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Showing 351 through 375 of 2,869 results
Title Author ISBN Copyright Features Action
The Worldly Philosophers: The Lives, Times and Ideas of the Great Economic Thinkers 26965 Robert Heilbroner 1967
The African Queen 108023 C. S. Forester 9780316289108 1968
The Armies of the Night: History as a Novel, The Novel as History 38286 Norman Mailer 9780452272798 1968
The Beastly Beatitudes of Balthazar B 26247 J. P. Donleavy 1968
Classics Revisited 35209 Kenneth Rexroth Bradford Morrow 9780811209885 1968
The Colonel's Ladies 36407 Eric Hatch 1968
Conan of the Isles 26602 L. Sprague de Camp Lin Carter 9780722147009 1968
Conan the Avenger 26601 Robert E. Howard L. Sprague de Camp Bjørn Nyberg 9780722146934 1968
Derai 35463 E. C. Tubb 1968
Dolly and the Singing Bird (Johnson Johnson #1) 32152 Dorothy Dunnett 9780140073270 1968
Dreams: Your Magic Mirror with Interpretations by Edgar Cayce 28187 Elsie Sechrist 1968
Due to Circumstances Beyond Our Control... 34776 Fred W. Friendly 9780394704098 1968
The First Circle 29088 Alexander Solzhenitsyn Michael Guybon 1968
Forfeit 36254 Dick Francis 9780330025324 1968
From Abacus to Zeus: A Handbook of Art History 20913 James Smith Pierce 1968
A Gift From Earth 34512 Larry Niven 9780345350510 1968
Hudden and Dudden and Donald O'Neary 24324 Joseph Jacobs 1968
If I Owned a Candy Factory 25995 James Stevenson 9780440843290 1968
Inside Mr. Enderby 33929 Anthony Burgess 9780070089709 1968
The Littles to the Rescue 21789 John Peterson 1968
The Man Who Loved Children 36840 Christina Stead 9780312280444 1968
The Pill Versus The Springhill Mine Disaster 25445 Richard Brautigan 1968
Pinocchio's Promise 21791 The Editors at the Walt Disney Company 9780553055764 1968
Q.E.D. Queen's Experiments in Detection 25527 Ellery Queen 1968
The Revolution of Hope: Toward a Humanized Technology 27404 Erich H. Fromm 1968

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Showing 351 through 375 of 2,869 results