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The Corporate Paradox: Power and Control in the Business Franchise (Routledge Revivals)
by Alan FelsteadFirst published in 1993, The Corporate Paradox is the first major, in-depth study of the franchise relationship and how it functions. While past debates have focused on the question: ‘What do bosses do?’, we are now being asked: ‘Who really is the boss?’. Since the late 1970s the emergence of franchising arrangements has been a major part of the wider process of change taking place in the nature of modern business organization. The names of franchise companies are familiar to most people: Coca-Cola, McDonalds, Pepsi cola, Body Shop, to name but a few. But how many people realize that each such outlet is a separate legal entity owned by a local franchisee? Franchising remains, at best, little understood.In this book, Alan Felstead explores who controls what, why and how, setting his discussion within the context of the many current changes affecting traditional contractual bonds between employers and employees, producers and buyers, owners and managers. This is a must read for students of management, organizational studies, marketing, industrial sociology and commercial law.
A History of the Carpenters Company (Routledge Revivals)
by B W Alford T BARKERFirst published in 1968, A History of the Carpenters Company deals with developments in the carpenter’s craft as well as with the Company's own internal growth. It examines the effectiveness of efforts to enforce regulations dealing with wages, apprenticeship, and building, which emanated from both the Company and the Common Council of the City of London. The Great Fire of 1666 had profound effects on the organization which struggled on with a meager income until railway compensation and the enhancement of property values, in the second-half of the nineteenth century, transformed it into one of the wealthiest of the City Livery Companies. The Carpenters’ unusually complete records have not only enabled the authors to trace the acquisition of property, but also to illustrate the legal fictions used to protect this property from unscrupulous demands of Tudor and Stuart monarchs, and, at the same time, to question some of the existing general accounts of the apparent rise in charitable activity during that period. The domestic life of the Company, its charities, and successive halls, are all described.Throughout, an attempt has been made to trace the social and economic life of the Carpenters against a backcloth of London and National History. This book is an important historical reference work for students of British history.
miRNAomics and Stress Management in Plants
by Peerzada Yasir Yousuf Peerzada Arshid Shabir Khalid Rehman HakeemPlants, being sessile, are negatively affected by the biotic and abiotic (environmental) stresses, reducing plant growth, productivity, and quality to a larger extent. Plants have evolved different physiological, biochemical, and molecular mechanisms to combat these stress conditions to maintain their growth, development, and productivity. Understanding the mechanisms involved in the plant response to stress conditions is the foremost step in the development of stress-tolerant plants. One of the important adaptations to stress conditions is the precise and fine regulation of gene expression in both time and space. Although gene regulation occurs at different levels through different mechanisms, the most crucial is at the level of transcription. One of the important posttranscriptional gene regulatory mechanisms used by the plants to restore and maintain cellular homeostasis during the stress conditions are microRNAs.MicroRNAs, a group of approximately 22-nucleotide-long, non-coding RNAs, have recently been identified as a new class of regulators governing gene expression at the post-transcriptional level. MiRNAs can silence genes either by guiding the degradation of the target mRNAs or by repressing the mRNA translation. Plant miRNAs have been demonstrated to regulate many genes involved in various developmental processes, for example, auxin signaling, organ polarity/radial patterning, developmental transitions, and secondary metabolism regulation. Moreover, increasing evidence indicates the role of plant miRNA-guided gene regulation in response to biotic and abiotic stresses. High-throughput sequencing approaches have significantly elucidated the identification and functional characterization of numerous miRNAs in plants. Understanding the role and mechanism of action of miRNAs during abiotic and biotic stresses can potentially offer new approaches to improve plant growth and productivity.This unique book covers the different aspects of plant microRNAomics including the discovery, biogenesis, role in different stress conditions, and applications of microRNAs in developing stress-tolerant plants. Chapters cover the updated knowledge in the field of plant microRNA research. The book, miRNAomics and Stress Management in Plants, intends to demonstrate the breadth of research and the significant advances that have been made in understanding the role of miRNAs in the plant development and stress management.This comprehensive volume will be of value to plant physiologists, plant biochemists, geneticists, molecular biologists, agronomists, environmental researchers, and graduate and undergraduate students of plant science.
Artificial Intelligence for Air Quality Monitoring and Prediction (AI Applications in Earth Science)
by Amit Awasthi Kanhu Charan Pattnayak Gaurav Dhiman Pushp Raj TiwariThis book is a comprehensive overview of advancements in artificial intelligence (AI) and how it can be applied in the field of air quality management. It explains the linkage between conventional approaches used in air quality monitoring and AI techniques such as data collection and preprocessing, deep learning, machine vision, natural language processing, and ensemble methods. The integration of climate models and AI enables readers to understand the relationship between air quality and climate change. Different case studies demonstrate the application of various air monitoring and prediction methodologies and their effectiveness in addressing real-world air quality challenges.Features A thorough coverage of air quality monitoring and prediction techniques. In-depth evaluation of cutting-edge AI techniques such as machine learning and deep learning. Diverse global perspectives and approaches in air quality monitoring and prediction. Practical insights and real-world case studies from different monitoring and prediction techniques. Future directions and emerging trends in AI-driven air quality monitoring. This is a great resource for professionals, researchers, and students interested in air quality management and control in the fields of environmental science and engineering, atmospheric science and meteorology, data science, and AI.
Handbook of Biorefinery Research and Technology: Production of Biofuels and Biochemicals
by Virendra BisariaThis handbook provides a comprehensive review of the latest scientific developments through authoritative, expertly validated overviews in this field. It covers the basic principles, upfront research accomplishments as well as successful industrial applications. Each chapter is written by a domain expert which besides the in-depth review of the topic also outlines an economic outlook and future directions of research of the area. The book is structured in a way that is appropriate for advanced graduate students and professionals in diverse scientific and engineering communities including biocatalysis, genetic engineering, metabolic engineering, and bioprocess technology.
Software Architecture. ECSA 2024 Tracks and Workshops: Luxembourg City, Luxembourg, September 3–6, 2024, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14937)
by Apostolos Ampatzoglou Jennifer Pérez Barbora Buhnova Valentina Lenarduzzi Colin C. Venters Uwe Zdun Khalil Drira Luciana Rebelo Daniele Di Pompeo Michele Tucci Elisa Yumi Nakagawa Elena NavarroThis book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the tracks and workshops which complemented the 18th European Conference on Software Architecture. ECSA 2024 Tracks and Workshops, ECSA 2024, held in Luxembourg City, Luxembourg, during September 3–6, 2024. The 6 full papers and 9 short papers presented here were carefully reviewed and selected from 26 submissions. They were organized in topical sections such as Tools & Demos and Doctoral Symposium tracks of the main conference. In addition, it contains the proceedings of the two workshops: 7th Context-Aware, Autonomous and Smart Architectures International Workshop (CASA7th Context-Aware, Autonomous and Smart Architectures International Workshop (CASA) The 3rd International Workshop on Quality in Software Architecture (QUALIFIER).
Exploring the Effects of Diet on the Development and Prognosis of Multiple Sclerosis (Nutritional Neurosciences)
by Hamdan HamdanThis book offers an insightful exploration into the relationship between diet and Multiple Sclerosis (MS), aiming to address a crucial question: Can dietary interventions serve as effective preventative and therapeutic measures for patients with MS? Delving into this question, the book examines various nutritional components and regimens, shedding light on their potential impacts on the progression, relapse rate, and development of MS. It offers readers valuable insights into how dietary choices can influence the management of this condition. Backed up by evidence gathered from review and clinical trial papers, the book discusses the role of vitamins such as A, B, and D, as well as dietary supplements like caffeine, carnitine, and lipoic acid in benefiting patients with MS. Particular attention is given to the significance of vitamin D in lowering the risk of developing MS and its immunomodulatory effects on the inflammatory processes associated with the disease. In parallel, the book also addresses the detrimental effects of diets such as the Western or high salt diet (HSD) on MS prognosis, emphasizing how these dietary regimens can harm the gut microbiome and exacerbate inflammatory responses, ultimately promoting demyelination of the central nervous system (CNS). The book then explores alternative dietary approaches that confer a protective effect on the gut microbiome and the CNS, including whole grain, fasting, Mediterranean, and ketogenic diets. This comprehensive resource is an essential reading for patients with MS seeking to understand the potential impacts of diet on their overall health, as well as healthcare professionals and researchers interested in exploring dietary interventions for MS management.
Innovations in Sustainable Agricultural Systems, Volume 1: ISAS 2024 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #1130)
by Irina Samoylenko Toshpulot RajabovThis multidisciplinary book focuses on the best practices in a range of areas, such as: I. Sustainable development of agricultural production; II. Intelligent agricultural techniques, tools, and systems; III. Sustainability in veterinary practice; and IV. Economic, ecological and social systems for human development. This book is a truly interdisciplinary publication, useful to scholars, social movements, practitioners, and members of governmental agencies and private companies. Sustainable agricultural systems are crucial for ensuring food security, conserving natural resources and mitigating climate change. Innovations in this field play a key role in improving agricultural practices to make them more environmentally friendly, economically viable and socially responsible. By implementing the innovative approaches and technologies, sustainable agricultural systems can help address the challenges facing agriculture in the twenty-first century and build a more resilient and sustainable food system for the future.
Software Architecture: 18th European Conference, ECSA 2024, Luxembourg City, Luxembourg, September 3–6, 2024, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14889)
by Matthias Galster Patrizia Scandurra Tommi Mikkonen Pablo Oliveira Antonino Elisa Yumi Nakagawa Elena NavarroThis book constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 18th European Conference on Software Architecture, ECSA 2024, held in Luxembourg City, Luxembourg, during September 2–6, 2024. The 14 full research papers, 3 experience report papers, 7 short papers and 3 industry papers included in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 89 submissions They were organized in topical sections as follows: Architecture modeling and design; Architecture evaluation; Microservices architecture; Sustainability; Trustworthiness; Architecture decision making; and Architecture documentation.
Handbuch NOTAM, SNOWTAM, GRF, RCC: Methoden und Arbeitshilfen für die Praxis im Flugbetrieb
by Afshin Montazeri Elham MontazeriDas Buch behandelt das Thema der Veröffentlichung und Erstellung von NOTAM und SNOWTAM sowie des Global Reporting Formats (GRF) aus flugbetrieblicher Perspektive. Primär richtet es sich an Mitarbeitende von Flughäfen, die im Bereich des Flugbetriebs tätig sind (beispielsweise Flugdienstberater) und Flugbesatzungen, deren Aufgabe es ist, diese Informationen zu nutzen, um einen sicheren Flugbetrieb zu gewährleisten. Das Werk enthält eine umfassende Darstellung aller relevanten Informationen, die für Flughafenmitarbeiter von Bedeutung sind, um NOTAM gemäß den Vorgaben der Europäischen Agentur für Flugsicherheit (EASA) und der Internationalen Zivilluftfahrtorganisation (ICAO) zu verfassen und zu veröffentlichen. Desweiteren bietet es einen relevanten Mehrwert für alle anderen Teilnehmer der Luftfahrtindustrie, die NOTAM lesen und verstehen müssen. Dies schließt insbesondere auch Studierende im Bereich Luftverkehrsmanagement mit ein.
Rethinking Stormwater Management through Sustainable Urban Design (Urban Sustainability)
by Ali Cheshmehzangi Maycon Sedrez Andrew FlynnThis book provides a different narrative and approach to rethinking stormwater management through sustainable urban design. It delves into design interventions and innovative strategies that lead to solving context-specific issues of flooding, water scarcity, etc. Starting with an overarching introduction and discussion on stormwater management research, the book then primarily focuses on sustainable urban design practices, strategies, and policy guidelines. By summarising a selection of successful global case study examples, the book highlights how we should rethink stormwater management practices and policies from the design perspective. Through sustainable urban design suggestions, the book covers a wide range of conceptual examples to design and policy guidelines, as well as best practices that could be utilised for other contexts. The book is divided into two sections of: (1) architectural and urban design practices and interventions; and (2) policies and action plans. This collection helps researchers and scholars rethink stormwater management and consider innovative - and, more importantly, sustainable - design strategies that could help develop new paradigms and policies for water-related issues in cities and communities. This will interest multiple stakeholders, mainly urban policymakers, planners, urban designers, urban specialists, landscape architects, architects, and urban ecologists. It could be treated as a case study-based guide for governmental units dealing with water related issues in cities and urban areas.
Business Process Management: BPM 2024 Blockchain, RPA, CEE, Educators and Industry Forum, Krakow, Poland, September 1–6, 2024, Proceedings (Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing #527)
by Claudio Di Ciccio Walid Fdhila Simone Agostinelli Daniel Amyot Henrik Leopold Michal Krčál Monika Malinova Mandelburger Gregor Polančič Katarina Tomičić-Pupek Katarzyna Gdowska Thomas Grisold Piotr Sliż Iris Beerepoot Renata Gabryelczyk Ralf PlattfautThis book constitutes the proceedings of the BPM 2024 Blockchain/RPA/CEE/Educators/Industry Forum held at the 22nd International Conference on Business Process Management, BPM 2024, which took place in Krakow, Poland, in September 2024. The Blockchain Forum provided a platform for exploring and discussing innovative ideas on the intersection of BPM and blockchain technology. The CEE Forum deals with BPM research in Central and Eastern European countries, emphasizing the specific challenges due to cultural, political, regional, or organizational differences. The RPA Forum focused on the use of the Robotic Process Automation (RPA) in the field of Business Process Management. The Educators Forum brought together educators within the BPM community for sharing resources to improve the practice of teaching BPM-related topics. The Industry Forum served as a platform connecting academia and industry professionals to exchange real-world experiences and insights on leveraging Business Process Management. The total of 35 papers included in this book was carefully reviewed and selected from a total of 69 papers submitted to these forums.
Prozesscontrolling in der Kunststoffrecycling-Branche: Möglichkeiten und Chancen für KMU durch Standardisierung und Tool-Support
by Carolin BerbalkKunststoffe sind in unserem Alltag allgegenwärtig und bieten aufgrund ihrer vielfältigen Verwendungsmöglichkeiten unterschiedliche Einsatzmöglichkeiten. In den letzten Jahren hat die Diskussion über den Umgang mit Kunststoffabfällen, insbesondere im Hinblick auf eine nachhaltigere Ressourcennutzung, zugenommen und Konzepte wie das Kunststoffrecycling als Teilbereich der Kreislaufwirtschaft weiter in den Fokus gerückt. Das vorliegende Buch untersucht die Prozesse im werkstofflichen Kunststoffrecycling von Post-Consumer-Abfällen und deren systematische Datenerfassung und Operationalisierung. Ziel ist es, Empfehlungen für Forschung und Industrie zu entwickeln, um durch Standardisierung und Toolunterstützung die Möglichkeiten und Chancen zu nutzen, dass durch gezieltes Prozesscontrolling weniger unkontrollierbare Ausbringungsschwankungen auftreten und sich die Preise für Rezyklate denen von Primärkunststoffen annähern.
Teaching Chinese Characters in the Digital Age: Insights on Current Trends and Future Directions (Palgrave Studies on Chinese Education in a Global Perspective)
by Caitríona Osborne Danping Wang Qi ZhangThis book provides in-depth discussions on the present and future of teaching Chinese characters, focusing on three distinct areas: teaching and learning Chinese characters online; critical perspectives regarding typing Chinese characters in Chinese language classrooms; and the development of methodologies and theories for character teaching. The authors look to the future of teaching Chinese characters in the current digital era, drawing on years of collective experience in different contexts around the world, as well as the influence of online language teaching during the pandemic. The book includes perspectives on teaching methods, learning strategies, and curriculum design, among other areas, and will be a key resource for Chinese language researchers, practitioners, and students.
Radiology of the Abdomen and Pelvis: A Case-Based Guide
by Swati GoyalA succinct account of various routinely experienced pathologies and suitable images has been presented as approximately162 case studies. The cases are structured into thematic chapters with an integrated approach to basic learning. Each case study follows a similar format with a brief clinical presentation, relevant imaging findings, discussion with differential diagnosis, management, and suggested readings. This book focuses on the pointwise description of cases routinely encountered in abdominopelvic imaging that help students, trainees and radiologists to write certificate examinations. Key Features: Presents chapters in the form of case studies, along with a brief illustrative description of normal anatomy and abnormal findings. Uses image-based quizzes for easy comprehension for trainees, residents, and practicing radiologists. Incorporates pivotal cases from the hepatobiliary, pancreatic, genitourinary, and gastrointestinal systems in a single book.
Molecular and Cellular Biology of the Vitamins
by George F.M. BallMolecular and Cellular Biology of the Vitamins is a key resource describing how vitamins function as physiologically active molecules at the cellular level. The contents of the book are divided into four sections including a thorough introduction; biological perspectives; fat-soluble vitamins; and water-soluble vitamins. Vitamin chapters cover information on chemical structures; intestinal absorption; plasma transport and metabolism; biochemical and physiological actions; regulations of gene expression; immunological properties; deficiency-related diseases. The 'perspectives' chapters facilitate the understanding of vitamin biology; including the theory of biochemistry, physiology, endocrinology, molecular genetics, and immunology.Features· Facilitates learning and understanding through a logical flow of information.· Discusses vitamin 'behavior' across a wide range of biological disciplines.· Discusses immunological and deficiency-related diseases including coronary artery disease, diabetes and cancer; and potential toxicity.Molecular and Cellular Biology of the Vitamins appeals to those involved in vitamin research or teaching, postgraduate students studying nutrition or health-related topics, health practitioners, and scientists.
Expressive Therapeutic Writing: Guiding Transformation and Restorative Care through Intermodal Arts, Word by Word
by Krystal Leah Demaine Tamar Reva EinsteinThis book brings engagement and conversation to a cross‑pollination of creative and expressive writing and multi‑modal art forms.Through the lens of expressive arts therapy, the authors demonstrate how writing can reveal the unexpected that emerges from art making. The lineage of expressive arts therapy includes artful writing, poetry, associative, creative, and memoir, for example, to engage in self‑discovery, growth, and restorative care. Each chapter is grounded in intermodal expressive arts with a central focus on creative and expressive writing, which is informed by movement, visual art, storytelling, music, sound, photography, and physical performance, including response art, and has writing prompts and invitations as well as playful and improvisational integrative arts writing explorations.Creative arts therapists and expressive therapists actively searching for creative playful self‑reflective writing practice will find this book a rewarding resource.Krystal Leah Demaine, PhD, MT‑BC, REAT, CTRS‑C, RYT, music therapist, expressive arts therapist, and professor of expressive therapies at Endicott College, practices HEARTful healing note by note through song, story, poetry, and creative curiosity.Tamar Reva Einstein, PhD, REAT, expressive arts therapist, poet/artist, and teacher, crosses cultural borders in Jerusalem with the arts as her mother tongue, threading writing and arts like her threaded beads and amulets.
Studies in Byzantine Monasticism (Variorum Collected Studies)
by Alice-Mary TalbotThis volume includes seventeen essays on Byzantine monasticism, focusing on the 9th to 15th centuries. Envisaged as a companion Variorum volume to Talbot's Women and Religious Life in Byzantium (2001), this compendium complements its predecessor by focusing more attention on male monasteries, hermits and holy mountains, while offering some pioneering studies of female patrons, rural nuns, and the links of many Byzantine women to Mount Athos. The volume also complements Talbot's 2019 monograph, Varieties of Monastic Experience in Byzantium, 800-1453, by offering detailed analyses of topics that could only be briefly addressed in that book.Introductory essays include an overview of the historical development of Byzantine monasteries and holy mountains, emphasising the intertwining of monasticism with urban and rural society. Subsequent essays explore the regimen at coenobitic monasteries, while paying considerable attention to the less well-known lifestyles of hermits, especially those on holy mountains.Other topics include monastery gardens and horticulture; the culture of the refectory; challenges for adolescent novices; factors influencing the choice of a monastery’s foundation site; female patronage of monastery construction and restoration; the conversion of monasteries from male to female and vice-versa; rules regarding personal poverty for monastics; and the choice of a monastic name.
A Social Ontology of Psychosis: Genea-logical Treatise on Lacan’s Conception of Psychosis (The Lines of the Symbolic in Psychoanalysis Series)
by Diego Enrique Londoño-ParedesIn A Social Ontology of Psychosis, Diego Enrique Londoño-Paredes explores how to interpret and apply the concept of the signifier of the Name-of-the-Father in Lacanian theory, particularly in the context of working with psychosis.Londoño proposes a logical framework drawing on the work of Badiou, then traces the historical development of this concept and its implications as a structural necessity for anyone who speaks and engages in discourse. The book opens by exploring set theory, transitioning from nought to one, from the Thing to the object, essential for any presentation. Subsequently, it follows a historical path, examining the evolution of the figure and the signifier of the Father, journeying from ancient Mesopotamian roots through Modernity, touching upon Claudel’s theater and the films of the Coen brothers. Finally, it aligns Searle’s social ontology with Lacan’s discourses, highlighting psychosis as an illustration of being outside discourse, particularly when the Name-of-the-Father is foreclosed. Case material illustrates various ways psychosis manifests without distinct clinical evidence.This comprehensive book will be of great interest to practitioners and scholars in psychoanalysis, philosophy, the humanities, and the history of mental health and knowledge.
Dielectric Materials for Capacitive Energy Storage (Emerging Materials and Technologies)
by Haibo Zhang Hua TanDue to growing energy demands, the development of high-energy storage density dielectric materials for energy storage capacitors has become a top priority. Dielectric Materials for Capacitive Energy Storage focuses on the research and application of dielectric materials for energy storage capacitors. It provides a detailed summary of dielectric properties and polarization mechanism of dielectric materials and analyzes several international cases based on the latest research progress.• Explains advantages and development potential of dielectric capacitors.• Discusses energy storage principles of dielectric materials as well as effects of polarization and breakdown mechanisms on energy storage performance.• Summarizes achievements and progress of inorganic and organic dielectric materials as well as multidimensional composites.• Details applications and features international case studies.• Offers unique insights into existing issues and forecasts for future research priorities.With its summary and large-scale analysis of the fields related to dielectric energy storage, this book will benefit scholars, researchers, and advanced students in materials, electrical, chemical, and other areas of engineering working on capacitors and energy storage.
A History of Classical Greek Literature: From Homer to Aristotle (Routledge Revivals)
by T. A. SinclairFirst Published in 1934, this book gives a general survey of the history of classical Greek literature from Homer to Aristotle. It discusses important themes like Homeric criticism and the Homeric question; elegiac poetry; lyric poetry; myth and history in verse; Heraclitus and philosophy in prose; the scientific study of history; origins of tragedy; origins of comedy; changes in the fourth century; and Aristotle and the end of the classical period. This is a must read for students of Greek literature and history of classical literature.
Africa in the Bengali Imagination: From Calcutta to Kampala, 1928-1973
by Mahruba T. MowtushiThis book examines textual representations of Africa in the Indian imagination from 1928 to 1973. It critically analyses Bengali literature during this period, their imitation of colonial racial prejudices and how it allowed Bengalis to fashion their identity. It analyses the development of ‘Africa’ as an idea and historical reality through the writings of five Bengali writers including the Bengali novelist Bibhutibhushan Bandyopadhyay, the children’s author Hemendra Kumar Roy, the poet and philosopher Rabindranath Tagore, the playwright Ganesh Bagchi and the surrealist poet and founding editor of Transition magazine Rajat Neogy. The book shows how these writers engage with the idea of Africa and their influence in the construction of the Bengali cultural identity during the freedom struggle, the Partition of Bengal in 1947 and the creation of Bangladesh in 1971. The book offers readers a glimpse of the exotic imaginary locales of Africa while offering an in-depth look into the interconnected histories, cartographic routes and cultural exchange between India and Africa. A first of its kind, this book will be an excellent read for students and scholars of literature, comparative literature, history, cultural studies, postcolonial studies, South Asian studies, African studies and diaspora studies. .
Community Governance in China: History and Reality (ISSN)
by Wu XiaolinThis book provides an overview of China’s distinctive community governance, examining its 2000-year history and describing its recent development under the leadership of the Communist Party of China.The book presents new insights into community governance in China. It explores the historical genesis of community governance in imperial China, providing a link that helps to understand the relationship between ancient and modern community governance. By explaining the practical differences between “centralised governance” and “networked governance” in these contexts, it moves away from the myth of Tönniesian community and dissects the conceptual differences between Chinese and Western communities. This book is unique in its focus on the economic structure that underlies community governance and its identification of the root cause. It also investigates China’s “poli-community” and the relationship between the state, society, and the family. Finally, the book proposes a potential approach for transitioning from a binary opposition between the state and society to a new mechanism of “state-created society” and building “associated communities”.This volume will be a valuable reference for scholars and students of Chinese politics, public management, and sociology, as well as for practitioners of community governance.
The Spirit and Purpose of Geography (Routledge Revivals)
by S. W. Wooldridge W. G. EastFirst published in 1951, The Spirit and Purpose of Geography offers an introduction to the scope and spirit of geography. This undertakes a no less ambitious task than that of discovering the spatial relationships of the manifold features, physical and human, which diversify the Earth's surface.The authors one of whom first approached the subject from physical science, and the other from social science, co-operate to define and to discuss the historical development of their subject, its fundamental physical basis, its cartographic methods, its human aspect and its many applications and problems. Above all they submit that geography, the study of country or landscape, as a link study between the natural sciences and the humanities, constitutes not only a worthy academic discipline but also a part of a liberal education. This introductory volume is a must read for any student of geography.
Queer Kinship and Comparative Literature: New Approaches (Palgrave Studies in Mediating Kinship, Representation, and Difference)
by Anchit Sathi Alice FerrebeThis edited collection provides a critical forum for scholars to examine the evolution of queer kinship—encompassing the wide range of relationships, both biological and nonbiological, that queer individuals choose (or are compelled) to establish—through its representation in literature over time and across cultural contexts. In particular, the ten essays in this collection utilize close readings, philosophy, and theory to address the following question: How can we conceptualize the nature of queer kinship based on its textual representations? To this end, the essays engage with a diverse array of texts, from Buddhist writing to contemporary song lyrics, French literature from the 17th and 18th centuries to contemporary drama and novels from Sweden, Israel, and the Anglosphere. This broad temporal and geographic scope yields new critical insights into the varied ontologies of queer kinship and highlights the inherent paradoxes and fundamental messiness in queer kinship formations across different times, spaces, and contexts. In doing so, the collection makes a significant and timely contribution to the fields of kinship studies, queer studies, and comparative literature.