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Studying Crime in Fiction: An Introduction

by Eric Sandberg

The primary aim of Studying Crime in Fiction: An Introduction is to introduce the emerging cross-disciplinary area of study that combines the fields of crime fiction studies and criminology. The study of crime fiction as a genre has a long history within literary studies, and is becoming increasingly prominent in twenty-first-century scholarship. Less attention, however, has been paid to the ways in which elements of criminology, or the systematic study of crime and criminal behaviour from a wide range of perspectives, have influenced the production and reception of crime narratives. Similarly, not enough attention has been paid to the ways in which crime fiction as a genre can inform and enliven the study of criminology. Written largely for undergraduate and graduate students, but also for scholars of crime fiction and criminology interested in thinking across disciplinary boundaries, Studying Crime in Fiction: An Introduction provides full coverage of the backgrounds of the related fields of crime fiction studies and criminology, and explores the many ways they are reciprocally illuminating. The four main chapters in Section 1 (Orient You) familiarize readers with the history and contours of the broad fields within which Studying Crime in Fiction: An Introduction operates. It introduces the history of crime and criminology, as well the history of crime fiction and the academic field dedicated to its study. In its final chapter it looks at the ways these areas of study can be conceptually interrelated. Section 2 of the book (Equip You) is dedicated to examining aspects of criminological theory in relation to various forms of crime fiction. It highlights a range of the most relevant theories, paradigms, and problematics of criminology that appear in, shed light on, or can be effectively illuminated through reference to crime fiction. Its five chapters deal with the definition of crime; explanations for crime and criminal behaviour; investigations into crime; the experience of crime; and, finally, punishments for crime. All of these areas are examined alongside examples of crime fiction drawn from across the genre’s history. Section 3 (Enable You) presents six case studies. Each of these reads a work of crime fiction alongside one or more criminological approaches. Each case study is supplemented with a set of questions addressing issues central to the study of crime in fiction.

Ultrasonics: Fundamentals, Technologies, and Applications (Mechanical Engineering Ser.)

by Dale Ensminger Leonard J. Bond

Updated, revised, and restructured to reflect the latest advances in science and applications, the fourth edition of this best-selling industry and research reference covers the fundamental physical acoustics of ultrasonics and transducers, with a focus on piezoelectric and magnetostrictive modalities. It then discusses the full breadth of ultrasonics applications involving low power (sensing) and high power (processing) for research, industrial, and medical use. This book includes new content covering computer modeling used for acoustic and elastic wave phenomena, including scattering, mode conversion, transmission through layered media, Rayleigh and Lamb waves and flexural plates, modern horn design tools, Langevin transducers, and material characterization. There is more attention on process monitoring and advanced nondestructive testing and evaluation (NDT/NDE), including phased array ultrasound (PAUT), long-range inspection, using guided ultrasonic waves (GUW), internally rotary inspection systems (IRIS), time-of-flight diffraction (TOFD), and acoustic emission (AE). These methods are discussed and applied to both metals and nonmetals using illustrations in various industries, including now additionally for food and beverage products. The topics of defect sizing, capabilities, and limitations, including the probability of detection (POD), are introduced. Three chapters provide a new treatment of high-power ultrasonics, for both fluids and solids, and again, with examples of industrial engineering, food and beverage, pharmaceuticals, petrochemicals, and other process applications. Expanded coverage is given to medical and biological applications, covering diagnostics, therapy, and, at the highest powers, surgery.Key Features Provides an overview of fundamental analysis and transducer technologies needed to design and develop both measurement and processing systems Considers applications in material characterization and metrology Covers ultrasonic nondestructive testing and evaluation and high-power ultrasonics, which involves interactions that change the state of material Highlights medical and biomedical applications of ultrasound, focusing on the physical acoustics and the technology employed for diagnosis, therapy, surgery, and research This book is intended for both the undergraduate and graduate scientists and engineers, as well as the working professional, who seeks to understand the fundamentals together with a holistic treatment of the field of ultrasonics and its diversity of applications.

Convergent Journalism: Writing and Producing Across Media

by Vincent F. Filak

Bringing together industry experts from across platforms and journalism specialisms, Convergent Journalism: An Introduction is the pioneering textbook on practicing journalism in today’s multimedia landscape. Convergent Journalism combines practical skills with a solid ethical framework. Each chapter is written by an expert in the field and features lively examples, exercises and breakout boxes to aid learning and retention. Written from the perspective of a responsible and audience-centric form of journalism and demonstrating ways journalists can use new media tools as both senders and receivers, this fourth edition features: • Completely revised chapters on social media, digital journalism, and law; • Additional discussion questions and exercises in every chapter; • Updated examples throughout. This book is an invaluable resource for students enrolled in courses such as Convergent Journalism, Digital Media, Online Journalism, and Multimedia Journalism.

Agency and Locality in the London Blitz

by Darren Bryant

This book takes a fresh approach to the London Blitz by viewing this time through individual local boroughs of the metropolis. The term ‘London Blitz’ means that culturally we have become accustomed to understanding that the actual blitz experience was the same wherever in the capital one happened to be, despite some areas being hit more than others. This book illustrates how there were many London blitzes, not one, influenced by a myriad of metropolitan localities, and giving rise to an agency of locality that helped to shape the lived blitz experience. By walking through the streets of London, this book conducts a local area analysis, witnessing the blitz through six London localities, representative of the assorted administrative, economic, and socio-political variables prevalent in wartime London. Covering air raids alongside topics like the provision of shelters, homelessness, and communal feeding, it shows how any history of the London Blitz must acknowledge that it was an experience reflective of a varied metropolis.

Climate Action and Hydrogen Economy: Technologies Shaping the Energy Transition (Green Energy and Technology)

by Malti Goel Gautam Sen

This book focuses on up-to-date progress on the current status of technology and progress in climate action and hydrogen energy in India. It includes contributions from leading experts, and covers emerging topics such as issues & challenges in moving toward hydrogen economy, green hydrogen production technologies, hydrogen production from liquid hydrogen carriers, policy perspectives on hydrogen as energy source of the future, hybrid approaches for solar hydrogen, among others. This book is of interest to those working in academia, industry and policymakers in the field of energy.

Solving Fault Diagnosis Problems: Linear Synthesis Techniques with Julia Code Examples (Studies in Systems, Decision and Control #482)

by Andreas Varga

The goal of this new edition is the same as for the first edition ”to address the fault detection and isolation topics from a computational perspective“, by covering the same important aspects, namely, (1) providing a completely general theoretical treatment of fault and model detection problems for linear time-invariant systems; (2) presenting the best suited numerical approaches to solve the specific computational problems; (3) providing supporting software to solve the analysis and filter synthesis problems. In this second edition, the changes in the theoretical presentation are minor and all known errors and typos have been corrected. The major difference to the first edition is in the underlying computational support, which is now based on software developed in a relatively new language called Julia. The presentation of synthesis procedures and examples is similar to the first edition, but it is now interlaced with Julia codes which can be used to reproduce all computational examples and figures presented in the book. An Appendix has been added to cover some basic issues related to using Julia and the new FaultDetectionTools and DescriptorSystems packages.

Finanzmanagement in Sozial-, Gesundheits- und Kultureinrichtungen: Eine Einführung (Basiswissen Sozialwirtschaft und Sozialmanagement)

by Werner Heister Julia Tiskens

Das Lehrbuch führt anschaulich und verständlich in grundlegende Methoden und Instrumente ein, um definierte Aufgaben im Finanzmanagement zu erledigen, Informationen aufzubereiten und Entscheidungen vorbereiten und treffen zu können. Über relevantes Fachwissen hinaus werden unerlässliche Kompetenzen wie die Fähigkeit, Sachverhalte und Probleme zu durchdringen oder im Rahmen von Wirtschaftlichkeitsrechnungen Sachverhalte treffend beurteilen zu können.

Smarte Kommune: Kleine Gemeinden auf dem Weg zur Smart City

by Ilona Benz

Dieses Buch zeigt, wie kleine Gemeinden bis 20.000 Einwohner den Weg zur Smart City pragmatisch und erfolgreich gestalten können. Städte und Gemeinden spielen eine entscheidende Rolle bei der Entwicklung eines digitalen Staates. Sie stehen jedoch vor einer Reihe von Herausforderungen, die von begrenzten Ressourcen bis hin zu fehlender technischer Expertise reichen und die optimale Nutzung der Potenziale einer Smart City behindern können.Die Autorin präsentiert auf Grundlage umfassender Forschung und langjähriger praktischer Erfahrung praxisnahe Ansätze für die Entwicklung von Smart Cities in kleineren Gemeinden mit bis zu 20.000 Einwohner:innen. Sie zeigt technische Lösungen für kommunale Herausforderungen und stellt im kommunalen Alltag empfehlenswerte Bausteine vor, wie der Weg zur Smart City gegangen werden kann: Von der Impulssetzung zum Thema Smart City, der Festlegung strategischer Ausrichtungen, der Bestandsaufnahme, wie „smart“ eine Gemeinde ist, der effektiven Einbindung von Bürger:innen in Beteiligungsprozesse, der Bedeutung von Öffentlichkeitsarbeit, der Auswahl der richtigen Digitalisierungsmaßnahmen, der Implementierung und Etablierung geeigneter Organisationsstrukturen bis hin zur Umsetzung der erarbeiteten Strategien in der Gemeinde. Übergeordnetes Ziel ist es, technische Potenziale für die kommunale Daseinsvorsorge und Aufgabenerfüllung optimal zu nutzen und die Herausforderungen der digitalen Transformation erfolgreich zu meistern. Das vorliegende Werk soll Digitalisierungsbeauftragte und Führungskräfte in kleinen Kommunen dabei unterstützen, mit ihrer Gemeinde den Weg zur Smart City zu gehen.

Extended Reality in Wirtschaft, Wissenschaft, Gesellschaft und Medien: Immersive Technologien und virtuelle Welten: Grundlagen, Status quo, Ein- und Ausblicke

by Bolela Likafu Christian Malterer

Dieses Buch gibt einen grundlegenden und holistischen Überblick über die Extended-Reality-Branche (XR) in Deutschland. XR beschreibt als Sammelbegriff Augmented Reality, Virtual Reality und Mixed Reality – also virtuelle Welten, in denen sich derzeit nicht nur im Gaming-Bereich vollkommen neue Interaktionspotentiale und Geschäftsmodelle eröffnen. Solche immersiven Technologien werden in Zukunft für nahezu alle Lebens- und Wirtschaftsbereiche interessant sein: Marketing, Medizin, Handel, Forschung, Bildung oder Kultur – um nur einige zu nennen.Dieses Werk ist aus einer Initiative der Herausgeber entstanden, innerhalb der deutschen Immersive-Media-Branche einen offenen XR-Thinktank als dynamische Austauschgemeinschaft heterogener Akteure und Stakeholder ins Leben zu rufen.Ziel des Buches ist es, das Thema einzuordnen und seine Relevanz anhand von Fallstudien aus verschiedenen Branchen sowie Experteninterviews zu untermauern. Die Beitragsautoren und Interviewpartner wollen so den Wissenstransfer vorantreiben.

Are Legal Systems Converging or Diverging?: Lessons from Contemporary Crises

by Emilie Ghio Ricardo Perlingeiro

This book focuses on two main aspects: legal convergence and crises. Despite the abundance of literature on legal convergence over the years, the question of whether legal systems are converging or diverging remains unanswered. This book provides a valuable contribution to questions concerning comparative law, legal convergence, and legal transplants by examining them through the lens of crises.Crises challenge countries’ legal systems and prompt institutional responses to tackle perceived shortcomings in the law. The crises witnessed by the world over the last two decades have highlighted two seemingly contradictory tendencies:(i) increased cooperation and a natural phenomenon of legal convergence as states find common solutions to common problems;(ii) a preference for state-centric solutions, which prioritise domestic interests; rejection of supranational standards and harmonisation efforts; and protection of domestic sovereignty.This book aims to determine whether, in times of crisis, foreign laws, rules, and concepts can transcend countries’ domestic legal systems, or whether states’ responses to crises lead to legal divergence and disintegration.Unlike traditional studies on convergence, this edited volume takes an international and cross-thematic approach, with chapters focusing on how legislation in selected jurisdictions has responded to crises. Therefore, the book’s originality lies in its truly global nature, with chapters and authors surveying jurisdictions in Africa, North and South America, Asia, Europe and Oceania. The breadth of legal areas covered, with a mix of private and public law, also add to its uniqueness.From Russia to Germany and from bankruptcy law to environmental law, the book examines whether, as a result of crises, policy and legal responses have adopted, copied, or implemented features, policies, principles and/or rules from other legal systems (convergence), or have departed from existing legal norms, adopting policies and rules that differ from those of other countries (divergence).

Mathematik für den Studieneinstieg: Ein mathematischer Werkzeugkoffer für Studierende verschiedener Disziplinen

by Antje Kiesel Regula Krapf

Sie stehen am Beginn Ihres Studiums und wollen sich gut auf die mathematischen Herausforderungen Ihres Studienfachs vorbereiten? Sie möchten alle typischen Themen Ihrer ersten Mathematikvorlesung in nur einem Buch nachlesen? Sie wollen dabei viele Beispiele sehen, immer wieder aktiviert werden und selbst über die gegebenen Fragestellungen nachdenken?Mit diesem Lehrbuch holen wir Sie bei Ihrem Abiturwissen ab und bringen Ihnen problem- und beispielorientiert die wichtigsten mathematischen Werkzeuge zum Studieneinstieg näher: Sie lernen die Grundlagen zu Funktionen, Gleichungen und Ungleichungen, das Lösen linearer Gleichungssysteme und das Rechnen mit Matrizen sowie die wichtigsten Inhalte der Differential- und Integralrechnung. Beweise führen wir dabei nur dann aus, wenn sie unmittelbar dem Verständnis dienen.Bei der Darstellung legen wir größten Wert auf ein anschauliches Grundverständnis und das sichere Einüben von Verfahren – Sie sehen direkt am Beispiel, wie Sie eine Problemstellung grundsätzlich angehen und wie Sie konkret rechnen. Jeder Abschnitt startet daher mit einem Beispiel, welches die Fragestellungen motiviert. Dann erarbeiten wir die mathematische Theorie dazu. Zwischendurch finden Sie zahlreiche kleine Denkanstöße, Aufgaben und Anwendungen, bei denen Sie Zettel und Stift bereithalten sollten. Übungsaufgaben und passende online verfügbare Lernvideos, in denen Beispiele ausführlich und kleinschrittig durchgerechnet werden, unterstützen Sie zusätzlich beim Lernen.

Mathematical Modeling and Supercomputer Technologies: 23rd International Conference, MMST 2023, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, November 13–16, 2023, Revised Selected Papers (Communications in Computer and Information Science #1914)

by Dmitry Balandin Konstantin Barkalov Iosif Meyerov

This book constitutes selected and revised papers from the 23rd International Conference on Mathematical Modeling and Supercomputer Technologies, MMST 2023, held in Nizhny Novgorod, Russia, during November 13–16 2023. The 18 full papers and 7 short papers presented in the volume were thoroughly reviewed and selected from the 45 submissions. They are organized in topical sections as follows: computational methods for mathematical models analysis; computation in optimization and optimal control; artificial intelligence and supercomputer simulation.

Rights in Practice for People with a Learning Disability: Stories of Citizenship

by Liz Tilly Jan Walmsley

This book aims to raise awareness about the possibility of achieving the goals of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities (UNCRPD), in order for all disabled people to enjoy the benefit of human rights. The stories of people who have been supported to enjoy their rights and their citizenship will enable readers to focus on how services and support can enable people with a learning disability to have their rights upheld, with an outcome of citizenship, independence and achievement. Despite the UNCRDP being in place since 2006, a significant number of learning disability service provider organisations and professionals in the UK are not aware of its existence. This book aims to bridge the gap between policy and practice to demonstrate the value of a human rights approach as the foundation for services and support for people with a learning disability.

The Making of a Left-Behind Class: Educational Stratification, Meritocracy and Widening Participation

by Fred Powell Margaret Scanlon Pat Leahy Hilary Jenkinson Olive Byrne

Despite the high aspirations of young people from disadvantaged communities, they face barriers that are frustrating the realisation of their educational ambitions. This book analyses the ‘left-behind’ phenomenon and shows how education has become the new divide in Western society. It explains how denied educational equality and frustrated opportunity are undermining social cohesion and what we can do about it. It challenges meritocratic thinking and the efficacy of widening participation as a policy for social inclusion. Combining analysis of educational disadvantage at an international level and among Travelling communities with empirical data derived from fieldwork with parents, teachers and students in the European Union (Ireland), this book offers fresh thinking and new hope in relation to young people left behind in the opportunity structure.

Small Hydroelectric Engineering Practice

by Bryan Leyland

Small Hydroelectric Engineering Practice is a comprehensive reference book covering all aspects of identifying, building, and operating hydroelectric schemes between 500 kW and 50 MW. In this range of outputs there are many options for all aspects of the scheme and it is very important that the best options are chosen.As small hydroelectric schemes

Green ICT & Energy: From Smart to Wise Strategies

by Jaco H. Appelman Anwar Osseyran Martijn Warnier

This book provides the connection between the growing body of literature on sustainability and the topics of energy and ICT. It aims to show how stakeholders active in this area need to play their part ensuring that the ICT-sector evolves towards a sector that can lead throughgreening by IT and also shows that it cangreen its own IT as well.

Big Data Analytics Strategies for the Smart Grid

by Carol L. Stimmel

A comprehensive data analytics program is the only way utilities will be able to meet the challenges of modern grids with operational efficiency, while reconciling the demands of greenhouse gas legislation, and establishing a meaningful return on investment from smart grid deployments. This book addresses the requirements for applying big data technologies and approaches, including Big Data cybersecurity, to the critical infrastructure that makes up the electrical utility grid.

Transforming Scholarship: Why Women's and Gender Studies Students Are Changing Themselves and the World (ISSN)

by Michele Tracy Berger Cheryl Radeloff

Transforming Scholarship offers an essential guide to one of the most richly rewarding yet often under-appreciated academic majors: Women's and Gender Studies. This fully updated and revised third edition answers the question of what you can do with a women’s and gender studies degree with resounding authority. Chapters include exercises and valuable point-of-view segments with recent graduates and academics to help students realize their many talents and passions and how these may be linked to future professional opportunities. Students are also encouraged to reflect on the ways in which their efforts in the classroom can be translated into a life guided by feminism, civic engagement, and activism with updates such as: A focus on activism that resulted from socio-political movements in the 2010s–2020, such as #BlackLivesMatter (BLM) and the #MeToo Movement; An examination of the impact of COVID-19 on the academic and socio-cultural environment and career opportunities for graduates; An exploration of increased acceptance of social justice and feminist perspectives; Highlighting of intersectional identities of WGST students and faculty. Transforming Scholarship is an ideal counterpart and companion for capstone courses in women’s and gender studies, and for those who have finished their degree and are looking for invaluable advice while pondering, "What’s next?"

From Projects to Programs: A Project Manager's Journey (Best Practices in Portfolio, Program, and Project Management #8)

by Samir Penkar

This book tells the story of an up-and-coming project manager that's been handed a large program to lead. Readers follow along as she struggles, leads, stumbles, and grows into the program manager role. Introducing key program management concepts throughout, the book provides a backstage view into the workings of program management, program organization, team dynamics, and the skills required to manage programs. Told through the eyes of a program manager, readers will experience the ins and outs of program management.

Closed-Loop Supply Chains: New Developments to Improve the Sustainability of Business Practices (Supply Chain Integration Modeling, Optimization and Application)

by Mark E. Ferguson Gilvan C. Souza

Closed-loop supply chain activities such as remanufacturing, recycling, dismantling for spare parts, and reverse logistics have helped many companies tap into new revenue streams by finding secondary markets for their products, all while reducing their overall carbon footprint. Written by academic experts, in language that is accessible to practitioners, this authoritative resource examines recent research and case studies of companies running profitable reuse/remanufacture operations in various industries. It illustrates profitable practices in returned and recovered products, clearly explaining how to: design a reverse logistics network, conduct production planning, implement effective marketing strategies, and apply closed-loop supply chain strategies in industries besides manufacturing. From product development to materials to assembly and profitability, this complete resource explores the impact of these processes across all aspects of the supply chain.

The Success or Die Ultimatum: Saving Companies with Blended, Long-Term Improvement Formulas

by Steven Borris Daniel Borris

Although eliminating waste and reducing variation are essential for successful improvement initiatives, few books integrate Lean, Six Sigma, and cultural issues into a single management and improvement initiative. Filling this void, this book details a proven recipe for applying Lean, Six Sigma, and the Theory of Constraints in a manner that will m

Lean Six Sigma for Engineers and Managers: With Applied Case Studies

by Matthew John Franchetti

This book introduces Lean Six Sigma (LSS) to engineers and managers interested in implementing LSS at their organizations. The book provides a detailed roadmap and industry examples to aid readers in understanding and implementing the LSS system. This book discusses the LSS process to define improvement needs, measure current business performance, analyze performance results using statistical tools, improve business and financial results, and control peak business performance.

Neutral Europe and the Creation of the Nonproliferation Regime: 1958-1968 (ISSN)

by Pascal Lottaz Yoko Iwama

Lottaz, Iwama, and their contributors investigate the role of neutral and nonaligned European states during the negotiations for the Treaty on the Nonproliferation of Nuclear Weapons (NPT).Focusing on the years from the Irish Resolution of 1958 until the treaty’s opening for signatures ten years later, the nine chapters written by area experts highlight the processes and reasons for the political and diplomatic actions the neutrals took, and how those impacted the multilateral treaty negotiations. The book reveals new aspects of the dynamics that lead to this most consequential multilateral breakthrough of the Cold War. In part one, three chapters analyze the international system from a bird’s eye perspective, discussing neutrality, nonalignment, and the nuclear order. The second part features six detailed case studies on the politics and diplomacy of Ireland, Sweden, Finland, Switzerland, Austria, and Yugoslavia. Overall, this study suggests that despite the volatile and dangerous nature of the early Cold War, the balance of the strategic environment enabled actors that were not part of one or the other alliance system to play a role in the interlocking global politics that finally created the nuclear regime that defines international relations until today.A valuable resource for scholars of nonproliferation, the Cold War, neutrality, nonalignment, and area studies.

Introduction to Risk and Failures: Tools and Methodologies

by D. H. Stamatis

Risk is everywhere, in everything we do. Realizing this fact, we all must try to understand this "risk" and if possible to minimize it. This book expands the conversation beyond failure mode and effects analysis (FMEA) techniques. While FMEA is indeed a powerful tool to forecast failures for both design and processes, it is missing methods for considering safety issues, catastrophic events, and their consequences. This new book focuses on risk and HAZOP as they relate to major catastrophic events, safety, and risk.

Gun Rights Activists and the US Culture War: Embodied Fantasies of the Ethical Warrior in Contemporary Gun Culture (Anthropology of Now)

by Joe Anderson

Gun Rights Activists and the US Culture War is a political anthropology book which explores how firearms can become associated with processes of identity formation, as well as acting as symbols of national belonging and embodied safety.In the years following Donald Trump’s election an increasingly polarised population is taking up arms against each other more often than ever before. Based on 12 months of participant observation at gun ranges, activist meetings, handgun courses, and political events, as well as interviews with gun rights activists in San Diego County, this book argues that US conservative identity is saturated with concerns about ethics, gender, and who can wield violence legitimately. The book focuses on two gun rights organisations; the first a conservative, predominantly white and male political action committee; the second a pro-LGBTQ+ firearms training group run by trans women. This book demonstrates how gun ownership gives Americans the perceived means to enact their political will through the threat of, or actual, organized violence, and that this perceived capacity explains why guns remain objects that continue to inspire such devotion and debate.Gun Rights Activists and the US Culture War will be of interest to scholars and students in anthropology, gender studies, ethnic studies, sociology, and politics, as well as a general audience of narrative non-fiction readers.

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