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Showing 176 through 200 of 2,869 results
Title Author ISBN Copyright Features Action
The Wanderings of Odysseus: The Story of the Odyssey 577093 Rosemary Sutcliff 9781845073602 1995
The Girl Who Loved the Night 575765 John Wallner 9780021821600 1997
Five True Dog Stories 575734 Margaret Davidson 9780590424011 1977
Claws! (Goosebumps Hall of Horrors #1) 575374 R. L. Stine 9780545289337 2011
Pride and Prejudice (Adapted Version) 574412 Jane Austen Janice Greene 9781616510893 2011
Blue Avenger Cracks the Code (Blue Avenger #2) 572089 Norma Howe 9780805063721 2000
Beneath the Glitter 569719 Elle Fowler Blair Fowler 9781250006189 2012
The Last Guardian (Artemis Fowl #8) 569471 Eoin Colfer 9781423161615 2012
The Singer and the Sea (The Winter of the World #5) 547919 Michael Scott Rohan 9781857237412 1999
Systemic Shock 567534 Dean Ing 9780812500387 1981
St .Francis of Assisi 567191 G. K. Chesterton 9780385029001 1989
Immigrant and Other Stories 547924 Clifford D. Simak 9780749306441 1991
The House of Gentle Men 566832 Kathy Hepinstall 9780380978090 2000
A Toad for Tuesday 564427 Russell E. Erickson 9780688163259 1974
The Next Place 564051 Warren Hanson 9780931674327 1997
The Journal of a New American 563676 Marsha De Jong 9780021824427 1997
Thimbleberry Stories 563674 Cynthia Rylant 9780153566073 2000
Dorp Dead 561768 Julia Cunningham 9780375822551 2002
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn (Adapted Classic) 560402 Mark Twain Suzanne Mccabe 9780766607200 2002
10 Minutes till Bedtime 557737 Peggy Rathmann 9780399237706 1998
Dream Lake (Friday Harbor #3) 554366 Lisa Kleypas 9781250008299 2012
Jenius: The Amazing Guinea Pig 553535 Dick King-Smith 9780786811359 1996
A Life after Deafness 552642 George B. Joslin 9781598723076 2006
A Necklace of Water (Balefire #4) 547848 Cate Tiernan 9781595140487 2006
Herculine Barbin: Being the Recently Discovered Memoirs of a Nineteenth-Century French Hermaphrodite 547521 Michel Foucault Richard Mcdougall 9780394738628 1980

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Showing 176 through 200 of 2,869 results