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Showing 2,776 through 2,800 of 2,869 results
Title Author ISBN Copyright Features Action
The Goddess of 5th Avenue: A Novel 30844 Carol Simone 9781930880009 2001
Bullfrog at Magnolia Circle 611127 Deborah Dennard 9781931465052 2002
A Life for a Life: America's Other Death Penalty 36272 James A. Paluch Jr Thomas Bernard Robert A. Johnson 9781931719377 2004
Don Quixote (Adapted) 620180 Miguel De Cervantes James Baldwin 9781931728447 2003
Wandering Star 44899 J. M. G. Le Clézio C. Dickson 9781931896115 2004
Britain at the Polls 2005 276345 John Bartle Anthony King 9781933116631 2006
The Combination 25852 Ashley Nelson 9781933368283 2005
The Demon's Librarian 94515 Lilith Saintcrow 9781933417448 2009
Software Testing Foundations: A Study Guide for the Certified Tester Exam (2nd edition) 44042 Andreas Spillner Tilo Linz Hans Schaefer 9781933952086 2007
Chanukah Guilt 36877 Ilene Schneider 9781934041314 2007
Thanks and Have Fun Running the Country: Kids' Letters to President Obama 54795 Jory John 9781934781579 2009
Arts, Culture, and Blindness: A Study of Blind Students in the Visual Arts 82546 Simon Hayhoe 9781934844076 2008
Bayo the Boo Cow 671578 Kathie Harrington 9781936525997 2012
The Transcriber 601053 Kristen Witucki 9781936846375 2013
Auf Gut Deutsch Gesagt: Ein Sprachbrevier für Fortgeschrittene 22323 Rudolf Walter Leonhardt 9783886800810 1983
A Dog Owner's Guide to German Shepherd Dogs 23666 Roy Allan Clarissa Allan 9783923880386 1988
The Black Lizard, and Beast in the Shadows 39834 Edogawa Rampo Ian Hughes 9784902075212 2006
Dharma Vahini 485069 Bhagawan Sri Sathya Sai Baba 9788172083441 2003
Inner Pilgrimage: Ten Days to a Mindful Me 485070 Raji Lukkoor 9788182745025 2011
Cienfuegos V Brazofuerte 26214 Alberto Vázquez Figueroa 9788401323621 1991
Cañas y barro 27715 V. Blasco Ibáñez 9788401805257 1976
Margarita, está linda la mar 26798 Sergio Ramírez 9788420483818 1998
Paraíso encerrado 27719 Jesús Fernández Santos 9788423307463 1973
Crónica sin héroes 26308 Guillermo A. R. Carrizo 9788423308842 1975
El verano de los cisnes 26160 Betsy Byars 9788424678319 1984

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Showing 2,776 through 2,800 of 2,869 results