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Showing 99,101 through 99,125 of 100,000 results

Eastern Wisdom, Modern Life: Collected Talks: 1960-1969

by Alan Watts

Alan Watts introduced millions of Western readers to Zen and other Eastern philosophies. But he is also recognized as a brilliant commentator on Judeo-Christian traditions, as well as a celebrity philosopher who exemplified the ideas — and lifestyle — of the 1960s counterculture. In this compilation of controversial lectures that Watts delivered at American universities throughout the sixties, he challenges readers to reevaluate Western culture's most hallowed constructs. Watts treads the familiar ground of interpreting Eastern traditions, but he also covers new territory, exploring the counterculture's basis in the ancient tribal and shamanic cultures of Asia, Siberia, and the Americas. In the process, he addresses some of the era's most important questions: What is the nature of reality? How does an individual's relationship to society affect this reality? Filled with Watts's playful, provocative style, the talks show the remarkable scope of a philosopher at his prime, exploring and defining the sixties counterculture as only Alan Watts could.

Sexy Mamas: Keeping Your Sex Life Alive While Raising Kids

by Cathy Winks Anne Semans

While parenting books rarely broach the subject, most mothers can testify that sexual desire doesn't disappear when they have children; it simply gets buried under an avalanche of conflicting demands on their time and attention. Sexy Mamas, by the authors of The Good Vibrations Guide to Sex, reaches out to women who want to integrate the pleasures of a satisfying sex life with the joys of motherhood. The book offers tips, anecdotes, and practical information about sex, supported by advice from medical experts, sex experts, and the most knowledgeable experts in this area — other mothers. Candid anecdotes and suggestions from hundreds of survey respondents support, encourage, and inspire readers to embrace a more powerful maternal sexuality. Topics include what hormonal, psychological, and environmental factors affect the sex drive, rekindling relationships, the best sex, parenting resources, and more. Sexy Mamas is a practical, informed guide for all mothers.

Riding Between the Worlds: Expanding Our Potential Through the Way of the Horse

by Linda Kohanov

In this powerful follow-up to her groundbreaking work The Tao of Equus, Linda Kohanov introduces provocative new theories about the human-horse connection, theories supported by in-depth experience. “Horses,” she maintains, “model an embodied spirituality, one that is both fully present in this world and deeply connected to the soul’s divine origins.” Kohanov explores how these animals support us on both levels, leading us to unexpected realizations about fear, intuition, awareness, empowerment, and above all, authenticity.

Awake in the Wild: Mindfulness in Nature as a Path of Self-Discovery

by Mark Coleman

“Nature deficit disorder” has become an increasingly challenging problem in our hypermodern world. In Awake in the Wild, Mark Coleman shows seekers how to remedy this widespread malady by reconnecting with nature through Buddhism. Each short (two to three pages) chapter includes a concrete nature meditation relating to such topics as Attuning to the Natural World, Reflecting the Rhythms of Nature, Walking with Compassion, Releasing the Inner Noise, Freeing the Animal Within, Coming into the Peace of Wild Things, Weathering the Storms of Life, and more. Incorporating anecdotes from the author’s many nature retreats, Buddhist wisdom and teachings, important nature writings by others, and nature itself, the book invites readers to participate in, not just observe, nature; develop a loving connection with the earth as a form of environmental activism; decrease urban alienation through experiencing nature; embody nature’s peaceful presence; and connect with ancient spiritual wisdom through nature meditations.

Circle of Stones: Woman's Journey to Herself

by Judith Duerk

This is the tenth anniversary edition of the classic bestseller for women seeking their sacred connections. Long ago before the patriarchal period, in many places on Earth, the Goddess was worshipped. Circle of Stones draws us into a meditative experience of the lost Feminine and creates a space for us to consider our present lives from the eyes of women's ancient culture and ritual. Incorporating the most ancient symbol of spirituality — the circle of stones — Duerk weaves stories, dreams, and visions of women to lead each reader into a personal yet archetypal journey, posing the reflective question, "How might your life have been different if . . . ?" Reading group guide included.

Active Dreaming: Journeying Beyond Self-Limitation to a Life of Wild Freedom

by Robert Moss

As the success of the recent film Inception shows, dreams are a source of perennial fascination. Robert Moss has advanced our understanding of the phenomenon with his visionary and down-to-earth synthesis of contemporary dreamwork and venerable shamanic methods. His “active dreaming” involves re-entering dreams, exploring their possibilities, and directing the subconscious to illuminate and solve problems. He blazes a new trail, guiding readers to use the powers that govern their night dreams to pursue their ideal waking “dream lives.” Based on Moss's decades of teaching, the techniques he shares in these pages are proven, powerful, and even playful. Readers learn to understand and utilize synchronicity, shared dreaming, children's dreams, and healing dreams. The examples Moss shares encourage readers to face fears and tap into dormant power. The result is the freedom to choose — and then revel in — the life of their dreams.

Communication Systems Engineering with GNU Radio: A Hands-on Approach

by Jean-Michel Friedt Herve Boeglen

An approachable guide to an invaluable radio frequency communication toolkit Software-defined radio (SDR), which emerged in the 1990s, has become a core development method in certain high-profile fields, including military and space communications. High cost and problems with hardware availability, however, prevented this technology from being widely disseminated. The advent of low-cost hardware beginning in the 2010s, however, has made GNU Radio—the leading open-source software toolkit for developing SDR systems—an increasingly viable and even critical tool for a new generation of radio frequency communication engineers. Communication Systems Engineering with GNU Radio provides an accessible overview of this toolkit and its applications. Beginning with the fundamentals of using GNU radio for digital signal processing, the volume then moves to the practicalities of decoding data and the advantages of accessing raw data normally unavailable in hardware-defined radio frequency receivers. The result is a potentially crucial tool for engineers looking to adopt this cost-effective and flexible standard for transmitting and processing radio frequency signals. Readers will also find: A careful balance of radio communications theory with GNU Radio practicalitiesPractical implementation examples employing well-developed open-source GNU Radio platformsExtensive accompanying documentation and explanation Communication Systems Engineering with GNU Radio is ideal for graduate and undergraduate students in communications systems courses, as well as professionals working in SDR.

Geopolitics and Energy Transition 2: From One Continent to Another, Contrasting Situations (ISTE Invoiced)

by Jean-Pierre Favennec

The energy sector is undergoing unprecedented change. Twenty years ago, the main concern was having enough oil and gas, whereas today, political leaders are faced with the need to reduce the CO2 emissions produced by still-dominant fossil fuels, without being able to totally rely on renewable energies, which are intermittent and whose share in energy production remains low. Geopolitics and Energy Transition 2 examines the energy sector and the state of energy transition continent by continent. North America is rich in resources, while the situation is mixed in South America. Europe advocates transition but remains dependent on imported fossil fuels. The CIS has enormous resources at its disposal and uses them as political weapons. Access to energy is a priority for Africa. Asia is faced with growing energy needs and pollution, which should accelerate energy transition. The Middle East, a champion of hydrocarbons, is launching into solar energy.

Onshore and Offshore Wind Energy: Evolution, Grid Integration, and Impact

by Vasilis M. Fthenakis Subhamoy Bhattacharya Paul A. Lynn

Highly accessible and authoritative account of how wind energy is safely harnessed to address the ever-pressing climate and energy challenges Onshore and Offshore Wind Energy provides an in-depth treatment of wind energy’s scientific background, current technology, and international status, with an emphasis on large turbines and wind farms, both onshore and offshore. In the newly revised second edition, highly qualified authors include technological advances in the field including offshore wind turbine structures, foundation design, installation, grid integration, and reliability, offering guidance on operation and maintenance. The text is supported by copious illustrations and around 50 inspiring full-color photographs from around the world. To further aid in reader comprehension and information retention, questions with answers and problems are included in each chapter. An accompanying website includes figures, tables, and solutions of the problems. The book is an essential primer for new entrants to the wind industry and to students on undergraduate and graduate courses on renewable energy. It also offers a unique treatise of the sustainability of emerging transformative technologies, which makes it useful to both system analysts and energy policy strategists. In Onshore and Offshore Wind Energy, readers will find information on: Basics on wind energy capture and conversion by wind turbinesTechnology evolution and deployment experiences in the EU, China, Taiwan, and US wind farms, plus common access issues Production and installation techniquesOperation, maintenance and risk mitigationGrid integration, synergies with other renewable energies, and green hydrogen productionLife cycle sustainability, recycling, and the role of wind energy in addressing climate and energy challenges Onshore and Offshore Wind Energy is aimed at a wide readership including professionals, policy makers, and employees in the energy sector in need of a basic appreciation of the underlying principles of wind energy, along with second and third year undergraduate and postgraduate students.

A Beginner's Guide to Targeted Cancer Treatments and Cancer Immunotherapy

by Elaine Vickers

Demystifying the science behind new cancer treatments A clear and accessible guide written in everyday language for nurses and other healthcare professionals A Beginner’s Guide to Targeted Cancer Treatments and Cancer Immunotherapy helps readers understand the science behind many of the newer drug treatments for cancer. Assuming only a basic familiarity with cell biology, this easy-to-digest guide describes how our increased understanding of cancer has been translated into the creation of new cancer treatments with a wide range of targets. Gifted communicator and educator Dr. Elaine Vickers helps you understand the mechanisms of a wide range of individual targeted therapies and immunotherapies — enabling you to communicate effectively with your colleagues and patients. Concise chapters explain how new cancer drugs and immunotherapies work, discuss their benefits, identify their limitations, and more. Now in its second edition, this popular handbook is fully revised to reflect the latest developments in targeted drug therapies and immunotherapies. Entirely new chapters on advancements in various immunotherapies are accompanied by more than 100 new and updated color illustrations. Provides an up-to-date overview of relevant treatment targets for all major cancer types, including hematological cancersDescribes cancer biology and the relationship between cancer and the immune systemOffers valuable insights into cell communication pathways as a common targetCovers small molecule drugs, antibody-based treatments, and cellular therapies, including novel immunotherapies A Beginner’s Guide to Targeted Cancer Treatments and Cancer Immunotherapy is a must-have resource for trainees, practicing nurses, and other healthcare professionals involved in the care of cancer patients, as well as non-specialists who encounter cancer data or cancer terminology in their field.

Solid Base Catalysts: Synthesis, Characterization, and Applications

by K. K. Pant Ravi Tomar Ramesh Chandra

Foundational knowledge and practical approaches of an interesting catalyst class for greener and cleaner chemical synthesis Solid Base Catalysts provides insights and information on cutting-edge heterogeneous catalysis technologies and approaches of non-corrosive and easy-to-use solid catalysts that can replace conventional liquid catalysts that are known to pose operational problems. Edited by three highly qualified authors with contributions from experts in industry and academia, Solid Base Catalysts includes: Latest and most advanced studies in the characterization of solid catalysts, with applications in various organic transformationsVersatile reaction types where solid catalysts can be used as well as the multidisciplinary nature of solid base catalyst research and its connections to other fieldsMulticomponent reactions for eco-compatible heterocyclic synthesis over solid catalysts and synthesis routes, experimental protocols, and other considerations for optimizing catalyst propertiesAdvanced methodologies and applications for analyzing solid catalysts and challenges and future prospects in the field Solid Base Catalysts is a complete reference on the subject for researchers and professionals in materials science, green chemistry, surface chemistry, and chemical engineering.

Atropisomerism in Asymmetric Organic Synthesis: Challenges and Applications

by Shinobu Takizawa Mohamed S. H. Salem

Unique overview of the recent synthetic methodologies of the atropisomeric molecules and their numerous practical applications Atropisomerism in Asymmetric Organic Synthesis: Challenges and Applications presents new methodologies, strategies, unique catalysts, and solutions to challenges in the area of oxidative heterocoupling. After a general introduction for the concept of atropisomerism, this book focuses on the recent advances in the atroposelective synthesis of axially chiral compounds and how these advances had a significant impact on several applications in asymmetric catalysis and the synthesis of natural products. The book covers the recent examples of metal-catalyzed (Cu, Fe, Ru, V, etc) and organocatalyzed atroposelective syntheses of axially chiral compounds using diverse approaches, including cross-coupling reactions, ring-opening reactions, formation of new aromatic rings, and desymmetrization via functional group transformation. The impact of these efficient strategies on various applications in asymmetric catalysis, total synthesis of natural products, synthesis of polycyclic heteroaromatics (PHAs), and the drug industry is also addressed. Edited by two highly qualified academics, Atropisomerism in Asymmetric Organic Synthesis explores sample topics including: Iron- and ruthenium-catalyzed atroposelective synthesis of axially chiral compounds and the catalytic applications of multinuclear zinc complexes with axially chirality Vanadium-catalyzed atroposelective coupling of arenols and application in the synthesis of polycyclic heteroaromatics PHAs Mechanisms of atroposelective Suzuki-Miyaura coupling towards axially chiral biaryls and organocatalytic enantioselective formation of atropisomers Synthesis of atropisomers via enantioselective ring-opening reactions and the impact of axially chiral ligands and catalysts derived from atropisomeric binaphthyl structures Binaphthyl-based chiral DMAP derivatives in enantioselective transformations and catalytic atroposelective oxidative coupling in natural product synthesis Enabling readers to comprehensively understand the development history, research status, and potential of atropisomeric synthesis, Atropisomerism in Asymmetric Organic Synthesis is an essential, up-to-date reference for researchers and scientists in the field.

Molekularbiologie der Zelle

by Bruce Alberts Rebecca Heald Alexander D. Johnson David Morgan Martin Raff Keith Roberts Peter Walter

Die Zelle – das ganze Wissen in einem Buch „Molekularbiologie der Zelle“ ist seit 40 Jahren das führende Lehrbuch der Zellbiologie. Vollständig aktualisiert stellt die Neuauflage das sich rasch weiter-entwickelnde Wissen zum zentralen Gegenstand der Biologie dar – der Zelle. Aufbauend auf den biochemisch-molekularbiologischen Grundlagen der Lebensvorgänge werden Aufbau und Funktion von eukaryotischen Zellen und Geweben, deren Lebenszyklus und die Interaktion mit Pathogenen beschrieben. Mit erstklassiger und bewährter Didaktik führt die siebte Auflage dieses weltweiten Klassikers sowohl in die grundlegenden Konzepte der Zellbiologie als auch in deren faszinierende Anwendungen in Medizin und Biotechnologie ein: durchgehend aktualisiert mit einem Fokus auf Aspekten der Evolution und Biodiversität neue Unterkapitel zu Modellorganismen, zur DNA-Reparatur und zum humanen Mikrobiom stellt aktuelle Themen verständlich dar, wie biomolekulare Kondensate, korrelative Mikroskopie, Tumorgenomforschung, Coronaviren und mRNA-Impfstoffe Fast 1500 anschauliche Farbabbildungen, die zum großen Teil neu gestaltet wurden 21 großformatige Tafeln verdeutlichen komplexe Vorgänge, klassische Experimente und aktuelle Methoden weiterführende Literatur mit wichtigen Originalarbeiten und Lehrbüchern Glossar mit mehr als 1100 grundlegenden Begriffen Studierende in den Fächern Molekularbiologie, Genetik, Zellbiologie, Biochemie und Biotechnologie führt dieses Buch vom ersten Semester des Bachelor- bis ins Master-Studium und darüber hinaus. Aus Rezensionen zu früheren englisch- und deutschsprachigen Auflagen „Jede Seite zeugt von der Liebe der Autoren zum exakten Detail, gleichzeitig aber von ihrer Anstrengung, Wissen aus einem schier unüberschaubaren Fachgebiet leicht erfassbar und gut lesbar aufzubereiten. … Der klare, prägnante Stil, die Fülle an informativen Diagram-men und Abbildungen setzen eindrucksvolle Maßstäbe.“ Nature „…Molecular Biology of the Cell gelingt es ausgezeichnet, die Fortschritte [der moleku-laren Zellbiologie] darzustellen. Auch aus der kommenden Generation von Interessenten wird es niemand auch nur einen Moment bedauern, sich dieses Werk zugelegt zu haben.“ Cell „Man spürt, wie sehr es den Autoren daran gelegen ist, ihre eigene Begeisterung für ihr Metier auf den geneigten Leser zu übertragen. … Wer hier einmal eingestiegen ist, wird nur schwerlich wieder herausfinden, denn Biologie live macht süchtig. … Das Buch … gehört auf das Bücherregal jedes Lebenswissenschaftlers …“ BIOspektrum „Gleichgültig, was man gerade sucht: immer wird mehr geboten als erwartet … Beispiel-haft sind nicht nur die verständlichen, prägnanten Texte, sondern auch die großzügigen, durchwegs farbigen Illustrationen.“ Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung

Beautiful New Sky: Fabricating Bodies for Outer Space in East Germany's Military

by Ines Geipel

It was a bold, ambitious and wildly arrogant idea: extending the reach of communism into space. Spurred on by the defeat of Hitler and the competitive rivalry with the United States, the Soviet space programme saw a frenetic surge of scientific activity focused on the objective of demonstrating Communist mastery beyond the confines of the Earth. In order to create the optimally standardized bodies that cosmonauts would require, top secret military laboratories were set up in 1970s East Germany. The New Man – the modern colonist of space – was intensively trained for the purpose of surviving years of weightlessness in outer space. Experiments were carried out in prisons, hospitals and army barracks with the aim of creating the perfect body: self-sufficient and able to endure extreme conditions for as long as possible. In order to exert dominance over space, it was first necessary to exert total control over those who were being trained to conquer it. Ines Geipel unravels this largely unknown and extraordinary history by delving into East German military records and talking to those who bear the scars of this state-inflicted trauma. Some of the older scientists conducting experiments had already served under the Nazi regime; others threw themselves into collaborating with the Stasi via the military research programme in order to avoid dealing with the war’s emotional legacy. Written like a thriller and infused with empathy from someone who had herself experienced the debilitating effects of state-administered doping programmes in the former GDR, this book exposes some of the most disturbing episodes in Germany’s recent past.

Return to Reflexivity

by Pierre Bourdieu

This slim volume contains four little-known texts by Pierre Bourdieu on the question of reflexivity, which was a key theme in his work. For Bourdieu, reflexivity was not an exercise in introspection but rather a way of applying the tools of sociology to itself. The aim is to make explicit and control the effects of the presuppositions, standpoints and dispositions that the researcher brings to the conduct of social science research. Bourdieu advocates an attitude of epistemological vigilance that helps to uncover the invisible effects of the social determinants that weigh on the researcher, effects that are difficult to perceive by the mere desire to be lucid. Questioning the social position and presuppositions of the researcher at every opportunity loosens the hold of scholastic and other biases on the outcome of research. By clarifying and illustrating the principles of reflexivity, the four texts in this volume lay the groundwork for the kind of reflexive social science that Bourdieu practised and advocated throughout his career.

Prüfungstraining Technische Mechanik

by Stefan Hartmann

Mit „Prüfungstraining Technische Mechanik“ von Stefan Hartmann braucht man vor Klausuren und Prüfungen nicht mehr zu zittern. Mehr als 250 Aufgaben mit ausführlich durchgerechneten Lösungen aus allen Themengebieten der Technischen Mechanik – Statik, Elastostatik, Kinematik und Dynamik – helfen beim Verstehen und Vertiefen der Lerninhalte. Unerlässlich für Studierende in Ingenieurstudiengängen wie Maschinenbau, Verfahrenstechnik und Bauwesen: Insbesondere zusammen mit dem Lehrbuch „Technische Mechanik“ legt das Prüfungstraining die Grundlagen fürs weiterführende Studium.

Science and Mathematics for Engineering

by John Bird

A practical introduction to the engineering science and mathematics required for engineering study and practice.Science and Mathematics for Engineering is an introductory textbook that assumes no prior background in engineering. This new edition covers the fundamental scientific knowledge that all trainee engineers must acquire in order to pass their examinations and has been brought fully in line with the compulsory science and mathematics units in the new engineering course specifications. A new chapter covers present and future ways of generating electricity, an important topic.John Bird focuses upon engineering examples, enabling students to develop a sound understanding of engineering systems in terms of the basic laws and principles. This book includes over 580 worked examples, 1300 further problems, 425 multiple choice questions (with answers), and contains sections covering the mathematics that students will require within their engineering studies, mechanical applications, electrical applications and engineering systems.This book is supported by a companion website of materials that can be found at www.routledge/cw/bird. This resource includes fully worked solutions of all the further problems for students to access, and the full solutions and marking schemes for the revision tests found within the book for instructor use. In addition, all 447 illustrations will be available for downloading by lecturers.

Grey Sex: Heterosexuality and Everyday Domination

by Alexandra Kogl

Grey sex is saying “yes” but thinking “no.” It’s feeling invisible, like you’re not even in the room. It’s wondering afterwards, “is that really what I wanted?” or “did I just let that happen?” Many people have sexual experiences that fall into a grey area between assault and “normal” sex. Looking at heterosexuality and everyday domination, this book shows that, in doing so, we are neither simply victims nor failing to assert ourselves. We are caught in relations of gendered power that may be hard to name or that may, in a world filled with violence, not seem worth mentioning. Tempting as it is to blame individuals for grey sexual experiences, Kogl argues that we can’t make sense of the power at work if we remain stuck in self-blame or point the finger at perpetrators. The personal is still political: the most intimate activities are both shaped by and shapers of unjust sexual hierarchies. Grey Sex walks us through the shadowy places between good and bad sex. With compelling insight into power relations that shape ambiguous sexual experiences and our sense of freedom, it is a valuable read for people interested in sexual intimacy and relationships, gender-based violence, and inequality.

Signal Processing: An Applied Decomposition Approach

by James Vincent Candy

Separate signals from noise with this valuable introduction to signal processing by applied decomposition The decomposition of complex signals into the sub-signals, or individual components, is a crucial tool in signal processing. It allows each component of a signal to be analyzed individually, enables the signal to be isolated from noise, and processed in full. Decomposition processes have not always been widely adopted due to the difficult underlying mathematics and complex applications. This text simplifies these obstacles. Signal Processing: An Applied Decomposition Approach demystifies these tools from a model-based perspective. This offers a mathematically informed, “step-by-step” analysis of the process by breaking down a composite signal/system into its constituent parts, while introducing both fundamental concepts and advanced applications. This comprehensive approach addresses each of the major decomposition techniques, making it an indispensable addition to any library specializing in signal processing. Signal Processing readers will find: Signal decomposition techniques developed from the data-based, spectral-based and model-based perspectives incorporate: statistical approaches (PCA, ICA, Singular Spectrum); spectral approaches (MTM, PHD, MUSIC); and model-based approaches (EXP, LATTICE, SSP)In depth discussion of topics includes signal/system estimation and decomposition, time domain and frequency domain techniques, systems theory, modal decompositions, applications and many more Numerous figures, examples, and tables illustrating key concepts and algorithms are developed throughout the text Includes problem sets, case studies, real-world applications as well as MATLAB notes highlighting applicable commands Signal Processing is ideal for engineering and scientific professionals, as well as graduate students seeking a focused text on signal/system decomposition with performance metrics and real-world applications.

Ex-Partner Stalking and Children: The Impact on Children When One Parent is Stalking the Other (Psycho-Criminology of Crime, Mental Health, and the Law)

by Merja Laitinen Anna Nikupeteri Heng Choon Oliver Chan

PROVIDES AN AUTHORITATIVE OVERVIEW OF STALKING BEHAVIOR PERPETRATED BY PARENTS AND ITS IMPACTS ON CHILDREN Stalking targeted at one of the child’s parents by the other poses a major psychosocial and physical threat to children’s wellbeing and security. Although interdisciplinary research on stalking has expanded in recent decades, intimate partner/ex-partner stalking has been viewed as an “adults only” problem. Ex-Partner Stalking and Children brings together scholars and practitioners from different disciplines in the field to examine ex-partner stalking as a psychosocial and criminological issue in children’s and young people’s lives. Providing both theoretical and practical perspectives, this comprehensive volume explores approaches for increasing awareness of parental stalking, addressing its impacts on children and young people, and advancing interventions and methods of support for them. Throughout the text, the authors challenge existing conceptions of intimate partner/ex-partner stalking as a phenomenon that exists only between the partners, rather than a form of gendered violence that creates a victimizing environment for the children. A novel contribution to both scholarly and practical understandings of ex-partner stalking, this important book: Addresses a gap in knowledge on the socially, ethically, and legally challenging phenomenon of cases when one parent is stalking the otherOffers insights and tools to help practitioners better recognize, support, and intervene in parental stalking situations involving childrenExamines research findings on stalking behavior, including psychological and trauma perspectivesDiscusses best practices and working methods, challenges in identifying the child’s experiences, and factors preventing children from receiving helpRecommends future directions in promoting children’s and young people’s rights in ex-partner stalking Part of the acclaimed Psycho-Criminology of Crime, Mental Health, and the Law series, Ex-Partner Stalking and Children: The Impact on Children When One Parent is Stalking the Other is essential reading for undergraduate and graduate students in disciplines such as criminology, social work, healthcare, psychology, and education, and an invaluable resource for law enforcement staff, nurses, psychologists, therapists, social workers, teachers, and other professionals who work with victims of stalking.

Pearl Millet: A Resilient Cereal Crop for Food, Nutrition, and Climate Security (Agronomy Monographs)

by Ramasamy Perumal P. V. Vara Prasad C. Tara Satyavathi Mahalingam Govindaraj Abdou Tenkouano

In this age of climate change, discover how pearl millet is considered a viable alternative cereal crop for semi-arid and hot areas Pearl millet, a warm-season, dryland cereal crop, is a staple food for over 90 million people in Africa and Asia. Its nutritional superiority relative to other cereal crops, such as rice, wheat, maize, and sorghum, and its hardiness and adaptability to harsh environments and poor soils make it a potentially life-saving resource for poor populations and/or areas hit by damaging climatic conditions. With climate change Placing an ever-greater strain on global agrifood systems, pearl millet has never been a more important crop in the fight against poverty, hunger, and malnutrition. Pearl Millet offers a thorough introduction to this potentially vital grain. Coming on the heels of a 2023 United Nations declaration of the “International Year of Millets,” it is a crucial intervention in an essential humanitarian project. It is the first comprehensive book on the subject to appear in print. Key Features: Analysis of a potential lead crop for climate-change-affected areasDetailed coverage of all pearl millet’s unique features, such as inherent genetic diversity, gluten free applications, and suitability for double croppingAn author team with vast research and crop development experience Pearl Millet is ideal for advanced undergraduate and graduate students, certified and practicing professionals, as well as industry and academic researchers.

Aircraft Design: A Systems Engineering Approach (Aerospace Series)

by Mohammad H. Sadraey

Learn the aircraft design process from a systems-engineering perspective, designed for both aspiring and practicing aerospace engineers Aircraft design incorporates a range of technological areas, including aerodynamics, flight dynamics, propulsion, and structure. Aircraft engineering design therefore requires techniques from systems engineering to integrate the requirements from these disparate areas into a coherent whole. There has never been a greater need for successful aerospace engineers to have a grasp of systems engineering and its applications in the field. Aircraft Design: A Systems Engineering Approach meets this need with a volume which takes the reader from conceptual design to detail design. Offering a systems engineering approach that weighs the needs of different aircraft components holistically, it provides readers with a practical look into the process of aircraft design. Now fully updated to reflect the latest industry developments, it promises to continue as an indispensable tool for modern students in the field. Readers of the second edition of Aircraft Design will also find: Brand new material on structural design, spoiler design, winglets, aircraft modification and modernization, and more Detailed discussion of emerging topics including all-electric aircraft design, VTOL aircraft design, and many others Guidance on the latest FAA requirements with a design impact Aircraft Design is ideal for senior undergraduate and graduate students interested in aircraft design, advanced aircraft design, and air vehicle design. The book may also be of interest to mechanical, industrial, and systems engineers working in the aerospace sector.

Notes On... Nursing Research (Notes On (Nursing))

by Dominic Roche Clare L. Bennett

Generate and apply high-quality research in a nursing context with this accessible guide The production and application of rigorous, effective research can have a significant impact on nursing care. Notes On… Nursing Research offers an overview of nursing research, its relationship with clinical practice and patient outcomes, and its positive effects on the nursing professional. Beginning with an introduction to the fundamental principles of nursing research, it moves through the stages of designing and conducting research studies before concluding with specific applications of research to clinical practice and patient care. Notes On… Nursing Research readers will also find: A step-by-step guide to formulating and answering a research question Detailed discussion of research methodologies including data collection and analysis, inferential statistics, multivariate statistics, evidence synthesis, and much more Specific examples showing how research has improved patient care and outcomes Notes On… Nursing Research is ideal for undergraduate nurses, as well as a valuable resource for qualified and practicing nurses and other health professionals looking to develop their understanding of research.

Sexing the Caribbean: Gender, Race and Sexual Labor

by Kamala Kempadoo

This unprecedented work provides both the history of sex work in this region as well as an examination of current-day sex tourism. Based on interviews with sex workers, brothel owners, local residents and tourists, Kamala Kempadoo offers a vivid account of what life is like in the world of sex tourism as well as its entrenched roots in colonialism and slavery in the Caribbean.

Postcritical Theory and Curriculum in Latin America: Policies, Bildung, and US Hegemony (Studies in Curriculum Theory Series)

by Silvia Morelli

This book, drawing on a range of postcritical theories including postmodernism, poststructuralism, and postcolonialism, provides a comprehensive analysis of the current state of curriculum in Latin America.The book underscores the relationship between curriculum, didactics, and Bildung in the Latino field, acknowledging the hegemony of the United States. It initiates dialogues between scholars from various Latin American countries, promoting the concept of translation and the didactic tradition as a political practice. This practice enables the identification of new scopes and a privileged language, challenging the dominant paradigms and offering fresh perspectives. Recognizing the need for intervention, the book depicts the intellectual history of the field in Argentina and across Latin America. It serves as a critical resource for understanding the complexities and nuances of curriculum studies in the region.This work will appeal to curriculum studies scholars, researchers, faculty, and postgraduate students worldwide. It offers a unique lens to view and understand the educational landscape in Latin America, making it an indispensable addition to the discourse on curriculum studies and educational research. It challenges readers to rethink traditional approaches and explore new avenues in curriculum studies.

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