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Computer Vision – ECCV 2024: 18th European Conference, Milan, Italy, September 29–October 4, 2024, Proceedings, Part XLVIII (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #15106)
by Aleš Leonardis Elisa Ricci Stefan Roth Olga Russakovsky Torsten Sattler Gül VarolThe multi-volume set of LNCS books with volume numbers 15059 up to 15147 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 18th European Conference on Computer Vision, ECCV 2024, held in Milan, Italy, during September 29–October 4, 2024. The 2387 papers presented in these proceedings were carefully reviewed and selected from a total of 8585 submissions. They deal with topics such as computer vision; machine learning; deep neural networks; reinforcement learning; object recognition; image classification; image processing; object detection; semantic segmentation; human pose estimation; 3d reconstruction; stereo vision; computational photography; neural networks; image coding; image reconstruction; motion estimation.
Socioeconomics of Food: Understanding Strategies and Choices on Our Plates (Springer Texts in Business and Economics)
by Daria Loginova Stefan MannThis textbook provides an introduction to the socioeconomics of food. Aimed mostly at students of economics and related social sciences, it explains how food markets function and what social and cultural factors influence the processes of food production and consumption. It also discusses the role of food producers, intermediaries, and consumers and examines the dynamics of prices, trade, and externalities.The book also highlights cultural and demographic processes and moral behaviors that shape production and consumption practices. Furthermore, it discusses issues of food quality, ethics, and politics. Readers are also introduced to food databases and methods of data processing.
Obesity and Lipotoxicity (Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology #1460)
by Ayse Basak Engin Atilla EnginThis book is a comprehensive review of the recent research on the lipotoxicity-related mechanisms in obesity and the development of new treatment strategies. In this second edition, the possible molecular treatment methods and their recent clinical approaches are discussed in addition to the basic mechanisms that are available and thoroughly reviewed previously. Moreover, all chapters have been reviewed, according to the current concepts and seven new chapters are added, covering obesity-related epigenetic modifications, senescence, obesity-related cancer development, endocrine disruptors, as well as nanotechnology-based clinical approaches. This book is an essential resource for clinicians and basic science researchers, such as biochemists, toxicologists, immunologists, nutritionists, adult and pediatric endocrinologists, and cardiologists, as well as all researchers or students who want to learn the mysteries of obesity.
Dissecting Sports Injuries of the Hip
by Christine FossThe book is intended to enable the healthcare professional to have a broader scope of clinical practice in treating sports injuries of the hip. The text serves as an in-depth dive into the assessment, gross survey, diagnostic imaging, and recovery of sports injuries of the hip region. Taking the theme of gross dissection lab and making it applicable to clinical practice, this text essentially dissects each of the injuries in layers, from the deepest intra-articular pathologies to the most superficial fascial trends. Additionally, the book details assessment skills, diagnostic imaging, and a recovery plan that will facilitate proper treatment strategies. Chapters provide an in-depth look at each sports injury in a format that is comprehensible and clinically relevant to healthcare professionals, such as physical therapists, chiropractors, athletic trainers, and primary care physicians. Using assessment skills, gross-dissection survey, diagnostic-imaging techniques, and recovery tools, the book pulls together the full perspective of injury care and recovery strategies for the healthcare professional catering to the athletic population. Dissecting Sports Injuries of the Hip enables sports practitioners to have a broader scope of clinical practice, more accurate diagnostic skills, and essential tools on the care path to returning the athlete to sport safely, post-injury to the hip.
Emerging Technologies in Biological and Hybrid Wastewater Treatment: Lessons from Developed to Enhancing Practices in Developing Countries (Earth and Environmental Sciences Library)
by Shalini Yadav Makarand M. Ghangrekar Ram Narayan YadavaThis book provides technical information on different biological and hybrid wastewater treatment systems for treatment of wastewater and reuse. The contained information helps in tracking their progress of such systems toward practical and field-scale applications. The book also includes strategies to be adopted for minimizing the losses and maximizing the benefits. Additionally, it includes methods for protecting the environment through the application of advanced biological and hybrid wastewater treatment technology. Furthermore, it discusses the crucial parts that science, technology, and innovation play in the formulation, implementation, and administration of wastewater treatment policy. It highlights the challenges that must be overcome to adopt biological and hybrid wastewater treatment infrastructure regulations successfully and provides some answers. It investigates how the biological and hybrid wastewater treatment technology may be used in a wide variety of field's sets apart from other on-the-shelf publications on the market. Also, it delves into the core concepts of biological and hybrid wastewater treatment systems. It explores how these concepts can be modified to fit a variety of contexts and uses. Applications such as managing facilities, dealing with pandemics, urban wastewater treatment and reuse, farming, and other applications are included in this book. This book is helpful to researchers, entrepreneurs, professionals, planners, policymakers, environmental engineers, and others interested in biological and hybrid wastewater treatment system management strategies through the application of breakthroughs in biological and hybrid wastewater treatment technologies. Also, it is useful as a fundamental source of information and state-of-the-art knowledge to graduate students, university faculties, and researchers in the fields of environmental sciences/engineering, biological and chemical sciences, and NGO. It is also useful to entrepreneurs, professionals, and planners in policy and decision making at the local, state, and national levels for many countries.
Funktionelle Störungen der Nahrungsaufnahme bei Kindern und Jugendlichen: Interdisziplinärer Praxisleitfaden
by Margarete Bolten Corinne Légeret Simone OdenheimerDas Buch behandelt Beeinträchtigungen bei der Nahrungsaufnahme im Kindes- und Jugendalter, die nicht allein durch organische Ursachen erklärt werden können: frühkindliche Fütter- und Essstörungen, Sondendependenz, funktionelles Erbrechen, Ruminationsstörungen und funktionelle Dysphagien. Im Sinne einer ganzheitlichen Betrachtung stellt dieser Leitfaden die Entstehungsbedingungen und das interdisziplinäre Vorgehen bei der Diagnostik und Behandlung funktioneller Störungen der Nahrungsaufnahme bei Kindern und Jugendlichen dar. Das Buch richtet sich an Fachpersonen aus der Kinder- und Jugendmedizin, aus der Psychotherapie, Logopädie, Ergotherapie und Physiotherapie.
Neurologische Notfälle: Präklinische und innerklinische Akutversorgung
by Jens LitmatheDas Werk beschreibt die Akutdiagnostik und Akuttherapie der wichtigsten neurologischen Notfallsituationen, wie ischämischer Schlaganfall, intrakranielle Blutungen, Krampfanfälle, Meningitis, Enzephalitis, Bewusstseinsstörungen, Schwindel und Kopfschmerzen. Gegliedert in präklinische und innerklinische Akutversorgung ist es ein idealer Begleiter sowohl für präklinisch tätige Notärztinnen und Notärzte als auch für diejenigen, die innerklinisch neurologische Notfälle versorgen, z.B. in zentralen oder interdisziplinären Notaufnahmen. Auch auf häufig vorkommende neurologische Notfälle bei Kindern geht das Werk ein, ebenso wie auf psychiatrische Notfälle sowie Bildgebung und Interventionen im Notfall. Die 2. Auflage wurde vollständig aktualisiert und erweitert. Die Gliederung orientiert sich zunächst nach den wichtigsten Leitsymptomen und geht dann auf spezifische notfallmedizinisch relevante Krankheitsbilder ein. Zahlreiche Tipps und ein Frage-Quiz zur Selbstkontrolle machendas Buch besonders praxisnah.
CAPS-5 Manual: Zur Anwendung und Auswertung der Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale für DSM-5 (Manuale zu Testverfahren und Fragebögen)
by Meike Müller-Engelmann Ulrich Schnyder Regina Steil Monique PfaltzDie Clinician-Administered PTSD Scale (CAPS) ist ein strukturiertes klinisches Interview zur Erfassung der Symptome der posttraumatischen Belastungsstörung (PTBS). Mit Hilfe dieses Interviews können die verschiedenen Symptome der PTBS gemäß DSM-5 erfasst werden.Die CAPS-5 ermöglichst sowohl die Stellung der PTBS Diagnose nach DSM-5 als auch die Bestimmung eines Gesamtschweregrads der Symptomatik, sowie die Bestimmung des Schweregrads der einzelnen Symptomcluster. Zusätzlich kann mit der CAPS-5 das subjektive Leiden, die Auswirkung der Symptome auf das soziale und berufliche Funktionsniveau und die Veränderung seit der letzten Symptomerfassung bestimmt werden. Darüber hinaus erlaubt die CAPS-5 die Bestimmung des dissoziativen Subtypus der PTBS. Die CAPS gilt generell als Goldstandard zur Erfassung der Symptome der PTBS, insbesondere im Bereich der Psychotherapieforschung, da sich mit ihrer Hilfe die Wirksamkeit von Interventionen reliabel abbilden lässt. Das Interview wurde für die Anwendung durch Psychologen und Psychiaterinnen konzipiert, die in der klinischen Versorgung und/oder Forschung tätig sind.Das vorliegende Manual gibt einen Überblick über die Zielsetzung der CAPS-5, ihren Aufbau, sowie die Durchführung und Auswertung des Interviews. Der Schwerpunkt liegt dabei darin, den Interviewer bei der Durchführung und Auswertung des Interviews zu unterstützen. So finden sich im Manual ausführliche Hinweise zur Einschätzung des Vorliegens der einzelnen Symptome sowie zum Umgang mit schwierigen Situationen während des Interviews.
Telematics and Computing: 13th International Congress of Telematics and Computing, WITCOM 2024, Mazatlan, Mexico, November 4–8, 2024, Proceedings, Part I (Communications in Computer and Information Science #2249)
by Miguel Félix Mata-Rivera Roberto Zagal-Flores Cristian Barria-HuidobroThis two-volume set constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Telematics and Computing , WITCOM 2024, which took place in Mazatlan, Mexico, during November 4–8, 2024. The 41 full papers presented in this volume were carefully reviewed and selected from 91 submissions. The papers focus on the topics of environment monitoring, information systems, IoT, education, artificial intelligence techniques, cybersecurity, data science, and energy, with applications to different case of study.
by Stephen KingNow with a stunning new cover look for the 50th Anniversary comes Stephen King's legendary debut. Carrie White is no ordinary girl.Carrie White has the gift of telekinesis.To be invited to Prom Night by Tommy Ross is a dream come true for Carrie - the firststep towards social acceptance by her high school colleagues.But events will take a decidedly macabre turn on that horrifying and endless night as sheis forced to exercise her terrible gift on the town that mocks and loathes her . . .
RHS Take Chelsea Home: Practical inspiration from the RHS Chelsea Flower Show
by Chris YoungBest Garden Design from the Chelsea Flower Show is for all gardeners inspired by the famous RHS show, either by visiting it (157000 visitors annually) or through television coverage (NZ, Aus, France, Russia, Canada, and more). The book features best planning, design and decoration ideas from the last five years of shows, including masterclasses with gold-medal winners, celebrity designers, RHS experts and the world's top plantsmen and plantswomen. The design and planting ideas inside the book are not just enviable but are made achievable for show-goers and armchair gardeners alike.
Eine Rundreise durch die Quantenphysik: Von der Unschärferelation bis zu Schrödingers Katze
by Wolfgang W. OsterhageSind Sie fasziniert von den Fragen der Quantenphysik und wollen Sie Beiträge in den Medien zum Thema besser verstehen können? Wolfgang Osterhage gibt Ihnen in diesem kompakten Buch den Einstieg und Überblick, den Sie dafür brauchen - auch ohne quantenphysikalisches Vorwissen! Dieses Buch lädt Sie ein, mitzudenken, und die großen Probleme der Physik des Kleinsten kennenzulernen.Eine Reise durch die Quantenphysik ist und bleibt spannend: denn obwohl die Theorie fast 85 Jahre alt und eine der erfolgreichsten Theorien der Physik ist - hat sie doch viele ihrer Grundsatzfragen bis heute nicht endgültig beantworten können. Es scheint, als habe Richard Feynmanns Ausspruch „Ich glaube mit Sicherheit behaupten zu können, daß niemand die Quantenmechanik versteht“ noch immer Bestand.Um Ihnen den Einstieg zu erleichtern, beginnt dieses Buch mit der Gedankenwelt der Quantenphysik, die manchmal quer zu den Erfahrungen der Alltagswirklichkeit zu stehen scheint. Über das Phänomen der Strahlung wird anschließend atom- und kernphysikalisches Grundwissen vermittelt, bevor es hineingeht in die fremde Welt der Operatoren, Wahrscheinlichkeiten und des Messproblems. Zuletzt münden alle Puzzelstücke in das Standardmodell der Elementarteilchen und in die Quantenfeldtheorie.In der zweiten Auflage wurde das Buch gründlich aktualisiert und u.a. durch die spannenden Themen Quantencomputer und Quanteninformation ergänzt.Eine kurz und bündige Einführung, die Ihnen den Überblick verschafft, den Sie für Ihr Weiterlesen brauchen - viel Freude bei Ihrem Studium Generale.
Multisensory Design of Retail Environments: Vision, Sound, and Scent (Science meets Practice)
by Marko Sarstedt Monika Imschloss Susanne AdlerOnline retailers have gained massive popularity in recent years, plunging large parts of brick-and-mortar retail into an existential crisis. In order to survive in times of growing online retail, brick-and-mortar retailers must become aware of their unique potential to address non-digitizable consumer needs and transform retail environments into places of experience and discovery. A key building block for achieving this aim lies in the creation of sensory experiences that motivate consumers to enter and linger in stationary retail environments. But how? To answer this question, this volume provides insights into the latest research results from sensory marketing on vision, sound, and scent. The authors describe the sometimes surprising effects of sensory cues on consumer behavior and provide clear recommendations for marketing practice. The second edition comes with an advanced coverage of various topics such as technology use in retail environments and includes new case studies.
Fundamentals of Springs Mechanics
by Vladimir KobelevThis book highlights the mechanics of the elastic elements made of steel alloys with a focus on the metal springs for automotive industry. The industry and scientific organizations study intensively the foundations of design of spring elements and permanently improve the mechanical properties of spring materials. The development responsibilities of spring manufacturing company involve the optimal application of the existing material types. Thus, the task entails the target-oriented evaluation of the mechanical properties and the subsequent design of the springs, which makes full use of the attainable material characteristics. The themes about the new design of disk springs and the hereditary mechanics—namely creep and relaxation resistance—were extended. The fatigue life diagrams were reconsidered, and the relations between the traditional diagrams revealed. The book stands as a valuable reference for professionals in practice as well as an advanced learning resource for students of structural and automotive engineering. The former editions were known as "Durability of Springs”. Reflecting the substantial enlargement of the discussed themes, starting with this 3rd Edition the book entitled as "Fundamentals of Springs Mechanics”.
Change-Projekte beraten: Story-Book für erfolgreiche Veränderungsarbeit
by Frank KühnIn diesem Fachbuch beschreibt Frank Kühn basierend auf seiner langjährigen Erfahrung als Berater verschiedene Change-Situationen in fiktiven Unternehmen. Informativ und kurzweilig tauscht er sich zu diesen mit seinen – ebenfalls fiktiven – Beraterkollegen aus und stellt so die Beratungssituationen unter verschiedenen Gesichtspunkten und mit unterschiedlichen Ansätzen dar. Frank Kühn plädiert für eine verantwortungsvolle Beratung, welche die praktischen Bedürfnisse, realen Möglichkeiten und vor allem die erfolgsrelevanten Situationen in Unternehmen und Veränderungsprozessen berücksichtigt. Dabei ist ihm der Austausch auf Augenhöhe sowohl zwischen Management und Beratern als auch zwischen Managern und Mitarbeitenden wichtig. Die gewählte Beratersicht ist auch für Verantwortliche in Unternehmen schnell nachvollziehbar und in konkreten Situationen im eigenen Unternehmen leicht anwendbar. Der Autor schildert keine aufwändigen Konzepte, sondern setzt auf gemeinsame kreative Entwicklung und schnelles Beginnen. So ist das Buch sowohl für interne und externe Berater als auch für die Verantwortlichen auf den verschiedenen Ebenen der Unternehmen ein hilfreiches Lese- und Arbeitsbuch.
Manual for the Standard for Clinicians’ Interview in Psychiatry: A New Assessment Tool for Measurement-Based Care (MBC) and Personalized Medicine in Psychiatry (PMP) (Advances in Mental Health and Addiction)
by Ahmed Sayed AborayaThe SCIP manual will introduce a new assessment tool designed to be compatible with 21st century advances in measurement-base care (MBC) and personalized medicine in psychiatry (PMP). The SCIP includes 18 clinician-administered and 15 self-administered reliable and validated scales covering most adult symptom domains: anxiety, obsessions, compulsions, posttraumatic stress, depression, mania, delusions, hallucinations, disorganized thoughts, aggression, negative symptoms, alcohol use, drug use, attention deficit/hyperactivity, and eating disorders. Mental health professionals (psychiatrists, psychiatry residents, psychologists, therapists, clinical social workers, counselors, nurses, nurse practitioners, physician assistants, professors, students, and mental health researchers) are the primary audience of the manual. These professionals will be able to implement SCIP scales in their practice and use the SCIP psychopathology glossary as part of the emerging science of personalized medicine psychiatry (PMP).Existing books on measures and rating scales, such as the two books above, describe different scales developed by different authors at different periods. Each scale has its own rating guidelines and training requirements, which must be followed by clinicians in order to use the scales. This demands a considerable amount of time for clinicians and can be a barrier to using the scales in practice. Even within the same psychopathology domain, many published measurement scales exist. For instance, the book published by Waters and Stephane includes 120 scales for psychosis. Among the 120 scales for psychosis, which scale(s) should the clinician choose? Our proposed manual will remove these barriers by creating simple and universal principles which allow readers to use the 33 reliable and validated SCIP scales with most adult psychiatric disorders. There will be 15 videotaped interviews available online for readers who buy the book. Readers are expected to watch the interviews in conjunction with reading the manual.
Computer Vision – ECCV 2024: 18th European Conference, Milan, Italy, September 29–October 4, 2024, Proceedings, Part LXXXV (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #15143)
by Aleš Leonardis Elisa Ricci Stefan Roth Olga Russakovsky Torsten Sattler Gül VarolThe multi-volume set of LNCS books with volume numbers 15059 up to 15147 constitutes the refereed proceedings of the 18th European Conference on Computer Vision, ECCV 2024, held in Milan, Italy, during September 29–October 4, 2024. The 2387 papers presented in these proceedings were carefully reviewed and selected from a total of 8585 submissions. They deal with topics such as computer vision; machine learning; deep neural networks; reinforcement learning; object recognition; image classification; image processing; object detection; semantic segmentation; human pose estimation; 3d reconstruction; stereo vision; computational photography; neural networks; image coding; image reconstruction; motion estimation.
The Tauchnitz Edition and Related Paperback Series: English Literature in Your Pocket (New Directions in Book History)
by Melanie Mienert Stefan Welz Dietmar BöhnkeThe Tauchnitz Edition and Related Paperback Series: English Literature in Your Pocket unites a broad variety of interests and different perspectives concerning the legacy of the Tauchnitz Edition in particular and English language paperback series in general. It provides an international and interdisciplinary approach to the 'paperback revolution' as part of media culture throughout the 19th and 20th centuries. The Bernhard Tauchnitz' Collection of British and American Authors, initiated in 1841, was not only a successful entrepreneurial endeavor but a milestone in the history of print culture as well. The Leipzig-based Tauchnitz publishers, renowned all over the world for their series of affordable pocket books in English, produced more than 5000 volumes within the course of over 100 years. Cultural and literary repercussions of this unique achievement have been far-reaching since the late 19th century. It pioneered a new way of mass-market publishing, innovative copyright arrangements and a close cooperation with many important English-language novelists of the day. Still in present times, the Tauchnitz Edition and its successors are stimulating both academic research in various fields and the enthusiasm of collectors and readers.
The Semantic Web – ISWC 2024: 23rd International Semantic Web Conference, Baltimore, MD, USA, November 11–15, 2024, Proceedings, Part III (Lecture Notes in Computer Science #15233)
by Gianluca Demartini Katja Hose Maribel Acosta Matteo Palmonari Gong Cheng Hala Skaf-Molli Nicolas Ferranti Daniel Hernández Aidan HoganThis three-volume set constitutes the proceedings of the 23rd International Semantic Web Conference, ISWC 2023, held in Hanover, MD, USA, during November 11-15, 2024. The 44 full papers presented in these proceedings were carefully reviewed and selected from 155 submissions. This conference focuses on research on the Semantic Web, including benchmarks, knowledge graphs, tools and vocabularies.
Einsatz und Wirkung von Außenwerbung zur Mitgliedergewinnung stationärer Fitnessstudios aus Sicht der Studiobetreiber
by Karsten HappelIn diesem Buch wird die Effektivität von Außenwerbung bei der Gewinnung neuer Mitglieder für stationäre Fitnessstudios untersucht. Der Autor beleuchtet den aktuellen Fitness- und Außenwerbemarkt, analysiert die Auswirkungen der Coronavirus-Pandemie auf die Branche und bewertet die verschiedenen Formen der Außenwerbung hinsichtlich ihrer Reichweite und Wirksamkeit. Durch qualitative Interviews und quantitative Umfragen wird der Einsatz von Plakaten, digitalen Werbetafeln und anderen OOH-Medien bewertet. Die Arbeit liefert detaillierte Handlungsempfehlungen für Studiobetreiber, um ihre Werbekampagnen zielgerichteter und erfolgreicher zu gestalten.
Autism Research between Psychology and Neuroscience: From Leo Kanner to New Frontiers
by Michele Di SalvoThis book offers an overview of the history, definitions, and treatments for autism spectrum disorders from 1943 to the present day. Bridging the gap between psychology and neuroscience through a rigorous reconstruction of eighty years of research, the author retraces the emergence of the definition of autism and the description of its characteristics, the history of the diagnosis and standardized classification of ASD in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, and the development of etiological research and therapeutic interventions in medical, psychoeducational, and alternative therapies. The content spans neurology, genetics, psychiatry, and medicine, integrating discoveries from different fields to shed light on relevant factors of the pathology and dynamics of ASD. A useful resource for students and researchers in psychology, psychiatry, special education, and healthcare, this book unveils the latest advances in the field of ASD and discusses the research agenda for the years to come, showcasing multidirectional approaches to improve the quality of life of autistic people.
Intimate Partner Violence in India: A Quantitative Analysis of the Causes and Outcomes (Sustainable Development Goals Series)
by Richa Kothari Zakir Husain Mousumi DuttaThis volume comprehensively analyzes the determinants and consequences of intimate partner violence in India. It examines the contested relationship between empowerment and intimate partner violence—at individual and community levels. It highlights the short and long-term effects of intimate partner violence on the children of victims. The book employs up-to-date quantitative methods and is based on a recently released nationally representative database. The focus is on India, a fast-growing South Asian country with poor gender indicators. It extends the understanding of intimate partner violence to developing countries lacking poor victim support bases. It also addresses SDG5, “eliminate all forms of violence against all women and girls in the public and private spheres, including trafficking and sexual and other types of exploitation.” The book is essential for anyone interested in the data-based analysis of intimate partner violence and activists and policymakers seeking to reduce such violence in India.
Indian Cinema and Human Rights: An Intersectional Tale
by Adam Dubin Ruchira Goswami Ishita SharmaThis book examines the intersection between Indian cinema (across geographic regions, languages and formats) and human rights. It analyzes Indian cinema from multiple human rights perspectives, such as freedom of expression and censorship, socio-economic rights, caste rights, women's and children's rights and LGBTQIA+ equality. The book bridges human rights law and cinema studies, and opens up new research areas within sociocultural and socio-legal academic contexts. It also contributes to academic disicplines beyond Law and Cinema, including Media, Cultural, Gender, Socio-economic and Sociology studies and is relevant for Liberal Arts curricula, Law Schools and as a reference book in university libraries in India and internationally, especially in film institutes. Finally, the book offers practical implications for human rights activists and policymakers by exploring how rights can be advanced through cinema and pop culture.
Quick Guide Erfolgreich verhandeln im Einkauf: Wie Sie Ihr Unternehmen auf das nächste Level bringen: die wichtigsten Tools und Expertenwissen für den Einkauf (Quick Guide)
by Sven BogatzkiDer Druck für Unternehmen durch schleppende Wirtschaftsentwicklung, sinkende Kaufkraft und absoluter Preistransparenz wird immer größer. Mehr denn je liegt im Einkauf der entscheidende Hebel, um sich in diesem schwierigen Marktumfeld zu behaupten. Sven Bogatzki ist Einkaufsexperte und führt seit über 25 Jahren Teams, Abteilungen und Unternehmen von einem Erfolg zum nächsten. In "Boost! Bringe deinen Einkauf auf ein neues Level" greift er auf diese Erfahrungen zurück und zeigt entscheidende Ansätze und Methoden, um den Einkauf in Unternehmen zu optimieren – mit enormem Fachwissen, praxisnah, authentisch und ganz persönlich.
The Perfect Husband: An FBI Profiler Novel (FBI Profiler #1)
by Lisa Gardner#1 New York Times bestseller Lisa Gardner&’s riveting suspense debut asks: What would you do if the man of your dreams hides the soul of a killer?&“Lisa Gardner&’s books come with a built-in set of hands. They reach up out of the pages, grab you by the lapels, and hold you until you&’ve read to the final, suspense-filled sentence.&”—Linwood BarclayJim Beckett was everything she&’d ever dreamed of. . . . But two years after Tess married the decorated cop and bore his child, she helped put him behind bars for savagely murdering ten women. Even locked up in a maximum security prison, he vowed he would come after her and make her pay. Now the cunning killer has escaped—and the most dangerous game of all begins. After a lifetime of fear, Tess will do something she&’s never done before. She&’s going to learn to protect her daughter and fight back, with the help of a burned-out ex-marine. As the largest manhunt four states have ever seen mobilizes to catch Beckett, the clock winds down to the terrifying reunion between husband and wife. And Tess knows that this time, her only choices are to kill—or be killed.