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Get What's Yours for Medicare - Revised and Updated: Maximize Your Coverage, Minimize Your Costs (The Get What's Yours Series)

by Philip Moeller

An updated and expanded edition of the top-selling consumer guide to Medicare. It explains how to choose the best plans, especially during Medicare&’s annual enrollment period, how to use Medicare&’s extensive health benefits, and changes to Medicare that are expanding what it will cover and moving care from hospitals into the home.Medicare is the primary insurance plan for 70 million retired and disabled Americans. Understanding how Medicare works is essential to their health and well-being. However, Medicare has become more complicated—and more confusing. Get What&’s Yours for Medicare is the authoritative consumer Medicare guide. It includes detailed chapters on when to enroll in Medicare, how to evaluate the often-bewildering choice of Medicare insurance plans, and, most importantly, how to use Medicare to find high-quality, affordable health care. The book also explains important upcoming changes to Medicare so consumers will know what to expect. Medicare in 2024 is far different from the program described in the first edition of Get What&’s Yours. The first part of this book discusses Medicare policies that affect the medical care you need now. The second part examines how Medicare is changing. These changes are part of the shift toward what is called managed care, which includes private Medicare Advantage plans. The newly updated Get What&’s Yours for Medicare explains managed care in detail to clarify any questions about these programs. Get What&’s Yours for Medicare is the definitive guide to help you get the most out of your healthcare and ultimately alleviate the stress surrounding the complicated world of Medicare.

Intimate Kisses: The Poetry of Sexual Pleasure

by Wendy Maltz

This new collection from the editor of Passionate Hearts: The Poetry of Sexual Love and author of The Sexual Healing Journey includes 121 poems by such poets as Rumi, Marge Piercy, Emily Dickinson, Nikki Giovanni, Anne Sexton, Sharon Olds, Octavio Paz, and Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Therapist and marriage counselor Wendy Maltz turns up the heat while celebrating healthy sexuality in this collection of poems that dispel the negative cultural message that what feels good must be bad. Maltz's anthologies are designed to inspire couples toward a deeper physical intimacy and to show that the sexual impulse can be aroused by conveying personal experience through great writing.

Worst Enemy, Best Teacher: How to Survive and Thrive with Opponents, Competitors, and the People Who Drive You Crazy

by Deidre Combs

Worst Enemy, Best Teacher presents a powerful system to identify and learn how to best approach the person or problem that plagues us most — whether it’s a neighbor, a brother-in-law, a new boss, or the factory’s fiercest competitor — Combs breaks down problems and threats into more easily understood categories, such as conflicts that threaten physical harm, emotional pain, constriction of one’s ability to be unique, and intellectual threats and how they affect one’s world view and beliefs. Hands-on exercises, parables, and real-life stories show readers how to apply the wisdom gained from studying the opponent to any challenge, whether within one’s self, with friends or family, or between companies or nations, Worst Enemy, Best Teacher offers ingenious tips and techniques for learning from the enemy and converting conflict into resolution.

20 Something Manifesto: Quarter-Lifers Speak Out About Who They Are, What They Want, and How to Get It

by Christine Hassler

Surrounded by possibility but unsure of your direction? You’re not alone. If you’re in your twenties, you’re likely feeling the combination of the excitement of this defining decade and the pressure to figure out your entire life. The thrill of newfound independence and opportunity can be quickly squelched by worry, disillusionment, or disappointment. Like thousands of other twenty somethings, you may have experienced what life coach and quarter-life expert Christine Hassler calls an “Expectation Hangover?.” This manifesto explores the all-important questions and life choices of these turbulent yet exciting years. Twenty somethings may commiserate about the challenges they face, but few resources offer practical lessons or suggestions. In these pages, quarter-life men and women tell their stories, sharing their successes and failures, along with their frustrations and realizations. The author’s insightful commentary and “take away” suggestions provide the tools and skills you need to create change and direction in your life. You’ll recognize and articulate your personal goals, paving the way to what you truly want.

Beginning Mindfulness: Learning the Way of Awareness

by Andrew Weiss

A Simple Manual That Really Works Knowing that most people do not stop their lives to engage in spiritual practice, Buddhist teacher Andrew Weiss has always taught the direct application of practice to daily life. While also teaching sitting and walking meditation, he emphasizes mindfulness — the practice of seeing every action as an opportunity to awaken meditative inquiry. Over the years, Andrew has honed his teachings into an effective ten-week course with progressive steps and home-play assignments. Beginning Mindfulness is intended for anyone practicing in daily life without the luxury of long meditation retreats. Weiss skillfully blends the traditions of his teachers into an easy and humorous program of learning the Buddhist art of mindfulness.

Awakening from Grief: Finding the Way Back to Joy

by John E. Welshons

In this remarkable book, John Welshons weaves together his own personal awakening with those of others he’s counseled to create a deeply felt and beautifully expressed primer on dealing with grief. Grieving, says Welshons, offers a unique opportunity to develop deeper and fuller life experiences, to embrace pain in order to open the heart to joy. Written for those who have experienced any kind of loss — death, divorce, or disappointment — this book offers reasonable, reassuring thinking on dealing with the death of loved ones and ourselves, finding the inner gifts that promote healing, and much more. Awakening from Grief takes a rare and compelling positive look at a subject needlessly viewed as one of the most negative in life. This is a persuasive primer on drawing the joy out of grief.

Practicando el poder de ahora: Practicing the Power of Now, Spanish-Language Edition

by Eckart Tolle

This book is a series of excerpts from the author’s breakthrough book, The Power of Now, presented here for Spanish-language readers. Carefully arranged for maximum impact, the book includes all of the exercises and many of the most useful keys found in the original. Tolle gently but authoritatively guides the reader to a liberated mind and life by exploring the source of Chi, enlightened relationships, creative use of the mind, impermanence, and the cycle of life.

The Atheist's Way: Living Well Without Gods

by Eric Maisel

In The Atheist’s Way, Eric Maisel teaches you how to make rich personal meaning despite the absence of beneficent gods and the indifference of the universe to human concerns. Exploding the myth that there is any meaning to find or to seek, Dr. Maisel explains why the paradigm shift from seeking meaning to making meaning is this century’s most pressing intellectual goal.

Creativity for Life: Practical Advice on the Artist's Personality, and Career from America's Foremost Creativity Coach

by Eric Maisel PhD

As a therapist and creativity coach, Eric Maisel has worked with thousands of creative people. He knows firsthand the struggles that writers, musicians, artists, dancers, and actors face and has helped them find balance in their lives while pursuing their artistic endeavors. His new book presents a comprehensive approach to the much-misunderstood life of the artist. Creativity for Life offers practical ideas as well as exercises and inspiration to nurture growth as an artist and as a person, exploring such subjects as: Establishing your creativity practice Obscurity and stardom Blocks The artist’s personality Moods and madness Artists in love Craft The rewards and perils of isolation Social interactions and community

Over It: A Teen's Guide to Getting Beyond Obsessions with Food and Weight

by Carol Emery Normandi Lauralee Roark

National studies show that 65 percent of 11-year-old girls worry that they are too fat; 80 percent of eleven-year-old girls report dieting; and 90 percent of high school juniors and seniors diet regularly. Every year, desperate parents try to save their daughters from starving themselves to death. Yet every year, more girls eat less to look like their favorite supermodels. With this sobering fact in mind, Carol Emery Normandi and Lauralee Roark developed this book based on their ongoing workshops and the feedback of hundreds of young women. They look at the behaviors that may lead to eating disorders and the cultural, emotional, and physical reasons girls obsess about weight and eating. They go on to offer girls and their parents a map and a method for finding a realistic and livable balance. Stories and quotations from girls who have struggled with eating disorders give the book immediacy, and exercises and writing suggestions steer the girls toward a healthy self-image and wholesome eating patterns.

Handbook to a Happier Life: A Simple Guide to Creating the Life You've Always Wanted

by Jim Donovan

When Jim Donovan's successful career in video and broadcast television led to a personal meltdown, he went through rehab, pulled himself up from the bottom, and started his life over. He then began giving seminars on "how to change your life" based on the simple, yet effective, ideas that had worked for him in recovery. From these seminars evolved the stories and advice in this book. Don't make big changes, Donovan suggests; just start slowly and move bit-by-bit toward your goal. In addition to goal setting and goal keeping, Donovan discusses writing personal affirmations that work, cultivating gratitude, disciplining the mind, and helping others to achieve their dreams.

Essential Wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita: Ancient Truths for Our Modern World

by Jack Hawley

The Bhagavad Gita, the classic spiritual text more than five thousand years old, has often been called India's greatest contribution to the world. In these pages, Jack Hawley presents the essence of the Gita's teachings in a format accessible to modern readers. The book is organized into chapters that address five important questions spiritual seekers have been grappling with for millennia: Who am I? Why am I here? Who, or what, is the Divinity many call “God”? What is my relationship to that Divinity? Is it even possible to live a spiritual life, and if so, how? Each chapter begins with an introduction by Jack Hawley. The teachings from the Gita follow, arranged under headings relevant to today's seekers, such as “Being the Real You,” “Seeing Divinity in Ordinary Humans,” and “Finding Happiness.” The ancient wisdom of the Bhagavad Gita lives on, helping us today as it has helped countless millions of people through the ages.

Saying Goodbye to Your Angel Animals: Finding Comfort after Losing Your Pet

by Alan Anderson Linda Anderson

In this thoughtful book, Allen and Linda Anderson walk you through the numbing pain and dreadful sense of loss that arise when a beloved animal dies. They offer solace to help you deal with grief, remember and honor key moments in the animal’s life, find comfort through groups and with professionals, and get past the depression. They also include exercises, affirmations, and meditations to use through the various stages of grief. The Andersons’ caring, practical advice covers all aspects of pet loss, offering guidance on: helping children grieve, honoring your religious beliefs, grieving for runaway pets, helping others know what to say or do to console you, planning an appropriate memorial ceremony or tribute. The book also explores the concept of after-death experiences of departed companion animals and relates many beautiful stories, including the Rainbow Bridge story, that reinforce the love and sense of peace that come from honoring the place animals hold in our lives.

Playing the Quantum Field: How Changing Your Choices Can Change Your Life

by Brenda Anderson

Do you often feel you are at the mercy of external forces in your life? If so, this book is for you. Playing the Quantum Field demonstrates that you have the power to shape your own life, showing how your very next choice can change struggle into play. Brenda Anderson presents a fresh approach to everyday life based on the premise that everyone and everything in the universe are interconnected, and she shows you how to play the quantum field to create success and joy at home or on the job. She posits that the old rules no longer apply and presents a new set of rules, which include ten energetic choices you can make to take control of your life and move into what she calls the Power Zone. Once you grasp how easy it is to move among the choices along the energy spectrum, each day will become a dynamic, empowering exploration of the unlimited potential of the Field.

Horses and the Mystical Path: The Celtic Way of Expanding the Human Soul

by Adele Von Rust McCormick Thomas McCormick

On a trip to Scotland, the psychotherapist family team of Adele, Deborah, and Thomas McCormick — pioneers in the psychotherapeutic use of horses — discovered that early Celtic mysticism held important insights into an equestrian-partnered spirituality. The McCormicks show how to integrate this spirituality with psychology, forming a new, powerful form of healing. Horses and the Mystical Path recounts their memorable journey and the lessons they learned from their amazing equine guides.

She Who Dreams: A Journey into Healing through Dreamwork

by Wanda Burch

Wanda Burch dreamt that she would die at a certain age; her dreams foretold her diagnosis of cancer, and they guided her toward treatment and wellness. Although she took advantage of all the medical resources available to her, Wanda believes she is alive today because of her intimate engagement with the dreamworld. This book is more than one woman's story, however. Wanda provides techniques such as questioning the dream and observing the surroundings of the dream to delve into the meaning behind the personal stories we tell ourselves in sleep. Through powerful prose and practical exercises, this book demonstrates that wisdom lives within each of us, and we can tap into that wisdom through dreamwork.

The Virtuous Consumer: Your Essential Shopping Guide for a Better, Kinder, Healthier World

by Leslie Garrett

Sure, there are people who chain themselves to old-growth trees, raise their one child diaper-free, and make their own soap. The Virtuous Consumer is for the rest of us, struggling to make choices that are better for the planet — and for us. Leslie Garrett has created a comprehensive reference guide that — like a smart, funny, and eco-conscious friend — will steer you toward ethical purchases for everything from lipstick to cars, kids' toys to a new mattress. The Virtuous Consumer is your key to shopping consciously and creating a simpler, greener lifestyle.

Movement for Self-Healing: An Essential Resource for Anyone Seeking Wellness

by Mier Schnieder

Born blind and declared incurably blind after a series of childhood operations left him with only a slight ability to discern light and shadow, Meir Schneider remained convinced that his handicap was not permanent. As a teenager, he began work with two teachers who gave him exercises and techniques to reverse his blindness. Within four years he had gained a remarkable degree of vision and begun to develop a system of therapeutic exercise combining movement, breathing, and mental imagery. He also began working with people whose physical problems ranged from chronic headaches to polio and muscular dystrophy, inspiring them with his example, enthusiasm, and faith — miraculous recoveries ensued. Sections in the book give specific guidelines for healing back problems, arthritis, multiple sclerosis, breathing difficulties, eye problems, and muscular dystrophy. Movement for Self-Healing parallels the stories of Schneider and the people he has worked with, detailing his holistic methods of stimulating the natural healing powers of the body, offering a practical guide to specific exercises, and articulating a profound message of inspiration and hope.

The Millionaire Course: A Visionary Plan for Creating the Life of Your Dreams

by Marc Allen

This book is an entire course, an in-depth guide to accomplishing one's dreams in life. Structured in results-minded lessons and interwoven with keys that offer sudden moments of understanding, the book helps the reader grasp new ways of thinking of, and attaining, wealth. Lesson topics include "Imagine your ideal scene," "Discover your core beliefs and learn how to change them," and "Grow at your own pace." Author Marc Allen offers both a life-changing philosophy and the specific tools — the business plan, the vocabulary, even resources for financing — needed to create the life of your dreams. An easy-to-implement plan for attaining wealth and fulfillment by doing what we love and adhering to compassionate values. Contains 12 major lessons and 160 keys to success.

Secret Keeping: Overcoming Hidden Habits and Addictions

by John Howard Prin

What do author James Frey and former president Bill Clinton have in common? They were both secret keepers, and their secrets had disastrous effects on their careers. Millions of people hide addictions from their closest friends and family, often destroying their lives and the lives of others. This book explores how to break the secret-keeping habit and get the help and support needed to overcome addiction, rebuild self-esteem, and live honestly. The first half of the book explores the human tendency to keep secrets and profiles a variety of secret keepers from all walks of life and with a wide range of addictions. The second half helps readers examine and understand their own addictions and secret keeping and offers a clear, step-by-step approach to healing and recovery. Based on the twelve-step program, this book offers a way to change your life for the better, one day at a time. Practical solutions for countering secretive and destructive behaviors ranging from smoking to gambling to alcoholism Addictions — to drugs, alcohol, smoking, gambling, eating, pornography, and sex — are considered to be at epidemic levels in the United States

Essential Ayurveda: What It Is and What It Can Do for You

by Shubhra Krishan

Outlining the basic elements of Ayurveda, Shubhra Krishan teaches readers how to recognize their energy and body type, and to use Ayurvedic principles to create a balanced diet and lifestyle for optimum health. She offers tips and suggestions for finding the best products or for creating your own with her recipes for food, beauty care, and other healthcare items. Based on the ancient system of Ayurveda, this practical guide profiles simple key concepts of good health.

The Way of Conflict: Elemental Wisdom for Resolving Disputes and Transcending Differences

by Deidre Combs

The Way of Conflict teaches strategies for using ancient wisdom and modern techniques to confidently engage in any dispute and reach a balanced resolution. This groundbreaking book integrates the wealth of conflict skills found throughout the world’s major religious and indigenous traditions with the latest scientific systems and conflict resolution theory. It uses the cross-cultural metaphor of the four natural elements — earth, water, fire, and air — to identify the innate conflict personality types and propose a productive path through the chaos of conflict. Combining her extensive experience as a licensed mediator and corporate trainer with wisdom gained from years of spiritual study, Combs uses assessment tests, anecdotes from indigenous and religious traditions, and illustrative folktales to show how to quickly assess a conflict and implement an appropriate resolution strategy.

Yearning for the Wind: Celtic Reflections on Nature and the Soul

by Tom Cowan

Throughout the ages, shamans and mystics have recognized that all created things share some level of consciousness, and that the ordinary and non-ordinary realities interact. This book by a well-known Celtic-American shaman explores those interactions and interconnected pathways, looking at the interdependence of our material life with our inner life and that of nature. Each chapter is a small window into the mysteries of nature and soul as they infuse daily life. Cowan draws on the teachings of medieval mystics, fairy legends, Celtic songs, present-day poets and seekers, and Native American stories. From these strands, he weaves a Celtic knot of Spirit, beautiful and strong.

Reflections in the Light: Daily Thoughts and Affirmations

by Shakti Gawain

This book gives readers an inspirational thought and a useful tool — an original affirmation — to be read each day. Each entry has a heading, a short message or meditation, and an affirmation. This new edition of a classic puts the timeless words of Shakti Gawain into a beautiful, fresh package.

Fathering Right from the Start: Straight Talk About Pregnancy, Birth, and Beyond

by Jack Heinowitz

Coping tools and intelligent advice for today's fathers. Becoming a father is a life-changing event, and not an easy one. The new feelings, emotions, and reactions surfacing every day can be confusing and overwhelming, summoning new dads to resolve old issues. Fathering Right from the Start helps guide men through this life passage, helping them navigate difficult times and participate meaningfully in parenting. Complete with exercises, checklists, and firsthand accounts by fathers from all walks of life, this indispensable book carries the seeds for a new tradition of men's involvement in the emotional, cultural, and psychical structure of the family.

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