whose stories helped chart the course of the troubled, talented director&’s career—from his early days in the British film industry, to his triumphant American debut, to his Hollywood heyday and beyond. Through the stories of June Howard-Tripp, Madeleine Carroll, Ingrid Bergman, Grace Kelly, Janet Leigh, Kim Novak, Eva Marie Saint, and Tippi Hedren—who starred in fourteen of Hitchcock&’s most notable films and who bore the brunt of his fondness and sometimes fixation—we can finally start to see the enigmatic man himself. After all, &“his&” blondes (as he thought of them) knew the truths of his art, his obsessions and desires, as well as anyone.From the acclaimed author of Capote&’s Women comes an intimate, revealing, and thoroughly modern look at both the enduring art created by a man obsessed…and the private toll that fixation took on the women in his orbit.
Fauja Singh Keeps Going: The True Story of the Oldest Person to Ever Run a Marathon
by Simran Jeet SinghThe true story of Fauja Singh, who broke world records to become the first one hundred-year-old to run a marathon, shares valuable lessons on the source of his grit, determination to overcome obstacles, and commitment to positive representation of the Sikh community.Every step forward is a victory.Fauja Singh was born determined. He was also born with legs that wouldn't allow him to play cricket with his friends or carry him to school miles from his village in Punjab. But that didn't stop him. Working on his family's farm, Fauja grew stronger to meet his own full potential.He never stopped striving. At the age of 81, after a lifetime of making his body, mind, and heart stronger, Fauja decided to run his first marathon. He went on to break records all around the world and became the first person over 100 to complete the grueling long-distance race.With exuberant text by Simran Jeet Singh and exhilarating illustrations by Baljinder Kaur, the true story of Fauja Singh reminds us that it's both where we start and how we finish that make our journeys unforgettable.
Forget You (The Kingman Brothers #1)
by Nina CrespoIn this steamy and sexy first book in the Kingman Brothers series—filled with relatable moments and electrical tension—a disgruntled assistant is wrangled into staying on to help her boss when he suffers from amnesia after a plane crash.Sophie Jordan dreams about hooking up with Nicolas &“King&” Kingman—the gorgeous CEO of her company—but as her boss, he&’ll always remain out of reach. King knows he isn&’t built for happily-ever-afters and only indulges in brief romantic encounters. But when Sophie agrees to fill in as his last-minute date to a charity gala, an unexpected discovery quickly escalates their platonic relationship to one of passion. King is determined to ignore their attraction and, feeling betrayed, Sophie severs ties with him and the company. Everything changes, however, when he&’s injured in an accident, and Sophie agrees to help until he closes a major deal. Unfortunately, he&’s developed amnesia, and although he doesn&’t remember their night together, desire binds them in ways they can&’t resist. Time is running out on closing the deal, as well as Sophie moving on to her new career. Will King deny love in favor of winning and lose Sophie forever?
The Power of Geography: Ten Maps That Reveal the Future of Our World (Politics of Place #4)
by Tim MarshallFrom the author of the New York Times bestseller Prisoners of Geography, a fascinating, &“refreshing, and very useful&” (The Washington Post) follow-up that uses ten maps to explain the challenges to today&’s world powers and how they presage a volatile future.Tim Marshall&’s global bestseller Prisoners of Geography offered us a &“fresh way of looking at maps&” (The New York Times Book Review), showing how every nation&’s choices are limited by mountains, rivers, seas, and walls. Since then, the geography hasn&’t changed, but the world has. Now, in this &“wonderfully entertaining and lucid account, written with wit, pace, and clarity&” (Mirror, UK), Marshall takes us into ten regions set to shape global politics. Find out why US interest in the Middle East will wane; why Australia is now beginning an epic contest with China; how Turkey, Saudi Arabia, and the UK are cleverly positioning themselves for greater power; why Ethiopia can control Egypt; and why Europe&’s next refugee crisis looms closer than we think, as does a cutting-edge arms race to control space. Innovative, compelling, and delivered with Marshall&’s trademark wit and insight, this is &“an immersive blend of history, economics, and political analysis that puts geography at the center of human affairs&” (Publishers Weekly).
by Bob WoodwardTwo-time Pulitzer Prize winner Bob Woodward tells the revelatory, behind-the-scenes story of three wars—Ukraine, the Middle East and the struggle for the American Presidency. War is an intimate and sweeping account of one of the most tumultuous periods in presidential politics and American history. We see President Joe Biden and his top advisers in tense conversations with Russian president Vladimir Putin, Israeli prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Ukrainian president Volodymyr Zelensky. We also see Donald Trump, conducting a shadow presidency and seeking to regain political power. With unrivaled, inside-the-room reporting, Woodward shows President Biden&’s approach to managing the war in Ukraine, the most significant land war in Europe since World War II, and his tortured path to contain the bloody Middle East conflict between Israel and the terrorist group Hamas. Woodward reveals the extraordinary complexity and consequence of wartime back-channel diplomacy and decision-making to deter the use of nuclear weapons and a rapid slide into World War III. The raw cage-fight of politics accelerates as Americans prepare to vote in 2024, starting between President Biden and Trump, and ending with the unexpected elevation of Vice President Kamala Harris as the Democratic nominee for president. War provides an unvarnished examination of the vice president as she tries to embrace the Biden legacy and policies while beginning to chart a path of her own as a presidential candidate. Woodward&’s reporting once again sets the standard for journalism at its most authoritative and illuminating.