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The Tree: John Fowles

by John Fowles

The classic meditation on creativity and the natural world“For years I have carried this book. . . with me on travels to reread, ponder, envy. In prose of classic gravity, precision, and delicacy, Fowles addresses matters of final importance.” —W. S. Merwin, Los Angeles Times Book Review“The Tree is the fullest and finest exploration I’ve ever read of how the useless delights to be discovered in nature can ripen into the practice of art.” —Lewis Hyde, author of The GiftFirst published a generation ago, The Tree is renowned English novelist John Fowles's provocative meditation on the connection between the natural world and human creativity, and a powerful argument against taming the wild. In it, Fowles recounts his own childhood in England and describes how he rebelled against his Edwardian father’s obsession with the “quantifiable yield” of well-pruned fruit trees and came to prize instead the messy, purposeless beauty of nature left to its wildest.The Tree is an inspiring, even life-changing book, one that reaffirms our connection to nature and reminds us of the pleasure of getting lost, the merits of having no plan, and the wisdom of following one’s nose wherever it may lead—in life as much as in art.This special 30th anniversary edition includes an introduction by Barry Lopez.

The Tree

by H. P. Lovecraft

H. P. Lovecraft was one of the greatest horror writers of all time. His seminal work appeared in the pages of legendary Weird Tales and has influenced countless writer of the macabre. This is one of those stories.

The Tree: Queen Of The Black Coast And Others (Classics To Go)

by H. P. Lovecraft

It tells the story of the esteemed sculptors Kalos and Musides, very close friends who live together, who have become rivals in the creation of a monumental statue of Tyche the Goddess of Fortune commissioned by the Tyrant of Syracuse. It is an old fashioned kind of story—a little Damon and Pythias, a little Cain and Abel—which Lovecraft brings to a satisfying, if somewhat elliptical conclusion. (Goodreads)


by David Suzuki Wayne Grady Robert Bateman

"Only God can make a tree," wrote Joyce Kilmer in one of the most celebrated of poems. In Tree: A Life Story, authors David Suzuki and Wayne Grady extend that celebration in a "biography" of this extraordinary - and extraordinarily important - organism. A story that spans a millennium and includes a cast of millions but focuses on a single tree, a Douglas fir, Tree describes in poetic detail the organism's modest origins that begin with a dramatic burst of millions of microscopic grains of pollen. The authors recount the amazing characteristics of the species, how they reproduce and how they receive from and offer nourishment to generations of other plants and animals. The tree's pivotal role in making life possible for the creatures around it - including human beings - is lovingly explored. The richly detailed text and Robert Bateman's original art pay tribute to this ubiquitous organism that is too often taken for granted.

The Tree

by Na'Amen Gobert Tilahun

The sequel to The Root, a compelling urban fantasy series set between modern-day San Francisco and an alternate dimension filled with gods and worlds of dark magic. In Corpiliu, an alternate dimension to our own, a darkness grows, devouring whole cities as it spreads. Robbed of her greatest power, separated from her siblings and thrown among people she does not trust, Lil, a ’dant from the city Zebub, must find a way to turn everything around, to trust in a power she knows nothing about. Erik travels from San Francisco to Zebub, haunted by the ghost of his ex, still coming to terms with his true identity as a descendant of the gods, and unsure how to fight what seems to have no weakness. Pushing back against taboos meant to keep the true history of Corpiliu secret, he gains many enemies and few allies, and strange visions will make him question his own sanity. Between Earth and Corpiliu, a war is developing on two fronts, one that might well mean the end of both dimensions. In The Tree, the dynamic follow-up to the exciting fantasy debut The Root, long-held secrets will be revealed, and long-trusted loyalties will be put to the test.

The Tree: A Natural History of What Trees Are, How They Live, and Why They Matter

by Colin Tudge

There are redwoods in California that were ancient by the time Columbus first landed, and pines still alive that germinated around the time humans invented writing. There are Douglas firs as tall as skyscrapers, and a banyan tree in Calcutta as big as a football field.From the tallest to the smallest, trees inspire wonder in all of us, and in The Tree, Colin Tudge travels around the world—throughout the United States, the Costa Rican rain forest, Panama and Brazil, India, New Zealand, China, and most of Europe—bringing to life stories and facts about the trees around us: how they grow old, how they eat and reproduce, how they talk to one another (and they do), and why they came to exist in the first place. He considers the pitfalls of being tall; the things that trees produce, from nuts and rubber to wood; and even the complicated debt that we as humans owe them.Tudge takes us to the Amazon in flood, when the water is deep enough to submerge the forest entirely and fish feed on fruit while river dolphins race through the canopy. He explains the “memory” of a tree: how those that have been shaken by wind grow thicker and sturdier, while those attacked by pests grow smaller leaves the following year; and reveals how it is that the same trees found in the United States are also native to China (but not Europe).From tiny saplings to centuries-old redwoods and desert palms, from the backyards of the American heartland to the rain forests of the Amazon and the bamboo forests, Colin Tudge takes the reader on a journey through history and illuminates our ever-present but often ignored companions. A blend of history, science, philosophy, and environmentalism, The Tree is an engaging and elegant look at the life of the tree and what modern research tells us about their future.

Tredici ombre

by Catia Polverini Gemma Herrero Virto

Una città dove i gatti cominciano a sparire misteriosamente; una ragazza convinta che un orribile mostro viva nel suo armadio; un uomo ossessionato da un ricordo che non riesce ricordare; un detenuto con l'insonnia che decide di utilizzare l'autoipnosi per rendere più brevi e le notti; una donna in un mondo post-apocalittico costretta a vivere con un uomo che disprezza... Tredici ombre sono tredici racconti brevi di persone che si sentono sole in situazioni estreme che sentono troppo grandi, come nel caso di un’ombra proiettata da un oggetto posto di fronte a una candela.

Tredegar Iron Works: Richmond’s Foundry on the James (Landmarks)

by Nathan Vernon Madison

One of the most important industrial landmarks in the nation lies in the heart of historic Richmond. The Tredegar Iron Works was the most prodigious ordnance supplier to the Confederacy during the Civil War, as well as an industrial behemoth in its own right. Named for the hometown of the Welsh engineers who built it, Tredegar remained one of Richmond's chief industrial entities for over a century. It produced ordnance during five wars and helped build the railroads that rapidly spread across the nation during the Gilded Age. Author Nathan Vernon Madison, utilizing a wealth of primary sources and firsthand accounts, chronicles the full history of a Richmond industrial icon.

Trece Sentidos

by Victor Villaseñor

Trece Sentidos, de Victor Villaseñor, continúa la estimulante epopeya familiar que empezó con el ampliamente reconocido bestseller Lluvia de Oro-en un deslumbrante relato de pasión, familia y los olvidados sentidos místicos que revolotean en el interior de cada uno de nosotros -- con una atrevida memoria de amor, magia, milagros y crimen. Trece Sentidos abre con las bodas de orb del ya mayor y antiguo fabricante de whiskey clandestino Salvador y su elegante esposa, Lupe. Cuando un joven sacerdote le pide a Lupe que repita la sagrada frase ceremonial 'respetar y obedecer', Lupe se sorprende a sí misma al contestar -- ¡No, no voy a decir obedecer! ¡Cómo se atreve! ¡Ah, no! ¡Usted no me va a hablar así después de cincuenta años de matrimonio y sabiendo lo que sé! --. Después de la comiquísima sacudida del rechazo de Lupe, la familia Villaseñor se ve forzada a examinar el amor que Lupe y Salvador han compartido por tantos años: un amor universal, entrañable y sincero, que eventualmente dará energía e inspiración a la pareja en su vejez. En Trece Sentidos, Victor Villaseñor introduce a sus lectores al mundo pintoresco de su familia inmigrante, el cual evoca al de Bonnie y Clyde: un mundo que se desarrolla durante la época de la Depresión en el sur de California. Un mundo cruel donde sólo sobreviven los fuertes y los mañosos, y donde el amor, la pasión y el compromiso a la familia son las únicas fuerzas que alientan las vidas de Salvador y Lupe. A través de la narración vemos a Lupe librarse de sus jóvenes e inocentes convenciones de la feminidad y convertirse en un acorazado de poder, fuerza, valor, e inteligencia. A su vez, Salvador se ve obligado a ampliar su imagen de patriarca macho, y a convertirse en un ser más pleno al aprender aescuchar la sabia intuición de su joven esposa. Al final de cuentas, Trece Sentidos es una representación delirante del amor entre todo hombre y toda mujer. Al escribir esta memoria parteaguas del atrevido deseo de Lupe y Salvador. Villaseñor descubre una senda hacia la iluminación y nos ayuda a darnos cuenta que un alma que ha despertado no se restringe por el uso de los cinco sentidos, sino que es capaz de usar la fuerza de todos los trece sagrados sentidos.

Trece runas

by Michael Peinkofer

Un trepidante thriller histórico lleno de aventuras que reúne todos los ingredientes propios del género: rebelión, intriga, complots y bellas damas que esconden oscuros secretos Escocia, siglo XIX: un secreto y una oscura hermandad pueden cambiar la historia de Inglaterra. Con la muerte en extrañas circunstancias de un ayudante del escritor Walter Scott arranca una serie de sucesos inquietantes. Pero las pesquisas que emprende sir Walter chocan repetidamente contra muros de silencio. ¿Qué esconde el inspector llegado ex profeso de Londres? ¿Qué secreto protegen desde hace siglos los monjes de la abadía de Kelso? ¿Qué presagios encierra la espada marcada con una runa a la que conducen las investigaciones de sir Walter y su sobrino Quentin? Pronto culminará una maquinación por el poder cuyo origen se remonta a la Edad Media, una trama enraizada en oscuras tradiciones druídicas, en el antiguo enfrentamiento entre los héroes escoceses William Wallace -más conocido como Braveheart- y el rey Roberto I de Escocia, y en la lucha de dos sectas centenarias por evitar o provocar el nuevo advenimiento de la edad de la magia. La crítica ha dicho...«Un thriller histórico de los buenos.»Bild am Sonntag

Trece runas

by Michael Peinkofer

Escocia, siglo xix, un secreto y una oscura hermandad pueden cambiar la historia de Inglaterra.Con la muerte en extrañas circunstancias de un ayudante del escritor Walter Scott arranca una serie de sucesos inquietantes. Pero las pesquisas que emprende sir Walter chocan repetidamente contra muros de silencio. ¿Qué esconde el inspector llegado ex profeso de Londres? ¿Qué secreto protegen desde hace siglos los monjes de la abadía de Kelso? ¿Qué presagios encierra la espada marcada con una runa a la que conducen las investigaciones de sir Walter y su sobrino Quentin?Pronto culminará una maquinación por el poder cuyo origen se remonta a la Edad Media, una trama enraizada en oscuras tradiciones druídicas, en el antiguo enfrentamiento entre los héroes escoceses William Wallace -más conocido como Braveheart- y el rey Roberto I de Escocia, y en la lucha de dos sectas centenarias por evitar o provocar el nuevo advenimiento de la edad de la magia.«Un thriller histórico de los buenos.»Bild am Sonntag

Trece pasos

by Mo Yan

Fang Fugui, profesor de Física, muere en mitad de una clase. Mientras espera en la cámara frigorífica del tanatorio para ser maquillado, revive de manera inesperada. Este hecho “milagroso” tendrá consecuencias impredecibles para Fang y su entorno.Trece pasoses una obra llena de espíritus solitarios y sin hogar al que regresar. Para ellos y para otros personajes de la novela, el mundo ordenado, la realidad establecida, dejará definitivamente de existir. Mo Yan combina fantasía y realidad de forma magistral para abordar los problemas de la sociedad china actual.

Trece monos

by César Mallorquí

La esperada vuelta a la literatura para adultos de un gran clásico de la ciencia ficción y la fantas Cargado de una ironía que se revela ya desde su título, Trece monos es un compendio de los mejores nuevos relatos de César Mallorquí, un autor al que se espera con entusiasmo desde la sonada publicación en los años 90 de El círculo de Jericó, para muchos el mejor libro de narrativa breve de ciencia ficción jamás publicado por un autor español. Además de un espectacular retorno al género tras dos décadas de éxito en la literatura juvenil, la antología supone una oportunidad única de disfrutar de las mejores piezas de Mallorquí, entre las que se incluyen cuentos inéditos y otros premiados y aparecidos en diversas publicaciones, tanto españolas como extranjeras. En Trece monos, Mallorquí añade a su ilustrado sentido de la irreverencia una dura mirada a la condición humana, reflexionando con humor y lucidez, a veces entre carcajadas, sobre la decadencia, la muerte o la falta de valores. Gaudí resucitado virtualmente, el señor Scrooge vendiendo juguetes sexuales en Navidad, Dios con el rostro de Hugh Laurie... Pero también la humanidad del siglo XXIII, el secreto de la longevidad, una partida de ajedrez milenaria, un cartógrafo regalando una isla a su amada... Y unos extraños monos que escriben novelas. He aquí al mejor Mallorquí, al más maduro y al más vitriólico, al rey de la ciencia ficción de calid

Trece monos

by César Mallorquí

La esperada vuelta a la literatura para adultos de un gran clásico de la ciencia ficción y la fantasía. Cargado de una ironía que se revela ya desde su título, Trece monos es un compendio de los mejores nuevos relatos de César Mallorquí, un autor al que se espera con entusiasmo desde la sonada publicación en los años 90 de El círculo de Jericó, para muchos el mejor libro de narrativa breve de ciencia ficción jamás publicado por un autor español. Además de un espectacular retorno al género tras dos décadas de éxito en la literatura juvenil, la antología supone una oportunidad única de disfrutar de las mejores piezas de Mallorquí, entre las que se incluyen cuentos inéditos y otros premiados y aparecidos en diversas publicaciones, tanto españolas como extranjeras. En Trece monos, Mallorquí añade a su ilustrado sentido de la irreverencia una dura mirada a la condición humana, reflexionando con humor y lucidez, aveces entre carcajadas, sobre la decadencia, la muerte o la falta de valores. Gaudí resucitado virtualmente, el señor Scrooge vendiendo juguetes sexuales en Navidad, Dios con el rostro de Hugh Laurie... Pero también la humanidad del siglo XXIII, el secreto de la longevidad, una partida de ajedrez milenaria, un cartógrafo regalando una isla a su amada... Y unos extraños monos que escriben novelas. He aquí al mejor Mallorquí, al más maduro y al más vitriólico, al rey de la ciencia ficción de calidad.

Trece latas de atún

by Amandititita

Un libro que va más allá de un diario personal o de una libreta de apuntes íntimos: es una obra literaria de la imaginación y la vivencia. Trece latas de atún es el primer libro de la cantante Amandititita.Amanda ha tenido siempre una mirada aguda e irónica acerca de sí misma y de quienes la rodean: sabe estar sola y acompañada. Sin embargo, en este libro nos revela dos aspectos de su ser menos conocido: su destreza informal para la fabulación: sabe relatar historias breves por medio de un ritmo más seductor que acosador. Y, por otra parte, abandona la guerra cotidiana que libra a cada momento de su vida como artista popular y nos propone a un ser menos glamuroso, pero más humano.Este conjunto de relatos biográficos, ficciones y trazos literarios no necesitan la definición del género: están aquí para ser leídos como quien se asoma a una ventana y se da cuenta de que la aparente sencillez de las cosas que nos rodean y de las que formamos parte, se halla contenida en la diversidad de sus dramas y de sus tribulaciones.Trece latas de atún no es un libro gratuito porque posee un valor inusual en estos tiempos de penuria y comercio salvaje: ha sido escrito con desgarbo, humor y perspicacia. No es una construcción artificial y sí la consecuencia de una pelea y destrucción constante y animada.Guillermo Fadanelli

Los Trece Años de Megan: ¡Una guía espiritual, un tigre fantasma y una madre aterradora! (La Serie de Megan #2)

by Owen Jones

¡Una guía espiritual, un tigre fantasma y una madre aterradora! Megan es una joven con poderes psíquicos sobrenaturales. Su problema es que no los entiende o cómo usarlos. Intentó preguntarle a su madre, pero solo la castigó. La única persona que estaba dispuesta a ayudar era un nativo americano sioux y estaba muerto, no es que eso detuviera a Megan. Los padres de Megan la llevan de compras, donde hay un incidente, que Megan ayuda a corregir. La policía y el personal de la ambulancia le agradecen. Es la primera vez que usa sus poderes para algo útil. Más tarde, en la tarde, hay una fiesta familiar en una carpa, pero es la noche con sus amigas a la que realmente espera. Ella conoce a un niño allí y recibe su primer beso de un no pariente. ¡En esta edición, ella crece un poco más rápido de lo que nadie había esperado!

El trébol de cuatro hojas (Periscopio)

by Vicente Andreu Navarro

Un joven jugador de fútbol español debuta en el Celtic de Glasgow. Al mismo tiempo, su novia y su mejor amigo han conseguido una beca de investigación para estudiar en Escocia, con lo que el futuro se presenta extraordinariamente prometedor para todos ellos. Lo que no podían imaginar es que sus vidas iban a verse sacudidas por un misterio que lleva siglos sin resolver: una enigmática reliquia perdida de extraños poderes y una secta consagrada a su búsqueda. Así, mientras los éxitos del joven futbolista avanzan, el destino está moviendo los hilos de las vidas de todos ellos.

Treblinka Survivor: The Life and Death of Hershl Sperling

by Mark S Smith

More than 800,000 people entered Treblinka, and fewer than seventy came out. Hershl Sperling was one of them. He escaped. Why then, fifty years later, did he jump to his death from a bridge in Scotland? The answer lies in a long-forgotten, published account of the Treblinka death camp, written by Hershl Sperling himself in the months after liberation and discovered in his briefcase after his suicide. It is reproduced here for the first time. In Treblinka Survivor, Mark S. Smith traces the life of a man who survived five concentration camps, and what he had to do to achieve this. Hershl's story, which takes the reader through his childhood in a small Polish town to the bridge in faraway Scotland, is testament to the lasting torment of those very few who survived the Nazis' most efficient and gruesome death factory. The author personally follows in his subject's footsteps from Klobuck, to Treblinka, to Glasgow.


by Solon Beinfield Chil Rajchman

Chil Rajchman, a Polish Jew, was arrested with his younger sister in 1942 and sent to Treblinka, a death camp where more than 750,000 were murdered before it was abandoned by German soldiers. His sister was sent to the gas chambers, but Rajchman escaped execution, working for ten months under incessant threats and beatings as a barber, a clothes-sorter, a corpse-carrier, a puller of teeth from those same bodies. In August 1943, there was an uprising at the camp, and Rajchman was among the handful of men who managed to escape. In 1945, he set down this account, a plain, unembellished and exact record of the raw horror he endured every day. This unique testimony, which has remained in the sole possession of his family ever since, has never before been published in English. For its description of unspeakably cruelty, Treblinka is a memoir that will not be superseded. In addition to Rajchman's account, this volume will include the complete text of Vasily Grossman's "The Hell of Treblinka", one of the first descriptions of a Nazi extermination camp; a powerful and harrowing piece of journalism written only weeks after the camp was dissolved.

Treblinka: A Survivor's Memory

by Chil Rajchman

Chil Rajchman, a Polish Jew, was arrested with his younger sister in 1942 and sent to Treblinka, a death camp where more than 750,000 were murdered before it was abandoned by German soldiers. His sister was sent to the gas chambers, but Rajchman escaped execution, working for ten months under incessant threats and beatings as a barber, a clothes-sorter, a corpse-carrier, a puller of teeth from those same bodies. In August 1943, there was an uprising at the camp, and Rajchman was among the handful of men who managed to escape. In 1945, he set down this account, a plain, unembellished and exact record of the raw horror he endured every day. This unique testimony, which has remained in the sole possession of his family ever since, has never before been published in English. For its description of unspeakably cruelty, Treblinka is a memoir that will not be superseded. In addition to Rajchman's account, this volume includes the complete text of Vasily Grossman's 'The Hell of Treblinka', one of the first descriptions of a Nazi extermination camp; a powerful and harrowing piece of journalism written only weeks after the camp was dissolved. Introduction by Samuel Moyn, Professor of History at Columbia University and author of A Holocaust Controversy: The Treblinka Affair in Postwar France.

Treblinka: A Survivor's Memory

by Chil Rajchman

Chil Rajchman, a Polish Jew, was arrested with his younger sister in 1942 and sent to Treblinka, a death camp where more than 750,000 were murdered before it was abandoned by German soldiers. His sister was sent to the gas chambers, but Rajchman escaped execution, working for ten months under incessant threats and beatings as a barber, a clothes-sorter, a corpse-carrier, a puller of teeth from those same bodies. In August 1943, there was an uprising at the camp, and Rajchman was among the handful of men who managed to escape. In 1945, he set down this account, a plain, unembellished and exact record of the raw horror he endured every day. This unique testimony, which has remained in the sole possession of his family ever since, has never before been published in English. For its description of unspeakably cruelty, Treblinka is a memoir that will not be superseded. In addition to Rajchman's account, this volume includes the complete text of Vasily Grossman's 'The Hell of Treblinka', one of the first descriptions of a Nazi extermination camp; a powerful and harrowing piece of journalism written only weeks after the camp was dissolved. Introduction by Samuel Moyn, Professor of History at Columbia University and author of A Holocaust Controversy: The Treblinka Affair in Postwar France.

Treble Triumph: My Inside Story of Manchester City's Greatest-ever Season

by Vincent Kompany

Vincent Kompany relives a spectacular and unique season for Manchester City, in which as club captain he led the Blues to a unique Treble success of Premier League, FA Cup and Carabao Cup triumphs. Told from his unique viewpoint, this is the definitive account of a remarkable campaign. After Manchester City had won the Premier League title in 2018, collecting a record number of points along the way, the pressure was on for them to go one better in 2019 - but instead they went two better, winning every single major domestic trophy, starting with the Community Shield. In this frank and compelling book, Kompany tells the dramatic story of Manchester City's record-breaking season. In the league, they faced a formidable challenge from Jurgen Klopp's Liverpool that went all the way to the final game of the campaign. He takes the reader behind the scenes, to give them an insight into how manager Pep Guardiola inspired them and came up with the right decisions at the right time; he explains what made his team-mates, from Aguero up front to Ederson in goal, so special; and, having scored a spectacular thunderbolt of a goal to virtually secure the title, he explains how and why he decided that the time had come to move on from the club he had adorned for more than a decade.Vincent Kompany is a club legend, and now he has delivered an account of a special season that will be treasured by City fans everywhere.

Treble Maker

by Annabeth Albert

On Perfect Harmony, the ambitious competitors heat things up on stage and off... Cody Rivers is determined to be a rock star, but couch-surfing between bar shows gets old fast. Joining an a cappella group for a new singing competition show could be his last chance at real fame--unless the college boy from the heart of the country messes it up for him. Lucas Norwood is everything gothy, glittery Cody is not--conservative, clean-cut, and virginal. But when a twist in the show forces them together, even the sweetest songs get steamy as the attraction between them lights up the stage. Lucas wants to take it slow, but Cody's singing a different tune--and this time it may be a love song...

Treble Destiny

by Desmond Haas

David leaves work early and comes home only to find his fiancee on the living room floor with another man. Throwing both of them out of the house, he succumbs to his migraine. Over time, he befriends his neighbors, Joyce and Marilyn, a committed couple. He feels secure with them and they take care of him through his dissolved engagement and a bout of the flu. One evening, after having dinner together, Joyce invites him to skinny-dip in their shared pool, where she seduces him. If he takes her to bed, he believes he's encouraging Joyce to cheat on her relationship, and he knows how that feels! However, his attraction to Joyce overcomes his trepidation, but later, they are discovered by Marilyn...

Treaty's Law: Day Of Honor #4 (Star Trek #Bk. 4)

by K. K. Rusch D. W. Smith

The Day of Honor is celebrated throughout the Klingon Empire. But every tradition had to being somewhere... Signi Beta is an M-class planet ideal for farming. The Federation wants Signi Beta, but the Klingon Empire has the stronger claim. Captain Kirk hates to lose the planet, especially to his old adversary, Commander Kor. Their mutual antagonism turns into an uneasy alliance, however, when yet another alien fleet attacks both the Klingons and the U.S.S. Enterprise. Now Kirk and Kor must rely on each other's honor -- or none of them may survive to wage their war again.

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