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Praktijkboek persoonlijkheidsdiagnostiek
by Han Berghuis Theo Ingenhoven Paul van der HeijdenDit boek biedt een veelzijdig overzicht van uiteenlopende perspectieven en methodieken van persoonlijkheidsdiagnostiek. De focus ligt hierbij steeds op de toepassing in de klinische praktijk en de reflectie hierop. Het Praktijkboek persoonlijkeidsdiagnostiek brengt vormen van persoonlijkheidsdiagnostiek in beeld vanuit verschillende theoretische referentiekaders en diverse methoden van onderzoek: een multiconceptueel en multimethodisch perspectief. Centraal staat hierbij steeds het gebruik van specifieke methoden of diagnostische instrumenten in de klinische praktijk, ten behoeve van indicatiestelling voor behandeling inclusief de wijze van verslaglegging. Op basis van fundamentele uitgangspunten voor psychodiagnostiek, als essentieel onderdeel van het diagnostische proces, komen telkens veel gebruikte benaderingswijzen van persoonlijkheidsdiagnostiek en diagnostische instrumenten aan de orde. Bovendien wordt uitvoerig stilgestaan bij de differentiaaldiagnostiek met specifieke psychische stoornissen, waarbij ook aandacht is voor overstijgende transdiagnostische factoren. Ten slotte wordt er ingegaan op persoonlijkheidsdiagnostiek bij specifieke doelgroepen en contexten, zoals adolescenten, ouderen, mensen met een licht verstandelijke beperking, en het forensische kader. Ook cultuursensitieve persoonlijkheidsdiagnostiek komt aan de orde. Het boek heeft een praktijkgerichte opbouw, elk hoofdstuk is gericht op de klinische toepassing, met steeds een praktijkcasus als voorbeeld, inclusief een voorstel voor de verslaglegging. Elk hoofdstuk sluit af met een kritische beschouwing over de sterke kanten en de beperkingen van de gekozen invalshoek. De vele voorbeelden in dit praktijkboek zijn bedoeld als bron van inspiratie voor psychologen, gz-psychologen, psychotherapeuten, klinisch psychologen, psychiaters die uitvoer geven aan persoonlijkheidsdiagnostiek in de klinische praktijk. Bovendien is het boek ook geschikt voor allen die hiertoe in opleiding zijn.
Böden Deutschlands, Österreichs und der Schweiz: Ein Bildatlas
by Peter Schad Holger Joisten Luise Giani Nils Kochan Dieter Kühn Daniela Sauer Herbert SponagelBöden sind eine Lebensgrundlage der Menschheit. Sie kennenzulernen ist nicht nur wichtig, sondern auch außerordentlich faszinierend. Dieser Bildatlas zeigt die Vielfalt unserer Böden, erklärt ihre Entstehung, ihre Eigenschaften, ihre Gefährdung und wie wir sie schützen können.200 Bodenprofile werden mit charakteristischen Boden- und Landschaftsbildern vorgestellt, mit detaillierten Beschreibungen erläutert und durch Analysendaten ergänzt. Jedes Profil wird nach der Bodenkundlichen Kartieranleitung (KA5) boden- und substratsystematisch eingeordnet. Auch werden die Bezeichnungen dieser Böden nach der internationalen „World Reference Base for Soil Resources“ (WRB) angegeben. Zahlreiche Karten zeigen die Verbreitung von Bodenregionen und Bodenklassen. Darstellungen der Abfolge der Böden in der Landschaft (Catenen) ordnen die Böden in ihre Umgebung ein. Zum besseren Verständnis sind wichtige bodenkundliche Sachverhalte in Einführungskapiteln anschaulich erklärt.Dieses Buch ist das Werk von 44 Autorinnen und Autoren sowie sieben Herausgebern, die ihr umfangreiches Experten- und Regionalwissen eingebracht haben. Es richtet sich sowohl an ein Fachpublikum, an Lernende und Lehrende, als auch an diejenigen, die sich bisher nicht mit Böden beschäftigt haben, die jedoch an der Vielfalt unserer Böden, ihrer Schönheit und ihrem landschaftsbezogenen Vorkommen interessiert sind.
Legal Challenges at the End of the Fossil Fuel Era: Shaping a Just and Clean Energy Transition (Global Issues)
by Daniel Iglesias Márquez Clara Esteve-Jordà Beatriz Felipe PérezThis edited collection proposes a wide range of approaches to address the legal issues pertaining to the end of the fossil fuel era. While the fossil fuel era is coming to an end both because of the inherent limits of its resources and because of the need to prevent to further pump out CO2 in an already saturated atmosphere, the legal dispositions to ensure an ordered and rational shift toward cleaner energy still need to be developed. Not only in relation to CO2 emissions themselves but also in relation to the manifold issues related to environmental justice in an era of global climate change and global warming. This book is unique in that it provides a theoretical framework but also works to address cutting edge issues through a series of case studies.
Narratives in Educational Research: Methodological Perspectives
by Outi Ylitapio-Mäntylä Eeva Kaisa Hyry-Beihammer Minna UittoThis edited volume focuses on narratives and diverse narrative approaches in the field of education. It discusses the concept of narrative and its boundaries as well as illustrates in detail the many ways of producing and analyzing diverse narrative research materials. Its chapters provide rich examples of oral, written, and visual narratives produced in peer interviews and group discussions as well as via creative writing and photographs. Various narrative ways of analyses are applied. The book reflects on research ethics, the position of the researcher and collaboration between participants and researchers as well as between researchers, also cross-culturally. By exploring and illustrating innovative ways to conduct research on and with narratives in the educational field, the book is a great resource for researchers and students in the field of education, social sciences and humanities.
Computational Science – ICCS 2024: 24th International Conference, Malaga, Spain, July 2–4, 2024, Proceedings, Part V (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14836)
by Valeria V. Krzhizhanovskaya Jack J. Dongarra Peter M. A. Sloot Maciej Paszynski Clélia De Mulatier Leonardo FrancoThe 7-volume set LNCS 14832 – 14838 constitutes the proceedings of the 24th International Conference on Computational Science, ICCS 2024, which took place in Malaga, Spain, during July 2–4, 2024. The 155 full papers and 70 short papers included in these proceedings were carefully reviewed and selected from 430 submissions. They were organized in topical sections as follows: Part I: ICCS 2024 Main Track Full Papers; Part II: ICCS 2024 Main Track Full Papers; Part III: ICCS 2024 Main Track Short Papers; Advances in High-Performance Computational Earth Sciences: Numerical Methods, Frameworks and Applications; Artificial Intelligence and High-Performance Computing for Advanced Simulations; Part IV: Biomedical and Bioinformatics Challenges for Computer Science; Computational Health; Part V: Computational Optimization, Modelling, and Simulation; Generative AI and Large Language Models (LLMs) in Advancing Computational Medicine; Machine Learning and Data Assimilation for Dynamical Systems; Multiscale Modelling and Simulation; Part VI: Network Models and Analysis: From Foundations to Artificial Intelligence; Numerical Algorithms and Computer Arithmetic for Computational Science; Quantum Computing; Part VII: Simulations of Flow and Transport: Modeling, Algorithms and Computation; Smart Systems: Bringing Together Computer Vision, Sensor Networks, and Artificial Intelligence; Solving Problems with Uncertainties; Teaching Computational Science
The Aesthetic Thought and View of Art of Thomas Aquinas
by Zhiqing ZhangThis book examines Aquinas's aesthetic thought and view of art within the broader context of medieval aesthetics and the history of aesthetic development, emphasizing its profound influence on later aesthetics. The book not only elaborates on Aquinas's efforts to establish coherence between faith and reason, the transcendent and empirical, as well as its significance, but also discusses the main contents and characteristics of Aquinas's aesthetic thought from the three aspects of the ontology of beauty, the theory of form, and the theory of experience. By examining Aquinas's aesthetic thought and view of art in relation to modern aesthetics and twentieth-century aesthetics, this book reveals the immense vitality of Aquinas's aesthetic thought.
Understanding Women's Empowerment in South Asia: Perspectives on Entitlements and Violations
by Asok Kumar Sarkar Satyajit Das GuptaThis book unravels the juggernaut of academic and civil society perspectives and issues relating to women's empowerment. Drawing upon contributions from serving and retired academics with substantial experience of NGO-run women's care and justice activities, it seeks to generate new ideas and insights on the problematic of a knowledge enterprise involving several hugely intractable entitlements and violations South Asian women have experienced in historical and contemporary times. The book aims to generate substantial intellectual resources for yet another stimulating churning of interest and enthusiasm among policy makers, academics, social activists, development functionaries, students and inclined laypersons concerned with women's studies in general and the multifaceted ordeal of women's empowerment in particular.
Introduction to Engineering Electromagnetics
by Yeon Ho LeeThis book provides junior and sophomore college and university students with a thorough understanding of electromagnetic fundamentals through rigorous mathematical procedures and logical reasoning. Electromagnetics is one of the most difficult courses in engineering, because mathematical theorems cannot completely convey the physical concepts underlying electromagnetic principles. This book fills this gap with logical reasoning, such as symmetry considerations and the uniqueness theorem, and clearly distinguishes between mathematical procedures and expressions for physical events. The sign convention is carefully set to distinguish static, phasor, and time-varying quantities, and to be consistent with double-indexed symbols. This book begins with a coverage of vector fields, coordinate systems, and vector calculus, which are customized for the study of electromagnetics. Subsequently, static electric and magnetic fields are discussed. Before discussing time-varying fields and their applications in transmission lines, waveguides, and antennas, the concept of wave motion is explained.Most of the 379 figures are drawn in three dimensions, and the measured data are drawn to scale. A total of 184 examples show rigorous approaches to solving practical problems using the aforementioned concepts, and 301 exercises with answers provide a means of checking whether students correctly understood the concepts. The sections end with 445 review questions, with hints referring to the related equations and figures. This book contains 507 end-of-chapter problems.
Proceedings of the Indian Geotechnical Conference 2022 Volume 9: Geotechnics: Learning, Evaluation, Analysis and Practice (GEOLEAP) (Lecture Notes in Civil Engineering #537)
by Babu T. Jose Dipak Kumar Sahoo Sai K. Vanapalli Chandresh H. Solanki K. Balan Anitha G. PillaiThis book comprises the select proceedings of the Indian Geotechnical Conference (IGC) 2022. The contents focus on recent developments in geotechnical engineering for a sustainable world. The book covers behaviour of soils and soil–structure interaction, soil stabilization, ground improvement, and land reclamation, shallow and deep foundations, geotechnical, geological and geophysical investigation, rock engineering, tunnelling, and underground structures, slope stability, landslides and liquefaction, earth retaining structures and deep Excavations, geosynthetics engineering, geo-environmental engineering, sustainable geotechnics, and landfill design, geo-hydrology, dam and embankment engineering, earthquake geotechnical engineering, transportation geotechnics, forensic geotechnical engineering and retrofitting of geotechnical structures, offshore geotechnics, marine geology, and subsea site investigation, computational, analytical and numerical modelling, and reliability in geotechnical engineering. The contents of this book will be useful to researchers and professionals alike.
Explainable and Transparent AI and Multi-Agent Systems: 6th International Workshop, EXTRAAMAS 2024, Auckland, New Zealand, May 6–10, 2024, Revised Selected Papers (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14847)
by Andrea Omicini Davide Calvaresi Amro Najjar Kary Främling Reyhan Aydogan Rachele Carli Giovanni Ciatto Joris HulstijnThis volume constitutes the papers of several workshops which were held in conjunction with the 6th International Workshop on Explainable and Transparent AI and Multi-Agent Systems, EXTRAAMAS 2024, in Auckland, New Zealand, during May 6–10, 2024. The 13 full papers presented in this book were carefully reviewed and selected from 25 submissions. The papers are organized in the following topical sections: User-centric XAI; XAI and Reinforcement Learning; Neuro-symbolic AI and Explainable Machine Learning; and XAI & Ethics.
Methodologies and Intelligent Systems for Technology Enhanced Learning, Workshops - 13th International Conference (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #769)
by Loreto Lancia Zuzana Kubincová Federica Caruso Tae-Eun Kim Malinka Ivanova Maria Angela PellegrinoThis book includes the accepted papers of the four selected workshops which focus on integration of emerging technologies into education and training (ETELT), Interactive Environments and Emerging Technologies for eLearning (IEETeL), Technology Enhanced Learning in Nursing Education (Nursing), and Technology Enhanced Learning for Future Citizens (TEL4FC). Education is the cornerstone of any society; it serves as one of the foundations for many of its social values and characteristics. mis4TEL’23 promotes the interaction among the scientific community to discuss applications of Technology Enhanced Learning solutions targeting not only cognitive and social processes but also motivational, personality, or emotional factors. In addition, current trends concerning the use of artificial intelligence can help and augment learning opportunities for learners and educators. We would like to thank all the contributing authors, the members of the program committee, national associations (AEPIA, and APPIA), and the sponsors (AIR Institute, and Camara Municipal de Guimarães).
Lieferantenkommunikation im Anlaufmanagement: Bestandteile und Wirkungszusammenhänge auf den Unternehmenserfolg (Supply Chain Management)
by Claudia GesellDie Informationsökonomik bietet schon lange Instrumente zur Analyse der wirtschaftlichen Fragen des Informationsaustausches. Wenig untersucht ist aber bislang das Kommunikationsverhalten. Das vorliegende Buch setzt genau daran an. Anstatt einseitig das Kommunikationsverhalten der beschaffenden Organisation oder das Kommunikationsverhalten der Lieferanten zu untersuchen, steht tatsächlich wechselseitige Kommunikation im Vordergrund. Dazu entwickelt die Verfasserin theoriegestützt ein Untersuchungsmodell für die Wirkungszusammenhänge – hat (verbesserte) Lieferantenkommunikation Auswirkungen auf den Beschaffungserfolg?
Financial Markets Efficiency and Economic Behaviour: Evaluating Euro Area Economies (Palgrave Macmillan Studies in Banking and Financial Institutions)
by Gian Maria TomatThis book reviews the efficient markets hypothesis from a behavioural finance perspective looking at the stock markets of the five largest Euro economies. It covers some key areas in finance, including efficient markets, equity premium, dividend ratio model, yield curve and term structure, all of which are concepts used to analyse pricing and other behaviour in financial markets. The book studies the term structure of interest rates describing formalizations for zero-coupon and coupon bonds and evaluates results regarding static spot rate and dynamic forward rate regressions for the Euro area. Additionally, it examines the equity premium exploiting variation in stock market returns in both time series and cross-section dimensions, and will be of interest to academics, researchers, and students of financial economics, financial markets, and behavioural finance.
Cancer Care in the United Arab Emirates
by Humaid O. Al-ShamsiThis open access book is an unprecedented and comprehensive book that delves deeply into the landscape of cancer care in the United Arab Emirates (UAE). This ground-breaking book is set to become a go-to resource for those interested in gaining an in-depth understanding of the status quo of cancer care across the seven emirates. The book, edited by Prof. Humaid O. Al- Shamsi, a leading oncologist in the region and the President of the Emirates Oncology Society, embarks on a compelling journey by meticulously examining the evolving cancer policies, treatment modalities, and innovative approaches while celebrating notable success stories. At the same time, it sheds light on the persistent challenges and unmet needs that continue to impact cancer care in the UAE. Authored by a distinguished group of experts hailing from various sectors within the UAE, the book brings together perspectives from oncology specialists, researchers, healthcare policymakers, patient advocates, and other key stakeholders involved in patient management. It covers a diverse range of topics crucial to cancer care, including early detection, diagnosis, treatment options, supportive care services, survivorship, palliative care, and ongoing research initiatives. In addition to addressing the general aspects of cancer care, this pioneering book focuses on the unique factors and challenges specific to the UAE. It explores the impact of cultural and social factors, healthcare infrastructure, regulatory frameworks, and the integration of technological advancements in cancer management. The book also examines the role of patient support organizations, patient empowerment, and community engagement in tackling the cancer burden. Each chapter in "Cancer Care in the UAE" offers valuable insights into the challenges faced by different disciplines involved in cancer care and provides a roadmap for transformative change. By presenting an overarching vision and strategic outlook for the next generation, the book serves as a catalyst for positive change in cancer care across the UAE. Endorsed by prestigious organizations such as the Emirates Oncology Society and the Emirates Medical Association, "Cancer Care in the UAE" stands as a testament to its credibility and relevance. This comprehensive book will undoubtedly contribute significantly to enhancing cancer care, fostering collaboration among stakeholders, and ultimately improving outcomes for individuals affected by cancer in the UAE and wider region.
The Barefoot Contessa Cookbook
by Ina GartenIna Garten and The Barefoot Contessa Cookbook provide the perfect recipe for hosting parties that are easy and fun for everyone—including the cook.For more than twenty years, Barefoot Contessa, the acclaimed specialty food store, has been cooking and baking extraordinary dishes for enthusiastic customers in the Hamptons. For many of those years, people have tried to get the exuberant owner, Ina Garten, to share the secrets of her store. Finally, the energy and style that make Barefoot Contessa such a special place are shown here, with dozens of recipes and more than 160 breathtaking photographs, in The Barefoot Contessa Cookbook.Ina&’s most popular recipes use familiar ingredients, but they taste even better than you would expect. Her Pan-Fried Onion Dip is the real thing, with slowly caramelized onions and fresh sour cream. Tomato soup is created from oven-roasted tomatoes and fresh basil to intensify the flavors. Meatloaf is as good as your grandmother&’s, but it&’s healthier because it&’s made with ground turkey and fresh herbs. The light and flaky Maple Oatmeal Scones are baked with rolled oats, whole wheat, and real maple syrup. Now these and other famous Barefoot Contessa recipes can be prepared at home.Ina says that before she owned a specialty food store she often spent a week making dinner for six friends. Her experience at Barefoot Contessa has given her hundreds of ideas for creating wonderful parties in a few hours. And they&’re all in this book. Crab Cakes with Rémoulade Sauce can be stored overnight in the refrigerator and sautéed just before guests arrive. Cheddar Corn Chowder can be made days ahead, reheated, and served with a salad and bread for a delicious autumn lunch. The ingredients for Grilled Salmon Salad can all be prepared ahead and tossed together before serving. The batter for the Raspberry Corn Muffins can be mixed a day before and popped into the oven just before breakfast. Ina Garten teaches us how to entertain with style, simplicity, and a relaxed sense of fun. There are notes throughout the book for giving cocktail parties, lunches, and dinner parties where everything is done before the guests arrive. And there are easy instructions for creating gorgeous party platters that don&’t even require you to cook!
Clack, Clack! Smack! A Cherokee Stickball Story (Cherokee Edition): Native American Truths Everyone Should Know
by Traci SorellVann, a struggling stickball player, competes in a game on the Cherokee Nation. Can he help his team win? Written by award-winning Cherokee author Traci Sorell.Vann loves playing his tribe&’s stickball game, but he&’s not as skilled as his teammates. Vann stumbles, and he tries and fails to score. How can he help his teammates win? Exciting and fast-paced, Clack, Clack! Smack! reminds readers that sportsmanship and being a team player is just as important as being the star. Back matter explains the origins of Cherokee stickball.
Spring Garden (Japanese Novellas #2)
by TOMOKA SHIBASAKIWinner of the Akutagawa Prize A sharp, photo-realistic novella of memory and thwarted hope set in modern-day Tokyo—an &“unflinching . . . powerful&” showcase of the best in contemporary Japanese literature (Shelf Awareness) Divorced and cut off from his family, Taro lives alone in one of the few occupied apartments in his block, a block that is to be torn down as soon as the remaining tenants leave. Since the death of his father, Taro keeps to himself, but is soon drawn into an unusual relationship with the woman upstairs, Nishi, as she passes on the strange tale of the sky-blue house next door. First discovered by Nishi in the little-known photo-book Spring Garden, the sky-blue house soon becomes a focus for both Nishi and Taro: of what is lost, of what has been destroyed, and of what hope may yet lie in the future for both of them, if only they can seize it.
Number Go Up: Inside Crypto's Wild Rise and Staggering Fall
by Zeke FauxThe &“rollicking&” (The Economist), &“masterfully written&” (The Washington Post) account of the crypto delusion, and how Sam Bankman-Fried and a cast of fellow nerds and hustlers turned useless virtual coins into trillions of dollars—hailed by Ezra Klein in The New York Times as one of the &“Books That Explain Where We Are&”FINALIST: the Edgar Award (Fact Crime), the Macavity Award (Nonfiction), the Porchlight Business Book Award, the SABEW Best in Business Book AwardA BEST BOOK OF THE YEAR: The New York Times DealBook, The Washington Post, Los Angeles Times, Financial Times, The Globe and Mail, Irish Examiner, Morningstar, The Verge, WiredIn 2021 cryptocurrency went mainstream. Giant investment funds were buying it, celebrities like Tom Brady endorsed it, and TV ads hailed it as the future of money. Hardly anyone knew how it worked—but why bother with the particulars when everyone was making a fortune from Dogecoin, Shiba Inu, or some other bizarrely named &“digital asset&”?As he observed this frenzy, investigative reporter Zeke Faux had a nagging question: Was it all just a confidence game of epic proportions? What started as curiosity—with a dash of FOMO—would morph into a two-year, globe-spanning quest to understand the wizards behind the world&’s new financial machinery. Faux&’s investigation would lead him to a schlubby, frizzy-haired twenty-nine-year-old named Sam Bankman-Fried (SBF for short) and a host of other crypto scammers, utopians, and overnight billionaires.Faux follows the trail to a luxury resort in the Bahamas, where SBF boldly declares that he will use his crypto fortune to save the world. Faux talks his way onto the yacht of a former child actor turned crypto impresario and gains access to &“ApeFest,&” an elite party headlined by Snoop Dogg, by purchasing a $20,000 image of a cartoon monkey. In El Salvador, Faux learns what happens when a country wagers its treasury on Bitcoin, and in the Philippines, he stumbles upon a Pokémon knockoff mobile game touted by boosters as a cure for poverty. And in an astonishing development, a spam text leads Faux to Cambodia, where he uncovers a crypto-powered human-trafficking ring.When the bubble suddenly bursts in 2022, Faux brings readers inside SBF&’s penthouse as the fallen crypto king faces his imminent arrest. Fueled by the absurd details and authoritative reporting that earned Zeke Faux the accolade &“our great poet of crime&” (Money Stuff columnist Matt Levine), Number Go Up is the essential chronicle, by turns harrowing and uproarious, of a $3 trillion financial delusion.
The Wilds: A Novel (Detective Elin Warner Series #3)
by Sarah Pearse&“An atmospheric chiller with shocking twists.&” —Shari Lapena, New York Times bestselling author of The Couple Next DoorDetective Elin Warner unravels the mystery behind the disappearance of a young woman in a propulsive new thriller from the New York Times bestselling author of The SanatoriumSince the dark events that scarred her childhood, Kier Templer escaped her hometown to live life on the road. She and her twin have never lost contact until, on a trip to a Portuguese national park, Kier vanishes without a trace.Detective Elin Warner arrives in the same park ready to immerse herself in its vast wilderness – only to hear about Kier&’s disappearance, and discover a disturbing map she left behind. The few strangers at an isolated campsite close ranks against Elin&’s questions, and the park&’s wild beauty starts to turn sinister.Elin must untangle the clues to find out what really happened to Kier. But when you follow a trail, you have to be careful to watch your back...Sarah Pearse brilliantly introduced readers to Elin Warner in The Sanatorium, with her exploits continuing in The Retreat; here, the series concludes with The Wilds, where the unanswered questions plaguing Elin are finally resolved.
by Bernardo A. ArangoEste livro é uma viagem fascinante à própria essência do ser e da existência humana. No teatro existencial da vida, somos os protagonistas do nosso filme, enfrentando emoções, desde a alegria, a decepção, o amor, o ódio, a morte, Deus, o ateísmo e a tristeza. A pandemia global revelou a nossa fragilidade e a importância das nossas ligações. Somos uma espécie poderosa, mas altamente destrutiva, cegada pela ignorância, destruindo a nós mesmos e a tudo o mais. No entanto, este livro não pretende mudar o mundo, mas sim mudar a nossa percepção dele e encontrar o equilíbrio na nossa existência. Através da neurologia, da psicologia, da ciência e da espiritualidade, somos convidados a uma jornada de autodescoberta e busca de bem-estar. A obra destaca a importância de nos conhecermos e curarmos feridas emocionais, nos libertarmos da ignorância e encontrarmos um propósito que ilumine a nossa existência. A introdução nos imerge na responsabilidade de cada ser humano em encontrar sua identidade e missão em meio à complexidade do mundo moderno. A pandemia, embora desafiadora, nos dá a oportunidade de descobrir o nosso verdadeiro propósito. O livro aborda temas cruciais como ignorância, egoísmo, ódio, objetivos e amor verdadeiro, incentivando-nos a romper com o conhecido para compreender o nosso propósito de vida. Cada um de nós tem um propósito único, e este livro propõe uma análise cronológica profunda para compreender que viver é um desafio, não uma tragédia. Nas suas palavras finais, convida-nos a sermos participantes ativos no livro, em vez de apenas leitores, explorando as nossas experiências e reflectindo sobre o nosso mundo. Este livro não é apenas um apelo cientificamente fundamentado ao autoconhecimento e à cura emocional e interior, mas também um guia para desenvolver um nível mais elevado de conhecimento, consciência e potencial espiritual. “Os Círculos da Vida”
Positional Chess Handbook: 495 Instructive Positions from Grandmaster Games (Dover Chess)
by Israel GelferA dramatic sacrifice might seem like the best way to achieve a dazzling, come-from-behind victory, however, the outcome of most chess matches, depends on the participants' positional skills. The first player to establish a positional advantage gains the best chance of a successful direct attack.This complete guide, written by an Israeli grandmaster, offers valuable insights in developing a more powerful strategic game. It spans a century and a half of international chess, from the era of the legendary Paul Morphy in the 1850s to that of the modern powerhouse Gary Kasparov. The author focuses on common situations arising from practical over-the-board play. Examples — on such themes as key squares, bad bishops, and pawn structures — appear in ascending difficulty, with ample cross-reference.Derived from the author's own coaching manuals, these instructive examples successfully assisted in training Israel's top juniors and the champions of the Israeli women's national team. Chess players at every level will benefit from this opportunity to develop an intuitive grasp of each concept and strengthen their positional play.
I Love Happy Cats: Guide for a Happy Cat
by Anneleen BruCat behavioral therapist Anneleen Bru explains how cat owners can achieve perfect harmony with their feline friends.Cat lovers gain a deeper connection to their pets through tips, exercises, and an understanding of behaviors and desires.Note to self: ignore the cat to gain its attention.
Blood Sisters
by Vanessa LillieA visceral and compelling mystery about a Cherokee archeologist for the Bureau of Indian Affairs who is summoned to rural Oklahoma to investigate the disappearance of two women…one of them her sister.There are secrets in the land.As an archeologist for the Bureau of Indian Affairs, Syd Walker spends her days in Rhode Island trying to protect the land's indigenous past, even as she&’s escaping her own.While Syd is dedicated to her job, she&’s haunted by a night of violence she barely escaped in her Oklahoma hometown fifteen years ago. Though she swore she&’d never go back, the past comes calling.When a skull is found near the crime scene of her youth, just as her sister, Emma Lou, vanishes, Syd knows she must return home. She refuses to let her sister's disappearance, or the remains, go ignored—as so often happens in cases of missing Native women.But not everyone is glad to have Syd home, and she can feel the crosshairs on her. Still, the deeper Syd digs, the more she uncovers about a string of missing indigenous women cases going back decades. To save her sister, she must expose a darkness in the town that no one wants to face—not even Syd.The truth will be unearthed.
The Algebra of Wealth: A Simple Formula for Financial Security
by Scott GallowayAN INSTANT #1 NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLERA must-have guide to optimizing your life for wealth and success, from bestselling author, NYU professor, and cohost of the Pivot podcast Scott Galloway.Today&’s workers have more opportunities and mobility than any generation before. They also face unprecedented challenges, including inflation, labor and housing shortages, and climate volatility. Even the notion of retirement is undergoing a profound rethink, as our lifespans extend and our relationship with work evolves. In this environment, the tried-and-true financial advice our parents followed is no longer enough. It&’s time for a new playbook.In The Algebra of Wealth, Scott Galloway lays bare the rules of financial success in today&’s economy. In his characteristic unvarnished, no-BS style, he explains what you need to know in order to better your chances for economic security no matter what. You&’ll learn:How to find and follow your talent, not your passion, when making career decisionsHow to ride and optimize big economic waves (hard truth: market dynamics always trump individual achievement)What small steps you can take that pay big returns later, including diversification and tax planningHow stoicism can help you minimize spending and develop better financial habitsBrimming with wise, game-changing advice from one of the world&’s most popular business school professors, The Algebra of Wealth offers a powerful framework for making the most of what opportunities come your way.
The Penguin Book of Pirates
by Edited by Katherine HoweReal-life accounts of the world&’s most notorious pirates—both men and women, from the Golden Age of Piracy and beyond—compiled by the New York Times bestselling author of A True Account: Hannah Masury&’s Sojourn Amongst the Pyrates, Written by HerselfA Penguin ClassicSpanning three centuries and eight thousand nautical miles, and compiled by a direct descendant of a sailor who waged war with pirates in the early nineteenth century, The Penguin Book of Pirates takes us behind the eye patches, the peg legs, and the skull and crossbones of the Jolly Roger and into the no-man&’s-land of piracy that is rife with paradoxes and plot twists. Here, in a fascinating array of accounts that include trial transcripts, journalism, ship logs, and more, are the grit and patois of real maritime marauders like the infamous Blackbeard; the pirates who inspired Jack Sparrow in Pirates of the Caribbean, Stede Bonnet in Max&’s Our Flag Means Death, and the Dread Pirate Roberts in The Princess Bride; the astoundingly egalitarian multi-ethnic and multilingual crews that became enmeshed in historical horrors like the slave trade; and lesser-known but no less formidable women pirates, many of whom disguised themselves as men. By turns brutal, harrowing, and inspiring, these accounts of the &“radically free&” sailors who were citizens more of the oceangoing world than of any nation on land remind us of the glories and dangers of the open seas and the seductive appeal of communities forged in resistance.For more than seventy-five years, Penguin has been the leading publisher of classic literature in the English-speaking world. With more than 2,000 titles, Penguin Classics represents a global bookshelf of the best works throughout history and across genres and disciplines. Readers trust the series to provide authoritative texts enhanced by introductions and notes by distinguished scholars and contemporary authors, as well as up-to-date translations by award-winning translators.