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From Paragraphs to Plots: Architecture of the Novel
by Matthew ClarkThe novel has often been characterized as the art form without a form. Although there may not be any rules for how to write a novel, as Matthew Clark shows in his new work of practical analysis, a good novel is as carefully formed as a good poem.From Paragraphs to Plots uncovers large compositional features of narrative construction, thereby excavating elements that constitute the architecture of the novel. Clark begins by discussing the segmentation of narratives, from the paragraph level up to the whole novel, with case studies of the composition of Jane Austen’s Emma and Virginia Woolf’s Mrs. Dalloway. The next chapter explores an important, though often neglected, feature of narrative architecture called ring composition: a particular kind of repetition where the beginning and the end of a text are the same or similar. From there, Clark analyzes in detail two novels, Ford Madox Ford’s The Good Soldier and Joseph Heller’s Catch-22, identifying the repetitions, inversions, links, and fragmented narrations that comprise each narrative.The book’s second half focuses on simple and complex plot forms. Examining iterations of simple forms—plots that begin with a specific initiating event and proceed in an essentially regular chronological progression from beginning to middle to end—Clark outlines several common beginnings (Arrival, Departure, Meeting, Need, Birth, Death) and endings (Departures, Returns, Marriages, Need Satisfied, Death), along with a short account of less common ways to begin a novel. Subsequent discussions examine devices used in complex plot forms, such as Beginning with the Ending, Second Chapter Retrospects, Ghosts from the Past, Multiple Retrospects, One-Day Novels, One-Year Novels, Mirror Plots, Simultaneous Narration, Unnatural Chronology, and Non-Narrative Elements. The final chapter draws together the preceding discussions with a detailed case study of a recent novel, Viet Thanh Nguyen’s Pulitzer Prize–winning The Sympathizer.By analyzing common practices of narrative construction, From Paragraphs to Plots identifies sources of beauty and meaning in literature, approaching the aesthetic and the thematic as simultaneous and inextricable.
The Deadline: Essays
by Jill Lepore"Jill Lepore is unquestionably one of America’s best historians; it’s fair to say she’s one of its best writers too." —Jonathan Russell Clark, Los Angeles Times Best Books of 2023: New Yorker, TIME A book to be read and kept for posterity, The Deadline is the art of the essay at its best. Few, if any, historians have brought such insight, wisdom, and empathy to public discourse as Jill Lepore. Arriving at The New Yorker in 2005, Lepore, with her panoptical range and razor-sharp style, brought a transporting freshness and a literary vivacity to everything from profiles of long-dead writers to urgent constitutional analysis to an unsparing scrutiny of the woeful affairs of the nation itself. The astonishing essays collected in The Deadline offer a prismatic portrait of Americans’ techno-utopianism, frantic fractiousness, and unprecedented—but armed—aimlessness. From lockdowns and race commissions to Bratz dolls and bicycles, to the losses that haunt Lepore’s life, these essays again and again cross what she calls the deadline, the “river of time that divides the quick from the dead.” Echoing Gore Vidal’s United States in its massive intellectual erudition, The Deadline, with its remarkable juxtaposition of the political and the personal, challenges the very nature of the essay—and of history—itself.
Principles of Cognition: Finding Minds
by Eduardo Mercado IIIA comprehensive overview of what psychologists now know about the nature of cognitionPrinciples of Cognition provides students with an invaluable introduction to the modern science of cognition, blending invaluable insights from behavioral and neuroscientific studies of humans and other animals with unique examples, cutting-edge research summaries, and real-world applications. This accessible textbook builds on the legacy of psychologist William James by emphasizing not only the form cognition takes in laboratory research but also the functional dynamics of cognitive processes in everyday life and the ways they vary across individuals and species. Using an integrative approach that highlights the relevance of cognition across psychological disciplines, it engages students by showing how cognition emerges over time, how cognitive abilities can be improved, and how thinking can be upended by something as simple as falling in love.Discusses topics in cognition rarely covered by other textbooks, including perception of time and space, consciousness, animal cognition, mathematical and reading skills, emotions, intelligence, generalization, and social cognitionEmphasizes learning and its interactions with memory and cognitionFeatures practical applications from cognitive research in every chapterConnects topics across chapters to promote retention and critical thinkingDraws on the latest experimental, naturalistic, and applied researchIntegrates findings about animals and children with traditional studies of adults to develop a more neurally grounded framework for thinking about the mechanisms of cognitionAn ideal textbook for undergraduate and graduate classrooms
The Origins and History of Consciousness (Bollingen Series #760)
by Erich NeumannThe Origins and History of Consciousness draws on a full range of world mythology to show how individual consciousness undergoes the same archetypal stages of development as human consciousness as a whole. Erich Neumann was one of C. G. Jung's most creative students and a renowned practitioner of analytical psychology in his own right. In this influential book, Neumann shows how the stages begin and end with the symbol of the Uroboros, the tail-eating serpent. The intermediate stages are projected in the universal myths of the World Creation, Great Mother, Separation of the World Parents, Birth of the Hero, Slaying of the Dragon, Rescue of the Captive, and Transformation and Deification of the Hero. Throughout the sequence, the Hero is the evolving ego consciousness.Featuring a foreword by Jung, this Princeton Classics edition introduces a new generation of readers to this eloquent and enduring work.
Parfit: A Philosopher and His Mission to Save Morality
by David EdmondsFrom the bestselling coauthor of Wittgenstein&’s Poker, an entertaining and illuminating biography of a brilliant philosopher who tried to rescue morality from nihilismDerek Parfit (1942–2017) is the most famous philosopher most people have never heard of. Widely regarded as one of the greatest moral thinkers of the past hundred years, Parfit was anything but a public intellectual. Yet his ideas have shaped the way philosophers think about things that affect us all: equality, altruism, what we owe to future generations, and even what it means to be a person. In Parfit, David Edmonds presents the first biography of an intriguing, obsessive, and eccentric genius.Believing that we should be less concerned with ourselves and more with the common good, Parfit dedicated himself to the pursuit of philosophical progress to an extraordinary degree. He always wore gray trousers and a white shirt so as not to lose precious time picking out clothes, he varied his diet as little as possible, and he had only one serious non-philosophical interest: taking photos of Oxford, Venice, and St. Petersburg. In the latter half of his life, he single-mindedly devoted himself to a desperate attempt to rescue secular morality—morality without God—by arguing that it has an objective, rational basis. For Parfit, the stakes could scarcely have been higher. If he couldn&’t demonstrate that there are objective facts about right and wrong, he believed, his life was futile and all our lives were meaningless.Connecting Parfit&’s work and life and offering a clear introduction to his profound and challenging ideas, Parfit is a powerful portrait of an extraordinary thinker who continues to have a remarkable influence on the world of ideas.
Adam Smith Reconsidered: History, Liberty, and the Foundations of Modern Politics
by Paul SagarA radical reinterpretation of Adam Smith that challenges economists, moral philosophers, political theorists, and intellectual historians to rethink him—and why he mattersAdam Smith has long been recognized as the father of modern economics. More recently, scholars have emphasized his standing as a moral philosopher—one who was prepared to critique markets as well as to praise them. But Smith&’s contributions to political theory are still underappreciated and relatively neglected. In this bold, revisionary book, Paul Sagar argues that not only have the fundamentals of Smith&’s political thought been widely misunderstood, but that once we understand them correctly, our estimations of Smith as economist and as moral philosopher must radically change.Rather than seeing Smith either as the prophet of the free market, or as a moralist who thought the dangers of commerce lay primarily in the corrupting effects of trade, Sagar shows why Smith is more thoroughly a political thinker who made major contributions to the history of political thought. Smith, Sagar argues, saw war, not commerce, as the engine of political change and he was centrally concerned with the political, not moral, dimensions of—and threats to—commercial societies. In this light, the true contours and power of Smith&’s foundational contributions to western political thought emerge as never before.Offering major reinterpretations of Smith&’s political, moral, and economic ideas, Adam Smith Reconsidered seeks to revolutionize how he is understood. In doing so, it recovers Smith&’s original way of doing political theory, one rooted in the importance of history and the necessity of maintaining a realist sensibility, and from which we still have much to learn.
Meet Me in the Margins
by Melissa FergusonYou&’ve Got Mail meets The Proposal—this romance is one for the books.Savannah Cade&’s dreams are coming true. The Claire Donovan, editor-in-chief of the most successful romance publishing company in the country, has requested to see the manuscript Savannah&’s been secretly writing. The only problem: she&’s an editor for a different company, and their philosophy is only highbrow works are worth printing and romance should be reserved for the lowest level of Dante&’s inferno.But when Savannah drops her manuscript during a staff meeting and nearly exposes herself to the whole company—including William Pennington, the new boss and son of the romance-despising CEO herself—she has no choice but to hide the manuscript in a hidden room.When she returns, she&’s dismayed to discover that someone has not only been in her hidden nook but has written notes in the margins—quite critical ones. But when Claire&’s own reaction turns out to be nearly identical to the scribbled remarks, and worse, Claire announces that Savannah has six weeks to resubmit before she retires, Savannah finds herself forced to seek the help of the shadowy editor after all.As their notes back and forth start to fill up the pages, however, Savannah finds him not just becoming pivotal to her work but her life. There&’s no doubt about it: she&’s falling for her mystery editor. If she only knew who he was.&“Meet Me in the Margins is a delightfully charming jewel of a book that fans of romantic comedy won&’t be able to put down!&” — Kristy Woodson Harvey, New York Times bestselling author of Under the Southern Sky
Interaktionsqualität im sprachbildenden Mathematikunterricht: Instrumententwicklung und differentielle Analysen (Dortmunder Beiträge zur Entwicklung und Erforschung des Mathematikunterrichts #2)
by Kim QuabeckEin reichhaltiger, sprachbildender Mathematikunterricht lässt sich nicht allein durch sorgfältig designte Aufgaben herstellen, denn die fachlichen und sprachlichen Lerngelegenheiten ergeben sich vor allem auch in der Interaktion zwischen Lehrkräften und Lernenden. Diese hohe Relevanz der Interaktionsqualität ist in qualitativen Fallstudien vielfach belegt, doch nach wie vor wird Interaktionsqualität in quantitativen Studien der Unterrichtsqualitätsforschung noch unsystematisch und mit sehr heterogenen Konzeptualisierungen und Operationalisierungen erfasst. In diesem Buch widmet sich die Autorin dieser Forschungslücke, indem ein sehr hoch auflösendes Analyseinstrument für Interaktionsqualität theoriebasiert entwickelt und beforscht wird. Mittels differentieller Analysen wird des Weiteren der Zusammenhang zwischen Lernmilieus und Lernvoraussetzungen für Interaktionsqualität untersucht.
Ratgeber Schulter
by Joachim GrifkaDieser Ratgeber hilft allen Menschen, die unter Schulterproblemen leiden. Hier erfahren sie mehr über ihre Krankheit, verstehen damit die Zusammenhänge besser und können empfohlene Behandlungen nachvollziehen. Darüber hinaus lernen Betroffene, was sie selbst gegen die Beschwerden tun können, denn gerade bei Schultererkrankungen kann und sollte der Patient vieles selbst tun, um die Belastbarkeit zu verbessern und Beschwerden entgegenzuwirken. Ein Video-gestütztes Trainingsprogramm dient als Information und Schulung; die enthaltenen Videos zeigen Übungen und geben Tipps für richtige Verhaltensmaßnahmen und ein gezieltes Training. Patienten sprechen immer wieder Fragen und Probleme an - auch darauf geht dieser Ratgeber gezielt ein. Mittels der Prinzipien der Schulterschule ist es heute möglich, mit Verhaltensmaßnahmen und gezielten Übungen eine Vielzahl von Beschwerden ohne Operation erfolgreich zu behandeln. Alle Übungen können Sie ohne spezielle Geräte einfach und sicher zuHause durchführen. Der Autor und seine Arbeitsgruppe sind mit dem höchst dotierten Preis für Prävention in Deutschland ausgezeichnet worden. Empfohlen vom Berufsverband für Orthopädie und Unfallchirurgie, vom VDB-Physiotherapieverband – Berufs- und Wirtschaftsverband der Selbständigen in der Physiotherapie und dem Deutschen Verband für Physiotherapie (ZVK) e.V.
Die Anästhesiologie (Springer Reference Medizin)
by Rolf Rossaint Christian Werner Bernhard ZwißlerIn dem vorliegenden Werk findet sich das gesamte Spektrum der Anästhesiologie umfassend, wissenschaftlich fundiert und praxisnah dargestellt. Das Standardwerk, verfasst von herausragenden Experten des Fachgebietes, wendet sich an alle Anästhesisten in der Fort- und Weiterbildung und liefert damit sowohl dem Facharzt in spe wie auch dem bereits tätigen Facharzt wertvolles Praxiswissen. Alle Themen werden systematisch und nach dem zeitlichen Ablauf einer Narkose dargestellt: Prämedikationsvisite mit anästhesierelevanter Darstellung der Physiologie und Pathophysiologie Pharmakologische Grundlagen mit zahlreichen Tabellen zu allen pharmakologischen Wirkstoffen nach Einsatz, Wirkung und Nebenwirkungen Der anästhesiologische Arbeitsplatz und Allgemeine Anästhesie Spezielle Anästhesie inklusive kurzer Beschreibung wichtiger Eingriffe Anästhesie bei Patienten mit speziellen KrankheitsbildernAuch die großen Teilbereiche Intensivmedizin und perioperative Schmerztherapie werden abgehandelt, ebenso wie rechtliche Aspekte. Die 4. Auflage erscheint komplett aktualisiert und überarbeitet und um neue Themen erweitert, wie Patientensicherheit, Morbidität und Letalität in der Anästhesiologie.Praxis-Plus: 14 Filme zu anästhesiologischen Basistechniken, wie ZVK-Anlage, Spinalanästhesie, endotracheale und nasale Intubation
Robotics and Mechatronics: Proceedings of ISRM 2024 (Mechanisms and Machine Science #158)
by Saïd Zeghloul Med Amine Laribi Lotfi Romdhane Abdelfattah Mlika Abdelbadia ChakerGathering the proceedings of the 8th IFToMM International Symposium on Robotics and Mechatronics (ISRM), held in Djerba, Tunisia, on April 17-19, 2024, this volume covers topics in the broad range of topics related to robotics and mechatronics such as mechanism design, modeling and simulation, kinematics and dynamics of multibody systems, navigation and motion planning, wireless sensors and wearable devices, biomechanics and bio-robotics, micro/nano-robotics, complex robotic systems, walking machines, humanoids, smart devices. The proceedings extend this platform to all researchers, scientists, industry experts, and students interested in these fields.
Beauty is in the Street: Protest and Counterculture in Post-War Europe
by Joachim C. Häberlen'A rich and readable account of left-wing activism in the West and opposition to Soviet-style communism in the East' Katja Hoyer, The Spectator'A dream, perhaps, but one that still sounds worth fighting for, even beautiful' Stuart Jeffries, The Observer'An ambitious and masterly account of utopian protest in Europe ... Fast-paced, with an eye for telling detail and written with a light touch' Robert GildeaIn post-war Europe, protest was everywhere. On both sides of the Iron Curtain, from Paris to Prague, Milan to Wroclaw, ordinary people took to the streets, fighting for a better world. Their efforts came to a head most dramatically in 1968 and 1989, when mass movements swept Europe and rewrote its history.In the decades between, Joachim C. Häberlen argues, new movements emerged that transformed the nature of protesting. Activism moved beyond traditional demonstrations, from squatting to staging 'happenings' and camping out at nuclear power plants. People protested in the way they dressed, the music they listened to, the lovers they slept with, the clubs where they danced all night. New movements were born, notably anti-racism, women's liberation, gay liberation, and environmentalism. And protest turned inward, as activists experimented with new ways of living and feeling, from communes to group therapy, in their efforts to live a better life in the here and now.Some of these struggles succeeded, others failed. But successful or not, their history provides a glimpse into roads not taken, into futures that did not happen. The stories in Häberlen's book invite us to imagine different futures; to struggle, to fail, and to try again. In a time when we are told that there are no alternatives, they show us that there could be another way.
Chicken Boy: My Life With Hens
by Arthur ParkinsonA captivating testament to the mutual rewards and delights of keeping chickens, by the Sunday Times bestselling author of The Flower YardMost of us want a dog, or a cat, or a pony when we are young – but for Arthur Parkinson, it was always hens. Growing up in an ex-mining town in Nottinghamshire, the other kids in the playground called him 'Chicken Boy'. The quiet fulfilment of keeping hens became his sanctuary, a tonic for mental and physical health, a connection with his family and the natural world. Illustrated with Arthur's own characterful watercolours and photographs of his ‘girls’, Chicken Boy is a one-of-a-kind memoir of a life in nature.
A Christmas Carol (Puffin Classics)
by Charles DickensPuffin Classics: the definitive collection of timeless stories, for every childRediscover the Puffin Classics collection and bring the best-loved classics to a new generation - including this charming edition A Christmas Carol complete with a bold new cover.Ebenezer Scrooge was a mean, miserable, bitter old man, until one Christmas Eve changed everything. . .Guided by three ghosts, Scrooge visits his past, present, and what could be to come should he not learn the true meaning behind Christmas.Will Scrooge learn to love Christmas and everyone around him?
Treasure Island (Puffin Classics)
by Robert Louis StevensonPuffin Classics: the definitive collection of timeless stories, for every childRediscover the Puffin Classics collection and bring the best-loved classics to a new generation - including this epic edition of Treasure Island complete with a bold new cover.When an old sea Captain named Billy Bones leaves behind a mysterious chest at Jim Hawkins' parents inn, Jim discovers a map to the legendary Treasure Island! Jim sets sail to Treasure Island with Long John Silver and his ragtag crew but can they be trusted?
Fußballfans und Vereinsführung: Gemeinsam am Ball: Ein Balanceakt zwischen Leidenschaft und Management
by Edeltraud Hanappi-EggerDieses Buch analysiert das Beziehungsgeflecht zwischen Fußballfans und Vereinen und präsentiert neue Ansätze für die Verantwortlichen, Fans in das aktive Vereinsmanagement miteinzubeziehen – eine komplexe Aufgabe in einem oft emotionalen Spannungsfeld. Denn Fangemeinschaften sind Räume der Integration und Identitätsstiftung, aber auch der Exklusion und Abgrenzung. Die aktive Fußballfanszene wehrt sich zudem gegen die steigende Kommerzialisierung ihres Sports und steht machtvollen Institutionen skeptisch gegenüber. Das Management von Vereinen muss daher zum Ziel haben, die Fans von Stakeholder:innen zu Stakeowner:innen zu entwickeln – damit sie als gleichberechtigte Beteiligte im Vereinsgeschehen Verantwortung tragen können. Edeltraud Hanappi-Egger erklärt die Grundlagen des Phänomens „Fan“ und zeigt Wege hin zu mehr Transparenz und Integrität sowie zielführendem Dialog zwischen Vereinen und Fangemeinschaften auf.
Biologische Psychologie: Ein Überblick für Psychologiestudierende und -interessierte (Was ist eigentlich …?)
by Erich Schröger Gesa HartwigsenDieses Lehrbuch aus der Reihe „Was ist eigentlich …?“ gibt einen kurzen Überblick über das Fach "Biologische Psychologie". Es möchte Psychologiestudierenden am Beginn des Studiums Orientierung bieten bei der Frage, was wichtig ist und worauf es in dem Fach wirklich ankommt. Es bietet aber auch für alle anderen an psychologischen Themen Interessierten einen ersten, gut verständlichen Einblick in Konzepte, Inhalte und Methoden des Fachs: Es zeigt auf, worum es es bei der Biopsychologie im Kern geht. An ausgewählten Beispielen werden prominente Fragestellungen der Vergangenheit und Gegenwart anschaulich behandelt, die uns auch künftig beschäftigen werden.
Non-invasive Prenatal Screening (NIPS) in Clinical Practice
by Riyaz Ahmad Rather Subhas Chandra SahaThe book provides a comprehensive overview of the use of non-invasive prenatal screening (NIPS) in clinical practice. It covers advanced genomic approaches and operational strategies related to NIPS. It aims to fill a gap by offering a thorough historical background and genesis of NIPS technology, including its methodology, clinical utility, challenges, and future directions. The book is divided into three sections: Section I discusses the advent of NIPS, Section II addresses detection strategies and clinical implementation, and Section III explores the challenges and prospects of NIPS technology. The book benefits specialists who practice prenatal medicine as well as reproductive specialists, genetic councilors, research scholars and postgraduate medical students of obstetrics and gynecology.
Frühe Trennungen, frühe Verluste: Die Hilfe durch Ersatzfamilien und Psychotherapien (essentials)
by Joachim KüchenhoffTrennungserfahrungen gehören zu jeder Entwicklung. Frühe Verluste aber können traumatisch werden. Dieses essential erarbeitet die theoretischen Grundlagen, um die Folgen früher Verluste zu verstehen. Es stellt hilfreiche Gegenmaßnahmen durch Ersatzelternschaft und Psychotherapie vor und betont Beziehungsarbeit als entscheidende Voraussetzung neuen Vertrauens. Es beschreibt, was normale Trennung und traumatischen Verlust unterscheidet, was zum Gelingen von Ersatzelternschaft beiträgt und führt mit einem ausführliches Therapiebericht vor, wie schwere Kindheitstraumata im Erwachsenenalter in der Praxis bearbeitet werden können.
Veterinary Psychiatry of the Dog: Diagnosis and Treatment of Behavioral Disorders
by Sylvia Masson Stéphane Bleuer-Elsner Gérard Muller Tiphaine Medam Jasmine Chevallier Emmanuel GaultierThis richly illustrated textbook delivers a functional vision of dog behaviors. Daily applicable, it offers practical solutions for canine behavioral care with a consistently medical approach to disorders. Readers find a thorough introduction to factors influencing behavior, the canine neuroanatomy and physiology, psychopathologies, as well as treatment options. Drawing on the latest studies in neuroscience, ethology, psychology, and psychiatry, as well as the clinical experience of its expert authors, this guide is both comprehensive and accessible. Multiple clinical case studies illustrate and support presented details on medication and therapies.Behavioral pathology is one of the main challenges in veterinary medicine. Not only are they a cause of suffering for the animal, but they can also affect the quality of the relationship with the pet owners or pose a danger to society. Hence, treatment of these behavioral disorders requires an integrative approach to canine healthand well-being.The book's easy-to-access and descriptive structure allows many audiences to understand a subject area that is all too often considered complex. It addresses veterinary students, practitioners, and future expert veterinarians seeking approach to deep knowledge, as well as all other dog professionals curious to discover a complementary view with respect for the animal and owner.
India in the Arctic: Geopolitical and Economic Engagements
by Nikhil PareekThis book explores the pitfalls and bottlenecks of viewing the Arctic from a mere scientific prism and offers recommendations to approach it from a strategic construct and climate change by strengthening bilateral and multilateral cooperation with the Arctic states and the Arctic intergovernmental organisations. It discusses the inception and development of the soft law cooperative governance structure prevailing in the Arctic and explores engagement by the various stakeholders including the eight sovereign states, thirteen sovereign states as observers, various intergovernmental and inter-parliamentarian outfits, NGOs, and others desirous of an active participation in the Arctic. It brings out the geo-economic and geostrategic levers which have propelled the Arctic as a key region for emerging great power rivalry. It posits the efforts of Arctic states and the Observers holistically to draw parallels with the Indian efforts requiring greater focus and effort. It critically examines the Arctic Policy released by the government on 17 Mar 2022 that missed the opportunity to elucidate India’s geo-economic, geostrategic, economic, and geopolitical aspirations in the hugely vital region and debates if India’s economic and geopolitical position as well as historical links to the Arctic region fits the requirements of an external observer state and must continue to build on its strengths for mutual betterment.
Von Eratosthenes bis Einstein: Eine mathematische Zeitreise durch die Geschichte des physikalischen Weltbilds
by Michael BürkerDer Buchtitel Von Eratosthenes bis Einstein deutet einen großen Bogen an, der in einer mathematischen Zeitreise durchlaufen wird. Das Buch wendet sich an Studierende und an Personen, welche mehr über die Geschichte unseres Weltbilds von der Antike bis zur Gegenwart im Zusammenhang mit den Biografien der Protagonisten erfahren wollen. In der Antike sind dies Denker, welche nach rationalen Ursachen der Naturerscheinungen fragen und rationale Antworten versuchen, und Denker, welche Philosophie, Mathematik und Astronomie zu einer ersten Blüte bringen. In der Renaissance und Neuzeit weisen Kopernikus mit dem heliozentrischen Weltbild sowie Galilei und Kepler mit einer neuen Verknüpfung von Empirie und mathematisch geprägter Theorie den Weg zu naturwissenschaftlichem Denken, vollendet Isaac Newton mit einer tieferen Begründung und Mathematisierung der Physik die kopernikanische Wende und eröffnet gleichzeitig eine Forschungs- und Wissensvielfalt ohnegleichen. Schließlich legen Planck mit der Quantentheorie und Einstein mit den beiden Relativitätstheorien die Grundlagen unseres heutigen Weltbilds, in dem die Urknalltheorie den Beginn unserer Raumzeit vor etwa 14 Milliarden Jahren anzeigt, aber auch die Frage aufkommt, ob hinter der Entwicklung des Universums, wie wir es heute verstehen, eine zielgerichtete Strategie hin zur Existenz des Menschen steckt oder ob diese Entwicklung ein bloßer Zufall äußerst geringer Wahrscheinlichkeit ist.
Contemporary Perspectives On Trauma and Resilience
by Floriana Irtelli Fabio GabrielliThis book offers a contemporary perspective on trauma and resilience, presenting an overview of surrounding issues, and describing their history and in the context of recent scientific research. This book argues that the skills underlying resilience can be strengthened at any age, and that it is never too late to build resilience or embark on a path of healing and evolution. Resilience is intertwined with the ability to learn, develop relationships with others, motivate oneself in achieving goals, set aspirations and have determination in pursuing those goals. All of these aspects can be fostered through a psychotherapy, reprocessing the traumatic memory within a safe and empathic space. The book is innovative because it provides an overview of theories that pertain to different fields of psychology: areas pertaining to psychoanalysis, cognitive psychology, EMDR and many others are explored in depth while also highlighting the advances that science has made regarding these issues. This book will be a valuable contribution to the knowledge of students, mental health professionals, and it can also be a very interesting manuscript for those who want to broaden their knowledge about trauma and resilience.
A First Course in Boundary Element Methods (Mathematical Engineering)
by Steven L. Crouch Sofia G. MogilevskayaThis textbook delves into the theory and practical application of boundary integral equation techniques, focusing on their numerical solution for boundary value problems within potential theory and linear elasticity. Drawing parallels between single and double layer potentials in potential theory and their counterparts in elasticity, the book introduces various numerical procedures, namely boundary element methods, where unknown quantities reside on the boundaries of the region of interest. Through the approximation of boundary value problems into systems of algebraic equations, solvable by standard numerical methods, the text elucidates both indirect and direct approaches. While indirect methods involve single or double layer potentials separately, yielding physically ambiguous results, direct methods combine potentials using Green’s or Somigliana’s formulas, providing physically meaningful solutions. Tailored for beginning graduate students, this self-contained textbook offers detailed analytical and numerical derivations for isotropic and anisotropic materials, prioritizing simplicity in presentation while progressively advancing towards more intricate mathematical concepts, particularly focusing on two-dimensional problems within potential theory and linear elasticity.
Engineering Geology for a Habitable Earth: Volume 6: Marine and Deep Earth Engineering Geology (Environmental Science and Engineering)
by Rafig Azzam Runqiu Huang Vassilis P. Marinos Sijing WangThis book collects the selected papers of the XIV Congress of the International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment held in Chengdu, Sichuan, China from September 21st - 27th, 2023, with the theme of Engineering Geology for a Habitable Earth. The meeting proceedings analyses the dynamic role of engineering geology in our changing world. The congress is expected to enhance the inter-disciplinary research development of international engineering geology and the environment, and contribute to the advancement of major projects, ecological progress, and habitable earth with in-depth discussion in the area of engineering geology and global climate change, geological hazard assessment and prevention, geotechnical properties of rock and soil mass, engineering geology and the environmental issues concerning marine, transportation, urban and ecological environment protection, engineering geology and resilience engineering construction, intelligent engineering geology, and new theories, methods, and techniques in engineering geology.