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Title Author ISBN Copyright Features Action
Handbook of Ecological Models used in Ecosystem and Environmental Management (Applied Ecology and Environmental Management) 6408935 Sven Erik Jørgensen 9781040208939 2011 Contains images
Chemiluminescence in Analytical Chemistry 6408934 null Ana M. Garcia-Campana 9781040218136 2001 Contains images
Informatics in Radiation Oncology (Imaging in Medical Diagnosis and Therapy) 6408933 George Starkschall 9781040219591 2014 Contains images
Fluid Sterilization by Filtration 6408932 null Peter R. Johnston 9781135492885 2003 Contains images
High Performance Computing in Remote Sensing 6408931 Antonio J. Plaza Chein-I Chang 9781040221761 2008 Contains images
Performance-Based Optimization of Structures: Theory and Applications (Spon Research) 6408930 null Qing Quan Liang 9781040218396 2005 Contains images
The Science of Air: Concepts and Applications, Second Edition 6408929 null Frank R. Spellman 9781040207451 2009 Contains images
Carbon Molecules and Materials 6408928 Ralph Setton Patrick Bernier Serge Lefrant 9781040213629 2002 Contains images
Delta Force Defender: The Girl Who Wouldn't Stay Dead; Delta Force Defender; Wyoming Cowboy Protection (Red, White and Built: Pumped Up #1) 6408927 Carol Ericson 9781488033643 2018 Contains images
The Secrets of Wiscombe Chase: The Secrets Of Wiscombe Chase An Earl In Want Of A Wife Lord Crayle's Secret World 6408926 Christine Merrill 9781488003981 2016 Contains images
Against the Tide 6408924 Melody Carlson 9781488008658 2016 Contains images
Married to Her Enemy 6408919 Jenni Fletcher 9781488021060 2017 Contains images
Computational Intelligence in Medical Imaging: Techniques and Applications 6408917 Gerald Schaefer Aboul Ella Hassanien Jianmin Jiang 9781040206263 2009 Contains images
Sustainable Bridge Structures: Proceedings of the 8th New York City Bridge Conference, 24-25 August, 2015, New York City, USA 6408916 Khaled M. Mahmoud 9781317329237 2015 Contains images
Prevention of Thermal Cracking in Concrete at Early Ages 6408915 null R. Springenschmid 9781040190098 1998 Contains images
Processes of Formation of Micro -and Nanodispersed Systems 6408914 null A. A. Bochkarev null V. I. Polyakova 9781040188552 2016 Contains images
Interactive Learning & The New 6408913 Colin Harrison 9781040191125 1989 Contains images
Silicon Heterostructure Devices 6408912 null John D. Cressler 9781351834773 2008 Contains images
Choosing a Quality Control System 6408911 null Merton R. Hubbard 9781040219218 1998 Contains images
Evolutionary Computation (International Series on Computational Intelligence) 6408910 null D. Dumitrescu null Beatrice Lazzerini null Lakhmi C. Jain null A. Dumitrescu 9781040213421 2000 Contains images
Advanced Oxidation Technologies: Sustainable Solutions for Environmental Treatments (Sustainable Energy Developments) 6408909 Marta I. Litter Roberto J. Candal J. Martín Meichtry 9781317694113 2014 Contains images
Pore Structure of Cement-Based Materials: Testing, Interpretation and Requirements (Modern Concrete Technology) 6408908 null Kalliopi K. Aligizaki 9781040190623 2004 Contains images
Marrying His Cinderella Countess: Marrying His Cinderella Countess A Ring For The Pregnant Debutante The Governess Heiress 6408907 Louise Allen 9781488021589 2017 Contains images
A Bargain with the Boss: Take Me, Cowboy A Bargain With The Boss Reunited With The Rebel Billionaire (Chicago Sons #3) 6408906 Barbara Dunlop 9781488001659 2016 Contains images
Besieged and Betrothed (Harlequin Historical Ser. #Vol. 488) 6408904 Jenni Fletcher 9781488021923 2017 Contains images

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