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Power System Dynamic Modelling and Analysis in Evolving Networks (CIGRE Green Books)

by Babak Badrzadeh Zia Emin

This Green Book is an essential resource for power system engineers seeking comprehensive information on contemporary power system dynamic modelling and analysis. With today's rapid adoption of inverter-based resources and the resulting changes in power system dynamics, this book compares conventional power systems with evolving power systems characterized by high shares of grid-connected and distributed inverter-based resources. It covers dynamic phenomena, analysis methods, simulation tools and enablers required for secure and reliable system planning and operation. Starting with an overview of power system studies and associated analysis tools, the book provides modelling requirements for various power system components, including existing and emerging technologies. It includes practical examples from real-world power systems worldwide that act as step-by-step study guides for practising engineers and provides knowledge to apply in their day-to-day tasks. Additionally, the book emphasizes the importance of power system model acceptance testing and validation, providing practical examples of various testing methods. Written with practising power system engineers in mind, this book minimizes the use of advanced mathematics. However, relevant sources for those interested in learning more about mathematical concepts are provided. Overall, this book is an invaluable resource for power system engineers navigating contemporary power systems. Readers who would like to comment on any of the published books or identify errors to the editorial team please contact:

Emotions and Contingencies in Conrad's Fiction

by Yoko Okuda

This book sets out to elucidate Conrad’s unique insight into the workings of human emotions for a readership of scholars and graduate students engaged in Conrad studies. It argues that the originality of Conrad’s conception of human emotions lies in his comprehensive grasp of emotions in the broad framework of a contingent world; he regards emotions as fundamentally a manifestation of human defiance towards reality. The book takes up seven of Conrad’s works which are of significance from the perspective of emotions and contingencies, including ‘Heart of Darkness’ and Nostromo.

Platelet Rich Plasma in Musculoskeletal Practice

by Nicola Maffulli

This book provides an introductory overview of advancements in platelet-rich plasma (PRP), focusing on current technologies and methods, new challenges and controversies, and avenues for further research. With many studies demonstrating a role for PRP in improving response to injury, this book aims to facilitate the application of this rapidly growing treatment option for trauma patients. Platelet Rich Plasma in Musculoskeletal Practice is a highly informative and carefully presented book, providing scientific and clinical insight for specialists who utilize PRP in daily practice, and for readers who are seeking to learn more about this effective injury treatment.

Fremde Macht: Kriminologische Analyse und Kriminalitätstheorie zu nachrichtendienstlicher Devianz durch hoheitliche Entitäten als Manifestation machtpolitischer Interessen (BestMasters)

by Deniz Ay

Dieses Buch bietet eine Einführung in die Thematik der nachrichtendienstlichen Devianz durch Emissärinnen und Emissäre, welche aufgrund ihrer Prävalenz für die kriminologische Forschung von hohem Interesse ist. Die Notwendigkeit der Auseinandersetzung ergibt sich aus der bestehenden Forschungslücke bezüglich dieses spezifischen Phänomens, obgleich sich u. a. zahlreiche relevante Ableitungen aus dem kriminologischen Teilbereich der „Kriminalität der Mächtigen“ ergeben. Das Ziel dieser Ausarbeitung ist es, einen tieferen Einblick in den Bereich der Devianz durch hoheitliche (und hoheitlich beauftragte) Entitäten zu gewinnen und eine Kriminalitätstheorie zu entwickeln, welche dieses ubiquitäre Phänomen erklärlich gestaltet. Die gewonnenen Erkenntnisse legen nahe, dass die Dunkelziffer geheimdienstlicher Agententätigkeiten um ein Hundertfaches höher sein könnte als die Zahl der registrierten Fälle. Dieser Deliktsform liegen teilweise sehr unterschiedliche Motivationen zugrunde, weshalb sie von einer großen Varietät von Tatbegehenden verübt wird. Die in diesem Buch konzeptionierte Adversarial Requisition and Access Theory geht von einer Metamotivation aus, die jede Form der nachrichtendienstlichen Devianz für eine fremde Macht und zum Nachteil der eigenen Nation erklärt.

Medicinal Plants and their Bioactive Compounds in Human Health: Volume 1

by Mohammad Azam Ansari Shoaib Shoaib Najmul Islam

This book delves into the vital role of plants and their bioactive compounds in human health, emphasizing their medicinal and nutritional significance. It highlights the growing concern of drug resistance in anticancer and antimicrobial medications, compelling clinicians, and researchers worldwide to seek alternative solutions. Plants offer a diverse array of compounds, serving as a promising resource for novel and safe drug candidates and potentially enhancing drug efficacy while being easily metabolized in the human body. Their cost-effectiveness, safety profile, and minimal side effects make them an ideal source for developing new drug regimens. The book aims to attract students, teachers, and researchers across various disciplines, covering topics such as biochemistry, pharmacology, botany, medicinal chemistry, virology, nutrition, clinical biochemistry, and biomedicine. The book will explore the medicinal and nutritional importance of plants and their products, showcasing their applications in medicine, industries, cosmetics, therapeutics, and preventive measures.

Applied Informatics: 7th International Conference, ICAI 2024, Viña del Mar, Chile, October 24–26, 2024, Proceedings, Part I (Communications in Computer and Information Science #2236)

by Hector Florez Hernán Astudillo

The two-volume set CCIS 2236 and 2237 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Applied Informatics, ICAI 2024, held in Vina del Mar, Chile, during October 24–26, 2024. The 39 full papers presented in these proceedings were carefully reviewed and selected from 123 submissions. The papers were organized in the following topical sections: Part I - Artificial Intelligence; Bioinformatics; Cloud Computing; Data Analysis; Decision Systems; and Game Development. Part II - Health Care Information Systems; Interdisciplinary Information Studies; Learning Management Systems; Natural Language Processing; Social and Behavioral Applications; Software and Systems Modeling; and Software Architectures.

Applied Informatics: 7th International Conference, ICAI 2024, Viña del Mar, Chile, October 24–26, 2024, Proceedings, Part II (Communications in Computer and Information Science #2237)

by Hector Florez Hernán Astudillo

The two-volume set CCIS 2236 and 2237 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Applied Informatics, ICAI 2024, held in Vina del Mar, Chile, during October 24–26, 2024. The 39 full papers presented in these proceedings were carefully reviewed and selected from 123 submissions. The papers were organized in the following topical sections: Part I - Artificial Intelligence; Bioinformatics; Cloud Computing; Data Analysis; Decision Systems; and Game Development. Part II - Health Care Information Systems; Interdisciplinary Information Studies; Learning Management Systems; Natural Language Processing; Social and Behavioral Applications; Software and Systems Modeling; and Software Architectures.

Debating ‘Homo Academicus’ in Management and Organization: Ontological Assumptions and Practical Implications (Palgrave Debates in Business and Management)

by Silvia Cinque Daniel Ericsson

In the fields of management and organization, there is an ongoing debate about different ontological assumptions about people in and around organizations, and the dangers of self-fulling prophecies, i.e., the phenomena in which unsubstantiated, unethical, or dysfunctional assumptions about people can lead to adverse practical consequences. This open access book advances this debate, but in a self-reflexive direction, asking: Who do we, as scholars in the fields of management and organization, think we are? What ontological assumptions about ourselves do we live by? Do we think we are something “special”, a 'Homo Academicus', distinctively separated from the life-world of managers and employees but linked with other academics such as, say, philosophers and sociologists? If so, what are the consequences and implications of such assumptions? Part of the popular Palgrave Debates in Business and Management series, each of the chapters disclose, problematize, and criticize different ontological assumptions about 'Homo Academicus' that underpins research in the fields of management and organization. It will be of great interest to management and organization scholars and students, as well as those with a broader interest in methodology and critical studies.

Handbuch Journalismustheorien

by Martin Löffelholz Liane Rothenberger

Die aktualisierte, neu strukturierte und um 19 Originalbeiträge ergänzte Neuauflage des Handbuchs Journalismustheorien liefert einen systematischen und detaillierten Überblick über die theoretischen Ansätze der Journalismusforschung. Zehn thematische Abschnitte ermöglichen schnelle Einstiege in die jeweiligen Theorienkomplexe und schaffen eine verständliche Orientierung über die Grundlagen, Entwicklungsstränge, Konzepte und Problemfelder der Journalismustheorien sowie darüber hinaus zu theoretischen Ansätzen zu Interrelationen des Journalismus mit Bereichen wie Kultur, Politik, Religion, Sport, Wirtschaft oder Wissenschaft. Für Studierende und Forschende der Journalistik, der Kommunikationswissenschaft und angrenzender Disziplinen bildet das Handbuch ein Standardwerk zum Verständnis des komplexen wissenschaftlichen Diskurses über die theoretischen Ansätze der Journalismusforschung.

Dead of Winter (CSI: New York #1)

by Stuart M. Kaminsky

A thrilling original novel based on the television series CSI: New York!Detective Mac Taylor is a dedicated and driven crime-scene investigator who believes that everything is connected and everyone has a story. He and his partner, Detective Stella Bonasera, lead a team of experts through the gritty and kinetic world of New York City. These skilled investigators, who see New York in a unique light, follow the evidence as they piece together clues and eliminate doubt to ultimately crack their cases. The body of a middle-aged man is found in the elevator of a ritzy doorman building on the Upper East Side. Mac Taylor and Aiden Burn's initial investigation yields no bullets, no DNA evidence, and no motive. Could this be the perfect crime? Meanwhile, only a few blocks away, Stella Bonasera and Danny Messer investigate the murder of a witness being held in protective custody. The law enforcement officers on duty swear that the victim spent the night in a locked hotel room—only to be found dead in the morning. From the heart of midtown to the outer boroughs, the New York CSI team must piece together the evidence and solve two puzzling crimes in the city that never sleeps.

Apt Pupil

by Stephen King

#1 New York Times bestselling author Stephen King&’s timeless coming-of-age novella, Apt Pupil—published in his 1982 story collection Different Seasons and made into a 1998 Tristar movie starring Ian McKellan and Brad Renfro—now available for the first time as a standalone publication.If you don&’t believe in the existence of evil, you have a lot to learn. Todd Bowden is an apt pupil. Good grades, good family, a paper route. But he is about to meet a different kind of teacher, Mr. Dussander, and to learn all about Dussander&’s dark and deadly past…a decades-old manhunt Dussander has escaped to this day. Yet Todd doesn&’t want to turn his teacher in. Todd wants to know more. Much more. He is about to face his fears and learn the real meaning of power—and the seductive lure of evil. A classic story from Stephen King, Apt Pupil reveals layers upon layers of deception—and horror—as finally there is only one left standing.

The Nail Knot (A Fly Fishing Mystery #1)

by John Galligan

The going has gotten tough, and Ned ''Dog'' Oglivie has gone fishing. Fly fishing. For trout. All across America. At least until his money runs out . . .Driven by tragedy to turn his back on human society, the Dog is on a quest to fish himself into oblivion. And he's nearly made it. Playing the back highways of America in a wounded old RV . . . provisioned with a supply of peanut butter sandwiches, bad cigars, and vodka-Tang . . . armed with a loaded pistol (for when the money runs out) . . . the Dog is nearly at the end of his tether when he rolls into little Black Earth, Wisconsin, intending to fish the yellow sally stonefly hatch . . . and finds a body instead.Who killed Jake Jacobs, fellow fly fisher and late-coming agitator who was trying to save Black Earth Creek? Why was Jacobs disfigured in such a peculiar way? Why does the Dog give a damn? Can he rekindle his faith and interest in humankind? By caring about the death of a stranger, can the Dog recover his own life? Can he untie The Nail Knot?

The Blood Knot (A Fly Fishing Mystery #2)

by John Galligan

The last thing The Dog wanted was to find another body. But there was Annie Adams - the barn lady - floating dead at his feet, her easel and paints set up on the bridge above his head. And so The Dog wades his way through Kussmaul country encountering a confessing nine year old, a dispute over trespassing, a shunned Amish woman, and a quite possibly rabid beaver. And The Dog knows, this is not a fishing trip.

Poetry of Grief, Gratitude, and Reverence

by John Brehm

A new anthology from the editor of the bestselling Poetry of Impermanence, Mindfulness, and Joy.Explorations on a journey through the darkest and brightest moments of our lives, the poems gathered here are explorations of loss, of thanksgiving, of transformation. Some show a path forward and others simply acknowledge and empathize with where we are, but all are celebrations of poetry&’s ability to express what seemed otherwise inexpressible, to touch deep inside our hearts—and also pull ourselves out of our selves and into greater connection with the world around us. Includes poems by Rainer Maria Rilke, Robert Frost, Elizabeth Bishop, Czeslaw Milosz, Seamus Heaney, Billy Collins, Joy Harjo, Danusha Lameris, Ada Limon, Kevin Young, Arthur Sze, Ellen Bass, Li Young-Lee, Natasha Tretheway, and many more. The editor also includes an essay on appreciative attention and links to guided meditations for select poems, offering us a chance to have an even deeper experience of reflection.

When We Meet Again

by Kristin Harmel

From New York Times bestselling author Kristin Harmel, a beautifully repackaged and updated edition of &“one of her best&” (RT Book Reviews) historical novels.Emily Emerson is used to being alone; her dad walked out on the family when she was a just a kid, her mom died when she was eighteen, and her beloved grandmother has just passed away as well. But when she&’s laid off from her reporting job, she finds herself completely adrift…until the day she receives a beautiful painting of a young woman standing at the edge of a sugarcane field under a violet sky. She recognizes the woman as her grandmother, but the painting arrived with no identification other than a handwritten note saying, &“He never stopped loving her...&” Curious, Emily begins to do some digging and uncovers a fascinating moment in American history. Her trail leads her to the POW internment camps of 1940s Florida, where German prisoners worked for American farmers...and sometimes fell in love with American women. But how does this all connect to the painting? The answer to that question will take Emily on a road that leads from the sweltering Everglades to Munich, Germany and back before she&’s done. This new edition has been refreshed by the author and contains a new author&’s note.

Blood on the Sun (CSI: New York #2)

by Stuart M. Kaminsky

An original novel based on the critically acclaimed hit CBS series CSI: New York, by one of the most impressive crime writers of the twentieth century. Detective Mac Taylor is a dedicated crime scene investigator who believes that everything is connected and everyone has a story. He and Detective Stella Bonasera lead a team of crack forensic experts through the gritty and kinetic world of New York City as they piece together clues and eliminate doubt to ultimately crack their cases. A modest home in a suburban Queens neighborhood is the unlikely site of a grisly crime scene: a married couple and their daughter are found brutally murdered. Missing from the scene is the couple&’s young son, and Mac Taylor and Danny Messer soon uncover signs of a possible kidnapping. Can they find him before it&’s too late? In a heavily Orthodox Jewish neighborhood in Brooklyn, the body of a devoutly religious man is found ritually displayed on the floor of his synagogue. Stella Bonasera and Aiden Burn initially suspect a fringe fundamentalist group that has had run-ins with the victim&’s congregation, but the group is led by a charismatic and antagonistic man who does everything he can to stonewall the team&’s investigation. Two very different crimes, with one thing in common: CSI investigators who won&’t stop until they uncover the truth.

Tamed by Your Desire: Brides of the Bloodstone (Brides of the Bloodstone #2)

by Jen Holling

Refusing to marry a man she does not love, Fayth Graham is forced to flee her ancestral home. Her freedom is short-lived when she is captured by her most reviled enemy -- Alex Maxwell, who would never forgive her for teasing him mercilessly and then betraying him to her family. Now, as they search for the mystical Bloodstone, she fears he will use her captivity to avenge his savaged pride. But their heated encounters leave them both shaken and Fayth soon suspects that the force that burns between them might, after all, be love....

Lassoed by Fortune: Lassoed By Fortune A Proposal At The Wedding Her Accidental Engagement (The Fortunes of Texas: Welcome to Horseback Hollow #3)

by Marie Ferrarella

Opposites attract when a woman challenges a traditional cowboy to change his ways, in this western romance from a USA Today–bestselling author.Liam “Fortune” Jones knows exactly who and what he is: the son of Deke Jones, born and bred in Horseback Hollow. He is an old-fashioned cowboy, committed to tradition and used to getting his own way. And he won’t change for anyone—not even for the sassy aspiring chef who’s been tormenting his dreams.Julia Tierney holds the distinction of being the only woman who ever turned Liam down. She’s an independent lady with dreams way bigger than their rustic hometown. Every time she runs into that bullheaded rancher, they bicker. The man makes her nuts! But there’s something about Liam that keeps roping her in and making her come back for more.

The Ultimate Pet Health Guide: Breakthrough Nutrition and Integrative Care for Dogs and Cats

by Gary Richter

As a holistic veterinarian and scientist, Dr. Gary Richter helps dog and cat owners to navigate the thicket of treatment options and separate the fact from the fiction. He wants us to use what actually works, not just what Western science or alternative medicine say "should" work.This multifaceted approach to health is known as integrative medicine. Dr. Richter examines traditional medicine from many cultures alongside modern medical techniques, describing the best of complementary care and the best of conventional veterinary medicine. Every treatment he recommends has the backing of scientific research or years of successful outcomes in his clinical practice. After explaining the treatment, he offers specific recommendations for an integrative approach to common diseases, including allergies, skin conditions, diabetes, heart disease, and cancer.A holistic approach to health includes nutrition, as it sets up the foundation for your pet&’s health. Dr. Richter cuts through the hype in the pet-food world and explains how to choose the best commercial foods and supplements, and even includes both raw and cooked dog- and cat-food recipes for general diet as well as to treat specific needs. He also explains how we can use the right foods and supplements to "hack" the body&’s processes, including the immune system.

The Last Time I Wore a Dress

by Dylan Scholinski

UPDATED WITH A NEW EPILOGUE At fifteen years old, Daphne Scholinski was committed to a mental institution and awarded the dubious diagnosis of Gender Identity Disorder. For three years and more than a million dollars of insurance, the problem was &“treated&”—with makeup lessons and instructions in how to walk like a girl. With a new epilogue by Scholinski, whose name is now Dylan and who identifies as nonbinary, this revised paperback edition of The Last Time I Wore a Dress looks back at those experiences and their life since. It chronicles the journey of coming into oneself and gaining a nuanced, freeing understanding of being born transgender. This memoir tells Dylan Scholinski&’s remarkable story in an honest, unforgettable voice that&’s both heartbreaking and hopeful.

Rise of the Wolf (Wereworld #1)

by Curtis Jobling

THE INSPIRATION FOR THE NETFLIX ANIMATED SERIES WOLF KING. A thrilling series for Ranger's Apprentice fans! Imagine a world ruled by Werelords--men and women who can shift at will into bears, lions, and serpents. When Drew suddenly discovers he's not only a werewolf but the long-lost heir to the murdered Wolf King's throne, he must use his wits and newfound powers to survive in a land suddenly full of enemies. Drew's the only one who can unite the kingdom in a massive uprising against its tyrant ruler, Leopold the Lion. But the king is hot on Drew's tail and won't rest until he's got the rebel wolf's head."Game of Thrones for the tween set." —School Library Journal

To See the Moon Again

by Jamie Langston Turner

The first step to letting go of the past is forgiving it…Every day of her life Julia Rich lives with the memory of a horrible accident she caused long ago. In the years since, she has tried to hide her guilt in the quiet routine of teaching at a small South Carolina college, avoiding close relationships with family and would-be friends. But one day a phone call from Carmen, a niece she has never met, disrupts her carefully controlled world.Carmen is a study in contrasts—comical yet wise, sunny yet contemplative, soft yet assertive. As she sets about gently drawing Julia from her self-imposed solitude into a place of hope, she also seeks her own peace for past mistakes.Together, the two women embark on a journey that takes Julia far from the familiar comfort of home and gives Carmen the courage to open her heart. Together, their sightseeing trip turns into a discovery of truth, grace, redemption, and, finally, love…

A Visionary Life: Conversations on Creating the Life You Want

by Marc Allen

In Visionary Business Marc Allen revealed 12 keys to building a successful organization. In this book, he turns his attention to the even more vital process of building a fulfilling life. This book gives readers the simple keys to changing their lives step by step, helping them to first envision and then move toward realizing their deepest dreams and highest aspirations.

20 Communication Tips for Couples: A 30-Minute Guide to a Better Relationship

by Doyle Barnett

Filled with commonsense ideas that can apply to any relationship, this guide will help anyone interested in improving communication with their partner. It emphasizes that communication is the key to a good relationship, and that an inability to understand one another is the main reason most couples enter into therapy with a professional counselor. It offers twenty tips that are likely to improve the way couples talk and listen to each other.

Opening to Meditation: A Gentle, Guided Approach

by Diana Lang

Breathe, Be Still, and Listen Diana Lang’s books, audio programs, webinars, and workshops have allowed thousands to access the physical, psychological, and spiritual benefits of meditation. Drawing on her wide experience in studying spiritual teachings from around the world, Lang has put together a gentle, guided approach to meditation that is very easy to implement. In Opening to Meditation, she demonstrates that meditating is as simple as breathing. There is no mystery to it. Her instruction goes to the core, avoiding the analytical theory, fixed rules, and intellectual razzmatazz that often intimidate would-be practitioners. Instead, she shows us how to reconnect with our foundational essence of soul and self, where peace and centeredness are always and everywhere available. Includes downloadable guided-meditation program

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