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How do I download books in Braille Ready Format (BRF)?

Bookshare books are available in BRF or Braille Ready Format for use with a braille note taker or refreshable braille display.

Note: The instructions below are for downloading BRF files on a computer or Braille note-taker.

If you are an Individual Member

  1. Log into your account
  2. Locate a book you wish to read
  3. Select the title of the book
  4. Select brf from the download format drop down (combo) box, then select the download button
  5. If asked whether you would like to Open or Save the file, please choose Save, then select a location where you can easily find it

Note: Most web browsers save files to the downloads folder by default.

If you are a sponsor or educator on an Organizational Account

  1. Log into your account
  2. Locate the book you wish and select the download button
  3. Place a check mark next to the name of the member(s) who need access to the book. Under the Download Format column, select brf
  4. Select the Prepare Books button
  5. On the next page, confirm your selection
  6. You will be taken to your My History page. Select the Available link located under Status
  7. If asked whether you would like to Open or Save the file, please choose Save, then select a location where you can easily find it

Note: Most web browsers save files to the downloads folder by default.

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