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New Hampshire Book of the Dead: Graveyard Legends and Lore

by Roxie J. Zwicker

A historical journey through the headstones and hauntings of the Granite State—includes photos. New Hampshire&’s historic graveyards, from Portsmouth to North Conway, have bizarre and eerie stories to offer their visitors. Graveyards often invoke fear and superstition among the living, but the dead who rest within them may have more to communicate to the world they left behind. The sands of Pine Grove Cemetery in Hampton once concealed the tombstone of Susanna Smith, but now its message—which reads simply &“Slaine with thunder&”—and her story have risen from beneath the soil. The Point of Graves Cemetery in Portsmouth is home to the spirit of Elizabeth Pierce, who beckons departing guests back to her grave. Along the state&’s southern border in Jaffrey, tombstones at Philips-Heil Cemetery caution the living to cherish life. Here, Roxie Zwicker tours the Granite State&’s oldest burial grounds, exploring the stones, stories, and folklore of these hallowed places.

Vermont Book of the Dead: Graveyard Legends and Lore (The History Press)

by Roxie J. Zwicker

Vermont's hills hold the echoes of a spirited past. Haunting stories and wandering ghosts are found in numerous burial places from the Riverside Cemetery in Burlington to the Green Mount Cemetery in Montpelier. The Bowman mausoleum in Cuttingsville contains some heartbreaking symbolism. Throughout the state, disturbing tales of mountain madness, murder and "vampires" can be found carved in stone. Discover the graves of humble farmers with independent spirit like Justin Morgan, Ethan Allen, and "Snowflake" Bentley who changed the course of history. The ancient gravestones in Rockingham were once removed and put on exhibit in New York City, while innovative gravestone carvers from Barre to Bennington left artistic interpretations of death to awe and inspire. Author and tour guide Roxie Zwicker explores these historic and legendary graveyards.

Haunted Pubs of New England: Raising Spirits of the Past (Haunted America Ser.)

by Roxie Zwicker

This ghost guide explores pubs and taverns from Rhode Island to Maine that serve up spirits of all kinds—includes photos! The taverns of colonial New England were gathering places for Revolutionary Patriots, nerve centers for spreading vital news and sanctuaries for outlawed organizations. Perhaps inevitably, certain pubs bore witness to ghastly deeds and sorrowful tragedies. Some of them became tinged with the aura of the supernatural. Through firsthand interviews with dozens of pub owners and employees, author Roxie J. Zwicker has discovered tales of hauntings in which bartenders have their drinks mysteriously upended, waitresses find dining room objects scattered about bizarrely and other staff and patrons catch sudden glimpses of ghostly figures. Haunted Pubs of New England reveals the spine-tingling lore lurking within New England's oldest taverns.

Mit Sustainable Finance die Transformation dynamisieren: Wie Finanzwirtschaft nachhaltiges Wirtschaften ermöglicht

by Yvonne Zwick Kristina Jeromin

<p>Wir befinden uns inmitten eines komplexen Strukturwandels, der alle Dimensionen der Gesellschaft und des Wirtschaftssystems betrifft. Die Bekämpfung der Klimakrise und konsequentes Verfolgen der Nachhaltigkeitsziele der Vereinten Nationen sind Jahrhundertaufgaben, die keinen Aufschub dulden. Die COVID-19-Pandemie und Putins Angriffskrieg verweisen auf die Bedeutung resilienter Wirtschafts- und Gesellschaftsstrukturen. Welche Rolle spielt hierbei die Finanzwirtschaft? Ein nachhaltiges, zukunftsfähiges Finanzsystem ist eine der zentralen Voraussetzungen, um die Transformation unserer Wirtschaft zügig und gezielt zu gestalten.<p> <p>Diese Momentaufnahme zum Agenda Setting für Sustainable Finance kann für die vielschichtigen Prozesse in Gremien und Unternehmen, in Banken und Versicherungswirtschaft auf europäischer, nationaler und betrieblicher Ebene Nutzen stiften. Expertise und Perspektive der verschiedenen Anspruchsgruppen, Akteurinnen und Akteure kommen zu Wort. Ihre Beiträge spiegeln diese Vielfalt und greifen an vielen Stellen die großen Möglichkeiten auf, die in kooperativen Ansätzen und Instrumenten schlummern.<p>

Ultra-Wideband RF System Engineering

by Thomas Zwick Aptara. Inc

This comprehensive summary of the state of the art in Ultra Wideband (UWB) system engineering takes you through all aspects of UWB design, from components through the propagation channel to system engineering aspects. Mathematical tools and basics are covered, allowing for a complete characterisation and description of the UWB scenario, in both the time and the frequency domains. UWB MMICs, antennas, antenna arrays, and filters are described, as well as quality measurement parameters and design methods for specific applications. The UWB propagation channel is discussed, including a complete mathematical description together with modeling tools. A system analysis is offered, addressing both radio and radar systems, and techniques for optimization and calibration. Finally, an overview of future applications of UWB technology is presented. Ideal for scientists as well as RF system and component engineers working in short range wireless technologies.

Rethinking the SAT: The Future of Standardized Testing in University Admissions

by Rebecca Zwick

Rethinking the SAT is a unique presentation of the latest thoughts and research findings of key individuals in the world of college admissions, including the president of the largest public university system in the U.S., as well as the presidents of the two companies that sponsor college admissions tests in the U.S. The contributors address not only the pros and cons of the SAT itself, but the broader question of who should go to college in the twenty-first century.

Who Gets In?: Strategies for Fair and Effective College Admissions

by Rebecca Zwick

On the disputed topic of U.S. college admissions, everyone agrees that this high-stakes competition is unfair. But few agree on what a fair process would be. Stressing transparency in evaluating applicants, Rebecca Zwick assesses the goals and criteria of different admissions policies and shows how they can fail to produce the desired results.

National Communism

by Peter Zwick

According to the generally accepted view that nationalism is alien to communism and that internationalism disallows divisions based on nations, the existence of national communism is often interpreted as a sign of the breakup of the world communist movement. This book reexamines the evidence on the role of nations and national variations, beginning with Marx and moving through Leninism and Stalinism to Titoism, Maoism, Castroism, and current national liberation movements (e.g., in Nicaragua). Professor Zwick concludes that nationalism has always been an inherent element of communism. He demonstrates with numerous concrete cases that, rather than signaling the decline of communism, national adaptation is the source of its strength. The limits of national variation as defined by the Brezhnev Doctrine are precisely defined and examined in the cases of Hungary, Czechoslovakia, and Poland. The book bridges the gap between Marxist theory and communist practice with respect to the central role that nationalism will continue to play in the contemporary world. No other study presents this material in a cross-national, comparative perspective.

Unternehmenskrisen bewältigen: Die Bedeutung der Persönlichkeit für erfolgreiches Management in der Krise

by Patrick Zwick

Dieses Buch vermittelt grundlegende Kenntnisse zu Krisenursachen, den Phasen krisenhafter Entwicklungen, typischen Krisen im Lebenszyklus eines Unternehmens und den Aufgaben eines Krisenmanagers.Es geht dabei der Frage nach, welche Rolle die Persönlichkeit von Managern in der Unternehmenskrise spielt. Sie erfahren, welche Persönlichkeitsmerkmale eines Managers in der Krise den entscheidenden Unterschied machen können.Ein wertvoller Helfer für Gesellschafter, Unternehmensberater, Führungskräfte, die sich in der Praxis mit der Sanierung und Restrukturierung von Unternehmen beschäftigen.

Vermögensschaden-Haftpflichtversicherung für Versicherungsvermittler

by Marion Zwick

Versicherungsvermittler, wie Versicherungsmakler und ungebundene Versicherungsvertreter, und Versicherungsberater benötigen von Gesetzes wegen eine Berufs- bzw. Vermögensschaden-Haftpflichtversicherung, damit sie überhaupt die Erlaubnis erhalten, ihrer Tätigkeit nachzugehen. Neu ist seit 2013, dass ein Versicherungsvermittler, der bestimmte Finanzanlagen mitvertreibt, auch für diese Tätigkeit als Finanzanlagenvermittler ebenfalls eine Berufshaftpflichtversicherung benötigt. Dieses Buch beinhaltet unter anderem Grundlageninformationen darüber, wer überhaupt eine Berufshaftpflichtversicherung benötigt und welcher Versicherungsumfang gesetzlich vorgeschrieben ist. Zudem wird auf die Kriterien umfassend eingegangen, die für eine Bedarfsanalyse wichtig sind, um einen optimalen Versicherungsschutz zu erhalten. Zahlreiche Erklärungen und Schadenbeispiele zeigen zudem, wie wichtig ein optimaler Versicherungsschutz ist - und zwar für alle Tätigkeiten eines Versicherungsvermittlers, -beraters und/oder Finanzdienstleisters, unabhängig davon, ob für die ausgeübte Tätigkeitsart eine Berufshaftpflichtversicherung gesetzlich vorgeschrieben ist oder nicht.

The Point, Issue 3

by Etay Zwick Jonny Thakkar Jon Baskin

The Point is a twice-yearly journal of essays on contemporary life and culture, based in Chicago.<P><P> A mix of criticism, memoir, and reviews, The Point goes beyond intellectual tourism by challenging its readers to recognize the impact of ideas on their everyday life. Early issues have considered whether it is possible to live an honorable social life on Facebook, what Thorstein Veblen would say about Goldman Sachs, how Stendhal might help us with dating, and why today's conservatives ought to read Marx. Each issue also contains a symposium consisting of several shorter pieces relating to a topic chosen by the editors-for instance, film, conservatism, or contemporary music.Issue 3 of The Point will include essays on Gordon Wood's idea of America, gaming and reality in Modern Warfare, and improv as a way of life. The symposium features pieces on why conservatives should read Marx, the progression (or lack thereof) of the novel, and an interview with Harvey Mansfield.

Hits, Flops, and Other Illusions: My Fortysomething Years in Hollywood

by Ed Zwick

This heartfelt and wry career memoir from the director of Blood Diamond, The Last Samurai, Legends of the Fall, About Last Night, and Glory, creator of the show thirtysomething, and executive producer of My So-Called Life, gives a dishy, behind-the-scenes look at working with some of the biggest names in Hollywood.&“I&’ll be dropping a few names,&” Ed Zwick confesses in the introduction to his book. &“Over the years I have worked with self-proclaimed masters-of-the-universe, unheralded geniuses, hacks, sociopaths, savants, and saints.&” He has encountered these Hollywood types during four decades of directing, producing, and writing projects that have collectively received eighteen Academy Award nominations (seven wins) and sixty-seven Emmy nominations (twenty-two wins). Though there are many factors behind such success, including luck and the contributions of his creative partner Marshall Herskovitz, he&’s known to have a special talent for bringing out the best in the people he&’s worked with, especially the actors. In those intense collaborations, he&’s sought to discover the small pieces of connective tissue, vulnerability, and fellowship that can help an actor realize their character in full. Talents whom he spotted early include Brad Pitt, Matt Damon, Denzel Washington, Claire Danes, and Jared Leto. Established stars he worked closely with include Leonardo DiCaprio, Anthony Hopkins, Tom Cruise, Julia Roberts, Anne Hathaway, Daniel Craig, Jake Gyllenhaal, Bruce Willis, Demi Moore, and Jennifer Connelly. He also sued Harvey Weinstein over the production of Shakespeare in Love—and won. He shares personal stories about all these people, and more. Written mostly with love, sometimes with rue, this memoir is also a meditation on working, sprinkled throughout with tips for anyone who has ever imagined writing, directing, or producing for the screen. Fans with an appreciation for the beautiful mysteries—as well as the unsightly, often comic truths—of crafting film and television won&’t want to miss it.

Signal- und Rauschanalyse mit Quellenverschiebung

by Albrecht Zwick Jochen Zwick Xuan Phuc Nguyen

Mit der Quellenverschiebung stellen die Autoren erstmals in deutscher Sprache eine #65533;u#65533;erst praxistaugliche und verbl#65533;ffend einfache grafische Methode zur Signal- und Rauschanalyse elektronischer Schaltungen vor. Sie f#65533;hren kompetent, kompakt und praxisnah in das Rauschen elektronischer Bauelemente ein und stellen dessen Wirkungsweise in unterschiedlichen Schaltungen exemplarisch dar. Die Methode der Quellenverschiebung erm#65533;glicht hierbei eine schnelle Absch#65533;tzung der wesentlichen Rauschanteile sowie eine Optimierung der Dimensionierung.

Operationsverstärker und Transistoren

by Albrecht Zwick Jochen Zwick

In diesem Buch werden analoge Transistor- und Operationsverstärkerschaltungen behandelt. Neben den Themen Biasstrom, Offset, Gleichtaktunterdrückung (CMRR), Klirrfaktor, Slew-rate und Grenzfrequenz nehmen die Themen Stabilität und Schwingneigung einen großen Raum ein. Durch den Einsatz von Simulationsprogrammen verlieren genaue Berechnungen durch das Lösen von Gleichungssystemen in der Praxis an Bedeutung. Hingegen ermöglichen die in diesem Buch dargestellten Methoden der Quellenverschiebung, der Quotientenmethode sowie des Miller- und Bootstrap-Effektes nicht nur einfache Näherungen bei der Schaltungsanalyse sondern auch ein gutes Verständnis der Schaltungen. Graphische Darstellungen und die Betrachtung von Ersatzschaltbildern vereinfachen unter anderem auch die Dimensionierung von Schaltungen.

Operationsverstärker und Transistoren: Elektronische Schaltungen mit alternativen Methoden dargestellt

by Albrecht Zwick Jochen Zwick

In diesem Buch werden analoge Transistor- und Operationsverstärkerschaltungen behandelt. Neben den Themen Biasstrom, Offset, Gleichtaktunterdrückung (CMRR), Klirrfaktor, Slew-rate und Grenzfrequenz nehmen die Themen Stabilität und Schwingneigung einen großen Raum ein. Durch den Einsatz von Simulationsprogrammen verlieren genaue Berechnungen durch das Lösen von Gleichungssystemen in der Praxis an Bedeutung. Hingegen ermöglichen die in diesem Buch dargestellten Methoden der Quellenverschiebung, der Quotientenmethode sowie des Miller- und Bootstrap-Effektes nicht nur einfache Näherungen bei der Schaltungsanalyse sondern auch ein gutes Verständnis der Schaltungen. Graphische Darstellungen und die Betrachtung von Ersatzschaltbildern vereinfachen unter anderem auch die Dimensionierung von Schaltungen.

Another Year in Africa

by Rose Zwi

They came from the stetl to a new land, to a new life. Another year in Africa, they said, another year in exile. The old world of pogroms is challenged by their new lives in Africa and the child Ruth is haunted by memories of tragedy and persecution that are not even hers.

Speak the Truth, Laughing

by Rose Zwi

With a delicate but ironic touch leavened with gentle humor, the award winning author of Another Year in Africa, Safe Houses, and Last Walk in Naryshkin Park presents characters ranging from a political activist under house arrest to the child of immigrant parents caught between two cultures.

Economics in Russia: Studies in Intellectual History (Modern Economic And Social History Ser.)

by Joachim Zweynert

The history of Russian economic ideas from the sixteenth century to contemporary times is a fascinating, tumultuous yet neglected topic among Western scholars. Whilst over the last 15 years increasing amounts of work has been done on the subject, co-operation between Russian and Western researchers in this field leaves much to be desired. In order to improve this situation, this volume unites Russian and non-Russian researchers together to provide an overview of the current state of the topic and to give a stimulus for further research. Bringing together scholars from the UK, Germany, Japan, Australia, Finland and Russia, the collection puts forward differing, yet complimentary, perspectives on the long-term history of Russian economic ideas. Offering a broad collection of articles covering the period from the seventeenth to the twentieth centuries, authors have approached the subject from diverse theoretical angles. Contributions in the tradition of Blaug and Schumpeter focusing on economic analysis in a narrower sense, and contributions that - in line with authors like Pribram or Perlman/McCann - deal with economic thought in the context of history and culture, are all represented. In terms of content, the editors have encouraged approaches that represent different economic traditions in order to encourage a diversity of opinions on the national development of Russian economics. As such the volume offers a broad and very relevant assessment of the subject for both historians and economists alike.

When Ideas Fail: Economic Thought, the Failure of Transition and the Rise of Institutional Instability in Post-Soviet Russia (Routledge Studies in the European Economy)

by Joachim Zweynert

In the history of Russian economic ideas, a peculiar mix of anthropocentrism and holism provided fertile breeding ground for patterns of thought that were in potential conflict with the market. These patterns, did not render the emergence of capitalism in Russia impossible. But they entailed a deep intellectual division between adherents and opponents of Russia’s capitalist transformation that made Russia’s social evolution unstable and vulnerable to external shocks. This study offers an ideational explanation of Russia’s relative failure to establish a functioning market economy and thus sets up a new and original perspective for discussion. In post-Soviet Russia, a clash between imported foreground ideas and deep domestic background ideas has led to an ideational division among the elite of the country. Within economic science, this led to the emergence of two thought collectives, (in the sense of Ludvik Fleck), with entirely different understandings of social reality. This ideational division translated into incoherent policy measures, the emergence of institutional hybrids and thus, all in all, into institutional instability. Empirically, the book is based on a systematic, qualitative analysis of the writings of Soviet/Russian economists between 1987 and 2012. This groundbreaking book makes an important contribution to Central Eastern and Eastern European area studies and to the current debate on ideas and institutions in the social sciences.

Game of My Life Texas A&M Aggies: Memorable Stories of Aggies Football (Game of My Life)

by Brent Zwerneman

Game of My Life Texas A&M Aggies describes, in colorful detail, the single-favorite game of some of Texas A&M's greatest football legends. While each of these stars has different memories, they all certainly have a place in Texas A&M's football history. Discover all the details surrounding these monumental moments--the unique aura of each game; where A&M stood at the time, both athletically and socially; plus a biographical sketch of each Aggie legend, including where he is now. Hear from A&M linebacker Dat Nguyen, the team's all-time leading tackler, about the 1998 Big 12 Championship Game, plus such games as A&M's 20-16 win over Bear Bryant-led Alabama in the 1968 Cotton Bowl. Jarrin' John Kimbrough talks about leading the Aggies to their only national title in 1939 with a 14-13 defeat of Tulane in the 1940 Sugar Bowl. Other standouts include defensive end Ray Childress, quarterback Kevin Murray, linebacker Ed Simonini, quarterback Bucky Richardson, and running back John David Crow.

The VES Handbook of Virtual Production

by Susan Zwerman Jeffrey A. Okun Susan Thurmond O’Neal

The VES Handbook of Virtual Production is a comprehensive guide to everything about virtual production available today – from pre-production to digital character creation, building a stage, choosing LED panels, setting up Brain Bars, in-camera compositing of live action and CG elements, Virtual Art Departments, Virtual Previs and scouting, best practices and much more. Current and forward-looking, this book covers everything one may need to know to execute a successful virtual production project – including when it is best to use virtual production and when it is not. More than 80 industry leaders in all fields of virtual production share their knowledge, experiences, techniques, and best practices. The text also features charts, technical drawings, color images, and an extensive glossary of virtual production terms. The VES Handbook of Virtual Production is a vital resource for anyone wishing to gain essential knowledge in all aspects of virtual production. This is a must-have book for both aspiring and veteran professionals. It has been carefully compiled by the editors of The VES Handbook of Visual Effects.

The VES Handbook of Virtual Production

by Susan Zwerman Jeffrey A. Okun Susan Thurmond O’Neal

Our handbook on Virtual Production is written in conjunction with the Visual Effects Society, guaranteeing the most expert advice in all areas of Virtual Production. It is a first of its kind handbook on this nascent technology, pooling insights from a vast array of different practitioners, to create a truly comprehensive reference book. It covers not only the software, hardware, and workflows, but also the types of jobs training needed for VP – the book starts from the ground up and provides an overview of what you need to learn before you use this technology.

The Visual Effects Producer: Understanding the Art and Business of VFX

by Susan Zwerman Charles Finance

First published in 2010. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.

The BCS-BEC Crossover and the Unitary Fermi Gas

by Wilhelm Zwerger

Recent experimental and theoretical progress has elucidated the tunable crossover, in ultracold Fermi gases, from BCS-type superconductors to BEC-type superfluids. The BCS-BEC Crossover and the Unitary Fermi Gas is a collaborative effort by leading international experts to provide an up-to-date introduction and a comprehensive overview of current research in this fast-moving field. It is now understood that the unitary regime that lies right in the middle of the crossover has remarkable universal properties, arising from scale invariance, and has connections with fields as diverse as nuclear physics and string theory. This volume will serve as a first point of reference for active researchers in the field, and will benefit the many non-specialists and graduate students who require a self-contained, approachable exposition of the subject matter.

Tales from the Brothers Grimm

by Lisbeth Zwerger

A gorgeous collection of familiar and lesser-known Grimm tales, illustrated by one of the greatest children’s illustrators of our time This handsome edition from the well-known collection of fairy tales by the Brothers Grimm contains 11 popular stories. Old favorites such as “Hansel and Gretel” and “The Bremen Town Musicians” are included as are some lesser-known stories such as “The Seven Ravens” and “Hans My Hedgehog.” Lisbeth Zwerger’s evocative and exquisite illustrations perfectly capture the mood of these enduring tales.

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