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CCNA Certification Study Guide Volume 2: Exam 200-301 v1.1 (Sybex Study Guide)
by Todd Lammle Donald RobbYour updated guide to success on the CCNA Certification exam In the newly revised second edition of the CCNA Certification Study Guide – Volume 2: Exam 200-301 v1.1, renowned Cisco educator and network engineer Todd Lammle and Donald Robb deliver a practical and effective test prep and roadmap to the challenging CCNA Certification exam. Volume 2 of the updated Study Guide covers objectives for network fundamentals and access, IP connectivity and services, security fundamentals, automation, programmability, artificial intelligence, and more. You'll also learn about topics like network device security, IPv6, QoS, wireless technologies, wireless controllers, automation, and REST APIs. The CCNA Certification Study Guide comes with one year of free access after activation to a robust set of online study tools designed to assess and advance your exam readiness. You'll find: Up-to-date information relevant to the latest Cisco technologies and job roles An interactive online test bank, including hundreds of practice test questions, flashcards, and a glossary of key terms and definitions Discussions of everything from enhanced switching and ACLs to FHRP, SDN, configuration management, and more Perfect for anyone preparing to pursue the updated CCNA Certification, the CCNA Certification Study Guide – Volume 2 is a must-read for practicing IT professionals looking for a refresher on Cisco networking fundamentals.
Zukunftstechnologie Erneuerbare Energien für Dummies (Für Dummies)
by Michael FelleisenDer Blick in eine saubere Zukunft In diesem Buch erfahren Sie alles, was Sie zum Verständnis von erneuerbaren Energietechnologien wissen müssen – vom Energiebedarf und geltenden Gesetzen bis hin zur Gewinnung von Energie mithilfe von Sonne, Wind, Biomasse, Erdwärme und Wasserkraft. Auch Konzepte zur Speicherung, Umwandlung und Rückgewinnung von Energie dürfen natürlich nicht fehlen. Zahlreiche Abbildungen und Beispiele helfen Ihnen, die Zusammenhänge bestens zu verstehen. So erhalten Sie einen Überblick über die derzeitige Energieversorgung und die Energietechnologien, welche die Energiewende ermöglichen. Sie erfahren Welche Technologien ohne Sonne oder Wind auskommen Was es mit dem Wirkungsgrad auf sich hat Wie erneuerbare Energiequellen ideal genutzt werden Welche Vorteile eine dezentrale Versorgung hat
Clinical Microbiology Procedures Handbook, Multi-Volume (ASM Books)
by Amy L. Leber Carey-Ann D. BurnhamGold Standard consensus-based procedures from the experts. The Clinical Microbiology Procedures Handbook, 5th edition, provides those engaged in microbial analysis of clinical specimens with procedures for the detection, identification, and characterization of microorganisms involved in human infections. This unique and valuable collection of step-by-step descriptions of the numerous testing modalities used in the clinical microbiology laboratory was written and edited by highly knowledgeable laboratorians. The 5th edition features two new sections, one on blood cultures and one on MALDI-TOF MS, and the sections on molecular diagnostics, virology, and serology were extensively revised and updated. Presented over multiple volumes, this handbook enables laboratory staff to perform all analyses, including appropriate quality control recommendations, from the receipt of the specimen through processing, testing, interpretation, presentation of the final report, and subsequent consultation. If you are looking for online access to the latest from this reference or site access for your lab, please visit www.wiley.com/learn/clinmicronow.
Private Cloud mit Nextcloud für Dummies (Für Dummies)
by Jan RehrBleiben Sie Herr über Ihre eigenen Daten Wie Sie mit Nextcloud Ihre eigene Cloud betreiben, das erfahren Sie in diesem Buch. Jan Rehr erklärt Ihnen die Grundlagen und klärt die Frage, ob eine vorinstallierte oder eine selbst aufgesetzte Lösung Ihren Bedürfnissen entspricht. Bei Bedarf lernen Sie Schritt für Schritt, Nextcloud auf der besonders lange unterstützten Ubuntu-Version 24.04 LTS zu installieren. Ansonsten legen Sie direkt los, indem Sie Nextcloud an Ihre individuellen Bedürfnisse anpassen, Nutzer anlegen, die Dateiverwaltung und Apps einrichten. Dabei steht die Sicherheit Ihrer Daten stets an erster Stelle! Und los! Sie erfahren Wo Ihnen eine eigene Nextcloud helfen kann Wie Sie Ihre Nextcloud installieren können Was es bei der Administration einer Nextcloud zu beachten gilt Wie Sie den Funktionsumfang Ihrer Nextcloud mit Apps erweitern
Latein für Dummies (Für Dummies)
by Clifford A. Hull Steven R. Perkins Tracy L. BarrSind Sie mit Ihrem Latein am Ende? Vivat Latinum! Für eine tote Sprache ist Latein recht fidel. Sei es in Medizin, Jura, Biologie oder Geschichtswissenschaft – Latein ist die Grundlage. Die Autoren von »Latein für Dummies« zeigen Ihnen, wie Sie mit Spaß Latein lernen, auffrischen oder verbessern können. Neben allem Wissenswerten über Ablativus absolutus, Gerundivum, Plusquamperfekt und Co. erfahren Sie auch noch, wie die Römer lebten. Mit einem kleinen Wörterbuch, Konjugations- und Deklinationstabellen sowie Übungen samt Lösungen ist dies der ideale Einsteiger- und Auffrischungskurs für die Lateiner von morgen. Sie erfahren Wie Sie lateinische Substantive deklinieren und lateinische Verben konjugieren Wie Sie mit unregelmäßigen Verben umgehen sollten Wie Sie Partizipien auflösen Wo Latein in unserem Alltag eine Rolle spielt
Fettleber vorbeugen und behandeln für Dummies (Für Dummies)
by Elke RoebEin Buch für mehr Lebergesundheit Leiden Sie an einer Fettleber oder hat Ihnen Ihr Arzt gesagt, Sie sollten Ihr Verhalten umstellen, da sich sonst eine entwickeln könnte? Da kann Ihnen dieses Buch helfen. Elke Roeb erklärt Ihnen verständlich, was eine Fettleber ist und wie sie entsteht. Unaufdringlich gibt die Autorin Ihnen Ratschläge, was Sie gegen eine Fettleber machen können oder wie Sie deren Entwicklung vermeiden. Sie stellt Lebensmittel vor, die Sie meiden sollten, und auch solche, die Ihnen helfen. Daneben erklärt sie, welche medizinischen Behandlungsmöglichkeiten es gibt und vieles mehr. Sie erfahren Welche Funktion Ihre Leber hat und wie sie aufgebaut ist Welche Ursachen und Risikofaktoren es gibt Wie Fettleber, Leberfibrose und -zirrhose zusammenhängen Welche Maßnahmen, Medikamente und Operationen helfen können
Manga for Success - Change Management
by Kazuhiko NakamuraEIN LEISTUNGSFÄHIGES TEAM DURCH EFFEKTIVES CHANGE-MANAGEMENT SCHAFFEN! Möchtest du deinen derzeitigen Arbeitsplatz oder deine Organisation verbessern? Möchtest du jetzt etwas ändern, um langfristig erfolgreich zu sein? Organisationsentwicklung kann dir darauf eine Antwort geben und zeigen, welche Schritte du unternehmen kannst, um deine Ziele zu erreichen. Folge in der Story Chuji, einem Filialleiter eines Automobilunternehmens, der in eine problembehaftete Autohausfiliale geschickt wird. Dort wird er mit einigen Herausforderungen konfrontiert, als er eine Reihe von Veränderungen in der Unternehmensführung einführt und dabei auf den Widerstand und die Feindseligkeit von Mitarbeitenden und Führungskräften stößt. Du wirst in diesem Manga entdecken: - wie man Hindernisse und Widerstände gegen organisatorische Veränderungen überwindet, - wie du die Prinzipien von Sichtbarkeit, Kommunikation und Visionen anwendest und gleichzeitig die Stärken deines Teams nutzt, - die Wissenschaft der Organisationsentwicklung. "Manga for Success - Change Management" ist ein unverzichtbarer Leitfaden für ein effektives Veränderungsmanagement, der dir helfen wird, die Denkweise und das Mindset deiner Teammitglieder weg vom Individualismus hin zum Wohl der Organisation und des Teams als Ganzes neu auszurichten.
SQL Alles-in-einem-Band für Dummies (Für Dummies)
by Allen G. Taylor Richard BlumWerden Sie zum SQL-Profi! In diesem Buch erfahren Sie alles, was es über SQL zu wissen gibt. Angefangen mit den Grundlagen und der Frage, wie Sie Datenbanken erstellen, Daten ordnen und abfragen, lernen Sie zudem Entwicklungsumgebungen für die Datenbankenprogrammierung kennen. Auch das Thema Datensicherheit kommt nicht zu kurz: So lernen Sie, wie Sie Ihre Daten und Datenbanken schützen und wie Sie typische Fehler vermeiden. Sie erfahren außerdem, wie Sie andere Sprachen, wie XML und JSON, mit SQL integrieren und wie Sie die Leistung Ihrer Datenbank analysieren und optimieren. Sie erfahren Wie Datenbanksysteme aufgebaut sind Was Sie beim Mehrbenutzerzugriff beachten sollten Welche Schnittstellen zu prozeduralen Programmiersprachen es gibt Wie Sie richtig auf Systemausfälle reagieren
The Callers
by Kiah ThomasKenneth Oppel meets Andrew Clements in this riveting middle grade novel that will capture fantasy and fiction lovers alike as it thoughtfully explores the power of summoning, other worlds, and consumerism versus necessity.Arresting, fast-paced, and thought-provoking, this nonstop middle grade adventure turns familiar magic upside down and inside out. In the world of Elipsom, the ability to Call, or summon objects, is a coveted, crucial skill, revered among its people as both a powerful tool and an essential way to sustain life. But despite an elite family history, a phenom for an older sister, a best friend who is set to join the Council of Callers, and his mother's steely insistence that he learn to Call, Quin doesn't have the gift—an embarrassment made worse when his mother gets his sister to cheat for him on his Calling exam. But everything changes in a moment of frustration when Quin, instead of summoning an object, makes something disappear. And what's more, he quickly discovers that the objects Callers bring into their world aren't conjured at all but are whisked away from another world and a people who for years have had their lives slowly stolen from them. Now Quin must team up with Allie, a girl who's determined to stop this unfair practice, and decide whether he should remain loyal to his family or betray them—and save the world.In a story that explores some of the most crucial topics of our time—our relationship to consumerism, the exploitation of natural resources, colonialism, and the consequences of wanting more than we need—magic is sought, and truth is found.THOUGHT-PROVOKING FANTASY: With its lush landscapes, towering metropolises, and hint of futurism, the distinctive look and feel of this world is familiar and strange in all the right ways.RICH THEMES: This book explores complex topics—taking what you want versus what you need, colonialism, coming of age, and what different worlds owe each other in light of their common humanity. It takes a deep, thoughtful look at essential issues and, in doing so, takes after some of the best works the fantasy genre has to offer.PAGE-TURNER: This perfectly paced page-turner of a book by debut author Kiah Thomas will be a joy for middle grade readers who love immersive adventure and fantasy stories.Perfect for: Middle grade readers, Fantasy fans, Educators and librarians
Hands-On Differential Privacy
by Ethan Cowan Michael Shoemate Mayana PereiraMany organizations today analyze and share large, sensitive datasets about individuals. Whether these datasets cover healthcare details, financial records, or exam scores, it's become more difficult for organizations to protect an individual's information through deidentification, anonymization, and other traditional statistical disclosure limitation techniques. This practical book explains how differential privacy (DP) can help.Authors Ethan Cowan, Michael Shoemate, and Mayana Pereira explain how these techniques enable data scientists, researchers, and programmers to run statistical analyses that hide the contribution of any single individual. You'll dive into basic DP concepts and understand how to use open source tools to create differentially private statistics, explore how to assess the utility/privacy trade-offs, and learn how to integrate differential privacy into workflows.With this book, you'll learn:How DP guarantees privacy when other data anonymization methods don'tWhat preserving individual privacy in a dataset entailsHow to apply DP in several real-world scenarios and datasetsPotential privacy attack methods, including what it means to perform a reidentification attackHow to use the OpenDP library in privacy-preserving data releasesHow to interpret guarantees provided by specific DP data releases
Model Optimization Methods for Efficient and Edge AI: Federated Learning Architectures, Frameworks and Applications
by Pethuru Raj Chelliah Amir Masoud Rahmani Robert Colby Gayathri Nagasubramanian Sunku RanganathComprehensive overview of the fledgling domain of federated learning (FL), explaining emerging FL methods, architectural approaches, enabling frameworks, and applications Model Optimization Methods for Efficient and Edge AI explores AI model engineering, evaluation, refinement, optimization, and deployment across multiple cloud environments (public, private, edge, and hybrid). It presents key applications of the AI paradigm, including computer vision (CV) and Natural Language Processing (NLP), explaining the nitty-gritty of federated learning (FL) and how the FL method is helping to fulfill AI model optimization needs. The book also describes tools that vendors have created, including FL frameworks and platforms such as PySyft, Tensor Flow Federated (TFF), FATE (Federated AI Technology Enabler), Tensor/IO, and more. The first part of the text covers popular AI and ML methods, platforms, and applications, describing leading AI frameworks and libraries in order to clearly articulate how these tools can help with visualizing and implementing highly flexible AI models quickly. The second part focuses on federated learning, discussing its basic concepts, applications, platforms, and its potential in edge systems (such as IoT). Other topics covered include: Building AI models that are destined to solve several problems, with a focus on widely articulated classification, regression, association, clustering, and other prediction problemsGenerating actionable insights through a variety of AI algorithms, platforms, parallel processing, and other enablersCompressing AI models so that computational, memory, storage, and network requirements can be substantially reducedAddressing crucial issues such as data confidentiality, data access rights, data protection, and access to heterogeneous dataOvercoming cyberattacks on mission-critical software systems by leveraging federated learning Written in an accessible manner and containing a helpful mix of both theoretical concepts and practical applications, Model Optimization Methods for Efficient and Edge AI is an essential reference on the subject for graduate and postgraduate students, researchers, IT professionals, and business leaders.
Creating Experience-Driven Organizational Culture: How to Drive Transformative Change with Project and Portfolio Management
by Al ZeitounAn incisive and hands-on discussion of how to transform your organization’s project management culture into a strategic capability In Creating Experience-Driven Organizational Culture: How to Drive Transformative Change with Project and Portfolio Management, distinguished business strategist and execution expert Dr. Al Zeitoun delivers an exciting and insightful discussion of how to set up your organization to achieve excellence by building an experience-driven culture. The author expands on the proven 10 pillars of success set out in his previous work, Project Management Next Generation: The Pillars for Organizational Excellence, covering each of the 21st century skills your teams need to have to enhance the experiences of stakeholders. He also builds on the principles captured and analyzed in his work Program Management: Going Beyond Project Management to Enable Value-Driven Change. Readers will find: A thorough design of the adaptable future dynamic and adaptable future organization Comprehensive explorations of the success ingredients to creating a culture of innovation that drives transformative change Practical discussions of how project portfolio management skills have evolved and what the future holds for the role of project and portfolio leaders The human connection necessary for inspiring leaders to achieve balance in the digitally fluent AI era In-depth treatments of the continued evolution of the project impact muscle and project management offices in an agile and fast-moving marketplace Perfect for managers, executives, entrepreneurs, founders, and other business leaders, Creating Experience-Driven Organizational Culture will also benefit program and project management professionals, executive sponsors, team leaders, students in project and program management courses, and product team members interested in the future of project and change management.
OCP Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 21 Developer Study Guide (Sybex Study Guide)
by Jeanne Boyarsky Scott SelikoffUnlock your Java potential and master the OCP Java SE 21 Developer exam with confidence Dive into the OCP Oracle Certified Professional Java SE 21 Developer Study Guide: Exam 1Z0-830 for a comprehensive journey through the Java SE 21 Developer certification exam. Crafted by a team of seasoned Java professionals, this guide not only prepares you for the 1Z0-830 exam but also equips you with essential skills for both new and existing Java development roles. Enhance your knowledge, refine your skills, and discover new techniques with this expertly written roadmap. Explore the depths of Java development, from writing methods that utilize pattern matching to building applications with virtual threads. This guide covers all you need to ace the certification and excel in your Java development career. Additionally, it provides exclusive access to Sybex's online learning environment and test bank, featuring a wealth of practice questions, electronic flashcards, and a glossary to ensure you're fully prepared for exam day. You'll also: Gain a solid understanding of Java SE 21 features and how to apply them effectively in your development projects Boost your preparation with hundreds of practice questions and valuable online resources from the Sybex online learning environment Quickly reference key concepts thanks to a searchable glossary, making it an indispensable tool for both junior and senior Java developers Whether you're gearing up for the OCP Java SE 21 Developer exam or seeking to solidify your Java expertise, this study guide is an essential resource. It not only serves as a comprehensive preparatory material for the certification but also as a go-to reference for your daily programming needs. Embrace this opportunity to reduce test anxiety, enhance your Java skills, and step confidently into your role as a Java developer. Make this book your coding companion today and set the stage for a thriving career in Java development.
Rise Above Bullying: Empower and Advocate for Your Child
by Nancy E. WillardIs your child experiencing emotional distress because they are being bullied? Rise Above Bullying: Empower and Advocate for Your Child provides research-based and legally grounded guidance that will enable parents to gain greater insight into how to support their bullied child. This resource helps prepare parents on how to empower their child and advocate on how schools should take the necessary actions to get this harmful environment to stop. Professionals who are supporting young people through counseling or advocacy, as well as educators, will also benefit from the insight in this book. In Rise Above Bullying, Nancy E. Willard, M.S., J.D., a respected voice in the field of bullying and youth trauma, provides valuable insight on: Why bullying occurs, who is involved, the immediate and long-lasting harms it can cause, and why current anti-bullying approaches implemented by schools are not achieving effective results Strategies to empower young people with greater resilience and effective relationship skills How to document what is happening, report these concerns to the appropriate authorities, and insist on an effective intervention
Hydraulics and Pneumatics in Environmental Engineering
by S. David GraberBring the tools of hydraulics and pneumatics to bear on key environmental challenges Hydraulics and pneumatics are essential tools in environmental engineering. Any area of engineering which deals with harnessing, managing, and controlling fluid and flow will find hydraulics and pneumatics indispensable, and environmental engineering is no exception. These two subjects, however, are rarely integrated in standard teaching and research resources, and there exists an urgent need for a work which brings them together. Hydraulics and Pneumatics in Environmental Engineering meets this need with a thorough, accessible overview of this vital subject. Written for advanced environmental engineering students and assuming a sound undergraduate background in fluid mechanics, this book otherwise provides everything needed to bring hydraulic and pneumatic tools and principles to bear on environmental engineering problems. With civil and environmental engineering only becoming more essential as communities grow and the challenges of climate change mount, the next generation of engineers will be amply served by this text. Hydraulics and Pneumatics in Environmental Engineering readers will also find: An emphasis on practical applications, often under-valued in civil engineering courses Detailed discussion of topics including Navier-Stokes, G-Value, incompressible flow, and many more Diagrams and figures throughout to illustrate key points Hydraulics and Pneumatics in Environmental Engineering is ideal for graduate and advanced undergraduate students in civil and environmental engineering, as well as for researchers and practicing engineers in need of a reference.
Development of 6G Networks and Technology (Next Generation Computing and Communication Engineering)
by Suman Lata Tripathi Mufti Mahmud C. Narmadha S. Albert AlexanderThis book provides an in-depth exploration of the potential impact of 6G networks on various industries, including healthcare, agriculture, transport, and national security, making it an essential resource for researchers, scholars, and students working in the field of wireless networks and high-speed data processing systems. Development of 6G Networks and Technology explores the benefits and challenges of 5G and beyond that play a key role in the development of the next generation of internet. 6G is targeted to improve download speeds, eliminate latency, reduce congestion on mobile networks, and support advancements in technology. 6G has the potential to transform how the human, physical, and digital worlds interact with each other and the capability to support advancements in technology, such as virtual reality (VR), augmented reality (AR), the metaverse, and artificial intelligence (AI). Machine learning and deep learning modules are also an integral part of almost all automated systems where signal processing is performed at different levels. Signal processing in the form text, image, or video needs large data computational operations at the desired data rate and accuracy. Large data requires more use of IC area with embedded bulk memories that lead to power consumption. Trade-offs between power consumption, delay, and IC area are always a concern of designers and researchers. Energy-efficient, high-speed data processing is required in major areas like biomedicine and healthcare, agriculture, transport, climate change, and national security and defense. This book will provide a foundation and initial inputs for researchers, scholars, and students working in the areas of wireless networks and high-speed data processing systems. It also provides techniques, tools, and methodologies to develop next-generation internet and 6G.
Computational Intelligence for Autonomous Finance (Fintech in a Sustainable Digital Society)
by Deepa Gupta Mukul Gupta Rajesh Kumar Dhanaraj Balamurugan Balusamy Parth Mukul GuptaThe book serves as an essential guide and a deep dive into the intersection of AI and finance, providing readers with a thorough understanding of the current state, challenges, and future possibilities of autonomous financial systems. In the rapidly evolving domain of autonomous finance, the convergence of computational intelligence techniques and financial technologies has paved the way for a new era of financial services. This transformation is driven by the integration of artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), blockchain, and big data analytics into financial systems, leading to the development of more responsive, efficient, and personalized financial products and services. Computational Intelligence for Autonomous Finance delves into the heart of this technological revolution, offering a comprehensive exploration of the theoretical foundations, practical applications, and future prospects of computational intelligence in the financial sector. The backbone of autonomous finance is a complex, interconnected ecosystem that leverages computational intelligence to automate decision-making processes, optimize financial operations, and enhance customer experiences. The book introduces the concept of an Intelligent Autonomous Financial Network (IAFN), which integrates various computational intelligence techniques with cutting-edge financial technologies to create a self-organizing, adaptive, and scalable financial system. The IAFN framework facilitates seamless interactions between diverse financial entities, enabling the provision of innovative financial services such as automated trading, real-time risk management, personalized financial planning, and fraud detection. The book meticulously analyzes the key challenges including data security and privacy concerns, algorithmic biases, regulatory compliance, and the need for interoperable standards. It also presents state-of-the-art solutions and best practices for overcoming these challenges, emphasizing the importance of ethical AI, robust data protection mechanisms, transparent algorithms, and collaborative regulatory frameworks. It discusses emerging trends such as quantum computing, edge computing, and decentralized finance (DeFi), highlighting their potential to further transform the financial landscape. The book also addresses the societal implications of autonomous finance, including its impact on employment, wealth distribution, and financial inclusion, advocating for a balanced approach that maximizes benefits while minimizing negative outcomes. Audience This book is aimed at researchers, industry professionals, policymakers, and graduate students in finance, computational intelligence, and related fields.
CCNA Certification Study Guide Volume 1: Exam 200-301 v1.1 (Sybex Study Guide)
by Todd Lammle Donald RobbYour comprehensive guide to succeeding on the UPDATED CCNA Certification exam In the newly revised second edition of the CCNA Certification Study Guide Volume 1: Exam 200-301 v1.1, celebrated Cisco educator and network guru Todd Lammle and expert Donald Robb deliver an intuitive and efficient roadmap to the challenging CCNA Certification test. The updated Study Guide covers many topics, including network fundamentals and access, IP connectivity and services, security fundamentals, automation, programmability, artificial intelligence, and more. The CCNA Certification Study Guide comes with complementary access to a robust set of online study tools designed to assess and advance your exam readiness. You'll find: Up-to-date information relevant to the latest Cisco technologies and job roles An interactive online test bank, including hundreds of practice test questions, flashcards, and a glossary of key terms and definitions Discussions of everything from VLANs and Inter-VLAN Routing to switching, OSPF, IP routing, and more Perfect for anyone preparing to pursue the updated CCNA Certification, the CCNA Certification Study Guide Volume 1: Exam 200-301 v1.1, Second Editon, is a must-read for practicing IT professionals looking for a refresher on Cisco networking fundamentals.
Java Essentials For Dummies
by Doug Lowe Paul McFedriesSwiftly brush up on the foundations of Java programming Java Essentials For Dummies is a reliable and succinct reference on the core components of Java—the multifaceted general-purpose language used for desktop, mobile, and web applications. This straightforward book gets right to the point—eliminating review material and wordy explanations—so you get what you need, fast. Strengthen your understanding of the basics of coding with Java Review what you've already learned or pick up key skills Use Java to build a variety of applications and more Jog your memory on the essentials as you work and get clear answers to your questions Perfect for supplementing classroom learning, reviewing for a certification, or staying knowledgeable on the job, Java Essentials For Dummies is a direct reference that's great to keep on hand as an everyday desk reference.
Managing Mental Illness After COVID-19 Infection
by Stephanie A. CollierA concise, practical guide to the mental health effects of COVID-19 and its treatments Managing Mental Illness After COVID-19 Infection is a resource for people affected by COVID-19 and their loved ones. As the long-term effects, especially the psychiatric effects, evolve and become more common, people are increasingly searching for answers. This book reviews presentations and treatments for mental illnesses post-COVID-19. Readers will learn about the use of medications, supplements, and behavioral interventions to address these conditions. This engaging and practical book includes numerous tables and other illustrations for easy reference. It provides enough medical detail for patients and their caregivers to better understand the symptoms they may experience, as well as the best ways to investigate and treat those symptoms. However, it is not too complex for the general reader, making it perfect as a standalone book for patients and their families. Learn how and why many people struggle with mental illness following COVID-19 infection Discover what your symptoms may indicate and get advice on how to pursue diagnosis and treatment Find a doctor who can understand and manage the mental and behavioral consequences of COVID-19 Get up to speed on the psychiatric and psychosocial effects of COVID-19 infection This is an excellent resource for the public, policymakers, clinicians, counselors, social workers, and behavioral health coaches that could benefit from the latest research on the psychiatric effects of COVID-19.
Data Science Essentials For Dummies
by Lillian PiersonFeel confident navigating the fundamentals of data science Data Science Essentials For Dummies is a quick reference on the core concepts of the exploding and in-demand data science field, which involves data collection and working on dataset cleaning, processing, and visualization. This direct and accessible resource helps you brush up on key topics and is right to the point—eliminating review material, wordy explanations, and fluff—so you get what you need, fast. Strengthen your understanding of data science basics Review what you've already learned or pick up key skills Effectively work with data and provide accessible materials to others Jog your memory on the essentials as you work and get clear answers to your questions Perfect for supplementing classroom learning, reviewing for a certification, or staying knowledgeable on the job, Data Science Essentials For Dummies is a reliable reference that's great to keep on hand as an everyday desk reference.
Earth System Geophysics (AGU Advanced Textbooks)
by Steven R. DickmanEarth System Geophysics Geophysics helps us understand how our planet works by connecting complex real-world phenomena with fundamental physical laws. It provides the tools, both conceptual and quantitative, for understanding interactions between the different components of the Earth System: the solid earth, oceans, atmosphere, and biosphere. Earth System Geophysics is a comprehensive textbook for upper-level undergraduate and graduate students in the Earth sciences that uses Earth System Science as the framework for learning about geophysics. About this volume: Presents convection as the underlying paradigm that drives the Earth System Uses math and physics in an accessible way to understand processes on and within the Earth Frames natural processes and events in terms of cause and effect Builds gradually from basic to advanced concepts and equations Develops quantitative skills through applied examples Heavily referenced, allowing students to pursue topics in greater depth Relevant for students from across the physical sciences and engineering The American Geophysical Union promotes discovery in Earth and space science for the benefit of humanity. Its publications disseminate scientific knowledge and provide resources for researchers, students, and professionals.
PHR, PHRi and SPHR, SPHRi Human Resources Certification Complete Study Guide: 2024 Exams (Sybex Study Guide)
by Sandra M. ReedPrepare for the updated 2024 PHR, PHRi and SPHR, SPHRi certification exams smarter and faster with this Sybex Study Guide The newly revised sixth edition of the PHR, PHRi and SPHR, SPHRi Human Resources Certification Complete Study Guide: 2024 Exams is the ideal resource for HR professionals seeking to validate their skills and knowledge acquired through years of practical experience or for a relative newcomer to the HR field looking to strengthen their resume. The new edition of the bestselling PHR and SPHR Study Guide reflects the recently updated A Guide to the Human Resource Body of Knowledge—HRBoK—and is written to help you prepare for these challenging exams. The Study Guide walks you through the seven key functional areas of the PHR/PHRi and five key functional areas of the SPHR/SPHRi that are covered in the exams, including business management and strategy, leadership, workforce planning, talent acquisition and talent management, learning and development, total rewards, employee engagement, employee and labor relations, and the most recently added, HR information management. You'll also find: Up-to-date and incisive guidance on topics you'll use every day in your existing or next HR role Updates reflecting the latest additions to both the US and International versions of the exams, including the incorporation of DE&I concepts and cybersecurity needs Complimentary access to Sybex's outstanding online learning environment and test bank, including hundreds of practice test questions, electronic flashcards, and a glossary of key terms Perfect for aspiring and established human resources professionals preparing for the 2024 PHR, PHRi and SPHR, SPHRi certification exams, this Study Guide is also an essential volume for practicing HR professionals seeking to brush up on key, on-the-job skills they'll use each day.
Polyamory For Dummies
by Jaime M. GrantA clear breakdown of polyamory for beginners and the newly polyamorous Polyamory literally means “more love”. Twenty-first century polyamory is the practice of engaging in multiple intimate relationships at the same time, with the full consent of all partners. Polyamory For Dummies gives you the lowdown on this expansive form of consensual non-monogamy, so you can go forth and prosper in whatever ways you choose. This straightforward, research-backed, and nuanced guidebook helps the poly-curious become poly-fluent. Embark on your non-monogamous journey via a healthy and sustainable path, with answers to all your big questions: Is polyamory is right for you? What does the “ethical” mean in non-monogamy? How do polyamorous people deal with jealousy and conflict among partners? Is it possible to “open up” an existing monogamous relationship? Find out everything you've been wanting to know, with this big-hearted, yet practical Dummies guide. Learn about primary partners, secondary partners, metamours, and polycules Discover how polyamorous relationships function, and how to co-create the right form for you and your partners Understand the universality of jealousy and learn how to deal with it constructively Get insights into centering consent, dating as a poly person, coming out poly, multi-gender and multi-sexuality polycules, parenting while poly, disability, aging, and more! Everyday people curious about or exploring multi-partner, ethically non-monogamous relationships will love the practical advice and broad range of examples in Polyamory For Dummies.
CCNA Certification Practice Tests: Exam 200-301 v1.1 (Sybex Study Guide)
by Jon BuhagiarThe best practice and preparation for the UPDATED CCNA certification exam CCNA Certification Practice Tests, Second Edition, is the perfect way to practice for updated certification Exam 200-301 v1.1 as you prepare to take your IT career to the next level. The book includes 1,200 domain-by-domain practice questions, so you can hone your test-taking skill and succeed in obtaining your certification. The CCNA certification has been revised and redesigned, and this updated second edition covers the latest exam objectives, including network fundamentals, network access, IP connectivity, IP services, security fundamentals, and automation and programmability. You also get one year of FREE access to the online text bank, so you can work through practice questions from anywhere, reinforcing your skills and knowledge. The CCNA certification proves your skill in a broad range of fundamentals, helping you progress in any IT career. And after you work through these test questions, you'll be thoroughly ready to pass the exam! Study 100% of the topics covered on the Cisco CCNA certification exam Get access to 1,200 practice questions, in the book and online Gain familiarity with the wording of test questions so you're prepared on test day Identify the test objectives you need the most work in so you can maximize your study time This Sybex collection of practice questions is perfect for anyone wanting to earn their CCNA certification, and it pairs well with the CCNA Certification Study Guide: Exam 200-301 v1.1, Second Edition.