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Showing 99,251 through 99,275 of 100,000 results

Artificial Intelligence for Science: Frontiers and Perspectives Based on Parallel Intelligence (SpringerBriefs in Service Science)

by Qinghai Miao Fei-Yue Wang

This book presents a comprehensive framework for analyzing, evaluating, and guiding AI for Sciences (AI4Sci) research, offering a unified approach that facilitates analysis across various academic fields through a shared set of dimensions and indicators. It provides a systematic overview of recent AI4Sci advances in various disciplines and offers insights into the latest issues in and prospects of AI4Sci. The book is based on the theory of Parallel Intelligence (PI), which forms the foundation for the general AI4Sci framework. By analyzing multiple cases in various academic fields, this framework integrates key elements of AI4Sci, such as real scientific problems, datasets, virtual systems, AI methods, human roles, and organizational mechanisms, from a multidimensional perspective. It also assesses and summarizes the limitations of AI4Sci, incorporating the latest advances in AI for fundamental models. Lastly, it explores the impact of DeSci and DAO, as well as TAO, on AI4Sci ecosystem development and prospects. Through its balanced approach, the book offers readers a goal-oriented perspective, focusing on a concise presentation of the core ideas and reducing detailed descriptions of specific AI4Sci cases to a minimum.

Navigating Family Policies in Precarious Times: Examining Diverse Approaches in European Countries

by Shirley Gatenio Gabel Piotr Michoń

This book critically analyzes how European countries manage family-related challenges as they grapple with social and political transformations. It contributes to our understanding of contemporary family issues and serves as a bridge between academic analysis and practical policymaking. In an era marked by dynamic and precarious societal shifts, evolving family structures, and intricate policy landscapes, the imperative to comprehensively examine family life, social risks, and policies becomes increasingly apparent. This contributed volume delves into how changes in family and gender roles, work, and household composition have affected the intricacies of parental leave policies, societal attitudes, and the inherent precarity within family life. The chapters, composed by esteemed authors, provide both a national and a cross-national perspective, offering invaluable insights into the diverse ways families and states navigate the complexities of contemporary society, highlighting the unaddressed vulnerabilities created by existing public policies. The contents explore the nexus of changes in family, policy, and welfare state responsibilities with a focus on: Parental Leave Policies and Effects Lone Parenthood The Effects of Family Policy on Entering and Exiting the Labor Force Changing Attitudes Around Gender Roles and Policy Navigating Family Policies in Precarious Times guides readers through the complex interplay of familial experiences, social risks, and the multifaceted landscape of family policies across Europe. The book is an indispensable resource for examining policies and challenges encountered by contemporary families for policymakers, scholars, and practitioners. Its focus on Eastern European countries makes it a particularly relevant and engaging resource for students and educators interested in social policy and the complexities of family life in this region. With an interdisciplinary approach to a growing social issue, the book is a valuable resource for researchers in sociology, social work, economics, psychology and political science. It also can be used as a text in undergraduate and graduate courses on family such as Family Studies, Human Behavior & Social Environment, and Social and/or Family Policy courses.

Enterprise Innovation Driven by Design Thinking and Artistic Interventions Under ESG Management Strategies

by Jing LIU

This study examines the management strategies of representative companies in each country to gain insight into the value of ESG management strategies for corporate innovation and how design thinking and artistic interventions can foster creativity both internally and externally to drive corporate innovation. It compares the current state of design and/or art-driven innovation strategies in Korean and Chinese companies under ESG frameworks, and then discusses the challenges of corporate innovation in these countries. Based on the results of the comparison, the study suggests the future of corporate innovation in China.

Der agile Vertrieb: Transformation in Sales und Service erfolgreich gestalten (Edition Sales Excellence)

by Claudia Thonet

Agile Prinzipien und Frameworks wurden zwar für die Entwicklung komplexer Produkte geschaffen, doch sie lassen sich auch im Vertrieb gewinnbringend nutzen. Mit diesem Buch erhalten Geschäftsführer, Vertriebsleiter, Führungskräfte, Berater und Mitarbeiter aus Service und Vertrieb praxistaugliche Methoden, mit deren Hilfe sie ihren Vertrieb als Brücke zum Kunden beweglich und lösungsorientiert gestalten können. Denn nur durch flexible, schnelle und innovative Sales- und Servicebereiche lassen sich wechselfreudige Kunden halten und junge „Digital Natives“ gewinnen. Anhand zahlreicher Praxisbeispiele zeigt die Autorin, wie und wo Sie agile Methoden wie Scrum, Kanban, Design Thinking, Shopfloor, OKRs und viele mehr erfolgreich einsetzen. Mit konkreten Anleitungen und hilfreichen Tipps für eine nachhaltige Leistungssteigerung in Sales und Service und ein Umdenken im Sinne des Kunden. Die 2. Auflage wurde aktualisiert und unter anderen um Beiträge zu den Themen Agiler Sales-Prozess, themenzentrierte Einwand-Integration, OKR-Zyklus und Sales Board ergänzt.

Evolutionary Case Formulation: Developing a Unified Language for the Practice of Psychotherapy

by Álvaro Quiñones Bergeret

This book presents the Evolutionary Case Formulation model, a new proposal of case formulation protocol developed with the aim of providing psychotherapists with a common language to identify and treat psychological problems of varying complexity. This new case formulation model was developed based on the analysis of textual data in complete psychotherapeutic processes which led to the identification of different dimensions of intersubjective meaning elaboration that are a product of our evolution as a species. The Evolutionary Case Formulation model is based on a system of first and second order intersubjective knowledge domains. The first order knowledge domain is the Self System, which is ubiquitous in the processing of information and creation of individual meaning in a cultural intersubjective matrix. The second order knowledge domains are the different dimensions of intersubjective meaning elaboration: Cognition, Emotion, Interpersonal, Imagination, Corporeality, Sexuality and Religiosity/Spirituality. This system provides psychotherapists with a new conceptual framework to work with patients in the different stages of the psychotherapeutic process, from assessment to treatment planning and implementation. The book Evolutionary Case Formulation: Developing a Unified Language for the Practice of Psychotherapy, that the reader has in their hands, was first published in Spanish in 2021. This English edition is a fully revised and updated version of the original Spanish edition. More specifically, the case formulation protocol presents a series of innovations that are not present in the Spanish edition. In other words, it is a protocol that includes numerous clarifications in the intersubjective knowledge domains, making this book different. The original manuscript of this book was written in Spanish and translated into English with the help of artificial intelligence. The author (with the friendly support of a bilingual psychotherapist) has subsequently revised the text further in an endeavor to refine the work stylistically.

Public Administration in Japan (Governance and Public Management)

by Koichiro Agata Hiroaki Inatsugu Hideaki Shiroyama

This open access book provides an authoritative overview of public administration, public management and public governance in Japan. Japan is one of the leading countries on the international stage, with a reputation for effective government and administration. The book covers a wide range of themes, including social welfare, public employment, the education system, public finance, and crisis management. Written by a team of expert scholars, it will appeal to international researchers and practitioners interested in Japan, as well as public administration and public management more broadly. It will be the definitive guide to public administration and governance in Japan for years to come.

Mobile Technologies for Smart Healthcare System Design (Wireless Networks)

by Xiaonan Guo Yan Wang Jerry Cheng Yingying (Jennifer) Chen

This book offers a comprehensive examination of mobile technologies in healthcare. It starts by covering wireless solutions, including WiFi signals and mmWave technology for activity recognition, fitness assistance, and eating habit monitoring. The discussion extends to wearable technologies that focus on personal fitness and injury prevention, highlighting the innovative use of PPG sensors in wearables, which enable gesture recognition and user authentication. Based on thorough analyses on the challenges of designing robust mobile healthcare systems, this book addresses the difficulty of gathering accurate and reliable sensor data amidst the variability of human activities. It explores solutions using advanced sensing modalities, such as WiFi, mmWave, and PPG sensors, and robust algorithms for feature extraction to interpret activities, gestures, and biometrics. It also tackles system robustness across diverse environments and practical issues such as reducing training efforts, handling motion artifacts, and the implementation of these systems using commercially available devices. The primary audience for this book targets computer science students and researchers working in mobile computing, smart healthcare, human-computer interaction and artificial intelligence/machine learning. Professionals and consultants focused on advancing mobile-based healthcare solutions will want to purchase this book as a reference.

Igelino und die erschrockene Schnecke: Traumafolgestörungen kindgerecht erklärt

by Lisa Pongratz

Mit diesem Ratgeber erhalten Eltern und Angehörige die Möglichkeit, ihren noch jungen Kindern mit Hilfe der Geschichte von Igelino die menschliche Psyche im Falle einer Traumafolgestörung altersgerecht verständlich zu machen. Hierbei liegt der Fokus jedoch nicht auf der eigenen Erkrankung bzw. den eigenen Symptomen, sondern auch in der Vermittlung von Wissen über psychische Störungen bei Familienmitgliedern, Freund*innen oder Klassenkamerad*innen mit Verhaltensauffälligkeiten.Eltern erhalten darüber hinaus wichtige grundlegende Informationen zur psychischen Störung, Tipps, wie eine solche Störung erkannt (und von anderen Verhaltensauffälligkeiten abgegrenzt) werden kann, wie man sich gegenüber Betroffenen verhält, sowie Informationen über Therapiemöglichkeiten, Anlaufstellen für Hilfsangebote und eigenständig durchführbare Interventionen in Form von Ressourcenübungen. 1. Psychische Störungen: Zahlen und Fakten.- 2. Tipps zum gemeinsamen Lesen. -3. Igelino und die erschrockene Schnecke- 4. Was ist eine Traumafolgestörung?.- 5. Wie entsteht eine Traumafolgestörung?.- 6. Wer kann helfen?.- 7. Was können wir tun?.​​

Supply Chain Finance: Mechanisms, Risk Analytics, and Technology

by Gangshu Cai

As global supply chains become more complex, the need for expertise in their financial aspects grows. This book aims to equip students and professionals with the knowledge to navigate these complexities, ensuring efficient and resilient financial supply chain operations. It provides an in-depth exploration into the intricate and constantly evolving realm of supply chain finance. By merging key concepts, major mechanisms, hands-on risk analytics, and the latest technology trends, this book offers a seamless and comprehensive examination of the topic, grounded in the author's twenty years of academic research and hands-on experience. Students in supply chain management will gain a thorough understanding of the financial elements that are integral to modern supply chains, including the importance of liquidity, the role of financial institutions, and the optimization of cash flows within the supply chain ecosystem. Definitions will be used throughout the text to elucidate financial terminology that may be unfamiliar to management students. The instructor’s manual will include PowerPoint slides, exercises, and quizzes to assess student comprehension and progress. This textbook will serve as the primary resource for understanding the financial dimensions of supply chains.

Pre-Columbian Contact between the Americas and Oceania

by Andrea Ballesteros - Danel

This book weaves together theories of pre-Columbian trans-Pacific contact between Oceania and the Americas and analyses them from a history of ideas perspective. Despite limited factual evidence, trans-Pacific contact theories between the Americas and Oceania have been discussed in various forms since the sixteenth century and remain a persistent trope. To provide a context for the history of ideas of trans-Pacific contact involving the Americas and Oceania, this book addresses the changing conceptions of the Pacific according to scholars from Europe and the Americas, the development of science and later anthropology and archaeology in this region and in the Americas, and the growing understanding of the history of settlement of the Americas and the Pacific. This book covers views predominantly from the Global South, making them more accessible to an Anglophone audience worldwide.

Science-Policy Interfaces in Global Environmental Governance: Myths, Challenges and Opportunities (SpringerBriefs in Political Science)

by Matteo De Donà

This Brief discusses science–policy interfaces (SPIs) in global environmental governance. Broadly speaking, SPIs can be understood as institutional arrangements that aim to bridge science and policy within a specific issue-area with a view to facilitating the solution of relevant societal problems. Although the scholarly literature on SPIs has grown substantially over the last two decades, there are still several myths and misconceptions about such bodies: these are often reflected in the practice of science–policy bridging within international organizations such as the United Nations. Offering an accessible discussion of the promises and pitfalls of SPIs, the book deliberately targets a hybrid audience, reaching out to both academics and practitioners. By reconstructing relevant theoretical debates across different scholarly fields, such as International Relations and Science and Technology Studies, and by taking stock of key hands-on experiences, this Brief connects the theory and practice of global SPIs, reflecting on the role of critical social science research as far as the interplay between science and policy in international environmental governance is concerned. On the basis of a balanced analysis of the strengths and shortcomings of global SPIs, this volume intends to provide readers with a faithful picture of the current international science–policy landscape as well as with an informed opportunity to evaluate these institutional arrangements’ potential for helping to address the global environmental challenges that the world is facing today.

Pedometrics in Brazil (Progress in Soil Science)

by Waldir de Carvalho Junior Helena Saraiva Koenow Pinheiro Marcos Bacis Ceddia Gustavo Souza Valladares

In a world expected to reach a population of almost 10 billion inhabitants by 2050 and facing rapid global warming, it is essential to develop studies to better characterize and preserve the existing environmental heritage. Among these assets, soil stands out, which is fundamental for the balance of life on the planet (air quality and composition, temperature regulation, carbon and nutrient cycling, water cycling and quality, natural "waste" (decomposition) treatment and recycling, and habitat for most living things and their food). Due its importance, Soil information is increasing recently in order to attend human demands for land use management and capability, reduce erosion risks and soil security, for example. Particularly in Brazil, advances in soil science are now required to attend the new national systematic soil survey that have as a goal soil sustainability and security. Gathering machine learning tools, pedometrics and pedological concepts is a way to achieve these demands regarding soil data and related products. This book summarizes remarkable insights from the II Pedometrics Brazil Conference providing cutting-edge information to researchers, students and professionals working with soils in tropical countries such as Brazil.

Emerging Human Viral Diseases, Volume II: Encephalitic, Gastroenteric, and Immunodeficiency Viral Infections

by Prudhvi Lal Bhukya Anbazhagan Subbaiyan

The second volume of the book Emerging Human Viral Diseases discusses pathogenesis, diagnostics, and therapeutic strategies against viral encephalitis, gastroenteritis, and human immunodeficiency viral infections. The chapters discuss symptoms, diagnostics, and preventive strategies against viral infections. The book also reviews the epidemiology and evolution of viruses causing these infections. It also examines symptoms and strategies for developing novel diagnostics and the vaccine against these viruses. Toward the end, it discusses various biosafety principles for handling emerging viruses and reviews various bioinformatics tools and databases in virology research. This timely book offers valuable resource for the scientists working in the field of emerging viral infections and those involved in preventing, controlling, and managing viral diseases. Inclusively this book will be valuable guide covering most recent scientific progress in emerging human viral diseases and management and will serve as the best resource for undergraduates, graduates, medical professionals, researchers, public health physicians, and national and international health authorities.

Metaphysics of the Excluded: On the Relationship between Matter, Construction, and Reality in Butler and Kant

by Charlotte Döhrmann

For more than 30 years, Judith Butler's thesis that gender is constructed has led to unresolved misunderstandings and conflicting interpretations. This work engages with Butler's constructivism epistemologically and develops the thesis that Butler is misunderstood for the very reasons their philosophy critiques: the necessities of thought imposed by traditional metaphysics and its dualistic conceptual framework. "Matter" is not a neutral or prediscursive concept but is always already embedded in a gendered discourse and functions as the constitutively excluded. Kantian epistemology serves here as both an example of implicitly misogynistic philosophy and a framework to understand the misinterpretations of Butler as well as the fundamental epistemological issue—the relationship between the knowing subject and "reality". What does it mean for Butler that even material aspects are constructed yet real, without developing an idealistic concept of reality?

English for Academic Purposes in the EMI Context in Asia: XJTLU Impact

by Bin Zou Trevor Mahy

This edited book focuses on English for Academic Purposes (EAP) within the English as a Medium of Instruction (EMI) context in Asia, with a specific emphasis on the impact of EAP at Xi'an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU) in China. Celebrating over 15 years of EAP provision at the university, the authors showcase research and best practices in EAP across various academic disciplines and address the growing need for tailored EAP teaching resources in the EMI environment. The volume presents evidence of XJTLU’s dedication to pedagogical innovations and to the professional development of its teaching staff, and includes studies of EAP pedagogies at undergraduate, taught Master’s, and doctoral levels, with diverse instructional and innovative foci. This book will be of interest to teachers, researchers, postgraduate students, and university policy makers, as well as anyone with a background in English for Academic Purposes (EAP) or English as a foreign language (EFL) teaching.

Sudden Sensorineural Hearing Loss

by Guillermo Plaza José Ramón García Berrocal

The book provides a comprehensive overview of sudden deafness. The volume comprises eleven chapters that are easy to read, amenable, and aim to address all commonly raised questions in daily practice. It starts with a chapter on the concept and epidemiology of sudden deafness, followed by the aetiology of sudden sensorineural hearing loss, diagnostic assessment, and MRI. The next chapter covers prognostic factors and recovery criteria. The remaining chapters elaborate on treatment options, and the closing chapter presents the available hearing aids for single-sided deafness (SSD). This book is the result of over 20 years of clinical experience, research, and knowledge dissemination on this disease. It will be a valuable resource for ENT specialists, neurology specialists, and family doctors.

Navigating Unpredictability: 25th IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, PRO-VE 2024, Albi, France, October 28–30, 2024, Proceedings, Part II (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology #727)

by Luis M. Camarinha-Matos Angel Ortiz Xavier Boucher Anne-Marie Barthe-Delanoë

This two-volume set, IFIP AICT 726 and 727, constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 25th IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprise, PRO-VE 2024, held in Albi, France, during October 28–30, 2024. The 56 full papers presented in these two volumes were carefully reviewed and selected from 113 submissions. The papers presented in these two volumes are organized in the following topical sections: Part I: AI and collaboration; Human-machine collaboration; Emotions and collaborative networks; Collaborative ecosystems: Skills for resilient futures; Collaborative ecosystems: Technologies for resilient futures; Uncertainty and collaboration in supply chain; Collaborative networks as driver of innovation in organizations 5.0: Models; Collaborative networks as driver of innovation in organizations 5.0: Participation; Trust and trustworthy technologies in collaborative networks. Part II: Empowering vulnerable populations well-being through collaborative networks; Collaborative manufacturing systems in the digital era; Fostering collaborative and interoperable digital models for digital twins: Methods; Fostering collaborative and interoperable digital models for digital twins: Cases; Zero defects and zero waste strategies in industrial collaborative networks; Simulation frameworks; Collaborative decision making; Design of collaborative environments.

Navigating Unpredictability: 25th IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprises, PRO-VE 2024, Albi, France, October 28–30, 2024, Proceedings, Part I (IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology #726)

by Luis M. Camarinha-Matos Angel Ortiz Xavier Boucher Anne-Marie Barthe-Delanoë

This two-volume set, IFIP AICT 726 and 727, constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 25th IFIP WG 5.5 Working Conference on Virtual Enterprise, PRO-VE 2024, held in Albi, France, during October 28–30, 2024. The 56 full papers presented in these two volumes were carefully reviewed and selected from 113 submissions. The papers presented in these two volumes are organized in the following topical sections: Part I: AI and collaboration; Human-machine collaboration; Emotions and collaborative networks; Collaborative ecosystems: Skills for resilient futures; Collaborative ecosystems: Technologies for resilient futures; Uncertainty and collaboration in supply chain; Collaborative networks as driver of innovation in organizations 5.0: Models; Collaborative networks as driver of innovation in organizations 5.0: Participation; Trust and trustworthy technologies in collaborative networks. Part II: Empowering vulnerable populations well-being through collaborative networks; Collaborative manufacturing systems in the digital era; Fostering collaborative and interoperable digital models for digital twins: Methods; Fostering collaborative and interoperable digital models for digital twins: Cases; Zero defects and zero waste strategies in industrial collaborative networks; Simulation frameworks; Collaborative decision making; Design of collaborative environments.

Computational Logistics: 15th International Conference, ICCL 2024, Monterrey, Mexico, September 8–10, 2024, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #15168)

by Alexander Garrido Carlos D. Paternina-Arboleda Stefan Voß

This book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 15th International Conference on Computational Logistics, ICCL 2024, held in Monterrey, Mexico, during September 8–10, 2024. The 23 full papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 52 submissions.They were organized in topical sections as follows: AI-Robotics/Logistics; AI-Driven Supply Chains; Freight and Transport Planning; Maritime Logistics; Retail, Logistics and Nearshoring; Sustainability.

Diesseits und jenseits: Mathematik und Phänomenologie der Grenze

by Mario H. Kraus

Dieses Buch behandelt Grenzen als allgegenwärtige Erscheinungen verschiedener Lebenswelten. Grenzen markieren stets Zweiseitigkeit: Es gibt genau zwei Seiten, auf beiden ist oder geschieht jeweils etwas anderes, aber niemals Nichts. Der Autor arbeitet anhand verschiedenster Beispiele wesentliche Gemeinsamkeiten und Unterschiede verschiedener Grenzbegriffe in räumlichen, zeitlichen und gesellschaftlichen Kontexten heraus. Er entwirft einen fachübergreifenden Grenzbegriff, der Ausgangspunkt für eine Limologie, eine Lehre von den Grenzen, sein kann. Die Mathematik hilft dabei, zugrundeliegende Gesetzmäßigkeiten zu verstehen; die Phänomenologie vermittelt zwischen Theorie und Praxis. Das Buch bietet somit wertvolle Impulse für fachübergreifend Interessierte u.a. mit Hintergründen in Mathematik, Physik, Geographie, Architektur, Soziologie, Psychologie oder Philosophie.

Roter Sandstein: Entstehung und Eigenschaften eines landschaftsprägenden Gesteins in Südwestdeutschland

by Wolfgang Dachroth

Entdecken Sie die faszinierende Welt der roten Sandsteine!Rote Sandsteine, ein wahrhaft einzigartiges Kapitel unserer Erde, erzählen eine Geschichte von Verwitterung und Formationen, die auf jedem Kontinent zu finden sind.Dieses Buch nimmt Sie mit auf eine Reise in den Südwesten Deutschlands und den Nordosten Frankreichs, wo am Rand eines ehemaligen Gebirges der Übergang von grobem Blockschutt zu grobem Sandstein und weiter beckenwärts zu feinerem Sandstein und Letten sichtbar wird. Erfahren Sie, wie kurzzeitig wasserführende Flüsse Gebirgsschutt in Binnensenken und in Richtung Meer verfrachteten, Sandstürme Feinsand und Staub weitflächig verteilten, und wie Winde Sand in Dünen und Ebenen auftürmten. In diesem Prozess wurden Gesteinsbruchstücke von Felsen abgeschlagen, als Körner gerundet, sortiert und auf unterschiedliche Weise abgelagert. Die Vielfalt der Entstehung dieser Sandsteine spiegelt sich in den Schichten und Formationen wider. Die roteFarbe verleiht ihnen ein gemeinsames, markantes Merkmal. Jedes Vorkommen roter Sandsteine ist ein Unikat mit seinen eigenen ortsspezifischen Besonderheiten. Diese faszinierenden Gesteine sind meist verborgen, sodass wir beim Wandern in den Mittelgebirgen nur Mutterboden über den Deckschichten zu Gesicht bekommen. Diese Schichten bestehen größtenteils aus dem Verwitterungsprodukt der roten Sandsteine, und auch sie verdienen eine genauere Betrachtung.Der Sand und Staub, der die roten Sandsteine aufbaut, ist aus anderen, zu Roterde verwitterten Gesteinen hervorgegangen und kam teils als Formation gleichartiger Sandsteine zur Ablagerung, teils als Sandsteinschichten mit wechselnden Eigenschaften. Beim Absinken der Erdoberfläche in größere Tiefen wurden während der geologischen Epochen mehrere hundert bis über tausend Meter Sandstein akkumuliert. Bei veränderten Gebirgsbildungsprozessen wurden diese Sandsteine wieder herausgehoben und an der Oberfläche der Verwitterung ausgesetzt. Hier sehen wir sie in unterschiedlicher Form und Festigkeit an aufragenden Felsen, in den Wänden von Höhlen und in Abgrabungen.Das Buch richtet sich an all diejenigen, die sich für die Geologie und die Geschichte unserer Erde interessieren. Tauchen Sie ein in die Welt der roten Sandsteine und lassen Sie sich auf eine wissenschaftliche Reise mitnehmen, um diese Gesteine zu erkunden und zu verstehen – und dabei auch einen Teil Ihrer Heimat zu entdecken.

Children with Medical Complexity in the Emergency Department: A Case-Based Guide

by Audrey Kamzan Deepa Kulkarni Charles A. Newcomer

Emergency medicine (EM) physicians practicing in the community are often the first providers to care for acutely ill children with medical complexity (CMC) as they arrive to their local emergency departments, which are often outside of major cities and may be in underserved areas. While many of these patients are ultimately transferred to tertiary care facilities at major medical centers such as theirs, EM physicians play a critical role in acutely stabilizing these patients prior to transfer or discharge home. This is despite often not having received specific education in this patient population during their training. The purpose of this text is to provide an educational tool for physicians and other health care providers in the acute care of CMC. Comprised of clinical cases, it is a valuable resource for both early learners (e.g., pediatric residents, emergency medicine residents) as well as providers in practice who may see these patients regularly in the ED but did not receive extensive training on the care of CMC. Each chapter includes figures/tables/illustrations to aid in learning and ends with a summary in the form of 3-5 Take-Away Pearls. Edited by three board-certified pediatric hospitalists, Children with Medical Complexity in the Emergency Department serves to help equip emergency medicine practitioners to provide optimal care for the most vulnerable and medically fragile patients in the communities they serve in order to enhance patient outcomes and provide a better experience for the patients’ families. Chapter authors have been recruited from the pediatrics and emergency medicine fields, including generalists as well as subspecialty experts in the areas of transplant medicine, gastroenterology, nephrology, and many more.

Transforming Construction: XI RILEM-fib International Symposium on Fiber Reinforced Concrete (BEFIB 2024) (RILEM Bookseries #54)

by Viktor Mechtcherine Cesare Signorini Dominik Junger

This volume highlights the latest advances, innovations, and applications in the field of fiber-reinforced concrete (FRC) and textile-reinforced concrete (TRC), as presented by scientists and engineers at the RILEM-fib XI International Symposium on Fiber Reinforced Concrete (BEFIB), held in Dresden, Germany, on September 15-18, 2024. It discusses a diverse range of topics concerning FRC and TRC, including technological aspects, mechanical properties, long-term performance, analytical and numerical models, structural design, codes and standards, as well as practical applications and case studies.

Robust Control Algorithms for Flexible Manipulators

by Kshetrimayum Lochan Binoy Krishna Roy Bidyadhar Subudhi Santhakumar Mohan

Various modelling and control of two-link flexible manipulators are presented in this book. The lumped parameter modelling method and the assumed modes method modelling are comprehensively reviewed. The book also reviews the trajectory tracking problem and tip trajectory tracking problem along with the suppression of tip deflection of the links. An exponential time varying signal and a chaotic signal are considered as the desired trajectories. The identical/ non-identical slave manipulator is synchronised with the controlled master manipulator so that the slave manipulator indirectly follows the desired manipulator.

Advice zur Entscheidungsunterstützung in der Beziehung von Controlling und Management: Theoretische und verhaltenswissenschaftliche Untersuchungen zum Einfluss verschiedener Faktoren auf das Advice-taking

by Bernadette Mayer

Menschliche Entscheidungsträger treffen täglich unzählige Entscheidungen, deren Folgen von geringer bis hin zu weitreichender Bedeutung sein können. Bei der Entscheidungsfindung bzw. Problemlösung greifen sie auf Wissen zurück. Verfügen sie nicht über ausreichendes Wissen, ist eine weitere Informationsaufnahme und -verarbeitung erforderlich, die die kognitiven Fähigkeiten berücksichtigt. Diese kann u. a. durch die Bereitstellung von Advice erfolgen. Entscheidungsträger nutzen Advice, um ihre Entscheidungen zu verbessern, Risiken zu teilen oder fehlendes Wissen und Expertise auszugleichen. Advice dient auch als vertrauensbildende, psychologische Unterstützung oder um Advice nicht abzulehnen. Im Zeitalter der Digitalisierung wird nicht-menschlicher Advice vermehrt genutzt und automatisiert. Da das Controlling u. a. die Entscheidungsträger (Manager) bei ihren Entscheidungen unterstützt, ergibt sich die Relevanz des Controllings, zu verstehen und zu wissen, wie Manager Advice nutzen und einsetzen, um ihre Aufgabe der Entscheidungsunterstützung erfüllen zu können. Es stellt sich hierbei die Frage, wann Advice angenommen oder abgelehnt wird. Die theoretischen Überlegungen werden durch zwei empirische Studien gestützt, welche praktische Implikationen für das Controlling und Management aufzeigen.

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