Learn your way: FREE books for School
Empower struggling readers with Bookshare
Bookshare® audiobooks and ebooks are transformative. They empower students with learning differences to read in ways that work for them with powerful assistive reading features. This makes reading easier and allows students to focus on learning. Plus, with a huge collection of textbooks and educational materials, teachers can find all the books students need in one convenient place.
Get your students a free account today.
Why Bookshare?
Explore books for K-12 students
Students who use Bookshare in general education benefit since they can keep up with their peers. They can use Bookshare during silent reading and throughout the day to access textbooks. My students have demonstrated better comprehension of text, which has led to increased participation in class discussion, as well as improved test scores.
Frequently asked questions
Who is eligible for Bookshare?
Bookshare is FREE for U.S. students with a qualifying disability, including dyslexia, blindness, visual impairment, or cerebral palsy. Students who are homeschooled may also qualify for Bookshare membership. Students who find it difficult to process or comprehend printed words, see text in books or on a screen, or physically manage books or reading devices can qualify. Review the “Who Qualifies” page to check whether your child is eligible for Bookshare membership.
Who can qualify my child for membership?
Bookshare eligibility is determined by a professional with appropriate expertise who has either evaluated the individual OR has reviewed evaluations that were conducted with the individual by other professionals with appropriate expertise in the specific disability being assessed. Learn about who can certify Bookshare eligibility.
Is my child eligible for a free membership?
Bookshare is free for any U.S. student of any age, who is eligible for membership, including homeschooled students. Once a student graduates out of school, they can continue using Bookshare via an annual subscription. Learn more about Individual Membership for adults.
Students outside the U.S. should review the information about global memberships to learn about qualification and membership costs.
Does my child need an individual membership in addition to their school account?
Read more about the benefits of adding an individual membership to an existing school account.
How does Bookshare work?
Once you have completed setting up your child’s Bookshare account, they can start reading right away, with Bookshare Reader in any web browser. You can also download the Bookshare Reader App on their tablet or smartphone to read on other devices. Here are video resources with information about logging in, finding, and reading or downloading books, to help you get your child started with Bookshare.
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Our Mission
We believe that access to information is a universal human right. Yet more than ninety percent of books and published materials cannot be read by people with disabilities. Our work is focused on making reading accessible to everyone around the world.