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Funktionsträger im GMP-Umfeld: Leiter der Qualitätskontrolle, Leiter der Herstellung und Qualified Person (essentials)

by Patric U. Vogel Jennifer Borrelli Claudia Dochow

Per Gesetz und Verordnung müssen pharmazeutische Unternehmen diverse sog. „Funktionsträger“ benennen und beschäftigen. Hierzu zählen u.a. der Leiter der Qualitätskontrolle, der Leiter der Herstellung und die Sachkundige Person, die auch als Qualified Person bezeichnet wird. Diese Funktionsträger erfüllen wichtige Aufgaben im GMP-Umfeld, die u.a. dazu dienen, die Produktqualität von Arzneimitteln und damit die Patientensicherheit zu gewährleisten. Diese Funktionsträger sind zentraler Dreh- und Angelpunkt aller Aktivitäten, die zur Erfüllung der GMP-Anforderungen bei der Herstellung und Prüfung erfolgen.

Soft Computing and Signal Processing: Proceedings of 6th ICSCSP 2023, Volume 2 (Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems #840)

by Hushairi Zen Naga M. Dasari Y. Madhavee Latha S. Srinivasa Rao

This book presents selected research papers on current developments in the fields of soft computing and signal processing from the Sixth International Conference on Soft Computing and Signal Processing (ICSCSP 2023). The book covers topics such as soft sets, rough sets, fuzzy logic, neural networks, genetic algorithms and machine learning and discusses various aspects of these topics, e.g., technological considerations, product implementation and application issues.

Take Control of Your Passwords

by Joe Kissell

Password overload has driven many of us to take dangerous shortcuts. If you think ZombieCat12 is a secure password, that you can safely reuse a password, or that no one would try to steal your password, think again! Overcome password frustration with expert advice from Joe Kissell!

Take Control of 1Password

by Joe Kissell

Annoyed by having to type hard-to-remember passwords? Let 1Password do the heavy lifting. With coverage of 1Password for Mac, Windows, Linux, iOS/iPadOS, and Android, author Joe Kissell shows you how to generate and enter secure passwords, speed up your online shopping, and share and sync web logins and other confidential data.

Take Control of Sonoma

by Joe Kissell

macOS 14 Sonoma makes your Mac more secure and easier to use, with a wide array of new and improved features. Learn how to upgrade your Mac from an earlier version of macOS, find your way around Sonoma, use new features, and discover extensive changes to built-in apps such as Safari and Messages.

DSM-5-TR Learning Companion for Counselors

by Carmen S. Gill Stephanie F. Dailey Shannon L. Karl Casey A. Barrio Minton

This updated learning companion is designed to assist professional counselors with a smooth transition from the DSM-5 to the DSM-5-TR. The text highlights diagnostic changes and new developments within the DSM-5-TR. Each chapter features updated research with implications for evidence-based alongside practical strategies for holistic, culturally-responsive, and wellness-based counseling. As with the original DSM-5 Learning Companion for Counselors, this revision is intended for counselors, counseling students, counselor educators, and mental health professionals who engage in mental health diagnosis and evidenced-based services. The DSM-5-TR includes some important changes of which counselors must be aware, and this updated learning companion will help them incorporate these changes into practice. This new edition addresses these noteworthy changes specifically, delineating the differences and guidance, as well as case examples. To purchase print copies, please visit the ACA Store. Reproduction requests for material from books published by ACA or any other questions about ACA Publications should be directed to ACA no longer provides complimentary print desk copies. Digital evaluation copies may be requested from Wiley by clicking the link above and completing the details about your institution and course.

Engagierte Mitarbeitende mit EAP: Wie Employee Assistance Programs Beschäftigte effektiv binden

by Karin Esch

Angebote für Mitarbeitende sind längst Teil des Baukastens im Personalmanagement. Sie reichen vom Obstkorb im Büro über das hauseigene Sport- und Fitnessangebot bis hin zum (eher fragwürdigen) Tankgutschein. Unternehmen versprechen sich dadurch eine bessere Mitarbeiterbindung, mehr Bewerbungen sowie einen Imagegewinn im Sinne des Employer Branding. Häufig wollen sie auch ihrer sozialen Verantwortung stärker gerecht werden. So sensibilisiert Geschäftsführende und Personaler bereits für das Thema sind, so sehr neigen sie gleichzeitig dazu, sich zu verzetteln. Was bringt ein Fitnessstudio, wenn kaum jemand es nutzt? Und muss der Obstkorb gerechtigkeitshalber auch per Paketdienst ins Homeoffice geschickt werden? In wirklich schwierigen Lebenslagen werden Mitarbeitende dagegen oft alleingelassen. Die Suche nach Kinderbetreuung lässt viele Eltern verzweifeln. Coaching steht meist nur Führungskräften zu. Über Suchtprobleme spricht man nicht. Karin Esch zeigt, welche Angebote für Mitarbeitende tatsächlich einen Unterschied machen und Unternehmen auf dem Weg zur sozialen Nachhaltigkeit weiterbringen. Sie plädiert für ein Ende der Beliebigkeit und den Fokus auf das, was Menschen in einer sich wandelnden Arbeitswelt wirklich effektiv unterstützt. Das schließt das sprichwörtliche Sahnehäubchen nicht aus, sofern das Angebot zum Unternehmen passt. Im Mittelpunkt des Buchs stehen vier Praxisfelder: Eltern und Kinder, Pflege, Lebenslagen und Emotionales. Die Autorin stellt größere Kontexte her und eröffnet neue, erhellende Perspektiven. Nach der Lektüre hat die Zielgruppe das Thema Employee Assistance Program (EAP) ganzheitlich durchdrungen und besitzt somit eine solide Basis für die Entscheidung, welche Arten der Mitarbeitendenunterstützung im Unternehmen neu implementiert oder fortgeführt werden sollen.

Control and Safety Analysis of Intensified Chemical Processes

by Gade Pandu Rangaiah Dipesh Shikchand Patle

Control and Safety Analysis of Intensified Chemical Processes Resource on the control and safety analysis of intensified chemical processes, ranging from general methods to specific applications Control and Safety Analysis of Intensified Chemical Processes covers the basic principles of and recent developments in control and safety analysis of intensified chemical processes, ranging from dynamic simulations and safety analysis to the design and control of important processes. The text discusses general methods and tools such as dynamic simulation, control and safety analysis as well as design aspects and analysis of important applications in order to provide scientists and engineers with an understanding of the design, control and safety considerations involved in intensified chemical processes. Sample topics covered in Control and Safety Analysis of Intensified Chemical Processes include: Simulation and optimization methods, common programs and simulators for simulation and optimization, and interfacing of simulators and optimizers Programs/simulators for dynamic simulation and control, tuning of controllers, and popular criteria for control assessment Control of a hybrid reactive-extractive distillation systems for ternary azeotropic mixtures, reactive distillation in recycle systems, and middle vessel batch distillation with vapor recompression Safety analysis of intensified processes (e.g. extractive distillation, dividing wall column, dividing wall column with mechanical vapor recompression, and algal biodiesel process) A comprehensive resource on the subject, Control and Safety Analysis of Intensified Chemical Processes is a highly valuable reference for researchers, students and practitioners interested in process intensification and their applications. The text can be adopted by instructors for use in advanced courses on process control and safety.

The Handbook of Board Governance: A Comprehensive Guide for Public, Private, and Not-for-Profit Board Members

by Richard Leblanc

Explore the practical realities of corporate governance in public, private, and not-for-profit environments In the newly revised third edition of The Handbook of Board Governance: A Comprehensive Guide for Public, Private and Not for Profit Board Members, award-winning professor and lawyer Dr. Richard Leblanc delivers a comprehensive overview of all relevant topics in corporate governance. Each chapter is written by a subject matter expert working in academia or industry and illuminates a different area of board governance: value creation and the strategic role of the Board, risk governance and oversight, board composition and diversity, the role of the board chair, blind spots and trendspotting in the boardroom, audit committee efficacy, and more. This latest edition contains updated coverage of a wide variety of key topics, including: Governing, auditing, and working from home, as well as conducting virtual and hybrid meetings New and necessary skillsets for directors, including contemporary environmental, social, and governance considerations for firms Diversity, equity, and inclusion issues impacting boards and firms, as well as the risks posed by corruption, organized crime, and cyber-crimeAn essential resource for board members and directors of organizations of all kinds, The Handbook of Board Governance is also an important source of information for managers and executives seeking greater understanding of the role of the board in the day-to-day and long-term management of a modern firm.

Computational Physics: Problem Solving with Python

by Rubin H. Landau Manuel J. Páez Cristian C. Bordeianu

Computational Physics The classic in the field for more than 25 years, now with increased emphasis on data science and new chapters on quantum computing, machine learning (AI), and general relativity Computational physics combines physics, applied mathematics, and computer science in a cutting-edge multidisciplinary approach to solving realistic physical problems. It has become integral to modern physics research because of its capacity to bridge the gap between mathematical theory and real-world system behavior. Computational Physics provides the reader with the essential knowledge to understand computational tools and mathematical methods well enough to be successful. Its philosophy is rooted in “learning by doing”, assisted by many sample programs in the popular Python programming language. The first third of the book lays the fundamentals of scientific computing, including programming basics, stable algorithms for differentiation and integration, and matrix computing. The latter two-thirds of the textbook cover more advanced topics such linear and nonlinear differential equations, chaos and fractals, Fourier analysis, nonlinear dynamics, and finite difference and finite elements methods. A particular focus in on the applications of these methods for solving realistic physical problems. Readers of the fourth edition of Computational Physics will also find: An exceptionally broad range of topics, from simple matrix manipulations to intricate computations in nonlinear dynamicsA whole suite of supplementary material: Python programs, Jupyter notebooks and videos Computational Physics is ideal for students in physics, engineering, materials science, and any subjects drawing on applied physics.

Carbohydrate Chemistry in the Total Synthesis of Naturally Occurring Glycosides

by Biao Yu Xiaoyu Yang

Carbohydrate Chemistry in the Total Synthesis of Naturally Occurring Glycosides Revolutionize your manufacturing processes and more with this groundbreaking introduction Carbohydrates and complex glycosides are important classes of molecules. The ubiquitous glycosides are extremely diverse in structure and functions, and many of them are of pharmacological significance. Purification of a homogeneous glycoside from the nature sources, especially in an appreciable amount, is always difficult. Chemical synthesis provides a feasible access to the homogenous glycosides and their congeners. Carbohydrate Chemistry in the Total Synthesis of Naturally Occurring Glycosides presents about 10 families of naturally occurring glycoside natural products, including about 150 molecules that organic chemists have devoted a lot of effort toward their synthesis. In each example, the background of each natural glycoside, including its natural resources, its isolation process and its bioactivities have been described; the total synthesis of the natural glycoside is presented with special emphasis on the glycosylation reaction, the strategy on saccharides assembly, the protecting group manipulation, and the method for the synthesis of the rare saccharide units. Readers can clearly see the progress of total synthesis of naturally occurring glycosides, from early to current arts, from simple to complex molecules, and from tedious strategy to highly efficient and economical methodologies in this book. It will highly benefit the further developments in the total synthesis of naturally occurring glycosides and synthetic carbohydrate chemistry. Carbohydrate Chemistry in the Total Synthesis of Naturally Occurring Glycosides is ideal for Organic Chemists, Biochemists, Pharmaceutical and Medicinal Chemists, Natural Products Chemists, and Pharmaceutical Industry

Groene planeet, groene zorg: Jouw impact als zorgprofessional

by Jurjen J. Luykx Evelyn Brakema Diederik Gommers Juliette Matijssen

Gezondheid, gezondheidszorg en natuur zijn onlosmakelijk met elkaar verbonden. Het tegengaan van klimaatverandering, biodiversiteitsverlies en milieuvervuiling levert enorme gezondheidswinst op. Zorgprofessionals kunnen juist daarom, en vanwege het bijzondere vertrouwen dat zij in de maatschappij genieten, een sleutelrol spelen in de duurzaamheidstransitie in de zorg. Met dit boek ontdek je welke acties iedereen in de zorg kan doorvoeren om de zorgsector te vergroenen. Al lezende zul je ontdekken hoe je als zorgprofessional de koers kunt versnellen naar een gezonde planeet met gezonde bewoners.Dit boek neemt je op een optimistische manier mee in de begrippen ‘Planetary Health’ en duurzame zorg. Of je nu zelf in de zorg werkt of niet, of je al achtergrondkennis hebt of niet: in enkele uurtjes lezen ben je bijgepraat over de laatste stand van zaken om de milieuvoetafdruk van de zorg te verlagen. Het boek biedt de meest up-to-date achtergrondinformatie zowel als concrete tips voor op de werkvloer: over CO2, circulariteit, gedragsverandering, medicatie en nog veel meer. Het boek helpt je ook om je eigen positie te bepalen aangaande een complex thema als klimaatrechtvaardigheid, en aangaande situaties waarin de duurzaamheidsopgave soms te groot lijkt.We hebben er als redactie voor gekozen dat de experts zelf aan het woord komen. Dit zijn de professionals die zich de afgelopen jaren hebben gespecialiseerd in specifieke deelgebieden betreffende vergroening van de zorg. Zo hebben we alle expertise gebundeld in een bondig boek dat uitgaat van de meest recente en relevante literatuur. Uiteraard is het boek zo duurzaam mogelijk vormgegeven en gedrukt.Hopelijk raak je net als wij geïnspireerd om planetaire gezondheid te zien als een kans om bij te dragen aan een groenere planeet en zo aan een groene, toekomstbestendige vorm van gezondheidszorg, nu én in de toekomst. Zo krijg je hopelijk al lezende zin om aan te haken bij de groene golf in de zorg die nu gaande is.Veel leesplezier met ‘Groene planeet, groene zorg’!'

Industry 4.0 and the Road to Sustainable Steelmaking in Europe: Recasting the Future (Topics in Mining, Metallurgy and Materials Engineering)

by Dean Stroud Antonius Johannes Schröder Luca Antonazzo Clara Behrend Valentina Colla Aitor Goti Martin Weinel

This open access book gathers original contributions focused on the transition of the European steel industry to Industry 4.0. It not only investigates how Industry 4.0 can enhance productivity, cost-saving, and sustainability in the steel industry but also helps to comprehend its broad consequences on employment, education and training, human resources, economic resilience and decarbonisation. The content engages with the international debate on Industry 4.0 through the lens of the steel industry from a multidisciplinary perspective. It encourages a scientifically grounded critical approach and includes contributions from humanities and technical disciplines, with a focus on the social dimensions of the phenomenon. This book draws strength from up-to-date international research projects and adopts a strong industry-based perspective, providing a thorough description and analysis of the state of the art of the European steel industry. It also analyzes the trends, outcomes, opportunities, and criticalities arising with the transition to the Industry 4.0 paradigm. The book is primarily based on the results of the European Steel Skills Agenda (ESSA) skills alliance project co-funded by the Erasmus+ programme of the European Union and supported by the European Steel Technology Platform (ESTEP). This is an open access book.

Mad Max and Philosophy: Thinking Through the Wasteland (The Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture Series)

by William Irwin

Explore the philosophy at the core of the apocalyptic future of Mad Max Beneath the stylized violence and thrilling car crashes, the Mad Max films consider universal questions about the nature of human life, order and anarchy, justice and moral responsibility, society and technology, and ultimately, human redemption. In Mad Max and Philosophy, a diverse team of political scientists, historians, and philosophers investigates the underlying themes of the blockbuster movie franchise, following Max as he attempts to rebuild himself and the world around him. Requiring no background in philosophy, this engaging and highly readable book guides you through the barren wastelands of a post-apocalyptic future as you explore ethics and politics in The Wasteland, the importance of costumes and music, humankind's relationship with nature, commerce, gender, religion, madness, and much more. Covers all of George Miller's Mad Max films, including Mad Max: Fury Road Discusses connections between Mad Max and Nietzsche, Malthus, Mill, Foucault, Sartre, and other major philosophers Follows Max's journey from policeman and family man to lost soul in search of redemption Examines the future of technology and possible impacts on society, the environment, and access to natural resources Delves into feminist themes of Mad Max, such as the reversal of heroic gender roles in Fury Road and relationships between power and procreationPart of the bestselling Blackwell Philosophy and Pop Culture series, Mad Max and Philosophy: Thinking Through the Wasteland is a must-read for anyone wanting to philosophically engage with Max, Furiosa, and their dystopian world.

Learning Domain-Driven Design: Aligning Software Architecture And Business Strategy

by Vlad Khononov

Building software is harder than ever. As a developer, you not only have to chase ever-changing technological trends but also need to understand the business domains behind the software. This practical book provides you with a set of core patterns, principles, and practices for analyzing business domains, understanding business strategy, and, most importantly, aligning software design with its business needs.Author Vlad Khononov shows you how these practices lead to robust implementation of business logic and help to future-proof software design and architecture. You'll examine the relationship between domain-driven design (DDD) and other methodologies to ensure you make architectural decisions that meet business requirements. You'll also explore the real-life story of implementing DDD in a startup company.With this book, you'll learn how to:Analyze a company's business domain to learn how the system you're building fits its competitive strategyUse DDD's strategic and tactical tools to architect effective software solutions that address business needsBuild a shared understanding of the business domains you encounterDecompose a system into bounded contextsCoordinate the work of multiple teamsGradually introduce DDD to brownfield projects

Web API Cookbook

by Joe Attardi

JavaScript gives web developers great power to create rich interactive browser experiences, and much of that power is provided by the browser itself. Modern web APIs enable web-based applications to come to life like never before, supporting actions that once required browser plug-ins. Some are still in an experimental stage, but many are ready for use today.With this hands-on cookbook, author Joe Attardi helps you explore the powerful APIs available in modern browsers and guides you through the specific tasks that they unlock. Because these features are web standards, there is comprehensive documentation available from trusted resources such as MDN Web Docs. The knowledge you'll gain is transferable across different companies and projects.Learn the breadth of functionality available in modern browser APIsExplore future APIs that are still in an experimental stageDiscover newer elements, such as dialog that replaces the need for a third-party libraryBuild more powerful and interactive web applications using native APIsUnderstand the permissions model used by the browser to unlock functionality such as geolocation and push notifications

Sister Girls

by Angel M. Hunter

Jealousy, envy, and pure hateration. Maybe you've been there, or maybe you know someone who's going through it. Whatever the case, you know when things get rough, you can always count on your Sister Girls to be there for you. Take a look inside the lives and relationships of Crystal, Susan, Jewell, and Elsie. Their lives are laced with love, addiction, lust, and loyalty. Crystal must deal with a past she can't escape. Susan is in denial and needs to get real. Jewell is looking for a "good man," and Elsie is confused about her sexuality. When drama takes center stage, each woman is forced to confront her own set of issues. Their friendship is put to test numerous times and in ways that they never imagined. Together these four sisters take friendship to a new level that puts the realities of life's trials and tribulations into their proper perspective.

You Make Me Feel

by Monica Walters

A socialite and a cautious introvert try to make a love connection, but their differences might be more than they can overcome. Kinisha Jordan has always been a socialite, treating society like her personal revolving door. She doesn&’t dwell on people that have no place in her life. She simply moves on, trying her best not to let it affect her. However, seeing her friends find happiness and love is starting to weigh on her. Lonely nights are beginning to take a toll on her, and she finds herself in an undesirable predicament. Things spiral out of control, and she starts to regret her past choices, wondering if she has been too free with her time. Oliver Andrews has played it safe in life, refusing to take chances in any aspect of it. He learned to watch the experiences of others before deciding to live carelessly. He waits patiently for the attention of one woman. Playing the field has never been a part of who he is, and he refuses to reduce his standards simply because he&’s lonely. When a situation arises, despite his morals, he decides to step in and save the day. Kinisha needs help, and it ends up coming from the least likely source. Oliver has offered her a way out, but she doesn&’t know if she can agree to his terms. While the attraction is there, the statutes put in place might be too much for her to abide by. Will Oliver ease the stipulations he&’s put in place to obtain Kinisha&’s heart, or will Kinisha change who she is to satisfy Oliver&’s demands?

Highland Knight (The Murrays #5)

by Hannah Howell

New York Times bestselling author and master of Scottish Highland romance, Hannah Howell, brings readers this sensual and action-packed tale of the Murrays—her longest running and bestselling series. When Cameron MacAlpin learns the identity of the golden beauty tossed before him as a debt payment, he can't believe his fortune! For cat-eyed Avery Murray is the perfect weapon to use against Payton Murray—Avery's brother—who dishonored Cameron's own sister. Yet his plan to deliver the same insult and avenge his clan is thwarted by spirited Avery herself, who tempts him to forget everything but the passion coursing through his blood. Still, a knight of the Highlands owes his allegiance to his clan before all else—even his heart. Avery is outraged at her captor's accusations against her brother. Though he makes no secret he intends to use her to avenge his sister's lost honor, he adds to her fury by vowing to take her by seduction not force. Worse, she knows deep inside that this virile knight stirs her as no other man ever has. . .Praise for Hannah Howell and her Highland novels. . . "Few authors portray the Scottish highlands as lovingly or colorfully as Hannah Howell." —Publishers Weekly "Expert storyteller Howell pens another Highland winner." —RT Book Reviews

My Woman His Wife: Playing For Keeps (My Woman His Wife Ser. #3)

by Anna J.

For most couples, inviting someone into their bedroom is totally out of the question. Any normal woman would flip if her man even thought about trying a threesome with another woman. Jasmine is that woman, and more. It's not until her husband James pressures her into having a threesome that their once happy lives get turned into nothing but drama.

Before It's Too Late (An FBI K-9 Novel #2)

by Sara Driscoll

As a serial killer plays games with the FBI, a special agent and her K-9 partner refuse to follow the rules in this Washington, D.C., thriller. Somewhere in the Washington, D.C. area, a woman lies helpless in a box—barely breathing and buried alive. In Quantico, the FBI receives a coded message from the woman&’s abductor. He wants to play a game: decipher the clues, save the girl. But when FBI cryptanalysts crack the code, Special Agent Meg Jennings and her K-9 partner, Hawk, are too late. An innocent life is lost…and the killer&’s game is far from over. With more coded messages, the deadly pattern is repeated—again and again. As the body count rises, Meg decides to break protocol and consult her brilliant sister, Cara, to decipher the kidnapper&’s twisted clues. Putting her job on the line, Meg is determined not to let one more person die under her and Hawk&’s watch. If the plan fails, it could bite them in the end. And if it leads to the killer, it could bury them forever . . .

An Amish Cinderella (The Amish of Apple Creek #3)

by Shelley Shepard Gray

Set in the close-knit Amish community of Apple Creek, Ohio, this sweet Cinderella-inspired novel from the New York Times and USA Today bestselling and award-winning author is complete with a matchmaking pet rat, and will delight fans of heartwarming, wholesome fiction and readers of Charlotte Hubbard, Beverly Lewis, and Beth Wiseman. Now that her friends are all marrying or moving away, Heart Beachy has started feeling lonely. Worse, everyone keeps asking when she&’s going to find a man of her own. Don&’t they realize Heart has her hands full at home with her widowed dad, too many chores, and a menagerie of needy, small animals? Besides, she doesn&’t understand the fuss about marriage. It&’s enough to make her consider finally becoming a pet-sitter, or moving to an English community, where she won&’t be an oddity . . . Newcomer Clayton Glick is utterly charmed by Heart—and completely confounded. He can&’t figure out why this beautiful woman is as awkward as a teenager whenever he&’s around, which is often now that he&’s an apprentice to her blacksmith father. So Clayton starts assisting with Heart&’s never-ending tasks, even helping her corral her unruly pets. How else can he court an adorably flustered woman who doesn&’t know the first thing about courtship? Because courting is exactly what he intends . . . Heart doesn&’t know why her pulse hammers every time she sees Clayton. She only knows yielding to such emotions will mean trouble. . . . But maybe with a little faith—and the trying on of a shoe—Clayton can convince her to join him on the road to happily ever after.

Spirituality and the Awakening Self: The Sacred Journey Of Transformation

by David G. Benner

An internationally respected psychologist and spiritual guide explores the transformation of self as foundational to spirituality.

Heat Exchangers: Operation, Performance, and Maintenance

by Kuppan Thulukkanam

Heat Exchangers: Operation, Performance, and Maintenance, Third Edition covers heat exchanger installation, commissioning and operation, and maintenance and performance monitoring in service.Focusing on in-service issues like flow-induced vibration, corrosion, and corrosion control, and fouling and fouling control, the book explores performance deterioration in service, maintenance issues, defects, tube failures, and how to detect these issues with NDT methods. It discusses various cleaning processes and repair methods. The book also considers boilers, utility boilers, coal-based thermal power plants, boiler corrosion, and boiler degradation mechanisms. It discusses different types of cooling systems, feedwater treatment, deaerators, feedwater heaters, economizers, condensers, cooling towers, and cooling-water management.The book serves as a useful reference for researchers, graduate students, power plant engineers, and engineers in the field of heat exchanger design, including pressure vessel manufacturers.

Media Narratives and the COVID-19 Pandemic: The Asian Experience

by Shubhda Arora Keval J. Kumar

This volume investigates mediated lives and media narratives during the Covid-19 pandemic, with Asia as a focus point. It shows how the pandemic has created an unprecedented situation in this globalized world marked by many disruptions in the social, economic, political, and cultural lives of individuals and communities— creating a ‘new normal’. It explores the different media vocabularies of fear, panic, social distancing, and contagion from across Asian nations. It focuses on the role media played as most nations faced lockdowns and unique challenges during the crisis. From healthcare workers to sex workers, from racism to nationalism, from the plight of migrant workers in news reporting to state propaganda, this book brings critical questions confronting media professionals into focus.The volume is of critical interest to scholars and researchers of media and communication studies, politics, especially political communication, social and public policy, and Asian studies.

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