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Showing 99,151 through 99,175 of 100,000 results

Overcoming Anxiety in Sex and Relationships: A Comprehensive Guide to Intimate and Emotional Freedom

by Paula Leech

This book gives readers an accessible and comprehensive understanding ofhow anxiety, stress, and pressure can have a profound impact on pleasure,connection, and sexual functioning, offering practical tips and techniquesfor resolving common sexual struggles.Anxiety can influence a multitude of aspects that make us who we are,changing how we move through, make meaning of, and interact with theworld around us. Paula Leech begins by defining anxiety and how it affectsour physiology before guiding readers to identify some of the primarysources of anxiety in their lives, such as family, gender, culture, religion,relationship dynamics, and sexual trauma. Encouraging clients to takeresponsibility, she offers alternative ways of conceptualizing and definingsex, sexuality, sexual values, and a client’s ongoing sexual development asa way of addressing some of the emotional, social, and psychological barriersto intimacy. Practical and engaging, this book includes mindfulnessand embodiment exercises to help clients release stored tension, workthrough specific sexual struggles and “dysfunctions,” and deepen theirconnections with their body.This guide is essential reading for established and training sex therapistsas well as for those who experience anxiety-basedsexual challenges withtheir partner.

AI-Based Optimized Design of Structural Frames: With Application to Practical Building Designs

by Won‐Kee Hong

This book introduces an auto‑design‑based optimization for building frames using an artificial neural network (ANN)‑based Lagrange method and novel genetic algorithm (GA). The work of great mathematician Joseph‑Louis Lagrange and ANNs are merged to identify parameters that optimize structural frames of reinforced concrete, prestressed concrete, and steel frames subject to one or more design constraints. New features for enhancing conventional GA are also demonstrated to optimize structural frames.New features for optimizing multiple design targets of the building frames are highlighted, while design requirements imposed by codes are automatically satisfied. Chapters provide readers with an understanding of how both ANN‑based and novel GA‑based structural optimization can be implemented in holistically optimizing designated design targets for building structural frames, guiding readers toward more rational designs that is consistent with American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) and American Concrete Institute (ACI) standards. ANN‑based holistic designs of multi‑story frames in general and reinforced concrete, prestressed concrete, and steel frames in particular, are introduced. This book suits structural engineers, architects, and graduate students in the field of building frame designs and is heavily illustrated with color figures and tables.

Industry 6.0: Technology, Practices, Challenges, and Applications (Future Generation Information Systems)

by C Kishor Kumar Reddy, Srinath Doss, Lavanya Pamulaparty, Kari Lippert, and Ruchi Doshi

What are the means to create a paradigm shift from conventional to intelligent companies? Industry 6.0: Technology, Practices, Challenges and Applications shows how integrating Industry 6.0 technology with data creates a framework for that shift. The book discusses the limitations, pitfalls, and open research questions in Industry 6.0, as well as the most recent advances, architectures, frameworks, applications, and novel practices, methods, and techniques. These are vital for resolving intelligent Internet of Things issues. There is a special focus on sustainable growth, humanization and environmentally friendly intelligent system applications, and an emphasis on the latest innovations in intelligent systems in classical machine learning, deep learning, Internet of Things (IoT), Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), blockchain, knowledge representation, knowledge management, big data, and natural language processing (NLP).Features: Presents the latest trends in the fields of intelligent systems, machine intelligence, deep learning, and Industrial Internet of Things for smart environments. Discusses securing the mobile ad hoc network (MANET) by detecting the Intrusions using CSO and XGBoost model. Highlights the methods of smart things in collaborative autonomous fleets and platforms for integrating applications across different business and industry domains. Focuses on intelligent process manufacturing, automation using robotics, development of robotic appliances, and smart manufacturing. Covers data-driven agriculture, crop disease prediction, drip irrigation systems, pesticide and fertilizer sprinkling using the Industrial Internet of Things, and water estimation systems. With many contemporary articles from both scientists and practitioners working in many fields where intelligent systems and the IIoT can break new ground, the text is assembled to aim at a readership that includes researchers, statisticians, practitioners, scientists, and developers.

Air Transportation Industry: History and Developments

by Edward Majewski Konrad Stasiczak Sonia Huderek-Glapska Łukasz Olipra Wojciech Augustyniak

Air Transportation Industry considers the influence of political, legal, economic, social, and technological factors on the developments in the industry. It provides a brief historical background of the air transport industry, the determinants of the changes in the airline business, and adaptation processes that resulted in the evolution of business models and structural changes in the industry.Utilizing a unique database containing the characteristics of more than 16,000 air carriers worldwide, the book discusses key findings related to changes in the transport capacity of airlines operating at different points in time, including the length of the lifecycle and reasons for termination of activity, types, and geographical scope of operations. It also explores the impacts of global and regional-scale legal regulations.The book will interest air transportation and airport operations researchers. It can also serve as a reference for management and operations transportation students in logistics, air transportation, and economics courses.

Relativistic Quantum Mechanics: An Introduction to Relativistic Quantum Fields

by Luciano Maiani Omar Benhar

Written by two of the most prominent leaders in particle physics, Relativistic Quantum Mechanics: An Introduction to Relativistic Quantum Fields provides a classroom-tested introduction to the formal and conceptual foundations of quantum field theory. Designed for advanced undergraduate- and graduate-level physics students, the text only requires previous courses in classical mechanics, relativity, and quantum mechanics.The introductory chapters of the book summarise the theory of special relativity and its application to the classical description of the motion of a free particle and a field. The authors then explain the quantum formulation of field theory through the simple example of a scalar field described by the Klein–Gordon equation as well as its extension to the case of spin ½ particles described by the Dirac equation. They also present the elements necessary for constructing the foundational theories of the standard model of electroweak interactions, namely quantum electrodynamics and the Fermi theory of neutron beta decay. Many applications to quantum electrodynamics and weak interaction processes are thoroughly analysed. The book also explores the timely topic of neutrino oscillations.Logically progressing from the fundamentals to recent discoveries, this textbook provides students with the essential foundation to study more advanced theoretical physics and elementary particle physics. It will help them understand the theory of electroweak interactions and gauge theories.View the second and third books in this collection: Electroweak Interactions and An Introduction to Gauge Theories.Key Features of the new edition:Besides a general revision of text and formulae, three new chapters have been added.· Chapter 17 introduces and discusses double beta decay processes with and without neutrino emission, the latter being the only process able to determine the Dirac or Majorana nature of the neutrino (discussed in Chapter 13). A discussion of the limits to the Majorana neutrino mass obtained recently in several underground laboratories is included.· Chapter 18 illustrates the calculation of the mass spectrum of “quarkonia” (mesons composed by a pair of heavy, charm or beauty quarks), in analogy with the positronium spectrum discussed in Chapter 12. This calculation has put into evidence the existence of “unexpected” states and has led to the new field of “exotic hadrons”, presently under active theoretical and experimental scrutiny.· Chapter 19 illustrates the Born-Oppenheimer approximation, extensively used in the computation of simple molecules, and its application to the physics of exotic hadrons containing a pair of heavy quarks, with application to the recently observed doubly charmed baryons.This eBook was published Open Access with funding support from the Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing in Particle Physics (SCOAP3).A PDF version of this book is available for free in Open Access at It has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives 4.0 license.

Biopsychology: The Basics (The Basics)

by Philip Winn Madeleine Grealy

Biopsychology: The Basics is a concise, accessible and illuminating introduction to the field of biopsychology. The book explores what psychology is in the broadest sense and how combining it with a biological perspective offers a deeper understanding of behavior and mental life. Key topics include the following:• What biopsychology is: understanding the interaction of biology and psychology• The biology of the brain and how to study it• How psychological states are related to physiological processes• The effects of drugs, both therapeutic and recreational, on behaviour and psychology• How genes and the environment impact psychological development• The biopsychology of cognition• People in the world: understanding emotions, motivation and communication• The biological basis of psychopathologies – causes, diagnoses and treatments• Explanations, mechanisms and the biopsychology of consciousnessWith suggestions for further reading and an extensive glossary of key terms, this book is an engaging and ideal introduction for those coming to the subject for the first time.

Between Babasaheb and Mahatma: A Comparative Study of Ambedkar and Phule

by Hulas Singh

This book is a critical comparative study of Jotirao Phule and Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar, modern India's two most prominent dalit leaders. Although they were not close contemporaries, they came to construct a firm structure of not only dalit ideology, but also dalit methodology to emancipate the oppressed and depressed sections of society. The book deals with their ideas in a new light highlighting aspects of convergence and contrast in their respective approach to philosophy, religion, society, and culture. It argues that deep down in his philosophic orientation, Phule was quintessentially closer to Gandhi than to Ambedkar. The author also contends that the usage of the term dalit exclusively in the caste-communitarian sense is essentially a product of post-independence political appropriation rather than social evolution. The book specifically brings to light the dynamics of humanism and nationalism on the one hand and that of communitarianism on the other in the context of twentieth-century colonial India. Notably, Gandhi is brought in the narrative to complete the triumvirate.Comprehensive and deeply grounded in primary research, this thought-provoking book will be indispensable for students and researchers of modern Indian history, sociology, political science, political thought, exclusion studies, dalit and subaltern studies, and South Asian studies. It will also appeal to those interested in the writings of Ambedkar and Phule.

Contemporary Issues in Intellectual Property Law in Africa

by Olasupo Owoeye

This book discusses the impact of intellectual property and international investment agreements within Africa. It investigates how African nations can enhance their current intellectual property legislation across various regions of the continent, while simultaneously fostering the development of local industries and stimulating innovation and creativity within the region.Despite intellectual property remaining a major issue in global trade governance, African countries have room to maximise the advantages that global intellectual property law can offer. Highlighting discourse on investment, intellectual property, and competition policies in Africa, the book underscores the need for African nations to develop intellectual property frameworks that can facilitate economic transformation. Using data from international intellectual property conventions, WTO dispute settlements and African regional organisation conventions, the book is a comprehensive call to action for African intellectual property lawyers and policymakers.The book will be of interest to students and scholars in the field of intellectual property law and international investment law.

International Aviation Law: A Practical Guide

by Ronald I. Bartsch AM

This is the third edition of a now-renowned guide that provides an extensive account of the state of the aviation industry and the law that regulates it. This new edition, revised and updated throughout, focuses on environmental and sustainability considerations, and includes a new chapter on innovations aimed towards meeting the 2050 Net Zero Emission targets endorsed by the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO) and the International Air Transport Association (IATA).International Aviation Law: A Practical Guide explains the international context and application of the law as it applies to commercial and recreational aviation, and to the broader aviation environment. It provides a comprehensive introduction to all aspects of aviation law, from criminal law to contract law, to the legal duties and responsibility of aircrew and other aviation personnel including airport operators, air traffic controllers and aircraft engineers. Each area of the law is clearly explained in accessible language and supported with practical case studies to illustrate the application of the law within an operational aviation context. It also provides advice on how to avoid or minimize legal liability for those working in the aviation industry.The book is written for a very broad readership of those working within the aviation industry, those aspiring to work within it and those within the legal profession dealing with air transportation, as well as students within the same industries. The third edition will additionally find favour with new readers seeking information on environmental issues and answers to the question of how the aviation sector will meet the 2050 emission targets.

The Pool Is Closed: Segregation, Summertime, and the Search for a Place to Swim

by Hannah S. Palmer

In 2018, while teaching her kids to swim and working on urban river restoration projects, Hannah S. Palmer began a journal of social encounters with water. As she found herself dangling her feet in a seemingly all-white swimming pool, she started to worry about how her young sons would learn to swim. Would they grow up accustomed to the stubbornly segregated pools of Atlanta? Was it safe for them to wade in creeks laced with urban runoff or dive into the ever-warming, man-made swimming holes of the South? Should they just join the Y?But these weren’t just parenting questions. In the South, how we swim—and whether we have access to water at all—is tied up in race and class. As she took her sons pool-hopping across Atlanta, Palmer found an intimate lens through which to view the city’s neighborhoods. In The Pool Is Closed, she documents the creeks behind fences, the springs in the sewers, the lakes that had all but vanished since her own parents learned to swim. In the process, she uncovers complex stories about environmental history, water policy, and the racial politics of public spaces.Nothing prepared Palmer for the contamination, sewage, and bodies that appear when you look at water too long. Her search for water became compulsive, a way to make sense of the world. The Pool Is Closed is a book about water: where it flows and where it floods, who owns it, and what it costs. It’s also a story about embracing parenthood in a time of environmental catastrophe and political anxiety, of dwindling public space and natural resources. It chronicles a year-long quest to find a place to swim and finding, instead, what makes shared water so threatening and wild.

Manfred Macmillan: Book One of the Three Magicians Trilogy

by Carleton Bulkin Brian James Baer Jirí Karásek ze Lvovic

Decadence meets gothic in Manfred Macmillan (1907), a carefully constructed tale of doppelgangers, magical intrigue, and the rootless scion of a noble house. This annotated, first-ever English translation presents an early queer novel long unavailable except in the original Czech. Author Jiří Karásek ze Lvovic (1871–1951) was a major cultural figure in his native Bohemia and cultivated ties with fellow artists from across Central Europe. In their extensive scholarly introduction, translator Carleton Bulkin and translation scholar Brian James Baer situate the novel within longer histories of gay literature, fascinations with the occult, and the cultural and linguistic politics of so-called peripheral European nations. They persuasively frame Karásek as a queer author and cultural disruptor in the fin de siècle Habsburg space. Karasék rejected Czech translations of ancient Greek writers that bowdlerized gay themes, and he personally and vigorously defended Oscar Wilde in print, both on the grounds of artistic freedom and of private morality. He also published a cycle of homoerotic poems under the title Sodom, confiscated by the Austrian authorities but republished in 1905 and repeatedly afterward. A colonized subject, a literary decadent, and a sexual outlaw, Karasék’s complex responses to his own marginalization can be traced through his fantastically strange novel trilogy Three Magicians. As the first volume in that series, Manfred Macmillan is a gorgeous, compelling, and important addition to expanding canons of LGBTQI+ literature.

Cooperative Design, Visualization, and Engineering: 21st International Conference, CDVE 2024, Valencia, Spain, September 15–18, 2024, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #15158)

by Yuhua Luo

This book constitutes the proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Cooperative Design, Visualization, and Engineering, CDVE 2024, held in Valencia, Spain, in September 2024. The 34 full papers and 5 short papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from 74 submissions. The papers cover a wide application spectrum including AI technology, cooperative engineering, basic technologies for cooperative applications, IOT internet of things, block chain technology, sensor networks, and more.

Advances in Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems: The 16th International Conference on Intelligent Networking and Collaborative Systems (INCoS-2024) (Lecture Notes on Data Engineering and Communications Technologies #225)

by Leonard Barolli

This book provides latest research findings, innovative research results, methods and development techniques from both theoretical and practical perspectives related to intelligent social networks and collaborative systems, intelligent networking systems, mobile collaborative systems and secure intelligent cloud systems as well as reveals synergies among various paradigms in such a multi-disciplinary field of intelligent collaborative systems. With the fast development of the Internet, there is a shift from the traditional sharing of information and applications as the main purpose of the Web to an emergent paradigm, which locates people at the very center of networks and exploits the value of people's connections, relations and collaboration. Social networks are also playing a major role in the dynamics and structure of intelligent Web-based networking and collaborative systems. Virtual campuses, virtual communities and organizations strongly leverage intelligent networking and collaborative systems by a great variety of formal and informal electronic relations, such as business-to-business, peer-to-peer and many types of online collaborative learning interactions, including the emerging e-learning systems. This has resulted in entangled systems that need to be managed efficiently and in an autonomous way. In addition, latest and powerful technologies based on grid and wireless infrastructure as well as cloud computing are currently enhancing collaborative and networking applications a great deal but also facing new issues and challenges. The principal purpose of the research and development community is to stimulate research that will lead to the creation of responsive environments for networking and, at longer-term, the development of adaptive, secure, mobile and intuitive intelligent systems for collaborative work and learning.

Fundamentals of Structural Optimization: Shape, Anisotropy, Topology (Mathematical Engineering)

by Vladimir Kobelev

This book provides a comprehensive overview of analytical methods for solving optimization problems, covering principles and mathematical techniques alongside numerical solution routines, including MAPLE and MAXIMA optimization routines. Each method is explained with practical applications and ANSYS APDL scripts for select problems. Chapters delve into topics such as scaling methods, torsion compliance, shape variation, topological optimization, anisotropic material properties, and differential geometry. Specific optimization problems, including stress minimization and mass reduction under constraints, are addressed. The book also explores isoperimetric inequalities and optimal material selection principles. Appendices offer insights into tensors, differential geometry, integral equations, and computer algebra codes. Overall, it's a comprehensive guide for engineers and researchers in structural optimization.

Antisemitism Without Jews in Germany, France and the U.S.: Phantom Enemies (Palgrave Critical Studies of Antisemitism and Racism)

by William I. Brustein Luke Gramith

Why does antisemitic messaging strike a chord in certain communities without Jews but fall flat in neighboring communities equally without Jews? This book focuses on antipathy towards Jews - expressed through successful electoral campaigns where a candidate or political party championed antisemitism - in communities located in three different nations where the Jewish population had virtually no history of interaction with the resident majority population of non-Jews. The cases are: the election of antisemitic deputies in the 1893 German Reichstag Elections from eastern Saxony; the election of a slate of antisemitic deputies to the French Chamber in 1898 from the southwestern French department of the Gers; and the significant proportion of votes for the antisemitic campaign of Gerald B. Winrod in the U.S. Senate Republican Party primary election in 1938 in Kansas. Each of these examples illustrates the existence of heightened levels of antisemitism in cases where few, if any, Jews had engagement with the majority population.

Pension at Stake: Issues and Solutions to Defined Benefit Pension Scheme in Malaysia

by Muhammad Irfan Abdul Rahman Wee Yeap Lau

This book focuses on the Defined Benefit (DB) pension scheme for pensionable civil servants in Malaysia, as a result of the rapidly rising pattern of pension costs for public servants in the country. In doing so, the book explores various issues on the defined benefit pension fund that the Malaysian Government currently confronts. Chapter one provides an overview of the pension system in the country, covering only the civil service pension fund managed by the Retirement Fund (Incorporated), better known as KWAP. It also discusses the issues and challenges the pension system and pensioners face. Chapter two reviews the past studies, sets up empirical models and examines which are the determinants of pension cost. Chapter three examines the asset allocation and performance of the KWAP pension fund from the last 13 years since the Ministry of Finance established it as part of the pension reform. Based on the available pension assets and liabilities data, Chapter Four outlines the steps and makes the 10-year forecast to ascertain whether the pension fund will be underfunded or not in the future. Chapter five examines whether the pension fund is sustainable in the long run based on the four parameters using scenario-based simulation. In order to solve this problem, especially the longevity risk, Chapter six proposes issuing longevity bonds by the authority to mitigate the longevity risk faced by the KWAP pension fund. Put together, the book is an interesting compilation of facts, analysis and insights from this hotly debated issue the current government faces. It serves as a reference for the financial market industry, regulators, market practitioners, analysts, researchers, government authorities and universities.

Automotive Aftermarket: Global and Interdisciplinary Perspectives (Management for Professionals)

by Maria Elo Fotios Katsardis

The automotive aftermarket is a part of the global value network that involves manufacturing, trading, distributing and developing goods and services to global and local automotive markets. Sustainable mobility and automobiles, from passenger cars to heavy-duty vehicles, are existentially linked to transforming systems and multiple stakeholders across their life-cycles. Through diverse perspectives, this book reveals relevant trends and data, while shedding light on managerial aspects, circularity, institutions, operational linkages, and emerging challenges shaping future mobility. Further, it connects discussions on automotive aftermarket with global consumption of mobility, its sustainability, technology, sectoral knowledge, talent dynamics and relevant actors. The chapters offer global and interdisciplinary viewpoints, including theoretical and practical perspectives alike, of the under-researched automotive aftermarket. The sector represents a major source of revenues in the overall automotive industry contributing to functioning societies. The authors illustrate ongoing transformations of the global aftermarket addressing different challenges and opportunities posed by the globalization of markets and technological change. The book contributes to managerial understanding of the automotive aftermarket and its complexity.

Laser-triggered Nanobiomaterials for Inhibiting Tumor Growth

by Maoquan Chu

This book focuses on laser-triggered nanobiomaterials for tumor inhibition. In this book, magnetic iron oxide nanoparticle-mediated cancer PTT through intratumoral or/and intravenous injection is introduced first. The benefits of intratumoral injection and the main factors affecting the retention of materials and permeability in solid tumors have been discussed. Furthermore, an attempt has been made to explore the performance of magnetic iron oxide nanoparticles after intravenous injection for tumor-targeted PTT based on several strategies. The latter part probes the gaps to improve magnetic iron oxide nanoparticle-mediated PTT through intratumoral and intravenous injection modes. This book also includes discussion on drug-loaded magnetic nanocomposites, magnetic iron oxide/Au nanocomposites, and magnetic iron oxide/semiconductor nanocrystal nanocomposites for combination cancer therapy, and enhanced cancer PTT has also been included as an integral part. This book also summarizes the most investigated photothermal agents, including noble metal nanoparticles, especially gold nanostars, hollow mesoporous copper sulfide nanoparticles, carbon-based nanoparticles, especially carbon nanotubes and graphic carbon nanocages, black phosphorous nanosheets, conjugated polymer nanoparticles, and organic dye nanoparticles. This book is useful for undergraduate and postgraduate students to better understand this research area. It may also provide useful information for technical nonspecialists whose background is in nanoscience and nanotechnology, biology, medicine, pharmacy, materials, chemistry, and physics.

Modeling Binary Correlated Responses: Using SAS, SPSS, R and STATA (ICSA Book Series in Statistics)

by Jeffrey R. Wilson Kent A. Lorenz Lori P. Selby

This book is an updated edition of Modeling Binary Correlated Responses Using SAS, SPSS and R, and now it includes the use of STATA. It uses these Statistical tools to analyze correlated binary data, accessible to practitioners in a single volume. Chapters cover recently developed statistical tools and statistical packages, as well as showcase both traditional and new methods for application to health-related research. Data analysis presented in each chapter will provide step-by-step instructions so these new methods can be readily applied to projects. Short tutorials are in the appendix, for readers interested in learning more about the languages. Data and computer programs will be publicly available in order for readers to replicate model development, but learning a new statistical language is not necessary with this book. The inclusion of code for R, SAS, SPSS and STATA, allows for easy implementation by readers. Researchers and graduate students in Statistics, Epidemiology, and Public Health will find this book particularly useful.

Proceedings of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering Annual Conference 2023, Volume 7: Materials Track (Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering #501)

by Serge Desjardins Gérard J. Poitras M. Shahria Alam Xiomara Sanchez-Castillo

This book comprises the proceedings of the Annual Conference of the Canadian Society for Civil Engineering 2023. The contents of this volume focus on the specialty track in materials with topics on recycled materials, concrete durability, geopolymers, alkali-activated and other alternative binders, fiber-reinforced and engineered cementitious composites, advanced composite materials, ultra-high-performance materials, and innovative and emerging materials, among others. This volume will prove a valuable resource for researchers and professionals.

Archie Milestone Digest #26: Jughead Winter Wonderland (Archie Milestones Digest #26)

by Archie Superstars

Sip some cocoa, throw some snowballs, and creates some special snowy memories with Jughead, Hot Dog, and all his friends in Riverdale!

Nachhaltiges Investieren für Frauen: Ihr Geld, Ihre Entscheidung

by Janine Firpo

Informieren Sie sich über Finanzen und sozialverträgliches Investieren mit einem frauenzentrierten Ansatz! Das Buch von Janine Firpo bietet die grundlegende Unterstützung, die Frauen brauchen, um miteinander über ihr Geld zu sprechen, zu investieren, um ihr Vermögen zu vermehren und die erforderlichen Maßnahmen zu ergreifen, um ihr Vermögen mit ihren Werten in Einklang zu bringen. Es wurde für kluge Frauen geschrieben, die sich finanziell stark fühlen wollen, und setzt dort an, wo andere Bücher über persönliche Finanzen aufhören. Es liefert die umfassenden Informationen, die Sie benötigen, um fundierte Anlageentscheidungen für Ihr gesamtes Portfolio zu treffen. Das Buch beginnt mit Giro- und Sparkonten und geht dann Anlageklasse für Anlageklasse vor. Es vermittelt Ihnen grundlegendes Anlagewissen und gibt Ihnen konkrete Beispiele, wie und wo Sie Ihr Geld im Einklang mit Ihren Werten anlegen können. Sie müssen es nicht allein schaffen. Als Frauen liegt unsere Stärke in Beziehungen, und dieses Buch wird Ihnen helfen, diese Stärke zu nutzen, um bessere finanzielle Ergebnisse für sich und Ihre Familie zu erzielen. Es hilft Ihnen, Gemeinschaften zu finden, die Sie unterstützen, und versetzt Sie in die Lage, Ihr Wissen mit anderen Frauen zu teilen und die nächste Generation kluger, selbstbewusster und werteorientierter Investorinnen zu fördern. * Verbessern Sie Ihr Verhältnis zu Geld und erkennen Sie die Macht, die Sie haben, um die Welt durch Ihre Investitionsentscheidungen zu verändern. * Entmystifizieren Sie den Finanzjargon, lernen Sie Anlagestrategien und erwerben Sie Werkzeuge, die Ihnen helfen, Ihr Vermögen zu vermehren. * Erforschen Sie wertorientierte Anlagemöglichkeiten und treffen Sie fundierte Entscheidungen darüber, wo Sie Ihr Geld anlegen. * Brechen Sie das Tabu, mit Partnern, Beratern, Freunden und Töchtern über Geld zu sprechen. Anders als jedes andere Buch zum Thema Geldanlage liefert "Activate Your Money" eine fachkundige Anleitung, einen einzigartigen frauenspezifischen Ansatz und einen Schwerpunkt darauf, Gutes zu tun. Ganz gleich, ob Sie gerade erst mit dem Investieren beginnen oder bereits eine erfahrene Anlegerin sind, bietet Ihnen dieses Buch etwas. Nutzen Sie es als Nachschlagewerk, zu dem Sie immer wieder zurückkehren können, um Ihr Wissen, Ihr Selbstvertrauen und Ihr werteorientiertes Portfolio aufzubauen.

Depression: A Contemporary Introduction (Routledge Introductions to Contemporary Psychoanalysis)

by Marianne Leuzinger-Bohleber

This book serves as a practical and comprehensive introduction to depression and its deep roots in trauma.Marianne Leuzinger-Bohleber looks at the heterogeneous and complex phenomenon of depression and considers a range of topics essential to those faced with the challenge posed by the illness. Throughout the chapters, Leuzinger-Bohleber looks at the central experience of powerlessness and helplessness, the impact of trauma and transgenerational transmission, as well as clinical research and medical intervention. Throughout, she reviews and explains up-to-date clinical research findings and guides the reader on how to apply these in a clinical setting across a wide range of aspects within the psychodynamic understanding of depression.Including a review of both classical psychoanalytic texts and state-of-the-art empirical research, this introductory book is an invaluable resource for psychoanalysts and psychotherapists in private practice and Public Health institutions alike. The clear and accessible style also make it a vital resource for students of clinical psychology, medicine, anthropology, cultural studies, the educational sciences, and beyond.

Making Team Projects Work: A College Instructor's Guide to Successful Student Groupwork

by Timothy M. Franz Lauren A. Vicker

This user-friendly manual walks instructors step by step through the process of creating, assigning, and executing successful group projects at the college level.Informed by a simple input-process-output model of group behavior, this guide provides structured advice, examples, and worksheets to design and facilitate effective team projects. Topics include assigning teams, developing meaningful tasks, fostering leadership, managing conflict, communicating effectively, and supporting teams in an online environment. Each chapter features sections and readymade handouts that speak directly to students, making it easy for educators to share content with their student teams and spend valuable classroom time teaching course material rather than team skills.Whether in person or online, Making Team Projects Work will be a valuable companion for any college educator interested in incorporating group projects into their curricula.

Trauma-Informed Teaching in Your Elementary Classroom: Simple Strategies to Create Inclusive, Safe Spaces as the First Step to Learning

by Lori Brown Alison Bartlett

Research has proven that childhood trauma affects school engagement and success while at the same time recognizing that the majority of students have experienced it. This book offers simple strategies, based on evidence-based studies, that elementary educators can use to effectively recognize trauma, teach resilience, and support their students in being ready to learn. The book covers all the tenets of trauma-informed teaching, including understanding the effects of trauma, creating safety and predictability, fostering healthy attachments, and modeling resilience as part of social emotional learning, all of which are framed within cultural humility and competence. Designed for all teachers, professionals, and school administrators working with elementary students, this practical guide is key reading for creating a safe classroom and school environment that is inclusive of all learners and conducive for learning.

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