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Showing 2,426 through 2,450 of 2,869 results
Title Author ISBN Copyright Features Action
Future Shock 38173 Alvin Toffler 1970
Getting a Feel for Lunar Craters 370438 David Hurd
Goliath 26026 David M. Harris 1970
Hadley Course Catalog 34998 The Editors at the Hadley School for the Blind
I and Thou 24013 Martin Buber Walter Kaufmann 1970
Klingsor's Last Summer 22669 Hermann Hesse 1970
The Law of Love and the Law of Violence 605855 Leo Tolstoy 9780030845314 1970
Little Brother 114709 Cory Doctorow 9780765319852
The Man of Feeling 153169 Henry Mackenzie 9781605976815
Mastering Witchcraft: A Practical Guide for Witches, Warlocks, and Covens 28409 Paul Huson 1970
Mencius 31635 Mencius D. C. Lau 1970
Mental Health: Culture, Race and Ethnicity 21662 US Department of Health and Human Services 9780160508929
Mr. Sammler's Planet 42754 Saul Bellow 9780670333196 1970
Un mundo para Julius 26407 Alfredo Bryce Echenique 1970
Nathanael West: The Art of His Life 532805 Jay Martin 9780881840308 1970
The Notebooks of Serafino Gubbio 41505 Luigi Pirandello C. K. Scott Moncrieff 9780946626588
The Old English Baron 152311 Clara Reeve 9781406838312
The Poky Little Puppy 25996 Janette Sebring Lowrey 1970
Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain 27406 Sheila Ostrander Lynn Schroeder 1970
Reivindicación del Conde don Julián 27717 Juan Goytisolo 1970
The Runaway Bunny 24680 Margaret Wise Brown 9780064430180 1970
Science Fiction Hall of Fame, Volume One 33531 Robert Silverberg 9780765305374 1970
Sing Down the Moon 365162 Scott O'Dell 9780440979753 1970
Soledad Brother: The Prison Letters of George Jackson 31206 George Jackson 1970
Sonnets from the Portuguese 22677 Elizabeth Barrett Browning

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Showing 2,426 through 2,450 of 2,869 results