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The Unfinished House (Judy Bolton Mysteries #11)

by Margaret Sutton Pelagie Doane

Judy and Peter work to expose and outsmart a group of real estate swindlers. The Piper family has won a piece of property in Roulsville which is 15 feet by 100 feet. Since the property is not wide enough for a house, Mrs. Piper must purchase the adjoining property at a much higher than usual price so that she can build a house. Peter is determined to help Mrs. Piper, so the young people design a home that can be built on a narrow lot of land and hire men to begin building the home. Soon after construction begins, the young people are warned to beware of the Red Circle. Strange sounds are heard at night as the Piper home is built. Several people become sick with a strange illness apparently caused by the Red Circle. Judy's search for the mysterious culprit becomes even more desperate when her beloved cat Blackberry falls ill!

The Riddle Of The Double Ring (Judy Boltom Mysteries #10)

by Margaret Sutton Pelagie Doane

Judy is surprised when Arthur Farringdon-Pett slips an engagement ring, a pigeon's blood ruby, on her finger. She forces Arthur to keep the engagement secret, as she still feels torn in her feelings between Arthur and Peter and needs more time to think. Meanwhile, Lorraine Lee guesses that Arthur has proposed to Judy. Lorraine decides to try to capture the thieves who robbed a fur store in Farringdon in an attempt to prove to Arthur that she can be just like Judy. When Lorraine disappears Judy and Arthur begin a desperate search for her, with no clue as to where she has gone. Judy and Arthur fly in Arthur's plane, which crashes. Arthur is hurt, and Judy knows what must be done, if only she can locate Lorraine. Judy's search for Lorraine also leads her to the fur thieves and an exciting confrontation.

The Mysterious Half Cat (Judy Bolton Mysteries #9)

by Margaret Sutton

Judy is excited that her old friend, "Scottie", is returning to Farringdon. They plan a huge welcoming party for Scottie at the railroad station, but things turn for the worse when Scottie is upset and agitated, trying to control her little sister, Carol. Carol is a very difficult child and Scottie expects Judy to help her find a way to help Carol while also searching for lost relatives. Unfortunately, Judy is in the midst of two other mysteries. Strange happening at the Chinese laundry and disappearing objects have Judy in detective mode. Follow Judy as she helps solve Carol's problem and helps everyone come together. The thirty-eight volume Judy Bolton series was written during the thirty-five years from 1932-1967. It is one of the most successful and enduring girls' series ever published. The Judy Bolton books are noted not only for their fine plots and thrilling stories, but also for their realism and their social commentary. Unlike most other series characters, Judy and her friends age and mature in the series and often deal with important social issues. To many, Judy is a feminist in the best light-smart, capable, courageous, nurturing, and always unwavering in her true beliefs; a perfect role model.

The Voice In The Suitcase (Judy Bolton Mysteries #8)

by Margaret Sutton

A picnic, a strange suitcase with voices from within, a surprise golden anniversary party and a friendship across the proverbial railroad tracks the Judy into her latest mystery. Everything begins with Judy and her friends befriending a pair of hungry hobos caring a strange suitcase making very peculiar sounds resembling words. After accidentally being left behind, Judy and Honey on a man appears to be left for dead in a ditch. Now he has the strange suitcase which continues to talk to them. After dropping them off the middle of nowhere at an isolated, you would think the mystery is behind them. However, Judy befriends two younger girls one poor, one entitled, and befriends the poor one, helping her prepare her grandparents home for a surprise golden anniversary party. Soon Judy becomes concerned, however, when it appears that an uncle may be involved in criminal activity. Come along with Judy and her friends on her next adventure! The thirty-eight volume Judy Bolton series was written during the thirty-five years from 1932-1967. It is one of the most successful and enduring girls' series ever published. The Judy Bolton books are noted not only for their fine plots and thrilling stories, but also for their realism and their social commentary. Unlike most other series characters, Judy and her friends age and mature in the series and often deal with important social issues. To many, Judy is a feminist in the best light-smart, capable, courageous, nurturing, and always unwavering in her true beliefs; a perfect role model.

The Mystic Ball (Judy Bolton Mysteries #7)

by Margaret Sutton Pelagie Doane

Judy Bolton, Irene Lang, and the rest of their friends attend the presentation of a fortune teller at the Farringdon theater. Irene is called to the stage, and the fortune teller warns Irene not to go to New York to marry Dale Meredith. Irene becomes nervous and worried after her consultation with the fortune teller, and Judy fears that Irene will ruin her life based on the dire prediction. Judy knows that the fortune teller is tricking the audience in some fashion, but how can she prove that the fortune teller has some unscrupulous means of acquiring information? And how does the fortune teller determine which people to ask on stage for a consultation? Judy's wits are put to the test as she struggles to find a solution to this complex mystery in time to prevent superstitious Irene from making a drastic mistake.

The Yellow Phantom (Judy Bolton Mysteries #6)

by Margaret Sutton

Away from home, Judy and Irene spend time with their new friend, Pauline, in NYC while Pauline's renowned father, a doctor, is away. En route to NYC, on a train, the girls meet a very interesting, absorbed man with strange notes left behind has they disembark. Irene is she this mystery man is her ideal guy, so when they arrive and Pauline is in school, they try to search for him. However, after scaring Judy's new employer, Irene, and some valuable poetry manuscripts disappear. How can Judy find Irene, clear her name, and will there be a happy ending for a Irene and the mystery writer, Dale? The thirty-eight volume Judy Bolton series was written during the thirty-five years from 1932-1967. It is one of the most successful and enduring girls' series ever published. The Judy Bolton books are noted not only for their fine plots and thrilling stories, but also for their realism and their social commentary. Unlike most other series characters, Judy and her friends age and mature in the series and often deal with important social issues. To many, Judy is a feminist in the best light-smart, capable, courageous, nurturing, and always unwavering in her true beliefs; a perfect role model.

The Ghost Parade (Judy Bolton Mysteries #5)

by Margaret Sutton Pelagie Doane

Judy regrets that she is leaving Farringdon for a vacation in the Thousand Islands just as life in Farringdon gets interesting. The police are on the trail of counterfeiters, but Judy won't be around to help them. Excitement does follow Judy, however, when she impulsively purchases seven Indian masks at an auction. Judy learns that the masks are rumored to be cursed and that misfortune befalls whomever owns the monster heads. At first Judy refuses to believe the nonsense, but after the young people arrive at camp, the heads begin to appear and disappear and change location within the storage box. Mysterious sounds are heard at night. The monster heads appear to be alive! As with all mysteries, there is a logical explanation for the movement of the monster heads, and Judy's search for the solution proves to be more exciting and dangerous than she could ever have imagined.

Seven Strange Clues (Judy Bolton Mysteries #4)

by Margaret Sutton Pelagie Doane

Kay Vincent dances around singing the school song as Girls' Farringdon High burns to the ground. Kay's behavior is appalling to the other girls who are devastated about the loss of their school. Many girls, including Judy, have lost their posters which had already been submitted for an upcoming contest. The fire leads to several unsolved mysteries. Several people suspect Honey of starting the fire out of maliciousness, and while Judy cannot believe the accusations, she admits that she doesn't know Honey that well. Judy vows to exonerate Honey of all blame. The mystery deepens when Judy learns that she is the winner of the poster contest! Judy is mystified, since her poster burned in the school. When Judy sees the winning poster, it is not her poster, but someone else's, with Judy's name on it! Judy must discover who the real artist is, who submitted the poster in her name, and repair a strained friendship.

The Invisible Chimes (Judy Bolton Mysteries #3)

by Margaret Sutton Pelagie Doane

"Doctor, I can't remember. I can't recall-a-single-thing." The strange girl whom Judy calls 'Honey' appears to have no memory of her past. Honey's sweet disposition endears her to both the Bolton and the Dobbs families, but Judy begins to wonder if Honey is hiding something. Honey's behavior is strange, and she is evasive when questioned about her actions. Adding to Judy's suspicion is the fact that Honey was in the company of thieves when she had the accident that caused her memory loss. There is also the matter of the invisible chimes, which ring from an invisible source, and usually when Honey is around. The source of the invisible chimes is soon revealed, and Judy's faith in Honey is greatly shaken. In a bizarre twist, Honey learns a startling secret about her past that will change her life forever.

Outsiders: Five Women Writers who Changed the World

by Lyndall Gordon

Mary Shelley, Emily Brontë, George Eliot, Olive Schreiner and Virginia Woolf: they all wrote dazzling books that forever changed the way we see history. In Outsiders, award-winning biographer Lyndall Gordon shows how these five novelists shared more than talent. In a time when a woman's reputation was her security, each of these women lost hers. They were unconstrained by convention, writing against the grain of their contemporaries, prophetically imagining a different future. Gordon's biographies have always shown the indelible connection between life and art: an intuitive, exciting and revealing approach that has been highly praised. In Outsiders, she crafts nuanced portraits of Shelley, Brontë, Eliot, Schreiner and Woolf, naming each of these writers as prodigy, visionary, 'outlaw,' orator, and explorer, and shows how they came, they saw, and they left us changed.


by Catherine Asaro

Sequel to Sunrise Alley. The creator of a prescribed network of rogue androids has been destroyed, his multiple copies deleted - except for one. Alpha: a female android who seems to possess a conscience - so much so that her execution is delayed. Now, on the run, and with her former captor as hostage, Alpha moves to activate a long dormant master-plan.

Slow Blind Drive

by Gwen O'Toole

Slow Blind Drive is a conversation with the dead. A letter to an unlikely muse and a testament to the resilience of unconditional love. All at once haunting and horrific, erotic and endearing, this is the story of what it means to grow up a girl, to find solace in addiction, to have everything and give it away. It's a raw and sentimental account that follows a childhood friendship as it thrives and suffers through an intimate love, drug addiction, mental illness and betrayal. This is a story whose characters stay with you long after you've turned the last pages.

1948: Harry Truman's Improbable Victory and the Year that Transformed America

by David Pietrusza

The behind-the-headline true story of Harry Truman's stunning upset! Everyone knows the iconic news photo of jubilant underdog Harry Truman brandishing a copy of the Chicago Tribune proclaiming "DEWEY DEFEATS TRUMAN. " David Pietrusza goes backstage to explain how it happened, placing the brutal political battle in the context of an erupting Cold War and America's exploding storms over civil rights and domestic communism. Pietrusza achieves for 1948's presidential race what he previously did in his acclaimed 1960--LBJ vs. JFK vs. Nixon: bringing history to life and intrigue readers with tales of high drama while simultaneously presenting the issues, personalities, and controversies of this pivotal era with laser-like clarity.

1960--LBJ vs. JFK vs. Nixon: The Epic Campaign That Forged Three Presidencies

by David Pietrusza

It was the election that would ultimately give America "Camelot" and its tragic aftermath, a momentous contest when three giants who each would have a chance to shape the nation battled to win the presidency. Award-winning author David Pietrusza does here for the 1960 presidential race what he did in his previous book, 1920: the Year of the Six Presidents--which Kirkus Reviews selected as one of their Best Books of 2007. Until now, the most authoritative study of the 1960 election was Theodore White's Pulitzer Prize-winning The Making of the President, 1960. But White, as a trusted insider, didn't tell all. Here's the rest of the story, what White could never have known, nor revealed. Finally, it's all out--including JFK's poignant comment on why LBJ's nomination as vice president would be inconsequential: "I'm 43 years old. I'm not going to die in office. " Combining an engaging narrative with exhaustive research, Pietrusza chronicles the pivotal election of 1960, in which issues of civil rights and religion (Kennedy was only the second major-party Roman Catholic candidate ever) converged. The volatile primary clash between Senate Majority leader LBJ and the young JFK culminated in an improbable fusion ticket. The historic, legendary Kennedy-Nixon debates followed in its wake. The first presidential televised debates, they forever altered American politics when an exhausted Nixon was unkempt and tentative in their first showdown. With 80 million viewers passing judgment, Nixon's poll numbers dropped as the charismatic Kennedy's star rose. Nixon learned his lesson--resting before subsequent debates, reluctantly wearing makeup, and challenging JFK with a more aggressive stance--but the damage was done. There's no one better to convey the drama of that tumultuous year than Pietrusza. He has 1,000 secrets to spill; a fascinating cast of characters to introduce (including a rogue's gallery of hangers-on and manipulators); and towering historical events to chronicle. And all of it is built on painstaking research and solid historical scholarship. Pietrusza tracks down every lead to create a winning, engaging, and very readable account. With the 2008 elections approaching, politics will be on everyone's mind, and 1960: LBJ vs. JFK vs. Nixon will transform the way readers see modern American history. A sampling of what Theodore White couldn't chronicle--and David Pietrusza does: · Richard Nixon's tempestuous Iowa backseat blowup, and his bizarre Election Day road trip · The full story of a sympathetic call from JFK to Coretta Scott King · John Ehrlichman's spy missions on the Nelson Rockefeller and Democratic camps · The warnings before Election Day that Chicago's mayor Daley would try to fix the race's outcome · JFK's amphetamine-fueled debate performance


by Andrew Holleran

"Reeling from the recent death of his invalid mother, an exhausted, lonely professor comes to our nation's capital to escape his previous life." "What he finds there - in his handsome, solitary landlord; in the city's somber mood and sepulchral architecture; and in the strange and impassioned letters and journals of Mary Todd Lincoln - shows him unexpected truths about America and loss. As he seeks to engage with the living world around him - a challenging student, the mother of a dead friend, even his landlord's neglected dog - he comes to realize that his relationship to his grief is very different than he had thought." "In Grief, Holleran summons voices from the past that eerily echo and speak to our own troubled times. It is a masterwork by one of America's singular voices, a writer who is beloved for his depth of feeling, his humor, the elegance of his prose, and his unflinching honesty."--BOOK JACKET.

Nasty Women: Feminism, Resistance, and Revolution in Trump’s America

by Samhita Mukhopadhyay Kate Harding

Twenty-Three Leading Feminist Writers on Protest and Solidarity. When 53 percent of white women voted for Donald Trump and 94 percent of black women voted for Hillary Clinton, how can women unite in Trump's America? Nasty Women includes inspiring essays from a diverse group of talented women writers who seek to provide a broad look at how we got here and what we need to do to move forward. Featuring essays byREBECCA SOLNIT on Trump and his "misogyny army,"CHERYL STRAYED on grappling with the aftermath of Hillary Clinton's loss,SARAH HEPOLA on resisting the urge to drink after the election,NICOLE CHUNG on family and friends who support Trump,KATHA POLLITT on the state of reproductive rights and what we do next,JILL FILIPOVIC on Trump's policies and the life of a young woman in West Africa,SAMANTHA IRBYon racism and living as a queer black woman in rural America,RANDA JARRAR on traveling across the country as a queer Muslim American,SARAH HOLLENBECK on Trump's cruelty toward the disabled,MEREDITH TALUSAN on feminism and the transgender community, andSARAH JAFFE on the labor movement and active and effective resistance,among others.

Never a Dull Moment: 1971--The Year That Rock Exploded

by David Hepworth

David Hepworth was twenty-one in 1971 and has been writing and broadcasting about music ever since. In this entertaining and provocative book, he argues that 1971 saw an unrepeatable surge of musical creativity, technological innovation, naked ambition and outrageous good fortune that combined to produce music that still crackles with relevance today. There’s a story behind every note of that music. From the electric blue fur coat David Bowie wore when he first arrived in America in February to Bianca’s neckline when she married Mick Jagger in Saint-Tropez in May, from the death of Jim Morrison in Paris in July to the reemergence of Bob Dylan at Madison Square Garden in August, from the soft launch of Carole King’s Tapestry in California in February to the sensational arrival of Led Zeppelin’s “Stairway To Heaven” in London in November, Hepworth’s forensic sweep takes in all the people, places and events that helped make 1971 rock’s unrepeatable year.

The Grave Soul (Jane Lawless Mysteries #23)

by Ellen Hart

When Guthrie Hewitt calls on restaurateur and private investigator Jane Lawless, he doesn't know where else he can turn. Guthrie has fallen for a girl-Kira Adler. In fact, he was planning to propose to her on Christmas Eve. But his trip home with Kira over Thanksgiving made him uneasy. All her life, Kira has been haunted by a dream-a nightmare, really. In the dream, she witnesses her mother being murdered. She knows it can't be true because the dream doesn't line up with the facts of her mother's death. But after visiting Kira's home for the first time, and receiving a disturbing anonymous package in the mail, Guthrie starts to wonder if Kira's dream might hold more truth than she knows. When Kira's called home again for a family meeting, Guthrie knows he needs Jane's help to figure out the truth, before the web of secrets Kira's family has been spinning all these years ensnares Kira too. And Jane's investigation will carry her deep into the center of a close-knit family that is not only fraying at the edges, but about to burst apart. InThe Grave Soul, Ellen Hart once again brings her intimate voice to the story of a family and the secrets that can build and destroy lives.

The Old Deep and Dark (Jane Lawless Mysteries #22)

by Ellen Hart

Renowned theater director Cordelia Thorn is working to restore a historic theater in downtown Minneapolis that she and her actress sister, Octavia, recently bought. Cordelia has a vision for the playhouse's future, but the more she learns about the building, the more fascinated she becomes by its past. Nicknamed "The Old Deep and Dark" because of the Prohibition-era double murder that occurred in the basement--then a speakeasy--there are a wealth of secrets hidden inside its walls. And, to her shock and horror, Cordelia discovers that there is also one present-day body literally buried in a basement wall. Cordelia immediately calls on her best friend, P. I. Jane Lawless. Although Jane is already in the thick of another investigation--she's embroiled in a well-known country-western singer's family scandal--she agrees to help Cordelia out on the side. But show-biz is a small world, and as Jane starts tracing the trails of two separate investigations, she's surprised to find they might not be as unconnected as she thought. With The Old Deep and Dark, the latest installment in the award-winning Jane Lawless series, Ellen Hart has crafted another impeccably plotted, seamlessly written mystery.

Taken by the Wind (Jane Lawless Mysteries #21)

by Ellen Hart

PI and restaurateur Jane Lawless must track down two missing teenagers. Although Eric and Andrew have been trying to keep up a semblance of normal life, they know their thirteen-year-old son Jack has been having a tough time of it since they separated. They've been concerned, but now they're terrified--Jack has run away from home. It happened once before, just after the separation, but then it was only a matter of hours before Eric found him. This time, Jack disappeared with his cousin, and the two of them haven't been seen for more than twenty-four hours. Desperate, Eric and Andrew call on private investigator Jane Lawless, a friend of Andrew's from years ago. Despite the fact that her business partner, A. J. Nolan, is now in a wheelchair and struggling with depression, Jane agrees to help out. But after examining Eric and Andrew's home, Jane's first impression of the case isn't good--in fact, she's not convinced the boys ran away at all. She thinks they may have been abducted. . . or worse. Taken by the Wind, the latest riveting mystery from award-winning author Ellen Hart, is a race against the clock for Jane and the terrified parent of two missing boys.

Rest for the Wicked (Jane Lawless #20)

by Ellen Hart

DeAndre Moore came to Minneapolis from St. Louis with a purpose, but things aren't going as he planned. When it becomes clear he's in way over his head, DeAndre can think of only one person to call for help - his Uncle Nolan's business partner, newly licensed private investigator Jane Lawless. However, by the time Jane listens to his voice mail, she's hearing a voice from beyond the grave - DeAndre left the message only minutes before he was knifed to death outside a gentlemen's club. Soon his murder isn't the only one. With Nolan in the hospital, Jane sets out to find out who killed DeAndre, how his death is connected with the others, and what he was doing in Minneapolis in the first place. Rest for the Wicked is another outstanding addition to Ellen Hart's award-winning mystery series.

Raised by the Mistress

by Jamilah B. Creekmur

When Wayne Lampkin, a state correctional officer and former Marine, came into Valli Barnes life in the fall of 1982, he was a 33-year-old man with a step-\son, three children from a previous marriage, and a new wife and infant son. By all accounts, it was a messy situation, particularly considering that Valli, with her two children, Jamilah and Kenny, had recently gone through her own divorce. Despite all of the hurt and pain that their relationship would cause their loved ones, and themselves, Valli and Wayne fell deeply in love for 20 long, tumultuous years, all while Wayne lived a double life as a married man. In RAISED BY THE MISTRESS the hot-button topic of infidelity is explored in a way that forces the reader to understand just how multi-layered and extensive the perils of cheating can truly be for the entire family. In what is sure to be one of the most talked about memoirs of the year, RAISED BY THE MISTRESS offers a uniquely personal, deeply intimate look into the complicated past of a family torn apart by two people who fell in love under the wrong circumstances. For perhaps the first time ever, RAISED BY THE MISTRESS features, alongside the viewpoints of Valli and Wayne, the poignant voice of Valli's daughter, Jamilah, whose perspective on her mother's relationship is laced with disapproval, perplexity and pure frustration, particularly as she helplessly watched her mother simultaneously battle with alcoholism. The discussion around infidelity is a long-standing hot topic which frequently generates headlines around the world: Tiger and Elin; Sandra and Jesse; John and Elizabeth. Yet, the painful process of deciding what to do about a broken marriage continues for the couple long after the media has moved on, almost certainly impacting the larger family unit beyond the husband and wife. Infidelity is often shrouded in secrecy and shame. However, the authors of RAISED BY THE MISTRESS aspire to finally start an honest dialogue about infidelity and what it means for everyone involved. Not only is their story destined to be an unputdownable read, but perhaps once the conversation starts, the healing can also begin for the countless families who experience the pain of infidelity. Each chapter of this memoir, whether the voice of Valli, Wayne or Jamilah, carries the reader from decade to decade, from tragedy to triumph, as this family grows together and apart, and ultimately reunites for an ending that one could never expect.


by Imogen Binnie

Nevada is the darkly comedic story of Maria Griffiths, a young trans woman living in New York City and trying to stay true to her punk values while working retail. When she finds out her girlfriend has lied to her, the world she thought she'd carefully built for herself begins to unravel, and Maria sets out on a journey that will most certainly change her forever.

Bit Literacy: Productivity in the Age of Information and E-mail Overload

by Mark Hurst

More than a quick fix or another "how-to" guide, the book offers an entirely new way of attaining productivity that users at any level of expertise can put into action right away. This is "bit literacy," a method for working more productively in the digital age, with less stress.

Julia's Children: A Norwegian Immigrant Family in Minnesota (1876-1947)

by Carl H. Chrislock Margaret Chrislock Gilseth

Julia’s Children details the lives of a Norwegian immigrant family in Goodhue County, Minnesota... Although the focus is on the second generation, we become involved in three generations from the 1870’s to World War II...An honest portrayal of the tensions and developments in a Midwestern immigrant community ...Both the people and the events are brought alive by the author’s sensitivity to character... A brother-sister conflict produces the central emotional impact... Readers will discover the familiar; they will also face the unusual.

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