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King of Sword and Sky (Tairen Soul #3)

by C. L. Wilson

“[Wilson] will dazzle readers.”—Chicago Tribune The incomparable C.L. Wilson brings her phenomenal Tairen Soul novels to Avon Books! King of Sword and Sky is the third book in the epic romantic adventure that combines sweeping fantasy with breathtaking paranormal romance. USA Today and New York Times bestseller C. L. Wilson’s magnificent story continues—as the Fey King Rain must risk everything for his truemate Ellysetta, even as he struggles to save his imperiled kingdom with magic, sword, and flame…and by awakening the astonishing dormant inner power that his lady love possesses.

The British Sitcom Spinoff Film

by Stephen Glynn

This book constitutes the first full volume dedicated to an academic analysis of theatrically-released spinoff films derived from British radio and television sitcoms. Regularly maligned as the nadir of British film production and marginalised as a last resort for the financially-bereft industry during the 1970s, this study demonstrates that the sitcom spinoff film has instead been a persistent and important presence in British cinema from the 1940s to the present day, and includes (occasional) works with distinct artistic merit. Alongside an investigation of the economic imperative underpinning these productions, i.e. the exploitation of proven product with a ready-made audience, it is argued that, with a longevity stretching from Arthur Askey and his wartime Band Waggon (1940) to the crew of Kurupt FM and their recent People Just Do Nothing: Big in Japan (2021), the British sitcom spinoff can be interpreted as following a full generic ‘life cycle’. Starting with the ‘formative’ stage where works from Hi Gang! (1941) to I Only Arsked! (1958) establish the genre’s characteristics, the spinoff genre moves to its ‘classic’ stage where, secure for form and content, it enjoys considerable popular success with films like Till Death Us Do Part (1969), On the Buses (1971), The Likely Lads (1976) and Rising Damp (1980); the genre’s revival since the late-1990s reveals a more ‘parodic’ final stage, with films like The League of Gentlemen’s Apocalypse (2005) adopting a consciously self-reflective mode. It is also posited that the sitcom spinoff film is a viable source for social history, with the often-stereotypical re-presentations of characters and events an (often blatant) ideological metonym for the concerns of wider British society, notably in issues of class, race, gender and sexuality.

Verslaafden (Werken in SPH)

by B. Fontaine M.J. van Deutekom M. Magnee A.J. Ravelli Dineke Behrend G.C.C. van Hees

Dit cahier in de reeks Werken in SPH gaat over het begeleiden van mensen met verslavingsproblemen. De auteur geeft een beschrijving van het begrip verslaving en de verschillende modellen die het ontstaan van deze problematiek trachten te verklaren. De diverse vormen van behandeling en recente veranderingen en ontwikkelingen daarin worden beschreven, alsmede een aantal veel gebruikte methoden. De diverse werkvelden waarbinnen de cliënten met hun middelengebruik kunnen worden gesignaleerd komen aan de hand van casuïstiek ruim aan bod. Het cahier wordt afgesloten met de stand van zaken op het terrein van opleiding en professionalisering.

Sleep Disruption, Aggression, & Violence (SpringerBriefs in Psychology)

by Ana I. Fins Ashley M. Stripling Natalie D. Dautovich Sahar M. Sabet Sarah Ghose

This brief recognizes aggression and violent behavior as a public health crisis and provides a review of the role of sleep disruption as a precursor to aggression. It offers clinical practitioners and researchers a synopsis of sleep assessments and intervention strategies that can be utilized to enhance sleep quality/quantity or target sleep disorders along with an overview of the potential effects that sleep interventions may have on aggressive behaviors. The volume also gives special consideration to the possible contributions of sleep disruption in institutional aggression. It provides recommendations for such environments (i.e., correctional facilities, nursing homes, psychiatric institutions, schools) to inform policy and future research efforts.

Kosten- und Leistungsrechnung: Mit einem ausführlichen Fallbeispiel

by Günter Ebert

Dieses bewährte Standardlehrbuch bietet einen fundierten Überblick über die relevanten Grundlagen und Systeme der Kosten- und Leistungsrechnung. Der Stoff wird in Form eines Lernprozesses vermittelt und durch zahlreiche Rechenbeispiele vertieft. Jedem einzelnen Kapitel sind Lernziele vorangestellt. An einem integrierten Fallbeispiel können die wesentlichen Vollkosten- und Teilkostenberechnungen durchgeführt werden. Die wichtigsten Unterscheidungsmerkmale beider Kostenrechnungssysteme sind dadurch klar zu erkennen und zu beurteilen. Außerdem sind deren Weiterentwicklungen in Form der Prozesskostenrechnung und des Target Costing dargestellt. "Kosten- und Leistungsrechnung" befindet sich mit der elften Auflage auf dem aktuellen Erkenntnisstand bezüglich der in der Theorie diskutierten und in der Praxis umsetzbaren Kostenrechnungssysteme.

Ad Hoc Networks: 14th EAI International Conference, AdHocNets 2023, Hanoi, Vietnam, November 10-11, 2023, Proceedings (Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering #558)

by Nguyen Thi Dieu Linh Manh Kha Hoang Trong Hop Dang

This book constitutes the refereed post-conference proceedings of the 14th EAI International Conference on Ad Hoc Networks, AdHocNets 2023, held in Hanoi, Vietnam, during November 10-11, 2023.The 15 full papers were carefully reviewed and selected from 39 submissions. They were organized in topical sections as follows: intelligent integrated systems; wireless communications; and network solutions.

Spelend begeleiden van kinderen in het ziekenhuis: Het werk van de pedagogisch medewerker (Werken in SPH)

by M. Magnee B. Fontaine M.J. van Deutekom A.J. Ravelli Dineke Behrend G.C.C. van Hees

Dit cahier gaat over kinderen in het ziekenhuis, zieke kinderen dus, en over de bijzondere situatie waarin zij en hun ouders zich bevinden. Ziekte kan instabiliteit veroorzaken in het systeem van het gezin en de opvoedingsrelatie die ouders met hun kinderen hebben. Ziekte kan onzekerheid teweegbrengen bij kinderen en ouders. Er kan opvoedingsverlegenheid, opvoedingsspanning of opvoedingsonzekerheid ontstaan, zodanig dat er zelfs sprake kan zijn van een problematische opvoedingssituatie. In dit boekje wordt ingegaan op de specifieke rol die de pedagogisch medewerker heeft in het ondersteunen van ouders en kinderen in het ziekteproces en het omgaan met de ziekenhuisopname. De pedagogisch medewerker begeleidt het kind en geeft pedagogische adviezen aan zowel de ouders als aan ziekenhuismedewerkers. Naast ontspannings- en afleidingstechnieken is spel hierbij een van de belangrijkste middelen die zij gebruikt bij de begeleiding van de opgenomen kinderen.

Denken over je vak: Deugden als handreiking voor sociaal werkers (Sociaal agogisch basiswerk)

by BSL Fictief F. Brinkman

Het belangrijkste instrument dat sociaal werkers hebben, zijn zij zelf. Het vak vraagt dan ook als geen ander om bespiegeling. Nadenken over je vak kan je op vier punten verder helpen; je leert hoe je moet handelen, je verbetert je handelen, je kunt omgaan met frustraties en je weet wat ervoor zorgt dat je plezier in je werk houdt. In je eentje kom je ver, maar niet ver genoeg. Andere mensen kunnen je helpen je zelfonderzoek te verdiepen en te verfijnen. Omgekeerd kun jij anderen helpen. Het ligt daarom voor de hand reflectie te verbinden met communicatie en handelen. Denken over je vak, deugden als handreiking voor sociaal werkers gaat daarom niet alleen over denken maar ook over doen. Concreet helpt dit boek je vragen te stellen over kwaliteiten in je werk én daarop antwoorden te formuleren. Het stelt de aloude deugdenleer voor als instrument waarmee (aankomend) professionals hun positie kunnen bepalen, accenten leggen en keuzes maken. Deugdzaamheid is daarbij klankbord, richtingaanwijzer en toetssteen. Brinkman koppelt deugden aan de leercirkel van ervaren, overdenken, ontwerpen, testen en weer ervaren. Hij geeft ze daarmee herkenbare praktijktoepassingen. Hieromheen vindt de lezer veel begrippen uit filosofie en sociologie die het denken over het vak inhoud en structuur geven. Studievragen en columns nodigen uit tot bezinning, individueel en met medestudenten of collega's.

Innovations in Smart Cities Applications Volume 7: The Proceedings of the 8th International Conference on Smart City Applications, Volume 1 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #906)

by Mohamed Ben Ahmed Anouar Abdelhakim Boudhir Rani El Meouche İsmail Rakıp Karaș

Many cities in the developed world are undergoing a digital revolution, and have placed the "smart city" on their list of priorities. Smart cities use technological solutions such as Internet of Things, AI, 5G, Big Data, Cloud computing, Smart Grid, as well as all the emerging technologies of the digital era, to improve the management and efficiency of the urban environment. The aim is to make residents happier, healthier, smarter and more prosperous, and to make the city greener, cleaner, more sustainable, more responsible, more functional, more resilient, and more competitive. Enhanced by extensive research studies and carried out under the guidance of international scientific experts in the field. This book explores various papers related to smart cities, including digital twins, geo-smart information systems, education, healthcare, economy and digital business, building and home automation, environment and agriculture, and information technologies and computer science.

Target Volume Definition in Radiation Oncology

by Anca-Ligia Grosu Carsten Nieder Nils Henrik Nicolay

This updated edition of the book provides radiation oncologists with a structured, state-of-the-art guide to target volume delineation for all major cancer types. It provides an overview of recent advances in radiation treatment techniques and multimodal imaging for radiation treatment planning. It also offers clear and structured guidelines for the contouring of target volumes and organs at risk, taking into account the available imaging modalities including PET/CT and multiparametric MR imaging. Each chapter addresses the target volume concepts of a particular tumor type and has been written by experts in the field. Covering all major tumor entities, the book provides practicing radiation oncologists with a guide to defining target volumes based on multimodal imaging.

Molecular Techniques for Studying Viruses: Practical Notes

by Zubaida Hassan Gulfaraz Khan

This volume provides detailed information on various laboratory techniques and methodologies used for studying viruses at the molecular level. It covers essential topics such as nucleic acid isolation, protein isolation, PCR-based techniques, western blotting, serological assays, immunoprecipitation, small interfering RNA (siRNA), histological methods, bioinformatics and in silico simulations. Each chapter provides a detailed overview of the techniques, their applications, and their significance in virus research. The book is a useful resource as a practical introductory note that could be used for hands-on training of students, both undergraduates and junior postgraduates.

Pluripotent Stem Cell Therapy for Diabetes

by Lorenzo Piemonti Jon Odorico Timothy J. Kieffer Valeria Sordi Eelco De Koning

This is a unique book containing comprehensive coverage of pluripotent stem cell therapies for the treatment of diabetes. The greatest enthusiasm for treatment lies in the possibility of using stem cells to overcome the limits of islet transplantation. Organized into six parts, this book covers the development and differentiation of beta cells, bioengineering, immunoescape, preclinical model and translational approaches, beta cell replacement, and disease modeling. This is an ideal book for scientists, researchers, and clinicians working in the area of stem cell technology in the treatment of diabetes.

Vom Hauen und Stechen: Der Versuch einer funktionalen Einordnung jung- und endneolithischer Knochenartefakte

by Anja Probst-Böhm

Dieses Open-Access-Buch beschäftigt sich mit der Zuordnung der Gebrauchsspuren bei jung- und endneolithischen Knochenartefakten zu einem Werkmaterial oder einer Funktion. In der Regel werden Knochen-, Geweih- und Zahnartefakte nur typologisch untersucht. Dabei werden Begriffe wie etwa „Meißel“, „Pfriem“, „Ahle“, „Schaber“ aufgrund der Form der Artefakte vergeben, ohne jedoch die tatsächliche Funktion bzw. den Verwendungszweck näher zu untersuchen. Experimentalarchäologische Untersuchungen haben gezeigt, dass es durchaus Unterschiede in den Gebrauchsspuren gibt, die wiederum Rückschlüsse auf den tatsächlichen Gebrauch und das bearbeitete Material ermöglichen. Die bisherigen Experimente haben gezeigt, dass sich die Gebrauchsspuren in drei Gruppen einteilen lassen, die wichtige Hinweise auf die Art der Bewegung oder die Handhabung und damit auf das bearbeitete Material geben. Zudem haben die Untersuchungen von nachgebauten Werkzeugen und Artefakten ergeben, dass die Mikrospuren direkt miteinander verglichen werden können.

The Forum of Federations Handbook on Local Government in Federal Systems

by Nico Steytler

This book brings together leading scholars and practitioners from around the globe to examine the current roles of and future trends in local government structures and mechanisms in 16 different federal and federal-type countries. In doing so, this volume explores pressing topics such as the institutions of local government, constitutional recognition, financial management, intergovernmental relations, political culture, and the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the role of local government in federal systems. Contributors to this volume provide a timely and comprehensive account of the integral role local governments play in federal countries and offer fascinating perspectives on how these roles may change as individual federal systems evolve. These individual analyses are contextualized in a comparative perspective in order to gain a holistic understanding of the challenges and opportunities of various local government dynamics in different regions around the world.This is an open access book.

Exploring Education and Democratization in South Asia: Research, Policy, and Practice (South Asian Education Policy, Research, and Practice)

by Tania Saeed Radhika Iyengar Matthew A. Witenstein Erik Jon Byker

This volume brings together scholars, practitioners, activists, and students to reflect on socio-political transitions taking place in countries across South Asia and their implications for democracy and education. It provides an important intervention for comparative education in South Asia by looking at the kind of ideological tensions that exist within the education systems, and how these competing agendas are visible at different levels. At a time when students have been protesting for their rights across educational institutions in South Asia, where the Covid-19 pandemic has exacerbated inequalities with learning losses, and job losses, this collection creates a space to reflect on the limitations and possibilities of education in democracies across South Asia.

Birkhoff–James Orthogonality and Geometry of Operator Spaces (Infosys Science Foundation Series)

by Arpita Mal Kallol Paul Debmalya Sain

This book provides an insight into the geometric aspects of the spaces of operators studied by using the notion of Birkhoff–James orthogonality. It studies the norm attainment set of an operator and its properties, the notion of which plays a very important role in the characterization of B-J orthogonality of operators. The structure of the norm attainment set is studied for Hilbert space operators and is yet to be understood completely for operators between Banach spaces. The book explores the interrelation between B-J orthogonality in the ground space and in the space of operators in its fullest generality. The book further explores the concept of approximate B-J orthogonality and investigated its geometry both in the ground space as well as in the space of operators. It highlights important geometric properties like smoothness and k-smoothness of bounded linear operators, extreme contractions and symmetricity of bounded linear operators defined between Hilbert spaces as well as Banach spaces.

The Memory Activity Book: Engaging Ways to Stimulate the Brain for People Living with Memory Loss or (DK Medical Care Guides)

by DK Helen Lambert

Slow and delay the symptoms of Alzheimer's disease and other forms of dementia, from memory loss to disorientation, with this practical activity book.Using step-by-step ideas designed to stimulate and entertain, dementia care specialist Helen Lambert explains how engaging in a variety of simple activities can benefit different parts of the brain and help to keep your mind fitter for longer.What's more, everyone can join in: each activity contains hints and tips that not only show you how to do it, but also include ways to adapt the various physical exercises, games, and craft projects for different abilities, or to include family and friends. Whether your interests are in music, art, gaming, or gardening, The Memory Activity Book has activities to suit, as well as ideas to inspire anyone looking for guidance on how best to interact with people affected by memory issues, Alzheimer's, or other forms of dementia.Whatever your involvement - friend, relative, partner, or patient - The Memory Activity Book offers a valuable resource for everyone living with dementia.

Betting Against the Crowd: A Complex Systems Approach

by Yair Neuman

Crowds are misleading, both in their simplicity and in their complexity. On the one hand, they behave according to expected trends; on the other, they present sudden shifts and frantic, unexpected behavior. Therefore, “betting against the crowd,” whether in politics, sports, or finance, requires a deep understanding of the crowd’s dynamics. In this book, Prof. Neuman addresses this challenge by delving into the complexity of crowds. The book involves foundational issues and novel ideas, such as why crowds behave unexpectedly, why betting against the crowd is possible only in short time frames, why is it important to be attentive to suspicious signs that are indicative of the crowd’s behavior, and why the long tail of fatalities in armed conflicts leaves us surprised by blitz attacks of violent mobs. The book combines scientific knowledge, experiments, and accessible, often humorous, exposition. It can be read by anyone with a basic science education who seeks to understand crowds and how one can act within and against them.

Advanced Dental Metallic Materials (Springer Series in Materials Science #338)

by Rebeka Rudolf Peter Majerič Vojkan Lazić Karlo T. Raić

This book delivers a broad and concise look at advanced metallic materials used for dental applications. Due to their excellent mechanical and biological properties, the use of metallic materials in dentistry has continued since time immemorial. In that sense, this book aims to bring the readers closer to the specific purpose of dental metallic materials meeting specific criteria and materials properties such as biocompatibility, non-toxicity, resistance to corrosion, long-term durability, appropriate strength and toughness, as well as corresponding values of modulus of elasticity. Following a comprehensive introduction to the field, the book discusses topical issues such as the long-term stability of dental titanium implants, processing of cobalt-chrome dental alloys, emerging gold dental alloys, and novel nanofoils used for dental joining. Featuring numerous illustrative examples of experimental outcomes, this book is an ideal resource for materials scientists and metallurgists working on advanced alloys for dental applications.

Digital Disruption and Transformation: Case Studies, Approaches, and Tools (Springer Proceedings in Business and Economics)

by Daniel Schallmo Abayomi Baiyere Frank Gertsen Claus Andreas Foss Rosenstand Chris­topher A. Williams

In an era marked by relentless digital disruption, where every interaction - whether it's a click, a tap, or a swipe - shapes the structure of our interconnected world, the need for transformative action becomes notably clear. This collection brings together a dynamic compilation of insights, carefully selected from leading experts in the field, ready to navigate the uncharted waters of this digital revolution. The collection comprises submissions from two ISPIM (International Society for Professional Innovation Management) events, along with additional contributions. It offers an extensive view that encompasses the various challenges and opportunities brought about by the tumultuous waves of digital disruption and transformation, spanning a wide range of aspects in contemporary business and society. The primary aim of this collection is to emphasize the idea that the emerging global digital economy urgently requires a comprehensive perspective on digitalization, making it central for all institutions. Contributions in this collection shed light on important subjects, including, but not limited to, The Evolution of Digital Transformation, Skills and Knowledge Requirements in the Era of Digital Transformations, and Data-Driven Foresight. Within the boundaries of this scholarly endeavor, a deep understanding of the intricate network of digitalization and its consequences is nurtured. As the relentless surge of digitalization continues, this collection serves as an invaluable guide for discerning scholars and practitioners alike, inviting them to navigate this transformative period with wisdom and expertise.

Let Something Good Be Said: Speeches and Writings of Frances E. Willard

by Frances E. Willard

The definitive collection of speeches and writings of one of America's most important social reformers Celebrated as the most famous woman in America at the time of her death in 1898, Frances E. Willard was a leading nineteenth-century American temperance and women's rights reformer and a powerful orator. President of Evanston College for Ladies (before it merged with Northwestern University) and then professor of rhetoric and aesthetics and the first dean of women at Northwestern, Willard is best known for leading the Woman's Christian Temperance Union (WCTU), America's largest women's organization. The WCTU shaped both domestic and international opinion on major political, economic, and social reform issues, including temperance, women's rights, and the rising labor movement. In what Willard regarded as her most important and far-reaching reform, she championed a new ideal of a powerful, independent womanhood and encouraged women to become active agents of social change. Willard's reputation as a powerful reformer reached its height with her election as president of the National Council of Women in 1888. This definitive collection follows Willard's public reform career, providing primary documents as well as the historical context necessary to clearly demonstrate her skill as a speaker and writer who addressed audiences as diverse as political conventions, national women's organizations, teen girls, state legislators, church groups, and temperance advocates. Including Willard's representative speeches and published writings on everything from temperance and women's rights to the new labor movement and Christian socialism, Let Something Good Be Said is the first volume to collect the messages of one of America's most important social reformers who inspired a generation of women to activism.

Popular Fronts: Chicago and African-American Cultural Politics, 1935-46

by Bill V Mullen

The Communist International's Popular Front campaign of the 1930s brought to the fore ideas that resonated in Chicago's African American community. Indeed, the Popular Front not only connected to the black experience of the era, but outlasted its Communist Party affiliation to serve as both model and inspiration for a postwar cultural insurrection led by African Americans. With a new preface Bill V. Mullen updates his dynamic reappraisal of a critical moment in American cultural history. Mullen's study includes reassessments of the politics of Richard Wright's critical reputation and a provocative reading of class struggle in Gwendolyn Brooks' A Street in Bronzeville. He also takes an in-depth look at the institutions that comprised Chicago's black popular front: the Chicago Defender, the period's leading black newspaper; Negro Story, the first magazine devoted to publishing short stories by and about African Americans; and the WPA-sponsored South Side Community Art Center.

American Paper Son: A Chinese Immigrant in the Midwest (Asian American Experience)

by Wayne Hung Wong

In the early and mid-twentieth century, Chinese migrants evaded draconian anti-immigrant laws by entering the US under false papers that identified them as the sons of people who had returned to China to marry. Wayne Hung Wong tells the story of his life after emigrating to Wichita, Kansas, as a thirteen-year-old paper son. After working in his father’s restaurant as a teen, Wong served in an all-Chinese Air Force unit stationed in China during World War II. His account traces the impact of race and segregation on his service experience and follows his postwar life from finding a wife in Taishan through his involvement in the government’s amnesty program for Chinese immigrants and career in real estate. Throughout, Wong describes the realities of life as part of a small Chinese American community in a midwestern town. Vivid and rich with poignant insights, American Paper Son explores twentieth-century Asian American history through one person’s experiences.

Women in American Journalism: A New History

by Jan Whitt

In this volume, Jan Whitt tells the stories of women who have been overlooked in journalism history, offering an important corrective to scholarship that narrowly focuses on the deeds of men like Joseph Pulitzer and William Randolph Hearst. She shows how numerous women broadened the editorial scope of newspapers and journals, transformed women’s professional roles, used journalism as a training ground for major literary works, and led breakthroughs in lesbian and alternative presses. Whitt explores the lives of women reporters who achieved significant historical recognition, such as Ida Tarbell and Ida Wells-Barnett. Investigating the often blurry boundary between journalism and literature, she explains how this fluid distinction has actually limited how many scholars perceive the contributions of authors such as Joan Didion and Susan Orlean. Whitt also highlights the work of important novelists, including Willa Cather, Katherine Anne Porter, and Eudora Welty, to shed light on how their work as journalists informed their highly successful fiction. This study also offers a survey of contributions women have made to the alternative presses, including the environmental press and civil rights activism. Whitt examines important figures in the early feminist press such as Caroline Churchill, editor and reporter for Denver’s Queen Bee, and Betty Wilkins of Kansas City’s Call. Finally, through newsletters, newspapers, magazines, and journals, she traces the history of the lesbian press and points out the ways in which it indicates that the alternative press is thriving.

The Contextualisation of 21st Century Skills: Assessment in East Africa (The Enabling Power of Assessment #11)

by Esther Care Mauro Giacomazzi John Kabutha Mugo

This open access book is written for educators and policymakers who seek to empower young people with competencies necessary for fulfilling lives in the 21st century. It reports how a large group of educators from government and civil society organisations, together with researchers from universities, used their curriculum, assessment, and social economy expertise to develop contextualised definitions of life skills and values, and associated assessment tools. The book also reports on levels of these competencies of over 45,000 adolescents, from a household-based assessment conducted in Kenya, Tanzania, and Uganda. The results describe how these adolescents vary in proficiency by region, age, and other factors, providing a resource for national education ministries to factor into policy decisions. Given the technical requirements of measuring individuals’ social-emotional and related competencies, how is it possible to capture an adolescent’s life skills across varied contexts? The book provides readers with a pragmatic yet technically robust process for undertaking a large-scale assessment program designed to inform policy.

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