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Efficient R Programming: A Practical Guide to Smarter Programming 6422248 Colin Gillespie Robin Lovelace 9781491950739 2016 Contains images
Ego Sum: Corpus, Anima, Fabula 6417986 null Jean-Luc Nancy 9780823270637 2016 Contains images
The Elegant Pitch: Create a Compelling Recommendation, Build Broad Support, and Get it Approved 6447541 Mike Figliuolo 9781632659538 2016 Contains images
Elegant SciPy: The Art of Scientific Python 6423231 Juan Nunez-Iglesias Stéfan van der Walt Harriet Dashnow 9781491922941 2016 Contains images
The Elephant in the Boardroom: How Leaders Use and Manage Conflict to Reach Greater Levels of Success 6448545 Edgar Papke 9781632659835 2016 Contains images
Elizabeth Cady Stanton and the Feminist Foundations of Family Law 6423518 null Tracy A. Thomas 9781479876815 2016 Contains images
Emerging Technologies in Non-Destructive Testing VI: Proceedings of the 6th International Conference on Emerging Technologies in Non-Destructive Testing (Brussels, Belgium, 27-29 May 2015) 6404401 D. G. Aggelis S. Vanlanduit A. Anastasopoulos 9781317298328 2016 Contains images
Empirical Research in Software Engineering: Concepts, Analysis, and Applications 6407432 null Ruchika Malhotra 9781040076712 2016 Contains images
Encyclopedia of Electronic Components Volume 3: Sensors for Location, Presence, Proximity, Orientation, Oscillation, Force, Load, Human Input, Liquid and Gas Properties, Light, Heat, Sound, and Electricity 6422180 Charles Platt 9781449334277 2016 Contains images
The End of Pink (American Poets Continuum) 6417077 null Kathryn Nuernberger 9781942683155 2016 Contains images
The End of the World and Other Teachable Moments: Jacques Derrida's Final Seminar (Perspectives in Continental Philosophy) 6417122 null Michael Naas 9780823263301 2016
End of Watch: A Novel (The Bill Hodges Trilogy #3) 6424668 Stephen King 9781501134159 2016 Contains images
Ending and Unending Agony: On Maurice Blanchot (Lit Z) 6416913 null Philippe Lacoue-Labarthe 9780823264599 2016 Contains images
Ending Zero Tolerance: The Crisis of Absolute School Discipline (Families, Law, and Society #12) 6420884 null Derek W. Black 9781479886081 2016
Enemies to Allies: Cold War Germany and American Memory (Studies In Conflict, Diplomacy, And Peace Ser.) 6410248 Brian C. Etheridge 9780813166421 2016 Contains images
An Enemy Reborn (Realms of Chaos) 6443721 Michael A. Stackpole William F. Wu 9781614754510 2016 Contains images
Energy Science and Applied Technology: Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Energy Science and Applied Technology (ESAT 2015) 6403808 Zhigang Fang 9781317398707 2016 Contains images
Enforcing the Equal Protection Clause: Congressional Power, Judicial Doctrine, and Constitutional Law 6416563 William D. Araiza 9781479848997 2016
Engineering for Industrial Designers and Inventors: Fundamentals for Designers of Wonderful Things 6419349 Thomas Ask 9781491932568 2016 Contains images
Enslaved by the Desert Trader 6434138 Greta Gilbert 9781488004292 2016 Contains images
Enterprise IoT: Strategies and Best Practices for Connected Products and Services 6422335 Dirk Slama Frank Puhlmann Jim Morrish Rishi M Bhatnagar 9781491925317 2016 Contains images
The Environment in Anthropology, Second Edition: A Reader in Ecology, Culture, and Sustainable Living 6423020 Nora Haenn 9781479854271 2016 Contains images
Environmental Life Cycle Assessment 6405802 null Olivier Jolliet null Myriam Saade-Sbeih null Shanna Shaked null Alexandre Jolliet null Pierre Crettaz 9781040163047 2016 Contains images
The Epistle of Forgiveness: Volumes One and Two (Library of Arabic Literature #29) 6421243 null Abū l-ʿAlāʾ al-Maʿarrī 9781479865512 2016 Contains images
Escape from Paradise (The Fields of Long-Forgotten Battles) 6445237 Robert J. Szmidt 9781680573381 2016 Contains images

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