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Beteiligungscontrolling und Konzerncontrolling

by Joachim Paul

Das Beteiligungs- und Konzerncontrolling gewinnt immer größere Bedeutung in der Wirtschaft. Nicht nur Konzerne, auch Mittelständler und öffentliche Unternehmen arbeiten zunehmend mit Beteiligungsgesellschaften. Das vorliegende Buch bietet erstmals einen praxisorientierten Überblick aller Fragen der Steuerung von Gesellschaften. Der Autor Professor Dr. Joachim Paul verfügt über mehr als zehn Jahre Erfahrung im leitenden Beteiligungscontrolling und verbindet in diesem Werk Praxis und Wissenschaft.Behandelt werden die Themen, mit denen ein Beteiligungscontroller in der Praxis täglich konfrontiert wird. Zahlreiche Beispiele machen das Buch zu einem effektiven Hilfsmittel für den Praktiker. Ebenso bekommen Studierende mit Interesse an oder mit Schwerpunkt Controlling eine umfassende Einführung.

Beteiligungsmanagement: Erfolgreiche Führung von Holding- und Beteiligungsgesellschaften

by Klaus-Michael Ahrend

Beteiligungsmanagement – Wie Sie Holding- und Beteiligungsgesellschaften erfolgreich führen Das Buch von Klaus-Michael Ahrend stellt neue Instrumente des Beteiligungsmanagements vor und unterstützt Sie dabei, das Beteiligungsmanagement für Holding- und Beteiligungsgesellschaften situationsgerecht zu verbessern. Der Autor gibt einen theoretisch fundierten und praktisch nutzbaren Überblick über die Gestaltung des Beteiligungsmanagements und berücksichtigt dabei sowohl die Perspektive der Konzernführung als auch die Perspektive der Beteiligungen.Konzerne und Beteiligungsgesellschaften sind die tragenden Säulen der deutschen Wirtschaft. Ein wichtiger Erfolgsfaktor ist die Führung der zugeordneten Beteiligungen, die die Interessen der Eigentümer berücksichtigt, Vertrauen in die Potentiale und Vorschläge der Tochterunternehmen legt und eine kooperative Zusammenarbeit fördert. Das Buch richtet sich an Akteure aus Konzernen, Private Equity Unternehmen, Familiengesellschaften und öffentlichen Unternehmen.Aus dem Inhalt Selbstverständnis der Holding- bzw. BeteiligungsgesellschaftEntwicklung der Beteiligungsstrategie und GeschäftsmodellentwicklungMethoden für die Wertsteigerung der Beteiligungen Instrumente für die kooperative Zusammenarbeit von Mutter- und TochterunternehmenAnsätze für die Unterstützung der Beteiligungen Personalentwicklung und CoachingBündelung von Querschnittsfunktionen M&A und Post Merger Integration Umgang mit Konflikten / Konfliktmanagement Das Fachbuch ist ein wichtiger Ratgeber für Verantwortliche von Holding- und Beteiligungsgesellschaften sowie für Akteure der Beteiligungen, die mit der unternehmensübergreifenden Zusammenarbeit befasst sind.Es liefert zahlreiche anwendungsorientierte Hinweise für die Gestaltung des Beteiligungsmanagements aus Wissenschaft, Beratung und Praxis. Über 40 Fallbeispiele und die Vorstellung eines konkreten Gestaltungskonzepts geben einen praxisorientierten Einblick in das Beteiligungsmanagement.

Beteiligungsmanagement und Bewertung für Praktiker

by Bernd Heesen

Das Management von Beteiligungen, die Bewertung dieser und des gesamten Unternehmens bekommt durch die Internationalisierung - auch im Mittelstand - und die jetzt anstehende 2. Erbengeneration immer größere Bedeutung. Anhand von Excel-basierten mehrperiodischen Beispielen wird Praxiswissen zu Bewertungsproblemen, Bewertungsverfahren und den gesetzlichen Rahmenbedingungen strukturiert aufbereitet. Der Autor vermittelt prägnant und eingängig Konzepte und Handlungsempfehlungen für erfolgreiches Beteiligungscontrolling, -bewertung und -management, insbesondere mit Blick auf den bilanziellen Einfluss von möglichen Optimierungen. Das Werk ist eine Zusammenstellung aus klassischen Fragen der Investitionsrechnung, Bilanzerstellung aus Sicht von Unternehmern, Banken oder Aktionären, Portfoliomanagement, Cash- und Liquiditäts- bzw. Working Capital Management. Schließlich gilt es, dem Praktiker das passende Werkzeug für die Optimierungsmöglichkeit bei Beteiligungen mit auf den Weg zu geben, um den Wert der Gesellschaft optimal dazustellen.

Beteiligungsmanagement und Bewertung für Praktiker

by Bernd Heesen

Dieses Buch vermittelt pr#65533;gnant und eing#65533;ngig Konzepte und Handlungsempfehlungen f#65533;r erfolgreiches Beteiligungscontrolling und -management, insbesondere mit Blick auf den bilanziellen Einfluss von m#65533;glichen Optimierungen. Dabei stehen die klassischen Fragen der Investitionsrechnung, Bilanzerstellung aus Sicht von Unternehmern, Banken oder Aktion#65533;ren, Portfoliomanagement, Cash- und Liquidit#65533;ts- bzw. Working Capital Management im Fokus. Anhand von Excel-basierten mehrperiodischen Beispielen wird Praxiswissen zu Bewertungsproblemen, Bewertungsverfahren und den gesetzlichen Rahmenbedingungen strukturiert aufbereitet. Das Management von Beteiligungen, die Bewertung dieser und des gesamten Unternehmens bekommt auch im Mittelstand durch die zunehmende Internationalisierung, anstehende Generationenwechsel und Nachfolgeprobleme gr#65533;#65533;ere Bedeutung. Dieses Buch gibt Praktikern das passende Werkzeug an die Hand, um den Wert der Gesellschaft optimal darzustellen. Die 2. Auflage ber#65533;cksichtigt die ver#65533;nderten gesetzlichen Rahmenbedingungen seit Inkrafttreten des BilRUG.

Beteiligungsmanagement und Bewertung für Praktiker

by Bernd Heesen

Beteiligungsmanagement verstehen – mithilfe dieses BuchsWie funktioniert Beteiligungscontrolling in der Praxis? Wie bewertet man ein Unternehmen? Dieses Buch über das Beteiligungsmanagement gibt Ihnen Antworten auf diese und viele weitere Fragen in Zusammenhang mit Beteiligung und Bewertung. Dabei spielen unter anderem die folgenden Themen eine wichtige Rolle:• Investitionsrechnung• Portfoliomanagement• Cash- und Liquditätsmanagement• Working Capital ManagementDer Autor beschreibt die Unternehmensbewertung sowohl aus strategischer als auch aus operativer Sicht.Leser erhält genaue HandlungsempfehlungEine große Stärke dieses Buches sind die direkten Handlungsempfehlungen zum Beteiligungsmanagement. Dadurch erhält der Leser einen Leitfaden für die Berufspraxis. Die zweite Auflage wurde an die neuesten gesetzlichen Regelungen angepasst.

Beteiligungsmanagement und Bewertung für Praktiker

by Bernd Heesen

Beteiligungsmanagement verstehen – mithilfe dieses BuchsWie funktioniert Beteiligungscontrolling in der Praxis? Wie bewertet man ein Unternehmen? Dieses Buch über das Beteiligungsmanagement gibt Ihnen Antworten auf diese und viele weitere Fragen in Zusammenhang mit Beteiligung und Bewertung. Dabei spielen unter anderem die folgenden Themen eine wichtige Rolle:• Investitionsrechnung• Portfoliomanagement• Cash- und Liquditätsmanagement• Working Capital ManagementDer Autor beschreibt die Unternehmensbewertung sowohl aus strategischer als auch aus operativer Sicht.Leser erhält genaue HandlungsempfehlungEine große Stärke dieses Buches sind die direkten Handlungsempfehlungen zum Beteiligungsmanagement. Dadurch erhält der Leser einen Leitfaden für die Berufspraxis. Die zweite Auflage wurde an die neuesten gesetzlichen Regelungen angepasst.

The Betel Nut Tree Mystery (Crown Colony Ser.)

by Ovidia Yu

The second novel in Ovidia Yu's delightfully charming crime series set in 1930s Singapore, featuring amateur sleuth Su Lin.What we came to think of as the betel nut affair began in the middle of a tropical thunderstorm in December 1937 . . . Singapore is agog with the news of King Edward VIII's abdication to marry American heiress Wallis Simson. Chen Su Lin, now Chief Inspector Le Froy's secretarial assistant in Singapore's newly formed detective unit, still dreams of becoming a journalist and hopes to cover the story when the Hon Victor Glossop announces he is marrying an American widow of his own, Mrs Nicole Covington, in the Colony. But things go horribly wrong when Victor Glossop is found dead, his body covered in bizarre symbols and soaked in betel nut juice.The beautiful, highly-strung Nicole claims it's her fault he's dead . . . just like the others. And when investigations into her past reveal a dead lover, as well as a husband, the case against her appears to be stacking up. Begrudgingly on Le Froy's part, Su Lin agrees to chaperon Nicole at the Farquhar Hotel, intending to get the truth out of her somehow. But as she uncovers secrets and further deaths occur, Su Lin realises she may not be able to save Nicole's life - or even her own.'Charming and fascinating with great authentic feel. This book is exactly why I love historical novels' Rhys Bowen'I really enjoyed this wonderful gem of a book. The diversity and rich history portrayed in the book are what make The Frangipani Tree Mystery a brilliant read. The fact that it's a fusion of crime and historical fiction adds brownie points to the package!' Bookloves Reviews

The Betel Nut Tree Mystery (Crown Colony)

by Ovidia Yu

'Great protagonist, great setting - this is a delightful book' Morning Star The second novel in Ovidia Yu's delightfully charming crime series set in 1930s Singapore, featuring amateur sleuth Su Lin.What we came to think of as the betel nut affair began in the middle of a tropical thunderstorm in December 1937 . . . Singapore is agog with the news of King Edward VIII's abdication to marry American heiress Wallis Simpson. Chen Su Lin, now Chief Inspector Le Froy's secretarial assistant in Singapore's newly formed detective unit, still dreams of becoming a journalist and hopes to cover the story when the Hon Victor Glossop announces he is marrying an American widow of his own, Mrs Nicole Covington, in the Colony. But things go horribly wrong when Victor Glossop is found dead, his body covered in bizarre symbols and soaked in betel nut juice.The beautiful, highly-strung Nicole claims it's her fault he's dead . . . just like the others. And when investigations into her past reveal a dead lover, as well as a husband, the case against her appears to be stacking up. Begrudgingly on Le Froy's part, Su Lin agrees to chaperon Nicole at the Farquhar Hotel, intending to get the truth out of her somehow. But as she uncovers secrets and further deaths occur, Su Lin realises she may not be able to save Nicole's life - or even her own.'Charming and fascinating with great authentic feel. This book is exactly why I love historical novels' Rhys Bowen'I really enjoyed this wonderful gem of a book. The diversity and rich history portrayed in the book are what make The Frangipani Tree Mystery a brilliant read. The fact that it's a fusion of crime and historical fiction adds brownie points to the package!' Bookloves Reviews

The Betel Nut Tree Mystery (Crown Colony #2)

by Ovidia Yu

'Great protagonist, great setting - this is a delightful book' Morning Star The second novel in Ovidia Yu's delightfully charming crime series set in 1930s Singapore, featuring amateur sleuth Su Lin.What we came to think of as the betel nut affair began in the middle of a tropical thunderstorm in December 1937 . . . Singapore is agog with the news of King Edward VIII's abdication to marry American heiress Wallis Simpson. Chen Su Lin, now Chief Inspector Le Froy's secretarial assistant in Singapore's newly formed detective unit, still dreams of becoming a journalist and hopes to cover the story when the Hon Victor Glossop announces he is marrying an American widow of his own, Mrs Nicole Covington, in the Colony. But things go horribly wrong when Victor Glossop is found dead, his body covered in bizarre symbols and soaked in betel nut juice.The beautiful, highly-strung Nicole claims it's her fault he's dead . . . just like the others. And when investigations into her past reveal a dead lover, as well as a husband, the case against her appears to be stacking up. Begrudgingly on Le Froy's part, Su Lin agrees to chaperon Nicole at the Farquhar Hotel, intending to get the truth out of her somehow. But as she uncovers secrets and further deaths occur, Su Lin realises she may not be able to save Nicole's life - or even her own.'Charming and fascinating with great authentic feel. This book is exactly why I love historical novels' Rhys Bowen'I really enjoyed this wonderful gem of a book. The diversity and rich history portrayed in the book are what make The Frangipani Tree Mystery a brilliant read. The fact that it's a fusion of crime and historical fiction adds brownie points to the package!' Bookloves Reviews

Betfair (B)

by Neil Campbell Ramon Casadesus-Masanell John Heilbron

Buoyed by success in the market for gambling contracts, Betfair attempts to enter the market for financial products using its exchange model.

Betfair (C)

by Neil Campbell Ramon Casadesus-Masanell John Heilbron

Prompted by a takeover bid from CVC, Betfair reassesses the strengths and weaknesses of the exchange model.

Betfair (D)

by Neil Campbell Ramon Casadesus-Masanell John Heilbron

Betfair reconsiders its approach to international gambling markets amid regulatory uncertainty.

Betfair vs. UK Bookmakers

by Ramon Casadesus-Masanell Neil Campbell

Betting exchanges provide an electronic platform that allows ordinary consumers to not only back teams to win, but also to lay odds for other punters to back. This business model allows punters to cut out the middle-man of the bookmaker, and leads to a much more efficient 2-sided market.'s domination of the betting exchange has threatened to undermine the core of the traditional bookmakers' business model. The case examines two aspects of the industry: 1. What specific choices did Betfair make to become the dominant betting exchange, winning the competitive battle over 2. At what stages do's business model and those of the bookmakers interact? Will naturally come to dominate the industry, and if so how should the bookmakers react?


by Nora Kay

Growing up in the idyllic seaside town of Sandyneuk on Scotland's east coast, Beth Brown and Caroline Parker-Munro become best friends despite the difference in their backgrounds. And when Beth is abandoned by her missionary parents, it is Caroline's family that takes her in, and Caroline who protects her from the ill-feeling of her more class-conscious relations. Beth grows up to be a beauty and finds her friendship with Caroline threatened when the two girls fall in love with the same man. Adrian Scott-Hamilton fancies himself in love with Beth, but plans to marry Caroline for her wealth and position. A plan which can only lead to heartache . . .


by Nora Kay

Growing up in the idyllic seaside town of Sandyneuk on Scotland's east coast, Beth Brown and Caroline Parker-Munro become best friends despite the difference in their backgrounds. And when Beth is abandoned by her missionary parents, it is Caroline's family that takes her in, and Caroline who protects her from the ill-feeling of her more class-conscious relations. Beth grows up to be a beauty and finds her friendship with Caroline threatened when the two girls fall in love with the same man. Adrian Scott-Hamilton fancies himself in love with Beth, but plans to marry Caroline for her wealth and position. A plan which can only lead to heartache . . .

Beth and Amy (The March Sisters #2)

by Virginia Kantra

Four sisters face new beginnings in this heartfelt modern take on Little Women by New York Times bestselling author Virginia Kantra.Amy March is more like her older sister Jo than she&’d like to admit. An up-and-coming designer in New York&’s competitive fashion industry, ambitious Amy is determined to get out of her sisters&’ shadows and keep her distance from their North Carolina hometown. But when Jo&’s wedding forces Amy home, she must face what she really wants…and confront the One Big Mistake that could upend her life and forever change her relationship with Jo.Gentle, unassuming Beth grew up as the good girl of the family. A talented singer-songwriter, she&’s overcome her painful anxiety to tour with country superstar Colt Henderson. But life on the road has taken its toll on her health and their relationship. Maybe a break to attend her sister&’s wedding will get her out of her funk. But Beth realizes that what she&’s looking for and what she needs are two very different things.…With the March women reunited, this time with growing careers and families, they must once again learn to lean on one another as they juggle the changes coming their way.

Beth and the Bachelor

by Susan Mallery

New York Times bestselling author Susan Mallery delivers her acclaimed story about how life-and love-can change in an instant.Beth Davis's fairy-tale days are over...or so the single mother of two thinks. She suddenly finds herself on a date with her very own Prince Charming, millionaire bachelor Todd Graham. He's smart, sexy and very eligible-everything a woman could want in a man. But Beth's a suburban mom, and approaching forty... She's not sure if she's Cinderella material.Todd was supposed to be raising money for charity, not auctioning off his heart, but he never expected to be so taken with his date. Something in Beth's smile captures the Texas tycoon's attention, and suddenly life as a bachelor seems less exciting than it used to. But they're worlds apart, and building a life with Beth isn't as simple as all that. Can these unlikely lovers find their courage-and the fairy-tale ending they deserve?

Beth Chatto's Garden Notebook

by Beth Chatto

'I return to Beth Chatto's books constantly. For those who are new to her work, you are entering into a life-long relationship with a wise friend and gardener' Monty Don'Compulsively readable. Once you have it, don't let anyone else borrow it' SUNDAY TELEGRAPHSharing the hopes and successes - and sometimes failures - of her work, Beth Chatto reveals what is really involved in maintaining a unique and flourishing garden. Written from notes that she kept regularly, this engaging book offers help on a whole range of topics. There is guidance on designing, planting and grouping. She describes methods of propagation, shows how plants can be helped to maturity, and gives advice on managing a garden and its plants and on performing all the day-to-day tasks involved.

Beth Henley: A Casebook (Casebooks on Modern Dramatists #33)

by Julia A. Fesmire

Beth Henley was awarded the Pulitzer Prize in Drama and the New York Drama Critics Circle Award for Best American Play for her first full-length play, Crimes of the Heart, yet there has been no book-length consideration of her body of work until now. This volume includes original essays that contextualize and analyze her works from a variety of perspectives, focusing on her vexed status as a southern writer, her use of the comic grotesque, and her alleged feminist critiques of modern society. Receiving special attention are lesser-known plays which are crucial to understanding Henley's development as a playwright and postmodern thinker.

Beth Israel Deaconess: Consolidating to Strengthen, or to Stave Off, Competition?

by Leemore S Dafny

In July 2017, CEO Kevin Tabb of Boston's Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center announced his plan to consolidate 11 Massachusetts hospitals under a common management structure. These hospitals collectively generated $5 billion in patient revenue and 25% of privately-insured hospital stays in the state. The merger would create a credible competitor to Partners Healthcare, the state's dominant health care provider, but would potentially reduce competition and raise prices. State regulators were assessing the merger, and Tabb needed to argue its merits.

Beth Stewart: Navigating the Boardroom

by Boris Groysberg Deborah Bell

After rising through the ranks of Corporate America, Beth Stewart has become a corporate director on the board of General Growth Properties. Stewart is struggling with how to address her mounting concerns over the financial health of the growing large publically traded real estate investment trust (REIT) to her fellow board members and company management. The case explores interpersonal communications, influencing one's peers, leadership style, and board dynamics. The case also chronicles Stewart's career progression focusing on different stages including work/life choices she made as a wife and mother of five children.

Beth Stewart: Navigating the Boardroom

by Boris Groysberg Deborah Bell

After rising through the ranks of Corporate America, Beth Stewart has become a corporate director on the board of General Growth Properties. Stewart is struggling with how to address her mounting concerns over the financial health of the growing large publically traded real estate investment trust (REIT) to her fellow board members and company management. The case explores interpersonal communications, influencing one's peers, leadership style, and board dynamics. The case also chronicles Stewart's career progression focusing on different stages including work/life choices she made as a wife and mother of five children.

A Beth Wiseman Amish Collection

by Beth Wiseman

A Perfect Plan Priscilla King has been planning to marry Chester Lapp since she was sixteen years old, but when wedding plans begin immediately after he pops the question, everything starts to go terribly wrong. Disaster strikes as Chester works to build a house for his new bride, Priscilla's wedding dress is mistakenly cut up to use for rags, and one of her bridesmaids breaks out in a horrible rash before the wedding. And to make matters worse, a terrible case of the hiccups forewarns Priscilla of every mishap. Can true love take the couple through these challenges, or will they begin to doubt that they are on the right path, the one God has chosen for them? A Recipe for Hope The Amish kitchen is the heart of the home--and the ideal setting for stories of love and hope. When a storm blows a tree onto Eve Bender's farmhouse, she has little choice but to temporarily move her family into her parents' home. Outside of cooking together in the kitchen, Eve and her mother can't agree on anything. But this may be just the recipe for hope in healing old wounds. Always Beautiful Becky's desperate prayers are answered, but she discovers the life she imagined for herself pales in comparison to God's plan. Becky Byler is eighteen and dangerously overweight. Diet and exercise haven't helped. As she continues to grow, so does her despair. Having lost all hope, she considers taking her life, even though it goes against her beliefs. Standing before rushing water, unable to swim, Becky begs God for help and is miraculously rescued. Two months pass and Becky has lost over a hundred pounds. She smiles as she spends hours stitching smaller dresses. But does Becky like the person she has become? Could it be this weight loss isn't at all the miracle she thinks it is?

A Beth Wiseman Romance Collection: Need You Now, House that Love Built, The Promise

by Beth Wiseman

<P>Need You NowWhen big-city life threatens the safety of one of their children, Brad and Darlene Henderson move with their three teenagers from Houston to the tiny town of Round Top, Texas.<P>Adjusting to small-town life is difficult for the kids, especially fifteen-year-old Grace who is coping in a dangerous way.<P>Married life hasn’t always been bliss, but their strong faith has carried Brad and Darlene through the difficult times.<P> When Darlene takes a job outside the home for the first time in their marriage, the domestic tension rises.<P>While working with special needs children at her new job, the widowed father of one of the students starts paying more attention to Darlene than is appropriate.<P> Problem is, she feels like someone is listening to her for the first time in a long time.<P>If Darlene ever needed God . . . it’s now.<P>The House that Love BuiltBrooke has only loved one man, her late husband.<P> Owen’s rebuilding after a painful divorce. <P>Can a mysterious house bring them together for a second chance at love?<P>In the charming town of Smithville, Texas, Brooke Holloway is raising two young children on her own, supporting them by running the family hardware store. <P>The last thing on her mind is falling in love. <P>But she’s intrigued when a stranger moves to town and buys the old Hadley mansion.<P> She’s always heard that house holds a secret—maybe even a treasure—and she can’t wait to see inside.<P> When she meets the new owner and they spend time together, she can’t deny the attraction.<P> Could God be giving her another chance at happiness?<P> Or is she betraying her late husband’s memory by even thinking that way?<P>The PromiseMallory’s search for happiness leads her to a faraway place.<P> There she finds heartache, betrayal—and danger.<P>Mallory Hammond is determined that no one will stand in the way of her goal—to save a life. <P>She had that chance years ago, and she failed to take it, leaving her adrift and in search of the real meaning of her life.<P> Finally, she meets a man online from a volatile corner of the world who offers her the chance to find that purpose. <P>But she will have to leave everyone she loves behind in order to take it.<P>Inspired by actual events, The Promise is a riveting love story that asks the question: how far will we go for love?

Bethania: The Village by the Black Walnut Botton

by Beverly Hamel

Founded in 1759, Bethania was the first planned Moravian settlement in North Carolina, situated favorably on the Great Wagon Road of the colonial era. Bethania's narrative weaves together 250 years of history and memory, with voices from the town's white and black heritage speaking through autobiographical accounts, diaries, letters, oral histories,Photographs, and archival research. Join local resident Beverly Hamel as she tells the story of proud Pilgrim people who journeyed into an unknown wilderness and built a communitythat would remain intact through the volatile periods of the French and Indian War, the Revolutionary War, slavery and the years leading to the Civil War, the Reconstruction era, and into the twentieth century. The story of Bethania is a celebration of an enduring spirit that will never die.

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