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Showing 451 through 475 of 2,869 results
Title Author ISBN Copyright Features Action
The Old English Baron 152311 Clara Reeve 9781406838312
The Poky Little Puppy 25996 Janette Sebring Lowrey 1970
Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain 27406 Sheila Ostrander Lynn Schroeder 1970
Reivindicación del Conde don Julián 27717 Juan Goytisolo 1970
The Runaway Bunny 24680 Margaret Wise Brown 9780064430180 1970
Science Fiction Hall of Fame, Volume One 33531 Robert Silverberg 9780765305374 1970
Sing Down the Moon 365162 Scott O'Dell 9780440979753 1970
Soledad Brother: The Prison Letters of George Jackson 31206 George Jackson 1970
Sonnets from the Portuguese 22677 Elizabeth Barrett Browning
The Trial and Death of Socrates: Four Dialogues 101730 Plato Benjamin Jowett 9780486270661
Try and Trust 35532 Horatio Alger Jr.
Voyage of the Liberdade 31515 Joshua Slocum 9780486400228
Whose Land? A History of the Peoples of Palestine 22815 James Parkes 1970
365 Days 373201 Ronald J. Glasser 1971
The Abortion: An Historical Romance 1966 27801 Richard Brautigan 1971
Badger Claws of Ojai 620172 Matt Boardman 1971
Bird Ambulance 33051 Arline Thomas 1971
The Case of the Drowning Duck and The Case of the Crooked Candle 25507 Erle Stanley Gardner 1971
The Couple 28132 Alfred Palca Monte Ghertler 1971
Destiny Doll 23431 Clifford D. Simak 1971
Furthest 20424 Suzette Haden Elgin 1971
The Glass Bead Game 33685 Hermann Hesse Richard Winston Clara Winston 1971
God Dwells Within Us 35468 Fr. Thomas Dubay 1971
The Heart of the Matter 36462 Graham Greene 9780140017892 1971
The Human Comedy 36550 William Saroyan 9780440339335 1971

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Showing 451 through 475 of 2,869 results