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Parents and students

Bookshare® audiobooks and ebooks are transformative. They make it easier for students with learning disabilities to read with powerful assistive reading features. Students can listen to books, follow with word-level highlighting, read in large text or braille, and customize their reading experience to learn in ways that work for them.

Make reading easier

Customize audio, word highlighting, text size, colors, and more to fit your child’s learning style

Learn more, struggle less

Spend less time struggling to read or to decode, and focus on comprehension and learning

Build confidence

Build not only literacy skills, but also belief in ones self

Discover passions

Deep dive on topics they love and discover new ones with access to a huge library

Learn for a lifetime

From elementary to high school, college, and beyond, learn through all phases of life

100% FREE

US students with qualifying disabilities join for free through an award from the Office of Special Education Programs

Lily and her mother smiling
Who can join Bookshare?

Bookshare is for students who find it difficult to process or comprehend printed words, see text in books or on a screen, or physically manage books or reading devices. To access our copyright library, students must have a qualifying disability. Learn about qualifications.

How much does it cost?

Bookshare is FREE for qualified U.S. students in Pre-K to 12th grade, post-secondary, graduate, vocational, and continuing education classes through an award from the Office of Special Education Programs (OSEP), US Department of Education.

What books are available to students?

Bookshare has books for every age and grade level of student. We have books for school, including textbooks and educational materials, new releases and popular series for children, middle school, teens, and young adult, as well as state-side curriculum, college course-level materials, and career resources. Learn about the library.

How do you read Bookshare books?

You can read Bookshare ebooks on computers, Chromebooks, smartphones, tablets, braille devices, and other assistive technology devices. You can use our free Bookshare Reader app available for web, iOS, Android, and Alexa-enabled devices. You can also read with a variety of compatible partner apps and devices.

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