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World of Betty & Veronica Digest #36 (World of Betty & Veronica Digest #36)
by Archie SuperstarsBRAND NEW STORY! Daisy Thunder, the glamorous globe-hopping queen of the race car circuit, has returned to Riverdale, and hasn’t forgotten her roots. In fact, Daisy remembers every one of her grade school friends from Riverdale Elementary. Everyone, that is, except for Veronica Lodge!
Archie Comics: The Cursed Library #2: Omega (Archie Horror Presents #1)
by Eliot RahalThe next thrilling chapter of the Cursed Library saga is here! In ALPHA, Danni and Jinx confronted Lucifer himself—over what was supposed to be a family dinner. But the devil can’t be so easily tricked, and while Jinx is separated from her best friend Danni and transported to an uncanny valley version of her life, Madam Satan faces imprisonment. It’s going to take a journey through the depths of Hell to right all that has been wronged! And who they find there may just surprise you!
The Routledge Companion to Gender and Borderlands (Routledge Companions to Gender)
by Zalfa Feghali Deborah TonerThe Routledge Companion to Gender and Borderlands maps the relationship between gender and borderlands at a global scale and sets the agenda for developing a global composite field of gender and borderlands studies.This interdisciplinary collection seeks to understand the complex nexus at which gender and the borderlands intersect, modelling radical relationality at epistemological, ontological, and activist levels. Going beyond border studies’ frequent site at the U.S.–Mexico Border, this book examines the power relations of borderlands as they play out in, influence, and reflect gender dynamics. Contributors draw on case studies from around the world, and their chapters span diverse fields from anthropology, literature, and history, to political science, religious studies, sociology, and the arts.The Routledge Companion to Gender and Borderlands is an indispensable resource for scholars and students engaged in border studies, gender studies, and the wide range of interlocking disciplines that inform and enrich these fields.Chapters 1, 15 and 20.of this book are freely available as a downloadable Open Access PDF at http://www.taylorfrancis.com under a Creative Commons [Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY) 4.0 license.
The Funk Movement: Music, Culture, and Politics
by Reiland RabakaRabaka explores funk as a distinct multiform of music, aesthetics, politics, social vision, and cultural rebellion that has been remixed and continues to influence contemporary Black popular music and Black popular culture, especially rap music and the Hip Hop Movement.The Funk Movement was a sub-movement within the larger Black Power Movement and its artistic arm, the Black Arts Movement. Moreover, the Funk Movement was also a sub-movement within the Black Women’s Liberation Movement between the late 1960s and late 1970s, where women’s funk, especially Chaka Khan and Betty Davis’s funk, was understood to be a form of “Black musical feminism” that was as integral to the movement as the Black political feminism of Angela Davis or the Combahee River Collective and the Black literary feminism of Toni Morrison or Alice Walker. This book also demonstrates that more than any other post-war Black popular music genre, the funk music of the 1960s and 1970s laid the foundation for the mercurial rise of rap music and the Hip Hop Movement in the 1980s and 1990s.This book is primarily aimed at scholars and students working in popular music studies, popular culture studies, American studies, African American studies, cultural studies, ethnic studies, critical race studies, women’s studies, gender studies, and sexuality studies.
The Routledge Handbook of Human Research Ethics and Integrity in Australia (Routledge International Handbooks)
by Bruce M. Smyth Michael A. Martin Mandy DowningThe Routledge Handbook of Human Research Ethics and Integrity in Australia highlights why it is important to look at the subject of human research ethics and integrity within the Australian context, and what the Australian perspective can offer to all researchers in the social sciences and humanities globally.Australia has one of the world’s most rigorous ethics governance frameworks. This edited collection comprises 35 chapters, compiled with the aim of presenting human research ethics and integrity in a way that can be readily understood and applied by undergraduate and postgraduate students, early career and seasoned researchers, Human Research Ethics Committee members, and those who work in the administration of human research ethics. Chapters that focus on research ethics with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people are likely to be of great interest to an international audience interested in Indigenous research ethics more broadly. This collection will act as a prism through which ethical ‘first principles’ can be seen afresh from the vista of contemporary Australian research ethics frameworks.The issues raised in this collection are likely to resonate beyond the Australian context and will speak to researchers and educators in a variety of settings who find themselves grappling with thorny ethical issues ranging from the rapid evolution of data security and privacy concerns to research about cultural heritage and ethical approaches to Indigenous cultural and intellectual property.
Dramatic Storytelling and Narrative Design: A Writer’s Guide to Video Games and Transmedia
by Ross BergerThis book provides an industry professional's first-hand perspective on narrative design's practical usage, day-to-day roles and responsibilities, and keys to breaking in and succeeding. The book delves into the foundations of compelling storytelling through structural analysis and character archetype breakdowns.The understanding of game narrative is widened to include examples from other media. The author breaks down the structure of popular games and show how the structural elements are applied in practice. In addition to discussing industry trends, the author illustrates how the leveraging of transmedia can make a video game franchise endure over time. This updated new edition contains brand new chapters on Conflict and The Future of Interactive Storytelling, as well as deepened coverage on Character and World and Roles and Responsibilities. The author adds new discussion to the Analysis of Narrative in Contemporary Games through an examination of the HBO television adaption of The Last of Us.This book will be of great interest to all those interested in the craft of storytelling, narrative design, and game writing.
English Classics in Audiovisual Translation (Routledge Research in Audiovisual Translation)
by Irene Ranzato Luca VallerianiThis collection explores the translation of dialogue from the adaptations of literary classics across audiovisual media, engaging with the question of what makes a classic through an audiovisual translation lens. The volume seeks to fill a gap on the translation of classic texts in AVT research which has tended to focus on contemporary media.The book features well-known British literary texts but places a special emphasis on adaptations of the works of Jane Austen and William Shakespeare, figures whose afterlives have mirrored each other in the proliferation of film and television adaptations of their work. Chapters analyze myriad modes of AVT, including dubbing, subtitling, SDH, and voice-over, to demonstrate the unique ways in which these modes come together in adaptations of classics and raise questions about censorship, language ideologies, cultural references, translation strategies, humor, and language variation. In focusing on translations across geographic contexts, the book offers a richer picture of the linguistic, cultural, and ideological implications of translating literary classics for the screen and the enduring legacy of these works on a global scale.This book will be of interest to scholars in audiovisual translation, literary translation, comparative literature, film and television studies, and media studies.
Landscape of Next Generation Sequencing Using Pattern Recognition: Performance Analysis and Applications (River Publishers Series in Biotechnology and Medical Research)
by Saurav Mallik Loveleen Gaur Soumita Seth Tapas Bhadra Mingqiang WangThis book focuses on an eminent technology called next generation sequencing (NGS) which has entirely changed the procedure of examining organisms and will have a great impact on biomedical research and disease diagnosis. Numerous computational challenges have been brought on by the rapid advancement of large-scale next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies and their application. The term ""biomedical imaging"" refers to the use of a variety of imaging techniques (such as X-rays, CT scans, MRIs, ultrasounds, etc.) to get images of the interior organs of a human being for potential diagnostic, treatment planning, follow-up, and surgical purposes. In these circumstances, deep learning, a new learning method that uses multi-layered artificial neural networks (ANNs) for unsupervised, supervised, and semi-supervised learning, has attracted a lot of interest for applications to NGS and imaging, even when both of these data are used for the same group of patients.The three main research phenomena in biomedical research are disease classification, feature dimension reduction, and heterogeneity. AI approaches are used by clinical researchers to efficiently analyse extremely complicated biomedical datasets (e.g., multi-omic datasets. With the use of NGS data and biomedical imaging of various human organs, researchers may predict diseases using a variety of deep learning models. Unparalleled prospects to improve the work of radiologists, clinicians, and biomedical researchers, speed up disease detection and diagnosis, reduce treatment costs, and improve public health are presented by using deep learning models in disease prediction using NGS and biomedical imaging. This book influences a variety of critical disease data and medical images.
Lu Xun and Russia (ISSN)
by Sun YuBased on Lu Xun's works and book collections, this book explores the significant influence of Russian literature, art, and thinking on Lu Xun's thoughts and works.Through the analysis of rich historical materials and literary texts, this book shows the profound influence of Russian literary and artistic resources on Chinese writers, especially on Lu Xun. It delves into Lu Xun's literary and translation concepts, as well as his intellectual and aesthetic views, all of which bear the imprint of Russian culture. The author closely examines notable themes in his works, including nationality, class, the avant-garde, and cosmopolitanism, which offer insight into his overarching historical vision and provide a glimpse into the era. Unlike previous studies of the influence of Russian literature, this book delves deeper into literary history by examining intellectual history without adhering to a pan-ideological point of view. Through the lens of cultural history, it also illuminates the cultural landscape of modern China, unraveling the intellectual ideas and debates of the twentieth century and the emergence of Chinese left-wing literature.The title will appeal to scholars, students, and general readers interested in Lu Xun studies, modern Chinese literature, and Chinese culture.
Peer Support in Prison: How Incarcerated People make Meaning through Active Citizenship (International Series on Desistance and Rehabilitation)
by Christian PerrinThis book explores the profound impact of peer support within the bleak landscape of incarceration. In a system bereft of opportunities for personal growth, the narratives within these pages reveal how individuals who have committed offences rebuild their lives by ‘giving back’ and establishing meaningful connections with their fellow inmates.Peer Support in Prison draws on rich phenomenological interviews conducted with prisoners who assumed altruistic social roles while serving time. In doing so, it highlights the value of peer support in fostering hope, making meaning, and cultivating prosocial identities. By adopting empathic and mutually supportive roles within the prison community, individuals forge a pathway to a more meaningful future, defying unfavourable odds. The text unfolds to demonstrate that, even for those denigrated and rejected as ‘evil’, change is possible when motivated by principles of compassion, reciprocity, and connectedness.This book attests to the adaptability of humans, offering a unique perspective on how incarcerated individuals can find redemption, build trust, and reconstruct their lives through the transformative power of generativity and active citizenship. This has great implications for a stagnant carceral system which does not work as a restorative mechanism. Within the frame of ‘generative justice’, the findings from this book offer hopeful alternatives to the cruel hegemony of prison.
A Brain-Friendly Life: How to Manage Cognitive Overload and Reduce Glitching
by Marisa MencholaModern life is brain-unfriendly: We are flooded with information and excessive cognitive demands, when we are often already depleted from chronic stress, sleep deprivation, and health issues. Many of us experience frequent 'glitches' or memory lapses, despite tests showing there is nothing wrong with our brains. This book provides concrete strategies, derived from neuropsychological science and clinical practice, to help people improve how they function in daily life.Menchola draws on her experience as a clinical neuropsychologist who has worked with a widely diverse group of patients, to translate the findings from highly controlled research into concrete strategies that people can implement in their messy worlds to make their days more brain-friendly. The book also provides advice on how to address those factors that drain our brain resources, and gives guidance on when and how to seek a neuropsychological evaluation.It is valuable reading for anyone experiencing frustrating cognitive problems that are not due to brain disease. It is also essential for neuropsychologists, psychologists and physicians in primary care, psychiatry, and neurology, who need a resource to offer to patients to help their healthy brains function better.
Japan's Historical Disputes with Neighboring States: Russian Perspectives (ISSN)
by Dmitry StreltsovThis book examines Japan’s relationships with China, Russia, the states of the Korean Peninsula, and Taiwan. Analyzing key points of conflict, their roots, and current relations, it highlights their significance for each country. Avoiding a focus on sensitive issues of the historical past per se, it provides a Russian perspective on their impact in Japan and neighboring states, their place in the domestic political discourse, the image of modern Japan in the eyes of political elites and the public and assesses the prospects for improving unfavorable mutual perceptions.Problems of the historical past remain a significant factor in the deterioration of Japan’s relations with China, South Korea, and Russia. Notions of national prestige and historical disputes appear with increasing frequency on the international political agenda in East Asia, driven largely by the economic and military rise of China and the changing military-political balance of power in the region.The book will be of interest to scholars and students of area studies and international relations, especially those specializing in East Asian Studies, Japanese studies, the politics of memory in IR, and problems of national identity.
Dude on Arrival • The Bridled Groom: An F&M Duet (Sarah Deane)
by J.S. BorthwickSarah Deane has her traveling shoes on again and we all know a sleuth never gets a peaceful vacation. It&’s holidays at a swanky Arizona resort for English professor Sarah Deane, her fiance, and her feisty Aunt Julia, but somebody&’s notion of Yuletide appears to include increasingly unpleasant pranks...which turn from nasty to deadly on Christmas morning. In a tip of the hat to Golden Age mysteries, the police are clueless, but Sarah is unhappily certain the killer—the Dude?—is one of the hotel&’s guests, someone with whom she&’d been singing carols only hours earlier. In The Bridled Groom, Sarah and Alex are once again vacationing with Aunt Julia, this time in horse country, where the two young'uns are planning their wedding. Aunt J would love to join in but keeps getting distracted by weird threats delivered with the morning paper—and by the possibility that those threats are connected to a series of sinister accidents. Will this ugliness derail the nuptials, or does Sarah have the horse sense required to catch the culprit? You know the answer, but it&’s heaps of fun getting there.
Business Sustainability with Artificial Intelligence: Volume 2 (Studies in Systems, Decision and Control #566)
by Esra AlDhaen Ashley Braganza Allam Hamdan Weifeng ChenThis book covers different technological and business-related issues including ethical use and cultural sensitivity of data used in businesses, managing data privacy and protection, governance standards for digital transformation, executive leadership strategic decisions, and business innovation and sustainability. With the recent development of artificial intelligence (AI), businesses are urged to consider innovation while applying digital transformation. Depending on the nature of the businesses, it is found that innovative digital transformation is required with the use of artificial intelligence. However, the future of AI in businesses is yet unclear, the question is it true that without digital transformation businesses are no longer sustainable? Researchers argue that digital transformation could be an opportunity for business to create a global brand however several implications and challenges should be considered including governance and responsible digital management. This book explores how businesses could benefit from AI and leverage technologies to sustain businesses. The book is authored by leading experts in the field of AI, digitalization, and business innovation and sustainability; the author’s diversity reflects quality of research with high level of impact in the research topic. It is written in accessible language that makes it easy for business leaders, researchers, policymakers, and anyone interested in the future of business development to understand the complex concepts and ideas presented in the book. This book provides insight for executive leaders in setting new innovative strategies toward leveraging AI in business at different levels of operations to support business sustainability. The book provides different theoretical and practical practices and case studies that could be used as a guideline for policy making and devising innovative directions.
Schule macht Schüler*innen: Eine Untersuchung von Differenzkonstruktionen im Primarschulalltag (Kindheit – Bildung – Erziehung. Philosophische Perspektiven)
by Stephanie MekacherDerweil sich diverse erziehungswissenschaftliche Studien mit dem Thema der interaktiven Konstruktion und Bearbeitung von Differenzen in schulischen Kontexten auf der Eingangs- oder Sekundarstufe befassen, ist die Frage, wie Differenzen im Schulalltag der Primarstufe hervorgebracht und (re-)produziert werden, im Bildungsraum Schweiz bislang kaum erforscht worden. Die vorliegende Studie beleuchtet doing difference Prozesse und die damit verbundene (Re-)Produktion von sozialen Ordnungen bzw. Ungleichheiten im schulischen Alltag. Anhand einer ethnographischen Herangehensweise wird eruiert, inwiefern in der Unterrichtspraxis zweier beobachteten Primarschulklassen der Deutschschweiz soziale, gender- und klassenbezogenen Differenzen thematisiert, hervorgehoben oder neutralisiert werden. Aus einer ethnomethodologischen Perspektive wird aus den erhobenen Daten rekonstruiert, wie die schulischen Akteur*innen Abgrenzungs- und Zuschreibungsprozesse vornehmen und wie sich diese auf die Positionierung der Individuen im sozialen Gefüge der Schulklassen auswirken. Ausgezeichnet mit dem Fakultätspreis 2023 der philosophischen Fakultät der Université de Fribourg.
Zwischen Prekarität, Subjektivierung und Flexibilität: Eine qualitative Studie zu subjektiven Verarbeitungsformen prekärer Beschäftigung in der aufstrebenden Gig-Economy (BestMasters)
by Anna StadlerArbeitsverhältnisse werden seit Jahren zunehmend heterogener und das sogenannte „Normalarbeitsverhältnis“ verzeichnet eine rückläufige Tendenz. Mit dem rasanten Anstieg der Popularität von Plattformen kommen zusätzlich noch spezifische Arbeitsverhältnisse hinzu, welche mit wesentlichen Strukturveränderungen bei den Beschäftigungsformen einhergehen. Das vorliegende Buch setzt sich näher mit der Gig Economy auseinander, einem Teilbereich der Plattformökonomie, wobei der Blick auf die wohl sichtbarste Form von „gig work“ gerichtet wird: Das Liefern via Fahrrad im Essensbereich. Dabei wird insbesondere Einblick in die vielschichtigen Bewältigungsstrategien der Beschäftigten mit prekären Arbeitsbedingungen im Kontext der Digitalisierung gegeben und objektive Bedingungen und subjektive Erfahrungen werden miteinander verschränkt. Da die subjektive Perspektive in bisherigen Forschungen häufig vernachlässigt wurde, trägt diese Analyse zu einem umfassenderen und eindeutigeren Bild bei. Zu diesem Zweck wurden problemzentrierte Einzelinterviews mit selbstständigen als auch angestellten Fahrradkurier*innen von plattformvermittelten Essenslieferdienste in Salzburg geführt, um deren persönliche Erfahrungen und individuellen Zuschreibungsleistungen einzubinden.
Fachkräftemangel und Maßnahmen-Champions (Demografie und Wirtschaft)
by Hendrik BudligerDer demografische Wandel stellt die Unternehmen vor große Herausforderungen. Neben strukturellen, zyklischen und unternehmensinternen Zusammenhängen ist er eine der Kernursachen für den zunehmenden Mangel an Arbeitskräften, insbesondere an gut ausgebildeten Fachkräften. Dieses Herausgeberwerk gibt einen Einblick in den aktuellen Fachkräftemangel und zeitgleich stellen Maßnahmen-Champions vor, wie sie in ihren Organisationen erfolgreiche Konzepte gegen den Fachkräftemangel umgesetzt haben. Die Leserinnen und Leser sollen von der Vielfalt der beschriebenen Maßnahmen gegen den Fachkräftemangel Ideen und Anregungen erhalten, um selbst in ihrer Organisation dem Fachkräftemangel entgegenzuwirken. Der Inhalt Grundzüge und Konzepte einer Organisationsdemografie Generationenmanagement – Theorie und Praxis Förderung der Arbeitsmarktfähigkeit und Arbeitsfähigkeit Gelebte HR-Strategie im Change-Prozess Digitales Workforce-Management HR Analytics als strategisches Instrument Maßnahmen gegen den Fachkräftemangel: Senior Talents fördern, Vereinbarkeit Familie und Beruf, Integration von Arbeitskräften aus Drittstaaten Praxisbeiträge aus Baugewerbe, Hotelbranche und Tech-Industrie
Proceedings of Ninth International Congress on Information and Communication Technology: ICICT 2024, London, Volume 9 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #1054)
by Xin-She Yang R. Simon Sherratt Nilanjan Dey Amit JoshiThis book gathers selected high-quality research papers presented at the Ninth International Congress on Information and Communication Technology, held at Brunel University, London, on February 19–22, 2024. It discusses emerging topics pertaining to information and communication technology (ICT) for managerial applications, e-governance, e-agriculture, e-education and computing technologies, the Internet of Things (IoT) and e-mining. Written by respected experts and researchers working on ICT, the book offers an asset for young researchers involved in advanced studies. The work is presented in ten volumes.
Zum Konsens in fünf Schritten: Führungskräfte treffen bessere Entscheidungen durch Diskussion im Team
by Heinz W. BeckerWollen Menschen in der Arbeitswelt gemeinsam etwas zustande bringen, dann müssen sie sich einigen und eine gemeinsame Absicht definieren. Ausgangspunkt ist stets eine Problemsituation und ein vielstimmiger Chor verschiedenster Ideen, Meinungen und Interessen. Und dann gilt es, in einer produktiven Kontroverse eine gemeinsame Absicht zu vereinbaren, wie das Problem am besten zu lösen ist. Dieses Buch beschreibt, wie Führungskräfte die Konsensfindung in einem Team initiieren und den Prozess führen können, bis zur fertigen Umsetzung. Der Autor stellt eine Fünf-Schritt-Folge – bestehend aus Themensetzung, Diskussion, Magischer Moment, Entscheidung und Umsetzung – vor, die es Führungskräften erleichtert, in Transformationsprozessen die Orientierung zu behalten und zielgerichtet den Diskurs zu steuern. Zudem bietet der Autor Hilfen für den Umgang mit „schwierigen Kandidaten“ in solchen Veränderungsprozessen – den Dauerrednern, den Schweigsamen, den Starrsinnigen und den Unwilligen sowie mit Rivalität und Hierarchie. Anschauliche und praxisnahe Beispiele vereinfachen das Verständnis und geben Impulse für die eigene Anwendung.
Applied Physiology to Reduce Ventilator Induced Lung Injury: Clinical Applications for the Acutely Injured Lung
by Gary F. Nieman Nader M. HabashiThis book details the mechanisms of ventilator induced lung injury (VILI) at the alveolar level with the aim to identify optimal ventilation methods necessary to preserve lung function. Mortality associated with the acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS), including that caused by COVID-19, remains unacceptably high. The primary treatment is supportive in the form of protective mechanical ventilation, but set improperly this can cause an unintended secondary VILI significantly increasing mortality. To improve ventilation strategies needed to reduce VILI the alteration in alveolar mechanics caused by ARDS must be understood. The protective ventilation strategy must attempt to normalize alveolar mechanics, which would significantly reduce the mechanical damage subjected to lung tissue during mechanical ventilation. Written by leading experts with numerous diagrams, figures, and videos, this book takes the latest research in the field and translates it to clinical practice. Authors discuss the ARDS-induced alteration in alveolar mechanics that make it so susceptible to VILI and novel ventilation strategies necessary to normalize alveolar mechanics and reduce ARDS related morbidity and mortality. Chapters cover normal lung (alveolar mechanics and micro anatomy), how these are altered during acute lung injury, and the optimal Mechanical Breath Profile (MBp) necessary to stabilize and open the lung to reduce both VILI and acute lung injury-induced morbidity and mortality. This is an ideal guide for pulmonologists, critical care specialists, surgeons, and all medical professionals working with patients on ventilation.
Pflanzliche Lebensmittelalternativen: Eigenschaften, Formulierung, Verarbeitungsmethoden und Herstellung
by David Julian McClements Lutz Grossmann Anja Maria WagemansDie Entwicklung pflanzlicher Lebensmittelalternativen ist eines der am schnellsten fortschreitenden Gebiete in unserem modernen Ernährungssystem. Viele Verbraucher*innen reduzieren den Konsum von tierischen Lebensmitteln und greifen vermehrt zu pflanzlichen Alternativen. Die Lebensmittelindustrie greift dieses Konsummuster auf und bietet zunehmend innovative pflanzliche Alternativprodukte an. Die Entwicklung und Herstellung dieser alternativen Lebensmittel geht jedoch mit großen Herausforderungen einher, da viele tierische Lebensmittel aus sehr komplexen Strukturen mit hochfunktionellen Inhaltsstoffen bestehen. Eine wissenschaftliche Herangehensweise ist daher eine wesentliche Voraussetzung, um pflanzliche Lebensmittelalternativen mit einer hohen Verbraucherakzeptanz und hohem Nährwert zu entwickeln.Dieses Fachbuch beschreibt die Wissenschaft und Technologie von pflanzlichen Lebensmittelalternativen. Leser*innen erhalten einen Überblick über die verwendeten Zutaten und Verarbeitungsprozesse sowie über die wichtigsten Ernährungs- und Qualitätsmerkmale spezifischer pflanzlicher Lebensmittelkategorien wie Alternativen zu Milch und Milchprodukten, Eiern und Eiprodukten sowie Fleisch und Meeresfrüchten. Fachkräfte mit Bezug zur Lebensmitteltechnologie können dieses grundlegende Wissen nutzen, um die nächste Generation gesünderer und nachhaltigerer pflanzlicher Lebensmittelalternativen herzustellen.
Pediatric Neuro-oncology
by Katrin Scheinemann Eric BouffetWhile the first edition of this book provided a succinct introduction to pediatric neuro-oncology, biological knowledge of childhood CNS tumors has “exploded” over the past few years and a new edition of this textbook is needed to keep it up-to-date. This updated edition will include chapters on cancer predisposition in children with brain tumors, gliomas, embryonal brain tumors, ependymoma, CNS-GCT, targeted therapies in pediatric brain tumors, and long-term sequelae. New developments covered include the following: - Techniques like DNA methylation have improved the diagnostic process, and have led to an integrated diagnosis of histology, ICH and methylation. - Tumor pathways have been detected, which defines more subgroups within a tumor entity, and results in more individualized treatment for the patient. - Therapeutic options outside the standard combination of surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation have either been implemented within the last years, or are currently under consideration. This book will be aimed at pediatric oncologists and neurooncologists, neurosurgeons, radiation oncologists. Chapters detailing quality of life and supportive care will make this 2nd edition a useful resource for nurses, social workers, physiotherapists, and occupational therapists alike.
Hand Book of Processed Functional Meat Products
by Sajad A. Rather F. A. MasoodiFunctional food technology aims to boost consumer well-being by providing health benefits beyond that of fundamental nutrition. Meat and meat products have numerous disease-preventing and health-promoting benefits. However, the meat industry has faced many new challenges since the World Health Organization (WHO) studies suggesting that small increases in the risk of several cancers may be associated with high consumption of processed meat. In addition, consumers often associate meat with a negative health image. This negative image of meat is mainly due to fat content such as saturated fatty acids and cholesterol and process induced toxicants like N-nitroso compounds and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) and the alliance of these with chronic diseases. In this context, the functional food concept applied to meat processing has gained importance, especially by reduction/replacement of fat, sodium, nitrites, reduction of process induced toxicants and addition of beneficial components such as probiotics and bioactive compounds. Hand Book of Processed Functional Meat Products provides meat industry professionals with a step-by-step guide to post-mortem muscle chemistry, functional and cultured meat products-design and development, bioactive compounds, reduction of carcinogenic compounds, application of enzymes and nanotechnology, innovation in sensory assessment, authentication and marketing, 3D printing in the development of meat based products and regulatory and consumer challenges in functional meat products. This book differs from other publications on functional meat product processing in that it offers comprehensive coverage and in-depth discussion of the most recent scientific and technological applications in functional meat products. Many meat science and technology books available on the market describe meat chemistry, properties and basic science with only a rudimentary understanding of meat processing, functional meat products development and applications. Therefore, this work will be helpful for food industry professionals, policy makers, researchers, students, teachers and nutritionists and dieticians for a complete and up-to-date overview of functional meats processing and quality evaluation.
Flood Reconstruction: Palaeohydrological Approaches, Methods and Results (Springer Natural Hazards)
by Jürgen HergetFloods are among the most common and consequential natural disasters on Earth, occurring in all natural areas at all times. Yet, they often surprise us with their unexpected magnitude and the damage they cause. Terms like century and millennium floods quickly become widespread, but what do we really know about the floods of the past? How can we truly classify events like the Mississippi flood of 1993, the Elbe flood of 2002, or the Pakistan flood of 2010? Have such floods occurred before, or are they unprecedented, perhaps even consequences of ongoing climate change? To answer these questions, we must look into the past. However, river level records are often limited in duration, rarely extending back more than a hundred years, and many regions lack any measured values at all. Nonetheless, floods have left their marks. These marks may exist in the form of historical records and descriptions, which vary in extent across different cultural contexts. In addition to historical records, natural indicators like deposited sediments or erosion traces provide valuable information about past flood levels. This is particularly important for prehistoric periods and for regions without dense settlements and related gauges. These investigations lead to further questions about maximum flood levels and the earliest recorded observations. This book addresses these questions by exploring the reconstruction of floods from both historical and prehistoric times. It explains and discusses methods and results for beginners with diverse backgrounds in disciplines such as earth sciences, hydrology, history, and engineering. Extensive and carefully selected reference lists offer access to additional information.
Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention – MICCAI 2024: 27th International Conference, Marrakesh, Morocco, October 6–10, 2024, Proceedings, Part XII (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #15012)
by Marius George Linguraru Qi Dou Aasa Feragen Stamatia Giannarou Ben Glocker Karim Lekadir Julia A. SchnabelThe 12-volume set LNCS 15001 - 15012 constitutes the proceedings of the 27th International Conferenc on Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention, MICCAI 2024, which took place in Marrakesh, Morocco, during October 6–10, 2024. MICCAI accepted 857 full papers from 2781 submissions. They focus on neuroimaging; image registration; computational pathology; computer aided diagnosis, treatment response, and outcome prediction; image guided intervention; visualization; surgical planning, and surgical data science; image reconstruction; image segmentation; machine learning; etc.