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Gloria E. Anzaldúa: Feminist Body Writing and Borderlands

by Grażyna Zygadło

Gloria E. Anzaldúa is a crucial figure in contemporary border and women’s studies. When in 1987 she published her groundbreaking book Borderlands/La Frontera: The New Mestiza, she became one of the most often quoted writers of the US–Mexico border, but she remains relatively little known outside Americas. In one of the first monographs written on her work, Grażna Zygadło introduces Anzaldúa’s work and outlines her feminist revisionist thinking to new audiences, especially in Europe. The author defines these borderlands as areas where numerous systems of power, exploitation, and oppression intersect – capitalism, patriarchy, racism, and white man’s supremacy. She also concentrates on the innovative philosophy of women’s writing from the body that Anzaldúa has propagated and on her formative role in the women of color feminism. Zygadło also works to expand Anzaldúa’s borderland thinking by applying it to the recent issues related to migration crisis and border problems in the European Union – namely the contradictory treatment of refugees at the Polish eastern border. Gloria E. Anzaldúa is situated at the intersection of various disciplines, in particular, American cultural studies, feminist criticism, and Latin American postcolonial studies, and is a valuable source of knowledge about Anzaldúa’s ideas for undergraduate and graduate students.

Einführung in die Medienwirtschaftslehre

by Christoph Zydorek

Welche medienökonomischen Anknüpfungspunkte haben speziell Studierende als Abnehmer und künftige Produzenten von Medien? Diese Einstiegsfrage verdeutlicht auf einfache Weise die Sinnhaftigkeit einer systematischen Durchdringung des Themas Medienökonomie und führt die wichtigsten Begriffe ein: Medien, Inhalt, Wertschöpfung, Güter, Bedürfnisbefriedigung mit Medien, Medien als Wirtschafts- und Kulturgüter. Christoph Zydorek stellt die drei Haupt-Akteurstypen (Rezipient, Medienunternehmen, werbetreibende Wirtschaft) auf Medienmärkten mit ihren jeweiligen Handlungsmotivationen sowie danach die zentralen Eigenschaften von Mediengütern vor. Darauf aufbauend können einige Mainstream-Handlungskonzepte aus der Sicht der Hersteller von Mediendienstleistungen diskutiert werden: Preis- und Erlöspolitik, Bündelung, Versionierung, Windowing. Das Lehrbuch dient als Einführung in die Grundfragen und als Vorbereitung auf eine tiefergehende Durchdringung des medienwirtschaftlichen Handlungsbereichs.

Einführung in die Medienwirtschaftslehre

by Christoph Zydorek

Das Lehrbuch dient als Einführung in die Grundfragen und als Vorbereitung auf eine tiefergehende Durchdringung des medienwirtschaftlichen Handlungsbereichs. Welche medienökonomischen Anknüpfungspunkte haben speziell Studierende als Abnehmer und künftige Produzenten von Medien(inhalten)? Diese Einstiegsfrage verdeutlicht auf einfache Weise die Sinnhaftigkeit einer systematischen Durchdringung des Themas Medienökonomie auf dem Niveau einer Einführung für das Grundstudium in Medienstudiengängen. Das Lehrbuch führt die wichtigsten Begriffe ein: Medienträger, Content, Wertschöpfung, Güter, Bedürfnisbefriedigung mit Medien, Medien als Wirtschafts- und Kulturgüter. Christoph Zydorek stellt die drei Haupt-Akteurstypen (Rezipient, Medienunternehmen, Werbetreibende Wirtschaft) auf Medienmärkten mit ihren jeweiligen Handlungsmotivationen sowie die zentralen Eigenschaften von Mediengütern vor. Die 2. Auflage wurde grundlegend überarbeitet und aktualisiert.

Einführung in die Medienwirtschaftslehre

by Christoph Zydorek

Das Lehrbuch dient als Einführung in die Grundfragen und als Vorbereitung auf eine tiefergehende Durchdringung des medienwirtschaftlichen Handlungsbereichs. Welche medienökonomischen Anknüpfungspunkte haben speziell Studierende als Abnehmer und künftige Produzenten von Medien(inhalten)? Diese Einstiegsfrage verdeutlicht auf einfache Weise die Sinnhaftigkeit einer systematischen Durchdringung des Themas Medienökonomie auf dem Niveau einer Einführung für das Grundstudium in Medienstudiengängen. Das Lehrbuch führt die wichtigsten Begriffe ein: Medienträger, Content, Wertschöpfung, Güter, Bedürfnisbefriedigung mit Medien, Medien als Wirtschafts- und Kulturgüter. Christoph Zydorek stellt die drei Haupt-Akteurstypen (Rezipient, Medienunternehmen, Werbetreibende Wirtschaft) auf Medienmärkten mit ihren jeweiligen Handlungsmotivationen sowie die zentralen Eigenschaften von Mediengütern vor. Die 3. Auflage wurde grundlegend überarbeitet und insbesondere im Hinblick auf digitale und soziale Medien aktualisiert.

Grundlagen der Medienwirtschaft

by Christoph Zydorek

Dieses Lehrbuch setzt an den Inhalten des Bandes "Einf#65533;hrung in die Medienwirtschaftslehre" von Christoph Zydorek an und erweitert diese entsprechend den Anforderungen von medienbezogenen Masterstudieng#65533;ngen. Dabei wird ein hochaktuelles und f#65533;r die Medienwirtschaft hoch bedeutsames Thema fokussiert: der Einsatz von Algorithmen in Verbindung mit gro#65533;en Datenmengen in allt#65533;glichen medienwirtschaftlichen Zusammenh#65533;ngen. Es wird analysiert, auf welche Weise Medienunternehmen in j#65533;ngster Zeit ver#65533;nderte technische Rahmenbedingungen f#65533;r ihre Leistungserstellungs-, Leistungsangebots-, Interaktions- und Distributionskonfigurationen nutzen, um damit den seit jeher gegebenen #65533;konomischen Herausforderungen zu begegnen, die sie bei der Produktion und Vermarktung medialer Inhalteangebote haben. Nachdem der Algorithmusbegriff und seine medienwirtschaftlichen Zusammenh#65533;nge erl#65533;utert wurden, diskutiert der Autor konkrete Beispiele, die die aktuellen Ver#65533;nderungen illustrieren.

KI in der digitalisierten Medienwirtschaft: Fallbeispiele und Anwendungen von Algorithmen

by Christoph Zydorek

Die Entwicklungstrends in der fortschreitenden Algorithmisierung des Mediensektors werden in diesem Band für verschiedene Teilsektoren der Medien (Games, Musik, Bücher, Audio/Video, Nachrichtenmedien) anhand aktueller Beispiele aus der Forschung, der Entwicklung und der Praxis der Medienwertschöpfung demonstriert. Es erweist sich, dass zunehmend mehr und größere Tätigkeitsbereiche, die früher ausschließlich durch menschliche Arbeitsleistung, professionelle Gestaltungskompetenz und Kreativität geprägt waren, durch unterschiedliche Formen automatisierter und zunehmend „intelligenter“ Routinen übernommen werden. Die diesen Routinen innewohnenden ökonomischen Rationalisierungspotenziale treiben den Prozess der Ersetzung menschlicher Arbeit durch Kapital in der Wertschöpfungskette der Medieninhalte schnell und tiefgreifend voran.

Institutional Design and Voting Power in the European Union

by Karol Zyczkowski

Leading global experts in the field of politics and mathematics bring forth key insights on how voting power should be allocated between EU member states, and what the policy consequences are of any given institutional design. Close attention is paid to the practical implications of decision-making rules, the nature and distribution of power, and the most equitable ways to represent the preoccupations of European citizens both in the Council and European Parliament. Highly theoretical and methodologically advanced, this volume is set to enrich the debate on the future of the EU's institutional design. A valuable source of information to scholars of political science, European studies and law, as well as to people working on game theory, theory of voting and, in general, applications of mathematics to social science.

Superfluous Women: Art, Feminism, and Revolution in Twenty-First-Century Ukraine

by Jessica Zychowicz

Superfluous Women tells the unique story of a generation of artists, feminists, and queer activists who emerged in Ukraine after the collapse of the Soviet Union. With a focus on new media, Zychowicz demonstrates how contemporary artist collectives in Ukraine have contested Soviet and Western connotations of feminism to draw attention to a range of human rights issues with global impact. In the book, Zychowicz summarizes and engages with more recent critical scholarship on the role of digital media and virtual environments in concepts of the public sphere. Mapping out several key changes in newly independent Ukraine, she traces the discursive links between distinct eras, marked by mass gatherings on Kyiv’s main square, in order to investigate the deeper shifts driving feminist protest and politics today.

Economic Policy, Financial Markets, And Economic Growth ([the Milken Institute Series In Economics And Education])

by Benjamin Zycher

The links between economic policy and economic growth are simultaneously obvious and obscure, with many factors interacting to influence the overall process. The list of relevant parameters affecting economic growth of interest to scholars and policymakers is lengthy and expanding. Although the importance of government policy is widely recognized,

Quantum Systems under Gravitational Time Dilation

by Magdalena Zych

This thesis introduces a new theoretical tool to explore the notion of time and temporal order in quantum mechanics: the relativistic quantum "clock" framework. It proposes novel thought experiments showing that proper time can display quantum features, e. g. when a "clock" runs different proper times in superposition. The resulting new physical effects can be tested in near-future laboratory experiments (with atoms, molecules and photons as "clocks"). The notion of time holds the key to the regime where quantum theory and general relativity overlap, which has not been directly tested yet and remains largely unexplored by the theory. The framework also applies to scenarios in which causal relations between events become non-classical and which were previously considered impossible to address without refuting quantum theory. The relativistic quantum "clock" framework offers new insights into the foundations of quantum theory and general relativity.

Protecting Children Against Bullying and Its Consequences

by Izabela Zych David P. Farrington Vicente J. Llorent Maria M. Ttofi

This compact resource synthesizes current research on bullying in the schools while presenting strengths-based approaches to curbing this growing epidemic. Its international review of cross-sectional and longitudinal studies unravels the complex dynamics of bullying and provides depth on the range of negative outcomes for bullies, victims, enablers, and victims who bully. Chapters on protective factors against bullying identify personal competencies, such as empathy development, and keys to a positive school environment, featuring findings on successful school-based prevention programs in different countries. Throughout, the authors clearly define bullying as a public health/mental health issue, and prevention as a deterrent for future antisocial and criminal behavior. Included in the coverage: #65533; School bullying in different countries: prevalence, risk factors, and short-term outcomes. #65533; Personal protective factors against bullying: emotional, social, and moral competencies. #65533; Contextual protective factors against bullying: school-wide climate. #65533; Protecting children through anti-bullying interventions. #65533; Protecting bullies and victims from long-term undesirable outcomes. #65533; Future directions for research, practice, and policy. With its wealth of answers to a global concern, Protecting Children against Bullying and Its Consequences is a definitive reference and idea book for the international community of scholars in criminology and developmental psychology interested in bullying and youth violence, as well as practitioners and policymakers.

Intumescent Coatings for Fire Protection of Building Structures and Materials (Springer Series on Polymer and Composite Materials)

by Olga Zybina Marina Gravit

The book provides practical recommendations for creation of fire retardant materials with an increased service life. The enhanced fire resistance seen in these materials is based on the regularities of the chemical and physicochemical interaction of the components of intumescent composition in the process of thermolytic synthesis of heat-insulating char-foamed layers. The aim of fire protection of various objects with intumescent materials is to create a heat-insulating charred layer on the surface of structural elements; this layer can withstand high temperatures and mechanical damage which are typical during fires. The authors describe the contribution of basic components (melamine, pentaerythritol, ammonium polyphosphate), additional components (chlorinated paraffin, urea, cellulose, carbon nano additives, etc.) and polymer binders of intumescent compositions on the process of charring. The technological aspects of manufacturing, application and operation of fire retardant intumescent compositions, which can be useful for organizations that produce and use fire retardant materials, are also described.

An Institutional Approach to the Responsibility to Protect

by Gentian Zyberi Kevin T. Mason

Covering the main political organs of the UN, important regional and security organizations, international judicial institutions and the regional human rights protection systems, An Institutional Approach to the Responsibility to Protect examines the roles and responsibilities of the international community regarding the responsibility to protect. It also proposes improvements to the current system of collective security and human rights protection.

The Teacher's Reflective Practice Handbook: Becoming an Extended Professional through Enacting Evidence-Informed Practice

by Paula Nadine Zwozdiak-Myers

The Teacher’s Reflective Practice Handbook is based on a multi-dimensional framework of reflective practice designed by the author to guide and support student, early career and experienced teachers to develop high-quality teaching and maximise pupil learning. This second edition combines the intent to preserve the integrity of seminal contributions advanced by eminent scholars and practitioners over the years, with that of broadening its reach to reflect key changes in policy discourse, teacher education, school and curriculum reform underpinned by evidence-informed research on what constitutes effective teaching and learning, across the national and international landscape. Chapters invite you to engage in descriptive, comparative and critical reflective conversations across nine dimensions of reflective practice which enables you to: Question personal theories, beliefs and assumptions about teaching and consider alternative perspectives and possibilities Systematically evaluate your own teaching through classroom research procedures Try out new strategies and ideas to appropriate new knowledge and to tailor inclusive provision for all your learners Enhance the quality of and continue to improve your own teaching Including a range of reflective tasks, links to online resources, exemplification material and further reading to develop and challenge your own thinking, The Teacher’s Reflective Practice Handbook is an essential and accessible guide which supports the enactment of reflective practice through self- and peer-assessment, solution-focused learning, professional development and improvement planning to build a meaningful portfolio of evidence-informed practice.

The Teacher's Reflective Practice Handbook: Becoming an Extended Professional through Capturing Evidence-Informed Practice

by Paula Zwozdiak-Myers

What do we mean by reflective practice? What does it involve? How can it help you develop as a teacher? The Teacher’s Reflective Practice Handbook is an essential source of advice, guidance and ideas for both student and practising teachers. Helping you to translate pedagogical knowledge into practice, this Handbook guides you through studying your own teaching for personal development, evaluating your lessons through classroom research, and enhancing the quality of pupil learning. It offers an innovative framework which serves to prepare you for the challenges and complexities of the classroom environment, and supports the continuing improvement of your teaching. Underpinned by key theoretical concepts and contemporary research within the field of education, chapters help you to: systematically evaluate your teaching through classroom research procedures question personal theories and beliefs, and consider alternative perspectives and possibilities try out new strategies and ideas to maximise the learning potential of all students enhance the quality of, and continue to improve, your teaching. Including a range of reflective tasks, links to online resources, exemplification material and further reading to help you develop your own thinking, The Teacher’s Reflective Practice Handbook is an accessible guide which supports the facilitation of reflective practice through self and peer assessment, problem-based learning and personal development planning. The multi-dimensional framework enables you to build a meaningful, personally relevant portfolio of evidence-informed practice.

Childhood and Youth Studies

by Paula Zwozdiak-Mayers

This book introduces the inter-disciplinary study of childhood and youth, and the multi-agency practice of professionals who serve the needs of children, young people, and their families. Exploring key theories and central ideas, research methodology, policy, and practice, the book takes a holistic, contextual approach that values difference and diversity — for example, investigating concepts such as identity, representation, creativity and discourse, and issues such as ethnicity, gender, and the 'childhood in crisis' thesis. Further, it challenges opinion by exploring complex and controversial modern-day issues, and by engaging with a range of perspectives to highlight debates.

Will You Miss Me When I'm Gone?

by Mark Zwonitzer Charles Hirshberg

Will You Miss Me When I'm Gone? is the first major biography of the Carter Family, the musical pioneers who almost single-handedly established the sounds and traditions that grew into modern folk, country, and bluegrass music -- a style celebrated in O Brother, Where Art Thou?A.P. Carter was a restless man, seemingly in a constant state of motion. On one of his travels across the sparsely settled mountains and valleys that surrounded his home in southern Virginia, he met and married a young girl named Sara Dougherty. Orphaned as a child, Sara was remote by nature but seemed to find release in singing the typically melancholy ballads that were a part of her home tradition.For fun, A.P., Sara, and her cousin Maybelle (who married A.P.'s brother "Eck" Carter) would play and sing the hymns and ballads known in their Poor Valley community, occasionally adding songs A.P. had collected during his travels. Then, in 1927, they traveled to Bristol, Tennessee, to audition for a New York record executive who was hunting "hillbilly" talent and offering an amazing fifty dollars per song for any he recorded. These Bristol recording sessions would become generally accepted as the "Big Bang" of country music, producing two of its first stars: Jimmie Rodgers and the Carter Family.By the early 1930s, the Carter Family was the most bankable country music group in America, with total sales of more than a million records. By the late '30s, they were appearing regularly on high-power radio station XERA, which broadcast from coast to coast. A whole generation of country people could gather around the radio and hear the sound of music that came straight from their world. Johnny Cash in Arkansas, Waylon Jennings in Texas, Chet Atkins in Georgia, and Tom T. Hall in Kentucky all listened to the Carter Family. It was their formal schooling, Country Music 101.Inside the Carter Family, however, things were hardly perfect. Though nobody outside the family knew it, Sara had left her difficult and quixotic husband in 1933. In 1936 she won a divorce. Even throughout the long and painful breakup, the Carters kept performing together, singing an ever-widening range of new songs they wrote or old songs they remade: songs of love, of betrayal, and of the death of fondest hopes. And they kept at it even after Sara married A.P.'s cousin Coy Bays in 1939. After fulfilling a final radio contract in 1943, Sara and Coy moved to California to settle near his family. The original Carter Family never performed or recorded together again.With Sara gone, A.P. retreated home, opened a general store, and lived out the next two decades in obscurity, the odd man out in a new and reconfigured Carter musical clan. Meanwhile, Maybelle and her daughters (Helen, June, and Anita) went out and got themselves new radio contracts, working in Richmond, Virginia; Knoxville, Tennessee; and Springfield, Missouri, before ascending to country music's ultimate stage, Nashville's Grand Ole Opry. Nearly fifty years in the business won Maybelle the title "Mother of Country Music" and the adoration of generations of guitar players and just plain listeners.The story of the Carter Family is a bittersweet saga of love and fulfillment, sadness and loss. Will You Miss Me When I'm Gone? is more than just a biography of a family; it is also a journey into another time, almost another world. But their story resonates today and lives on in the timeless music they created.

The Statesman and the Storyteller: John Hay, Mark Twain, and the Rise of American Imperialism

by Mark Zwonitzer

In a dual biography covering the last ten years of the lives of friends and contemporaries, writer Samuel Clemens (aka Mark Twain) and statesman John Hay (who served as secretary of state under presidents William McKinley and Theodore Roosevelt), The Statesman and the Storyteller not only provides an intimate look into the daily lives of these men but also creates an elucidating portrait of the United States on the verge of emerging as a world power. And just as the narrative details the wisdom, and the occasional missteps, of two great men during a tumultuous time, it also penetrates the seat of power in Washington as the nation strove to make itself known internationally--and in the process committed acts antithetical to America’s professed ideals and promises. The country’s most significant move in this time was to go to war with Spain and to eventually wrest control of Cuba, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines. In what has to be viewed as one of the most shameful periods in American political history, Filipinos who believed they had been promised independence were instead told they were incapable of self-government and then violently subdued in a war that featured torture and execution of native soldiers and civilians. The United States also used its growing military and political might to grab the entirety of the Hawaiian Islands and a large section of Panama. As secretary of state during this time, Hay, though a charitable man, was nonetheless complicit in these misdeeds. Clemens, a staunch critic of his country’s imperialistic actions, was forced by his own financial and family needs to temper his remarks. Nearing the end of their long and remarkable lives, both men found themselves struggling to maintain their personal integrity while remaining celebrated and esteemed public figures. Written with a keen eye--Mark Zwonitzer is also an award-winning documentary filmmaker--and informed by the author’s deep understanding of the patterns of history, The Statesman and the Storyteller has the compelling pace of a novel, the epic sweep of historical writing at its best, and, in capturing the essence of the lives of Hay and Twain, the humanity and nuance of masterful biography.

European Security in Integration Theory: Contested Boundaries

by Kamil Zwolski

This book examines federalism and functionalism – two fundamental, yet largely forgotten, theories of international integration. Following the recent outbreak of the war in Ukraine, policy practitioners and scholars have been in search of a deeper understanding of the likely causes of the conflict and its consequences for the European security architecture. Various theories have been deployed to this end, but international and European integration theory remains conspicuously absent. The author shows how the core tenets of integration theories developed after World War I, particularly how they viewed territoriality and geopolitical boundaries, remain as relevant today as they were almost 100 years ago.

Researching European Security Integration (The European Union in International Affairs)

by Kamil Zwolski

This book provides new and established researchers with innovative methodologies and research strategies to explore European security integration from a different perspective, challenging traditional theoretical interpretations. It takes a step back from well-established theoretical approaches to the European Union’s (EU) Common Foreign and Security Policy (CFSP) and Common Security and Defence Policy (CSDP) to ask more fundamental questions about the core assumptions underpinning research on European security integration. It supports methodological innovations with an analysis of the most significant empirical problems of European security governance, including the war in Ukraine or the role of Russia in European security. In the last chapter, the author offers ideas for new pedagogical approaches to teaching European Studies.

Deer Rifles and Cartridges: A Complete Guide to All Hunting Situations

by Wayne Van Zwoll

In this handy reference manual, renowned firearms expert Dr. Wayne van Zwoll covers all aspects of deer rifles and their loads and bullets. From the proper action and caliber, to hunting bucks in big woods or open terrain, Dr. van Zwoll covers it all. Reference charts include detailed information on the various lightweight, long-range, and lever rifles, and the recommended loads for each. Van Zwoll also offers excellent advice and information on choosing and sighting in deer scopes and sights, and shares expert tips on marksmanship.

Gun Digest Shooter's Guide to Rifles

by Wayne Van Zwoll

From award-winning author Wayne van Zwoll, Gun Digest Shooter's Guide to Rifles provides everything you need to know about rifles in tight, lively text and sharp photos. Get the facts on ballistics, cartridge selection, rifle mechanisms, optics, zeroing--and the shooting techniques of the masters. This book is for all rifle enthusiasts. For the beginner, it's a crash course in all things rifle. And for the advanced shooter, well, let's just say you're going to find out how much you don't know about rifles. Either way, van Zwoll will leave you wanting for nothing except more time on the range and in the field with your favorite long guns. Inside this information-packed volume, you will find: The stories behind the American and European gunmakers making the grade today. Trending now--rimfires to ARs, distance shooters, and those with big stopping power. Overview of incredible feats of the best marksman ever. The best loads for hunting and target shooting--and an inside look at what makes them tick. Sights from iron to red dot, doping the wind and getting to zero. Superb imagery. Gun Digest Shooter's Guide to Rifles has it all--facts, photos, trivia, history, and a perspective on the genre that guarantees you, too, will fall in love with the long gun. It's a must-have for any rifle lover.

Mastering the Art of Long-Range Shooting

by Wayne Van Zwoll

The long shot: Art plus science equals success! The long shot. It's a challenge that both thrills and intimidates. Now, with Wayne van Zwoll's newest Gun Digest book, Mastering the Art of Long-Range Shooting, you can tackle the shots you've always wanted to with confidence and accuracy. Inside you'll find: The rifles, ammunition, optics, and tools that make shots beyond the 500-yard mark reality. Bullet trajectory and drift dissected. Reading, shading, and clicking the wind. Specialized schools that perfect long-distance skills. And much, much more. Beautifully told as only expert marksman and noted author Wayne van Zwoll can, and gorgeously illustrated in full color, Mastering the Art of Long-Range Shooting is the definitive volume on the subject of shots beyond the 100-yard standard. Mine the gold in these pages and take your shooting to the next level--out there, way out there!

Shooter's Bible Guide to Handloading: A Comprehensive Reference for Responsible and Reliable Reloading

by Wayne Van Zwoll

A thorough resource on handloading at home, Shooter’s Bible Guide to Handloading provides detailed information about the history of handloading and key figures’ innovations, a simple explanation of hand reloading, selecting the basic tools needed, and choosing your cases, dies, primers, and powders as well as step-by-step instructions for reloading firearm cartridges and how to test your loads at the range. The text is supplemented by more than one hundred detailed photographs that illustrate the various types of reloading equipment available and provide guidance in performing the actions that result in a handloaded cartridge. The Shooter’s Bible Guide to Handloading covers interesting engineering questions the handloader may consider, including bullet integrity, copper bullets, and energy versus killing power. Other topics covered include: Handloading the old-fashioned way Casting your own bullets The influence of barrel length Economics of home reloading And much more! Pick up a copy of the Shooter’s Bible Guide to Handloading to learn everything you need to know about reloading by hand at home.

Shooter's Bible Guide to Rifle Ballistics

by Wayne Van Zwoll

Published annually for more than eighty years, and with over seven million copies sold worldwide, Shooter's Bible is the most complete and sought-after reference guide for new products, specifications, and current prices on thousands of firearms and related equipment. The 103rd edition contains up-to-date handgun and rifle ballistic tables along with extensive charts of currently available bullets and projectiles for handloading, as well as a new products section. Complete with color and black and white photographs showcasing various makes and models of firearms and equipment, Shooter's Bible is the perfect addition to the bookshelf of any beginner or experienced hunter, firearm collector, or gun enthusiast.

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