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Öffentlichkeitsarbeit der Beteiligten im Strafverfahren und mediale (Verdachts-)Berichterstattung: Neue Überlegungen zur „Störung der Strafrechtspflege“ vor dem Hintergrund des Internetzeitalters
by Janine FielitzBei medial begleiteten Strafverfahren geht es nicht mehr nur um die Wahrheitsfindung; die Verfahrensbeteiligten streben zunehmend danach, die Deutungshoheit über die mediale und öffentliche Meinung zu gewinnen. Neben der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit der Ermittlungs- und Justizbehörden und der damit einhergehenden, durch die internetbedingten Entwicklungen erhöhten Risiken und Gefahren für die Rechte und Interessen des Beschuldigten, befasst sich die Autorin insbes. mit den (als Verbindungsglied zwischen Strafjustiz und Öffentlichkeit fungierenden) Medien, der medialen (Verdachts-)Berichterstattung sowie der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit (Litigation-PR) der Verteidigung und Nebenklage. Sie zeichnet ein umfassendes Bild von dem Zusammenspiel und den Wechselwirkungen zwischen der Öffentlichkeitsarbeit der Beteiligten im Strafverfahren und der Medienberichterstattung, von den unterschiedlichen Rollen, den jeweiligen (z.T. konträren) Interessen, Rechten und Pflichten der Akteure, deren Handlungs- und Gestaltungsmöglichkeiten und den sich in diesem Zusammenhang für den Beschuldigten, die sonstigen Verfahrensbeteiligten, das Verfahren und damit auch für die Strafrechtspflege ergebenden Auswirkungen und Risiken.
Liberal Constitutionalism and its Contemporary Challenges (AMINTAPHIL: The Philosophical Foundations of Law and Justice #12)
by Joan McGregor Gordon Albert Babst Renée Nicole SourisThe edited volume brings together contemporary work by philosophers, legal scholars, and political theorists. This volume presents relevant understandings of the common good, democracy, liberty, and law, and situates them in the context of contemporary countervailing pressures posed by issues in education, access to medical treatment in a pandemic, and the media. Motivated to ascertain how democracy is threatened by a variety contemporary challenges, the authors examine core aspects of law, representative democracy, and constitutionalism to shed light on worrisome contemporary phenomena such as social media-driven conspiracy theories, unequal access to education and medical treatment, among other topics.
Management and Resilience of African Organizations in Times of Crisis: Current Business Issues in African Countries (CBIAC) Conference, Agadir, Morocco, April 27-28, 2023 (Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics)
by Shani D. Carter Sara BensalBusinesses in African countries continued to face crises due to COVID-19, supply chain, and climate change. Governments can take steps to increase businesses’ resilience by supporting and promoting sustainable development. In turn, businesses can increase their resilience by promoting the resilience of their employees. This book explores the current state of management and resilience in African nations and discusses issues that revolve around its reciprocal impact on global business, government, and society. Featuring select papers from the 4th Annual Current Business Issue in African Countries (CBIAC) Conference held in Agadir, Morocco in 2023, this book focuses on the synergies between climate change, supply chain and sustainable development, particularly post pandemic featuring content from business and NGO leaders, faculty, and students. The impetus of the CBIAC conference was the discussions held at the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) held in Nairobi, Keyna in July 2016 and in Bridgetown, Barbados, and Geneva in October. The goal of the conference is to create long-term collaborative relationships between business leaders, faculty, researchers, students, and community members from different African nations.
The Role That Assistance Dogs Play in Supporting People with Disabilities (SpringerBriefs in Modern Perspectives on Disability Research)
by Emma Goodall Gabriel BennettDogs have long been recognised as valuable companions for people with disabilities. In this book, readers will learn about how dogs can improve the quality of life for people with physical, sensory, and mental disabilities. Using participant and expert insights, this book explores the benefits of dogs, including how they can increase independence, improve emotional wellbeing, and enhance social connections. Whether you are a person with a disability, a caregiver, a healthcare professional, or simply interested in learning more about the remarkable ways in which dogs can support people with disabilities, this book offers a compelling and informative read
Marketing und Vertrieb für Startups: Praxiserprobte Strategien zur Kundengewinnung
by Martin WrobelDieses Buch bietet eine praxisorientierte Anleitung für maßgeschneiderte Marketing- und Vertriebsstrategien, insbesondere für innovative Startups. Eine Gemeinsamkeit vieler erfolgloser Startups ist, dass sie trotz vielversprechender Produkt- oder Dienstleistungsideen nicht genügend zahlende Kunden gewinnen konnten. Wer als Gründer:in diese Aufgabe nicht lösen kann, wird scheitern.Spannende Einblicke: Das gesammelte Praxiswissen hat der Autor aus eigener jahrelanger Erfahrung und in mehr als 100 Podcast-Interviews mit Gründer:innen innovativer, wachstums- und technologieorientierter Startups gewonnen. Mit über 40 Fallbeispielen zeigt das Buch, wie erfolgreiche Startups – darunter Blinkist, FlixBus und Urban Sports Club – Marketing, Vertrieb und Kundengewinnung in den frühen Anfangsphasen bewältigt haben.Erkenntnisse aus der Praxis: Laut dem Deutschen Startup Monitor sind Vertrieb und Kundengewinnung die größte Herausforderung, Standard-Weisheiten sind wenig hilfreich. Es kommt vielmehr darauf an, die Besonderheiten jedes Startups zu berücksichtigen, es braucht maßgeschneiderte Lösungen. Angefangen von Direktvertrieb und Social-Media-Marketing über PR & Storytelling bis hin zu Suchmaschinen-, Content-Marketing und Crowdfunding: Es werden zwölf Kanäle näher beleuchtet, die für die meisten Startups am besten funktioniert haben.Für wen? Das Werk richtet sich an Gründer:innen und Startup-Interessierte, die sich den komplexen Fragen im Bereich Marketing und Vertrieb für innovative Produkte und Dienstleistungen stellen möchten. Auch Professor:innen, Studierende und Berater:innen können profitieren.Los geht's! Neben der Vermittlung essenzieller Grundlagen bietet das Buch konkrete Hilfestellungen bei der Entwicklung eigener Strategien und unterstützt beim Mix der erfolgversprechendsten Marketing- und Vertriebskanäle. Weiterhin sollen wertvolle Handlungsempfehlungen, Arbeitsblätter und Checklisten Gründer:innen dabei helfen, selbst loszulegen und erste eigene Verkäufe zu generieren.
Intelligent Computing in Carcinogenic Disease Detection (Computational Intelligence Methods and Applications)
by Madhubanti Maitra Kaushik Das Sharma Subhajit KarThis book draws on a range of intelligent computing methodologies to effectively detect and classify various carcinogenic diseases. These methodologies, which have been developed on a sound foundation of gene-level, cell-level and tissue-level carcinogenic datasets, are discussed in Chapters 1 and 2. Chapters 3, 4 and 5 elaborate on several intelligent gene selection methodologies such as filter methodologies and wrapper methodologies. In addition, various gene selection philosophies for identifying relevant carcinogenic genes are described in detail. In turn, Chapters 6 and 7 tackle the issues of using cell-level and tissue-level datasets to effectively detect carcinogenic diseases. The performance of different intelligent feature selection techniques is evaluated on cell-level and tissue-level datasets to validate their effectiveness in the context of carcinogenic disease detection. In closing, the book presents illustrative case studies that demonstrate the value of intelligent computing strategies.
African Societies: The Changing Sociological Landscape
by R. SooryamoorthyThis book addresses a notable gap in African sociological knowledge by leveraging extensive empirical data covering all 54 African countries and drawing on historical insights from across the continent. Offering a nuanced understanding of African society, it signifies an unprecedented endeavour committed to unravelling the intricate tapestry of African society. The analysis presented in the book goes into the dynamic evolution of sociological topics, their interconnections with African knowledge, the identification of contemporary themes, methodological diversity, and contemporary challenges and issues of indigenisation, decolonisation, and promoting an Africa-centered sociology.
Biobased Nanomaterials: Applications in Biomedicine, Food Industry, Agriculture, and Environmental Sustainability
by Shakeel AhmedThis book comprehensively covers various aspects of biobased nanomaterials, including their types, fabrication methods, characterization techniques, and applications in different fields. The book starts with an introduction to biobased nanomaterials, highlighting their significance in various fields due to their unique properties. The first few chapters cover the different types of biobased nanomaterials, their properties, and how they are extracted from various natural sources. The methods of fabrication of biobased nanomaterials are discussed in detail, including the techniques for controlling their size, shape, and composition. It then delves into the characterization of biobased nanomaterials, discussing the different techniques used to determine their properties, including their morphology, size, structure, and composition. The subsequent chapters explore the various applications of biobased nanomaterials in different fields such as environmental applications, wound healing, tissue engineering, food industry, agriculture, sensing technology, biomedical applications, and energy storage devices. The advantages of biobased nanomaterials over traditional nanomaterials are highlighted, including their biodegradability and sustainability. The environmental concerns associated with biobased nanomaterials, as well as the health and safety concerns, are also discussed. The book concludes by looking at the prospects of biobased nanomaterials and how they can contribute to sustainable development. Overall, the book is an informative and comprehensive book that provides a thorough understanding of biobased nanomaterials and their various applications. It is a valuable resource for researchers, students, and professionals in various fields such as materials science, chemistry, biology, and environmental science. alike.
Grundlagen der Werbung: Theorie – Markt – Ethik – Recht
by Michael KleinjohannDieses Lehrbuch bietet einen einführenden Überblick zum Thema Werbung und erläutert grundlegend die Theorien, Marktbedingungen sowie ethische und rechtliche Aspekte der Werbekommunikation. Der Autor stellt das Phänomen Werbung aktuell, systematisch und mit einem holistischen Anspruch dar und gibt eine wissenschaftstheoretische wie praxisorientierte Einordnung und Abgrenzung von Werbung zu anderen Formen der Kommunikation. Er erklärt den Markt der Werbung, seine Protagonisten und Prozesse, wirtschaftliche Rahmenbedingungen und diskutiert die moralisch-ethischen und gesetzlichen Rahmenbedingungen von Werbekommunikation.Zahlreiche Beispiele und Tipps aus der Praxis sichern den Praxisbezug; Lernziele und Wissenschecks nach jedem Kapitel sorgen für einen nachhaltigen Lernerfolg.
Design, User Experience, and Usability: 13th International Conference, DUXU 2024, Held as Part of the 26th HCI International Conference, HCII 2024, Washington, DC, USA, June 29–July 4, 2024, Proceedings, Part I (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #14712)
by Aaron Marcus Marcelo M. Soares Elizabeth RosenzweigThis five-volume set LNCS 14712-14716 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Design, User Experience, and Usability, DUXU 2024, held as part of the 26th International Conference, HCI International 2024, in Washington, DC, USA, during June 29 – July 4, 2024. The total of 1271 papers and 309 posters included in the HCII 2024 proceedings was carefully reviewed and selected from 5108 submissions. The DUXU 2024 proceedings were organized in the following topical sections: Part I: Information Visualization and Interaction Design; Usability Testing and User Experience Evaluation. Part II: Designing Interactions for Intelligent Environments; Automotive Interactions and Smart Mobility Solutions; Speculative Design and Creativity. Part III: User Experience Design for Inclusion and Diversity; Human-Centered Design for Social Impact. Part IV: Designing Immersive Experiences across Contexts; Technology, Design, and Learner Engagement; User Experience in Tangible and Intangible Cultural Heritage. Part V: Innovative Design for Enhanced User Experience; Innovations in Product and Service Design.
Risk Analysis, Dam Safety, Dam Security and Critical Infrastructure Management
by Ignacio Escuder-Bueno Enrique Matheu Luis Altarejos-García Jesica T. Castillo-RodríguezThis book offers the state of the art on risk analysis, representing a primary tool for achieving effective management of critical infrastructures along with a suitable framework for the development of risk management models regarding natural, technological and human-induced hazards. Essential reading for graduate students and researchers interested in risk analysis as applied to all type of critical infrastructures, and for designers, engineers, owners and operators of critical infrastructures in general and dams in particular.
Unearthing Shakespeare: Embodied Performance and the Globe
by Valerie Clayman PyeWhat can the Globe Theatre tell us about performing Shakespeare?Unearthing Shakespeare is the first book to consider what the Globe, today’s replica of Shakespeare’s theatre, can contribute to a practical understanding of Shakespeare’s plays. Valerie Clayman Pye reconsiders the material evidence of Early Modern theatre-making, presenting clear, accessible discussions of historical theatre practice; stages and staging; and the relationship between actor and audience. She relays this into a series of training exercises for actors at all levels.From "Shakesball" and "Telescoping" to Elliptical Energy Training and The Radiating Box, this is a rich set of resources for anyone looking to tackle Shakespeare with authenticity and confidence.The Open Access version of this book, available at http://www.taylorfrancis.com, has been made available under a Creative Commons Attribution-Non Commercial-No Derivatives (CC-BY-NC-ND) 4.0 license.
Robust Cluster Analysis and Variable Selection (ISSN)
by Gunter RitterClustering remains a vibrant area of research in statistics. Although there are many books on this topic, there are relatively few that are well founded in the theoretical aspects. In Robust Cluster Analysis and Variable Selection, Gunter Ritter presents an overview of the theory and applications of probabilistic clustering and variable selection,
Universal and Accessible Design for Products, Services, and Processes
by Robert F. ErlandsonNew laws, global competition, technological advances, and evolving societal values toward disability all demand the integration of universal and accessible design principles into the general practice of the design community. This growing international movement forces competitors to expand their traditional concepts of design and adopt these princip
Patterns for Performance and Operability: Building and Testing Enterprise Software
by Chris Ford Ido Gileadi Sanjiv Purba Mike MoermanApplications that work perfectly in controlled settings often fail in production environments, impacting business operations. This book explores a frequently overlooked aspect of software development: non-functional design and testing. In the real world, hostile production conditions and changing business usage can lead to unforeseen downtime or unacceptable system performance. Written by technologists and based on real field experience, the book examines common failure scenarios, defensive design patterns, and effective performance strategies.
Handbook of Occupational Safety and Health (Human Factors and Ergonomics)
by Danuta KoradeckaOccupational safety and health- safe work in a safe environment. The challenge, of course, is how to make this happen and make it happen economically. A comprehensive study presenting the state of the art in the field, Handbook of Occupational Safety and Health provides a wide range of methods along with specific criteria for assessing hazard and e
Building Earth Observation Cameras
by George JosephA System Engineer's Guide to Building an Earth Observation CameraBuilding Earth Observation Cameras discusses the science and technology of building an electro-optical imaging system for a space platform from concept to space qualification and in-orbit evaluation. The book provides a broad overview of various Earth imaging systems with specific exa
The Routledge Companion to Public Humanities Scholarship (Routledge Literature Companions)
by Daniel Fisher-Livne Michelle May-CurryAcross humanities disciplines, public scholarship brings academics and community members and organizations together in mutually-beneficial partnership for research, teaching, and programming. While the field of publicly engaged humanities scholarship has been growing for some time, there are few volumes that have attempted to define and represent its scope. The Routledge Companion to Public Humanities Scholarship brings together wide-ranging case studies sharing perspectives on this work, grounded in its practice in the United States.The collection begins with chapters reflecting on theories and practices of public humanities scholarship. The case studies that follow are organized around six areas of particular impact in public humanities scholarship: Informing contemporary debates; amplifying community voices and histories; helping individuals and communities navigate difficult experiences; preserving culture in times of crisis and change; expanding educational access; and building and supporting public scholarship. The Companion concludes with a glossary, introducing select concepts. Taken together, these resources offer an overview for students and practitioners of public humanities scholarship, creating an accessible vocabulary rooted in the practices that have so advanced academic and community life.Although drawing on case studies from the US, these examples offer perspectives and insights relevant to public humanities around the world. This book will be of interest to anyone working within the public humanities or wanting to make their work public and engage with wider communities.
Handbook of Educational Data Mining (Chapman & Hall/CRC Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery Series)
by Mykola Pechenizkiy Sebastian Ventura Cristóbal Romero Ryan S.J.d. BakerHandbook of Educational Data Mining (EDM) provides a thorough overview of the current state of knowledge in this area. The first part of the book includes nine surveys and tutorials on the principal data mining techniques that have been applied in education. The second part presents a set of 25 case studies that give a rich overview of the problems
Data Mining in Biomedical Imaging, Signaling, and Systems
by Rajendra Acharya U Sumeet DuaData mining can help pinpoint hidden information in medical data and accurately differentiate pathological from normal data. It can help to extract hidden features from patient groups and disease states and can aid in automated decision making. Data Mining in Biomedical Imaging, Signaling, and Systems provides an in-depth examination of the biomedi
Titanium Alloys: Russian Aircraft and Aerospace Applications (Advances in Metallic Alloys #Vol. 5)
by Valentin N. MoiseyevThis text offers previously elusive information on state-of-the-art Russian metallurgic technology of titanium alloys. It details their physical, mechanical, and technological properties, as well as treatments and applications in various branches of modern industry, particularly aircraft and aerospace construction. Titanium Alloys: Russian Aircraft
The Plastic Film and Foil Web Handling Guide
by William E. HawkinsWritten to assist anyone who works with webs directly or indirectly, The Plastic Film and Foil Web Handling Guide is a handbook for diagnosing and correcting problems with web handling technology. Covering web handling fundamentals, process-related technologies, troubleshooting, and solutions, it includes sufficient technical information to identif
Color Imaging: Fundamentals and Applications
by Erik Reinhard Erum Arif Khan Ahmet Oguz Akyuz Garrett JohnsonThis book provides the reader with an understanding of what color is, where color comes from, and how color can be used correctly in many different applications. The authors first treat the physics of light and its interaction with matter at the atomic level, so that the origins of color can be appreciated. The intimate relationship between energy
Value Engineering: Analysis And Methodology
by Del YounkerThis invaluable reference teaches effective and practical techniques to improve the overall performance and outcome of design projects in various industries. Value Engineering highlights the application of value methodology to streamline current day operations, strategic planning in company or business segments, and everyday business decisions in the private sector. The book shows how to maximize budgets, reduce life cycle costs, improve project understanding, and create better working relationships. It explains how to gather information for the creation, evaluation, development, and presentation of new project ideas and shows how to design an appropriate task agenda and timeline.
The Method Framework for Engineering System Architectures
by Donald G. Firesmith Peter Capell Dietrich Falkenthal Charles B. Hammons DeWitt T. Latimer IV Tom MerendinoOffering a practical way to generate effective and efficient project-specific system architecture engineering methods, this volume addresses the entire range of systems architecture including hardware, software, subsystems, and systems of systems. It defines a set of architectural roles and teams and provides a repository of reusable architectural engineering process components to develop high-quality system architectures. It examines a cohesive set of tailorable tasks and components steps for producing associated architectural work products and establishes a recommended set of industry best practices for engineering the architecture of software-intensive systems.