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Learn your way: FREE books for School

1.2 million titles

Textbooks, educational books, supplemental reading, popular kids and teen books.

Easy-to-read formats

Ebooks in audio, audio + highlighted text, large font, and braille.

Personalized learning

Adjust reading speed, text size, fonts, colors, and more to fit your student’s learning style.

Start reading faster

Memberships include Bookshare Reader, a free and easy-to-use app that works on phones, tablets, and computers.

Fully compliant

Helps schools meet IDEA, Section 504, ADA, and district student privacy policies.

100% FREE

For schools and students in the U.S. with qualifying disabilities (IEP or 504 not required).

Collage of students listening to books on laptops, teacher, and book covers

Still have questions?

We believe that access to information is a universal human right. Yet more than ninety percent of books and published materials cannot be read by people with disabilities. Our work is focused on making reading accessible to everyone around the world.