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Showing 401 through 425 of 2,869 results
Title Author ISBN Copyright Features Action
Laxdaela Saga 34701 Hermann Palsson Magnus Magnusson 9780140442182 1969
Marshal Zhukov's Greatest Battles 40816 Georgi K. Zhukov Theodore Shabad Harrison E. Salisbury 1969
Mile High 25602 Richard Condon 1969
Mr. Bridge 15832 Evan S. Connell 9780865470545 1969
A Personal Matter 38583 John Nathan Kenzaburo Oë 1969
Postmarked the Stars (Solar Queen #4) 256570 Andre Norton 1969
Readings in Humanistic Psychology 23669 Anthony J. Sutich Miles A. Vich 1969
Readings on Modern Organizations 12703 Amitai Etzioni 1969
To Be Young, Gifted and Black: Lorraine Hansberry in her Own Words 20300 Lorraine Hansberry 9780451159526 1969
Trouble River 44381 Betsy Byars 9780140342437 1969
Twenty Love Poems and a Song of Despair 25123 Pablo Neruda W. S. Merwin 9780140186482 1969
Up the Line 24765 Robert Silverberg 1969
The Wednesday Witch 12423 Ruth Chew 1969
Wellspring 33059 Edward H. Hawkins 1969
Wolfling 35238 Gordon R. Dickson 9780440196334 1969
السيف والنار فى السودان 444619 سلاطين باشا
أخبار الحمقى و المغفلين 444631 ابن الجوزي
The Age of Reason 152310 Thomas Paine 9781595479105
Bedtime Stories 23858 Enid Blyton 9780361015240 1970
A Beggar in Jerusalem 29286 Elie Wiesel Lily Edelman 1970
The Blacker the Berry ... 37408 Wallace Thurman 9780020547501 1970
The Body Has a Head 26598 Gustav Eckstein 1970
Books That Changed America 19820 Robert B. Downs 1970
Brighton Rock 26808 Graham Greene 9780140004427 1970
The Call of the Wild 26992 Jack London

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Showing 401 through 425 of 2,869 results