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Showing 1,926 through 1,950 of 2,869 results
Title Author ISBN Copyright Features Action
The Samurai's Tale 108237 Erik Christian Haugaard 9780395345597 1984
The Self-Coached Runner 11667 Allan Lawrence Mark Scheid 9780316516716 1984
The Shattered World 35341 Michael Reaves 9780671559519 1984
Something Out There 21579 Nadine Gordimer 9780670656608 1984
The Spell of the Sorcerer's Skull (Johnny Dixon #3) 12411 John Bellairs 9780553153576 1984
Taffy Sinclair Strikes Again 12921 Betsy Haynes 9780553152357 1984
The Time It Never Rained 521957 Elmer Kelton 9780765360588 1984
The Transitive Vampire: A Handbook of Grammar for the Innocent, the Eager and the Doomed 33256 Karen Elizabeth Gordon 1984
The Unbearable Lightness of Being 22980 Milan Kundera Michael Henry Heim 9780060152581 1984
Utopia Hunters (Inquestor Trilogy, Book #3) 35339 Somtow Sucharitkul 9780553245264 1984
Valentina: Soul in Sapphire 35643 Joseph H. Delaney Marc Stiegler 9780671559168 1984
El verano de los cisnes 26160 Betsy Byars 9788424678319 1984
West of Sunset 21296 Dirk Bogarde 9780140069778 1984
When a Darkness Falls 15831 Paul Zindel 9780553245721 1984
With Friends Like These... 11924 Alan Dean Foster 9780345316578 1984
The Zanzibar Cat 35650 Joanna Russ 9780671559069 1984
20,000 Leagues Under the Sea 24318 Jules Verne Judith Conaway 9780394853338 1983
Aquila in the New World (The Aquiliad, Volume I) 23362 S. P. Somtow Somtow Sucharitkul 9780345338679 1983
Arthur's April Fool 40622 Marc Brown 9780316112345 1983
Los Asesinatos del Rosario 26437 William X. Kienzle 9789681314606 1983
Auf Gut Deutsch Gesagt: Ein Sprachbrevier für Fortgeschrittene 22323 Rudolf Walter Leonhardt 9783886800810 1983
August 30348 Judith Rossner 9780446322560 1983
The Bone People 38338 Keri Hulme 9780140089226 1983
The Cheshire Cat's Eye (Sharon McCone Book #3) 12420 Marcia Muller 9780445408500 1983
Crater of Mystery (Tom Swift III, Book #8) 289576 Victor Appleton 9780671439545 1983

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